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Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27

Clarification of blood orange juice by ultrafiltration: analyses of

operating parameters, membrane fouling and juice quality

A. Cassano*, M. Marchio, E. Drioli

Institute on Membrane Technology, ITM-CNR, c/o University of Calabria,
via P. Bucci, cubo 17/C, I-87030 Rende (CS), Italy
Tel. +39 (0984) 492011; Fax +39 (0984) 402103; email:

Received 3 February 2006; accepted 30 August 2006

Blood orange juice was clarified by cross-flow ultrafiltration (UF) using tubular polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF)
membranes. In experimental tests performed according to the total recycle mode the effect of transmembrane pres-
sure (TMP), axial feed flow-rate and temperature on permeate fluxes was studied. The clarified juice was produced
in experimental tests carried out according to the batch concentration mode working in optimal operating and fluid
dynamic conditions. A theoretical evaluation of the fouling effects on flux performance was performed by using a
modified form of the differential equation used to describe classical dead-end filtration. The fouling mechanism
during cross-flow UF was identified by estimation of the model parameters according to a nonlinear regression
optimization procedure. The theoretical predictions, in terms of permeate flux as a function of time, resulted in a
good agreement with the experimental data. Analysis of the results revealed that, in the fixed operating conditions
of TMP and temperature, the fouling mechanism evolves from a partial to a complete pore blocking condition in
dependence of the axial velocity. The quality of the samples coming from the UF process was evaluated in terms of:
total soluble solids (TSS), suspended solids (SS), total antioxidant activity (TAA), ascorbic acid, flavonones and
anthocyanins content. The resulting clarified orange juice was highly similar to the initial juice except for insoluble
solids which were concentrated in the retentate stream. In the permeate of the process a low reduction of the TAA
(1.5%) was observed with respect to the fresh juice.
Keywords: Blood orange juice; Ultrafiltration; Fouling; Total antioxidant activity

1. Introduction blonde or blood oranges. The latter are commonly

cultivated in the Mediterranean area but Sicilian
Sweet oranges (Citrus sinensis L.) are classi-
ones, that account for around 60% of the Italian
fied according to the colour of the pulp as either
orange harvest, express a better quality due to the
special pedoclimatic characteristics of the area [1].
*Corresponding author.

0011-9164/07/$– See front matter © 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.

16 A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27

The most common varieties, named Tarocco, ity of avoiding the use of gelatines, adsorbents
Moro and Sanguinello, are characterised by a red and other filtration aids; reduction in enzyme uti-
colour, of varying intensity and prevalence, due lization; easy cleaning and maintenance of the
to the presence of anthocyanins, found in the fla- equipment; reduction of waste products; elimina-
vedo or juice vescicle, mainly consisting of cya- tion of needs for pasteurization [7].
nidin-3-glucoside [2] and cyanidin-3-(6″-malo- An important limitation in the performance of
nyl)-glucoside [3]. These water-soluble pigments the UF process is represented by the transient
contribute, together with other blood orange com- build-up of rejected species at the upstream inter-
ponents (ascorbic acid, flavonoids and hydroxy- face of the membrane which determines a rapid
cinnamic acids), to the antioxidant and antiradi- permeate flux decay during early period of filtra-
cal activities [4,5]. tion followed by a long and gradual decline to-
Traditional methods of processing orange juice wards a steady-state limit value. This phenom-
are based on the use of high temperatures in or- enon is known as concentration polarization. The
der to destroy spoilage bacteria, inactivate en- material accumulated on the membrane surface
zymes and produce concentrated juices. Thermally can undergo physicochemical interactions with the
accelerated short-time evaporators (TASTE) are membrane: in this case a fouling mechanism, such
used for example in the concentration step. Al- as adsorption on the membrane pore walls and
though the total residence time of the product pore plugging, occurs rather than the build-up of
during the evaporation is very short (6–8 min) it a particle layer at the interface [8,9].
is long enough to affect the aroma and flavour Membrane fouling is a key factor affecting
compounds with a consequent qualitative decline. economic and commercial viability of a membrane
In addition the evaporation process is charac- system since it reduces productivity and poten-
terised by high energy consumptions. Alternative tially shortens membrane life [10,11]. Permeate
techniques to the evaporation, as the freeze con- fluxes in UF processes are a function of time and
centration and sublimation concentration, are not depend strongly on the operating and fluid-dy-
able to substitute far the evaporative concentra- namic conditions, the nature of the membrane and
tion due to their large energy requirements. the nature of the feed solutions. Although the
Compared with traditional juice processing transmembrane pressure (TMP) is the driving
methods, membrane processes are low-cost and force for permeation, the flux increases with pres-
athermal separation techniques which involve no sure up to a limiting value TMPlim which depends
phase change or chemical agents. These features on physical properties of the feed to be filtered
are becoming very important factors in the pro- and cross-flow velocity. This latter affects the
duction of new fruit juices with natural fresh taste shear stress at the membrane surface and conse-
and additive-free [6]. quently the rate of removal of deposited matter
UF membranes have been shown to be of po- responsible of flux decay.
tential interest for clarification of fruit juices and In this work a mathematical model based on
have become a commercial success. They are able the classical constant pressure dead-end filtration
to retain large species such as microorganisms, equations [12] was applied in order to describe
lipids, proteins and colloids while small solutes the permeate flux decline observed in the UF of
as for example vitamins, salts, sugars flow to- blood orange juice. Furthermore the effect of op-
gether with water. Advantages of the UF over erating and fluid-dynamic parameters (transmem-
conventional fruit juice processing are in terms brane pressure, temperature and feed flow rate)
of: increased juice yield; possibility of operating on permeate fluxes was investigated.
in a single step reducing working times; possibil- The effect of the UF process on the physico-
A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27 17

chemical and nutritional qualities of the blood UF experiments were performed according to
orange juice was also evaluated. In particular, the total recycle and the batch concentration mode.
samples from feed, retentate and permeate were In the former the experimental trials were devoted
analysed in relation to the total antioxidant acticity to the investigation of the effect of the operating
(TAA), total soluble solids (TSS), suspended sol- conditions on the flux performance of the system.
ids (SS), flavanones (hesperidin and narirutin), In this case the permeate was continuously re-
ascorbic acid and anthocyanins. cycled to the feed tank to ensure a steady state in
the volume and composition of the feed. In the
batch concentration mode the UF system was
operated at a TMP of 0.85 bar, at an axial feed
2. Materials and methods flow rate (Qf) of 800 l/h and at a temperature of
2.1. Blood orange juice 25°C to clarify the juice up to a volume reduction
factor (VRF, defined as the ratio between the ini-
Freshly squeezed blood orange juice (mostly
tial feed volume and the volume of the resulting
Tarocco variety from Sicily) was supplied by Par-
retentate) of about 6 units.
malat Spa (Parma, Italy). Total soluble solids con-
The membrane module was rinsed with tap
tent of the raw juice was about 12.0–12.6°Brix
water for 30 min after the treatment of the juice;
with a pH of 3.5. The juice was stored at –17°C
then it was submitted to a cleaning process with a
and was defrosted to room temperature before use.
NaOH solution (pH = 10.9, T = 40°C, Qf = 640 l/h,
TMP = 0.3 bar, operating time = 1 h) followed by
2.2. UF unit and procedures a cleaning with the alkaline detergent Ultrasil 10
Ultrafiltration of blood orange juice was per- (Henkel Chemicals Ltd., Dussendorf, Germany)
(1%, pH = 11.8, T = 40°C, Qf = 640 l/h, TMP =
formed by using a laboratory pilot unit supplied
0.3 bar, operating time = 1 h). A final rinse of the
by Verind SpA (Rodano, Milan, Italy). The equip-
ment consists of a 25 l stainless steel feed tank, a system with tap water for at least 20 min was car-
ried out. After each cleaning procedure the water
feed pressure pump, a pressure control system, a
flux of the membrane module in fixed conditions
feed flow meter, a thermometer, two manometers
for the measure of the inlet and outlet pressures. (T = 25°C; Qf = 500 l/h) was measured.
A tube and shell heat exchanger, placed after the
2.3. Juice analyses
feed pump, was used to maintain the temperature
of the feed juice constant. A data acquirement Samples of fresh, clarified (permeate) and con-
system, permitting the continuous monitoring of centrated (retentate) juice coming from the UF
the TMP and of the axial feed flow rate, was con- experiments performed according to the batch
nected to the UF plant. A digital balance, con- concentration mode were collected and stored at
nected to the system, was used to measure the -20°C for further analyses. Before the analyses
permeate fluxes. The plant was equipped with a the fresh juice and the UF retentate were centri-
UF tubular membrane module (PVDF, NMWCO fuged at 6000 rpm for 15 min in order to remove
15 kDa, membrane surface area 0.23 m2, inner di- the pulp fraction.
ameter of each tube 12.7 mm, average pores diam- The total antioxidant activity (TAA) was de-
eter 59 Å, pH operating range 2–11, temperature termined by an improved version of the 2,2'-azino-
operating range 0–55°C, pressure operating range bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)
0.8–5.5 bar) supplied by Koch-Glitsch Italia S.r.l. (ABTS) free radical decolourisation assay [13] in
(Milan, Italy). which the ABTS radical cation is generated by
18 A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27

reaction with potassium persulphate before the 0.3 ml/min. The following gradient was applied:
addition of the antioxidant [14]. The 0–20 min linear from 15% to 35% B, 20–22 min
decolourisation of the ABTS is measured as the linear to 100% B, 22–27 min isocratic 100% B,
percentage inhibition of absorbance at 734 nm. 27–30 min linear to 15% B, 30–35 min isocratic
The concentration of antioxidant giving the same 15% B for reconditioning the column. The col-
percentage inhibition of absorbance of the radi- umn temperature was maintained at 35°C and
cal cation at 734 nm as 1 mM 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8- analyses monitored at 510 nm. A calibration curve
tetramethylchroman-2-carboxylic acid (Trolox) was obtained by injection of different concentra-
was calculated in terms of Trolox Equivalent An- tion of cyanidin-3-glucoside standard. This curve
tioxidant Capacity (TEAC) at 5 min contact. was used to obtain quantitative data for all the
Spectrophotometric measurements were per- analysed samples [15].
formed by a Lambda Bio 20 model spectropho- Flavanones (hesperidin and narirutin) were
tometer (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, USA) at 30°C. determined by HPLC using a Phenomenex C18
Each determination was performed in triplicate column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) and UV detector
and repeated at least three times. Results are ex- (280 nm). The elution conditions were as follows:
pressed as mean ± S.D. of three samples. flow rate, 1 ml/min; temperature, 30°C. The sol-
Ascorbic acid was determined by HPLC- vent system used was a gradient of solvent A (wa-
analyses performed by using a Waters 2690 sepa- ter with 0.2% v/v formic acid) and solvent B
ration module (Water Corporation, Milford Mas- (water:acetonitrile = 60:40 v/v with 0.2% formic
sachusetts, USA) equipped with an UV-Vis de- acid). The following gradient was applied: 0–
tector. 30 min linear from 100% A to 100% B, 30–32 min
The analytical column was a 250 × 2.1 mm i.d., linear to 100% A, 32–45 min isocratic 100% A
C18 Spherisorb RP, thermostated at 30°C. The for reconditioning the column.
mobile phase consisted of phosphate buffer 0.2 M, Suspended solids (SS) were determined in re-
pH = 3.0 at a flow rate of 0.3 ml/min. Samples to lation to total juice (w/w%) by centrifuging, at
be detected were filtered before the injection 2000 rpm for 20 min, 45 ml of a pre-weighted
through 0.45 µm HPLC filters and monitored at sample; the weight of settled solids was deter-
254 nm. The concentration of ascorbic acid was mined after removing the supernatant.
calculated from the experimental peak area by TSS measurements were carried out by using
analytical interpolation in a standard calibration a hand refractometer (Atago Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Ja-
curve and was expressed as mg/l of orange juice. pan) with scale range of 0–32°Brix.
Each assay was performed in triplicate.
Total anthocyanins were determined after elut-
3. Mathematical model
ing 5 ml of juice through Waters Sep-Pack C18
cartridges (500 mg), previously conditioned with Membrane fouling in UF is a key factor af-
10 ml ethanol and 10 ml bidistilled water. After fecting the commercial viability of the process
washing with water, anthocyanins adsorbed on the which depends on the permeate fluxes and their
column were eluted with 2 ml 1% HCl MeOH. stability with time [16]. For fruit juices foulants
HPLC analyses were performed using the same are represented mainly by polysaccharides of cell-
equipment as described above. A C18 Spherisorb wall such as pectin, cellulose, lignin and hemi-
RP-column was used and the mobile phase sys- cellulose.
tems were the following: solvent A (water with Although the TMP is the driving force of the
2% v/v formic acid) and solvent B (water:formic process, the permeate flux increases with the pres-
acid:acetonitrile = 40:10:50 v/v) at a flow rate of sure up to a limiting value (TMPlim) which de-
A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27 19

pends on the physical properties of the suspen- (blocking) which occurs when the particles are
sion and on the axial velocity [17]. larger than pore size.
The membrane structure and the molecular
• Partial pore blocking (n = 1)
weight cut-off have an important role for what
concerns the performance of the process in terms In these conditions a dynamic situation of
of permeate fluxes. Large pores can permit the blocking/unblocking occurs in which particles
penetration of particles in the internal structure may bridge a pore by obstructing the entrance but
of the membrane causing an irreversible fouling. not completely blocking it.
On the contrary, membranes characterized by
• Cake filtration (n = 0)
pores with dimensions lower than the size of sus-
pended particles behave as support promoting the When solid particles or macromolecules do not
formation of a particle layer during the early fil- enter the pores they form a cake on the membrane
tration period with the formation of a secondary surface. In this case the overall resistance to the
membrane or cake. The thickness of this layer, mass transport is composed by a cake resistance
which constitutes an additional resistance to the and a membrane resistance which is assumed to
mass transport, can be controlled by choosing ap- remain unchanged.
propriate fluid-dynamic conditions [18].
• Internal pore blocking (n = 1.5; Jlim = 0)
Different mathematical models have been pro-
posed in order to describe the flux decline based Particles enter the pores reducing pore volume.
on equations applied to dead-end filtration mecha- In this case membrane resistance increases as a
nisms at constant pressure [12] and opportunely consequence of pore size reduction. In these con-
modified in order to describe the fouling mecha- ditions fouling phenomenon becomes independent
nism involved in cross-flow filtration [19]. In par- of cross flow velocity and a limit value of the per-
ticular, the Field model describes the permeate meate flux is not reached, i.e. Jlim = 0.
flux decline with time by the following differen- A schematic representation of different situa-
tial equation: tions above mentioned is reported in Fig. 1 [20].

− = k ⋅ ( J − J lim ) ⋅ J 2 − n (1)
dt (a)
in which Jlim represents the limit value of the per-
meate flux obtained in steady-state conditions; k
and n are phenomenological coefficient and gen- (b)
eral index, respectively, depending on fouling
The model expressed by Eq. (1) permits, on
the basis of experimental data, to point out the
fouling mechanism involved in the filtration pro-
cess, according to the estimated value for n as
follows: (d)
• Complete pore blocking (n = 2)
Fig. 1. Scheme of fouling mechanism: complete pore
This situation corresponds to a condition of blocking (a); partial pore blocking (b); cake filtration (c);
complete pore obstruction by means of sealing internal pore blocking (d) [20].
20 A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27

4. Results and discussion rejected material accumulated on the membrane.

The formation of a viscous and gelatinous-type
4.1. Effect of operating parameters on the per-
layer is responsible for an additional resistance to
meate flux
the permeate flux in addition to that of the mem-
UF experiments, carried out according to the brane.
total recycle mode, were performed in order to The TMP limiting value (TMPlim) depends on
study the effect of TMP, temperature and axial physical properties of the suspension and feed
feed flow rate on the permeate fluxes. flow rate. The cross-flow velocity affects the shear
Fig. 2 shows permeate flux values at steady stress at the membrane surface and, consequently,
state versus the applied TMP. For small pressures the rate of removal of deposited particles respon-
the solvent flux is proportional to the applied pres- sible of flux decay. Fig. 3 shows the influence of
sure. As the pressure is increased flux shows a the axial feed flow rate on the permeate flux at a
deviation from a linear flux-pressure behavior and temperature of 21°C and at a TMP of 0.85 bar: as
it becomes independent of pressure. In these con- expected, an increase in the flow rate led to higher
ditions a limiting flux is reached at a TMP value permeate fluxes.
of about 0.8 bar and any further pressure increase Fig. 4 shows the influence of the temperature
determines no significant increase of the perme- on the permeate fluxes: when the operating tem-
ate flux. The existence of a limiting flux can be perature is raised the feed viscosity is reduced and
related to the concentration polarization phenom- the diffusion coefficient of macromolecules in-
enon that arises as the feed solution is convected creases. The effect of these two factors is to en-
towards the membrane where the separation of hance mass transfer and to increase the perme-
suspended and soluble solids from bulk solution ation rate. At the steady state an increasing of the
takes place. A concentration profile from bulk temperature from 21 to 25°C determines a 12%
solution to membrane surface is generated by the increasing of the permeate flux.


Permeate flux (l/m2h)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

TMP (bar)
Fig. 2. Effect of the TMP on the permeate flux (T = 21°C; Qf = 800 l/h).
A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27 21


Permeate flux (l/m2h)



400 500 600 700 800 900

Axial feed flow rate (l/h)

Fig. 3. Effect of the axial feed flow rate on the permeate flux (T = 21°C; TMP = 0.85 bar).


26 15°C
24 25°C

Jp (l/m2h)





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Time (min)

Fig. 4. Time course of permeate flux at different temperatures (TMP = 0.85 bar; Qf = 800 l/h).

4.2. Batch concentration configuration perature of 25°C was chosen in experimental tri-
als performed according to a batch concentration
Although an increasing of temperature pro- mode in order to preserve the organoleptic and
duces higher permeate fluxes, an operating tem- nutritional properties of the fresh juice. TMP and
22 A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27

axial feed flow rate were fixed at 0.85 bar and The initial permeate flux of 19.00 l/m2h decreased
800 l/h, respectively. to about 11 l/m2h when the VRF value reached
Results showed that the permeate flux de- 5.95. The Jp vs. VRF curve (Fig. 6) could be di-
creased gradually with the operating times by in- vided in three periods. An initial period in which
creasing the volume reduction factor (Fig. 5) due a rapid decrease of permeate flux occurs; a sec-
to concentration polarization and gel formation. ond period, up to VRF 3, corresponding to a

20 7

Permeate flux (l/m2h)





0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

time (min)

Fig.5. Time course of permeate flux and VRF (TMP = 0.85 bar; T = 25°C; Qf = 800 l/h).


Permeate flux (l/m2h)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Fig. 6. Effect of the VRF on the permeate flux (TMP = 0.85 bar; T = 25°C; Qf = 800 l/h).
A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27 23

smaller decrease of permeate flux; a third period The estimates of parameters k and n were used
characterised by a small decrease of permeate flux to solve Eq. (1) and to obtain the prediction model
up to a steady-state. in terms of permeate flux decay. In Fig. 7 the com-
parison between numerical predictions and the
experimental data, at a TMP value of 0.85 bar, is
4.3. Analyses of fouling mechanism
shown. It can be seen that for a moderate feed
To identify the mechanism of fouling during flow rate (Re = 5800) the flux decays within the
the UF of blood orange juice, estimation of the first 10 min followed by a gradual decline towards
model parameters, k and n, in Eq. (1) was carried a limit value, Jlim, of about 14 l/m2h. In these fluid-
out according to the nonlinear regression optimi- dynamic conditions, as established by the esti-
zation procedure ROK, based on Powell’s method mated value of n = 1, the cross-flow filtration is
of conjugate directions [21]. governed by a partial pore blocking fouling
For each set of J–t experimental data, a series mechanism in which a dynamic situation of block-
of four optimization runs were performed sequen- ing/unblocking occurs. Increasing the Reynolds
tially by assigning n (n = 0, 1, 1.5 and 2) and the number from 5000 to 7000, complete pore block-
corresponding steady state value Jlim already ob- ing becomes the predominant fouling mechanism
served experimentally. The procedure for estima- (n = 2). In this case, higher shear stress prevents
tion of parameter k consisted essentially of an it- cake formation so that higher permeate fluxes can
erative process of numerical solution of Eq. (1) be achieved. These effects are more evident as
by an adaptative-step-size Runge-Kutta algorithm. cross-flow velocity is increased at 8100 and 9300
The process is repeated until the minimum for the Reynolds. The optimum estimated value of n = 2
sum of squares deviation (SSD) between numeri- confirms that in a turbulent fluid-dynamic regime
cal predictions and experimental data is found. complete pore blocking is the predominant foul-
The minimum value of the SSD was the criterion ing mechanism. The higher feed velocity deter-
to identify the optimum value of n and establish mines an increase of the initial and limit values of
the fouling mechanism. In Table 1 the estimation the permeate flux: the flux becomes approximately
of the model parameters k and n for different axial invariant with respect to time and a negligible
feed flow rates is reported. For a Reynolds num- decay is observed. A good agreement is observed
ber of 5800 the model with n = 1 is more adequate in Fig. 7 between experimental and theoretical data.
to point out the experimental data; for Reynolds On the basis of the obtained results it can be
numbers of 7000, 8100 and 9300 the model with establish that in the fixed operating conditions of
n = 2 resulted more efficient. Values of the corre- TMP and temperature the fouling mechanism in-
lation coefficient r showed a good agreement be- volved in the UF of blood orange juice evolves
tween the computed values of the permeate flux from a partial to a complete pore blocking condi-
and the experimental data. tion in dependence of the axial velocity.

Table 1
Estimates of the model parameters k ed n at different axial feed flow rates

Qf (l/h) Re n k·(103) SSD·(103) r

500 5800 1 0.008 0.0512 0.9984
600 7000 2 0.113 0.0313 0.9967
700 8100 2 0.064 0.0245 0.9976
800 9300 2 0.107 0.0609 0.9974
24 A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27

theoretical data
5800 Re, n=1
7000 Re, n=2
20 8100 Re, n=2
9300 Re, n=2
Permeate flux (l/m2h)




0 10 20 30 40 50

Time (min)

Fig. 7. Flux decay in the UF of blood orange juice. Comparison between numerical predictions and experimental data
(T = 25°C; TMP = 0.85 bar).

Fig. 8 shows the pure water permeate flux of servations corroborate the results obtained by
the membrane before and after cleaning treat- Vaillant et al. [22] in the clarification of melon
ments. juice.
After the cleaning with water the hydraulic Suspended solids in freshly squeezed blood
permeability of the membrane is 35% lower than orange juice were completely removed by UF: the
the initial value (168 l/m2h bar). The cleaning with resulting serum was a transparent liquid of amber
a NaOH solution at pH 10.9 permitted the recov- appearance.
ery of about 88% of the initial water permeability In the clarified juice an 8.41% reduction of
of the membrane. A complete regeneration of the the ascorbic acid was observed with respect the
initial water flux rates was obtained by using the fresh juice, while for the TAA a reduction of about
Ultrasil 10 solution. 1.5% was measured. The rejection of the UF mem-
brane towards total anthocyanins and flavanones
was of 9.4 and 0%, respectively.
4.4. Analytical evaluations
In Table 3 the mass balance of the UF process
In Table 2 analytical measurements carried out for ascorbic acid, TAA, total anthocyanins and
on samples from the feed, retentate and permeate flavanones is reported. This balance is referred to
of the UF process are reported. an UF run in which, starting from 9.33 l of fresh
Total soluble solids content appeared to be juice, 7.76 l of permeate and 1.57 l of retentate
higher in the retentate than in the recovered per- (final VRF = 5.92, recovery factor = 83.1%) were
meate: this phenomenon can be attributed to the obtained. It can be noted that 76% and 82% of
presence of a high suspended solids content in the initial content of ascorbic acid and TAA, re-
the pulpy products that can interfere with the spectively, were maintained in the permeate of the
measurement of the refractive index. These ob- UF process. The 8.4% loss of ascorbic acid, as
A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27 25

after cleaning with

Ultrasil 10

after cleaning with


after cleaning with water

before the treatment

with juice

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

2 -1 -1
Hydraulic permeability (l m h bar )

Fig. 8. Hydraulic permeability of the UF membrane before and after cleaning procedures (T = 25°C; Qf = 500 l/h).

Table 2
Analytical measurements on samples of blood orange juice clarified by UF

Parameters Samples
Feed Permeate Retentate
TSS (°Brix) 12.0 11.2 13.5
Suspended solids (w/w%) 10 0 >50
TAA (mM Trolox) 8.61±0.15 8.48±0.17 8.52±0.09
Ascorbic acid (mg/l) 701±1.7 642±2.3 640±1.6
Total anthocyanins (mg/l) 60.4±0.2 54.7±0.22 60.6±0.16
Narirutin (mg/l) 46.74±0.1 46.79±0.1 46.76±0.1
Hesperidin (mg/l) 33.33±0.1 33.67±0.1 31.14±0.1

Table 3
Mass balance of the UF process

Feed Total permeate Final retentate Balance

Volume (l) 9.33 7.76 83.2% 1.57 16.8% 100.0%
Ascorbic acid (g) 6.54 4.98 76.2% 1.00 15.4% 91.6%
TAA (mmol Trolox) 80.33 65.80 81.9% 13.3 16.6% 98.5%
Total anthocyanins (mg) 564.00 424.00 75.2% 95.0 16.8% 92.0%
Narirutin (mg) 436.08 363.09 83.2% 73.41 16.8% 100.0%
Hesperidin (mg) 310.96 261.27 84.0% 48.88 15.7% 99.7%
26 A. Cassano et al. / Desalination 212 (2007) 15–27

quantified by the mass balance, was probably due The health-related properties of polyphenols
to an oxidation of this component caused by con- contained in orange juice were well preserved in
tinual recycling of the juice around the UF pilot the clarified juice as showed by the low reduction
plant loop. of the total antioxidant activity (TAA) in the per-
The obtained results show that the clarified meate in comparison with the fresh juice. This is
juice presents physico-chemical and nutritional a very interesting result considering the positive
properties very similar to those of the fresh or- therapeutic and protective effect of antioxidant
ange juice, except for the absence of suspended compounds in the treatment of various microcir-
solids which are totally concentrated in the culation diseases or as antineoplastic, anti-inflam-
retentate of the UF process. Thus, the flux de- matory and hepatoprotective agents.
cline during UF could be ascribed to fouling lay-
ers formed by a combination of suspended par-
ticles and adsorbed macromolecular impurities. References
[1] L. Pennisi, Trattato di Agrumicoltura, Edagricole,
Bologna, Italy, 1985.
5. Conclusions [2] P. Rapisarda, B. Fallico, R. Izzo and E. Maccarone,
A simple and reliable method for determining an-
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