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TFN the process to negotiate a contract between

FINALS two people

1st Discussion
Types of EGO

 The id, ego, super ego are three distinct, yet

Harry Stack Sullivan interacting agents in the psychic apparatus
Sullivan’s transactional analysis define is Sigmund Freud’s structural model of
the psyche. The three parts are the theoretical
 Transactional analysis (TA) is a psychoanalytical
constructs off how the activity and interaction
theory and method of therapy wherein social
in our mental life is described.
transactions are analysed to determine the ego
 Parent ego state- refers to the behaviours
state of the patient (whether parent-like,
thoughts and feelings that are copied, learned
childlike or adult-like) as a basis for
or even borrowed from our parents, parental
understanding behaviour
figures or significant others.
 Is based on the idea that people’s early life  The child ego- refers to the state of an
experiences determine the decisions they’ll individual when he behaves illogically and takes
make. These can be both positive and negative quick actions to satisfy the immediate needs
decisions that influence their quality of life. This without thinking much about its consequences.
is also refers to scripts.  Parent ego state- an ego state that incorporates
 We all have the three ego states (Parent, adult, the feelings and behaviour learned from
and child). We all have transactions (with other parents or other authority figures, a part of the
people, or internally with ourselves). We all self that offers advice like that one’s own
(unconsciously) activate our ego states in our parents containing message that emphasize
transactions, which can lead to conflict, what one “ought to” or “should not” do.
negative emotions, pain, etc.
 In therapy, transactional analysis can be used to Parent Ego State
address one’s interactions and communications
- Behaviours, thoughts and feelings copied from
with the purpose of establishing and reinforcing
parents or parent figures
the idea that each individual is valuable and has
the capacity for positive change and personal Adult Ego State
- Behaviours, thoughts and feelings which are
 Transactional leader- someone who values
direct responses to the here and now
order and structure
 Transactional leadership- depends on self- Child Ego State
motivated people who work well in a structure,
- Behaviours, thoughts and feelings replayed
directed environment
from childhood
o By contrast, transformational
leadership seeks to motivate and Ludwig Von Bertalanffy
inspire workers, choosing to influence General System’s Theory
rather direct others
 Transactional leader is happy to work within the  Its premise is that complex systems share
organizing principles which can be discovered
existing systems and constraints, and will
operate from within with the boundaries to and modelled mathematically. The term came
achieve the goals of organization. They tend to to relate to finding a general theory to explain
think inside the box of solving problems. all systems in all fields of science.
 Transactional- is something related to a process  Describes “how to break whole things into parts
or other action. An example of transactional is and then to learn how the parts work together
in systems”


 Equifinality is the principle that in open systems change. It gives a manager or other change
a given and state can be reached by many agent a framework to implement a change
potential means effort, which is always very sensitive and must
 The term and concept is due to Hans Driesch, be made as seamless as possible.
the developmental biologist after applied by  One of the cornerstone models understanding
Ludwig Von Bertalanffy, the founder of General organizational change was developed by Kurt
Systems Theory Lewin back in the 1940’s, and still holds true
 General Systems Theory is based on the today. His model is known as unfreeze-change-
assumption that there are universal principles refreeze, which refers to the three stages of
of organization, which hold for all systems, be process of change that describes.
they physical, chemical, biological, mental or
Six Stages of Change
 Systems management is the combination of 1. Precontemplation
four key elements processes, data, tools and 2. Contemplation
organization, which are all needed to manage a 3. Preparation
system efficiently and effectively. 4. Action
 Characteristics of system theory 5. Maintenance
 Open system- a system keeps evolving and its 6. Termination
properties keep emerging through its The theory of change is a specific type of
interaction with environment. methodology for planning, participation and
 Holistic view- systems theory focuses on the evaluation that is used in companies,
arrangement of and relations between the parts philantrophy, not for profit and government
that connect them into a whole. sectors to promote social change. Theory of
change defines long term goals and then maps
backward to identify necessary precondition
Kurt Lewin
Change Theory

 Considered the father of social psychology, he is

known for Group dynamics, action research. T-
groups is often considered he as the father of
modern change management theory,
developed a change model involving three
steps: unfreezing, changing and refreezing.
 For Lewin, the process of change entails
creating the perception that a change is needed
then moving toward the new, desired level of
behaviour and finally, solidifying that the new
behaviour as the norm
 Kurt Lewin theorized a three stages model of
change that is known unfreezing-change –
refreeze model that requires prior learning to
be rejected and replaces. Lewin’s theory states
behaviours dyanamic balance of forces working
in opposing directions.
 The Kurt Lewin change theory model is based
around a 3 step process (unfreeze-change-
freeze) that provides a high level approach to


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