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Clinical Oral Investigations


Comparison of four different suture materials in respect to oral

wound healing, microbial colonization, tissue reaction and clinical
features—randomized clinical study
Miroslav Dragovic 1 & Marko Pejovic 1 & Jelena Stepic 1 & Snjezana Colic 1 & Branko Dozic 2 & Svetlana Dragovic 3 &
Milos Lazarevic 4 & Nadja Nikolic 4 & Jelena Milasin 4 & Biljana Milicic 5

Received: 10 May 2019 / Accepted: 16 July 2019

# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019

Objectives Sutures are the most frequently used medical device for wound closure. They support tissue during the early phase of
healing until it regains enough tensile strength. The aim of this study was to compare four different suture materials in terms of the
influence on wound healing, microbial adherence, tissue reaction, and relevant clinical parameters which determine their clinical
Materials and Methods Total number of 32 patients undergoing surgical extraction of four impacted third molars were involved
in the study. Clinical parameters were estimated intraoperatively and during the control check-ups. Soft tissue healing around
sutures were evaluated on the 3rd and 7th day postoperatively. Microbial colonization was assessed by means of qPCR. Also,
histological analysis was done to assess inflammatory reaction.
Results Significantly better soft tissue healing was found around monofilament and synthetic sutures compared to multifilament
and natural ones respectively. Soft tissue healing was significantly better around all sutures on the 7th day than on the 3rd day
Conclusions Non-resorbable polypropylene suture showed superior clinical characteristics among all sutures. Moreover, the best
healing of soft tissue and the least inflammatory reaction was found around this thread. The poorest soft tissue healing was found
around non-resorbable silk suture. This suture elicited strongest inflammatory reaction and showed the greatest microbial
adherence affinity compared to alternative sutures.
Clinical relevance Monofilament synthetic suture should be used in order to obtain the best soft tissue healing, reduce the risk of
postoperative infection, and alleviate the suturing after oral surgery procedures.

Keywords Sutures . Microbial adherence . Monofilament . Soft tissue healing . Inflammatory reactions . Oral surgery


* Biljana Milicic Sutures are the most frequently used medical device for wound closure. Regardless of the suture material origin, its
essential role is to support the tissue until continuity of surface
Department of Oral Surgery, School of Dental Medicine, University
of Belgrade, Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
and enough tensile strength is regained during the process of
wound healing [1, 2]. Oral wound healing follows the well-
Department of Pathology, School of Dental Medicine, University of
Belgrade, Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
known general principles of wound healing but with certain
peculiarities. First of all, oral mucosa is colonized by bacteria
Department of Prosthodontics, School of Dental Medicine,
University of Belgrade, Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
which, in conjunction with food detritus, form biofilm and
facilitate wound infection. Secondly, oral wounds cannot be
Department of Human Genetics, School of Dental Medicine,
University of Belgrade, Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
immobilized due to the function of oral tissues. Lastly, these
wounds are often in contact with avascular structures (enamel,
Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics, School of Dental
Medicine, University of Belgrade, Dr Subotica 8, Belgrade 11000,
ceramic, metal) and thus devoid of active metabolic exchange
Serbia during the healing process [1]. From a clinical point of view,
Clin Oral Invest

there are two types of wound healing. One called healing by incision made at the distal part of interdental papilla between
primary intention (per primam intentionem), resulting in re- first and second molar. Several interrupted sutures were placed
generation of specific tissues with the same characteristics as in order to obtain primary wound healing. After a period of 4–
the tissue prior to trauma. On the other hand, healing by sec- 5 weeks, impacted molars from the other side were extracted
ondary intention (per secundam intentionem) means that the following the described procedure. Each wound was closed
tissue is not regenerated but only repaired and replaced with with a different suture material taking care of equal distribu-
nonspecific scar tissue [3, 4]. In contemporary oral surgery, tion between jaws. Suture positions for the first patient were
primary healing enabled by the use of sutures along with an determined by toss of a coin and after that, clockwise rotation
adequate intraoperative handling of soft tissues is an absolute was done until each suture material was placed in every quad-
imperative in order to obtain optimal functional and esthetic rant equal number of times. Stitches were removed 7 days
long-term results. postoperatively. Patients were given uniform postoperative
It is widely agreed that all surgical procedures in the mouth instructions which included antibiotics regime (amoxicillin
are at risk of postoperative infection which could jeopardize 500 mg or clindamycin 300 mg) and rinsing with chlorhex-
and delay normal healing. Similarly to other materials being idine solution 0.2%, three times a day for 7 days. Patients
implanted in the human body, suture materials are also con- were also told to apply cold packs immediately after sur-
sidered to be a foreign body and factor contributing to a larger gical procedure until bedtime with breaks on every 15 min.
incidence of infections due to its microbial adherence [5–8]. Before the operation and the day after, 4 mg of dexameth-
When it comes to surgical site infection, it has been shown that asone was administered in order to reduce postoperative
two thirds of wound infections started around the incision line swelling and patient discomfort. For pain control, ibupro-
and that the number is even greater in the presence of sutures fen 400 mg was prescribed four times a day for the first
[8, 9]. Microbial adherence is considered to be one of the key 2 days postoperatively.
elements of oral tissue reaction to suture materials [10]. The study was approved by the institutional Ethics
It goes without saying that every material embedded in Committee and is in compliance with Helsinki Declaration.
human tissues induces some inflammatory reaction deter- Accordingly, all included patients signed a detailed informed
mined by the antigen capacity of various materials and the consent.
sensitivity of host immune system.
There are only a few clinical studies dealing with bacterial
colonization, inflammatory reaction, or influence on healing The suture materials
of different suture materials [11–16]. In addition, in the field of
oral surgery, there are no clinical studies at all, addressing the The suture materials used in this study were Sofsilk® (non-
mentioned aspects of suture materials simultaneously. absorbable natural multifilament wax coated silk; NA-Multi);
The goal of this study was to compare four different Surgipro® (non-absorbable synthetic monofilament polypro-
suture materials used in oral surgery in terms of their bio- pylene; NA-Mono); Polysorb® (absorbable multifilament co-
compatibility, degree of bacterial colonization and inflam- polymer of glicolide and lactide 9:1—Lactomer® coated with
matory reaction, influence on wound healing, and basic Ca-stearate and Ε-caprolactone; A-Multi); Caprosyn® (ab-
clinical parameters. sorbable monofilament co-polymer of E-caprolactone,
glicolide, trimethylen carbonate, lactide 6:2:2:1—
Polyglytone 6221®; A-Mono). All sutures were 4–0 gauge
Material and methods with 19 mm, 3/8 circle “reverse cutting” needle produced by
Covidien llc, USA.

A total of 32 patients (21 females and 11 males) aged 18–25 Scanning electron microscopy
indicated for surgical extraction of four totally impacted
wisdom teeth were included in the study. Only healthy pa- In order to visualize the surface and the structure of sutures,
tients, non-smokers without systemic and/or oral diseases, samples of all materials used in our study were chosen ran-
were included in the study. Using standard surgical protocols, domly and analyzed using scanning electron microscopy
unilateral upper and lower wisdom teeth have been extracted (SEM). Specimens were placed on specimen holders and coat-
at the same time. In the mandible, envelope design for ed with gold in a gold sputter machine JEOL Fine Coat Ion
mucoperiosteal flap was used with sulcular incision going Sputter JFC-1100 at 18 mA for 1 min. The specimens were
from the first molar, engaging second molar and extending analyzed and photographed in a JEOL JSM-840A scanning
buccally along the external oblique ridge. In the maxilla, stan- electron microscope, high vacuum mode using the SE detector
dard triangular flap was performed with the vertical releasing with accelerating voltage.
Clin Oral Invest

MTT assay were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and exam-
ined under optical microscope. Inflammatory cells were
In order to assess suture material biocompatibility, MTT counted on three different sections of each suture sample
(3-(4,5- dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bro- and according to average number, indirect assessment of in-
mide) assay was applied. Gingival fibroblast obtained from a flammatory reaction was done:
healthy male patient, 18 years old, was grown in Dulbecco’s
modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine 1. NO inflammatory reaction (0 inflammatory cells)
serum and 100 U/ml penicillin 100 μg/ml streptomycin 2. MILD inflammatory reaction (< 30 inflammatory cells)
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Missouri, USA). The cells were 3. MODERATE inflammatory reaction (30–60 inflammato-
cultured at 37 °C in humidified atmosphere containing 5% ry cells)
CO2. The medium was changed every 2–3 days, and the cells 4. STRONG inflammatory reaction (> 60 inflammatory
were passaged prior to reaching 70% confluence. Cells used cells)
for the present study were obtained after the third passage.
Ten thousand cells were seeded onto a 96-well plate. After
24 h, four different suture materials were suspended in 100 μl Clinical parameters
of growth medium with cells. The growth medium was re-
placed every second day. After 7 days, MTT was added to Control check-ups were performed on the first, third, and sev-
each well, incubated for 4 h, and the supernatant with suture enth days postoperatively. Soft tissue healing was judged by
materials was discarded. Precipitates were dissolved in 100 μl the oral surgeon with the help of healing index (HI) described
dimethyl sulfoxide (Sigma-Aldrich) by shaking at 37 °C. by Landry et al. [18] and presented numerically. Using visual
Optical density (OD) was measured at 540 nm using an analogue scale (VAS), the operator rated threads with respect
ELISA reader (RT-2100c, Rayto, China). The percentage of to ease of intraoperative handling immediately after the inter-
viable cells was calculated using the following formula: % of vention and ease of removal 7 days later. Patients, using the
viable cells = OD (sample)/OD (control) × 100. All experi- same scale, evaluated the discomfort and suture removal pain
ments were done in triplicate. for each type of suture. Postoperative amount of slack was
assessed for every suture material with the help of graduated
Microorganisms’ quantification probe UNC 15. The knot was carefully lifted with cotton
pliers, and the distance from the knot to the tissue was mea-
Knots of all suture materials, obtained from each patient, were sured to the nearest 0.5 mm (Fig. 1). In the lower jaw, this
placed into sterile Eppendorf tubes, transferred to the lab and procedure was carried out on the suture which was placed at
prepared for microbial analysis. In order to obtain consistent the interdental papilla between first and second molar. In the
results, a portion of 4 mm in length of each sample was used upper jaw, measuring was done on the suture placed at the
for real-time PCR. Bacterial DNA was isolated using a KAPA mesial corner of the mucoperiosteal flap.
Express Extract DNA Extraction Kit (Kapa Biosystems,
Wilmington, MA, USA) according to manufacturer’s instruc-
tions. DNA extracts were stored at − 20 °C prior to PCR anal-
ysis. Total gene copy number determination was done as de-
scribed by Brajović et al. [17], using Maxima™ SYBR Green/
ROX qPCR Master Mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and the
following primers: Fw 5′-TCCTACGGGAGCACAGT′-3 and
time PCR analyses were performed on Line Gene-K
Fluorescence Real-time PCR Detection System (BIOER,

Histological analysis

One knot of every suture material from each patient was ob-
tained on the day of the removal and immersed in 10% neu-
trally buffered formalin solution. After fixation in ethyl alco-
hol, samples were embedded in paraffin and serial sections,
8 μm in thickness, were made. Only the part of the suture that Fig. 1 Postoperative amount of slack measured by graduated periodontal
was implanted in the tissue was sectioned. Individual sections probe
Clin Oral Invest

Statistical analysis Microorganism quantification

All statistical analyses were done using Statistical Package for A total of 128 suture samples were examined for microbial
Social Science (SPSS software package, version 24.0; SPSS adherence, and significantly lower amount of microbial load
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Mean, median, standard deviation was found on monofilament compared to multifilament su-
(SD), and range were used for description of numeric data. tures. Statistically significant differences were found between
Descriptive data were expressed as percentage for discrete suture types compared between them (p = 0.000*) except for
measures. Categorical variables were compared using chi- the comparison of NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) and A-Multi
square test (χ 2 ). Numeric data were analyzed using (Polysorb®) (p = 0.243) (Fig. 7).
Friedman and Wilcoxon test or T test according to p values
obtained by one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normal
distribution. Univariate and multivariate linear regression Clinical parameters
models were used to assess the relationship between parame-
ters. Dependent variables were microbial adherence, soft tis- Our findings showed significantly better healing around all
sue healing (seventh day), suture removal pain, suture slack synthetic materials NA-Mono (Surgipro®), A-Mono
(seventh day), inflammatory cells, and ease of suture removal. (Caprosyn®), and A-Multi (Polysorb®) compared to natural
For each of these dependent variables, separate linear regres- multifilament NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) both on the third and sev-
sion model was done using other relevant observed parame- enth day postoperatively (Table 1). Further, values for soft
ters as explanatory variables. Differences were considered sig- tissue healing obtained on both the third and seventh days
nificant when the p value was ≤ 0.05. were significantly different between all sutures compared mu-
tually excluding comparison between A-Mono (Caprosyn®)
and A-Multi (Polysorb®) (p = 0.499 on the third day; p =
0.480 on the seventh day).
Results Significant statistical differences were found between all
sutures regarding the ease of handling and ease of removal
SEM analysis (Table 1). For suture removal pain, statistically significant
difference was found between all sutures but between NA-
All suture threads were analyzed, and substantially more Multi (Sofsilk®) and A-Multi (Polysorb®) (p = 0.849).
amount of dental plaque was found on multifilament sutures Although NA-Mono (Surgipro®) caused the greatest discom-
compared to monofilament ones as seen on representative fort to patients among all suture types, the statistical signifi-
micrographs (Fig. 2). cance was found only for the seventh day postoperatively
between this suture and NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) and A-Mono
(Caprosyn®) (p = 0.037*, p = 0.003* respectively) (Table 1).
MTT assay and histological analysis NA-Mono (Surgipro®) was the suture that exhibited the least
postoperative amount of slack compared to all other sutures
Microscopic analysis showed more pronounced inflammatory throughout the entire postoperative period (Table 1). When
reaction around multifilament sutures, as a significantly higher compared individually, significant difference was found be-
number of inflammatory cells were found around these su- tween all suture types for the 3rd and 7th day postoperatively
tures compared to monofilaments (Fig. 3). The highest num- excluding the pairwise comparison of NA-Multi (Sofsilk®)
ber of inflammatory cells was found around NA-Multi and A-Multi (Polysorb®) (p = 0.819, p = 0.157 respectively).
(Sofsilk®) and the smallest number around NA-Mono Intragroup comparison for each type of suture regarding soft
(Surgipro®). A statistical difference in the number of inflam- tissue healing, suture slack, and patient discomfort is depicted
matory cells was also found between all sutures compared in Table 2.
between them, except between NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) and A-
Multi (Polysorb®). Moreover, incidence and degree of in-
flammatory reaction differed significantly among all sutures Linear regression analysis
(Fig. 4).
NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) was the suture that attracted gingival Microbial adherence In the linear regression model in which
fibroblast the most. Moreover, a statistically significant differ- microbial adherence was used as dependent variable, the fol-
ence in percentage of viable fibroblast around this suture com- lowing explanatory variables were found to be independent
pared to NA-Mono (Surgipro®) and A-Mono (Caprosyn®) predictor of variabilities among patients: suture type, suture
(p = 0.023*, p = 0.004* respectively) was observed (Figs. 5 slack (seventh day), ease of suture removal, postoperative in-
and 6). fection (Appendix 1 Table 3).
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 2 Micrographs of knot

region and free end of sutures
after 7 days in oral cavity. a, b
NA-Multi Sofsilk®. c, d NA-
Mono Surgipro®. e, f A-Multi
Polysorb®. g, h A-Mono

Soft tissue healing (seventh day) In the linear regression mod- Suture slack (seventh day) Microbial adherence, suture slack
el in which soft tissue healing (seventh day) was used as de- (third day), and ease of suture removal were found to be in-
pendent variable, only the soft tissue healing (third day) was dependent predictors of variabilities among patients, in the
found to be the independent predictor of variabilities among linear regression model in which suture slack (7th day) was
patients (Appendix 2 Table 4). used as dependent variable (Appendix 4 Table 6).

Suture removal pain In the linear regression model in which Inflammatory cell number In the regression model in which
suture removal pain was used as dependent variable, the in- inflammatory cells number was used as dependent variable,
flammatory cells and microbial adherence were found to be ease of suture removal and suture removal pain were found to
independent predictors of variabilities among patients be independent predictors of variabilities (Appendix 5
(Appendix 3 Table 5). Table 7).
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 3 Microscopic samples

show great number of
inflammatory cells around
multifilament sutures (a, c) and
absence of inflammatory cells
around monofilament sutures (b,

Ease of suture removal Suture type, suture slack (seventh some other reports [22, 23]. All postoperative infections were
day), and inflammatory cell number were found to be inde- in the lower jaw, and these findings are in accordance with
pendent predictors of variabilities, in the linear regression data from the literature [24, 25]. Although sutures were not
model in which ease of suture removal was used as dependent investigated in those studies as important factor affecting de-
variable (Appendix 6 Table 8). layed infection, it was stated that in conjunction with other
factors, sutures may contribute to the onset of postoperative
infection. In our linear regression model, it was found that
Discussion suture type, suture slack (seventh day), ease of suture removal,
and incidence of postoperative infection could be used as in-
The anatomical uniqueness of the oral cavity is responsible for dependent predictors which describe 34% variabilities among
differences between oral wounds and those in other parts of patients regarding microbial amount. In other words, the ade-
human body in terms of propensity to infection occurrence. quate choice of suture material is beneficial in order to reduce
The most important physical characteristics of the suture the risk for infection.
thread are capillarity and 3D configuration since those factors According to the literature, the ability of suture material to
directly affect the suture susceptibility for bacterial accumula- induce infection corresponds approximately to the degree of
tion and wicking phenomenon (transmission of oral fluids and inflammatory reaction caused by sterile suture [23]. The stron-
bacteria into the wound). In the present study, a significantly gest inflammatory reaction in our study was found around NA-
lower quantity of microorganisms was found on monofila- Multi (Sofsilk®) suture. The presence of mild inflammatory
ment sutures compared to multifilament ones, with the least reaction around NA-Mono (Surgipro®) was noticed in 20%
bacterial load registered on polypropylene (NA-Mono of samples. It is essential to emphasize that a significantly more
Surgipro®) suture. Although there are no clinical studies in- pronounced inflammatory reaction was registered around A-
vestigating the use of polypropylene suture in oral cavity, it Multi (Polysorb®) suture compared to A-Mono (Caprosyn®)
was shown in similar studies that lower microbial amount suture (p = 0.000*). Given that similar tissue reaction was
populate monofilament nylon and PTFE sutures compared found around two multifilament sutures in our study (Sofsilk®
to silk suture [13, 14, 19, 20]. In the present study, the low and Polysorb®), it appears that physical configuration of the
microbial adherence on polypropylene suture is mainly due to threads rather than its chemical composition plays a role in
its impeccably smooth surface. This is of great importance inflammatory reaction, and this is in accordance with the results
since it is known that bacterial load on the fibers increases of other authors [11, 26–28]. In order to obtain stronger evi-
the incidence of infection [13–15, 21]. In our study, the inci- dence about cell interaction with suture materials, we carried
dence of postoperative delayed infection was registered in 10 out in vitro MTT assay using gingival fibroblasts. The percent-
out of 128 wounds and 7 out of those 10 infected sites were in age of viable fibroblasts around sutures indisputably confirms
the group of multifilament sutures which is in agreement with that polypropylene suture (NA-Mono Surgipro®) is the most
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 4 Number of inflammatory

cells (mean and std. dev.) and
degree of inflammatory reaction
around different suture types.
*Statistically significant
difference p < 0.05

bioinert suture among all sutures used in our study. This result is minimal damage to the tissue [29–31]. In our linear regression
in accordance with data from literature suggesting that polypro- model, ease of suture removal and suture removal pain were
pylene is a material with extremely smooth surface that induce found to be significantly associated with inflammatory cell

Fig. 5 Percentage of viable

fibroblasts around different types
of sutures (mean and std. dev.).
*Statistically significant
difference p < 0.05
Clin Oral Invest

healing is crucial for the successful postoperative period fol-

lowing oral surgery procedures, particularly those in which
sterile material for the bone and soft tissue augmentation is
used. However, data from the randomized clinical studies
about the influence of sutures on oral wound healing are
scarce. According to our results, it is strongly preferable to
use synthetic monofilament sutures following oral surgery
procedures. Furthermore, on the basis of the results depicted
in Tables 1 and 2, it is the authors’ opinion that is always better
to leave sutures in place for 7 days and not to remove them
earlier. It has been shown in previous experimental studies
using cat model that there is significantly more collagen fibers
in those wounds in which sutures were removed after 7 days
compared to those in which sutures were removed after only
3 days [32]. In line with that, in certain surgical interventions,
Fig. 6 Micrograph of a gingival fibroblast attached to strands of the role of sutures is to stabilize and compress the
multifilament suture (a). Greater magnification of the figure part mucoperiosteal flap against the tissues beneath and not only
marked with black rectangle (b)
to close incisional gap; therefore, sutures should be left in
place for 14 days [33, 34]. Longer tissue support with sutures
number describing 45% of variabilities among patients. Greater could be beneficial in extensive wounds with full thickness
inflammatory reaction will cause greater suture removal pain mucoperiosteal flap lying on the avascular tissues such as
while on the other hand, it will have negative impact on the ease tooth, artificial materials, or minimally vascularized cortical
of suture removal. bone. The decision for suture removal should be based on
It can be assumed that minimal tissue damage and absence individual healing response of the tissue, but not too early.
of capillarity and wicking effect are the main reasons why the In our linear regression model, it was found that only soft
best soft tissue healing in our study was registered around tissue healing on the third day postoperatively can be used
polypropylene (NA-Mono Surgipro®) suture. On the other as independent predictor to describe nearly 50% of variabil-
hand, the poorest tissue regeneration noticed around NA- ities of the soft tissue healing on the seventh day postopera-
Multi (Sofsilk®) suture was probably the consequence of its tively. Other observed factors, such as suture type, microbial
rough surface and silk strong antigenic characteristics due to colonization, and number of inflammatory cells were not
its natural components. These findings are in accordance with found to be independent predictors of soft tissue healing. It
some previous data [28]. Wounds closed with other two syn- is most likely that all individuals have unique genetic potential
thetic sutures (A-Multi (Polysorb®) and A-Mono for oral tissue healing which have greater impact on the
(Caprosyn®)) showed significantly better soft tissue healing wound healing than mentioned factors. It can be logical ex-
than those sutured with silk suture. Undoubtedly, primary planation why the difference in clinical soft tissue appearance

Fig. 7 Microbial load on different

suture types (mean and std. dev.)
*Statistically significant
difference p < 0.05
Clin Oral Invest

of four similar wounds at each patient is less obvious than the

p = 0.000*
p = 0.000*
p = 0.000*

p = 0.012*
p = 0.001*
p = 0.000*
p = 0.000*
p = 0.000*
p = 0.000*
p = 0.301
p = 0.055
difference between microlocal tissue reaction to various suture
materials or microbial quantity on them.
When it comes to parameters that define the clinical useful-
ness of suture material, the most important, from the surgeon’s
standpoint, is the ease of intraoperative handling. It is generally
86.72 ± 7.21 (84.5; 69–99)
90.47 ± 7.40 (92; 66–100)

10.53 ± 7.11 (9.5; 18–22)

13.75 ± 15.75 (10; 0–58)

accepted that ease of intraoperative handling is a feeling which

9.78 ± 9.78 (5.5; 0–54)

A-Mono (Caprosyn®)

6.34 ± 8.25 (3; 0–29)

0.41 ± 0.50 (0; 0–1)

4.50 ± 0.57 (5; 3–5)

1.13 ± 0.55 (1; 0–2)

4.72 ± 0.46 (5; 4–5)

1.56 ± 0.56 (2; 1–3)
surgeons have during the tying procedure. Minimal tissue-
drag, easiness during knot tying, and a structure that is not
affected by saliva and blood are the main reasons why the
polypropylene suture (NA-Mono Surgipro®) was better than
the alternative ones in our study (Table 1). Very close to poly-
propylene suture was the A-Mono (Caprosyn®) which is the
monofilament suture with exceptional pliability and ease of
intraoperative handling. The color of this suture (undyed) and
20.66 ± 15.78 (16.5; 0–63)
12.56 ± 14.96 (7.5; 0–53)
17.50 ± 18.00 (11; 0–60)

somewhat greater elasticity were the negative sides in compar-

62 ± 9.15 (60.5; 48–86)
68.5 ± 9.02 (70; 50–87)

7.63 ± 9.52 (2.5; 0–30)

0.63 ± 0.71 (0.5; 0–2)
A-Multi (Polysorb®)

ison to polypropylene suture. Undyed sutures are extremely

1.84 ± 0.77 (2; 1–3)

4.41 ± 0.61 (4; 3–5)

4.66 ± 0.54 (5; 3–5)
2.41 ± 0.62 (2; 1–3)

acceptable by patients as they appear to be less traumatic, but

it can be frustrating finding it in the oral cavity. On the other
hand, polypropylene suture is less elastic and gives more pre-
cise information during knot tying which helps surgeons to
dose the force in order to passively approximate wound edges
without excessive pressure on the tissue. Multifilament sutures
imbibe the oral fluids and blood which coagulate and makes
96.47 ± 4.70 (98; 80–100)

them sticky and less controllable in the oral cavity. However, it

19.25 ± 17.42 (13; 0–60)
22.47 ± 14.20 (23; 0–51)
92 ± 5.17 (92.5; 78–100)

12.06 ± 11.04 (10; 0–36)

NA-Mono (Surgipro®)

should be emphasized that A-Multi (Polysorb®) suture was

7.22 ± 5.65 (6; 0–18)

0.13 ± 0.34 (0; 0–1)

0.66 ± 0.48 (1; 0–1)

4.75 ± 0.44 (5; 4–5)

4.94 ± 0.25 (5; 4–5)
0.94 ± 0.25 (1; 0–1)

significantly easier to handle than NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) suture,

so it can be said that both the nature of the suture thread and its
Type of suture (Sample X ± SD (Med; min-max))

coating are elements with significant impact on the suture han-

dling features.
Comparison of different suture types in relation to basic clinical parameters

Tensile strength loss is the second most important factor

that influences clinical convenience of suture material. In our
study, significantly greater postoperative amount of slack was
54.10 ± 10.10 (52.5; 38–76)

found in the group of multifilament sutures. The least tensile

18.38 ± 17.69 (15.5; 0–60)
56.22 ± 13.36 (56; 22–92)

20.19 ± 11.80 (18; 0–56)

strength loss was found for polypropylene (NA-Mono

16.53 ± 21.58 (7; 0–75)

7.81 ± 9.78 (3.5; 0–36)

NA-Multi (Sofsilk®)

Surgipro®) suture and the greatest for silk NA-Multi

0.66 ± 0.70 (1; 0–2)
1.88 ± 0.66 (2; 1–3)

4.09 ± 0.69 (4; 3–5)

2.59 ± 0.62 (3; 2–4)
3.78 ± 0.61 (4; 3–5)

(Sofsilk®). This can be explained by the chemical composi-

tion of these materials. It is known from the literature that in
the fibroin structure of silk suture, 10% of water is found
compared to 0% of water in polypropylene suture structure.
*Statistically significant difference, Friedman test

Consequently, competitive water uptake from the saliva in

case of silk suture leads to disintegration of strands [35, 36].
Interestingly, A-Mono (Caprosyn®) is found to have signifi-
3rd day

3rd day
3rd day

cantly less tensile strength loss after 7 days in oral cavity than
7th day

7th day
7th day
1st day
1st day

A-Multi (Polysorb®). The rationale for this finding is based

Ease of intraoperative handling

not only on the unique chemical composition but is also relat-

ed to plasticity as a physical feature. A-Mono (Caprosyn®) is
the only suture made out of two hard and two soft blocks
Suture removal pain

Soft tissue healing

Patient discomfort

compared to other absorbable sutures mostly comprised of

Ease of removal

Slack of suture

one soft and one hard compositional block. These blocks are

responsible for the control of hydrolysis process and loss of

Table 1

tensile strength [37]. On the other hand, multifilament sutures

(NA-Multi (Sofsilk®), A-Multi (Polysorb®)) due to its
Clin Oral Invest

Table 2 Intragroup comparison of obtained values for different clinical parameters

Parameter Type of suture

NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) NA-Mono (Surgipro®) A-Multi (Polysorb®) A-Mono (Caprosyn®)

VS. (p value) 1st day 3rd day 1st day 3rd day 1st day 3rd day 1st day 3rd day

Soft tissue healing 7th day – 0.004* – 0.014* – 0.005* – 0.020*

Slack of suture 3rd day 0.000* – 0.000* – 0.000* – 0.000* –
7th day 0.000* 0.000* 0.000* 0.003* 0.000* 0.000* 0.000* 0.002*
Patient discomfort 3rd day 0.367 – 0.330 – 0.208 – 0.097 –
7th day 0.067 0.000* 0.045* 0.000* 0.079 0.000* 0.210 0.000*

*Statistically significant, Wilcoxon test

plasticity are more susceptible to structure changes, deter- Significantly greater suture removal pain in our study was
mined by rate of elongation. Rate of elongation is the maximal related to multifilament sutures compared to monofilament
elastic stretching after which irreversible structure changes in ones. Probably, the main reason for that is peri-sutural tissue
the inner material composition occurs. It has been known from ingrowth. Other authors reported that greater peri-sutural tis-
the literature that rate of elongation is between 10 and 15% for sue ingrowth is found in multifilament sutures [44, 45]. In our
multifilament silk and polyglactin sutures while for the mono- linear regression model, it was found that microbial load on
filament polypropylene and poliglecaprone sutures, it is the sutures and number of inflammatory cells are significantly
around 20–25% [38–40]. Therefore, it can be expected that associated with suture removal pain explaining 20% of vari-
multifilament sutures are more prone to irreversible changes abilities among patients. Therefore, the greater pain during
of the material structure due to postoperative edema and con- suture removal could be expected in one fifth of treated pa-
sequent suture stretching. Our findings are in line with other tients when used sutures which elicit greater inflammatory
studies in which it was found that polypropylene is the suture reaction and have greater microbial adherence.
with highest potential of re-adaptation to tissue after swelling Our results showed that A-Mono (Caprosyn®) suture was
reduction [41]. In our linear regression model, microbial load, the most acceptable suture from the patients’ point of view
amount of suture slack on the third day postoperatively, and regarding their discomfort with significantly lower mean values
ease of suture removal were found to be independent predic- compared to alternative sutures. According to intragroup com-
tors which describes almost 70% of variabilities regarding parisons, it appears that sutures cause the greatest discomfort in
suture slack on the seventh day. The greater the microbial load the first 3 days postoperatively, which is logical as the soft
and the greater the amount of suture slack on the third day tissue swelling is the most noticeable during this period.
means the greater amount of suture slack on the seventh day Although this was the randomized clinical study, some data
postoperatively. On the other hand, lesser ease of suture re- may not be absolutely objective as it was not possible to avoid
moval is associated with greater suture slack on the seventh surgeons’ preferences regarding all clinical features of sutures.
day postoperatively. Also, linear regression models could not explain two thirds of
The nature of the material is important when it comes to differences among patients when it comes to microbial adher-
ease of suture removal from the tissue. In our study, the easiest ence and one half of variabilities regarding soft tissue healing.
for removal was NA-Mono (Surgipro®) suture and the most Relatively small sample size may be the reason why certain
difficult was the NA-Multi (Sofsilk®) suture. It is in accor- outcomes have not been obtained more often through linear
dance with other studies which revealed that the required force regression analysis, or it may be due to some other factors
for removal of polypropylene suture is 50% lower than the which could explain greater percentage of variabilities and
force required for removal of silk suture and for about one need to be taken into consideration in future research.
third lower than the force required for removal of nylon suture
[42, 43]. In our linear regression model, suture type, inflam-
matory cell number, and suture slack (seventh day) were Conclusion
found to be independent predictors which describe 65% of
variabilities among patients regarding ease of suture removal. Based on our results, it can be said that whenever it is possible,
Thus, it should be taken into account that certain suture types monofilament synthetic suture should be used in order to obtain
which induce minor inflammatory reaction and have smaller the best soft tissue healing, reduce the risk of postoperative in-
suture slack are easier for removal. fection, and alleviate the suturing after oral surgery procedures.
Clin Oral Invest

Funding This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science Ethical approval All procedures performed in studies involving human
and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia. Grant number: 175075. participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institu-
tional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki
declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
Compliance with ethical standards
Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individual
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
participants included in the study.

Appendix 1

Table 3 Linear regression analysis of association of microbial adherence and observed parameters

Univariate model Multivariate model bR2adj = 0.34

a a
Parameters B (95%CI) Sig. B (95%CI) Sig.

Suture type − 13.52 × 106 p = 0.000* − 6.81 × 106 p = 0.050*

(− 20.62 × 106 to (− 6.41 × 106)) (− 13.64 × 106–0.01 × 106)
Soft tissue healing (7th day) − 17.47 × 106 p = 0.014* 7.91 × 106 p = 0.243
(− 31.31 × 106 to (− 3.63 × 106)) (− 5.45 × 106–21.28 × 106)
Patient discomfort (7th day) − 0.09 × 106 p = 0.832
(− 0.95 × 106–0.76 × 106)
Suture slack (7th day) 25.89 × 106 p = 0.000* 14.25 × 106 p = 0.016*
(17.13 × 106–34.65 × 106) (2.75 × 106–25.76 × 106)
Ease of suture removal − 1.36 × 106 p = 0.000* − 0.74 × 106 p = 0.021*
(− 1.76 × 106 to (− 0.96 × 106)) (− 1.36 × 106 to (− 0.11 × 106))
Suture removal pain 0.98 × 106 p = 0.004* 0.04 × 106 p = 0.899
(0.32 × 106–1.64 × 106 (− 0.60 × 106–0.68 × 106)
Postoperative infection 53.24 × 106 p = 0.001* 46.72 × 106 p = 0.000*
(83 × 106–23.47 × 106) (21.09 × 106–72.36 × 106)

*Statistically significant difference

Unstandardized coefficient B
Adjusted coefficient of determination

Appendix 2

Table 4 Linear regression analysis of association of soft tissue healing (seventh day) and observed parameters

Univariate model Multivariate model bR2adj = 0.46

a a
Parameters B (95%CI) Sig. B (95%CI) Sig.

Suture type 0.159 (0.071–0.248) p = 0.001* − 0.049 (− 0.197–0.010) p = 0.509

qPCR − 2.702E−9 p = 0.014* 1.599E−9 p = 0.379
(− 4.843E−9 to (− 5.623E−10)) (− 2.051E-9–5.248E−9)
Soft tissue healing (3rd day) 0.655 (0.547 to (0.763)) p = 0.000* 0.475 (0.248–0.701) p = 0.000*
Patient discomfort (7th day) 0.004 (− 0.006–0.015) p = 0.409
Suture slack (3rd day) − 0.181 (− 0.308 to (− 0.055)) p = 0.005* 0.100 (− 0.159–0.359) p = 0.436
Suture slack (7th day) − 0.265 (− 0.379 to (− 0.151)) p = 0.000* − 0.026 (− 0.298–0.246) p = 0.846
Ease of suture removal 0.015 (0.010–0.021) p = 0.000* 0.008 (− 0.005–0.022) p = 0.226
Suture removal pain − 0.005 (− 0.014–0.003) p = 0.214
Postoperative infection 0.327 (− 0.057–0.711) p = 0.094
Inflammatory cells − 0.004 (− 0.006 to (− 0.001)) p = 0.002* − 0.002 (− 0.004–0.000) p = 0.109

*Statistically significant difference

Unstandardized coefficient B
Adjusted coefficient of determination
Clin Oral Invest

Appendix 3

Table 5 Linear regression analysis of association of suture removal pain and observed parameters

Univariate model Multivariate model bR2adj = 0.20

a a
Parameters B (95%CI) Sig. B (95%CI) Sig.

Suture type − 1.553 (− 3.457–0.350) p = 0.109

qPCR 6.466E−8 p = 0.004* 8.114E−8 p = 0.038*
(2.086E−8 to 1.085E−7) (4.685E−9 to 1.576E−7)
Soft tissue healing (7th day) − 2.281 (− 5.898–1.336) p = 0.214
Patient discomfort (7th day) 0.145 (− 0.073–0.363) p = 0.191
Suture slack (7th day) 5.700 (3.371–8.028) p = 0.000* −0.346 (−4.945–4.254) p = 0.880
Ease of suture removal − 0.312 (− 0.419 (− 0.205)) p = 0.000* 0.093 (−0.164–0.350) p = 0.468
Inflammatory cells 0.061 (0.020–0.103) p = 0.005* 0.060 (0.009–0.113) p = 0.024*

*Statistically significant difference

Unstandardized coefficient B
Adjusted coefficient of determination

Appendix 4

Table 6 Linear regression analysis of association of suture slack (7th day) and observed parameters

Univariate model Multivariate model aR2adj=0.68

# #
Parameters B (95%CI) Sig. B (95%CI) Sig.

Suture type − 0.163 (− 0.293 to (− 0.032)) p = 0.015* 0.045 (− 0.041–0.130) p = 0.306

qPCR 8.246E-9 p = 0.000* 2.320E−9 p = 0.030*
(5.456E−9 to 1.104E−8) (2.258E−10 to 4.415E−9)
Soft tissue healing (7th day) − 0.546 (− 0.780 to (− 0.312)) p = 0.000* − 0.160 (− 0.324–0.005) p = 0.057
Patient discomfort (7th day) 0.000 (− 0.015–0.015) p = 0.997
Suture slack (1st day) 0.697 (0.485–0.909) p = 0.000* 0.077 (− 0.103–0.257) p = 0.398
Suture slack (3rd day) 0.805 (0.683–0.926) p = 0.000* 0.506 (0.346–0.666) p = 0.000*
Ease of suture removal − 0.0333 (− 0.039 to (− 0.027)) p = 0.000* − 0.013 (− 0.021 to (− 0.005)) p = 0.001*
Suture removal pain 0.028 (0.016–0.039) p = 0.000* 0.004 (− 0.004–0.012) p = 0.295

*Statistically significant difference

Unstandardized coefficient B
Adjusted coefficient of determination
Clin Oral Invest

Appendix 5

Table 7 Linear regression analysis of association of inflammatory cells number and observed parameters

Univariate model Multivariate model aR2adj=0.45

# #
Parameters B (95%CI) Sig. B (95%CI) Sig.

Suture type − 18.850 (− 38.489 to 0.789) p = 0.059

qPCR 4.9757E−7 p = 0.049* − 1.249E−7 p = 0.604
(2.319E−9 to 9.9283E−7) (− 6.104E−7 to 3.606E−7)
Soft tissue healing (7rd day) − 61.354 (− 98.442 to (− 24.265)) p = 0.002* − 32.578 (− 68.600 to 3.444) p = 0.075
Patient discomfort (7th day) 0.147 (− 2.003 to 2.298) p = 0.890
Suture slack (7th day) 33.397 (5.157 to 61.636) p = 0.022* 1.129 (− 26.177–28.434) p = 0.934
Ease of suture removal − 2.550 (− 3.609 to (− 1.492)) p = 0.000* − 1.822 (− 3.283 to (− 0.361)) p = 0.016*
Suture removal pain 3.094 (0.992 to 5.197) p = 0.005* 2.320 (0.430 to 4.210) p = 0.018*
Postoperative infection − 11.570 (− 98.894–75.753) p = 0.790

*Statistically significant difference

Unstandardized coefficient B
Adjusted coefficient of determination

Appendix 6

Table 8 Linear regression analysis of association of ease of suture removal and observed parameters

Univariate model Multivariate model aR2adj=0.65

# #
Parameters B (95%CI) Sig. B (95%CI) Sig.

Suture type 6.788 (4.231 to 9.344) p = 0.000* 4.913 (1.501 to 8.325) p = 0.006*
qPCR − 1.936E−7 p = 0.000* − 7.409E−8 p = 0.119
(− 2.506E−7 to (− 1.366E−7)) (− 1.683E-7 to 2.008E−8)
Soft tissue healing (7th day) 14.209 (9.491 to 18.927) p = 0.000* 5.194 (− 2.061 to 12.448) p = 0.155
Patient discomfort (7th day) 0.172 (− 0.149 to 0.493) p = 0.291
Suture slack (7th day) − 14.845 (− 17.492 to (− 12.198)) p = 0.000* −8.129 (− 13.382 to (− 2.875)) p = 0.003*
Suture removal pain − 0.672 (− 0.902 to (− 0.442)) p = 0.000* 0.127 (− 0.279 to 0.533) p = 0.530
Inflammatory cells − 0.151 (− 0.214 to (− 0.088)) p = 0.000* − 0.069 (− 0.134 to (− 0.005)) p = 0.036*

*Statistically significant difference

Unstandardized coefficient B
Adjusted coefficient of determination

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