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Le Anh Tuyet


1. Cohabitation
 Definition: Living together in a sexual relationship without being married.
 In western countries : a common pattern, norm
 In Vietnam, an Eastern country: a hot trend, especially in students’ life

 Reasons/ Root for cohabitation in Vietnam


1. Economic advantages : “we can save money by sharing living expenses”

( accommodation, food, necessaries)
2. Time together: “we are able to spend more time together”. Many students
studying in universities live away from their family and in unfamiliar places.
They lack of family’s love and care so unavoidably they sometimes feel so
lonely and be like fish out of water. They do not know anyone there and
coincidentally they meet a person who has the same circumstances and then
they have mutual sympathy.
3. Increased intimacy: “we have more opportunities to share sexual and
emotional intimacy without getting married”.
4. Less complicated dissolution:” if the relationship doesn’t work out, there is
no messy divorce”. It is easy to say goodbye and boys do can deny if they do
not want.
5. Testing compatibility: “ Living together enables us to better learn about each
other’s habit and character and see how we operate together day-to-day.”
6. Trial marriage:” we are getting married soon”
7. Imitation of the peers.- trend
Older individual
1. Avoid loss of financial benefits such as alimony, welfare or pension checks.
2. Loss of a spouse to death or divorce and fear of losing another spouse
3. Pain and anger as a result of divorce.
2. Single parent family
 Definition: “Single parents” is the term used for a mother or father who raises
children below 18 years without help from the other parent.
Status: Statistics reveal that the number of single parents is on the rise for several
reasons as people are falling away from the traditional biological father, mother and
children concept. Marriage is no longer considered sacred and the law has made it
easier for divorce and remarriage. Cultural acceptance of living together is another
For it is in giving that we receive.
Le Anh Tuyet

reason for more single parents. This is more common in developed countries which
seem to have come to terms with this way of life, while in some of the developing
countries a single parent is still considered a social stigma.
 Reasons for single parent family:
1.  Divorce where the law decides that one parent has custody of the under 18
years children with the other parent having only visitation rights or they may
both have joint custody. In instances where a parent has sole custody, the parent
will bring up the children by themselves.
2. the parents may have never married and but there may be instances when the
father of the children live with the mother but by law she would still be
considered a single parent due to lack of  tangible legal evidence.  
3. Many are those who become single parents by choice, because they adopt
children bringing them up single handedly.
4. Educated successful career women, who are able to support themselves,
sometimes prefer to stay single and enjoy their independence. However they find
that being a biological mother is a need that has to be met and if marriage is not
the answer to fulfill this desire, they have many other ways of becoming a parent.
Artificial insemination has become the solution to their dream.

5. couples who have not been able to bear children due to infertility or physical
incapability, have other women who are prepared to go through the pregnancy
by becoming the surrogate mothers, usually for a fee.


Way of life, stigma, artificial insemination, surrogate mother b.

Summary of secret garden 2

Mary passed many weeks like others, got used to her new life and slowly grows stronger and healthier. She spent almost time
wandering the moor and quickly explored a kitchen garden and an orchard. She met an old gardener named Ben and his only
friend, a red breast robin who were alone like her. Mary terribly pleased to make friend with this bird and even chirp and whistle
at him and chase after him and she realized that the robin lived in the secret garden where she cannot find any doors to enter.
That night Martha told Mary about further stories of secret garden, which was forbidden. After Mrs Craven fell from a branch
and died in this garden, it was locked despite the intimate time of she and her husband. Hearing this story, Mary felt sorry for
his uncle and while she listened to the wind blowing, she noticed a sound like a child crying but Martha denied hearing that
sound though Mary insisted. The following day, rainstorm kept Mary indoor and listened to Martha’s family stories and felt
affinity with them. Because of rain, she decided to search the library and explore hundreds of shuttered rooms. As through the
corridor, she was interested in portraits of a girl who looked so like her and collection of ivory. Suddenly she heard a child’s cry
again and when she searched for its source, she was apprehended by a furious Mrs Medlock who took her back to her room.

For it is in giving that we receive.

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