PRP0216 11

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PMC Grows Critical Care Service

Pocono Medical administer treatment

Center (PMC) recently immediately,” said Pau-
added Critical Care lette Nish, Vice Presi-
Nurse Practitioners dent, Patient Care
(CRNPs) to their critical Services/CNO at PMC.
care team to assist with In addition to assisting
addressing the growing with other healthcare
healthcare needs of the needs in the hospital,
region. Like Critical CRNPs fully comple-
Care physicians ment the high level of
(Intensivists), CRNPs care provided by the
are able to assess existing critical care
patients and immedi- nursing staff.
ately respond to their Critical Care physi-
critical care needs to cians, Khemraj Sedani,
avoid any delays and MD, FCCP, and Samer
stabilize the patient as Alkhuja, MD will spear-
quickly as possible. patients in Critical Care CRNPs will reduce the head this new service in
This service in collabo- Units and Emergency time it would take for a collaboration with
ration with the critical Department at PMC. registered nurse to PMC’s medical director
care nursing staff “By ordering medica- consult with a Critical of the Hospitalist
provides an additional tions and treatments Care Physician; CRNPs Program, Christopher
level of care to the immediately, our are able to order and Pomrink, DO.

Camp Papillon Pet

Adoption To Host
Basket Bingo
Camp Papillon Pet donate items for the
Adoption and Rescue separate raffles or door
will hold a Basket Bingo prizes may call Kathy at
Fundraiser on Sunday, 570-269-9836.
February 27th, from Camp Papillon is
noon to 4pm, at the East Monroe County's largest
Stroudsburg American non-profit, no-kill pet
Legion Post 346, 201 E. adoption and rescue
Fifth Street, East organization, rescuing
Stroudsburg. and rehoming local
Longaberger baskets dogs, cats, bunnies and
will be featured and also more.
there will be raffled Doors open at noon,
items and door prizes. and bingo begins at 1pm.
All profits will go The event cost of $25 at
toward helping the the door, includes 20
homeless animals of games of bingo and door
Monroe County. prize entry.
Camp Papillon needs Purchase advance
help from the local tickets, for $20, and save
business community and $5. Raffles, 50/50 and
citizens to make this refreshments are avail-
event a success, and able at an additional
raise some much needed cost. For advance
funds for veterinary tickets, call Jennifer at
care, food, etc. 570-424-6174 or Kathy
Businesses and at 570-269-9836.
individuals wishing to For more information,
donate money to sponsor please visit
one of the Longaberger
baskets or wishing to or call 570-420-0450.

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