Speed Control of Three-Phase Induction Motor Using Variable

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Presented to the Department of Electrical Engineering

California State University, Long Beach

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

Committee Members:

Hen-Geul (Henry) Yeh, Ph.D. (Chair)

Seok-Chul (Sean) Kwon, Ph.D.
Mohammad Mozumdar, Ph.D.

College Designee:

Antonella Sciortino, Ph.D.

By Sagarkumar Patel

B.E., 2014, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, India

January 2018

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Sagarkumar Patel

January 2018

There are various methods for speed control of induction motors. This paper specifically

describes one of the methods: speed control using variable frequency. The proposed system is a

MATLAB Simulink model, which is a closed loop model designed to achieve desired speed

control of a three-phase induction motor by varying its frequency. The Simulink model has four

main blocks, namely the inverter, synchronous machine, proportional integral control and current

hysteresis control. For accuracy of output results and simplicity, we have used dq to abc

transformation block and sin function block. The inverter is comprised of six insulated-gate

bipolar transistors (IGBTs), which are fired by gate pulses generated by current hysteresis control

block. The inverter generates variable frequency and variable voltage output, which is given to

motor terminals. The project presents the working principle of variable frequency drive (VFD),

its performance, and the use of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in a three-phase inverter to

control the frequency and thus the speed. The proposed method conformed to performance

predictions and delivered the desired outputs.


I would like to give a thankful appreciation to my parents and the late Dr. Boi Tran

(1959-2016) for believing in me and encouraging me to take up this project. Also, I would like to

thank the California State University, Long Beach library and the College of Engineering

Writing and Communication Resource Center for providing me with the resources. This

completion would not have been possible without their provision. I am thankful to Dr. Henry

Yeh, whose expert guidance in MATLAB simulation and designing helped me overcome

technical difficulties in my project simulation and design. At last, I would like to give my

expression of gratitude to all the people who directly or indirectly supported me.


ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ......................................................................................................... iii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... v

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... vi

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1

2. BACKGROUND AND BASIC UNDERSTANDING ................................................... 2

3. VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE OPERATING PRINCIPLE ................................. 8

4. COMPONENTS OF PROJECT MODEL .................................................................... 12

5. BLOCK DIAGRAM AND OUTPUT .......................................................................... 19

6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ..................................................................... 23

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 24


1. Motor speed-torque chart ...................................................................................................... 5

2. Basic block diagram of VFD .............................................................................................. 10

3. Hysteresis control block ...................................................................................................... 17

4. Simulink model of VFD...................................................................................................... 21

5. Graph of desired speed........................................................................................................ 22


µA micro-Ampere

mA milli -Ampere

µV micro-Volt

mV milli-Volt

AC Alternating Current

BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor

CSI Current Source Inverter

DC Direct Current

DTC Direct Torque Control

EMF Electro Motive Force

HP Horse Power

IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor

KW Kilo Watt

KV Kilo Volt

kHz kilo Hertz

LCI Load Commutated Inverter

LV Low Voltage

MOSFET Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor

MOSIGT Metal Oxide Semiconductor Insulated Gate Transistor

MV Medium Voltage

MW Mega Watt

PI Proportional Integral

PWM Pulse Width Modulation

SVPWM Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation

V/Hz Volts per Hertz

VFD Variable Frequency Drive

VSI Voltage Source Inverter



A variable-frequency drive (VFD) is a type of adjustable speed drive used in electro-

mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor input

frequency and voltage. VFDs are used in applications ranging from small appliances to the

largest of mine mill drives and compressors. Over the last four decades, power electronics

technology has reduced VFD cost and size and improved performance through advances in

semiconductor switching devices, drive topologies, simulation, and control techniques, and

control hardware and software. VFDs are available in several different low and medium

voltage AC-AC and DC-AC topologies. Variable speed drives are used for two main reasons: to

improve the efficiency of motor-driven equipment by matching speed with the changing load

requirements and to allow accurate and continuous process control over a wide range of speeds.

This project specifically puts emphasis on one of the various methods of speed control of

induction motor that is by changing frequency. The simulation of this VFD consists of four main

units namely inverter, induction motor, PI (Proportional Integral) controller and hysteresis

controller. In this project model, pulse width modulation technique is used to generate variable




A variable frequency drive is a device used in a drive system consisting of the following

three main sub-systems: AC (Alternating Current) motor, main drive controller assembly, and

drive operator interface. In this chapter, topics such as induction motor, controller (rectifier and

inverter), control performance and motor speed-torque chart are explained briefly.

Induction Motor

An AC electric motor used in a VFD system is usually a three-phase induction motor.

Some types of single-phase motors can be used, but three-phase motors are usually preferred.

Various types of synchronous motors offer advantages in some situations, but three-phase

induction motors are suitable for most purposes and are generally the most economical motor

choice [1]. Motors that are designed for fixed-speed operation are often used. Elevated voltage

stresses imposed on induction motors that are supplied by VFDs require that such motors be

designed for definite-purpose inverter-fed duty in accordance to such requirements as set



The variable frequency drive controller is a solid state power electronics conversion

system consisting of three distinct sub-systems: a rectifier bridge converter, a direct current (DC)

link, and an inverter. Voltage-source inverter (VSI) drives are by far the most common type of

drives. Most drives are AC-AC drives in that they convert AC line input to AC inverter output.

However, in some applications such as common DC bus or solar applications, drives are

configured as DC-AC drives.

The most basic rectifier converter for the VSI drive is configured as a three-phase, six-

pulse, full-wave diode bridge. In a VSI drive, the DC link consists of a capacitor which smooths

out the converter's DC output ripple and provides a stiff input to the inverter [2]. This filtered DC

voltage is converted to quasi-sinusoidal AC voltage output using the inverter's active switching

elements. VSI drives provide higher power factor and lower harmonic distortion than phase-

controlled current-source inverter (CSI) and load-commutated inverter (LCI) drives. The drive

controller can also be configured as a phase converter having single-phase converter input and

three-phase inverter output. Controller advances have exploited dramatic increases in the voltage

and current ratings and switching frequency of solid state power devices over the past six

decades. Introduced in 1983 the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) has in the past two

decades come to dominate VFDs as an inverter switching device.

In variable-torque applications suited for Volts per Hertz (V/Hz) drive control, AC motor

characteristics require that the voltage magnitude of the inverter's output to the motor be adjusted

to match the required load torque in a linear V/Hz relationship [2]. For example, for 460 volt,

60 Hz motors this linear V/Hz relationship is 460/60 = 7.67 V/Hz. While suitable in wide

ranging applications, V/Hz control is sub-optimal in high performance applications involving

low speed or demanding, dynamic speed regulation, positioning and reversing load requirements.

Some V/Hz control drives can also operate in quadratic V/Hz mode or can even be programmed

to suit special multi-point V/Hz paths. The two other drive control platforms, vector

control and direct torque control (DTC), adjust the motor voltage magnitude, angle from

reference and frequency such as to precisely control the motor's magnetic flux and mechanical


Although space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) is becoming increasingly

popular, sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) is the most straightforward method used to vary drives'

motor voltage (or current) and frequency [3]. With SPWM control, quasi-sinusoidal, variable-

pulse-width output is constructed from intersections of a saw-toothed carrier frequency signal

with a modulating sinusoidal signal which is variable in operating frequency as well as in voltage

(or current).

Operation of the motors above rated nameplate speed (base speed) is possible, but is

limited to conditions that do not require more power than the nameplate rating of the motor. This

is sometimes called "field weakening" and, for AC motors, means operating at less than rated

V/Hz and above rated nameplate speed. Permanent magnet synchronous motors have quite

limited field weakening speed range due to the constant magnet flux linkage. Wound rotor

synchronous motors and induction motors have much wider speed range. For example, a 100 hp,

460 V, 60 Hz, 1775 RPM (4 pole) induction motor supplied with 460 V, 75 Hz (6.134 V/Hz),

would be limited to 60/75 = 80% torque at 125% speed (2218.75 RPM) = 100% power. At

higher speeds, the induction motor torque must be limited further due to the lowering of the

breakaway torque of the motor. Thus, rated power can be typically produced only up to 130 to

150% of the rated nameplate speed [3]. Drive applications can be categorized as single-quadrant,

two-quadrant or four-quadrant; the chart's four quadrants as shown in figure 1 are explained as


• Quadrant I - Driving or motoring forward accelerating quadrant with positive speed and


• Quadrant II - Generating or braking, forward braking-decelerating quadrant with positive

speed and negative torque.

• Quadrant III - Driving or motoring, reverse accelerating quadrant with negative speed

and torque.

• Quadrant IV - Generating or braking, reverse braking-decelerating quadrant with

negative speed and positive torque.

FIGURE 1. Motor speed-torque chart.

Most applications involve single-quadrant loads operating in quadrant I, such as in

variable-torque (e.g., centrifugal pumps or fans) and certain constant-torque (e.g., extruders)

loads. Certain applications involve two-quadrant loads operating in quadrant I and II where the

speed is positive but the torque changes polarity as in case of a fan decelerating faster than

natural mechanical losses. Some sources define two-quadrant drives as loads operating in

quadrants I and III where the speed and torque are same (positive or negative) polarity in both


Some high-performance applications involve four-quadrant loads (Quadrants I to IV)

where the speed and torque can be in any direction such as in applications like hoists, elevators

and hilly conveyors. Regeneration can only occur in the drive's DC link bus when inverter

voltage is smaller in magnitude than the motor back-EMF (Electromotive Force) and inverter

voltage and back-EMF are the same polarities.

Control Performance

AC drives are used to bring about the process and quality improvements in industrial and

commercial applications' acceleration, flow, monitoring, pressure, speed, temperature, tension,

and torque. Fixed-speed operated loads subject the motor to a high starting torque and to current

surges that are up to eight times the full-load current. AC drives instead gradually ramp the

motor up to operating speed to lessen mechanical and electrical stress, reducing maintenance and

repair costs, and extending the life of the motor and the driven equipment [4]. Variable speed

drives can also run a motor in specialized patterns to further minimize mechanical and electrical

stress. For example, an S-curve pattern can be applied to a conveyor application for smoother

deceleration and acceleration control, which reduces the backlash that can occur when a

conveyor is accelerating or decelerating. Performance factors tending to favor the use of DC over

AC drives include such requirements as continuous operation at low speed, four-quadrant

operation with regeneration, frequent acceleration and deceleration routines, and need for a

motor to be protected for hazardous area.

Available Power Ratings

VFDs are available with voltage and current ratings covering a wide range of single-

phase and multi-phase AC motors. Low voltage (LV) drives are designed to operate at output

voltages equal to or less than 690 V [5]. While motor-application LV drives are available in

ratings of up to the order of 5 or 6 MW (Megawatts), economic considerations typically favor

medium voltage (MV) drives with much lower power ratings. Different MV drive topologies are

configured in accordance with the voltage/current-combination ratings used in different drive

controllers' switching devices such that any given voltage rating is greater than or equal to one to

the following standard nominal motor voltage ratings: generally either 2.3/4.16 KV (60 Hz) or

3.3/6.6 KV (50 Hz), with one thyristor manufacturer rated for up to 12 kV switching. In some

applications, a step-up transformer is placed between an LV drive and an MV motor load. MV

drives are typically rated for motor applications greater than between about 375 KW (500 Hp)

and 750 KW (1000 Hp). MV drives have historically required considerably more application

design effort than required for LV drive applications [5]. The power rating of MV drives can

reach 100 MW, a range of different drive topologies being involved for different rating,

performance, power quality and reliability requirements.



Reducing energy cost makes perfect business sense; it saves money, enhances corporate

reputation and helps everyone to fight against climate change. This chapter discusses variable

frequency drives’ (VFD) basic working principle and how installing variable frequency drives in

particular applications could save energy, cut costs, and increase profit margins.

Technology Overview

Electric AC motors operate at fixed speeds and are ideally suited to applications where a

constant output speed is required. However, around half of all motor applications have some kind

of varying speed demand. Such applications include processes such as moving air and liquids,

winding reels, and precision tools [6]. Historically, applications requiring precise speed control

such as paper winding reels, expensive direct current (DC) motors, or hydraulic couplings were

used to regulate the machine speed; in other applications, however, the processes have been

controlled by opening and closing dampers and valves or changing output speeds with gears,

pulleys, and similar devices whilst the motor works at constant speed.

In the 1980s and 1990s, variable frequency drives started appearing on the market; these

devices offer an alternative method of control. A variable frequency drive is also called a

frequency inverter or adjustable speed drive. The basic working principle of such drives is

adjusting the electrical supply to an AC motor with a corresponding frequency and voltage

change in the motor's speed and torque output.

By implementing this type of control, a very close match between motor speed and the

process requirements of the machine that it is driving may be achieved. Variable frequency drive

technology is now mature and is enjoying widespread adoption and use with AC motors; these

drives are extremely versatile and offer a high degree of motor control, which means that motor

speeds can be accurately varied from zero rpm through over 100% of the rated speed. As speed is

adjusted in this way, the torque is also automatically adjusted to suit. Different options are

available for different applications. Basic VFD designs are used in simple applications, such as

fan and pump control, whereas more complex versions might be used for very precise speed and

torque control in, for example, multiple winders or materials forming applications [7].

Sizes of variable frequency drive capacity range from 0.2KW to several megawatts; they

are usually available as standalone devices and are connected to the motor's electrical supply.

However, on some smaller motor designs, usually under 15KW, a variable frequency drive may

be built onto the motor and is available as an integrated motor-drive product. In many

applications, variable speed control can lead to a substantial reduction in energy cost. The use of

variable frequency drives is particularly effective in fan and pump applications, where they

might be used to replace traditional methods of output regulation; here an exponential

relationship exists between the machine speed (output) and the energy used.

While there are a number of variations in variable frequency drive designs, they all offer

the same basic functionality. This functionality is to convert the incoming electrical supply of

fixed frequency and voltage into a variable frequency and variable voltage that is output to the

motor with a corresponding change in the motor speed and torque [8]. The motor speed can be

varied from zero rpm through to typically 100-120% of its full rated speed whilst up to 150%

rated torque can be achieved at reduced speed. The motor may be operated in either direction.

Variable frequency drives applied to AC motors are by far the most common. Their basic design

consists of four elements: rectifier, intermediate circuit, inverter, and control unit [8]. Figure 2

shows a basic block diagram of VFD and each block is explained.

FIGURE 2. Basic block diagram of VFD.

Variable frequency drives applied to AC motors are by far the most common. Their basic

design consists of four elements:

• Rectifier: The working principle of a rectifier is changing the incoming alternating

current (AC) supply to direct current (DC). Different designs are available and are

selected according to the performance required for the variable frequency drive. The

rectifier design will influence the extent to which electrical harmonics are induced on the

incoming supply. It can also control the direction of power flow.

• Intermediate circuit: The rectified DC supply is then conditioned in the intermediate

circuit, normally by a combination of inductors and capacitors. The majority of VFDs

currently in the marketplace use a fixed-voltage DC link.

• Inverter: The inverter converts the rectified and conditioned DC back into an AC supply

of variable frequency and variable voltage. This is normally achieved by generating a

high frequency pulse width modulated signal of variable frequency and effective voltage.

Semiconductor switches are used to create the output; different types are available, the

most common being the Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT).

• Control unit: The control unit controls the whole operation of the variable frequency

drive; it monitors and controls the rectifier, the intermediate circuit, and the inverter to

deliver the correct output in response to an external control signal.

Variable frequency drives are typically 92-98% efficient, with 2-8% losses due to

additional heat dissipation caused by the high-frequency electrical switching and the additional

power required by the electronic components. Similarly, motors connected to variable frequency

drives experience some additional losses due to heating caused by the high frequency electrical

switching. Variable frequency drives are not as expensive as one might think. Fitting a VFD to

an average motor can cost around $650, including installation [9]. When one considers that a

single, average (2.2KW) motor can consume over $500 worth of electricity in a year, a variable

frequency drive is well worth the investment and can have a payback period of less than two




Three Phase Induction Motor

The most common type of AC motor being used today is an "Induction Motor.”

Applications of three-phase induction motors, as well as their sizes that vary from half a kilowatt

to thousands of kilowatts, are numerous. They are found everywhere from small workshops to

large manufacturing industries. The advantages of three-phase AC induction motors are, a simple

design, rugged construction, reliable operation, low initial cost, easy maintenance, simple control

for starting and high efficiency.

Types and Construction of Three-Phase Induction Motor

Three-phase induction motors are classified into two types, based on their construction:

Squirrel Cage Induction Motors and Slip Ring Induction Motors [9]. These will be discussed

separately below.

Squirrel Cage Induction Motors

Stator construction. The stator, or stationary part of the induction motor, consists of

three phase windings held in place in the slots of a laminated steel core, which is enclosed and

supported by a cast iron or a steel frame. The phase windings are placed 120 electrical degrees

apart and may be connected in either a star or delta connection externally, for which six leads are

brought out to a terminal box mounted on the frame of the motor [9]. When the stator is

energized from a three-phase voltage, it will produce a rotating magnetic field in the stator core.

Rotor construction. The rotor of squirrel cage does not contain any windings; instead, it

is a cylindrical core constructed of steel laminations with conductor bars mounted parallel to the

shaft and embedded near the surface of the rotor core. These conductor bars are short circuited

by an end ring at both ends of the rotor core. In large machines, these conductor bars and the end

rings are made up of copper with the bars brazed or welded to the end. In small machines, the

conductor bars and end rings are sometimes made of aluminum, with the bars and rings cast as

part of the rotor core. The rotor, or rotating part, is not connected electrically to the power supply

but has a voltage induced in it by transformer action from the stator. For this reason, the stator is

sometimes called the primary and the rotor is referred to as the secondary of the motor.

The rotor bars are not insulated from the rotor core because they are made of a type of

metal with less resistance than that of the core; thus, the induced current will flow mainly in the

rotor bars. Further, the rotor bars are usually not quite parallel to the rotor shaft but are mounted

in a slightly skewed position. This feature tends to produce a more uniform rotor field and

torque. Also, it helps to reduce some of the internal magnetic noise when the motor is running.

End shields. The function of the two end shields is to support the rotor shaft. They are

fitted with bearings and attached to the stator frame with the help of studs or bolts attention.

Slip Ring Induction Motors

Stator construction. The construction of slip ring induction motors is exactly the same

as the construction of squirrel cage induction motors. There is no difference in the stator

construction of squirrel cage and slip ring motors.

Rotor construction. The rotor of the slip ring induction motor is also cylindrical or

constructed of lamination. Squirrel cage motors have a rotor with short circuited bars whereas

slip ring motors have wound rotors having "three windings" each connected in star. The winding

is made of copper wire. The terminals of the rotor windings of the slip ring motors are brought

out through slip rings which are in contact with stationary brushes [8].

End shields. The function of the two end shields is to support the rotor shaft. They are

fitted with bearings and attached to the stator frame with the help of studs or bolts attention.

Operating Principle of Induction Motor

Operation of a 3-phase induction motor is based upon the application of Faraday’s law

and the Lorentz force on a conductor. The working can readily be understood by means of the

following example. Consider a series of conductors of length l, whose ends are short-circuited by

two bars A and B. A permanent magnet placed above this conducting ladder, moves rapidly to

the right at a speed v; so that its magnetic field B sweeps across the conductors. The following

sequence of events then takes place [10].

• A voltage [E = Blv] is induced in each conductor while it is being cut by the flux

(Faraday law).

• This induced voltage immediately produces a current I, which flows down the conductor

underneath the pole face, through the end-bars, and back through the other conductors.

• Because the current carrying conductor lies in the magnetic field of the permanent

magnet, it experiences a mechanical force (Lorentz force).

• The force always acts in a direction to drag the conductor along with the magnetic field.

If the conducting ladder is free to move, it will accelerate toward the right. However, as it

picks up speed, the conductors will be cut less rapidly by the moving magnet, with the

result that the induced voltage E and the current I will diminish. Consequently, the force

acting on the conductors wilt also decreases. If the ladder were to move at the same speed

as the magnetic field, the induced voltage E, the current I, and the force dragging the

ladder along would all become zero.

In an induction motor, the ladder is closed upon itself to form a squirrel-cage and the

moving magnet is replaced by a rotating field. The field is produced by the 3-phase currents that

flow in the stator windings. The rotor bars are not insulated from the rotor core because they are

made of metals having less resistance than the core. The induced current will flow mainly in
them. and the rotor bars are usually not quite parallel to the rotor shaft but are mounted in a

slightly skewed position. This feature tends to produce a more uniform rotor field and torque.

Also, it helps to reduce some of the internal magnetic noise when the motor is running.

Hysteresis Controller

A hysteresis controller is also known as a bang–bang controller or an on–off controller. It

is a feedback controller that switches between two states. They are mainly used to control plants

that take a binary input, such as a furnace that is either completely on or completely off. Most

common residential thermostats are also bang–bang controllers. There are basically two types of

hysteresis controller: current mode hysteresis controllers and voltage mode hysteresis controllers.

The fundamental operation of current mode hysteresis controllers is that the output

inductor incorporates the differential voltage between the output voltage of the power stage and

the output voltage of the amplifier. If the output voltage of the amplifier is considered constant

within one switching period, the integration results in a sawtooth shaped inductor current, which

is subtracted from the reference current programming voltage, and fed through a hysteresis

window to control the switching frequency by controlling the time-delay through the controller


The voltage mode hysteresis controller contrasts from the current mode controller

because it incorporates the difference between the output voltage of power stage and the input

reference voltage with an active integrator, which results in a sawtooth shaped carrier. The major

functional difference between the two is that the current mode controller is a voltage controlled

current source with an integrated output filter and the voltage mode controller is a voltage

controlled voltage source without output filter. Both controllers have a first order closed loop

function. Current mode hysteresis controllers have many advantages such as quick response,

stability, and internal current limiting capacity. Based on these above advantages, current mode

hysteresis controllers are widely used in AC drives, power inverters, and active power filters. In

this Simulink model as seen in figure 3, the hysteresis block functions as follows: The actual

current Iabc and the reference current Iabc* are compared in a comparator which will generate an

error signal. This error signal is given to the relay logic which will generate a pulse signal for the

inverter (upper 3 switches of IGBTs). The same pulse generated from relay is also given to NOT

gate for generating an alternate pulse for lower 3 switches of IGBTs. As we know there are 6

switches (IGBTs) in the inverter, 3 upper and 3 lower, in a single cycle; either upper or lower

IGBTs conduct at any given time. Both upper and lower cannot conduct at the same time

because this will create a short circuit. Hence, hysteresis control block generates triggering

pulses for the switching devices in the inverter. These switching devices can be BJT (bipolar

junction transistor), GTO (Gate turn-off thyristor) or an IGBT. In this project the switching

device used is IGBT because of its high switching speed, efficiency and it is economic. The

IGBTs in the inverter will generate PWM (Pulse width modulated) output.

Three-Phase Inverters

A basic three-phase inverter is a six-step inverter. It uses a minimum of six IGBTs.

Insulated-gate bipolar transistors are used in 3- phase inverters that have numerous applications

like variable-frequency drives that control the speed of AC motors, uninterruptible power supply

and solar inverters. For providing adjustable-frequency power to industrial applications, three-

phase inverters are more common than single-phase inverters [5].

In inverter terminology, a step is defined as a change in the firing from one IGBT to the

next IGBT in proper sequence. For one cycle of 360o, each step would be of 60o interval for a

six-step inverter. The three-phase load is assumed to be star connected. IGBTs are named in the

sequence in which they are triggered to obtain voltages Vab, Vbc, Vca at the output terminals of

the inverter.

FIGURE 3. Hysteresis control block.

Each phase uses a high-side and low-side IGBT switch to apply positive and negative

high voltage DC pulses to the motor coils in an alternating mode. The inverter consists of six

IGBTs, two IGBTs for each motor winding. phase. The microcontroller sends gate signals and

the IGBTs are switched on and off creating an average AC voltage close to a sinusoidal

waveform [10].

The duty cycle of the IGBT is varied which provides equivalent sine wave output. The

modulation of duty cycle is phase shifted by 120 degrees for each phase. An effective control

over fundamental frequency and voltage of the output is achieved. When the IGBTs are switched

off, a back EMF is produced in the motor winding that generates a very high and potentially

damaging voltage across the IGBT. To overcome this problem, the inverter has antiparallel

diodes connected across each IGBT that will allow current flow from the motor winding to the

DC link when the IGBTs are switched off. The back EMF is directly proportional to the

rotational velocity and opposite in polarity to the voltage applied across inverter. To drive the

current through the motor windings and to increase motor speed and torque, both modulating

frequency and voltage must be increased. The back EMF and the motor speed are proportional to

each other. Therefore, to maintain the current flow the supply voltage to the motor winding must

be above this EMF. Output of the motor is controlled by pulse-width modulation (PWM). PWM

is accomplished by turning the transistor on and off several times.



Figure 4 depicts the main Simulink model designed in MATLAB software. The system is

a closed loop control system. The power supply to the system is provided in the invertor block

where the power supply voltage is DC, and AC voltage is taken out of the inverter block. The

AC output power generated from the inverter block is fed to the three-phase induction motor;

here, the motor is a three-phase asynchronous machine block where the mechanical torque is set

to 1, which allows it to operate as a motor. For reference, the stator line to line voltage is also

measured from the output coming out of inverter block. Various parameters, such as stator phase

currents, stator phase voltages, rotor speed and electromagnetic torque, are measured from the

induction motor.

These measured signals are fed to the output block as seen in figure 4 to visualize the

graph (waveform) of the measured signals. The rotor speed is fed to a summing block which is

provided with a desired constant reference speed of revolutions per minute (rpm). The dq0

transformation is applied to the stator voltage with a reference sinusoidal waveform for a

particular reference speed. The reason behind using this option is that, in operation of this type of

three-phase machine, the dq0 transformation transfers three-phase stator and rotor parameters

into a single rotating reference frame to negate the influence of time-varying inductances. The

actual speed signal and the reference signal is compared in a comparator and then the output

signal of the comparator is sent to proportional integrator blocks.

A PI controller is used for eliminating the steady state error from the previous blocks and

to tune the error signal. The sine function block is used to simulate a sinusoidal wave by using a

series of voltage pulses of different lengths. The consolidated signal coming out of the three

small sine function blocks is the reference current. Using reference current and actual current as

inputs to the hysteresis control block, the hysteresis control block generates pulses (which act as

gate pulses for IGBTs) for the inverter block by comparing the actual and reference currents.

Hysteresis control is required here to satisfy the power requirements of faster load transient

response; this control is executed by identifying ripples in the output and directly comparing the

output voltage by means of a comparator without going through an error amplifier.

A PI controller is used for eliminating the steady state error from the previous blocks and

to tune the error signal. The sine function block is used to simulate a sinusoidal wave by using a

series of voltage pulses of different lengths. The consolidated signal coming out of the three

small sine function blocks is the reference current. Using reference current and actual current as

inputs to the hysteresis control block, the hysteresis control block generates pulses (which act as

gate pulses for IGBTs) for the inverter block by comparing the actual and reference currents.

Hysteresis control is required here to satisfy the power requirements of faster load transient

response; this control is executed by identifying ripples in the output and directly comparing the

output voltage by means of a comparator without going through an error amplifier.

The rotor speed is fed to a summing block which is provided with a desired constant

reference speed of revolutions per minute (rpm). The dq0 transformation is applied to the stator

voltage with a reference sinusoidal waveform for a particular reference speed. The reason behind

using this option is that, in operation of this type of three-phase machine, the dq0 transformation

transfers three-phase stator and rotor parameters into a single rotating reference frame to negate

the influence of time-varying inductances.

FIGURE 4. Simulink model of VFD.

The graph as seen in figure 5 is the result or the desired output of the Simulink model. It

is the output speed graph. We have kept the desired speed to 120rpm, which is achieved

gradually. There is an overshoot in the speed because, during the starting of induction motor, the

inrush current increases hence the torque increases. We get a dip in the speed graph because we

have used proportional integral controller block in the Simulink model. Figure 5 shows the graph

of speed versus time, where Y-axis is speed in rpm and X-axis is time in seconds. We get a dip in

the speed graph because we have used proportional integral controller block in the Simulink

model. Figure 5 shows the graph of speed versus time, where Y-axis is speed in rpm and X-axis

is time in seconds.

FIGURE 5. Graph of desired speed.



This paper analyzes one of the methods of speed control of a three-phase induction motor

that is using variable frequency. We were able to achieve desired speed using MATLAB

Simulink model where we have used different control units and power electronic devices. The

output waveform of speed is our desired result, which shows that the control system tries to

reach the desired or entered value of speed in the reference block.

Future Work

The present proposed model can be modified further by introducing a programmable

logic controller (PLC). A sequence of instructions is programmed by the user of PLC memory.

Its purpose is to monitor crucial process parameters and adjust process operations accordingly.

PLC saves material, energy, and installation cost. It also eases maintenance, trouble shooting,

and labor cost by reduced wiring and associated errors. It takes up less space and has the

possibility of being reprogrammed [9]. The PLC can be connected to a control system and can

regulate a VFD, which will act as a go-between for the three-phase induction motor and the PLC.

The PLC processes the inputs according to the ladder logic programming and initiates the

corresponding output to the VFD. The VFD in turn once again processes the PLC input to it and

accordingly controls the speed of three-phase induction motor. Secondly, the system can also be

designed to work with multiple motors at a time where we can control the speed of more than

one motor simultaneously.



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