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FPA-5000 basics

Consulting Important note

Josef Angstenberger The material contained in this publication must be treated
as confidential and may only be used within the Bosch
+49-89-6290 1740

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2

1. First steps with RPS

User name: Admin
Password: default

1.1 Communication Panel – Laptop

Assing transmission speed. By this the speed at the COM Port is being configured. With the
next download to the panel this speed will be downloaded to the panel. The next time when
connecting the laptop to the panel, the panel will communicate with that speed. The transmis-
sion speed at the panel can be seen in the diagnostic function.
If the adjusted speed at the panel and the laptop is different no communication will be possible.

1.1.1 Connecting Panel with Modem

ƒ Connect the modem to the serial interface at the MPC.
ƒ Use the cable set 4.998.153.247 to connect the modem with the MPC.
ƒ Choose the setting "Remote connection" in RPS (RS 232 interface)
ƒ Panel and PC wise R&D recommends the use of 'Devolo MicroLink ISDNi'-Modem for

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ƒ For analog connections use the 'Devolo MicroLink 56K'

1.2 Customer / Installer data input

1.2.1 Quiescent screen on panel

Settings that are valid for the whole panel are assigned.

Check if panel redun-

dance is needed

Reset type
The selected reset type will appear when pressing the key reset at the home page of the panel.
Assign reset mode:
ƒ By event type: all elements that are the state as the selected element will be reset.
ƒ By menu: reset menue appears with the options (reset loop, zone, element)
ƒ Panel reset: whole panel will be reset
Default setting: Panel reset.

1.2.2 Customer information:

These data will not be shown on the panel itself.

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1.2.3 Support information

These data are shown in the panel. Company name “Bosch Security Systems” is default, but
can be replaced.
Contact information of installer for support is always available in the panel.
ƒ service for customer
ƒ recommend installer to enter his contact data

1.2.4 Operator Management

B FPA-5000 Æ Logical Grouping / Activation Æ Operator Management

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Three users are implemented by default:

User Permission level Code
1 2 none needed
2 3 „000000“ (6 times zero)
9 4 “001357”
Seven new operators can be implemented. No permission level is assigned by default. Manual
assignement necessary. In addition one user can be assigned for “Remote Access” and “Direct
Access” use. Rights for every permission level is defined under “Rights Management”
User 9:
When user 9 is logged in all outputs will be automatically blocked. All blocked devices are listed
in “Set 32 – Output Group”. The user still has the possibility to take out elements of this set. At-
tention: Fire alarms will not activate any output!
Attention: Do not enter any password at user “Remote Access” and “Direct Access”
Automatic log out: All users will be logged out automatically if no operation had taken place
for 10 min. If logged in via key switch NO automatic log out will take place!

1.2.5 Rights Management

B FPA-5000 Æ Logical Grouping / Activation Æ Rights Management

Here the single operations assigned to the different permission levels (level 1-4) can be seen.
Default setting: as required by VdS. No changes are possible (was possible under WinPara).

ƒ Level 1: Operations to be executed by every one. No (lowest) security level.

ƒ Level 2: Intented for basic standard user.
ƒ Level 3: Intented for advanced user (support person of end customer etc.)
ƒ Level 4: Installer doing installation, maintenance etc. Highest security level.
A higher permission level also always contains the functions of the lower permission levels

1.3 MPC Panel Controller

1.3.1 Key Switches

The key switches can be assigned here. Key switches are outputs. Addresses 1 and 2 are as-
signed to key position 1 and 2 by default.
To programm rules to the two key positions go to

B FPA-5000 Æ Logical Grouping / Activation Æ Panel Administration

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1.3.2 RS 232 interface

Different options can be connected to the RS232 interface:

ƒ Direct connection (connection with Laptop)
ƒ FAT2002 (ZPA2002)/FMS (Fire Monitoring System)
ƒ Printer (Printer with rules under Printer Management will be created automatically)
ƒ Remote connection
Default assingenement: Direct Connection.
Printer assignement is not totally recommended, since printing is not possible when laptop is
connected; e.g. during diagnostic works.
FAT2002 assignement is not recommended.
Change of assigned connection on MPC (MMI)
If in RPS another device (e.g. printer) than “Direct Connection” is assigned under “Connected
with” the user has to assign on the Panel the device that is connected on the RS232 interface.
Automatic detection of the device is not possible.
Menue in MMI:

¾ MMI: Maintenance Æ Change device on 24.V Interface

Both options will appear:

ƒ Device assigned in RPS (e.g. Printer): This device will be assigned by default after re-
set or power supply failure!
ƒ Alternative device (“Direct Connection”): This is always needed for connection of the
panel with the laptop (RPS)
In case of connection problems with of the laptop to the MPC check whether another type then
“Direct Connection” is assigned. If yes, change to “Direct Connection” on the MPC.

1.4 Modules

For information on the modules refer to the word file

“Module overview_FPA5000 status release 1.2.doc”

1.5 Element / Group Setting

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1.5.1 Element Setting

By double clicking on the single devices the window for individual configuration opens.
Usage Type:
Depends on the device type. Explanation of some usage types:
Fire Internal:
If assigned this means that an internal alarm will be displayed. Application: Originally created
for blue manual call points, which have the purpose of house internal alarm, information.
It has nothing to do with PAS (Positive Alarm Sequence, kind of fire verification procedure).
Mainly used in the USA. Used for the supervisory of fans, lift etc.
Mainly used in the USA. Used to controll the water status of the sprinkler systems (flow guard).
Heat and Water
Is also considered a fire alarm. Will also be added to the alarm counter. This offers just a pos-
sibility to distinguish more precisely the different fire alarms and the actions that shall be trig-
gered by the alarms.
Dual Detector Dependencies:
Two detectors in one group have to be activated. Prerequesite: At least two detectors have to
be in the group. Option for prealarm latching is enabled.
Prealarm Latching:
If this checkbox is activated, an alarm will be displayed on the panel when a detector is trig-
gered and must be acknowledged by the operator. A latching pre-alarm will remain until the
panel is reset manually.
If this checkbox is not selected, and a detector is triggered, the pre-alarm will be deactivated af-
ter 3 minutes if no further alarm is triggered.
Dual Group Dependency:
If this checkbox is selected, an alarm is only triggered if a detector of the another group is acti-
vated within a certain time after the activation of the first detector. The other group has to be
assigned. The pre-alarm will be deactivated automatically if it is not followed by a second alarm
within 180 seconds.
Alarm Verification

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Reset delay: Is the time span in seconds in which an alarm will be verified. After this time the
detector will be reset. This time can be changed. After the reset the system will control if after a
fix time (can not be changed) of at present 20 seconds after the reset the detector is still in
alarm or back in normal. If is still in alarm, the alarm will be forwarded to the panel as a real
Reset Action:
Reset-Action: With this feature one can programm that automatically through an output the
voltage is turned off for a short moment. At a reset time of 1 Sek. the relais would be turned off
and on within 1 second (Output: physical address
Allowed Administrations:
Only if the check box is marked the device can be put into bypass or block at the panel. All the
possible options are checked in default. Options differ from device type to device type (manual
call point, signalling devices etc.).
Sensitivity and Further Sensiitivity:
Here the user assigns a default and an alternative sensitivity. These two settings will be shown
on the panel. The user can then change sensitivity on the panel itsel. After power supply short-
age reset on the panel always the default sensitivity setting will be assigned.

¾ MMI: Configuartion Æ Detector Sensitiivity

Hint: Feature the installer should be informed about.

1.5.2 Group Setting

Day Mode assignement

Day mode can only be assigned if the element is enabled for day mode setting. To do this dou-
ble click on the respective Group, then check the check box “Day Mode” as shown below. The
Day Mode assignement can not be done on the detector level.
If the user switches on the panel do day mode and still the moon will appears, it is probable
that no group is assigned for day mode.

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Setting the Alarm Investigation Time

“Alarm Investigation” can only be checked if “Day Mode” is checked, since Alarm Investigation
only can be executed in day mode (Features PAS = Positive Alarm Sequence). The time can
be adjusted individually for every group. The time to acknowledge (time to acknowledge the
alarm message on the panel) can be adjusted only for the whole panel (see Quiescent screen
on panel)

2. General programming and other information

2.1 Auto-adressing

B Operations Æ Communication Æ Full Autoadressing

Select with or without panel redundancy.

Check mark “Auto Assign Logical Address” is checked by default. If it is not set all addresses
are set to “0”. Meaning of “0”: This device is not created as a logical device (only exists as a
physical). All logical messages (e.g. fire etc.) will be surpessed and not forwarded to the panel.

2.2 Things to know

2.2.1 How to assign day mode?

Day mode can only be assigned if the element is enabled for day mode setting. To do this dou-
ble click on the respective Group, then check the check box “Day Mode” as shown below. The
Day Mode assignement can not be done on the detector level.
If the user switches on the panel do day mode and still the moon will appears, it is probable
that no group is assigned for day mode.

2.2.2 Booting the panel without battery

Never boot the panel without battery or without battery bridging.

Reason: All passwords will be lost at the second booting. Without batteries the panel reboot,
when it notices during the booting process that the batteries are mising. With the second boot-
ing all the passwords get lost.

3. Logical Grouping / Activation

3.1 Sets

By default different set types are implemented. Sets 1, 2, 32 and 33 can not be deleted.
Maximum number of sets: 128.
Highest set address: 255 (will be changed to 128 in future)

3.1.1 Walktest Group

One general walktest (WT) group and 12 additional. One walktest group for every month. The
assignement of inputs to different walktest groups enables the user to organize better his an-
nual walktest visits. With the configuration the user can assigne elements, zones, loops to dif-
ferent WT-group (= months). Onsite the installer only has to activate the WT-group of the pre-
sent month. All elements that need to be tested are automatically assigned and put into WT-
mode. After the test the user can easily controll which elements had been tested and which not.
The elements not tested can be tested then or can be moved to the next WT-period, thus
avoiding that some elements will be overseen for testing. The content of every WT-Group can
be changed at the panel.

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Only those devices can be used for walktest when “walktest” has been checked at the device
Set 3 – Walkt Test Group
Contains all elements, zones etc. that are not assigned to a WT Group. When all elements etc.
are assigned to WT-Groups 1-12, this Group disappears automatically at the panel. When new
elements etc. appear or are eliminated from existing Walktest Groups (1-12), this group will be
opened automatically again. It cannot be deleted in RPS, but not on the panel.
Teach the installer the advantages of using the walktest groups. By using it properly he can im-
prove his walktest organization considerably. This is a feature other panels do not have.

3.1.2 Bypass Group and Block Group

The user can assign all logical and physical devices to these groups. Advantage: The regular
bypassing or blocking of a set of devices is much faster in a group than individually device by
device. This can be used when for a certain period certain devices have to be bypassed for
some time (e.g. temporary construction works). The content of every set can be changed at the

3.1.3 Set 32 – Output Group

By default all outputs are assigned to this group and a rule is created. Elements can be taken
out by the user.Content of rule: If user 9 is logged in, all outputs in Set 32 will be blicked.
Hint: Extract this rule as a template, adapt it and use for other applications.

3.1.4 Set 33 - Input Group - External Fire extinguishers

It was created for the FBF. Set 33 groups all the inputs (e.g. detectors, manual call points) that
activate the "Fire Extinguishing System activated" LED in the FBF in the alarm state. No addi-
tional rule is necessary. All devices collected in this group will activate the LED “Fire Extin-
guishing System activated” at the FBF.

3.2 Groups

Max. amount of groups: 60.000

Unassigned elements and elements that are already assigned to a group are mapped under
"Group". ). The content of every group can be changed at the panel.
Difference between Sets and Groups:
ƒ Groups contain only elements
ƒ Sets contain elements and groups

3.3 Printer Management

Will be created automatically when „Printer“ is assigned (see RS 232 interface).

Note: When “Printer” is not assigned anymore at the RS 232 Interface the settings under
“Printer Management” remain. They have to be eliminated manually.
Note: By default certain states will be printed: Fire, Trouble, bypass on/off, block on/off. If addi-
tional states etc. shall be printed, they have to be programmed.
When the printer is eliminated, the RS 232 Interface assignement will switch automatically back
to “Direct Connection”.

3.4 Counters

Max. amount of counters: 60.000

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Three counters exist by default: Fire, Trouble, Supervision/Haustechnik. If additional counters

are needed, they have to be created manually.
Usage of c ounters:

3.5 Life Time Event Counters

Three counter types exist by default. They cannot be changed or deleted. Their values are dis-
played at the panel (MPC) under

¾ MMI: Further FunctionsÆ Alarm Counters

Counter 1 - External alarm:

Counts all external alarms, e.g. fire. In the event of an external alarm the transmission device to
the fire brigade is activated, among other activities.
Counter 2 - Internal alarm:
Counts all internal alarms, e.g. fire, heat, smoke, house alarm, water etc. in day mode.
Counter 3 - Service alarm:
Counts all alarms that were tripped by detectors under Walktest.

4. Rules

4.1 State dependent rules

ƒ Should always be used if the states fire or fault shall activate something. Is always based
on the state of the selected device.
ƒ Always works with ²if-else” rules. The else rule is set automatically Æ configuraiton of one
rule is sufficient. With event triggered rules two rules are necessary.
ƒ Not possible for rules with activation with time delay not possible.

4.2 Event triggered rules

ƒ Offers more possibilities than the state dependent rules

ƒ Used when the transmission from one state to another shall be the activating factor, not
the final state itself.
ƒ Used when a clear event takes place, that does not become a state, e.g. reset.
ƒ Always two rules have to be programmed:
ƒ To start activation: From state A to state B Æ start activation etc.
ƒ To stop the activation (kind of reset action), when event away from state B.
If the condition for an event triggered rule is no longer true, the response defined in the second
event triggered rule is performed.

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Compound State:
Encompasses the status of administrative and logical state.
ƒ Attention:
When usign compound states as trigger it is not recommendet to assign lists/sets as
activating elements.
ƒ Reason:
Different elements can be composed to one list. The elements can go into different
states at the same time (fire, fault, smoke etc.). If this happens it can not be foreseen
by the user which state will be assigned to the compound state.
ƒ Risk:
No activation will take place even though some of the elements would have been in
the state as demanded by the rule. But the different states of other elements in this list
cause a different compound state to be assigned.
ƒ Solution:
Do not assign a compound state as a trigger, but a counter! Assign a counter to a list
(e.g. counter fire is assigned to a set. If counter fire is higher than “0”, the activation
will start)
Activating Element
ƒ Attention: Be carefull when using list/set as “activating element” for a trigger. It is
rather recommended to assign counters to this list.
Activating Element
Logical states
In previous RPS versions some logical states had been offered, which are not integrated any-
more in the later RPS (after version 5.1.10). When these states are used in later RPS the con-
figured activations will not work. (click for details)

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4.2.1 Possible dangers/problems Changed logical states (also valid for state dependend rules)
Below two states existed together with its new counter parts in RPS version 5.1.10: In the latter
versions they do not exist anymore.
Old new
PAS Alarm Investigation time
PAS acknowledge Waiting for PAS Acknowledge
If the old version had been used in a previous configuration and this configuration is now ope-
ned with the new RPS these usage types are not know anymore --> the rules will not work.
Make sure the old states are not used in the configurations. Activation with time dealy

Only possible at event triggered rules, not possible with state dependent rules.
The following problem could occur.
ƒ Configuration: Alarm of detector shall activate an output. The activation shall start after
a delay of 20 seconds.
ƒ Result: After 20 seconds the output will be activated.
ƒ Risk: Activation will also start, if the detector has changed back to normal within these
20 seconds. Thus the reason for the activation of the output does not exist anymore.
ƒ Solution: Configure an rule. After delay time it shall be verified again if the detector is
in alarm. If this is the case Æ acitvate output. If rule is not fullfilled Æ no activation. Wrong application: Event instead of state triggered rule used.

Goal of the rule: If a detector goes into fire alarm it stall activate an output.
ƒ If detector changes from normal/normal to normal/fire Æ activation of output.
ƒ Danger: Some detectors are configured to go first into pre-alarm. Due to the above
rule the assigned output will not be activated when the detector will finally to into
ƒ Solution: Programm with state dependent rule. State of activation: Fire. Set whole panel in revision mode with the key switch
If the set back rule (key switch position back to “0”) is programmed wrongly, the panel will fall
into an endless loop and not work anymore. Reset into normal state can only be achieved with
technical support.

4.3 Templates

Rules can be saved as templates. Thus the programmed rules/patterns can be used for other
ƒ Time saving: no new creation every time
ƒ Security: Creating new rules increases new faults

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ƒ Templates can be exchanged within the NSOs and the customers Æ support to cus-

5. Other programming information

5.1 Panel redundancy

During booting time the user has to assign the master and the redundant panel directly on the
panel itsel.
ƒ Check mark for panel redundancy (Quiescent screen on panel).
ƒ Use cable CRP 0000 A to connect the redundant MPC. This cable only has 4 wires,
5V and ground are missing.
ƒ In the passive housing NO BCM-Module may be placed on the short rail!. The 5V are
provided by the redundant MPC. Cabeling of the internal CAN-Bus-Kable is different.
ƒ At the start of the implementation of the cable the cable C the 100Ohm resistor has to
be implemented.
ƒ Address cards: In case of activation of the redundant MPC, the AdCs have to be swit-
ched to the redundant MPC. Otherwise the devices that need an address will be by-
passed after 72 hours.
ƒ No module should be positioned on module position 2 (short rail) in the redundant
panel. The redundant panel, when activated, does not recognize the module on mod-
ule position 2. This happens only, when the cable is taken off of the MPC. By this the
power supply through the MPC is cuto off. If the only the MPC fails, but remains con-
nected to the rail, the power supply continues. For security reasons the following rule
should be applied:
Important: at panel redundancy NEVER place any important module (ENO-Module) on posi-
tion 2. Idally nothing should be placed on this position.
Once a panel had been used as redundant panel, its re-configuration as an active panel is
quite difficult. In case a redundant panel has to be re-configured please contact your sales

5.2 LSN 0300 A – Module redundancy

Mainly used at extinguishing systems. It is recommended to place the two modules on two dif-
ferent rails to increase the security.

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Manual module redundancy:

ƒ Open the master LSN module (see above window).

ƒ Assign the slot address for the redundant LSN 0300 A module. Make sure to use an-
other rail (security!).
ƒ If you click on the redundant module, info will appear that it is used as a redundant
ƒ the redundant module is shown in normal letters, not in bold as the other modules.
ƒ Perform auto-configuaration only on the master module.
ƒ Download the changed configuration in the panel.
ƒ Only when the panel boots, do the cable connection of the redundant module.
Automatic module redundancy:

B Operation Æ Communication Æ Full Autodetection (with redundant LSN)

Important: Always have the the redundant LSN module un-wired when doing auto-detection.
Otherwise the module will be destroyed!

6. Explanations
Indication of operation steps in RPS:

B FPA-5000 Æ Logical Grouping / Activation Æ Panel Administration

Indication of menu structure / operation steps at the panel (MMI). “MMI: “ indicates that the fol-
lowing steps refer to the operation at the panel.

¾ MMI: Maintenance Æ Change device on 24.V Interface

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