Essay For Chevening

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Leadership and influence

Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries.
Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing
skills to support your answer.
(minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count: 500 words)

The country I was born and raised in has been unfortunate with leaders; with an overwhelming
population it has become paramount to raise leaders for the betterment of my people. I have
been given a chance to lead small groups of people in the past; I was chosen and voted for in
some cases. I believe they saw attributes that made me selected; I plan to get better in my
leadership skills. I would like to share some of my past leadership experiences and show I am
passionate about leadership at home.

At an early age I lost my mother, I had two younger siblings and I automatically became their
mother figure. At the age of ten, I had to instruct and guide them in their childhood the ways I
could. So I understood responsibility from an early age, I always walked with the slogan, they
would likely do what they saw me do, so I tried inspire them in their academic path and taught
them the right virtues and values our parents taught us.

In secondary school, I was nominated and voted by the students to become one of the prefects
(leaders) in the school. I got selected by teachers to become the Assistant Head Girl, who is the
second in command of the female students. It was during my final year in the school (Federal
Government College Enugu) that the lead by example chant became popular because the
previous leaders had caused harm to the value system of the younger system. The other
perfects and I were the ones to begin talks, seminars and also introduce clubs that repaired the
academic focus and value system in the school.

By the end of the same year, I started my undergraduate studies in the Department of
Architecture, University of Nigeria. I represented my class in the House of Representatives in
the students association. My duty was to convince the house on decisions that would benefit
the students against the decisions the department wanted to make to extort more money from
us or infringe our rights. I served for 3 years in all.

After school I volunteered during my NYSC to teach a public secondary school in Lagos state
where I tried to spur them toward academic excellence. To summarize, I am inclined to
teaching, leading and inspiring the younger generations and my peers. I currently do so by
writing and speaking. I do not plan to stop anytime soon.
Chevening is looking for individuals with strong professional relationship-building skills, who will
engage with the Chevening community and influence and lead others in their chosen profession.
Please explain how you build and maintain relationships in a professional capacity, using clear
examples of how you currently do this, and outline how you hope to use these skills in the future.
(minimum word count: 100 words; maximum word count: 500 words)

Professionally, I have built a number of good relationships since I started my studies. In my

undergraduate study we are taught right from our first year that we needed a good network
to be good architects. I saw that the best way to keep good relationship in my field is to give
my best when I work for people, clients and employers. That’s what I do.
Beginning with Industrial training (A 6 months course you have to intern in architectural
firm), I worked in Design Technologies Ltd, Port Harcourt, Rivers state, Nigeria. This was
my first working experience so I made sure I learnt all I could and contributed in the ways I
could. It turned out I stood out during this period because the principal called me back to
work for the firm after my graduation.
Also, I finished my undergraduate studies in July 2018, as of September, I connected with
an architect in the state my school is located, Enugu. Ween Architects was the name of the
firm, during that period I acted as a site supervisor where we inspect the work the
construction team was putting up to see if it was in line with our design. We did this for 4
large institutional buildings in one of the universities in the state. I still keep in touch the
architect but I had to go back home in Port Harcourt in December.
Talking about network, in university I joined student associations where various students
and ex-student post relevant information for scholarships, competitions and employment.
For me it turns out this would be where I see the link to apply to the future firm I would work
for the following year, TPA Design studio. I started working with TPA Studio in May 2019,
where I assist the architect in his projects; it’s been a good experience in the firm. I plan to
keep the connection even as I go back to school to further.
Therefore I can say working with passion for my employers has been a good way to keep
relationships. With experiences and early orientation to having a good network from
university my professional journey has been somewhat smooth. I plan to continue in this
light during and after my graduate studies.

Studying in the UK
Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to
your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future. Please enter new
information and examples here and not duplicate the information you have entered on the work
experience and education section of this form (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word
count: 500 words)
The major reason I would like to study in the UK is for better education. There are better
schools of architecture in the UK than my country. I believing finishing from a good school
would distinguish me in knowledge and exposure.
My school choices are based on the rankings of the school and my interests I like from their
individual course outline. A masters in Architecture course is seen as a continuation of BSc
studies, without a master’s degree, you are considered an architect, even though there are
various courses under architecture which leads to various specifications in the field.
I plan to develop my own style of designs, blending culture/context of the environment and
technology to create beautiful and functional buildings and structures. To do this, I’ll have to
learn and understand standard methods of design and construction, to wish I can now make
additions and think more innovatively so it suites the style I want.
My future career plans are well detailed in the career plan of this essay exercise. I would
like to note that, my dream is to be an extraordinary architect because I believe I have the
mind, creativity and resilience for the profession. Studying in the UK gives me a better
education, good exposure and the right platform to show what I can offer.

Career Plan
Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please outline your immediate
plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals. You may wish to consider how these relate to
what the UK government is doing in your country. (minimum word count: 100 words, maximum word count:
500 words)
For architects in my country, the goal is to get registered with the architects’ body in the country.
This gives you rights to bid for any project and have a legal practice. To get this, you need to go
through undergraduate and post graduate studies, complete 2 years tutelage with a registered
architect, register, write and pass the profession exam.
My variation to the above process comprise of actions I plan to take to become a remarkable
architect. I plan to develop my own design philosophy over the time. I am interested in
developing a style of Architecture that blends the cultural heritage and context of the place my
projects would be and upcoming technology. I plan to participate and win local and international
competitions as these distinct extraordinary architects.
When I get back to Nigeria, I would apply to one of the top construction firms in the country
where I would offer my services; this would serve as my tutelage for minimum of two years.
During this period I would also begin to create my own clientele and define the area I would like
to specialize in.
With all my plans in place, I believe the links and network I would have built would be able to
sustain my company. I also plan to collaborate with the UK plans for housing in Nigeria. I plan
to do some pro bono jobs for people who cannot afford the service of an architect. With this I
would also achieve what I said about “building-in-context”, because my country has its own
architecture that can evolve to pleasing culture-contemporary style I hope to develop.
To conclude, with passion, enthusiasm and faith, I believe my career would blossom. Furthering
in architecture in a top university would be a good boost for me.

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