Worksheet 1 A Tale of Two Brains by Mark Gungor

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Worksheet 1 A Tale of Two Brains by Mark Gungor

Mission: Based on Gungors talk, fill in the blanks.
1.Mens brains are made up of __________ ___________.
2.The boxes dont ________.
3.When a man discusses a particular subject, we go to that
__________ _______.
4.We discuss only what is _______ _______ _________.
5.Womens brains are made up of a big ball of _______.
6.And everything ______ ____________ ________ everything.
7.And it is all driven by energy that we call _________.
8.if you take an event and you connect it to _________, it burns in your ________
and you can ___________ it forever.
9.Women tend to care about _____________.
10.This particular box has ____________ in it.
11.If a man has a chance, he would go to his _________ ________ every time.
12.Thats why a man could do something seemingly completely _______ _______
for hours on end. have the ability to think about absolutely ________ and still __________.
14.Nothing drives a woman more ________, I mean to feel more irritated, than to
witness a man ________ __________.
15.When a man is stressed out, all he wants to do is run to his ________ ________.
16.The last thing we wantto do when we are stressed out is _______ _______ ____.
17.When a woman is stressed out, she has to
________ _______ _______
.18.If she doesn’t talk about it, her brain would literally ___________.
19.When you start explaining the stress, they feel obligated to ______ it.
20. She doesnt want your ________. She doesnt want your _______. She wants you
to _______ ______ and ________.
21.Because they ________ each other, they offer to each other THEIR ________,
THEIR _____________.
22.Just let him go to the Nothing Box, and _______ _______.

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