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навчальних закладів з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови авторів М. Ростоцької, О. Карпюк

навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.

1 INTRODUCTION 1 He is from Lon- повторення Personal and ex.1 – p.4 ex.5a – p.5 ex.2,3,5b – ex.4 – p.5 ex.6 – p.6
Personal don. What’s his лексики Possessive pp.4-6 WB ex.1,2 –
Information favourite lesson / 3 класу Pronouns p.4
2 2 His name is Bill. first name, to be ex.2,4 ex.1 – p.7 ex.6-p.6 ex.3 - p.8 ex.6-p.9
His surname is forename, Present Simple -pp.7, 9 WB ex.1,2 – WB ex.3-
Brown. My hobby surname, p.5 p.5
is playing last name,
computer games. family name
3 3 I’ve got blond hair. повторення have got / has ex.1– ex.2,3,4 – ex.2 – p.8 ex.5-p.13
I’ve got blue eyes. лексики got pp. 10-11 pp.11-12 WB ex.1,3- WB ex.2-
My dream 3 класу p.6 p.6
bedroom has got
a new computer.
4 UNIT 1 1 dictionary, Demonstrative ex.2-p.14 ex.3 – ex.5 –p.13 WB ex.3
BACK register, Pronouns ex.6-p.12 pp.14-15 ex.1,4,5- -p.8
TO SCHOOL blazer, pp.14-15
uniform, WB ex.1,2-
pinboard, pp.7-8
5 2 There is a new, thing, a There is / are ex.1,3 – ex.1,4a – ex.1,3– WB ex.2 ex.2 -p.17
vending machine lot of, pp.13-14 pp.16-17 pp.16-17 -p.9
in a perfect perfect, WB ex.1-
classroom. thirsty p.9
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
6 UNIT 1 2 There are two … WB ex.3- ex.4b,5 ex.5-p.18 WB ex.5-
BACK They are next to pp.9-10 -p.18 WB ex.4- p.10
TO SCHOOL … p.10
7 3 What’s the time? to hurry, Present Simple WB ex.1 ex.1-p.19 ex.1,2,3,4,5 ex.2-p.11 ex.6-p.21
It’a quarter to quarter, half, -p.11 .-pp.19-21 WB ex.3-
nine. Who is good be good at, p.11
at tennis? Ukrainian
8 3 My classmate’s WB ex.6- ex.6,7 ex.7 -p.21 WB ex.4
name is … He / p.12 -p.21 WB ex.5- -p.12
She has got … p.12
His / Her favourite
… is …
9 4 How often do we once, twice Ordinal WB ex.2,3 ex.1-p.22 ex.1,2,3,4,5 WB ex.1 WB ex 4,5
have English? first, second, Pronouns, -pp.13-14 ex.6-p.24 -pp.22-24 -p.13 -pp.14-15
Three times a third … Present
week. It is the Simple: wh-
third lesson today. Questions
10 5 It is the best mark subject, odd, Adjective: ex.1, 4 ex.4-pp.25- ex.2,5,8b ex.3,6,8 ex.7-p.27
at school. Craft is even,popular Degrees of -pp.25-26 26 -pp.25-27 -pp.25-26
the most popular ,normal, Comparison. WB ex.1,2- WB ex.3-
subject. Ben is boring, swot, p.16 p.17
taller than Tom. thousand,
difficult, to
11 6 Maths is my least to tease, top- Present ex. 2- -p.28 ex.1-p.28 ex.1-p.28 ex.3-p.29 WB ex.2c-
favourite lesson. ten list, Simple: WB ex.2a- WB ex.1,2b- p.18
Music is number different, 3 особа одни- p.18 p.18
one, I guess. Stop excellent, to ни. Розповідні
teasing him. guess, easy та заперечні
We’re all different. речення.
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
12 UNIT 1 6 I’m excellent at Computer . ex.5-pp.29- ex.4-p.29 ex.6,7-p.30 WB ex.3- WB ex.4-
BACK reading and Science, 30 p.19 p.19
TO SCHOOL writing stories. I practice.
have volleyball
practice twice a
week. I have
problems with
13 7 He never listens after, before, Present ex.1,4 ex.6-p.34 ex.2,3 ex.5-p.34 WB ex.3
to his teacher. He class, test, to Simple: -pp.31-33 -p.31-32 WB ex.4 -p.21
is always late for cheat Time Markers WB ex.1,2- -p.21
school. he (always,usually p.20
sometimes cheats sometimes,
in tests. rarely, never)
14 8 I live in China. Present ex.2-p.22 ex.4-p.36 ex.3-p.36 WB ex.1-
There are … Simple Tense p.22
pupils in my
15 8 I learn English sound, rule, ex.7-pp.37- ex.9-p.39 ex.5,6a,8a ex.6b-p.37 WB ex.3-
because I want to the Internet, 38 –pp.37-38 p.22
have friends from together,
other countries. because,
make a pre-
sentation, to
16 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.1,2,3a- ex.2,3b- WB ex.1-
Action pp.40-41 pp.40-41 p.23
17 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.5-p.42 ex.6a-p.49 ex.4,6b,c- WB ex.2,3- поповн.
Action p.43 p.27 портфо-
18 Робота з Європейським Мовним портфоліо
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
19 Home Reading English Reader 4 The Ugly Duckling pp. 4-6

20 UNIT 2 1 I’ve got a lot of lonely, crazy ex.1,3,4, ex.6a,b- ex.2,5- WB ex.3,4- WB ex.5-
FAMILY AND friends. I’m crazy about, 6c,d -pp.44- p.46 pp.45-46 pp.24-25 p.25
FRIENDS about computer dalmation, 46
games. boxer, family WB ex.1, 2-
member p.28
21 2 What does he slim, plump, Present ex.3,5- ex.1,4,6- ex.1,2-p.47 WB ex.2- WB ex.3-
look like? He’s pretty, curly, SimpleTense pp.48-49 pp.47-49 p.26 p.26
tall. What is he wavy, lazy, WB ex.1-
like? He’s clever. computer p.26
wizard, Paris,
the USA,
22 3 Why do you cheat alone, Present Simple ex.1,4- ex.2-pp.50- ex.2,3- ex.5-p.52 WB ex 2-
in class? Why do to feel lonely, Tense pp.50-52 51 pp.50-51 WB ex.1- p.27
you tease other to share, Yes/No and p.27
kids? Do you trust to keep, Wh-questions.
your friends? to trust,
to tease
23 4 Is Rick Tom’s The Noun. WB ex.3- ex1,3,4.- ex.2-p.54 WB ex.2-
uncle? How many Possessive p.29 pp.53-55 WB ex.1- p.28
cousins have you Case. WB ex.2- p.28
got? p.35
24 4 Whose husband nephew, Wh- questions. ex.5-p.55 ex.9-pp.56- ex.6,7,8- ex.2-p.57 WB ex.6-
is Tom? Tom is niece WB ex.4,5- 57 pp.55-56 p.30
Sarah’s husband. p.30
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
25 UNIT 2 5 What film can you shy, quiet, Past Simple ex.1,2,3- ex.7-p.60 ex.5-p.60 ex.4-p.59 ex.6-p.60
FAMILY AND see on Monday? ghost, the Tense pp.58-59 WB ex.1,- WB ex.2-
FRIENDS dark, clumsy, Irregular Verbs p.31 p.31
strict, hard- (be, have, do,
working, be wake up)
afraid of,
26 6 I played with my got, went, Past Simple ex.1,4b- ex.2a,4a,5- ex.7-p.63 ex.6-p.63 WB ex.6,7
friend yesterday. came, read, Tense p.61-62 pp.61-63 WB - p.34
I listened to a saw, said WB ex.2- ex.1,3,4,5-
story last night. p.32 pp.32-34
27 7 Were you at unusual, Past Simple ex.1-p.64 ex.2,3,7- ex.4,5- ex.6-p.66
school yesterday? pullover, Tense WB ex.1,2- pp.64-66 pp.65-66 WB ex.3-
Yes, I was. / No, I gave, wrote, Yes/No – p.35 p.35
wasn’t. cool questions.
I wanted to be a
doctor. I wrote a
new story for you.
28 8 Did your mother to copy, Future Simple. ex.2b,5 ex.2a-p.67 ex.1,3 WB ex.1,2- WB
live there? Yes, to paste, Statements. -pp.67-68 -pp.67-68 p.36 ex.3,4-
she did. / No, she to think, Yes/No p.37
didn’t. storyteller, questions.
the same,
ate, learnt,
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
29 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.2,3- ex.1,4- WB ex.1,3 WB ex.2-
Action pp.69-70 pp.69-71 -pp.38-40 p.38
WB ex.1,5-
30 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.5 – ex.7,8 – ex.5,6- ex.9-p.73
Action pp.71-72 pp.72-73 pp.71-72
WB ex.3,4-
31 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.9-p.73 WB ex.6- WB ex.5-
Action p.40 p.40

32 Home Reading English Reader 4 Cinderella pp. 7-10 поповн.

33 UNIT 3 1 In my sitting room There is / ex.1,2-p.74 ex.3,4 – p75 WB ex.3-
MY there is … and There are. WB ex.2 WB ex.1- pp.41-42
HOMEPLACE there are … -p.41 p.41
34 1 There are four sink, wash ex.6-pp.76- ex.5-p.75 ex.7-p.77 ex.6-p.77
rooms downstairs. basin, to call, 77,
Are there four washing WB ex.4,5-
chairs in the mashine, p.42
room? dishwasher,
dining room,
35 2 Where is the…? Prepositions of ex.1,2,3- WB ex.1- WB ex.2-
what can N. do Place pp.78-79 p.43 p.43
Where can N.
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
36 UNIT 3 2 Mia’s room is bunk bed, There is / ex.5-pp.79- ex.4-p.79 ex.6-p.81 ex.8-p.81
MY special / tidy / curtains, There are 80
HOMEPLACE untidy. She untidy, tidy, Yes / No - WB ex.3-
shares her room mess questions p.43
with …
37 2 There is a ex.8-p.81 WB ex.4- WB ex.5-
wardrobe in my p.44 p.44
room. It is on the
left next to the
38 3 Your room in jeep, hurray WB ex.1- ex.2a,b,3- ex.1,2c,3,4- WB ex.3,4 WB ex.2-
mess. Put the p.45 pp.82-83 pp.82-83 -p.46 pp.45-46
toys in the toy
39 4 I can relax here. to relax, to ex.1,2,3- WB ex.3-
I often read books get upset, to pp.84-85 p.47
in my bed. pick up, do WB ex.1,2-
tricks, magic, p.47
broom, stay
in bed, mop,
give instruct-
tions, to tidy
40 4 Are there any Demonstrative ex.4,7,8- WB ex.4-
posters in your Pronouns. pp.86-87 p.48
room? Is your (These, Those,
room tidy? These this, that, here,
are my sister’s there)
41 5 What can I do? furniture, Modal Verbs ex.1-p.88 ex.2-p.88 ex.2-p.88 ex.3-p.89 ex.4-p.89
May I come in? house- can, may, must WB ex.2.3-
You must help warming pp.49-50
your mum. (party), guest
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
42 UNIT 3 5 My flat is on the to do Present Simple ex.7a-p.90 ex.5,6-p.89 WB ex.2- WB ex.3-
MY third floor. My washing up, Tense WB ex.1- p.49 p.51
HOMEPLACE sister usually to sweep, p.49
does the washing together, to
up and sweeps plant, a study
the floor.
43 6 What’s your village, town, ex.2-p.91 ex.1-p.91 ex.3, 4a,c- ex.4b-p.92 WB ex.2-
address? I live at city, building, p.92 WB ex.1- pp.51-52
10 Green Street. address, to p.51
44 6 People live in work, block Present Simple ex.5,6-p.93 ex.9-p.95 ex.7,8- ex.10-p.95 ex.3,5-
houses or blocks of flats, Tense/ pp.94-95 WB ex.5- pp.52-53
of flats. What floor gardening, Yes / No and p.53
does Tom live colourful, Wh-questions.
on? He lives on especially
the second floor.
45 7 What a nice ground floor, Wh-questions ex.1,2,6a,7 ex.2,3,4,5,6 WB ex.1,2- WB
neighbourhood! neighbour- -pp.96,98 b-pp.96-98 p.54 ex.3,4-
It’s so nice here! hood, barn, pp.54-55
ly, neighbour
46 Language in 8 Повторення й огляд ex.3-p.100 ex.1,2-p.99 ex.3-p.101 ex.6-p.102
Action WB ex.1,3- WB ex.2,3,
pp.56-57 5-pp.56-58
47 Language in 8 Повторення й огляд ex.6-p.102 WB ex.6- ex.5-p.102
Action p.58
48 Home Reading English Reader 4 Why Wisdom is Everywhere pp. 11-13 поповнен
ня порт-
49 Робота з Європейським мовним портфоліо
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
50 UNIT 4 1 Where can I buy restaurant, Modal Verb ex.2-p.104 ex.1,3- WB ex.1,2- WB ex.3-
GETTING …? You can bakery, CAN pp.103-104 p.59 p.59
AROUND buy ,,, in the … greengro-
cery, sweets,
51 1 Let me tell you fresh, ex.4-p.105 ex.7-p.107 ex.5,6- WB ex.4- WB
about my street. It dangerous pp.106-107 p.60 ex.5.6-
is not very busy. p.60
The supermarket
is next to my
house. There are
… in my street.
52 2 Where is the post market,bank, Prepositions of WB ex.1-p.108 ex.2,3,4,5- WB ex.1b,2 WB
office? It is behind museum, Place ex.1a,3,4- pp.109-110 —pp.61-62 ex.3,5-
the cinema. gallery, cine- pp.61-63 pp.62-63
ma, theatre,
circus, bus
stop, post
53 3 Can I buy any fruit library, police Yes / No ex.3-p.111 ex.1,4- ex.2,4,5- WB ex.1,2- WB
in a library? station, questions. WB ex.3- pp.111-112 pp.111-112 p.64 ex.4,5-
Where can I hospital p.65 pp.65-66
watch films? Is
there any
museum near
54 4 Is there a bank in Prepositions of WB ex.1,4- ex.1-p.113 ex.1,3.4,5- WB ex.2-
your neighbor- Place pp.67,69 pp.113-116 ex.2,3,5- pp.113-
hood? Where is pp.67-68,70 114
it? It is between WB ex.6-
the theatre and a p.70
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
55 UNIT 4 5 Excuse me, go down the Imperatives. ex.4-p.119 ex.1,2- ex.3-p.118 WB
GETTING where is the street, to WB ex.2- pp.117-118 ex.2,3-
AROUND cinema? Go down turn, to p.71 p.71
the street, then cross, to
turn left. pass
56 6 Look, she is going along,centre, Present ex.3-p.121 ex.1,2,4- ex.4,5- WB ex.3- WB 2,4-
along the Park to take a bus, Continuous WB ex.1- pp.120-122 p.122 p.73 pp.72-73
Street. Which bus to get off, Tense. p.72
should we take? to get to Modal Verb
57 7 Yesterday we square, Past Simple ex.1,4- ex.5-p.125 ex.2,3- WB WB
went for a walk in opposite, Tense. pp.123-124 p.124 ex.1.2.3,4- ex.5,6-
town. On the modern, Modal verb pp.74-75 pp.76-77
other side we saw building, MUST
the library. hotel, side,
traffic lights,
58 8 There are a lot ofbridge, ex.2,4,5- ex.3- ex.6-p.130 WB ex.1,3- WB ex.2-
old buildings and underground, pp.126— pp.128-129 pp.78-79 p.79
museums in L. double- 127,129-
The Tower of decker, 130
London is an old statue, tower,
castle. castle,palace
59 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.1,4 ex.3-p.132 ex.2-p.131 WB ex.3-
Action -pp.131- p.81
WB ex.1,2-
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
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60 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.5- ex.5- WB ex.6-
Action pp.133-134 pp.133-134 p.83
WB ex.4,5-
61 Language in 9 Повторення й огляд ex.6-p.134 ex.6-p.134

62 Home Reading English Reader 4 The Emperor’s New Clothes pp. 14-16 поповнен
ня порт-
63 Контроль
64 Контроль
65 Контроль
66 Контроль
67 Робота з Європейським мовним портфоліо
68 Підсумковий урок Презентація свого портфоліо
69- Резервні уроки
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.

71 UNIT 5 1 I’m going to play dominoes, going to do ex.1,2,3- ex.3,6- ex.4,5- WB ex.1,2 WB ex.3
LET’S HAVE board games. backgammon smth. pp.135-136 pp.136-137 p.137
FUN Join us. chess, jigsaw
She is good at puzzle,
playing chess. billiards,
board game,
team, be
good at doing
72 2 I enjoy playing … . ex.1,4- ex.4- ex.3,5- WB ex.1,2,3 ex.8-p.141
He is fond of … pp.138-140 pp.139-140 pp.139-140
I am keen on …

73 2 What does your like/enjoy/be ex.7-p.141 ex.6,8- WB ex.4

friend like doing? fond of doing p.141
74 3 They were at the was/were, Irregular ex.1- ex.2-p.145 WB ex.1,2 WB ex.3
party yesterday. went, saw, Verbs (Past pp.142-144
It was B’s birthday had, said, Past Simple),
yesterday. magic wand Continuous ex.1,3-
Tense pp.142-145
75 3 The magician was ex.4-p.146- ex.4,6 ex.5-p.147 WB ex.4 WB ex.5
holding a … 147 -p.146-147
The children were
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
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76 4 I’m going to the … wall climbing, ex.1,2a,3,4, ex.4,9 – ex.2b,5,7- WB ex.1 - 5 ex.8-
How about you? cooking, 6 - pp.148- p.149, 151 pp.148- p.151,
G. is my favourite club, yoga, 150 149, 151 WB ex.6
character. face painting,
77 5 My eyes were forehead, Imperative ex.1,2- ex.1-p.152 ex.8-p.151, WB ex.1 WB ex.2
black. My nose cheek, chin, Mood pp.152-153 ex.2-p.153
was brown. side, line
78 5 He was making a busy, badge ex.3,5- ex.3-p.154 ex.4,6- WB ex.2,5 WB ex.4
mask. pp.154-155 pp.154-155
Then she wrote
the name on the
79 6 What form are karate, judo, Past Simple ex.1a,4- ex.2,6- ex.2,35,7- WB ex.3-6 WB ex.1,2
you in? contest, race, Tense pp.156-158 p.157,159 pp.157-159
I’m in the 4th won, prize,
form. play Frisbee,
They were in common,
running. each other
80 Language in 7 Повторення й огляд ex.1,3,2b- ex.1,3- ex.2a- WB ex.1 ex.7-p.164
Action pp.160-162 pp.160-162 p.162
81 Language in 7 Повторення й огляд ex.4-p.163 ex.4,6- ex.5,7- WB ex.3.4 WB ex.4,5
Action pp.163-164 pp.163-
82 Home Reading English Reader 4 An Elephant’s Child

83 Home Reading English Reader 4 An Elephant’s Child поповн.

84 Робота з Європейським Мовним портфоліо
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
85 UNIT 6 1 I have received forgotten, Present Perfect ex.1,2- ex.1,2- WB ex.1,2 WB ex.3
FESTIVE TIME an email. You mix, check, Tense: pp.165-166 pp.165-166
have forgotten the happen, knit Statements Present
names. Perfect
forms p.166
86 1 We have been on the eve, ex.4,5,6- ex.7-p.169 ex.3-p.166 WB ex.4 WB ex.5
very busy. delicious, pp.167-168
wash up,
cheer, joy
87 2 I haven’t written to greeting, Present Perfect ex.1,2- ex.1- ex.3,4- WB ex.1-5 ex.5-p.172
him for a long midnight, Tense: pp.170-171 pp.170- p.172
time. future, been, Negative 171, ex.6-
struck sentences p.173
88 3 Who is it from? celebrate, Ordinal ex.1,3- ex.1,3- WB ex.1-3 WB ex.6-
Is it a secret? celebration, Numerals pp.174-175 pp.174-175 p.112,
Has he made a symbol, ex.5-p.113
card? image, heart,
Yes, he has. to colour,
89 3 Has she given the ex.4,5- ex.4,5,8- ex.7-p.178 ex.6-p.178 WB ex.7
card to her pp.176-177 pp.176-178 WB ex.5,6
No, she hasn’t.
90 4 I love Easter best lamb, ex.1,2- ex.1,2- ex.3-p.181 WB ex.1-3 ex.6-p.183
of all holidays. daffodil, pp.179-181 pp.179-181
I can’t wait to bread roll,
celebrate Easter. cross, hot
cross bun,
lily, Christian
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
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91 НМК
4 ex.4,5,6- ex.7-p.183 WB ex.4,6 WB ex.5
92 5 I love eating a sweets, Noun: ex.1,2,4,5, ex.1,2- ex.2,3- WB ex.1,2 ex.8-p.187
birthday cake. I biscuits, Countables box-pp.184- pp.184-185 pp.184-185
would like to cream, and 186
see… cheese, Uncountables
93 5 There are some to whip, to “There is / are” ex.6,7- ex.8-p.187 WB WB ex.7-
candles on … cut into with pronoun pp.186-187 ex.3,4,5,6 p.123
There is an extra pieces, to “some”.
candle on … squeeze,
94 English 6 Повторення й огляд ex.1,2- ex.1-p.188 ex.2,3- WB ex.1,2,3 ex.6-p.191
in Action pp.188-189 p.189
95 English 6 Повторення й огляд ex.4- ex.4,7- ex.5, 6- WB ex.4,5,6 WB ex.7
in Action pp.189-190 pp.189-191 pp.190-191
96 Home Reading English Reader 4 A Greedy King поповн.
97 Робота з Європейським Мовним Портфоліо
98 UNIT 7 1 I can see … in the means of Modal Verb ex.1,2,3- ex.1,23- ex.4-p.194 WB ex.1,2 WB ex.3
TRAVELLING IS street / at the bus transport, ‘can’ pp.192-194 pp.192-193
FUN stop / on the river, motorbike,
etc. I am looking coach, on
forward to my foot,
holidays. Where travelling
are you going this
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
99 1 I like travelling by fast, cheap, ex.5- ex.5,7- ex.6-p.196 WB ex.4 WB ex.5
… It’s better to choose, keep pp.194-195 pp.194-196
travel by … fit, differ,
taste, all the
time, to pack
100 2 Who was on the railway Present and ex.1,2,3,4- ex.1,2,3- ex.2-p.198 WB ex.1,2 WB ex.3
phone? What did station, Past Simple pp.197-199 pp.197-199
he say? ticket, taxi, Tenses
Is he coming by luggage,
…? passenger,
ticket office,
board, miss,
need, the
10 2 I was at the far, for the ex.5,6- ex.5,6,7- WB ex.4 WB ex.5
1 station for the first first time, to pp.200-201 pp.200-201
time in my life. stay
They wanted to
know some
102 3 J. is going by … to leave, to would like to do ex.1,2,3,4- ex.2,3- WB ex.1 WB ex.2
The train departs / depart, smth pp.202-204 pp.202-203
arrives at … The departure,
plane takes off / arrival, to
lands at … the take off, to
ship leaves at … land, a trip
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
10 3 The … arrived / guest, flight, Prepositions of ex.5,6- ex.5-p.205, ex.7,8- WB ex.4 WB ex.3
3 departed / left in / be scared Place pp.205-206 ex.9-p.207 pp.206-207
at / from … on
time / late.
104 4 Guess what! Next Piccadilly Present ex.1,3- ex.1,3- ex.2- WB ex.1,3 WB ex.4
… my family are Circus, The Continuous pp.208-209 pp.208-209 pp.208-209
having a guest. Houses of Tense (for
Parliament, future
an open top meaning)
bus, Madam
The London
Eye, Oxford
10 4 Do you have any a tour, the Articles with ex.4,6- ex.4,7- ex.5-p.211 WB ex.2
5 ideas? Tube, a Proper Names pp.210-212 pp.210-213
It’s better to take guide, wax,
a … The bus famous,
drives along … Tower
The first place is Bridge,
… The tour takes Tower of
… hours. London
106 5 I need a taxi. back, Paris, Past Simple vs ex.1,2,3,4- ex.1-p.214 WB ex.1,2 WB ex.3
In .. you can Venice, Present Perfect pp.214-216
travel by … Dehli, in the
10 5 We have seen … souvenir, do ex.5- ex.5,7- ex.6-p.218 WB ex.4 WB ex.5
7 We have spent … sightseeing, pp.216-217 pp.216-218
I’ve taken a lot of to take
pictures. pictures,
Tomorrow we are excited, to
going to … take care
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
108 6 numbers Numerals ex.2,3,4- ex.1,5- WB ex.1
from 20 to 20 - 1000 pp.219-220 pp.219-220
10 6 How much is / are greengrocer’ How much is / ex.6,7,8- ex.6,7,8,9- ex.8- WB ex.2,4 WB ex.3
9 it / they? It’s / s, apple pie, are it / they? pp.220-222 pp.220-222 pp.221-222
They’re … penny,
pounds and … pence,
pence. pound,
Anything else?
Yes, please. / No,
110 7 What can you buy baker’s, Tense Revision ex.1,3,4- ex.1,3- ex.2-p.224 WB ex.1,2 WB ex.3
at the … ? grocer’s, pp.223-225 pp.223-224
N. went to the … butcher’s,
and bought some dairy
… products
11 7 When is the … department ex.6,7,8- ex.6,8- ex.5-p.225, WB ex.4 WB ex.5
1 open? It’s open store, go pp.226-227 pp.226-227 ex.8,9-
from … to …. It’s shopping, to p.227
closed at … prefer, shop
Can I help you? assistant, to
Have you got any try on, size,
…? Can I try it money
on? Here’s the
112 Language in 8 ex.1,3,4,5- ex.1-p.228 ex.2-p.229 WB ex.1,2,4 ex.6-p.230
Action pp.228-230
11 Language in 8 ex.7,8- ex.10- ex.6-p.230, WB ex.3
3 Action pp.230-232 pp.232-233 ex.9,11-
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
114 Home Reading English Reader 4 A Sad Prince Поповнен
ня порт-
11 Робота з портфоліо
116 UNIT 8 1 We live on the ocean, the ex.1,2- ex.3-p.235 WB ex.1
WE LOVE Earth. There are aEarth, the pp.234-235 WB ex.2,3
NATURE lot of .. on the Moon, star,
Earth. It’s full of
wonders. mountain,
11 1 How many rivers Australia How much / ex.4,5,7- ex.1,2- ex.6-p.237 WB ex.4,5 WB ex.6
7 are there on the How many with pp.235-237 pp.234-
Earth? There are countable and 235,
a lot of … How uncountable ex.8-
much water is nouns pp.237-238
there on the
Earth? There is a
lot of … There is
not much …
118 2 The highest peak the Pacific, Article with ex.1,2.3- ex.1,2- ex.4-p.240 WB 3
is … The coldest the Atlantic, geographical pp.239-240 p.239 WB ex.1,2
ocean is … It the Indian, names
stands on the the Atlantic,
river … There are the Thames,
no high moun- the North
tains in … sea, the
навч розділ, урок мовленнєві лексика граматика читання аудіюван- говоріння письмо дом.
год. тематика в зразки ня завдан.
11 2 I made friends igloo, ex.5,6- ex.5,8- ex.7-p.242 WB ex.4,6 WB ex.5
9 with …I was on snowmobile pp.240-241 pp.240-242
Skype. We had a
chat. She told me
lots of interesting
things about…
120 3 How was the trip? to produce, Modal Verbs ex.1,2- ex.1,2- ex.3-p.245 ex.4-p.246 WB ex.3
I hope, everything to destroy, to pp.243-245 pp.243-245 WB ex.1,2
is OK with …Our transfer, to
teacher took us to rise, to
… Forests are disappear, to
home to ….The pollute,
sea is cowered in marine, to
ice at the opposite collect
ends of the world.
12 3 You’ve missed Tense Revision ex.5,6- ex.5- ex.7-p.248 WB ex.4,5,6 WB ex.7
1 some facts pp.246-248 pp.246-
about… It looks 247,
like …Can you tell ex.8-p.249
us about ...?
We should …
122 Language in 4 Повторення й огляд ex.1-p.250 ex.2,3- WB ex.1,3 WB ex.2,4
Action p.251
123 Language in 4 Повторення й огляд ex.4,5,6- ex.6,8- ex.7-p.254 WB WB
Action pp.252-254 pp.253-255 ex.5,6,7,9 ex.8,10
124- Уроки для повторення матеріалу

129 Контроль з
13 Контроль з
0 аудіювання
131 Контроль з
13 Контроль з Поповнен-
2 говоріння ня

133 Робота з Європейським мовним портфоліо

134 Презентація свого портфоліо
135- Резервні уроки

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