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Webpack supports third party libraries


Which of the following code can help us make the compilation automatically
build: "webpack ./src/app.js ./dist/bundle.js"

Which of the following webpack feature enables Code on Demand

code splitting

The latest version of Webpack is


The distinct feature of webpack is

code splitting

Webpack is not recommended for large web applications


Executing the following command will automatically create a file named:

webpack_practice >> npm init

Which of these softwares is necessary to install webpack node.js

Which of the following loader can be used to process style sheets

css loader

file:///home/ram/work/webpack_practice/index.html  means that the file gets loaded from

local mcn

Webpack understands only ____

Which of the following tells webpack how to treat a Bundled Code


Which helps in using babel with webpack

babel loader

Which of the following code can be used to install the style loader?

npm install style-loader --save-dev

_ simplies the creation of HTML files to serve webpack bundles


Which of the following code snippet instantiates the plugin FrescoPlugin

var FrescoPlugin = require('Welcome');

var webpackConfig = {
// ... config settings here ...
plugins: [
new FrescoPlugin({options: true})

Plugins are instantiable objects true

Which of the following features, considered the backbone of Webpack



1. Which of the following loader can be used to process style sheets css
2. Webpack is written in javascript
3. Which of the following code can help us make the compilation automatically
build: "webpack ./src/app.js ./dist/bundle.js"

4. Which of the following features, considered the backbone of Webpack


5. CoffeeScript can be transformed to JavaScript with the help of loaders

6. Which of the following webpack feature enables Code on Demand


7. Which of these softwares is necessary to install webpack node.js

8. file:///home/ram/work/webpack_practice/index.html  means that the file gets

loaded from local machine

9. Which of the following webpack feature enables Code on Demand

Code splitting

10. Webpack understands only ____ javascript

11. Which of the following, can be used to define an entry point?

module.exports = {
entry: './path/to/my/entry/file.js'

12. Which of the following makes Webpack extensible plugins is wrong

13. Custom plugins can be installed via ___ npm

14. Plugins are instantiable objects true

15. In Webpack, we can use both is wrong

16. Which of the following is a Node.js express server? webpack-dev-server

Executing the following command will automatically create a file named:

webpack_practice >> npm init package.json

18. Webpack starts building the dependency graph from entry point is wrong
19. Webpack is a/an tool open source
20. The distinct feature of webpack is code splitting

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