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“Feasibility of Using Banana Peels (Musa acuminata)

as an Ingredient in Dishwashing Liquid”

An investigatory Project Presented to the

Faculty of Science & Technology

Junior High School Department

School Year 2019-2020

Presented to:

Michael N. Alsola

Science & Technology Teacher

Presented by:

Alegre, Andronicus

Blas, Denisse Marie B.

Lachica, Keiji F.

Laynesa, Isabella Atasha L.

Grade 9 Our Lady of Fort Pilar

December 16, 2019


The researchers ask for the approval of the project attached herewith entitled

“Feasibility of Using Banana Peels (Musa acuminata) as an Ingredient in Dishwashing

Liquid” as a partial fulfillment of the requirements in Science & Technology 9.

Mr. Michael N. Alsola (Panelist) .

Science & Technology 9 Teacher Science & Technology 9 Teacher

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Science & Technology 9 by

the panel of examiners.

Mr. Michael N. Alsola (Panelist) .

Science & Technology 9 Teacher Science & Technology 9 Teacher


This investigative project aims to invent a new form of an alternative or a

substitute for the commercial dishwashing liquid using the Banana (Musa acuminata)

Peelings. Through this, the sufferings from buying commercial dishwashing liquid that

contributes to our daily cost and the suffering that we face in using detergent bar in plates

will be lessen or will be decreased. Instead of using harmful chemicals in manufacturing

dishwashing liquid, we replaced it with Banana peelings as an effective cleaning agent.

Through this we can help to ease the case of water pollution. Corporations aren’t

concerned about what happens when they dispose of waste chemicals from

manufacturing improperly. It may lead to water pollution then after, the

fishes and other aquatic creatures will be affected. We have obligations to our country

and the environment, so we thought of doing this project that will surely lessen the use of

harmful chemicals that are in dishwashing liquids. Specifically, this investigative project

aims to; a.) determine the feasibility of banana peelings as an ingredient in creating an

alternative for commercial dishwashing liquid; b.) assess the said product and

commercial dishwashing liquid in terms of its odor, the effectiveness in the cleaning of

an individual plate; and c.) compare Musa acuminata dishwasher to commercial ones.

The study employed; 1) preparation of the product; 2) analyses of the product; and 3)

evaluation Of the Musa acuminata Dishwashing liquid. ½ Kilogram of banana peelings

were gathered, cut into small pieces, then blended. The blended peelings were blended,

then sieved. The resulting liquid was extracted then boiled. The solution was mixed until

it thickened, then left to cool. Based from the researches and study conducted the

following results determined that the Banana peelings can be used as an alternative for

the commercial dishwashing liquids and product was assess through testing the sample.

We therefore conclude that our finished product “Musa acuminata Dishwasher” has the

feasibility to be an alternative dishwashing liquid for the commercial ones.


This research would not have been possible without the help of a lot of people.

The researchers would like to express our gratitude to every one of them. First off, we

would like to extend our sincere thanks to our teacher in Science,

Mr. Michael N. Alsola. Thank you for giving us this task, and guiding us through it.

Aside from being an instructor, you are a mentor, and an inspiration. The researchers

would also like to thank our classmates, the students of 9 – Our Lady of Fort Pilar, for

always being there whenever we got stuck, or had any questions.

Last but not least, we are highly indebted to our parents, for giving us the gift of

life, and being supportive of our endeavors, such as conducting this research. They

provided us with resources, and offered advice.



A. Background of the Study …………………………………………………. 7

B. Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………. 7

C. Significance of the Study …………………………………………………. 8

D. Scope and Limitations …………………………………………………. 8


A. Literature …………………………………………………. 9

B. Studies …………………………………………………. 9

C. Definition of Terms ………………………………………………... 9-10


A. Research Design …………………………………………………. 11

B. Materials …………………………………………………. 11

C. Procedures …………………………………………………. 12


A. Findings …………………………………………………. 13

B. Analysis of Data …………………………………………………. 13


A. Summary …………………………………………………. 14

B. Conclusion …………………………………………………. 14

C. Recommendation …………………………………………………. 14

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………. ?

APPENDICES …………………………………………………. ?

CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………………. ?


A. Background of the Study

The Earth is fully affected by changing technologies, and the resulting pollution.

The discharged chemicals from a vast number of factories affect our rivers, and other

bodies of water, that are continuously destroyed and damaged. The lives of the creatures

residing in these waters are endangered by the harmful chemicals, and even us humans.

This study aims to produce an eco-friendly dishwashing liquid. It aims to reduce one of

the world’s largest problems - water pollution. Nowadays, people often used branded

dishwashing liquid or detergent bar in washing dishes, without knowing the ingredients

and processes behind it.

B. Statement of the Problem

This research aims to answer the following questions:

 Mhisavhodhs?

 Mhisavhodhsihddbbkldasldihds?

This project aims to manufacture a substitute for commercial dishwashing liquid

using banana peelings, and to test its cleaning properties through comparative analyses.

Specifically, this project endeavors to: 1) reduce water pollution; 2) determine the

Feasibility of Banana peelings as an ingredient in creating a substitute for commercial

dishwashing liquid; and 3) assess the banana peelings dishwashing liquid and commercial

dishwashing liquid in terms of its odor, cleaning agents and the effectiveness in reducing

the greasiness and oiliness of an individual plate.

C. Significance of the Study

Water pollution is one of the major issues the world is facing nowadays, which

leads to the destruction of bodies of water, and killing off the creatures residing in them,

which may greatly affect us in terms of fisheries, and ecological balance. Here in the

Philippines, pollution is greatly caused by improper disposal of chemicals from factories

and other industrial plants. This project will significantly help the environment ease the

problems that cause water pollution, price hike and health problems like gastrointestinal

diseases. Banana peelings are also considered a waste product, and end up in landfills,

since they’re not always composted. This results in the release of CO 2, which may

contribute to global warming. This pollution may also pose health risks.

D. Scope and Limitations

This study deals with banana (Musa acuminata), specifically its peelings. The

banana peelings were gathered when we ate bananas, but we also asked for them from the

local community. We gathered evaluations on how effective the banana peelings were as

a dishwashing liquid. We did not study about how long the product will endure



A. Literature

Banana (Musa acuminata) is a popular fruit that many people are eating because

of its flavor, texture, nutritional value, and it’s easy to peel and eat. It is beneficial to our

health because it contains a lot of nutrients and minerals that our body needs. Due to its

high content of potassium, magnesium, and sugar, it acts as a substitute to a full meal if

you are hungry. Bananas are usually harvested before being fully mature for domestic

consumption. Usually they are stored at room temperature.

B. Studies

Banana peels have special cleaning properties that make them a tremendous

environmentally friendly cleaning product. The fibrous part of the banana peel is one of

its cleaning properties. It helps clean walls and other materials. The moist peel of a fresh

banana contains many useful cleaning enzymes and organic cleaning chemicals that are

not only effective, but are safe for the environment. They also give a fresh, pleasurable

scent that can make you comfortable at home. Banana peels are also compostable, which

makes them completely risk-free to the environment.

C. Definition of Terms

PEELINGS - Pieces of skin removed from vegetables and fruit. Can define as parings,

shavings, barks, husks, wrapping, shells or crusts.

DISHWASHING LIQUID - A liquid soap used for washing dirty dishes, usually

utensils, plates, or cutlery.

GREASINESS - can define as fatty, slippery and slimy.

OILINESS - containing an unusual amount of grease or oil from fatty foods.

FEASIBILITY - can be defined as viability, possibility, practicability or achievability.


A. Research Design

The researchers used experimental design in the conduct of the study. (elaborate)

B. Materials
Materials Description Quantity/Volume/Mass Cost
Banana Peelings Musa sapientum ½ kilogram 0.00
Water Tap water 10 oz 0.00
Lemon Juice; Substitute for 1 lemon / ¼ cup 15.00

Salt iodized 2 tablespoons 0.00
Sieve Used to strain 1 0.00

Pot To heat mixture 1 0.00
Induction Stove To heat mixture 1 0.00
Blender To shred peelings 1 0.00
Wooden Spoon To mix product 1 0.00
Container To store mixture 1 0.00
Used plates To test product 2 0.00
Sponge To test product 1 0.00
Commercial To test product 1 sachet / 36ml 10.50


Total Cost: 25.50
C. Procedures

The researchers gathered ½ kilogram of banana peels, then cut them into small

pieces. Then, the pieces were grinded until they formed a paste. Using a sieve, liquid was

extracted from the mixture. The mixture was transferred into a pot, then placed on a heat

source. It was stirred until it thickened. Water, lemon juice, and salt were added. It was

boiled for 2 more minutes, then left to cool. It was transferred into a container. For the

testing of the product, two plates were washed. One with the product, and the other with a

commercial dishwashing liquid. Once finished, the two were compared (odor,

effectiveness, etc.).


A. Findings

Product Cleanliness Amount Amount used

Musa acuminata Absolutely cleaned 30 ml 2 ml

dishwashing liquid 92%

Joy dishwashing Absolutely cleaned 36 ml 2 ml

liquid 93%

B. Analysis of Data

The researchers found that the product created worked just as well as the

commercial dishwashing liquid. It eradicated the oiliness and greasiness of the plate.


A. Summary

In summary, banana peelings with the ingredients of dishwashing liquids have

been proved from this investigatory project that it could be an effective yet cheap

dishwashing liquid from the data gathered through researches and investigations. It can

help us to solve the water pollution, land pollution, and its further problems.

B. Conclusion

After a careful analysis of the data gathered from the conducted tests and

experimentations, the researchers came up with the following conclusions:

 (statement of the problem)

- Answer/conclusion

 (statement of the problem)

- Answer/conclusion

We therefore conclude, that our finished product, “Musa acuminata Dishwashing

Liquid”, has the feasibility to be an alternative dishwashing liquid for the commercial

ones, because based on our findings and results it implied that “Musa acuminata

Dishwashing Liquid” can eliminate Greasiness and oiliness versus the Joy Dishwashing


C. Recommendation

Based on the outcome of our investigation, the researchers recommend the following

topics for further study:

 Explore their options in terms of choosing the ingredients, and the quantities

in which they are used. If we were to do the study again, we would do more

trials/tests and find out how long the product lasts.




1. Complete all missing chapters and other components.

2. Make sure that the abstract covers the totality of the research paper.

3. Make sure that the title, statement of the problem, test/experiments and

conclusions are aligned.

4. Please refrain from using personal pronounce like we, us, I, you, your, them they

etc… instead, use “the researchers”.

5. Limit your problems into two.

6. Problems have to be measurable through tests and experimentations.

7. Make sure that literature and studies used were taken from valid and reliable

sources not just a personal opinion and have to be cited properly.

8. Complete the curriculum vitae part with formal uniformed pictures.


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