Cofree Will Tear Us Apart - Murat Kasimov

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Cofree will tear us apart

4/21/2019 Cofree will tear us apart - Murat Kasimov

 5 minute read
 Published: May 31, 2018
Recently I’ve been working on distributed systems and I often need to deal with the data that
may be located anywhere. We’ll see how just one algebraic construction helped to describe a
problem with recycling data in general and then to solve it.
I’ve created a library apart, whose definitions are used in this post.
Introduction and motivation
Let’s suppose you need to write a program that works with some data. If the data is too big,
you should think about how to manage and store it because keeping it in RAM is too
dangerous, so we need to split the data into the segment that we need right now and the rest
that we don’t.
How we’re going to do that? First of all, we need an abstraction that allows us to describe
various data structures algebraically. And such an abstraction exists!
Basic construction Cofree
Many Haskellers know   type, but  Free Cofree  is unfairly bypassed. The difference is really small
‑ while   is a sum of   and 
Free a t (Free t a) Cofree ,   is a product:
Free t a = a + t (Free t a)
Cofree t a = a * t (Cofree t a)

If we pick   as a basic construction, we’ll get those functions for free:

 ‑ Get a focused value, so our structure can’t be empty


 ‑ Get a segment of structure without focused value


 ‑ Update values with a function that takes care of context


 ‑ Generate structure from a seed


So, how are we going to build various data structures using  ? All we need is a  . To Cofree Functor
be more precise, we need to instantiate   type in  . t Cofree t a

Suppose we need a stack or non‑empty list ‑ fairly simple structure. We can take  , cause Maybe
it has everything we need:   lets you continue describing a structure and 
Just lets you Nothing
terminate an expression (cause it’s a null constructor).
type Stack = Cofree Maybe

stack :: Stack Int

stack = 1 :< Just (2 :< Just (3 :< Nothing)) 1/4
4/21/2019 Cofree will tear us apart - Murat Kasimov

Helper construction Shape
Okay, now we know how to describe structures algebraically via  . But we talked about Cofree
separation of data that is located in different places. So we’ll just add one more construction:
data Shape t raw value = Ready (t value) | Converted raw

data Apart t raw value = Apart (Cofree (Shape t raw) value)

Ready  constructor describes values in RAM,   describes data located somewhere

else.   and   together can give us the wonderful type  .
Cofree Shape Apart

Simple example of usage Apart

Imagine that we want to work with binary tree. How can we describe it via  ? We need Cofree
a   of branching here. A node of a binary tree can either have a left child, a right child,
both, or no children. Let’s write it down.
data Crotch a = End | Less a | Greater a | Crotch a a

type Binary = Cofree Crotch

An example binary tree from Wikipedia:


3 10

1 6 14

4 7 13

example :: Binary Int

example = 8 :< Crotch
(3:< Crotch
(1 :< End)
(6 :< Crotch
(4 :< End)
(7 :< End))) 2/4
4/21/2019 Cofree will tear us apart - Murat Kasimov
(10 :< Greater
(14 :< Less
(13 :< End)))

Suppose we need to keep a tree in memory with height not greater than 3. We can  limit  it.
limit 3 do_something_with_the_rest example

I’m intentionally not focusing on how to persist the segments ‑ it’s not the goal of this post. We
We can persist an out of range segment in a file and the
function  can return the filename and line number. Or we can put
them in  / / and return the connection parameters and keys for the saved
Redis Memcashed Tarantool
segments. It doesn’t matter.
8 :< Crotch
(3 :< Crotch
(6 :< {RESTORE_INFO}))
(10 :< Greater
(14 :< {RESTORE_INFO}))

So we cut off our tree and put information for restoring where these unnecessary segments
were. With   we can put the whole structure back in memory.

recover back_to_RAM scattered

Or, we can traverse with effects on a scattered data structure and restore all the segments by
applying this function to them as well ‑ just use  . fluent

fluent do_something_wherever_they_are scattered

So far, I’ve successfully defined  acyclic oriented
,  ,  ,  ,   and   trees, as well as some functions to deal with them.
graphs binary prefix rose AVL Splay

The idea of using   as base construction for another structures was captured from the
description module   in package   of Edward Kmett.
Control.Comonad.Cofree free

The idea of algebraic graphs comes from paper of Andrew Mokhov.

But there is a lot to do:
Try to define Finger tree, Scapegoat, ART and other complicated structures.
Check compatibility with streaming libraries ( ,  ,  ,  ).
pipes conduit io-streams machines 3/4
4/21/2019 Cofree will tear us apart - Murat Kasimov

Natural transformations between structures (cause of  Functor ).

Benchmarks, with popular  , for the first.
containers 4/4

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