PRP0216 04

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Dale Young/The PRESS

Shana Larose, Pius X, tries to get around her Congratulations to Bangor Area School District Elementary students. In October, the
Pine Grove opponent. students participated in an Apple Crunch Contest. Washington Elementary students repre-
sented the District well, under the supervision of Mrs. Susan Davis. In this statewide con-
test, Bangor Area School District received an Honrable Mention for their projects. Shown in
the photo are the Washington Elementary School winners with Mrs. Delnicki, School Nurse,
and Principal, Mrs. Bustos.

Slate Belt Chamber To Hold Winter Business Luncheon

Christopher Confalone will be the guest speaker
The Slate Belt Cham- Time Restaurant, 455 lone, NREMT-P, who This relaxed presenta-
ber of Commerce will be American Bangor Road, will speak on the new tion will answer these
holding their Winter Bangor, at the Bangor CPR and the workplace. questions and provide
Business Luncheon on Bowling Center. Suburban EMS will an open discussion
Tuesday, February 22nd, The guest speaker will review the new Ameri- about the interactions
noon, at Augie’s Spare be Christopher Confa- can Heart Association with EMS and area
CPR changes and how businesses. Please bring
the training options may your questions, and your
affect your workplace. appetite.
Is your staff currently The cost is $14 for
trained? What are your non-members, and $12
options for training for members.
staff? For more information,
Why it is important to call the Slate Belt
have staff trained in Chamber at 610-588-
CPR and AED use? 1000.

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