The Complexities of Human Condition in Hamlet

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Complexity is what makes a human being; human. It is this complexity that enables us to derive from life
the full ‘human experience’, which is conflicting and dynamic in its nature. Consider greed vs discipline,
person vs supernatural, fear vs courage and fact vs fiction. It can be seen in how we process thoughts
and emotions internally and in turn respond by speech and actions. A complex person is one that forms
his/her own beliefs and opinions from events and scenarios without depending on external stimulus and
can thus be concluded to have a strong-mind.

ABHISHEK PANDEYAR, March 12 2019 what is a complex personality,'re

In the tragedy of Hamlet, Shakespeare successfully brings out the abstract nature of Hamlet’s strong
mind and in his quest to avenge his father’s death. He goes ahead to highlight human complexity by
running the storyline purely on speculation as opposed to there being a murder plot at all.
Characterization is one element used in this plot. Hamlet under instruction of his dead father KING
HAMLET ’revenge this foul and most unnatural murder’
ebook/ intends to kill Claudius, his uncle and murderer of his father by first feigning madness, he later
contemplates whether perhaps his dead father’s ghost is a devil that is bent on destroying his soul. Soon
it is discovered that Hamlet isn’t actually mad when Polonius says ‘though this be madness, yet there is
a method in’t00

Hamlet even though determined to kill Claudius portrays a moral code based on religion as fails to
accomplish this when presented with the opportunity. When he finds Claudius praying in church, he
refrains from killing him at that hour citing that he is at his purest and doing so would only send him to
heaven, whereas his intention is to have both his body and soul condemned to hell.00 By his own
opinion Claudius killed his father at a moment or moral weakness thus his father’s spirit is doomed to
wander in the night for a time, before condemnation. Indicating that his father’s soul is not resting in
peace thus by the same

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