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Hare Krsna mantra seminar

Goal of this course and book is to clear away all the anarthas, illusions and offences that keep us from
chanting purely, with a goal of attaining Krsna-prema.

1. Intro. By SBT

A. who the book is for

SCM and holy name. "We firmly believe that only those who have taken shelter of the holy name will
read the book; othrs will not." from chanting.

B. Brief history of Haridasa Thakur.--Mohammadan. "Sanatana Goswami replied: " O Haridasa

Thakura, who is equal to you? You are one of the associates of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore
you are the most fortunate. The mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, for which He has descended as
an incarnation, is to spread the importance of chanting the holy name of the Lord. Now instead of
personally doing so, He is spreading it through you. M dear sir, you are chanting the holy name
300,000 times daily ad informing everyone of the importance of such chanting. Some behave properly.
You simultaneously perform both duties in rela- tion to the holy name by your personal behavior and
by your preaching. Therefore you are the spiritual master of the entire world, for you are the most
advanced devotee in the world." C. Brief history of Harinama Cintamani--Written by Bhaktivinode
Thakur based on a book he received with bona-fide teachings of Haridasa Thakur to a saintly Vaisnava
on the position of the Holy Name.


A. Sweet exchange bt SCM and HT. Lord enquires about HN.

B. Beginning of sambhandha jnana

endent. All energies come from him, yet he is non-dual. He is Brahman and paramatma, but they are
not complete feature like Krsna is. endless multifarious potencies, yet he remains unaffected and
indivisible. vaibhava (opulences), and therefore, Lord can be perceived only through these energies
which are 3: Cit-vaibhava, maya or acit- vaibhava, and jiva-viabhava. -CIT-vaibhava displays internal,
spiritual potency: Vaikuntha, Names, forms, qualities, lila, devotees etc. COUNTLESS. al fullness. 3
emanations: inter-related whole like the relationships of all jivas to the Lord. thing else. ual emotions,
relationships and exchanges of rasas. When it descends it maintains it's nature, completely free from
material influence (such as the descent of the Holy Name. mixed, misra-sattva. Suddha is devoid of
rajas, tamas. Even when suddha-sattva descends to Mayas realm as in visnu tattva avata- ras, they
remain controller of maya and unaffected. nescience or mat. nature the are under passion and
ignorance--misra sattva. Misra sattva and acit vaibhava or maya tattva called devi-dhama). 8 elements
make it up. It is shadow of cit- vaibhava. Jivas--misra sattva and also independent. His urgent need is
KC. selfish pleasure. Entrapped. Get a body conducive to residence in devi-dhama. Up and down in
mat. world. Krsna's relationship with Jivas the jiva is the instrument through whom and to whom the
Lord manifests His energies and opulences. get SG by VA, havan, vows, charity, Yoga, etc. Visnu is

presiding Deity in all these, but all results are material, don't satisfy the soul. Temporary. Deliverance
from above Piety previous pious acts--never attained by karma. rasa.

(Getting into abhideya)

Piety that leads and doesn't lead to DS ´ fruits of action, 2. jnanonmukhi, which leads to liberation, and
3. Bhakti-unmukhi which involves faith in and appreciation of PDS. Comes from ajnata-sukrti and it
leads jiva to meet PD. Gradually he gets taste for HN, compassion and nistha.

***Example of Prakasananda Saraswati.

How will Karmi and Jnani be saved?

assoc. with sadhus and gradually destroys desire for fruit, and gets seed of sraddha. compassion.
Gradually loses desire for liberation. How to perform religion in Kali-yuga means in this degraded age.
VA, sankhya, yoga and empiricism don't yield strength needed to save jivas of Kali. Jnana and Karma
are extremely narrow and hazardous. 2 secondary paths that lead to DS: 1. hearing spiritual discussions
and 2. Niskama-karma are hard to accomplish as well. Chanting is the answer comes the end, the
process becomes identical to the objective.

Ends chap. with humble statement by HT. } 3 kinds of Vaisnavas (chanters) ately chant. SCM asks HT
how can the jiva chant like 3? Nama cintamani... materialist, Prema to devotee. Wo these four, not an
object. Like Brahman. Not an object it- self, just a trait of Krsna. to express Him in totality. They exist
by sandhini potency. listed. tainly not Jivas. Ete camsa.. nama-rupa-guna-lila. of the other three. The
entire panorama of Krsna's pastimes is present in the Name. jects in this material universe, everything
else is inert matter. Principle, secondary Names Yajneswara, Paramatma. Involed by Karmi and Jnanis.
Chanter gets mukti, not Prema. The pure name and Namabhasa--ways of chanting with diff. effect ance
and the speed of deliverance must be noted." distance from the HN, is where chanting gives little or no
ef- fect, is called aparadha. Esp. in Vyavadhana when one believes Krsna doesn't reside in His name
and thus chanting can't give highest realization. We may think like this partially. simple. prema only at
that time. 2 kinds of Vyavadhana--disruption however, gives mukti because it is namabhasa. who
seperate Krsna from His name. Avoiding these 2 makes one elevated. As Anarthas leave, Pure Name
arrives serve. That will clear anarthas and name will dance on tongur. Ecstasy comes, and the entire
world falls at the devotee's feet, and maya runs away. Omnipotent and Adhikari else required (time
place, etc). Only prerequisite is Faith. Surrender, means surrender to Name

namabhasa, he then strives towards chanting the pure name."

mist obscure one's vision. Cloud of Anartha and mist of igno- rance. Three Kinds of Mist of ignorance
creat confusion the basis of all anarthas is ignorance cleared by sam-jnana. creates mist. worship. Jiva
entangled in karma. part of Krsna and His world. Name, 2. Krsna's supremacy over all, 3. the Jiva's
trans. nature. "Anyone who understands these truths is freed from the darkness of ignorance and attains

Cloud of anartha

objects, craving heavenly pleasures next life, mystic powers, liberation in Brahman). 2. Hridaya-
daurbalyam-propensities of the heart and mind that arise from a condition of spiritual weakness
(attachment to trifling things unrelated to Krsna, deceit, envy of others progress, desiring position and
fame). 3. aparadha (Nama, seva, bhakta and LE). These 3 anarthas create cloud--namabhasa.

sa continues for a long time--progress is very slow. When jiva takes bfsm and follows instructions,
clouds and mist gradually go.

the relationship (sambhandha) is chanting. Chanting becomes an indispensible need(prayojana).

cieve with faith. K is God. Jiva is servitor. Jiva loving rela- tionship with Krsna is likewise eternal as
an inherent trait of his nature. Jiva is in maya, suffers. Relieved by Name and sam. Nice paragraph on
Sam-jnana--SB 21.

anarthas. This is namabhasa. Result of Namabhasa

because it wil lead to the path of pure bhakti.

sacrifices. All sins gone. Liberated from Kali's effact. Miser- ierd caused by demons, ghosts, evil
spirits, malefic planetary influences averted. Prarabdha karma counteracted. Better results that studying
Vedas, visit all dhamas, pious work. Goals of 4 arthas available, reclaims LE, gives joy, gives
Vaikuntha. Hear- ing results encourages us to take it up.

4 attitudes of Lower Border Namabhasa (Sraddha absent--uninten- tional pious activity.

3 and 4 are hela namabhasa--chanting with Neglect. Least offen- sive of the 4, most power of HN in
this one. Still gives libera- tion. None of these 4 is with real Sraddha.

Sraddha Namabhasa

Sraddha-nama. If one gets mukti from Lower Namabhasa, what to speak of this. Everything but
Prema. Establishes one on samband- ha-jnana, which results in rati. Anarthas cleared easily and
quickly." "If one's sraddha is rooted in rati and is offense- less, then gradually it will lead to the pure
name. "Sraddha-nama clears away anarthas very esily and quickly." This is the path that we want. Not

praiseworthy. It is considered unlimited times better than karma, or jnana because a person which such
namabhasa will eventually get faith, and that seed of faith will then develop into attrac- tion and taste
for Krsna, which will lead to the stage of sud- dhaa-nama and then prema.

2 Kinds of Namabhasa

of full brilliance. On cloudy day, light still there. A faint shadow of faith. (Chaya-sraddhabhasa).

surface of water. When rays of Name reflect off lake of mayavadi thought. No Prema. Big aparadha.
Not namabhasa at all. Also using holy name as step to material success. Pratibimba may see devo- tees
with faith, and this may increase his desire for the name, but he remains with strong desires for SG and
mukti. Ultimately his connection with Mayavada Philo. offends the Name and ruins the little sraddha
he has.

name that they take is also distorted. Such people are character- ized by deeplyrooted desire for
enjoyment and liberation, to the extent that they strive day and night to fulfill their desires for
enjoyment and liberation. Because such people may use the name, they may appear to have faith in the
name, but this is not actual faith. If one takes to the name with that faith, no matter how long one
continues, one will not progress to purification, but willl remain at the same perverted stage
continually. Instead such practice usually leads to mayavada mentality." BS 29.

daurbalyam. Recified by chanting. But pratibimba increases of- fenses. Not real chanting. filled with
SG and mukti, and mat. conceptions. Cheater. Results are endless misery. It's Vyavadha- na, not really
namabhasa. No compromise bt 2 philosophies. Real name not there.

Mayavadi redeemed?

Repents. Hears from PD, gets sambandha, etc. Prabhupada explains in Bg that the mayavada philo.
becomes very troublesome for the struggling Mayavadi. Very difficult to shake. Ghost of actual

sayujya (abhasa bc sayujay is just hint of liberation) in prati- bimba stage. No mat. suffering, but
spiritual doom.

gives know. So if chaya takes bfsm(2 sambhandha-j), he quickly gets suddha Name and prema.

sophical basis. Then with that proper Sam-jnana the abhideya, Chanting becomes quickly effective.

-HT: "I am very fearful of these offenses...Please give me the strength to avoid these offenses." 5 and 6

Svarupa and tathasta "Taking Krsna as only shelter." is svarupa laksana, all others tathasta.

ates with a Vaisnava, he develops a taste for the holy name, and takes complete shelter of Krsna's lotus
feet. Then by continual chanting he gradually develops other tathasta laksanas, which are also

as will the tathasta that accompany them, but svarupa is same. Ex. of Raghunatha dG. Not brahmana.
HH. "Practice detachment by cultivating firm faith and deep attachment for Krsna within, while
conductiong normal external social dealings with people in genral." Later, sannyasi. LC "no fancy
clothes, etc. if not there, tathasta will come. If not there and even some serious discrepancy, still sadhu!
See BG. (See file "API"). -Sins go quickly for surrendered devotee. It is therefore offen- sive to critize
a devotee for: 1. traces of almost-extirpated sin, and 2. for sins committed prior to surrendering to

How Bhakti is Distributed--why this offense is so sever

suffers untold pains birth after birth. The doors of bhakti are closed to this offender because DS is the
merciful gift of a Vais. to the LE. The Vais. is an abode of Krsna's spiritual potencies; others receive
bhakti only by his confidential assoc."

through PD heart to others. Krsna uses the PD to distribute Bhakti. "When the Jiva becomes free from
envy and is inclined to DS, the bhakti potency is then transferred from a pure devotee's heart into that
jiva's heart."

dust from LF.

ecstasy. Therefore....

unpremeditated accidental falldown, 3. traces of previous sins, or sin before surrendering. Offender
will never taste Name.

is the quintesssence of spiritual culture (stress of second chapter)therefore, SADHU!


bhakti receds at the first sign of ninda.

Bad Association

1. assoc. of women--a. ofher than one's wife, b. overly fond of one's wife. c. lusty or henpecked men.
2. assoc. with non-devotees--a. mayavadi, b. dharmadhvaji (pre- tender). VERY dangerous. Dress of
devotee. c. Nirisvara (atheist). "If someone agrues that criticizing such non-devotees is sadhu- ninda,
his company must also be avoided.

Kanistha-formal worldly faith. Almost Vaisnava (vaisnava abhasa). Can't take full advantage of Sadhu-
sanga. But needs that sanga and Krpa to advance. Called Vaisnava-abhasa because sadhu will only
associate with Vaisnava. Madhyama-4 exchanges quickly becomes PD. Eligible to chant Pure name.
Uttama-Krsna and Name is everything. Unconcerned with distinction of Vaisnavanon-Vaisnava.

Madyamas always serve Sadhus. Beginning of PD. Must distinguish less he commits aparadha. Uttama
doesn't distinguish, therefore can't serve sadhu, but seeing Krsna everywhere, can't commit aparadha.

fore must avoid namaparadha.

on service to Vaisnavas, association with Vaisnavas, chanting and giving Krpa to Les. Remedy for
Sadhu-ninda-fall at feet, beg forgiveness.


in full, others, not Visnu-tattva have less partially.



Demigods includes worship of Visnu. BOGUS. It's the oppisite. Pouring water on the root.

called part of their VA dharma should, without doubt, worship Krsna exclusively and perform their
VA duties with Krsna in the center (atleast until they reach Bhava). Demigods can be offered Krsna's
remnants, and worshipped as Krsna's devotees. All the while he should Chant.

Supreme: To consider the name, etc. as different from the Lord, considering the Lord and the Name on
a material level. In namab- hasa one may unconsciously do this for lack of knowledge or faith. This
anartha is removed by Guru's krpa who will guide us towards pure name.

His inconceivable potency.

cize demigods or scriptures which support sorship of demigods. Respect demigods as Krsna's servants.

committing again. Remember KRsna and His Name. Krsna is an ocean of mercy and forgiveness. Also
avoid those who commit this offen.

demigods." Mayavadas say: You worship any demigod--all the same." "You should not misguide
yourself by thinking that any name will do."

in this body can spiritual acts begin--not demigod or animal.

just surrender to BFSM. HH stay in VA and take GURU.

and diksa-mantra, many siksas who give Sambandha-jnana.

nava sampradayas. The Adi-Guru is siksa-guru for all, and one's diksa guru must have understood Adi-
guru's instructions.

sent by the Lord as the eternal master of the disciple.

persission to worship Krsna. Food offered to Deities and then to SM. "The SM, Krsna, and the
Vaisnavas must be worshipped with equal devotional fervor. Undeviating faith and devotion in the SM
will lead to suddhanama and Prema."

offends the Name, even if he was bona-fide at initiation. Later one can seek again a BFSM.

it is an eternal relationship. If either is bogus, they must be rejected.

intiation, bc offending BFSM is shunned by all. Even ordinary HH items are tested--testing period
should be there. The point is that one must not bring upon himself the calamity of having to reject his

water, etc. Don't initiate while alive, try to impess others with one's know. in his presence or try to
control him. Always offer dandavats, say name with reverence. Thus one will easily get a taste for the

and adopts viewpoint of unauthorized sacrilegious scriptures. One must cast these away and fall at the
Guru's feet to be pardoned for this offense.

which is beyond sensual perception. Vedic lit. is beyond 4 de- fects of con. soul.

10 principal teachings (dasamula). 1. Krsna is only SPG, 2. K is omnipotent, all energies are within
Him. 3. Krsna is Rasamurti, source of all bliss eternally in Vrindaban. 4. Jivas are separat- ed parts and
parcels. 5. Conditioned souls are enamored by Maya. 6. Nitya-muktas are eternally in spiritual world in
bliss. 7. Everything material and spiritual comjes under acinta bhedabheda sambandha. These seven are
sambandha-jnana. 8. Abhidheya is 9 angas, esp. chanting. 9. Jiva must take to bhakti to acheive Prema,
cultivated by taking full shelter of the Name. 10. The Vedic Authority.

is offense to Name.

tion with these philosophies or Mayavada is automatically namapa- radha.

accept secondary meanings that distance them more from the AT.

vealed. All liberated souls in Spiritual World chant.

criticize the Vedas. Maya punishes them, ultimately casting them to the Brahmajyoti--doomed.

glorify Sruti and especially worship Srimad-Bhagavatam, Krsna Himself.

chanting of the ure name as the rincipal process, to criticize the Vedas is to criticize the name."

“Day and night I am immersed in this ocean of nectar of the Holy Name, having given up the offense
of ciritizing the scripture.”



sections of the Vedas, ritualism and philosophical speculation have been greatly praised, and such
praises are intended to elicit interest in these processes. But the same is not true in the case of the holy
name, therefore to think so is an abominable offense."

Rama, 3 Ramas - 1 Krsna. Nothing compares to Krsna's Name.


gerate the Name's glories to instill faith. No idea of the Name. Such folks have insufficient piety
(Bhakti-sukriti) to acquire faith or taste. (Story of Haridasa Thakur and Gopal Cakravarta.

K-K offers promises of fulfilling selfish desires for temporary things.("for motivations sake). Cunning.
Something beyond these statements is actually real. Ultimate end of Karma is Name as person goes
through gradual Vedic process. "When a devotee in- spires a pious person to chant, it is done without
selfish mo- tives." Motivation is vastly different so statements i n sastra also have different motivation.

all the results of karma and Jnana. "Pious results that a brahma- na could not accrue anywhere i ht e
entire universe are easily obtained by chanting Krsna's Name."

positioned chanting His HolyName at the very top of all devotion- al activities. The Supreme Lord is
fully independent, autocratic and omnipotent. All rules have come into force due to His ar- rangement.
He has declared Karma to be material (investing His material energy in it), and has revealed Jnana of
Imp. brahman leads only to extinction of consciousness, putting it in deep slumber (investing His
Nirvana energy in Jnana). All potency in Name. There is o point in raising any objection."

offense before Vaisnavas."Then the offensive mentality will be purified and he will be protected from
the onslaught of maya. Offenses against the HN are committed bc of maya's deception." Therefore one
needs Guru to discriminate atharhaada fro True and accurate glorification of Name.

Mahabharata and the Puranas.

hrdaya daurbalyam. As faith develops, propensity to sin is total- ly destroyed. Previous sins dissolved.
3 causes of suffering: sin, the seeds of sin and ignorance. Chanting softens heart, evoking compassion.
Lust goes. Wealth and women disinterested. He accepts all favorable, rejects all unfavorable. He has
absolute conviction that Krsna is his protector, savior and maintainer.

to sin and as the same time purifies the consciousness. Taste comes, inclination to sin goes, though
faint residue of previous sinful acts still lingers in mind. Odor of sinful habit hangs still in air, but by
contact with chanting willpower overcomes clinging stigma of sin.

protection are all sins annihilated and progress never impeded.

phase, and will be drowned in the nectar of the Name. Not lost.



inclination to sin (thinking) on strength can't be overcome by endless torture by Yamaraja.

all sins are gone, one takes to the Name will ill intent and b. Putting on saffron, rejecting HH life as
troublesome and enjoying women--monkey renunciates.

ciation, or they will fall into this Namaparadha. While chanters of the pure Name can't commit any of
the 10 offenses, at the namabhasa stage one must ber very careful. The Namabhasi should chant

constantly, attracting Guru's mercy, receive from Him Sam- jnana and take to pure devotion and the
Pure Name.

PDs. The propensity to sin is like a highway robber. PDs are guradians of the path and help when
devotee calls aloud for help. Just hearing that call, the robber immediately runs away, fearing that the
guards will come.

means to have complete conviction that chanting Lord Krsna's name will automatically fulfill all duties
and complete all pious activities." BS: "faith means to have unflinching conviction in the glories and
powers fo the Name."

will disrespect the Name. (Swine crushes pearls, monkeys will only tear cloth). Initiating guru will also
be dragged down.

Dhould not be initiated unless he rejects this mentality.

knowingly initiates a faithless person for material benefit, guru goes to Hell. If guru initiates faithless
because of incorrect assessment, he should have remorse, publicly reject disciple. If he doesn't do this,
again this offense is committed.

everyone, means SKP. Faith producted by loud SKP. The sincere will come forward and take
initiation. All sinful people should be made to give up habits and sraddha should be implanted in their

guru's potency.

dha in them and then gave them the Name.


but if unable, shouldn't be initiated. He requires some time to understand."

chance. But if one is staunch atheist, we should not talk very much with him about Krsna. He may say
something offensive."

the president. We should not canvass. Let him come. Krsna says "You just surrender unto Me." Not
that by force making him sur- render. That kind of surrender will not stand. Let him become attracted
by KC movement and he personally asks for Harer Nama. Just like Bkaktivinode Thakur says:
Bhaktivinode prabhu carane padiya. As soon as Lord Caitanya says "I have brought this medi- cince
for killing maya." Bhaktivinode Thakur immediately felldown on His Lotus Feet and begged "Please
give me." One should beg not that canvassing. Unless one has increased little taste and he's eagar to
accept this chanting process we should not canvass.



lets it permeate his body and dance on his tongue chants the pure name, while one with a material
concept drowns in despondency.

due to the individuals different abilities the paths are several. Karma is for engrossed materialists.
Jnana for souls deluded by maya and Bhakti for the rest.

tinged with material motives. The process is material, called Subhakarma: altruistic work, yajna, snana,
dana, yoga, VA, vrata, etc. "Subhakarma provides the means for the jiva to approach pure devotion
through material contact...but very time-consuming. Bc one transcnedental, subha mundana. Means
and ends vastly differ.

the Name is viewed as one of the many Subhakarmas. This is simi- lar to the offense of seeing Lord
Visnu as another demigod like Siva and Brahma.

Thus he also thinks everything, including the Name, to be materi- al due to ignorance. Thus chanting
came to be seen as subhakarma, and the Mayavadis think this is right and proper.

success according to the jiva's advancement. (In Namabhasa, the means, in Suddhanama the end?).
This can't be said of subhakarma which is material from start to finish. Name, even in sadhana is
purely spiritual though colored by sadhaka's anarthas. "The practice of any subhakarma must be
discarded at ultimate destina- tion, while we never give up chanting." In sadhana stage, devot- ess
should know diff bt HN and subhakarma by grace of sastra and guru. Subhakarma brings one to Bhakti
slowly. 7. Remedy for this offense: It is committed bc of sinful activi- ties. Offenses to Vaisnava is a
sinful act. As a result of this offense the jiva acquires a mayavadi understanding of the HN. One must
assoc. with devotees and approach a HH Vaisnava from a low caste, thus ridding of false designations.
Respectfully smear dust, eat remnants and drink water from feet. Thus the proper attitude towards the
HN will develop. Kalidasa was saved from this offense by this process and the Lord's mercy.

tion and begging for the Name.

ary. "Once this point is clearly understood, the difference bt the HN and subhakarma will autoamtically
manifest. HN is essense, incomparable to any subhakarma.

People can't execute the path of pious activities.

some to be subhakarma with no other potency."

comparison to the shadow of happiness received from the material world, but in comparison to the
bliss of the HN, that happiness is scant." SP:"The ex. is just like a mango,unripe, going on changing. It
is not that chanting brings another thing as a result. No, the same thing becomes manifest in different
feature. Just like unripe
is ripened and it is fully ripened the taste is changed. The is now sweet. So, in the beginning we may
be very much reluctant in the matter of chanting, but when you become liberated the chant- ing will be
so sweet that you cannot give up."

still not experience the ecstasy of the pure name. This is an indication of pramada, which restricts the
growth of pure Bhakti."

chanting sows the seeds of anarthas, which soon fructify. Inat- tentiveness is of three kinds. The first is
called audasinya, or apathetic devotional service, meaning a lack of fixed resolve in sadhana. The
second type is jadya, laziness or even inertia. The third kind is viksepa, which means distraction or
misplacing one's attention in engagements not directly connected with sadha- na-bhakti.


memories are absorbed in matter. On the one hand someone chants the HN, but his mind and attention
are far away from his chant- ing. Even if he chants one lakh Names on his mala, not a drop of taste for
the Name is produced in his heart. This is a vivid example of inattentive chanting and its result. It is
difficult to restrain the heart of a materialist from such offenses.

Note attitude and taste. Emulate, gradually fixing mind on name. Becomes attracted to chanting in
front of Tulasi and residing in place of Krsna's pastimes.

meditate on the name. If not possible, cover head with cloth and concentrate on the Name. Slowly one
develops attraction for the HN. Apathy and inattentiveness will gradually vanish.

soon feels it unendurable and wants to sleep. But an advanced devotee never wastes a minute in useless
talks or activities. He is absorbed in the HN. One must make an effort to associate with such rare
devotees and follow their example, thus ridding oneself of laziness. Seeing their example one will be
attracted to their traits and be eager to progress.

a serious offense hard to overcome. Leads to cravings for wealth, women, position success and
cheating. When these desires enter the heart, one loses a desire to chant.

out thoughts listed above, and follow VE. This endeavor will reinstate good fortune. 2. Begin to
observe Ekadasi, and festi- vals. Plan to spend all day and night chanting Lord's glories with devotees.
Be in a Dhama, with sadhus, reading and discussing sastra. Participate wholeheartedly wo anxiety or
hesitation. Rekindles taste.

chanter will be eager to finish and be done. Must concnetrate on quality. Pronounce distinctly. All only
by Krpa. Pray never to fall victim to distraction again. Spend a little in quiet place concentrating
deeply on Name. Only overcome Viksepa by Lord's Mercy!!!

-“One who does not aspire to obtain the Lord’s

fully give up bodily designations. Spiritual immaturity.

follow 6-fold surrender.

relinquish all attachments to money, body, sons, wife, etc. Instead, one should center the attachments
and relationships around Krsna, thinking: "He is the real Master and Lord, and Hios will is my
imperative. I am ready to act only to fulfill Lord Krsna's desire and won't even think about my own
wishes. I will adjust my HH affairs for the Lord's satisfaction. By His wish I will crtoss the material
ocean. In times of both joy and sorrow I will remain eternally Lord Krsna's servitor. Only by His desire
can I become compassionate to the suffering of others. All my moments of material enjoyment and my

moods of austerity are experienced solely due to the Lord's wil". When these feelings arise
spontaneously, one achieves the stage of atma-nivedana.

oner of false ego who always thinks in terms of me and mine. Isvara'ham, aham bhogi.

the potency of the Name. They can chant in Hela-Namabhasa, but won't get Prema. The cause of their
engrossment is material engrossment. Blinded. Very difficult to get free from this of- fense. Only with
taste of PDS do we become disgusted with materi- al life.

depend on Krsna. Chant taking full shelter. Associate with sadhus and serve them wo material desires.
Me and mine will disappear, nescience surmounted. Then by hearing the Name's glories false ego goes.
Takes to 6 surrender. Gets Prema.

being warned to avoid them, one is actually being ordered to positively implement the specific saintly
qualities that render these aparadhas impossible.

as the Supreme Absolute Lord. 3. Realize the excellence of the Guru. 4. Understand the Glories of the
sastra that reveal the glories of the HN. 5. Know within the heart that the HN is eter- nally situated in
pure transcendence. 6. Root out and destroy the desire to commit sins. 8. Preach HN only to the
faithful. 9. Give up ritualistic pious acts entirely and surrendering fully to the HN, chant without

qualities and is eligible for Krsna's mercy. Very quickly reaches Bhava. From Sadhana to Sadhya. and
quickly obtains Prema.

expert practice of Bhakti is to avoid the 10 offenses. Must be sufficiently greedy for PDS, then he will
chant wo offenses. Deep reentance. Pray sincerely and chant with determination. Only then blessed
with mercy of HN.

READ p 87 (1 and 2) THIS IS SURRENDER. Explain each.

Preach boldly--give protection. Rakei. Who else will protect us? In Vrindaban, see devotees leave
body. Solo flight. All have to have this test. Detached.

BJP story for Maintainance

We should give up all attachments of maya--become fully attached to "I and Mine" and rather think "I
am Krsna's" --Mamata I am Krsna's, K is Mine.--advanced stage--real KC He is my master I will
fulfull his desires--I will forget my own wishes I will adjust my life for His satisfaction In joy or
sorrow I remain his servant. Only by His desore I will become compassionate for the sufferings of

When these feelings are spontaneous, that is atmanivedanam

Possible to chant without Surrender

meant for enjoyment.



the name.


1. Poverty--depend on Krsna--develop humility. 2. humility--worship Krsna's Feet 3. chant--with full

shelter of Holy Name 4. Assoc--with sadhus 5. service--to sadhus--wo considering one's own desires

FREEDOM from offenses isn't sufficient--avoid them but do posi- tive

1. Glorify Vaisnavas, not critize 2. Worship Krsna 3. Realize excellence of Guru 4. Understand
preeminance of scriptures that reveal Name's glory 5. Root out and destroy desire to sin 6. Know in
heart Name is situated in pure transcendence. 7. Preach to the faithful 8. Give up ritualistic pious
activities 9. surrender to Holy Name 10. Chant with full attention.
The result of this chanting will be bhava, and then prema.

Renouceing aparadha 91 and 92

Chanting Hare Krsna

Dhyanakunda dd asked several questions about attitude and thinking while chanting the maha-mantra.
Here are a few points from Srila Prabhupada to consider, and then one quote from Harikesa Swami...

"Regarding your first question, is it offensive to think of Krishna's Pastimes while chanting, I think you
should know that it is not offensive, but rather it is required. One must try for the point when he simply
hears Krishna and immediately all of Krishna, His Pastimes, His Form, His Quality, are in his
thoughts. So to always be immersed in thoughts of Krishna this is our process. When we are full in
Krishna then where there can be any chance for maya in us? So this is our duty to remember Krishna's
Pastimes. One who cannot remember Krishna, let him always hear Hare Krishna and then when he has
perfected this art, then always he will remember Krishna, His Activities, His Qualities, etc." (Letter to
Sivananda das)

Nectar of Devotion: Chapter Twelve

"And so, under the guidance of a spiritual master, the disciple is trained to render service and at the
same time chant the Hare Krsna mantra. As soon as one develops his spontaneous service attitude, he
can immediately understand the transcendental nature of the holy names of the maha-mantra."

Prabhupada's Lectures Srimad-Bhagavatam 1972

"... your chanting, the name, the form, the quality, the pastimes, everything will be revealed. As we go
on cleansing our dirty heart by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, and as we chant faultless, offenseless
harer nama, Krsna reveals. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adhah. By service attitude, if
you chant Hare Krsna mantra without any offense, then Krsna will reveal Himself. You cannot try to
see Krsna by your speculation or yogic practice. If you simply submissively, surrendering yourself,

chant His holy name, there is no difference between Krsna's name and Krsna. Abhinnatvad nama

Prabhupada's Lectures Srimad-Bhagavatam 1971

"So harer nama, not other name, only harer nama. Yatha harer nama-padair udahrtaih. Simply once
chanting. Uttamasloka- gunopalambhakam. The purification of chanting harer nama means as soon as
you chant the holy name of Krsna immediately you will see the form of Krsna, you will realize the
qualities of Krsna, you will immediately remember the pastimes of Krsna. That is pure chanting of
Hare Krsna mantra. That is commented by Srila Jiva Gosvami, that a pure devotee who chants Hare
Krsna mantra, immediately all these--nama, rupa, guna, lila, parikara, vasistha... Simply by chanting
name you will feel the form of Krsna: 'Here is Krsna.' Nama, rupa, guna. 'Here are the qualities. Oh,
Krsna is so qualified. He is so kind. He is so magnanimous.' So many qualities you will remember.
Nama, rupa, guna, lila. Then His pastimes. 'Oh, Krsna instructed Arjuna. Krsna played with His
cowherd boys. Krsna had very nice talks with the gopis, with His mother Yasoda.' These things will be
remembered. That is factual perfection of chanting,.."

Prabhupada's Lectures Srimad-Bhagavatam 1971

"He still remains a pure devotee. So here it is said that yad uttamasloka-gunopalambhaka. We have
to... Just like there are some sahajiyas. They think that 'Krsna's rasa-lila is very nice, but Krsna's
fighting with the demons and killing of the demons, that is not very nice.' But they do not know the
Absolute Truth, that Krsna is as good in any circumstances, either He is enjoying the company of the
gopis or He is killing the demon. That is the Absolute Truth. So these things should be understood. So
any kind of lila, yad uttamasloka- gunanu, lila, any kind of Krsna's activities, if you remember by
chanting Hare Krsna mantra, then you are liberated. Immediately you are liberated, from the
authoritative description of Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Akrura dasa: What does it actually mean to realize that the holy name is nondifferent from Krsna?

Harikesa Swami: What do you mean what does it mean? It means exactly what it says: The holy name
of Krsna is exactly Krsna Himself and one who realizes this realizes Krsna Himself and attains his
spiritual form. In the spiritual realm the sound representation of a thing and the thing itself are not
different since there is no ignorance there. That means that chanting the name 'rose' will immediately
bring up the picture or form of the rose and the smell and flavor of the rose. All the senses are active
there all the time in full power. So this is especially true of Krsna who is the Supreme Absolute. His
holy name and Himself are fully identical. One can realize all of Krsna when one realizes His holy
name. It is not something that can be simply discussed. One must actually realize it. This will take
time. But at least be aware that this will take place someday.

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