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The branch of philosophical study that focuses on ‘ethics’ is concerned with studying and/or
building up a coherent set of ‘rules’ or principles by which people ought to live. The theoretical
study of ethics is not normally something that many people would regard as being necessary in
order for them to conduct their everyday activities. In place of systematically examined ethical
frameworks, most people instead carry around a useful set of day-to-day ‘rules of thumb’ that
influence and govern their behavior; commonly, these include rules such as ‘it is wrong to steal’,
‘it is right to help people in need’, and so on.

Ethics is often used in connection with the activities of organizations and with professional
codes of conduct: for instance, medical and business ethics, which are often formalized in terms
of exhaustive sets of rules or guidelines stating how employees are expected to behave in their
workplaces (such as in respect of a duty of care or confidentiality that health-care workers owe to
their patients; or the medical ethical principles of beneficence, non-malfeasance, respect for
autonomy, and justice). In short, ethics are Do’s and Don’ts of a group, society and a nation.

Morality, on the other hand, is more often used in connection with the ways in which individuals
conduct their personal, private lives, often in relation to personal financial probity, lawful
conduct and acceptable standards of interpersonal behavior (including truthfulness, honesty, and
sexual propriety).

Profession is defined as a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a
formal qualification.

Professional Ethics concerns one’s conduct of behavior and practice when carrying out
professional work, e.g, counseling, teaching etc. It is also defined as publically displayed ethical
conduct of a profession. Moreover, it refers to principles and standards that guide members of a
profession while interacting with internal and external stakeholders (who may affect/influence
your profession).

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