cương ôn thi HKI tiếng Anh lớp 1 1 (With key)

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UNIT 1: Infinitive with TO and Infinitive without TO

Động từ nguyên mẫu có TO và không TO
1. Infinitive with TO :
+ is used to express a purpose. Ex : I’m learning English to get a good job.
+ is used after adjectives Ex : I’m pleased to see you.
+ is used after interrogative pronouns : what, who, where, how, ...
Ex : Tell me what to do.
+ is used after indefinite pronouns : something, nothing, anybody,…
Ex : He has nothing to do.
+ is used after some verbs : want, need, decide, refuse, offer, hope, fail, agree, tend, plan, arrange,
learn, promise, afford, care, manage, attempt, ... Ex : I want to buy that house.
2. Infinitive without TO
+ is used after some verbs : make, let ; and see, hear, watch, feel,… + Object
Ex : Nothing can make him cry.
I saw the man get into the car.
+ is used after modal verbs: will, shall, could, can , should, must, may,…
Ex: I must speak to manager .
You should go to bed early.
+ is used after : and, or, except, but, than, as, like… Ex: He cannot do anything but smile.
* Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
1. He expects (receive) ___________ her reply today.
2. We hope (see) __________ each other next summer.
3. She promised (not be) ____________ there again.
4. I want (see) ____________ the house where our president was born.
5. He told me (try) ___________ (come) __________ early.
* Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences, using the words given in brackets:
1. They arrived home late. (He saw)
2. She didn’t want to stay there for the weekend. (They made her).
3. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment. (The teacher let)
4. The boy ran away from the house. (She noticed)
5. The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. (The policeman made)



Dạng (Hiện Tại đơn) (Quá Khứ đơn)
Khẳng định S + V [-s/-es] S + V-ed / 2
Phủ định S + don’t / doesn’t + V(bare-inf) S + didn’t + V(bare-inf)
Nghi vấn Do / Does + S + V (bare- inf) …? Did + S + V(bare-inf) …?
Bị động …am / is / are + V-ed/Vpp… …was / were + V-ed/Vpp…
- yesterday
- always, usually, occasionally, often, …
- last : last week, last Sunday…
Nhận biết - every : every day, every year…
- ago : two months ago, five years ago…
- once…, twice…, 3 times…
- in the past


Dạng (Qúa Khứ hoàn thành) (Quá Khứ tiếp diễn)
Khẳng định S + had + V-ed/Vpp S + was / were + V-ing
Phủ định S + hadn’t + V-ed/Vpp S + wasn’t / weren’t + V-ing
Nghi vấn Had + S + V-ed/Vpp…? Was / Were + S + V-ing …?
Bị động …had been + V-ed/Vpp… …was / were + being + V-ed/Vpp…
- At that moment
- When / As + (simple past):
- after + (past perfect), (simple past)
When I came, she was crying.
Nhận biết - before + (simple past), (past perfect)
- While :
- by the time/when ( Vpast), Had + Vpp
A dog crossed the road while I was

Khi chia động từ cần chú ý sự hòa hợp của chủ ngữ (S) và động từ (V):
* S1 + and + S2 => số nhiều. Ví dụ : Tom and Mary were late yesterday.
* Each, every, no + noun => số ít. Ví dụ : Each boy and girl has a textbook. No student is present
* (N)either + S1 + (n)or + S2 => chia theo S2. Ví dụ : He or you are the best student.
* S1, as well as + S2 => chia theo S1. Ví dụ : John, as well as you, is responsible for that report.
* Chủ ngữ là danh từ chỉ đo lường, giá cả, tiền => số ít. Ví dụ : 5,000 dollars is a big sum of
* Đại từ bất định (everyone, something, nobody…) => số ít. Ví dụ : Everybody is in the room.
1. I (see) __________ her last year
2. You (watch) ____________ TV last night?
3. I (do) _____________ my homework at 7 p.m yesterday.
4. Before she (watch)___________ TV, she (wash) _____________ her clothes.
5. The light (go) __________ out while we (have) _____________ dinner.
6. As we (cross) ___________ the street, we (see) ____________ an accident.
7. Before Alice (go) ___________ to sleep, She (call) ___________ her family.
8. The bell (ring) ____________ while Tom (take) ___________ a bath.
9. Daisy (agree) ____________ with other members in the last meeting.
10. She (win) ___________the gold medal in 1986.
11. I (be) ___________ very tired because I (work) ___________ all day yesterday.
12. While my father (read) _______ a newpaper, I (learn) ______ my lesson and my sister (do) ______ her
13. What you (do) ___________ yesterday?
14. You (watch) ____________ TV last night?
15. At 4 p.m yesterday? Well, I (work) _____________ in my office at that time.
16. David (be) ____________ born after his father (die) _____________ .
17. After John _________ (wash) his clothes, he began to study.
18. George__________ (wait) for one hour before the bus came.
19. Maria__________ (enter) the university after she had graduated form the community college.

1. INFINITIVE AND GERUND (Động từ nguyên mẫu và Danh động từ)
1.1 Verbs followed by To-inf:
V + (O) + To-inf
- decide - expect - try / attempt - would like / love - agree - advise
- tend - ask / want - refuse - intend - be willing - fail
- desire / wish - order / require - demand - hope - tend - hesitate
Ex: - I expect to meet him tomorrow.
1.2 Verbs followed by the gerund
V + (O) + V-ing
- avoid - mind - appreciate - practise - consider - finish
- deny - delay / postpone - miss - enjoy - keep - dislike/ hate / detest

* Expressions:
- look forward to - be worth - can’t help / bear / stand - be accustomed to
- There’s no point in - be busy - It’s no good / use - be / get used to
* Adj phrase with preposition + V-ing
Ex: He is good at solving mathematical problems
2. PASSIVE INFINITIVE AND GERUND (Động từ nguyên mẫu và Danh động từ thể bị động)
2.1. Examples:
- She expects to be invited to Minh’s birthday party.
V to be + PP
- She enjoys being invited to Minh’s birthday party.
V being + PP
2.2 Form: (cấu trúc)
2.1 Passive infinitive:
To be + Past Participle
2.2 Passive gerund:
Being + Past Participle

1/Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct form: gerund or infinitive.
1. I finished (write) ___________ a letter to my grandparents.
2. He expects (receive) ___________ her reply today.
3. Try to avoid (make) ___________ him angry.
4. We hope (see) __________ each other next summer.
5. She promised (not be) ____________ there again.
6. Would you mind (help) ____________ me (move) ___________ this table?

 GERUND AND PRESENT PARTICIPLE: Danh động từ và phân từ hiện tại
1. Form: V - ING
2. Use
a. To form continuous tenses.+ Example: She is reading book now.
b. As adjectives + Example:  I love the noise of falling rain.
c. Present participle is used after verbs of sensation (see, hear, smell, feel, listen to, notice, watch…).
+ Example:  I see him passing my house everyday.
d. Present participle is used after verbs: catch, find, leave + Object.
+ Example:  I caught them stealing my money.
e. Present participle is used after verbs: go, come, spend, waste, be busy.
+ Example:  Tom is busy practising for the school concert.


Danh động từ hoàn thành và phân từ hoàn thành
1. Form: Having + Past Participle

2.1 Perfect gerund:
a. is used instead of the present gerund form when we are referring to a past action.
+ Example: He was accused of having deserted his ship
b. is fairly usual after “deny” :
+ Example: He denied having been there.
3.2 Perfect participle:
a. can be used instead of the present participle to replace a main clauses,( when one action is immediately
followed by another with the same subject)
b. emphasizes that the first action is complete before the second one starts.
+ Example: Having finished his homework, Tom watch ed TV
1.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1/ The missing children were last seen ( play)……….near the river.
2/ ( Complete)………..the book, he had a holiday.
3/ ( Find)………….only in the Andes, the plant is used by local people to treat skin diseases.
4/ The accident seems ( happen)…………at around 1.00 p.m yesterday.
5/ Do something! Don’t just sit there (twiddle)…………..your thumbs.
2.Rewrite the sentences beginning with an appropriate participle ( present, past or perfect ).
1/ When she saw the dog comimg towards her, she quickly crossed the road.
2/ If it is looked after carefully, the plant can live through the winter.
3/ As I don’t have a credit card, I found it difficult to book an airline ticket over the phone.
4/ Keith spent a lot of time filling in job application forms because he was unemployed.
5/ Because I was walking quickly, I soon caught up with her.
6/ The house was built of wood, so it was clearly a fire risk.

UNIT 5: Reported Speech with Infinitive.

Lối nói gián tiếp với động từ nguyên mẫu
S + V + O +(not) TO Infinitive

* Verbs: advise, ask, beg, command, forbid, invite, order, persuade, recommend, remind, tell, expect, warn,…
* Example:- “Don’t swim out too far, boys”, I said.
 I warned/ told the boys not to swim out too far.
S + V +(not) TO Infinitive

* Verbs: agree, demand, guarantee, hope, offer, promise, swear, threaten, volunteer,…
* Example:- “ I will try my best to look for that book for Lan”. Jim promised.
 Jim promised to try his best to look for that book for Lan
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the words given:
1. “ We’ll come back again.” They promised __________________________
2. “ Give me your homework.” The teacher told _________________________
3. “Please, don’t smoke in my car.” He asked _______________________________
4. Would you like to have a drink with me?” He invited ______________________________
5. “You should give up smoking” The doctor advised _______________________

UNIT 6: Reported Speech with gerund

Lối nói gián tiếp với danh động từ
a/ Having object:
S + V + Object + preposition + V-ing

* Verbs: accused …of, suspect … of, congratulate … on, prevent … from, thank … for, warm …
* Example:- “You are not telling the truth, you are a liar!”
 They accused me of telling lies.
b/ Having no object:
S + V + preposition + V-ing

* Verbs: dream of, approve/ disapprove of, insist on, apologize for, think of, look forward to…
c/ Other:
S + V + V-ing

Suggest, deny, admit,+ V-ING

Write the following sentences using the words given.
1. “It’s not a good idea to change these plans at this late date.”
 He objected to………………………………………………. .
2. He deserted his ship two months ago. He was accused of it.
 He was accused of …………………………………………….
3. John spent his own money. I can’t prevent him from that.
 I can’t prevent …………………………………………………
4 “I didn’t reveal the company’s confidential information”.
 Mary denied ……………………………………………………..
5.’’Congratulations! You’ve succeeded in the interview, Kate,’’
 Jane congratulated …………………………………………………..
6.’’Yes. I’ve spent too much money doing the shopping,’’ .
 She admitted ………………………………………………………….

1. Điều kiện loại 1 :
IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)
Simple Future
Simple Present
S + will + V(inf)
S + V[-e/es]
S + will not + V(inf)
S + don’t / doesn’t + V(inf)
Will + S + V(inf)…?
Unless = if…….not
Ví dụ: Study hard or you will fail the exam.
= Unless you study hard , you will fail the exam.
= If you don’t study hard , you will fail the exam.
Ghi chú :
- Sau mệnh đề If hoặc mệnh đề Unless phải có dấu phẩy (,)
- Sau Unless không được dùng dạng phủ định (Ví dụ : không được viết Unless you don’t write)
2. Điều kiện loại 2, loại 3 :
TYPE IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If) MAIN CLAUSE (Mệnh đề chính)
Simple Past S + would / could + V(inf)
Be  were (was)
II S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V(inf)
S + V-ed/2
S + didn’t + V(inf) Would / Could + S + V(inf)… ?
S + would / could have + V-ed/3
Past Perfect
III S + had + V-ed/Vpp S + wouldn’t / couldn’t have + V-ed/3
S + hadn’t + V-ed/Vpp
Would / Could + S + have + V-ed/3…?
Điều kiện loại 2 : diễn tả một sự việc không có thật ở hiện tại
Điều kiện loại 3 : diễn tả một sự việc không có thật ở quá khứ
Dạng bài tập : Biến đổi câu. Dựa vào tình huống (thường có 2 câu hoặc 2 mệnh đề) để xác định
+ 1 câu hoặc mệnh đề chỉ nguyên nhân

+ 1 câu hoặc mệnh đề chỉ kết quả
Because Therefore
+ nguyên nhân + kết quả
Because of As a result
That’s why
=> Áp dụng trong câu điều kiện : If + (nguyên nhân) , (kết quả)
Lưu ý : + Nếu tình huống được cho ở thì hiện tại đơn, ta áp dụng câu điều kiện loại 2
+ Nếu tình huống được cho ở thì quá khứ đơn, ta áp dụng câu điều kiện loại 3
+ Câu điều kiện loại 2, loại 3 là không có thật ở hiện tại nên cả hai mệnh đề trong câu
điều kiện phải ở dạng phủ định của câu hoặc mệnh đề ban đầu.
Ví dụ : He doesn’t hurry, so he misses the train (tình huống hiện tại  loại 2)
= If he hurried, he wouldn’t miss the train
They don’t go camping because the weather is bad. (tình huống hiện tại  loại 2)
= If the weather weren’t bad, they would go camping.
She stayed up late. That’s why she was ill. (tình huống quá khứ  loại 3)
= If she hadn’t stayed up late, she wouldn’t have been ill.


Gián tiếp câu điều kiện

Ex: 1.“If I have a lot of money, I’ll build houses for the poor.”, John said.
 John said if he had a lot of money, he would build houses for the poor.
2. “ If today were Sunday, we wouldn’t go to school” they said to me.
=> They told me if that day were/ had been Sunday, they wouldn’t go/ wouldn’t have gone to school.
1: Put the verbs into the correct form.
1. If he (eat)_________ all that he will be ill.
2. If I (know)_________ his address, I’d give it to you.
3. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) _________ you.
4. If the rain (stop) ________, I would have gone for a walk.
2.Rewrite these sentences by using “If”:
1. She will fail in the examination because she is very lazy…………………………………………
2. We don’t have holiday because we haven’t got any money……………………………………….
3. I don’t know the answer so I can’t tell you………………………………………………………..
4. The little boy couldn’t eat the cake because it was very hot……………………………………….
3. Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech
1/ “ If I had any money I’d buy you a drink”, she said to me ->……………………………………………
2/ “ If I catch the plane I ‘ll be home by five” he said.->……………………………………………………
3/ “ You should stay in bed if you feel unwell” my mother said.->…………………………………………
4/ “ If I’d had my mobile yesterday,I could have contacted you,” Tom said->………………………………
5/ “ If I were you, I’d stop smoking” she said to her brother.->…………………………………………..

A. Put out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1) A. stage B. page C. cake D. tablet
2) A. elephant B. event C. engineer D. let
3) A. probably B. population C. gold D. hospital
4) A. smallest B. best C. longest D. biggest
5) A. mountain B. ground C. blouse D. soup
6) A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing
7) A. candy B. sandy C. many D. handy
8) A. corn B. cup C. can D. city
9) A. who B. wheel C. whether D. whale
10) A. summer B. educate C. club D. public
11) A. handicapped B. visited C. decided D. wanted
1) Most of the undeveloped countries need a lot of ....................... aid.
A. together B. unselfish C. mutual D. friend
2) He is too ....................... to lend me his bicycle.
A. selfish B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant
3 ) A date that is an exact number of years after the date of an important event is a(n) ............................... .
A. birthday B. celebration C. wedding D. anniversary
4) Dinner will be a cold ..........................., not a sit-down meal.
A. party B. meal C. dish D. buffet
5) He doesn’t know much about the subject, but he is ....................... .
A. joyful B. enthusiastic C. reserved D. calm
6) We should take care of war invalids and family of martyrs.
A. look after B. look into C. look for D. look at
7) Shy people often find it difficult to ........................ group discussions.
A. take place in B. take part in C. get on with D. get in
8) I am ......................... to come to the meeting on Monday evening, please apologise for my absence.
A. capable B. excused C. unable D. disliked
9) To agree to give someone money for a charity if that person competes a special activity.
A. organize B. support C. sponsor D. encourage
10) A person who has been chosen to speak or vote for someone else on behalf of a group.
A. contestant B. competitor C. examinee D. representative
11) One third of the world’s ........................... consumes two thirds of the world resources.
A. people B. men C. population D. human
12) The practice of controlling the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception is
called .............................. .
A. family planning B. birth control C. population D. A & B
13) When a person has an infectious disease, he is..........from other people.
A. isolated B. limited C. separated D. confined
14) Thinking about what is good in a situation or good or useful.
A. negative B. affirmative C. positive D. indefinite
15) A special event that people organize to memorize something.
A. birthday B. wedding C. house warning D. celebration
16) ......................... was the day before yesterday.
A. The France’s Independence day B. The day of the French independence
C. French’s Independence D. France’s Independence Day
17) Banh Chung is made ............. sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork.
A. of B. from C. with D. by
18) Many people go to the pagoda to ............................ for a happy year for themselves and their family.
A. pray B. long C. desire D. ask
Michael is going to a wedding ... (1) ... Saturday. His great friend, Marie, and her fianceù, George, are
getting married. They have known each other for five years, but they have only been going out together a
short time. He must say, we were all rather ... (2) ... when they announced that they were engaged.
The wedding will be in the church near Marie’s home and afterwards there will be a party in the Church
Hall. There will be almost a hundred ... (3) ... at the party. Besides both ... (4) ... families, all Marie’s
friends from college will be at the wedding and Marie and George have also ... (5) ... a lot of people from
the office where they both work. The party should be great fun. There will be lots of food and drinks. There
is also going to be a band. We all expect that it will go on until late in the evening.
1) A. last B. next C. at D. from
2) A. delightful B. surprised C. amazing D. shocking
3) A. visitors B. guests C. members D. crowds
4) A. my B. their C. her D. his
5) A. called B. discussed C. met D. invited
Answer the questions
1/ Where is Michael going to next Saturday ?.........................................................................
2/ How long have they known each other ?..............................................................................
3/ Where will the wedding be held ?......................................................................................
4/ Is there also going to be a band ?........................................................................................
5/ Are there a lot of people from Marie’s and George’s office ?............................................
My best friend Jenny appeared.on a TV quiz show a few nights ago. It was very exciting. We all knew
that she would.be on, so all our friends met at her parents’ house to watch it. Her parents videoed it too, of
course. The programme started at half past seven. We screamed and clapped when we saw Jenny. She
looked great. She had had her hair done, and was wearing the new top she had bought the day before. She
sat in the chair in the middle of the studio while the presenter.asked her some questions. The questions got
harder and harder as they increased in value If she didn’t make any mistakes and get the most difficult
question right, she would win a million pounds. By this time, Jerry had won a thousand pounds. That was
definitely hers, whatever happened. She answered the next question correctly, which was worth five
thousand pounds. I didn’t know the answer, but she did know! Then with the next question, she took a risk
but got the answer wrong. She was gone out of the game. Still, she had her thousand pounds, and we were
very proud of her.
Answer the questions
1/ What programme appeared on a TV a few nights ago ?..................................................................
2/ Was it very boring ?............................................................
3/ What time did start the programme?...........................................
4/ Was Jerry gone out of game ?.....................................................
5/ Where did she sit while the presenter.asked her some questions?......................................................
Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertain people. You can also make new friends and give
others the chance to get to know each other better.
It needs planning, though. First, make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of
women and men. Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun.
When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink. Note down any who are
vegetarians, or who can’t eat or drink certain things for religious seasons.
Then plan their menu. Include a first course, a choice of main courses and a dessert, plus lots of
people’s favourite drinks.
The next thing to do is the shopping. Make sure buy more than enough of everything, and that someone
can help you carry it!
On the day, start cooking early. Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t
get hungry if they have to wait. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time –
you’ve earned it!
Answer the questions
1/ What should you do while the guests are having their evening meal?......................................................
2/ Who shouldn’t you invite ?..................................................

More and more young people are ... (1) ... voluntary work abroad. The wild variety of jobs and
destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and
have a year free before university. Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries.
There they will earn little ... (2) ... no money. But they will be doing something useful – and enjoying the
The work may ... (3) ... of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or
provide water supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or
environmental protection. ... (4 )... kind of job it is, it is certain to be ... (5) ... and worthwhile, and an
experience that will never be forgotten.
1) A. doing B. making C. taking D. getting
2) A. with B. but C. or D. and
3) A. consist B. include C. contain D. involve
4) A. Any B. What C. However D. Whatever
5) A. challenging B. dangerous C. difficult D. attracted
IV/ Supply the correct form of the word in bold
1/ I’ve never felt so ( embarrass )………………….in my life!
2/ It is a truly ( memory)……………………...occasion.
3/ Our policy offers complete ( protect )…………………….against fire and theft.
4/ We would like to see closer ( cooperate )………………….Between parents and schools.
5/ The work of the charity is funded by ( volunteer )………………donations.
6/ They went hiking in a ( mountain )…………………………region.
7/ The club provides a wide variety of ( act)………including tennis, swimming and squash.
8/ The colours blend ( smooth )………………………….together.
9/ Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly ( compete )………………………market.

Practice 1
5. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
A. church B. chemist C. children D. change
6. Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
A. number B. eager C. special D. affair
Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.
7. My father always helps me ………… English
A. to learn B. learn C. learning D. A & B
8. He didn’t expect………….to the party.
A. being invited B. be invited C. to be invited D. to invite
9. Tom admitted……….the rock through the window.
A. to throw B. throwing C. being thrown D. to be thrown
10. Peter said that he saw Mary………that beautiful vase.
A. to break B. break C. had broken D. broke
11. Steve thought his ........................... with Helen was changing.
A. relate B. relative C. relation D. relationship
12. There are many things………..to prepare for the wedding.
A. do B. doing C. to do D. are done
13. The nurse suggested………….two aspirins.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. took
14. He is too ................. to lend me his bicycle.
A. selfish B. enthusiastic C. helpful D. pleasant
15. Can you…………your best friend’s physical characteristics?
A. describe B. say C. talk D. show
16. They let their children ..................... up late at weekends.
A. staying B. stay C. to stay D. stayed

IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets ( 2 marks).
1. I (not see)………………… the film last night because I had seen it several times before.
2. I asked him (explain) ............................... but he refused to say any thing.
3. He (have)………………………dinner when I came
4. We watched the children (jump) ............................. from a window and falling into a blanket held by
people below.
V. Rewrite the sentences using suggested words without changing the meaning (2 marks).
1. May Day is the day . People hold a meeting on that day
 May Day is the day ………………………………………………………………
2. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment.
 The teacher let…………………………………………….……………………….
3. 1. I don’t buy it because I don’t have enough money.
 If I ......................................................................................................……………
4. “You should give up smoking.”
 The doctor advised me.............................................................................………..
VI. Read the passage and answer the questions (2 marks).
My oldest friend is Sally. We met thirty years ago when we were both five years old. It was my first
day at school so I was very unhappy and I wanted my mother. Sally gave me some candy and we became
friends immidiately. We were together nearly everyday until we finished school twelve years later.
Then I went to college, but Sally didn’t. She got married when she was just eighteen and had three
children. I studied for four years because I wanted to be an accountant. I had a lot of new friends, and I
didn’t see Sally very often. Sometimes we didn’t see each other for months, but we often talk on the
Now I’m married, too. I live near Sally and we meet every week. She’s a student now, and I have a
baby, so we can give each other a lot of advice.
1. What is your oldest friend’s name ………………………………………………………………
2. When did you meet her ………………………………………………………………
3. How did you make friends?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………
4. How did you often make a contact with each other?
 ……………………………………………………………………………………


Exercise 1 1/…..changing those plans at that late date.
1. to receive 2/…..having deserted his ship two months ago.
2. to see 3/……John from spending his own money
3. not to be 4/………revealing the company’s confidential
4. to see information.
5. to try/ to come 5/………Kate on succeeding in the interview.
Exercise 2 6/……..spending too much money doing the
1. He saw them arrive home late. shopping.
2. They made her stay there…..
3. The teacher let me stay at home to …..
4.She noticed the boy run away from…..
5. The policeman made the thief empty…

UNIT 2: Phần ôn thì Giáo viên tự sữa UNIT 5:

1/ …to come back again.
2/ ….me to give her my homework.
3/ …….me not to smoke in his car.
4/ ……me to have a drink with him
5/ ….me to give up smoking
1/ writing 1) everyone 2) someone 3) one
2/ to receive 4) anyone 5) everyone 6) anyone
3/ making 7) everyone/ ones 8) someone
4/ to see
5/ not to be
6/ helping / to move
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
1.playing 1/eats
2. having completed 2/ knew
3. found 3/ were
4. to have happened 4/ had stopped.
5. twiddling Exercise 2
Exercise 2 1/ If she weren’t lazy, sh wouldn’t fail…………
1. Seeing the dog coming….,………….. 2/ If we had got some money, we would have ……
2. Looked after carefully,…………….. 3/ If I knew……, I could tell you.
3.Not having a credit card, ……………… 4/ If the cake hadn’t been hot, the ….could have
4. Being unemployed,………………….. eaten………..
5. Walking quickly,………………… Exercise 3
6. Being built of wood, the house was……. 1/ She told me if sh had some money, she would
buy me a drink.
2/ He said if he caught the plane, he would be……..
3/ My mother said that if I felt unwell, I should……
4/ Tom said if he’d had his mobile the day before,
he would have contacted me.
5/ She told…….if she were him, she ………


A. 1) C. mutual
1/ 1) D. tablet 6) D. clearing 2) A. selfish
2) B. event 7) C. many 3) D. anniversary
3) C. gold 8) D. city
4) B. best 9) A. who 4) D. buffet
5) D. soup 10) B. educate 5) B. enthusiastic
11) A. handicapped 6) A. look after
B. 7) B. take part in
1/ D. affair 8) C. unable
2) B. believe 9) C. sponsor
3) A. acquaintance 10) D. representative
4) C. floppy 11) C. population
5) D. imagine 12) D. A & B
6) C. extreme 13) A. isolated
7) D. anniversary 14) C. positive
8) D. celebrate 15) D. celebration
9) D. future 16) D. France’s Independence Day
17) B. from
18) A. pray

IV/ Supply the correct form of the word in bold

1/ I’ve never felt so embarrassed in my life!
2/ It is a truly memorable occasion.
3/ Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.
4/ We would like to see closer cooperation between parents and schools.
5/ The work of the charity is funded by voluntary donations.
6/ They went hiking in a mountainous region.
7/ The club provides a wide variety of activities including tennis, swimming and squash.
8/ The colours blend smoothly together.
9/ Graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market.
Text 1:
1) B. next 2) A. delightful 3) B. guests 4) B. their 5) D. invited
Text 4:
1) A. doing 2) C. or 3) A. consist 4) D. Whatever 5) A. challenging


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