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You are on page 1of 8 VOL. 6 | NO. 253 | WEDNESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2021 | KURNOOL | PAGES 8 | `5.


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Sharmila to launch ROUND 1 OF LOCAL POLLS
HYDERABAD AMARAVATI using ballot paper and with-
out any political party sym-
“RAjANNA Rajyam is POlliNG for the first bols. A total of 29,732
coming and it will be pos- phase of panchayat elec- polling stations were set up,
sible only by me,” with this tions passed off peacefully of which 3,458 were identi-
one sentence, Y S Sharmila, on Tuesday. The first phase fied as sensitive and 3,594
daughter of former Chief of polling for 2,723 pan- hypersensitive, the depart-
Congress MP Ghulam Nabi Azad Minister Y S Rajasekhar chayats in Andhra Pradesh ment said.
Reddy, made her intention ended peacefully with 81.78 All necessary precau-
clear that she was all set for per cent turnout, the State tions were taken as per
The Proud Indian political entry with YSR election Commission said Covid-19 protocol amid
Women voters showing identity cards at polling station in

RS bids
Telangana Party. According here on Tuesday. "elections Kammapalli in Chittoor district during Phase-1 polling on Tuesday. tight security and PPe kits
to sources, the YSRTP were conducted in 18 rev- Photo: Kalakata Radhakrishna were provided to voters in-
would be launched in April. enue divisions across 12 fected by the virus, it added.

emotional A lot of consultations,

suggestions and arguments
are leant to have taken
districts in Andhra
Pradesh. Krishna district
recorded the highest per-
the first phase, the polls will
be conducted till February
21 in another three phases.
however, since 525 were
unanimously elected and
no nomination was filed for
webcasting was set up in
about 7,000 centres. State
election Officer Girija

farewell place before she decided to

launch her party in Telan-
gana. According to the chief
centage of 85.06," the SeC
said.Polling began at 6.30
am and ended 3.30 pm,
The SeC hoped that the
same trends would con-
tinue in the subsequent
a village in Nellore district,
polls were held for 2,723
Shankar monitored the
election process from the
Command Control Centre

to Azad advisor to the Government

of Andhra Pradesh, Sajjala
Ramakrishna Reddy, there
while counting of votes be-
gan at 4 pm. Polling was
also held to elect 20,157
phases. According to the
Panchayat Raj department,
elections were to be held
As many as 7,506 candi-
dates contested
sarpanch posts and 43,601
through webcasting.
NOTA was made avail-
able for the first time in
New Delhi: leaders from was a difference of opinion ward members. for 3,249 posts of panchayat were in the fray for ward these elections.
across parties bid an emo- in the family on this issue Y S Sharmila, daughter of former Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara with the completion of sarpanchs. members. Continued on Page 7
tional farewell to senior Con- for the past three months. Reddy, waves at her supporters in front of her residence at Lotus
gress leader Ghulam Nabi Ramakrishna Reddy said Pond in Hyderabad on Tuesday. Photo: Srinivas Setty
Azad on his retirement from there was a proposal to ex-
Twitter reaches SAVE STEEL PLANT
They didn’t give up until their voice
the Rajya Sabha. Mentioning pand the activities of YS- repeatedly conveyed to same time, he added that
Pakistan in his retirement
speech, Azad, 71, said he was
RCP in Telangana but ja-
gan felt that it would not be
Sharmila. They also ex-
plained to her about the
YSRCP will have no role
in her party and she would
out to govt
was heard, they will not do so now
among the fortunate people proper to do so because problems involved in be responsible for her de- NEW DELHI: Social media giant
who never went to Pakistan once the State is divided launching and running a cisions and whatever the Twitter on Tues-
and he felt proud to be an in- and has different govern- political party, said Reddy. outcome of floating a new day reached
dian Muslim. “i am among ments, the two govern- But Sharmila appar- party would be. out to the VASU POTNURU
those fortunate people who ments will have to work in ently felt otherwise and however, Sharmila took
never went to Pakistan. coordination and coopera- must have taken a “con- the first step towards float-
Union govern-
ment in view of
when i read about circum- tion on several issues. if the scious decision,” to float ing a political party and the request to re- DeCADeS ago, 32 people WILL BUY VSP:
stances in Pakistan, i feel same party exists in both her own party. Sajjala said during the 'Atmiya Samme- move over 1000 accounts over had laid down their lives to
proud to be a hindustani States, it will lead to as a well wisher of the lan' held at the lotus Pond the charges of spreading hate establish Visakhapatnam SAI REDDY
Muslim,” Azad said. Attribut- strained relations in both family, he was offering his residence, she said she propaganda in the nation Steel Plant in the shore city. HANS NEWS SERVICE
ing his success to indira the States and the govern- personal congratulations wanted to understand the against the ongoing farmers' As the battle to save the VISAKHAPATNAM
Gandhi, Azad said the former ment will lose leverage and to her. he also said that he ground realities and take protest. Twitter officials have plant from private hands
prime minister and Sanjay hence there was no ques- feels that she would also the suggestions of those contacted the government to gets longer, agitators make D Adi Narayana, general THE Govern-
Gandhi gave him opportuni- tion of having YSRCP in have the blessings of ja- who still were YSR loyalists. hold a formal dialogue. it clear that they will not secretary of All India Trade ment of
ties to work in the Congress. Telangana. The same was gan Mohan Reddy. At the Continued on Page 7 Continued on Page 7 give up until the Centre Union Congress Andhra
he also noted the opportuni- takes back its proposal even Pradesh if
ties given to him under the if it costs their dear life. need be will
leadership of former Prime
Minister Rajiv Gandhi, cur-
rent Congress president So-
nia Gandhi, and Rahul
Landslide triggered glacier disaster: Shah in 2012, thousands of
employees of Rashtriya is-
pat Nigam ltd (RiNl) had
called for a day-long strike
buy the
Visakhapatnam Steel
Plant. This was the
tweet by leader of the
Gandhi. he also lauded for-
mer Prime Minister Atal Bi-
vestment plans. A few
YSRCP Parliamentary
Party Vijaya Sai Reddy
hari Vajpayee for his ability NEW DELHI caused a flash flood in the years down the line, VSP on Tuesday. In his tweet,
to seek solutions by including Rishiganga river down- employees and trade union J Ayodhya Ram, president Reddy said, "Everyone
everyone. “i learned from Va- eVeN as 31 bodies have stream in Uttarakhand's leaders went on indefinite of the recognised Union of RINL welcomes Jagan's con-
jpayee how to solve problems been recovered after the Chamoli district. strike for the manage- structive suggestions on
by giving something to both glacier disaster near Sharing details of the ment’s decision to intro- the privatisation of
the opposition and the ruling joshimath in Uttarakhand disaster in lok Sabha, the duce Total Maintenance Vizag Steel. He wrote to
party,” Azad said. “it was very so far, Union home Min- home Minister said, Contract (TMC) at various the Prime Minister that
easy to manage parliament ister Amit Shah told the "About 25-35 people are facilities across the plant. Vizag Steel would come
under his leadership due to Rajya Sabha on Tuesday feared to be trapped in the They observed shift-wise into profits if the mines
this.” Azad highlighted that that a landslide triggered second tunnel of the Na- strike then. employees were allocated. The
people will keep their trust in the snow avalanche lead- tional Thermal Power used to cut short their shift state has shown a rare
the lawmakers till the time ing to the tragic incident Corporation (NTPC) proj- timings for a couple of courage to go ahead and
they do work for them and in the state. ect. The efforts are under- hours to join the strike Mantri Rajashekar, national
buy the Vizag steel plant
pass laws. “if we only keep on The minister said the av- NDRF personnel carry the body of a victim who died in the massive floods way on war footing to res- against TMC. itself if necessary."
caused after a glacier broke off in Joshimath in the Dhauli Ganga river, secretary of Indian National
fighting amongst ourselves, alanche covering approxi- cue them." Continued on Page 7 Trade Union Congress
we will lose the trust of peo- mately 14 square km area near Raini village in Chamoli district of Uttarakhand on Tuesday Continued on Page 7
ple,” he said. Prime Minister
Narendra Modi said the Con-
gress leader had “has set very
Covid unlikely to have
high standards as MP and
Opposition leader”.
leaked from China lab
New labour codes to
BeijiNG: Coronavirus is
unlikely to have leaked
The first cases were dis-
covered in the city in De-
allow 4-day week!
from a Chinese lab and is cember 2019. HANS NEWS SERVICE| Companies enabling
more likely to have The wuhan institute of NEW DELHI four-day workweek will
jumped to humans from Virology has collected ex- have to provide three
an animal, a world health tensive virus samples, eMPlOYeeS will now days of consecutive hol-
Organization expert said leading to allegations that be able to opt for four- idays after that, said
on Tuesday. it may have caused the day week as the Union Chandra. Companies
whO food safety and original outbreak by leak- labour Ministry has de- will have the flexibility
animal diseases expert Pe- ing the virus into the sur- cided to allow compa- to either allow four, five
ter Ben embarek made the rounding community. nies to offer flexibility or six-day workweek, he
assessment at the end of a China has strongly re- clause by incorporating said, adding that com-
visit to the central Chinese jected that possibility and changes in the labour panies and employees
city of wuhan, where a has promoted other theo- codes. must agree to the four-
team of scientists is inves- ries that the virus may According to labour day week schedule.
tigating the possible ori- have originated elsewhere. Secretary he said
gins of the coronavirus. Continued on Page 7 Apurva unions would
Chandra, oppose the
many com- move only if
don't allow

Citizens will spy on citizens online

in providing employees a
a four-day three-day
work shift. consecutive
"we have leave. No-
tried to give flexibility tably, the Centre had
NEW DELHI check posts against the sov- of the state, against friendly ness Promoter and Cyber in working days. it is passed four labour
ereignty of the nation, on relations with foreign expert. while the first cate- entirely possible that codes in Parliament in
UNTil now, law-enforce- child and women abuse and states, content aimed at dis- gory will help identify ille- some employers may September 2020, fol-
ment agencies mainly re- attempts to disturb the law turbing public order, dis- gal and unlawful online want to provide a five- lowing draft rules for-
lied on the cyber police to and order situation. turbing communal har- content like child pornog- day week. we have also mulated in December.
watch over social media or The project known as in- mony and child sex abuse raphy, rape, gang rape, ter- come across employers The government re-
address online crime in that dian Cyber Crime Coordi- material. rorism, radicalisation, anti- who said they are keen ceived comments con-
country, but that is chang- nation Centre (i4C) is an A spokesperson of national activities etc, the to provide a four-day cerning these rules in
ing now. initiative of the Ministry of jammu and Kashmir police second category will help working week," Chan- january.
in a bid to keep an eye on home Affairs. it was started said that any indian citizen create awareness about cy- dra said, Chandra has said the
the cyber world in a ‘coordi- in militancy-hit jammu can get associated with this bercrime among citizens, he clarified that com- ministry is giving final
nated and comprehensive and Kashmir last week programme by registering including vulnerable panies can't increase touches to the labour
manner’, the Union govern- where the police issued a in any of three categories of groups like women, chil- the workings hours be- rules and that states are
ment has asked common circular asking citizens to The volunteers are asked eignty and integrity of in- cyber volunteers — Cyber dren, the elderly, rural pop- yond the mandated 48- also coming with the
people to register as cyber- register themselves as vol- to keep an eye on posts dia, against the defence of Volunteer Unlawful Con- ulation, etc. hour limit for the week. draft of their own rules.
crime volunteers to help unteers. which are against the sover- india, against the security tent Flagger, Cyber Aware- Continued on Page 7
KURNOOL WedNesday 10 febRUaRy 2021

I had the opportunity of working with #Rajiv
Kapoor in the film PremGranth. It was a difficult
subject which he handled with great maturity
though it was his first film. Remembering the
wonderful moments we shared. My heartfelt
condolences to the Kapoor family. RIP

Kurti styling tips for tall girls

PUJA GUPTA look unique and trendy. But, sometimes find- the many styles gaining popularity some-
ing the most suitable designs depending on times one can get it wrong. Each design suits

B e it a casual outfit or a beautiful dress for

a special occasion, one always wants to
our body type can be tedious. Kurtis are
loved by every Indian girl, and because of
a particular body type and many times tall
girls find it hard to pick the right kurti.

Anuj Mundra, Chairman & MD, shares a few tips and styles to help select a look:

Asymmetric Thigh length kurta - For

a proportionate torso
kurta - Flaunt
Thigh length kurtis are a
the hemline tall girl’s best friend. They el-
evate your look by making
To make a the torso proportionate,
statement which the short kurta
nothing can beat fails to do. You can High

an asymmetric style them in dif- slit kurta -
kurti. The ferent ways, Best for every
amazing hemline some of the best occasion
are with skinny If you are looking
gives it a modern for a kurta that is a
jeans, palazzo
touch. One can pants, a perfect fit for every
pair it with skinny occasion, it would be

sharara, or
denims or even with a a high slit kurta.
leggings for a patiala shal- These are best to
casual outing in war. highlight your height
as well as your long
style. legs. Pair it with skin
tight denims or

trousers for a
boost in
Waste tie - An amazing
styling accessory

ringing up youngsters is When it comes to
perhaps the most trou- Blurb: Kids' environments have an effect on accessories, a tie around
blesome and remunerat- the waist can be perfect
ing occupations on the planet, their behaviour, so you might be able to for beautiful day kurtis.
and for which you may feel less change that behaviour by changing the These can be used to
arranged. create a curve or flaunt
environment. If you find yourself constantly your beautiful waste line.
Be flexible and willing to saying "no" to your 2-year-old, look for If you want to try
adjust your parenting style something different then
If you often feel "let down" ways to alter your surroundings so that this is your go to style.
by your child's behaviour, per-
haps you have unrealistic ex-
fewer things are off-limits. This will cause
pectations. Parents who think less frustration for both of you
in "shoulds" (for example, "My
kid should be potty-trained by teen to earn more independ- and weaknesses as a family
now") might find it helpful to ence. And seize every available leader. Recognize your abili-
read up on the matter or to moment to make a connection! ties — "I am loving and dedi-
talk to other parents or child cated." Vow to work on your
development specialists. Show that your love is weaknesses — "I need to be
Kids' environments have an unconditional more consistent with disci-
effect on their behaviour, so As a parent, you're responsi- pline." Try to have realistic ex-
you might be able to change ble for correcting and guiding pectations for yourself, your
that behaviour by changing the your kids. But how you express spouse, and your kids. You
environment. If you find your- your corrective guidance don't have to have all the an-
self constantly saying "no" to makes all the difference in how swers — be forgiving of your-
your 2-year-old, look for ways a child receives it. self.
to alter your surroundings so When you have to confront And try to make parenting a
that fewer things are off-lim- your child, avoid blaming, criti- manageable job. Focus on the
its. This will cause less frustra- cising, or fault-finding, which areas that need the most atten-
tion for both of you. undermine self-esteem and can tion rather than trying to ad- Long kurta - Just
As your child changes, you'll lead to resentment. Instead, dress everything all at once. made for you
gradually have to change your strive to nurture and encour- Admit it when you're burned Maxi type kurtis, commonly
parenting style. Chances are, age, even when disciplining out. Take time out from par- known as the long kurti as well,
comes in long sleeves are a match Jacket/shrug - A perfect
what works with your child your kids. Make sure they know enting to do things that will styling partner
made in heaven for tall girls. While
now won't work as well in a that although you want and ex- make you happy as a person
choosing one, ensure that you go for When it comes to being stylish, a
year or two. pect better next time, your love (or as a couple).
long styles as they will help in jacket or a shrug are the best
Teens tend to look less to is there no matter what. Focusing on your needs does highlighting your height as well as
their parents and more to their not make you selfish. It simply options. Choose some vibrant
gorgeous legs in the best colours to create a perfect contrast.
peers for role models. But con- Know your own needs and means you care about your possible way.
tinue to provide guidance, en- limitations as a parent own well-being, which is an-
couragement, and appropriate Face it — you are an imper- other important value to
discipline while allowing your fect parent. You have strengths model for your children.


Across 34 Eggs (3) Shilpa Shetty: Everyone you meet is
1 Himalayan guide (6) 35 Aslant (6) fighting a battle you know nothing about
5 Employ (3)
8 Discharge (4) Down B ollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra on Tuesday suggested
that we should always be kind to whoever we come across in life
because we are unaware of their battles and struggles.
9 Eyeliner powder (4) 1 Cleans with a broom (6) "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
2 Tomb inscriptions (8) Be kind, always!" Shilpa wrote in an Instagram post.
10 A political exile - She continued: "There's so much we experience... so much that
"regime" anagram ? (6) 3 Persian fairy (4) happens in our daily lives. But, we put on a brave front, continue to
fight our battles, and move ahead. Not many know what we're going
11 Bring into play (9) 4 Agreeableness (7)
through; likewise, we may also not know what someone else is go-
13 Pod vegetables (4) 5 Driving reversal (1-4) ing through."
"The loss of a
6 Barely managed (4) loved one, the stress
15 Electrically charged
7 Dense growth of shrubs at work, the pres-
atom (3) sures of life, or any
(7) kind of personal is-
16 Greek philosopher (5)
12 Additionally (3) sues can wreak
17 Receded (5) havoc with a per-
14 Thick piece (4)

son's mind. The best


20 "Tea" in India (3) way to maintain

18 Bird's bill (4)
22 Consume (3) peace & harmony is
19 Noisy uproar - blatant by being kind to
23 Military fur hat (5) publicity (8) everyone we meet.
Be humble, under-
24 Deadly (5) 20 Superficial (7) standing, patient,
26 Mongrel (3) 21 North Indian state (7) and accepting. You
never know who
27 Ku Klux __ ? (4) 24 Enjoyment (3) may need it.
Have you ever experienced an unexpected, kind gesture when
28 Pen name (9) 25 Fallacious (6) you needed it the most? Let us know in the comments," she added.
31 Writer (6) 26 Spain's ____ del Sol (5) Shilpa keeps sharing life lessons for her social media followers.
The actress recently suggested that we should not blindly believe or
32 Being dry (4) 29 Loosen (4) be influenced by all that we see on social media.
33 Chinese dynasty (4) 30 Attacks and robs (4) The actress is set to make a comeback to films after 13 years with
the films 'Hungama 2' and 'Nikamma'.
KurnOOl weDneSDAy 10 FeBruAry 2021 CITY/REGION 3

Kurnool records 83.58% polling Rathasapthami on Feb 19

HANS NEWS SERVICE Lord Malayappa tha Vahanam (1-2 pm),
total of 83.58 percent polling was TIRUMALA Swamy will ride on Chakrasnanam (2 pm-3 pm),
2,68,567 voters out of registered by the end of voting. Kalpavruksha Vahanam (4
total 3,21,312 exercise The collector said it was a good As part of surya Jayanti cel-
seven Vahanams on pm to 5 pm), sarvabhhupala
development that such a large ebrations, the TTD is organ- the festival day Vahanam (6 pm-7pm) and
their franchise to elect number of people had turned out to ising Rathasapthami, which Chandraprabha Vahanam
The predawn rituals
142 sarpanches vote following Covid norms. is popularly known as mini (8-9 pm).
Thanking the district level officials or Upa Brahmotsavams at
will be held, but the In view of Rathasapthami
Collector and SP say for making the voting process a Tirumala on February 19. Arjitha Sevas have fete, the TTD cancelled all
no untoward incidents grand success, he said they the On the auspicious day, the been cancelled on the Arjitha sevas being per-
reported even same spirit would continue until processional deity sri the occasion formed at the shrine includ-
the deputy sarpanch election was Malayappa swamy will be ing Kalyanotsavam, Arjita
in faction-ridden villages completed. taken in procession atop lowed by other vahanams. Brahmotsavam, Unjal seva
sP Dr Fakkeerappa Kaginelli seven vahanams, commenc- The schedule of the seven and sahasra Deepalankara
HANS NEWS SERVICE said 12 mandals witnessed the polls ing His celestial and majes- Vahana sevas is: seva on February 19.
KURNOOL in the first phase without any tic ride on surya Prabha Va- suryaprabha vahanam However, the predawn rit-
incidents. He said no untoward hanam in the form of (5.30-8.00 am), Chinna se- uals - the suprabata seva
THE first phase of polling passed incident was reported in faction- suryanarayana Murthy be- sha Vahana (9-10 and Tomala seva will be held
off peacefully with no untoward District Collector G Veera Pandiyan addressing a press conference in Kurnool on Tuesday. ridden villages. tween 5.30 am and 8 am am),Garuda Vahana seva (11 in Ekantham following the
incidents, said district collector G SP Dr Fakkeerappa Kaginelli is also seen. He made it clear that no victory along four Mada streets, fol- am to 12 noon), Hanuman- age old temple tradition.
Veera Pandiyan. He addressed the celebrations by taking out rallies,
media along with superintendent Veera Pandian said in the first conducted to 142 gram panchayats bursting crackers, beating drums
of police (sP) Dr Fakkeerappa phase, of the total 193 gram in which 2,68,567 voters out of the and others were strictly prohibited.
Kaginelli at the collectorate here panchayat, 52 were declared total 3,21,312 exercised their If anyone violates the norms, they
on Tuesday. unanimous. The polling was franchise in a peaceful manner. A would be taken to task, the sP said.


smoothly in
minor incidents
HANS NEWS SERVICE withdrew her candidature, she de- Says her nomination as
KURNOOL manded the officials show her with- independent sarpanch KADAPA
drawal form. When they showed the candidate of Yagantipalli
TENsE situation prevailed at Yagan- form with her signature, she said the ExCEPT a few stray incidents,
tipalli polling station in Banagana- signature was forged. gram panchayat was elections held for 155 village
palle constituency as an independent Upset by the development Vijay- withdrawn by someone with panchayats and 1,058 wards in
sarpanch aspirant, Bandi Vijayalak- alakshmi immediately staged a forged signature 14 mandals in the first phase on
shmi, staged a protest with petrol bot- protest on Monday evening at the Women of village join her Tuesday were by and large
tle in hand over withdrawal of her polling station. Again on Tuesday, she in protest sparking tension peaceful in the district. Ten-
nomination with forged signature by resumed her protest with petrol bot- sion prevailed at Badripalle vil-
unidentified persons. Polling will be tle in hand demanding reinstatement
in the village lage of Chapadu mandal fol-
held for the gram panchayat in the of her candidature. On ‘withdrawal’ Police pacify the agitators as lowing supporters of YsR
second phase. of only independent candidate from Nandyal Sub-Collector takes Congress and the TDP entering
According to information, Bandi the contest, authorities on Monday up the matter into heat exchanges over de-
Vijayalakshmi of Yagantipalli village declared the remaining candidate as ployment of election booth
filed nomination for sarpanch post as unanimous winner. naganapalle police rushed to the spot agents. The polling process was
an independent candidate. On Feb- On Tuesday, some other women and tried to pacify the agitating disrupted for some time. How-
ruary 8, Monday, she went to the from the village also reached the spot women. During the process a heated ever, normalcy was restored af-
polling station to collect certificate of in support of Vijayalakshmi and par- argument took place between the po- ter the police arrived at the
symbol allotted to her. But to her as- ticipated at the protest triggering lice and the villagers. However, after spot. In Nelaturu village of
tonishment, her nomination was tense situation in the area. a great effort, police were able to pla- Duvvuru mandal, police have
withdrawn. Vehemently denying she As the situation deteriorated, Ba- cate the agitators. recovered gold ornaments (90
nose studs) from a section of
people while there were dis-
CAMPUS SELECTION tributing them in the village to
woo the voters.
In Kamalapuram, police
seized unaccounted cash of Rs
10 lakh from the motorcycle of
As many as 26 students one sK syed Umar at the elec-
from Balaji College of tion check-post on bypass road.
Pharmacy, Anantapur,
got selected for medical
coding jobs at Omega
Health Care, Bengaluru,
in the campus interviews
held at the college
on Monday

Incident-free polling
Polling percentage
recorded is 82.03
Collector Gandham Chandrudu
points out that the arrangements

in Kadiri division for the panchayat polls have been

voter and employee-friendly
exception of those voters who are out-
side the district on migration in
search of work and better avenues.
Polling commenced at 6.30 am in the
morning and ended by 3.30 pm. Al-
though the voting was dull in the first
and second hours due to cold weather,
the turnout picked-up after 8 am.
Each voter has cast two votes one for
the ward member and another for the
As many as 726 candidats are in the
Voters waiting in queue line at a polling centre at Patnam village in Kadiri revenue division in the fray for 169 sarpanch posts in the 12
first phase panchayat elections in Anantapur district on Friday mandals in the Kadiri revenue divi-
sion. According to unconfirmed
HANS NEWS SERVICE ful, thanks to the foolproof arrange- sources, as many as 715 ward members
ANANTAPUR ments made by the district adminis- in 1714 panchayats are said to be
tration and the police. The division unanimously elected in the absence
POllING for 169 gram panchayats recorded a polling percentage of of rival candidates.
and 983 wards in the Kadiri revenue 82.03. The turnout of voters in the In all, 5,696 polling personnel
division was incident-free and peace- panchayats was fairly good with the worked in the first phase of the pan-
chayat polls. District
Collector and Election
Officer Gandham
Chandrudu meanwhile
visited several polling
stations since morning
including Nallamada
polling centre in Nalla-
mada mandal and in-
teracted with voters to
know whether they ex-
perienced any hassles
for voting.
He also met the mi-
grant labour who re-
turned to their village
to cast their vote and
congratulated them for
taking trouble to reach
their native village just
to vote.
He told the media at
the village that the
arrangements for the
panchayat polls were
voter and employee-
friendly and that was
the reason why the voter
turnout was quite high.
He said that DWAMA
officials contacted mi-
grant labourers for par-
ticipating in the voting
and made transport
arrangements for their
arrival in time.

Will retail investors lap up G-Secs?

of this exemption, ’New MSME borrowers’ shall be de-
fined as those MSME borrowers who have not availed
of any credit facilities from the banking system as of
January 1.

E NCOURAGING retail participation in the Govern-

ment securities (G-Secs) market has been a focus
area of the central government and RBI, of late. Keep-
something that warrants further simplification to en-
sure retail participation. RBI is currently working out
on the details of the facility to be issued separately.
the exemption will be available only for exposures
up to Rs 25 lakh per borrower (for credit extended up
to the fortnight ending October 1, 2021. Besides, the
ing it in view, a host of initiatives like the introduction Further, this move is expected to help apex bank to exemption will be applied for a period of one year from
of non-competitive bidding in primary auctions, per- raise requisite funds to meet the central government’s the date of origination of the loan or the tenure of the
mitting stock exchanges to act as aggregators/facilita- borrowing target for the next fiscal. loan, whichever is earlier. Still, it will provide a cushion
tors for retail investors and allowing odd-lot segment But debt mutual funds, EtFs, and fixed deposits con- to the lenders to increase their advance books, rather
in the NDS-OM secondary market have already been tinued to be a better option for retail investors. So, it is than parking their idle money with RBI. More credit
taken in the past. to be seen whether retail investors will lap up G-Secs. disbursement will mean more economic activity which
It was in this context that the Reserve Bank of India If it works out well, then it will potentially help increase will ultimately help grow the country’s economy.
(RBI), in its bi-monthly review of annual monetary the country’s financial savings to 21.4 per cent of GDP Furthermore, RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das main-
policy last week, decided to provide retail investors ac- for FY21 from merely 7.9 per cent in Q1FY20. tained that India’s economy would move only in one
cess to the online trading of the government primary
securities market along with the facility to open their
gilt securities account on its portal. the idea is to in-
crease retail participation in the gilt market, which is
Apart from revealing its plans to allow retail in-
vestors into G-Secs, RBI also came out with a new step
to incentivise new credit flow to MSME borrowers. Un-
der this, commercial banks will be allowed to deduct
direction now and ‘that is upwards’.the apex bank pro-
jected a GDP growth rate of 10.5 per cent for the next
financial year while revising retail inflation outlook to
5.2 per cent for the current quarter and to five per cent
normally flooded by institutional investors. Still, lots credit disbursed to ‘new MSME borrowers’ from their in the first half of next financial year i.e. FY22. Overall,
of confusions persist about its modalities. Normally, NDtLs (net demand and time liabilities) for the cal- the steps taken by RBI in the last week’s policy are
government securities have lot sizes over Rs 1 crore culation of CRR (cash reserve ratio). For the purpose likely to spur economic growth.


CCP has digitised its dictatorship t HE first Budget of this decade comes at a time when our nation is
commemorating the 75th year of Indian independence, 60 years
of Goa’s accession to India, 50 years of 1971 India- Pakistan War, Eighth
census of Independent India (also the first digital census), India’s turn
at the BRICS Presidency, Chandrayaan-3 Mission and celebration of
BINAY KUMAR SINGH the border without approval. It Haridwar Maha Kumbh. Under this scenario in the post Covid era,
also mandates web based busi- India has a vital role to play as an Asian economy in the new economic

AVING unveiled its am- nesses to share data which may order.
bition of emerging as affect the 'security of the nation', the Union Budget 2021-22 along with the mini-budgets, Pradhan
the top Artificial Intel- which grossly violates privacy of Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana and the AatmaNirbhar Bharat packages,
ligence (AI) superpower by individuals. the Social Credit presented by the Finance Minister to stabilise the economy during the
2030, the Chinese Communist System introduced by CCP os- critical pandemic period has prepared our country in the right direction.
Party (CCP) has taken rapid tensibly aims to standardise the Under the guidance of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the
strides in digitising every con- assessment of economic and so- Budget addresses the imperative of resetting of priorities and identifies
ceivable sphere of its activity, so cial reputation of citizens and the emergence of opportunities by devoting an “all-inclusive budget”
much so even its dictatorial businesses. It goes without say- as a guide to “self-reliant India”.
form of governance. With CCP ing that the Social Credit System the development of any nation depends on the transportation net-
ideology pervading the state-run would reward pro-CCP activi- works and the ways in which they are being maintained. the same
and data driven Chinese econ- ties and restrict the freedom to holds true for the development of a huge and populous nation like
omy, it is but natural that giant travel and also social liberties of India. One of the most crucial announcements was with regard to in-
Chinese tech companies and the so called dissenting voices. frastructure development projects across various States and union ter-
foreign companies with signifi- It is due to this digital totalism ritories. For connecting the areas and maintaining smooth flow of
cant presence in China, have that despite poor handling of the traffic, the construction of new and developed roads are a must. the
been arm twisted by CCP into Covid-19 pandemic by the CCP infrastructure projects are not just connectivity specific, like the pro-
sharing sensitive consumer administration, only highly sani- posed highway works and up-gradation of existing 675- km long
data. this helps the CCP to tised reports came out from Kolkata-Siliguri highway across the state of West Bengal, but are also
maintain an eagle eye vigil on its China. employment opportunities
1.4 billion citizenry through in- the CCP Dictatorship has not The Union Budget has generators.
stallation of a humongous num- restricted itself to using these provisioned `30,757 crore Further, as the Union ter-
ber of surveillance devices 'virtues' of Digital Authoritari-
throughout the country, imple- AI perfectly complements the anism on its own citizens. two for Jammu and Kashmir, the ritories receive 100 per cent
funding from the central gov-
mentation of the dubious Social Xi's rise from being the Party Chief of the BRI. China has already invested recent global examples of ad- highest among the Union ernment long stalled projects
Credit System and using digital about $22 billion in the semi- verse effects of Chinese AI sys- Territories. The are being revived and new
media to indoctrinate people to Zhejiang province of the Communist Party conductor industry which tems can be seen in Zimbabwe
announcement of maiden welfare projects are being im-
its ideology while crushing any
form of dissent within the coun-
from 2002-2007 to his appointment as makes chips to power AI sys-
tems. It is predicted that China's
and the Philippines. In Zim-
babwe, Hikvision's facial recog-
plemented. Also, the Union
gas pipeline in Jammu and Budget has provisioned
try. the story of CCP's transfor-
mation from a traditionally re-
Vice President in 2008 to elevation as share in the AI market is likely
to expand to about $50 billion
nition technology has been used
for border security purposes and
Kashmir has further `30,757 crore for Jammu and
pressive dictatorship since President in 2012, has been meteoric. By by 2022 with raw material for creation of surveillance cam-
rekindled hopes for the Kashmir, the highest among
the Union territories. the an-
inception to the digital dictator- sourced from BRI countries. eras enabled smart cities. the revival of the project which nouncement of maiden gas
ship of President Xi Jinping 2013, in true dictatorial style, Xi acquired In reality, AI has given rise to Chinese firm CloudWalk tech- due to paucity of fund and pipeline in Jammu and Kash-
needs careful study, especially intensified societal surveillance nology, sanctioned by the US
to safeguard nations from the all three leadership roles in China -- Gen- and a clampdown on free ex- government for its human rights
lack of administrative push mir has further rekindled
hopes for the revival of the
pitfalls of the CCP's irredentist pression. A shocking and chill- abuse against the Uyghur com- showed no progress for a project which due to paucity
ambitions. eral Secretary of the Communist Party of ing use of AI has been to quell munity, has also developed a fa- decade. This gas pipeline of fund and lack of adminis-
Historically in 1949, Mao Ze-
dong had proclaimed the foun-
China, Chairman of the Central Military the Uyghur-Han Chinese
clashes in the north western au-
cial recognition system for the
Zimbabwean government. Sim-
project will create base for trative push showed no
progress for a decade. this gas
dation of the People's Republic Commission and President of the People's tonomous Xinjiang province, ilarly, the Philippines launched increased beneficiary pipeline project will create
of China (PRC), a single party which has caused widespread the 'Safe Philippines' project at coverage under the Ujjwala base for increased beneficiary
state controlled by the Commu- Republic of China unrest. the CCP has used AI to Manila under which about
Yojana as well as decrease coverage under the Ujjwala
nist Party of China (CPC). He re- incarcerate without trial over 12000 surveillance cameras us- Yojana as well as decrease car-
mained in power till his death in roles in China -- General Secre- the Dictatorship of Chairman one million Uyghurs and other ing AI tools would be installed carbon footprints by bon footprints by increasing
1976, during which he slowly tary of the Communist Party of Mao. Muslim minority ethnic groups in partnership with the Chinese increasing utilisation of clean utilisation of clean fuel for
consolidated his control China, Chairman of the Central In his first year as President, in 're-education camps' also re- companies Huewei and CItCC, fuel for cooking purpose cooking purpose.
through suppression of land- Military Commission and Pres- Xi announced the CCP's ambi- ferred to as Vocational Educa- with an amount of about US $ this connectivity upgrada-
lords, targeting political oppo- ident of the People's Republic of tious One Belt One Road tion and training Centers, much 400 Million borrowed from the tion also envisions the development of modern fishing harbours and
nents and capitalists with the China. the first major policy in- (OBOR) Project, only to rename like those in existence during CCP government. today, it is es- fish landing centres along the banks of rivers and waterways. the gov-
'three-anti' and 'Five-anti' cam- troduced by Xi in 2013 was a far it as the Belt and Road Initiative Chairman Mao's 'Cultural Rev- timated that at least 18 countries ernment has provisioned to develop five major fishing harbours – Kochi,
paigns, enforcing his vision of a reaching anti-corruption policy (BRI) a few years later based on olution'. Surveillance cameras, are developing mass surveil- Chennai, Visakhapatnam, Paradip, and Petuaghat –as hubs of economic
planned economy, purging against high ranking officials feedback from participating Facial Recognition software etc. lance systems with CCP's assis- activity. the development of fishing harbours would help in exploitation
rightists within the CPC and and local civil servants. What re- countries that the term OBOR have effectively been used to tance. Embracing the CCP AI of rich fishing grounds, create adequate infrastructure facilities for op-
bringing in the infamous 'Cul- ally cemented his dictatorship sounded too authoritarian. the segregate, track and restrict the Model could well mean the end eration of mechanised fishing vessels, mitigate navigation hazards, save
tural Revolution' to remove was promulgation of CCP's offi- vision articulated by the CCP for freedom of the turkish Muslim of democracy and the rise of dic- fishermen life and fishing vessels from the rough sea, handle fish and
counter-revolutionary elements cial Political doctrine in 2018 the more inclusive sounding minority in Xinjiang. tatorship in these countries. crustacean in hygienic conditions, thereby enhance the export earnings.
in a violent 10-year class strug- called 'Xi Jinping thought', BRI was to undertake infra- the same AI tools are also One can only imagine the the first-ever paperless Budget 2021 deliberated on the sharp focus
gle. While Chairman Mao set which strengthened power at structure development and in- used to monitor the lives of in- enormous destructive potential on boosting the Start-up ecosystem in the country, with the objective
China on the path of growth and three levels namely, the nation, vestment in over 70 countries nocent Chinese citizens through of the debt trap scheme of BRI of encouraging economic activity and fostering growth. It is imperative
industrialisation, his regime will the CCP and Xi himself. If that across the continents of Asia, data mining of giant companies. coupled with the sinister facet to note here that recently 11 Indian start-ups managed to bag the uni-
always be remembered as being was not enough, the National Africa and Europe with likely in- CCP's intelligence agencies reg- of CCP AI dominance. We thus corn tag in a pandemic year as they crossed the 1 billion valuation mark.
'autocratic' and 'totalitarian' and People's Congress (NPC) on De- vestment of about $1.3 trillion ularly use the data processing have a brilliantly conceived for- Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji while congratulating the nation
it had a terrible dark side, of cember 26, 2020, amended the over the next 10 years. this was capabilities of private compa- mula for modern day colonisa- on this achievement underscored that the start-ups are changing the
bringing about mass repression National Defence Law (NDL) followed in 2017 by the release nies such as Alibaba, tencents, tion of weak democracies demographic characteristics of today’s business. Further, start-ups
and millions of deaths through expanding the power of its of Xi's 'New Generation Artifi- Huawei, Bytedance, Baidu, ZtE through Digital played a major role in ensuring availability of sanitisers, PPE kits and
starvation, persecution, prison armed forces headed by Xi to cial Intelligence Development etc. to derive actionable Dictatorship...and all this related supply chains, played a sterling role in meeting local needs like
labour and mass executions. mobilise military and civilian re- Plan', which outlines develop- intelligence in quick time. achieved without having to fire grocery, medicine delivery at doorstep, transportation of frontline
Fast forwarding to more re- sources to defend its national in- ment of a domestic AI industry this arrangement obviates du- a single gunshot let alone fight a workers and online study material.
cent times, Xi's rise from being terests both at home and abroad. worth $150 billion in the next plication of expensive data-pro- war!!! the only counter to this thus, appreciated their spirit of finding opportunity in adversity,
the Party Chief of the Zhejiang 'Disruption' and protection of few years and to emerge as the cessing functions by CCP's In- is to develop a democratic digital the Budget provided further boost to start-up investments in the coun-
province of the Communist 'development interests' has leading AI power by 2030. Such telligence agencies. CCP has model which will, while enhanc- try by extending the eligibility for claiming tax holidays for start-ups
Party from 2002-2007 to his ap- been added as grounds for mo- is the importance accorded to AI given legitimacy to this practice ing security, still preserve the along with the capital gains exemption for investment in start-ups till
pointment as Vice President in bilising and deploying troops by the CCP, that it has also been by enacting the Internet Secu- privacy and human rights of in- March 31, 2022 to incentivise funding. this will encourage many start-
2008 to elevation as President and reserve forces. Such sweep- included as a national priority rity Law in 2017, which man- dividuals and safeguard the sov- ups to engaged and explore more sectors of growth such as harnessing
in 2012, has been meteoric. By ing powers with a life long in the 'Xi Jinping thought'. dates all data collected in China ereignty of nations. clean energy and power infrastructure maintenance, use artificial in-
2013, in true dictatorial style, Xi tenure give Xi a dictator's therefore, the CCP's quest of to be stored within the country (Binay Kumar Singh is an telligence to promote the efficient use of energy and reducing the cost
acquired all three leadership stature which even surpasses achieving world dominance in and bans transfer of data across author and columnist) of the consumers.
Shri Narendra Modi ji ushered in a wave of behavioural change
among the people with the launch of ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’. the

LETTERS such natural calamities are occuring? this requires se-

rious introspection and scientific studies and analysis.
not at all related to them or they don't know even the al-
pha and beta of the issue. Yet, they try their level best to
pandemic made ‘Swachhta’ an integral lifestyle practice and increased
community participation to further the achievement of key govern-
ment initiatives, especially in urban areas. For further Swachhta of
At the same time, looking at another angle, some ob- disturb the law and order situation in the society. Our urban India, the government in its budget outlay increased focus on
servations appear not irrelevant. Nation bestowed by PM Modi has rightly used the term 'Andolanjivi' to refer complete faecal sludge management and waste water treatment,
God, provided huge resources to harness for the welfare to them. the government should initiate stern actions source segregation of garbage, reduction in single-use plastic, reduc-
and wellbeing of humanity at large. But what are we are against such traitors (this term aptly suits them). tion in air pollution by effectively managing waste from construc-
doing? Nature is misused and abused. Venkata Seshasai Deevi, Narasaraopet tion-and-demolition activities and bio-remediation of all legacy dump
this aspect requires introspection and to apply the sites. the Urban Swachh Bharat Mission 2.0 is being implemented
correct remedies. God is being forgotten. His teachings with a total financial allocation of `1,41,678 crores over a period of
are conveniently ignored. Moral values and morality Good move by PM five years from 2021-2026.
have taken the back seat. It seems people have no fear of
God, no love for God.
God advised us to acquire- Daiva Preeti ( Love for God)
I t is good that the Prime Minister appealed to the
protesting farmers to initiate talks to resolve the three
farmer laws issue. It is equally good that the farmer lead-
Amidst a global pandemic, India’s overall allocation for health and
well-being increased by 137 per cent in the financial year 2021-22,
thus boosting capacity of health-care system to detect and cure new
and Paapa Bheeti (Fear of sins). Further for the pros- ers responded to PM's invitation for talks positively. and emerging disease in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. In
perity of any nation, the index level of national character (End stir, hold talks: PM. Feb. 9) Now that there is a con- this regard the government while underscoring the importance of
need to be as high as possible. to achieve this all con- ducive atmosphere for discussions, both Government strengthening the healthcare infrastructure launched PM Aatmanirb-
cerned and who matter most have extraordinary and and the agitating farmer leaders should think afresh. lis- har Swasth Bharat Yojana with an outlay of about `64,180 crore over
A tragedy of Himalayan special responsibilities. ten to each other’s point of view, and discuss the problem 6 year. the scheme will concentrate on bridging the heath infrastruc-
Y G Krishna Swamy, Rajahmundry without digging the past. ture gaps at the village, block and panchayat level and integrate them
proportions this meeting should be the last and final one to resolve with the centralised healthcare facilities.

I t is very unfortunate that Uttarakhand glacier burst

that occurred on 7th Feb 2021 resulted in the death Rent-a-cause activists abound
all the issues related to the three farmer laws and end
the stalemate once for all. In short this is Now or Never
today India has indigenously manufactured vaccine and has begun
medically safeguarding not only her own citizens against Covid-19, but
/missing of about 200 persons in that area. this figure
is likely to go up in the final count. In addition to the
huge loss of human lives, due to different reasons, two
I N our country, of late, it has become a profession for
some people to poke their nose in each and every issue.
Let it be a religious issue, political issue, academic issue,
situation for both the parties.
G V N Murthy, Hyderabad
also those of 100 or more countries under its Vaccine Maitri outreach.
Our nation has strengthened its ethos of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’
while turning a crisis into an opportunity of being ‘self-reliance’ and
hydel projects were damaged and some houses were farmers' issue, they at once jump into action and start also presented a Budget with an eye on future growth trajectory.
badly affected; resulting in huge loss to the nation. Why making loud hues and cries. In some instances, they are (The author is National General Secretary, Bharatiya Janata Party)
KuRnOOl wedneSdAY 10 FeBRuARY 2021 AP 5
SEC told to hold back its
‘Protect farmers from cheating’ e-Watch app till Feb 17
CM tells officials to
coordinate with police in HANS NEWS SERVICE
setting up special police AMARAVATI
stations to protect farmers
THE Andhra Pradesh High
Directs them to make Court adjourned the matter of
arrangements for setting up usage e-Watch app launched by
crop insurance company State Election Commission for
monitoring panchayat elections
HANS NEWS SERVICE to February 17 stating that the
AMARAVATI app developed by the SEC can-
not be used until the security
certificate is obtained while di- Govt counsel informs the High Court that AP Technology
Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy reviewing agriculture, Amul project and Janata Bazaars with officials at his camp office in
CHIEF Minister YS Jagan Mo- Tadepalli on Tuesday
recting the SEC to reply to the Services which is asked to issue technical clearance to the
han Reddy instructed the officials queries raised by the AP Tech-
to ensure that various laws should be displayed in Rythu organic farming and the crops should be constructed for them. nology Services (APTS) which app is yet to receive many clarifications from the SEC
brought for the benefit of farmers Bharosa Kendras (RBKs). should be purchased under The Chief Minister said quality is tasked with certifying the app. SEC advocate submits that the commission is ready
were implemented strictly. The Chief Minister said hoard- RBKs, he said adding that regular items should be available in The public interest litigation
During a review on agriculture ings should be placed at RBKs, monitoring should be done on Janata Bazaars at prices lower (PIL) relation to the e-Watch to use ECI’s ‘C-Vigil’ or the State govt’s ‘e-Nigha’, but the
activities at his camp office here village clinics and village secre- the same. than in open market. He said app was taken up by the High latter is not working
on Tuesday, the Chief Minister tariats with details of services be- The message that millers farmers should get minimum Court on Tuesday. Matter was
said asked the officials to take ing provided under them so that should come directly to RBKs to support price for their items and heard by the bench comprising the development of the e-Watch if it is allowed to do so. He fur-
steps to support farmers and en- awareness could be created buy the crop, should be strongly the same should be made avail- Chief Justice Arup Kumar app. He also told the court that ther said that the app developed
sure they were not cheated and among people on it. conveyed, the Chief Minister able to consumers at lower prices Goswami and Justice Praveen the SEC had not produced any by the state government, e-
also to plan for setting up special He asked them to take steps on said. benefitting both farmers and Kumar document to show that the so- nigha, was not working.
police stations for farmers. setting up of insurance company He also reviewed AP Amul consumers. On behalf of the state govern- cial welfare department had When the court enquired as
He said the police department on behalf of the government for Project and setting up of aqua Agriculture Mission vice- ment, C Suman submitted that consented to use its source code to whether the state govern-
should coordinate with agricul- crop insurance and a special offi- hubs, fund pooling and setting up chairman M V S Nagi Reddy, agri- based on the request made by for developing the e-Watch app. ment has any objection if the
tural department in this regard. cer should be appointed for it. of multi-purpose facility centres. culture special chief secretary the SEC, the APTS conducted If no permission was given, the app developed by the state is
Awareness should be created The Chief Minister told the of- The Chief Minister discussed Poonam Malakondaiah, market- preliminary tests and a report app would be vulnerable to se- used by the SEC, the govern-
among tenant farmers under Po- ficials to take steps for the pay- Janata Bazaars and proposals to ing and co-operation department had been sent to the SEC on curity breach. ment counsel Suman said he
lambadi programme on cultiva- ment of insurance premium for setup them in an area of 500 sqft special secretary Y Madhusudan flaws and the security concerns SEC counsel submitted to the had no instructions on the sta-
tor rights Acts and also that they Kharif 2020–21. He also directed to 5,000 sqft. Reddy, agriculture marketing found in the app. The most glar- court that the commission was tus of the app developed by the
would not have any problem with release the first tranche of Rythu It was decided to set up a commissioner P S Pradyumna, ing security concern was that willing to use the services of the state but the state will not have
crop cultivator rights card and Bharosa Scheme in May. Janata Bazaar for a population of AP DDC MD Ahmad Babu and the source code of the AP social e-Vigil app developed by the any objection if the SEC wants
the posters with this information Special focus should be laid on 5,000 in first phase and buildings others were present. welfare department was used in Election Commission of India to use it. The case

Vijayasai expresses regret LIFTING STAY ON AMARAVATI S.I.T. PROBE

over remarks against V-P Apex court to hear plea on March 5 NEW DELHI the state capital to Amaravati. Dur-
NEW DELHI jayasai Reddy expressed regret, A bench comprising Justices ing the hearing in the apex court
Naidu said “the issue is closed.” THE Supreme Court on Tuesday Ashok Bhushan and R S Reddy earlier, the counsel appearing for
YSRCP Rajya Sabha member V Earlier, when the House met said it would hear on March 5 a Andhra Pradesh government had
Vijayasai Reddy on Tuesday ex- for the day, Parliamentary affairs plea filed by the Andhra Pradesh
will also hear another plea by said that the HC had erred in stay-
pressed regret for the com- minister Pralhad Joshi said government challenging the High the State govt against the AP ing the operation of SIT as it was a
ments he made against the Ra- Monday’s episode was con- Court order which stayed SIT probe High Court order which policy decision to look into the al-
jya Sabha chairman M Venkaiah demnable. “We have all respect into alleged irregularities in land leged irregularities committed in
Naidu, saying he never intended and regard for you, especially for deals in Amaravati Capital Region
restrained the media from the land deals in Amaravati after
to cast any aspersions on the the Chair,” he told Naidu. during the previous TDP regime of publishing details of FIR state’s bifurcation into Andhra
Chair and had uttered them in “Whatever happened is unac- N Chandrababu Naidu. regarding alleged irregularities Pradesh and Telangana.
a state of anguish. Vijayasai ceptable. Throwing aspersions The apex court said it would also
in land deals during shifting of The Jagan Mohan Reddy govern-
Reddy on Monday sought ex- The YSRCP member on on the Chair is not at all ac- hear on March 5 the separate peti- ment had constituted the 10-mem-
punging of certain comments Monday cast aspersions cepted. This is very commend- tion filed by the state government capital to Amaravati ber SIT, headed by a Deputy Inspec-
made by a TDP MP K Ravindra on the Rajya Sabha able.” The minister requested against another High Court order in tor General of Police rank IPS
Kumar a few days ago. He went the YSRCP member to apologise. a matter which relates to alleged il- On SIT probe stay, the apex court asks Varla Ramaiah and officer, to conduct a comprehen-
on to make the objectionable Chairman during On Monday, Vijayasai had ig- legal land transactions during shift- sive investigation into various al-
proceedings Alapati Rajendra Prasad, on whose plea the inquiry was
comments when Chairman M nored Naidu’s plea for writing to ing of the state capital to Amara- leged irregularities, particularly the
Venkaiah Naidu asked him to him on the remarks that he had vati. These petitions came up for
stayed, to file their replies in two weeks, saying the rejoinder land deals in the Amaravati Capital
Venkaiah Naidu expresses
give a notice for examination. found objectionable in the TDP hearing before a bench comprising be filed within one week thereafter. Region, during the previous Chan-
"I never intended to bring any
pain over the comments MP’s submission a few days Justices Ashok Bhushan and R S drababu Naidu regime. The report
disrepute or make the chair dys- saying they are intended back. He had continued to speak Reddy. The AP High Court on Sep- maiah and Alapati Rajendra Prasad, order of the state High Court which of a Cabinet Sub-Committee on the
functional sir. I am no one to to make the Chair despite his mike being turned off tember 16 last year had granted a a former minister, on whose peti- had restrained the media from pub- procedural, legal and financial ir-
make the chairman of Rajya ‘dysfunctional’ and the Chair ordering that stay on the actions of the Special tions the High Court had stayed the lishing news regarding an FIR regularities and fraudulent transac-
Sabha dysfunctional,” he said in nothing would go on record. Investigation Team (SIT) consti- probe initiated by the SIT. When the lodged in connection with alleged tions concerned with various proj-
the House on Tuesday. He said On being ‘requested’ by During this time, Vijayasai cast tuted by Chief Minister Y S Jagan plea against the High Court's Sep- irregularities in land transactions in ects, including the issues related to
he was in a state of anguish when Parliamentary Affairs aspersions on the Chair. “You Mohan Reddy-led government to tember 16 last year order came up Amaravati. The top court had on land in the CRDA region will form
he made those comments on Minister, Vijayasai on are saying the chairman is bi- conduct a comprehensive probe for hearing on Tuesday, the top November 25 last year stayed the the basis for the SIT probe, the gov-
Monday and now wishes to take Tuesday expresses regrets ased,” Naidu had remarked on into various irregularities, particu- court granted last opportunity to High Court direction restraining the ernment had said. Challenging the
back his words. “I sincerely re- Monday. Naidu had said such larly the land deals in the Amara- the respondents to file their replies media from publishing news re- state governments order, the TDP
gret my comments made yester- over the remarks saying it comments were made to make vati Capital Region. within two weeks and said that re- garding the FIR. leaders had contended before the
day. They were unintended and will not be repeated the chairman “dysfunctional” The top court had on November 5 joinder be filed within one week The apex court had also said that High Court that constitution of SIT
made on a spur of anguish. I had and he felt “really sad”. “But I agreed to hear the state’s plea thereafter. the HC shall not decide till January was “arbitrary, illegal, without ju-
become emotional," he said. “I chair. I, therefore, regret it once will not be cowed down by this challenging the High Court order Separately, the AP government last week the pending matter risdiction and unconstitutional”
had no intention to hurt the against and assure you sir it will sort of effort to make the chair- and had sought responses includ- has also moved the apex court which relates to the alleged illegal and consequently sought that it be
chair or cast aspersions on the not be repeated again." After Vi- man dysfunctional,” he had said. ing from two TDP leaders, Varla Ra- against the September 15 last year land transactions during shifting of set aside. (PTI)

Naidu warns Speaks to party State chief Atchannaidu, who was released from jail
IS STEEL PLANT SALE JUSTIFIED? against harassment Alleges that election violations are rampant in Tamballapalli
Condemns illegal detentions of Opposition candidates
of BCs by the govt
t is
that the
t is a
ly wrong
Central decision to TDP national president N Chandrababu
government has privatise RINL in Naidu on Tuesday warned of serious conse-
quences if the ruling YSRCP leaders contin-
already decided to Visakhapatnam.
ued to target and harass the Backward
privatise VSP at any cost. As a result, The plant has been a major source of Classes (BC) leaders as part of their political
many employees may also lose jobs. At employment for thousands of families. If suppression. He repeated his allegation that
this juncture, a State-wide agitation is to all these revenue generating industries false cases were foisted on K Atchannaidu
be considered involving all political are privatised in the state, then there and he was arrested. Naidu spoke to Atchan-
naidu on the phone after he was released on
parties to dissuade the Union government. would be no scope for industrial growth bail on Tuesday.
and livelihood security for the people. Addressing a teleconference with party
M Devarajulu Naidu, Controller,
YV Ramana Kumar, leaders here, Chandrababu Naidu said that
APSRTC, Chittoor the ministers and ruling party MLAs were
businessman, resorting to arm twisting tactics by causing
Nellore illegal detentions of the rival candidates and
their supporters. The police force was acting
in favour of the YSRCP-supported candi-
dates in the home minister’s Assembly con-
T here will
be many stituency, he said.
tages to the state
t is very
sad that
instead of
The TDP chief decried the arrest of
Garikapadu sarpanch candidate’s husband
Sunil Kumar and mandal TDP president in
and employees of the Guntur district. Demanding that the ar-
expanding and rested TDP leaders should be immediately
Vizag steel plant if
developing the released to ensure a free and fair election,
the plant is handed over to the private
Vizag steel plant, he said authorities should take stringent ac-
parties. There is a scope that steel prices may tion against the errant police officials.
the Central government has proposed the
go up if the plant goes into private hands and He enquired from the party leaders from
disinvestment. I insist that the plant
the consumers have to shell out high prices. different parts of the state about the
should not be privatised. There will no job progress of the polling in the first phase pan-
Employees will have no job security under
security to the employees and the costly chayat elections. Naidu said that the State
private managements. We got the Vizag steel Election Commission should take action
lands of the steel plant. I demand that the
plant after a prolonged struggle. I strongly against the officials who did not publish the
Union government take initiative to
advocate that it should be run by the final lists of contesting candidates in the
develop the plant instead of giving it to panchayat polls in the Tamballapalli Assem-
government only and demand the Union
the private parties. bly segment. He alleged that violations were
government to drop the proposal.
made by MPDO Diwakar Reddy, SI Saha
N Narasimha Murthy, D Srinivas,
Devi, MLA relative Bhanu and his PA He-
teacher, Vijayawada private employee, Vijayawada manth Kumar. Additional police forces
should be deployed in Tamballapalli for en-
suring a peaceful election.
TODAY’S QUOTE LOSS FOREX (buy rates in `)
US Dollar 77.26 South
10% of LIC IPO for policyholders Dhanlaxmi Bank Q3 net plunges 44%
It has been proposed to have a reservation on a competitive dhanlaxmi bank on Tuesday registered 44.5 per cent Euro 92.66 African Rand 5.67
basis, to an extent of up to 10 per cent of the issue size, in favour dip in net profit to rs 11.81 crore in the third quarter
ended december 2020 on muted retail business even UAE Dirham 21.83 Hong Kong Dollar 10.81
of life insurance policyholders of lIC. The government will
remain the majority shareholder and will continue to retain as bad loan ratio declined. The bank's net profit was rs
21.28 crore in the year-ago period. The total income Thai Baht 2.8 Japanese Yen 0.8
management control safeguarding the interest of policyholders. was almost flat at rs 286.21 crore during Q2.
– Anurag Thakur, Union Minister British Pound 104.46 New Zealand Dollar 55.32
Australian Dollar 59.08 Saudi Riyal 21.36
Canadian Dollar 60.11 Swedish Krona 10.04
Swiss Franc 84.85 Singapore Dollar 57.64

Kurnool Wednesday 10 february 2021

biz briefs FOREIGN INVESTORS Banks unions call

for 2-day strike Markets snap,
Propdial in pact Amazon-Ambani from March 15
NEW DELHI 6-session rally
over profit taking has announced a THE United Forum of Bank

spat tests patience

partnership with Gurugram- Unions (UFBU), an umbrella
based property and rental body of nine unions, on Tuesday
management technology com- gave a call for a two-day strike
pany, Propdial. This tie-up will
help to offer
from March 15 to protest against
the proposed privatisation of two
Sensex dips 19 points, Nifty slips 6 points;
property management support UPMANYU TRIVEDI state-owned lenders. Mahindra & Mahindra stock shines
to its clients who are looking to in the Union Budget pre-
opt for property management THE tussle between two of the sented last week, Finance Minis- MUMBAI ing the weakness seen in the Euro-
services ranging from renting, world’s richest men - Jeff Bezos and ter nirmala Sitharaman an- pean market and outflows in equity
leasing to tenant background Mukesh Ambani - to dominate in- nounced the privatisation of two SnAPPinG their six-session win- mutual funds. Most of the sectors
verification to rental agree- dia’s estimated $1 trillion retail mar- Public Sector Banks (PSBs) as ning streak, equity benchmarks ended hitting rough weather with
ment and rent collection, bill ket is testing foreign investor pa- part of its disinvestment plan. Sensex and nifty ended marginally auto, pharma and media stocks be-
payment. “This partnership is tience with flip-flopping court The government has already pri- lower on Tuesday following fag-end ing the worst affected.
another landmark the com- rulings. This week saw new devel- vatised idBi Bank by selling its profit-booking in iT, FMCG, fi- "However, banking and finance
pany has achieved to service opments in inc.’s legal majority stake in the lender to nance and auto stocks. stocks were in positive territory. US
its clients in a more holistic battle to block Ambani’s Reliance LiC in 2019 and merged 14 public After rallying 487 points to touch markets remained firm on hopes of
manner. This tie-up will be par- industries Ltd. from acquiring Fu- sector banks in the last four its lifetime intra-day high of the additional stimulus package and
ticularly beneficial for our nrI ture Retail Ltd.’s assets, in what years. it has been decided to op- 51,835.86, the 30-share BSE Sensex swifter economic recovery contin-
homeowner clients, who find would be the country’s largest retail- pose the government's decision pared all gains to end 19.69 points ued to maintain optimism," said
it difficult to manage their sector deal. Last week, a single judge to privatise banks during the or 0.04 per cent lower at 51,329.08. Vinod nair, Head of Research at
properties from abroad,” said at delhi High Court restrained Fu- in,” said Bharat Chugh, a while its 5.6 per cent meeting of UFBU held on Tues- Similarly, the broader nSE nifty Geojit Financial Services. BSE auto,
Mani rangarajan, Group Coo, ture Group firms from selling their former civil judge in The 2025 dollar bonds day, All india Bank Employees slipped 6.50 points or 0.04 per cent realty, FMCG, metal, healthcare, assets. On Monday, a set of judges at delhi and now a keenly watched rose 5.9 cents on Association (AiBEA) general sec- to 15,109.30. it touched a record and iT indices ended in the red,
and the court overruled that decision. lawyer practicing case may set an the dollar, and retary C H Venkatachalam said. peak of 15,257.10 during the day. while consumer durables, telecom,
Amazon can appeal the latest ruling in india’s top are now set for "The meeting discussed the M&M was the top drag in the Sen- capital goods, finance and bankex
important legal
Sharp unveils in the country’s Supreme Court.
The keenly watched case may set
court. Speedy
enforcement of precedent for investors
their biggest
rise since Jan.
various announcements made in
the budget of the central govern-
sex pack, shedding 3.62 per cent,
followed by Bajaj Finance, iTC, Sun
finished with gains. Broader BSE
midcap and smallcap indices
new printer an important legal precedent for in- contracts and on whether 21, to 83.54 ment regarding reform measures Pharma, Bajaj Auto, Bajaj Finserv slipped up to 0.26 per cent.
sharp, an Indian subsidiary of vestors on whether emergency de- foreign arbitra- emergency decisions by cents as of like privatisation of idBi Bank and TCS. On the other hand, Asian Global equities were mixed as in-
sharp Corporation, announced cisions by foreign arbitrators are tion rulings are noon in Hong and two PSBs, setting up of bad Paints, OnGC, Titan, L&T, Axis vestors monitored progress of the
the launch of a compact smart valid in india. Amazon had peti- important for
foreign arbitrators Kong, according bank, disinvestment in LiC, pri- Bank and UltraTech Cement were $1.9 trillion Covid-19 relief bill in
color multifunctional printer, tioned indian courts with an order overseas investors are valid in India to Bloomberg- vatisation of one general insur- among the gainers, climbing up to the US. Elsewhere in Asia, bourses
bP-30C25Z, for office use. The from an emergency arbitration when assessing the at- compiled prices. The ance company, allowing Fdi in 3.70 per cent. "The market in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo
C-Cube IT is the smallest busi- court in Singapore that barred Fu- tractiveness of an invest- rulings in Amazon’s case insurance sector up to 74 per failed to hold on to its up- ended with gains, while Seoul
ness copier of its kind and has ture Retail from making a deal with ment destination, he said. come after two big foreign ar- cent, aggressive disinvestment ward rally to close flat closed lower. Stock exchanges in
been specially designed for Reliance. it could also help overseas Spokespeople at Reliance indus- bitration awards against india. in and sale of public sector under- due to heavy selling to- Europe were trading on a negative
sMe, education, healthcare, investors judge the validity of agree- tries, Amazon’s local unit and Future September, an international arbitra- takings, etc," he said. The meet- wards the close, note in mid-session deals. Mean-
bfsI, legal and corporate seg- ments in india, which the World Group weren’t able to comment im- tion tribunal said india acted un- ing observed that all these meas- mirror- while, the global oil benchmark
ments. The product offers print Bank has ranked among the bottom mediately on the latest ruling. Fu- fairly in a $3 billion tax dispute with ures are retrograde and hence Brent crude was trading 0.40 per
speed of 25 pages per minute 15 per cent of countries in terms of ture Retail’s lawyers have argued in Vodafone Group Plc and in another need to be opposed, he added. Af- cent higher at $60.94 per barrel.
in color and black/white with a enforcing contracts, worse than court that the deal is their only ruling ordered india to return $1.2 ter deliberations, it was decided The rupee gained 10 paise to set-
built-in 100 sheet reversing sin- Venezuela, Syria and Senegal. chance to avoid bankruptcy and save billion to Cairn Energy Plc for a sim- to give the call for a two-day- tle at 72.87 against the US dol-
gle pass feeder that makes “not giving effect to a foreign ar- jobs. ilar failure. india has challenged the March 15 and March 16 - strike lar on Tuesday on the back
sharing information quick and bitration award undermines india’s Future Retail’s shares climbed as Vodafone ruling in Singapore, in- against the government's moves, of sustained foreign fund
simple. shinji Minatogawa, already floundering reputation as a much as 10 per cent to Rs 80.5 in dia’s federal government informed AiBOC general secretary inflows and a weak Amer-
Managing director, sharp busi- good place to invest and do business Mumbai, the most since november, Parliament on Monday. (Bloomberg) Soumya datta said. ican currency overseas.
ness systems (India) Pvt ltd,
said: “during these challenging

Adani Ports Q3 net HCL Tech is set for high growth Drop in LIC's biz
times, sharp’s contribution to
business continuity in India is
to be in the forefront in helping caps industry
make office communications
growth at 8%
zooms to `1,576 cr IT major steadily closing gap with its bigger peers like Infosys
BENGALURU A massive 45 per cent plunge in
new collection NEW DELHI Life insurance Corporation's
forevermark unveiled its HCL Technologies is steadily clos- (LiC) individual annual pre-
bridal Collection crafted with AdAni Ports and Special Eco- ing the gap with its bigger peers as mium equivalent (APE) in Jan-
timeless and beautiful nomic Zone Limited (APSEZ) on the company crossed the $10 bil- uary capped the industry growth
forevermark diamonds. Keep- Tuesday reported a 16.22 per cent lion revenue mark in the calendar at 8 per cent for the month, ac-
ing the spirit of Valentine’s day increase in its consolidated profit year 2020. Experts believe that the cording to a report.
in mind, a unique social media to Rs 1,576.53 crore for the third iT services firm is likely to clock industry leader LiC saw its in-
contest #MakeaVow is quarter ended on december 31, higher growth in coming quarters dividual APE growth plummet
launched on facebook mes- 2020. as its product and platform busi- to 45 per cent, due to a massively
senger. all you need to do is The country's largest integrated ness gained momentum. high base of 99 per cent growth
send forevermark your vows logistics player had clocked a con- past. it's a proven certitude that “digital transformation is bene- in January 2020. Yet, at 8 per
along with a photograph of solidated profit of Rs 1,356.43 our business now operates closer fitting all software services compa- cent, individual APE for the life
you and your loved one that crore in the corresponding period to a pure-play utility. Our portfolio nies due to higher spending by en- insurance industry in January is
best tells the story of your a year earlier, the company said in of assets, increasing market share terprises. Apart from this factor, said that around $650 million of ary-March), the iT services firm is higher than the 3 per cent it had
beautiful relationship and win a regulatory filing to the BSE. in india, and preeminence of our HCL Technologies has slightly dif- annual revenue would accrue to its expected to cross the $10 billion managed to grow in december
an exclusive gift hamper while its total consolidated income network with leadership positions ferentiated its service offerings by turnover post this deal. “The iT revenue mark in the current finan- and 7 per cent decline in novem-
you get featured by forever- increased to Rs 4,274.79 crore for have an unparalleled value propo- betting on product and platform firm has already achieved $650 cial year. its bigger peer infosys ber 2020, as per report by Kotak
mark. sachin Jain, Managing the third quarter, as against Rs sition." business. As the product business million annual revenue milestone clocked revenue of $9.95 billion in Securities. However, this pick-
director, de beers India, said: 3,830.43 crore in the year-ago pe- He said the team at APSEZ con- gains momentum, we believe that from this acquisition and the port- the first nine months of the current up in individual business indi-
“The bridal Collection is repre- riod. The company's total ex- tinues to innovate and establish the company will return to indus- folio is growing strongly as seen in financial year. Considering its rev- cates a gradual increase in de-
sentative of the personal ex- penses during the quarter under operational excellence as the key try-leading growth rate in the com- recent quarters. in the future, the enue growth guidance, the Ben- mand for Ulips, which has been
pression of modern women. review increased to Rs 2,258.62 differentiator, thus improving ing years,” said Sanjeev Hota, Head company will be able to cross-sale galuru-headquartered firm is ex- the bane of the industry for quite
The collection includes soli- crore, compared to Rs 2,091.40 margins. "For instance, at KPCL, of Research at Mumbai-based bro- these products to other clients,” pected to end FY21 with around sometime, said the report. Mod-
taire rings with minimalistic crore in the year-ago period. which was acquired in October, we kerage firm, Sharekhan by BnP Hota of Sharekhan said. $14 billion of annual revenue. eration in growth of protection
designs and extraordinary de- Karan Adani, Chief Executive have improved the EBidTA mar- Paribas. The noida-headquartered com- Experts said though both com- business from peak levels seems
tailing. The uniqueness lies in Officer and Whole Time director gin from 55 per cent to 71 per cent. HCL Technologies acquired se- pany posted revenue of $7.5 billion panies are growing strongly, HCL to have been arrested, as indi-
its versatility as it can be of APSEZ said, APSEZ is well on course to achieve lect iBM software products in 2018 in the first nine months of the cur- Technologies can close the gap with vidual non-single sum assured
adorned at various occasions.” "The strong and lasting recov- 500 MMT (metric million tonne) for $1.8 billion in its bid to push its rent financial year FY21. Taking infosys in revenue terms if its to individual non-single pre-
ery at APSEZ has been the corner- of cargo throughput by FY25," he product and platform business. into account the revenue guidance ‘products and platform’ business mium for private players was 25
AdiGroup’s new stone of our journey in the recent said. Management of the company had given for the fourth quarter (Janu- sees strong momentum. times in January.

edu platform
No proposal to
MSME parks set to boost industrial growth in VZM
london-based business con-
glomerate adiGroup in associ-
ation with sV Group initiated a raise excise duty
new chapter in the education on cigarettes,
segment by launching ed4all, a KOPPARA GANDHI Kotakki of RB Puram mandal,
‘bidis’: Govt V
Mushidipalli of S.Kota mandal,
digital formal education plat-
form, with singular focus to
eliminate education inequali-
NEW DELHI ViZiAnAGARAM district being
close to Visakhapatnam, the indus-
Tekkali of nellimerla mandal and
Marupalli of Gajapathinagaram
ties by powering every individ- THE Centre informed the Rajya trial hub and one headquarters for A mandal by APiiC.
ual with formal education. as a Sabha on Tuesday that there was several large industries, offers big op- A The district does not have a single
first step the company is set to no proposal to raise the excise duty portunity for industrial growth. G unit run under either Union govern-
bridge educational inequalities on cigarettes, ‘bidis’ and smokeless MSME parks have been identified A ment or State government. But there
in K12 by introducing bleaP, a tobacco. in a written reply to a in all the nine assembly constituen- R is a huge scope for setting up of
digital formal school education question, Minister of State for Fi- cies in an area of 735.96 acres. Out of On various investment A tourism based industries because of
opportunities in districts M
product supported by artificial nance Anurag Thakur said that which three MSME parks are under the proximity of the district to the
intelligence and machine there was no recommendation by active implementation at Marupalli airport and even the proposed inter-
learning with content, delivery the GST Council to raise the Goods of Gajapathinagaram mandal, Kan-
ANDHRA PRADESH national airport coming up in this
and device packaged together, and Services Tax (GST) on these divalasa of Pusapatirega mandal and district.
at extremely low cost. It is tobacco products. Balighattam of Kothavalasa mandal have been provided at the growth The district has huge tracts of gov-
powered by Microsoft and de- "The GST rates on goods are with in area of 273.16 acre. centre. ernment land to be allotted to either
livered on flipkart and Jio plat- fixed on the basis of GST Council A total of 15 entrepreneurs from structure Pvt Ltd., danica Aqua Ex- reservoir, which is en-route to As many as 510 plots have been iT companies or agri based firms at
forms. sanjay Viswanathan, recommendations. At present, the district entered into an agree- ports Pvt Ltd., Talli Suvarna Foods ‘Andhra Kashmir’ Araku valley. handed over to various industrialists subsidised rates. Vizianagaram town
Chairman adiGroup and co- there is no such recommendation. ment with the State government in with an investment of Rs 78 crore are PatanjaliAyurved Ltd has been al- to run their units. A mango jelly clus- is well connected with rail and road
founder, ed4all, said, “This is a Also, there is no proposal to in- January three years ago to set up in- in operation. These units, which pro- lotted 172.84 acres of land in Chi- ter is proposed to establish at Bobbili facility, enabling ease of travel to any
new and exciting chapter in crease the excise duty on such dustries with an estimated invest- vide employment to 978 people, are naraopalli village of Kothavalasa in 50 acres. corner to the country.
the journey of ed4all. I loved products," Thakur said. Finance ment of Rs 1,100.24 crore. These in- under active implementation. mandal in 2017. A vast land bank to the tune of There is scope for the iT and some
the name ed4all because it Ministry data showed that the dustries would create employment These units undertake cashew A growth centre was established 1,315.18 acres is identified for devel- small scale industries in sea food sec-
meant education for all, the overall GST collection from these for 4,527 people. Only four of the processing, soya products prepara- at Bobbili in 1994 in 1,100 acres to opment of industrial parks at Kon- tor as the district is adjacent to
most crucial element of a living products, including cess, during FY proposed 15 units are operational tion, wheat flour making and fish promote industries. All basic ameni- gavanipalem of Bhogapuram man- Visakhapatnam port and tourism
human’s life that makes them 2019-20 was Rs 53,540 crore and now. They are Vijayanagaram Wheat processing. Even tourism projects ties such as water, power, road and dal, Katakapalli, Chinaraopalli, sector has a tremendous scope here
empowered.” excise collection Rs 1,610 crore. Products Pvt Ltd., north East infra- are likely to come up near Tatipudi telecommunication connections Pedaraopalli of Kothavalasa mandal, as the district has long seacoast.

Army dogs to sniff out Covid-19 on basis of urine, sweat samples

Scientifically, it is evident that affected body tissues release unique volatile metabolic biomarkers which are used as
disease signatures for detection by the dogs. More than 3,000 samples have been screened so far by these dogs
SUMIT KUMAR SINGH based in Meerut, told IANS that Indian Army undertook biomarkers emanating from urine and sweat samples of screened so far by these dogs over there," he said.
NEW DELHI trials for detection of Covid-19 using the army dogs in positive patients. Scientifically, it is evident that af- Keeping in mind the success of trial, around eight
controlled conditions after seeing the global trend of fected body tissues release unique volatile metabolic more dogs have been incorporated in training for Covid-
INDIAN Army has trained canines to detect Covid-19 using medical detection dogs for various diseases like biomarkers which are used as disease signatures for 19 virus detection. In India, it is the first time the olfac-
virus for a quick and a real time situation for easier cancer, malaria, diabetes, Parkinson's disease and oth- detection of disease by the medical detection dogs. tory capability of canines have been exploited to detect
movements of troops. These canines -- 'Chippiparai' ers. There after a concerted effort was made to train an The sensitivity and specificity of both the dogs ob- tissues infected with pathogens releasing volatile meta-
and 'Cocker Spaniel' -- have been deployed at transit indigenous breed of dog 'Chippiparai' and a 'Cocker tained from screening of 279 urine and 267 sweat sam- bolic biomarkers. "The effort will turn out to be the part
camps of the force in Delhi and Chandigarh. Spaniel' to detect the volatilome of Covid-19 disease ples during the initial trial procedure was found to be of detectable disease signatures, thereby paving the
The Cocker Spaniel is two-years-old and is named from urine and sweat samples of positive cases by com- very high. After the training, the dogs were first de- way forward for real time detection of various medical
Casper, and Chippiparai is one-year-old and is named parative method. "Positive and suspected samples were ployed at a Transit Camp in Delhi for screening of tran- diseases by use of trained medical detection dogs," the
Jaya. Till date, 22 samples have been found positive by obtained from the Military Hospital, Meerut Cantt and sients and a total of 806 were screened during their de- officer said. He also said that currently various coun-
the Covid-19 detection dogs after screening around Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Subharti Medical College, ployment here. Further, both dogs were deployed in the tries like Britain, Finland, Russia, France, the UAE, Ger-
3,806 troops at both the places. Meerut for the purpose of training," Lieutenant Colonel transit camp in Chandigarh. They were used for screen- many, Lebanon have started training dogs for Covid-19
Explaining how all it started, Lieutenant Colonel Surinder Saini said. ing of transients moving to operational areas through detection by screening passengers at the airports and
Surinder Saini, Instructor at Remount Veterinary Corps These two dogs were successfully trained on specific the transit camp. "More than 3,000 samples have been railway stations.

Punjab MPs demand repeal of farm laws

Private Members’ Bill soon

SC panel holds consultations with ITC and Amul
‘203 MPs in LS, 64 in RS are farmers by profession’
Sachin urged to tweet
CONGRESS' Lok Sabha member Manish Tewari on
Tuesday said that the party MPs from Punjab have
in support of farmers
decided to bring private members' Bills in Parlia- AMID the ongoing debates over Sachin Tendulkar's
ment to seek the repeal of three new central farm tweets over farmers issues, the Aam Aadmi Party
laws opposed by the farmers. (AAP) has urged the cricket legend to tweet in
Tewari said: "Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke favour of the agitating farmers. In an open letter to
on the farm laws in the Rajya Sabha on Monday but the legendry batsman, AAP National Executive Mem-
no farmers is willing to believe him. We have no al- ber and Mumbai Prabhari, Preeti Sharma Menon Actor Deep Sidhu (centre), accused in the violence on Republic Day during a farmers' tractor rally, arrested by Delhi Police
ternative, so we decided to adopt this path." wrote, "You are India's pride. This nation of 1.3 bil- special cell in New Delhi on Tuesday
The Congress MPs will meet Lok Sabha Speaker lion people has prayed for you, wept for you, and re-
Om Birla and request him to allow discussion on the
Bills submitted to the Lok Sabha Secretariat.
The Congress leader said that they will also
joiced in your success. In this country where Cricket
is a religion, you are God for us. I am certain, as our
Bharat Ratna and a MP your heart must want to bat
Sidhu held, police gets 7-day custody
meet the Rajya Sabha Chair on the issue. Another for all multitudinous hued people of this country NEW DELHI of thousands of farmers broke barriers to storm the na-
Congress MP Praneet Kaur, who is the wife of who have worshipped you," Menon also endorsed tional capital on January 26, their tractor parade to high-
Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, said that they Swabhimani Shetkari Saghtana worker Ranjeet Ba- A Delhi court Tuesday sent actor-activist Deep Sidhu to light their demands dissolving into unprecedented
stood by their demand for the repeal of these laws. gal's request to the Sachin to tweet in support of the 7-day police custody in connection with the Red Fort vi- scenes of anarchy as they fought with police, over-
The Punjab MPs appealed to other members of farmers against the farm laws. "So I, a humble citi- olence on the Republic Day during farmers' tractor pa- turned vehicles and delivered a national insult hoisting
Parliament to initiate such Bills on the farm laws. zen, request you to heed the appeal of Ranjeet rade against the Centre's three new agri laws. a religious flag from the ramparts of the Red Fort, a priv-
Congress MP Jasbir Singh Gill said: "Those MPs Bagel, a farmers son, who travelled all the way from Metropolitan Magistrate Prigya Gupta sent Sidhu to ilege reserved for India's tricolour.
who have written their profession as agriculture Solapur to your door. He came from Pandharpur, the the custody after the police alleged he was one of the Thousands of protesting farmers who reached ITO
should bring in private member's Bills." 'DevNagri' where all us Maharashtrians go for a pil- main instigators of the violent incidents at the Red Fort. from the Ghazipur border clashed with police. Many of
Congress MP Ravneet Singh Bittu said: "There are grimage, on a pilgrimage to Bandra, Mumbai where Sidhu's counsel, however, claimed he had nothing to do them driving tractors reached the Red Fort and entered
203 MPs in the Lok Sabha and 64 in the Rajya Sabha The Supreme Court-appointed committee on his God Sachin Tendulkar resides with a simple with the violence and was at the wrong place at the the monument, where the religious flag was also
who have shown agriculture as their profession. So, farms laws issue on Tuesday said it held consulta- prayer - a tweet in support of our Anndaatas, the wrong time. The police had announced a cash reward of hoisted. Over 500 police personnel were injured and one
we appeal to them to help with these private mem- tions with agro-processing industries including ITC farmers who are protesting against the Farm Laws Rs 1 lakh for information leading to Sidhu's arrest. Tens protestors died.
ber's Bills by coming out of partisan politics." and Amul on the legislations. that will rob them off their livelihood."

Shahnawaz in Landslide
triggered glacier
Sharmila to launch YSRTP in April
Continued from P1 anonymity said she harbours po-

Nitish Cabinet PATNA

disaster: Shah
Continued from P1
He said the incident was observed
She also said that she had con-
vened the meeting to hear their
opinion and not to give a lecture.
She also proposes to tour some
litical ambitions. Several banners
with portraits of Sharmila and Ra-
jasekhar Reddy were erected at
the residence. Jagan's image was
from the satellite data (Planet Lab) districts before announcing the conspicuously missing in the ban-
THE much awaited expansion of the Nitish Kumar cabinet in Bihar of February 7, 2021 (Sunday) in launch of the party. When asked ners and flex boards.
took place on Tuesday with the induction of 17 members, including catchment of Rishi Ganga river at what made her think of entering A YSR Congress worker from
Syed Shahnawaz Hussain, the high-profile Muslim face of the BJP. the terminus of the glacier at an al- the political arena in T State, her Utnoor in Adilabad said he
The expansion turned out to be a message for ally BJP, which titude of 5,600 metres. only reply was that "there was no strongly wants Sharmila to float
had been out to grab the dominant position in the alliance after its Speaking in the Rajya Sabha on Rajanna Rajyam. During his rule a party in order to bring "Rajanna
big win in last year's assembly elections. the tragedy that occurred at 10 am the farmer was a king and stu- Rajyam" (Rajasekhar Reddy's
Of the 17 ministers in- on Sunday, the minister said the av- dents got scholarships to pursue regime) in Telangana also. Mean-
ducted, the BJP got nine alanche hit the upper catchment of higher studies. Now no one is while, the BJP and Congress par-
berths, the Chief Minister's Rishiganga river, a tributary of Alak- happy.” A senior legislator of YSR ties said that it was KCR's game
Janata Dal United, eight. But nanda river in Chamoli, leading to a Congress party from Andhra plan to split the anti-incumbency
the BJP's numerical advan-
Court orders to recover the money from those who sudden rise in the water levels of Pradesh on condition of votes in the next elections.
tage -- in the assembly and Rishiganga river.
the government -- was lost burnt the temple so that they may learn a lesson Due to flash floods on account of
as all the important depart- rising of water levels in the Rishi-
ments, like Home, Personnel,
Education, Rural Develop-
ment, Rural Works, Water Re-
Rebuild vandalised ganga, the minister said, a func-
tional Rishiganga small hydro proj-
ect of 13.2 megawatt was washed PASSES OFF PEACEFULLY
sources, remained with the
The BJP now has 16 minis-
Hindu temple: Pak SC away.
"The flash floods also affected the
under construction 520-megawatt
Continued from P1
The interesting part of the
polling was that people in large
A polling agent Noor Basha died
of a heart attack in Kakumanu
mandal at Garikapada in Guntur
ters with 22 portfolios ISLAMABAD ple, The Express Tribune reported. NTPC Hydro Power Project down- numbers, including aged and dis- district. He died on the way to the
among them. The JDU has 13 During the proceedings, Justice Gulzar stream at Tapovan on the river abled came out in large numbers. hospital after suffering a heart at-
ministers with 21 portfolios. A berth each has gone to Jitan Ram PAKISTAN'S Supreme Court has ordered said, "Inform us if any recovery or arrest Dhauli Ganga," Shah further said. A 106 -year-old woman named tack. Juttika Srinivas, a contender
Manjhi's Hindustani Awam Morcha and the Vikassheel Insaan the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government to has been made on the temple issue in Citing information shared by the Gonesani Papamma of Ped- for sarpanch post in Tokalapudi
Party. immediately start rebuilding a century- Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa?" In January, the Uttarakhand government, the min- dayammanur, Uyyalawada man- village in Veeravasaram mandal
The expansion had been hanging since last year's assembly old Hindu temple that was vandalised by apex court had ordered the provincial ister said there was no danger of dal in Kurnool district came for- in East Godavari district, was ar-
polls in the state as the BJP was having trouble finalizing the a mob in the province, and submit a government to recover the money for the downstream flooding and the rise in ward to cast her vote with the help rested on charges of luring voters
names of its candidates. timeline for its completion. construction of the temple from those water levels has been contained. of local police. with money.
The BJP, which was the junior partner in the state, had taken the The attack on the temple in Terri vil- who had burnt it. Evacuee Trust Property Shah said the Centre and the state
role of the big brother after its spectacular results in the election
following the solo contest by Chirag Paswan's Lok Janashakti
lage in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Karak dis-
trict by members of radical Jamiat
Board lawyer Ikram Chaudhry apprised
the bench that no recovery has been
government have been keeping a
strict vigil on the situation which is
They didn’t give up until their voice
Party. The LJP had cut into the votes of Nitish Kumar's Janata Dal
United, pushing it down from 71 seats to 43. It also gave the upper
Ulema-e-Islam party (Fazal ur Rehman
group) in December drew strong con-
made so far on the temple issue, the pa-
per said.
being monitored round the clock by
the Central government at the high-
was heard, they will not do so now
hand to the BJP, which won 74 seats. The JDU had squarely blamed demnation from human rights activists "The government had approved Rs est level. Continued from P1 ward, the family members of the
the LJP for its poor performance. and the minority Hindu community lead- 30.41 million for the reconstruction of the "The Prime Minister himself is Despite staging a protest in var- employees will also join the agi-
The JD(U) gave preference to experienced hands though there ers, prompting the apex court to order its temple," Chaudhry informed the bench. monitoring the situation closely and ious forms in the past few days, tation,” says J Ayodhya Ram pres-
were also a handful of debutants, including Zama Khan who got reconstruction last month. A three-judge Justice Ijazul Ahsan said that the court both Control Rooms of Ministry of production did not get affected at ident of the recognised Union of
elected on a BSP ticket but joined the party recently, and Inde- apex court bench, headed by Chief Jus- had ordered to recover the money from Home Affairs are monitoring the sit- the plant. This is largely due to RINL. Uncertainty looms large
pendent MLA Sumit Singh who has pledged full support to the tice Gulzar Ahmed, heard the suo motu those who burnt the temple so that they uation round the clock, ensuring the protestors not calling for a with the proposal of privatisation.
chief minister. case regarding the burning of the tem- could learn a lesson. possible help to the state." strike. But now the scenario is “People had lost their lives to set
likely to change. In order to make up the plant. Their sacrifice will
their voice heard by the Centre, go down the drain if the company
Citizens will spy on citizens online Covid unlikely to have Twitter reaches out to govt the plant employees and the
union leaders say that they will
gets privatised now. Moreover,
there will not be any job security
Continued from P1 residential address. Once the leaked from China lab Continued from P1 not hesitate to go for a strike even for the personnel if RINL gets
Cyber Expert category volun- registration process is com- Continued from P1 It also iterated that the security of its employ- if it affects production at RINL. into private hands. This apart, lo-
teer will help deal with specific plete, the details of the volun- The team is considering several theories for how the ees is the topmost priority for the company. Even when POSCO, the South cals will not be accorded priority
domains of cybercrime, foren- teers would be accessible to the disease first ended up in humans. "Safety of our employees is a top priority for Korean steel joint, came up with when it comes to providing job
sics, network forensics, mal- Union Territory Inspector Gen- “Our initial findings suggest that the introduction us at Twitter. We continue to be engaged with a proposal of setting up a special opportunities,” opines Mantri Ra-
ware analysis, memory analysis eral of Police (crime branch) through an intermediary host species is the most likely the government from a position of respect and grade Greenfield steel plant at jashekar, national secretary of In-
and cryptography. While there who is the nodal officer for cy- pathway and one that will require more studies and more have reached out to the Honourable Minister, Ukkunagaram, employees dian National Trade Union Con-
is no prior verification required bercrime. specific, targeted research,” Embarek said. Ministry of Electronics and Information Tech- protested on a massive scale, im- gress. If the privatisation proposal
for the first category, a back- The I4C is an idea conceived “However, the findings suggest that the laboratory in- nology for a formal dialogue," a Twitter pacting the production of the becomes realty, union leaders feel
ground verification of volun- to fight against cybercrime in a cidents hypothesis is extremely unlikely to explain the spokesperson said. plant to an extent. that locals will be completely neg-
teers of other two categories coordinated and comprehensive introduction of the virus to the human population,” Em- The development comes after the govern- To extend support to the agita- lected as there is a larger scope for
will be done as per the norms of manner. ‘One of the important barek said. Transmission through the trade in frozen ment ordered Twitter to take down 1,178 ac- tors, family members of the em- biased employment opportuni-
Know Your Customers (KYC) by objectives of I4C is to create an products was also a likely possibility, Embarek said. counts for allegedly spreading misinformation ployees will join the protest. “The ties. “Agitation is not new to us.
the respective state govern- ecosystem that brings together Members of the World Health Organization (WHO) around farmers' protests. agitation is sure to continue until We are ready to sacrifice our lives
ments and union territories. academia, industry, public and team, tasked with investigating the origins of the coron- The government, on February 4, had ordered the Union government withdraws to protect the plant from the
The volunteers are required government in prevention, de- avirus disease (COVID-19), don personal protection suits Twitter to block 1,178 accounts with links to its proposal on privatisation. Cur- clutches of privatisation at any
to furnish personal particulars tection, investigation and pros- during a visit at the Hubei Animal Epidemic Disease Pre- Pakistan and Khalistan supporters that were rently, RINL employees, trade cost,” confirms D Adi Narayana,
like full name, father’s name, ecution of cybercrimes,’ a docu- vention and Control Center in Wuhan, Hubei province, spreading misinformation and provocative con- union representatives, political general secretary of All India
mobile number, email address, ment of the home ministry said. China February 2, 2021. tent on farmers' protest. leaders are protesting. Going for- Trade Union Congress.
8 SPORTS Kurnool WeDneSDaY 10 FebruarY 2021


LeFT-arm spinner Jack Leach (four wickets) and vet-

Leach, Anderson star in England’s 227-run win;
eran speedster James anderson (three wickets) on
Tuesday bowled england to a massive 227-run win on Visitors take 1-0 lead in four-match Test series
the fifth and final day of the first Test here, and take a 1-
0 lead in the four-match series. ben stokes taking one scalp each.
Chasing an extremely difficult target of 420 runs on Leach was the pick of the england bowlers in the sec- SCOREBOARD
a crumbling and dusty Ma Chidambaram stadium
pitch, India in their second innings were bundled
out for 192 in 58.1 overs in the second session on
ond innings as he returned with figures of 4/72 in the
25 overs he bowled. He was ably supported by anderson
who scalped three wickets, conceding just 17 runs in
England 1st Innings 578 all out
India 1st Innings 337
England keep WTC
final hopes alive,
the fifth and final day. his 11 overs. dominic bess, ben stokes and Jofra archer England 2nd Innings: 178
Having set India a 420-run target to picked one wicket each. India 2nd innings: (Overnight 39/1)
win, england bowled a listless India earlier, england had scored 578 runs in their first
out for 192 in 58.1 overs, with 29- innings in reply to which India posted 337, thus con- Rohit Sharma b J Leach----------------------12
year Leach taking four for 76 and
anderson bagging three for 17. all
five bowlers took wickets,
ceding a lead of 241. The visitors were then bundled
out for 178 to set a 420-run target for the Indian team.
This was India's first Test defeat at home since 2017
Shubman Gill b J Anderson ----------------50
C Pujara c Stokes b J Leach ----------------15
Virat Kohli b B Stokes ------------------------72
India slip to 4th
with fast bowler Jofra when they had suffered a 333-run loss against australia Ajinkya Rahane b J Anderson ----------------0 DUBAI
archer, off-spinner in Pune. after that, they played 14 Tests in between, Rishabh Pant c Root b J Anderson --------11
England's dominic bess, registering win in 11 while three matches ended in a Washington Sundar c Buttler b D Bess ----0 ENGLAND's 227-run win over India in the first Test of the ongoing four-
bowler Jack and pacer draw. R Ashwin c Buttler b J Leach ----------------9 Test series has kept their hopes alive of making the World Test Cham-
Leach in action This was India's fourth Test defeat against england at pionship final scheduled to be held in London in June.
during the 5th and the Chepauk, first after 1985 when the visitors registered Shahbaz Nadeem c Burns b J Leach--------0 The victory at the MA Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai on Tuesday
final day of first Test win under david Gower's captaincy. before this Test Ishant Sharma not out ------------------------5 lifted England to first place on the points table with 70.2 percentage
against India at MA match, India had faced england in 60 matches at home, Jasprit Bumrah c Buttler b J Archer --------4 points. They've improved their chances of securing one of the three se-
Chidambaram Stadium Extras (B-8, LB-5, NB-1)----------------------14
registering win in 19, losing 13 and drawing 28. ries results -- 3-1, 3-0 or 4-0 -- that would help them qualify for the final.
in Chennai on Tuesday.
Overall, India and england have competed in 123 Total: (all out in 58.1 overs) ----------192 New Zealand have already qualified for the final winning 70 per cent
Tests, out of which India have won 27, england 47 Fall of Wickets: 1-25, 2-58, 3-92, 4-92, 5-110, of their matches (with no other series scheduled) while India and Aus-
while 49 matches have ended in a draw. 6-117, 7-171, 8-179, 9-179 tralia remain in contention for the other place along with England.
(Below) England's fast earlier on the fifth and final day on Tuesday, Bowling: Jofra Archer 9.1-4-23-1, Jack Leach 26- India, who have slipped to fourth position with 68.3 percentage
bowler James Anderson India resumed their chase at 39/1 but lost points, cannot afford another loss in the four-match series and will be
4-76-4, James Anderson 11-4-17-3, Dominic
celebrates after claiming Cheteshwar Pujara early as he was caught looking to win at least two of the remaining three games to secure a 2-
the wicket of Indian in the slips against Leach, after scoring 15 Bess 8-0-50-1, Ben Stokes 4-1-13-1. 1 or 3-1 result and a place in the final. Australia will get to feature in a
batsman Rishabh Pant runs off the 38 ball he faced. Trans-Tasman summit clash if the India-England series is drawn or if
shubman Gill (50) and skipper Virat after the lunch break, ashwin -- after sharing a 54- England win 1-0, 2-1 or 2-0.
Kohli then shared a 34-run stand and tried run partnership with Kohli -- got out after scoring nine Pakistan's 2-0 home win over South Africa sees them finish the se-
to steady the ship. However, just after runs while attempting a square cut against Leach, leav- ries in fifth position with 43.3 percentage points, while South Africa
reaching his third Test fifty, Gill was ing India reeling at 171/7. Kohli, who was fighting the slip to sixth position with 30 percentage points. West Indies are sev-
bowled by a ripper from an- lone battle with the lower order, then got out bowled enth with 23.8 percentage points after their epic victory in the first Test
derson. to a stokes delivery that kept low and disturbed the against Bangladesh, who are last on the table and yet to win a point.
wood. shahbaz Nadeem and Jasprit bumrah got out
after scoring 0 and 4 while Ishant sharma remained
not out at 5. The two teams will now face other in the
second Test beginning saturday at the same venue in We wanted to bowlers. We knew from the outset it

take India's
front of spectators. (IaNs) was going to be a good wicket. The
first partnership got us going. At dif-
It (wicket) was flat and slow. win out of the ferent stages, guys came in and
The quality of balls honestly contributed. That's got to be the

Vice-captain ajinkya rahane wasn't something that we equation: Root way - if we're going to win out here,
someone has to do that. Fortunately
once again failed to perform with the were pleased to see because CHENNAI: England skipper Joe it was me this week," he added.
bat as he got out in the same over against Root on Tuesday defended team's "We know that India are going
anderson, thus leaving India in a precarious that has been the issue in the approach in their second innings, to come back hard at us. The idea
situation. rahane, who had scored just one in past as well. Just for the ball to get stating they wanted to take In- was to get to 400. It didn't quite
the first innings, went back to the dressing destroyed in 60 overs is not something dia's win out of the equation in materialise like that. But having
room without troubling the scorers. the first Test which the visitors spent some time out there, I
rishabh Pant, India's batting hero in the that you experience as a Test side and eventually won by 227 runs here. knew the wicket had changed
first innings, scored 11 off 19 before he became it is not something any Test side could "It was a crucial toss but from drastically and knew it was going
the third scalp of anderson. Washington sun- that point we had to follow to change again," said Root while
dar, the next batsman in, also couldn't stay long
be prepared for. That was the reality of through and make the most of a talking about England's approach
and got out for a duck against dom bess. ashwin the first two days. But having said that, very good wicket. We did that in their second innings.
then faced some blows on his body but made sure
that he didn't give his wicket away as India went
it is no excuse. England played better very well," said Root speaking af-
ter the match.
"We wanted to take India's win
out of the equation. As a bowling
into Lunch needing 276 runs with just four wickets than us, they deserved it (to win) "To take 20 wickets in alien condi- group we didn't want to worry
in hand. —Virat Kohli tions is a brilliant job from the about the run rate," he added.

Dedeepya through
in AITA singles, doubles
Hyderabad’s upcoming young talent y.sai dedeepya entered into the singles
prequarters and doubles quarters of the all India Tennis association (aITa) rs 1
lakh women’s tennis tournament being held in Chennai on Tuesday.
dedeepya made it to the pre-quarters by defeating ananya of Tamil Nadu in
straight sets during the first round clash with the scoreline reading 6-4, 6-4. she
will now take on sharanya shetty of Maharashtra in a second round faceoff with
an eye on the quarterfinals.
In the doubles, dedeepya along with her partner Pooja Ingale of Maharashtra
sent the duo of anushya and Harini of Tamil Nadu packing with an hands down
6-1,6-2 win in the pre-quarters. dedeepya-Pooja pair will clashed with sai samhita
and shrichandrak Tentu of Tamil Nadu.

Jamshedpur, Chennaiyin desperate Nadal, Barty advance in

for win to stay in playoff race straight sets at Aus Open
Melbourne: Facing a break point late in the third
BAMBOLIM (GOA) derabad FC. Chennaiyin, mean- set, rafael nadal sprinted to his left and hit a running,
while are placed 8th and trail around-the-post forehand that landed just inside the
JaMsHedPur FC will be look- Jamshedpur by a point. Chen- line. the lingering back soreness that bothered the 20-
ing to strengthen naiyin have been hurt by their time major champion ahead of the australian open
their credentials to misfiring attack with the goalless wasn't going to stop him from finishing his first-round
make it to the playoffs draw against bengaluru in their match as quickly as he could. laslo Djere, ranked 56th,
of Indian super last match being the ninth time shrugged, his head dropped and he no doubt won-
League (IsL) season when they they have failed to score this sea- dered what more he needed to do to win a point.
face Chennaiyin FC at the GMC son -- the most by any team. he'd had three break points when nadal was serving
stadium on Wednesday. Now, they find themselves in for the second set, and didn't get close to cashing in
Jamshedpur are placed sev- desperate need of results if they one. he'll next play american qualifier Michael Mmoh,
enth on the IsL table on 18 points, aspire to reach the playoffs for the who outlasted Viktor troicki 7-6 (3) 6-7 (3) 3-6 7-6 (3)
five points behind 4th-placed Hy- second straight time. 7-5. While nadal has been slowly building into the
tournament, russia's atP Cup-winning teammates
RESULT TODAY’S MATCH have been on a roll. Fourth-seeded Daniil Medvedev
Bengaluru FC lose to Chennaiyin FC vs Jamshedpur FC extended his winning streak to 15 matches with a 6-2
at GMC Stadium Bambolim 7.30pm 6-2 6-4 win over Vasek Pospisil and seventh-seeded
ATK Mohun Bagan 0-2
andrey rublev beat Yannick hanfmann 6-3 6-3 6-4.
While Sofia Kenin struggled with nerves in her first
ISL STANDINGS match as a defending champion at a Grand Slam tour-
nament before beating 133rd-ranked wild-card entry
CLUB M W D L GF GA GD PTS Maddison inglis 7-5 6-4, top-ranked ash barty domi-
Mumbai City FC ..............16 ....10 ........4 ......2 ........25 ......11 ....14......34 nated in her first Grand Slam match in more than a
ATK Mohun Bagan ..........16 ....10 ........3 ......3 ........22 ......10 ....12......33 year, dropping only 10 points in a 6-0 6-0 rout of
FC Goa ..............................16 ......5 ........8 ......3 ........24 ......19 ......5......23 Danka Kovinic. barty lost to Kenin in the semifinals last
Hyderabad FC ..................16 ......5 ........8 ......3 ........20 ......16 ......4......23 year and then skipped the uS open and her title de-
NorthEast United FC ......16 ......5 ........8 ......3 ........21 ......20 ......1......23 fense at the French open because she stayed in aus-
Bengaluru FC ..................17 ......4 ........7 ......6 ........19 ......21......-2......19 tralia during the CoViD-19 pandemic. after her 44-
Jamshedpur FC ..............16 ......4 ........6 ......6 ........15 ......19......-4......18
minute opener on rod laver arena, barty said she'd
Chennaiyin FC ................16 ......3 ........8 ......5 ........11 ......16......-5......17
SC East Bengal ................16 ......3 ........7 ......6 ........14 ......21......-7......16
missed tennis "every single day" during her time away
Kerala Blasters FC ..........16 ......3 ........6 ......7 ........20 ......27......-7......15 from the sport. "the competitor in me missed what
Odisha FC ........................15 ......1 ........5 ......9 ........14 ......25....-11........8 this is all about," she said. (aP)

Printed & Published by K. Hanumanta Rao on behalf of M/s Hyderabad Media House Pvt. Ltd Door. No.50-753-7, Opp : R. R. Women's Hostel, Eshwar Dental Hospital Up stair, Tagore Nagar, Kurnool - 518 002
and Printed at Jagati Publications Ltd, Survey No. 726, Laxmipuram Village, Kallur Mandal, Kurnool District-518218. Editor: V Ramu Sarma. RNI No: APENG/2015/66605

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