Readings in Philippine History Midterm Examination

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Fernandez, Gabriel Jenthre Pocong, Kerstein Gill

Legarde, Carla Bren San Miguel, John Steven

Mante, Juvel Nino Santiago, Kristine
RPH MWF 10:30 - 11:30

Readings in Philippine History Midterm Examination: Significant Events in Philippine

History through Primary Sources

1.Create a group composed of five to seven members.
2.Choose one among the following themes of Philippine History. You may create your own specific topic as
long as these belongs to the suggested themes below.
3.Look for primary sources that can be used as evidence of your chosen theme: written document; photo;
artifact; editorial cartoon/caricature; video
4.Read and research about each primary source using the competencies of historical literacy; and its relevance
to Philippine History.
5. Identify and elaborate at least five secondary sources of your chosen topic (comprehensive summary;
relevance to your chosen topic/theme).
6. Provide a comprehensive summary; and significance or relevance to Philippine History and to the Filipino
Nation of your chosen theme/topic
7. Answer the five Primary Sources Analysis Worksheets provided below.
8. Answer the integrating guide questions which will serve as the synthesis of the five Primary Sources Analysis
9. Rate the participation of the group members according to the criteria provided at last part of this

A. Pre Colonial Philippines

B. Culture Clash and Contact: Spanish Conquest of the Philippine Islands
C. Life under Spain
D. 1896 Revolution Against Spain
E. Reform and Radicalism: Propaganda Movement
F. 1896 Revolution Against Spain
G. 1​st​ Philippine Republic
H. Philippine American War
I. Life under the Americans
J. The Filipino Colonial State under American Rule
K. Filipinization towards the Commonwealth Government
L. Japanese Invasion
M. Life during the Japanese Occupation
N. Philippine Liberation
O. Post War Independence and Recovery
P. Hukbalahap Insurgency
Q. Martial Law
R. EDSA Revolution
S. Recent Natural Disasters: Typhoon Yolanda
T. The Rise of Rodrigo Dutert
Title of your Chosen theme/topic: ​Rise of Rodrigo Duterte: War on Drugs

Comprehensive Description:
Duterte served as the mayor of Davao City for twenty years. In this period, he practiced his harsh
crime-fighting tactics and earned his name as “The Punisher”. As he ran for the presidential seat, one of
his major platforms was to put an end to crime; specifically, to wage war against which he did as soon
as he took office as President of the Philippines on June 30, 2016. Although the war on drugs had
positive effects to the Philippines such as the rise of rehabilitation facilities, rooting out corruption and
decreasing crime rate, the heavier consequence that affected every Filipino, especially the poor sector,
is the controversial Oplan Tokhang and the alleged extra judicial killings associated with it. The war on
drugs has led to the death of many Filipinos, mostly urban poor, which earned its “anti-poor” branding
and which caught the attention of human rights advocacy groups from different parts of the world.

Relevance/significance to Philippine history and to the Filipino Nation:

Duterte’s war on drugs will go down as one of the Philippines' most controversial topics. The plan
of eradicating the use and distribution of illegal drugs around the country was an idea the Filipino people
supported but this was then overshadowed by the method of how they apprehended suspects. They
used Extrajudicial Killing (EJK) which skipped legal processes and immediately killed or imprisoned the
suspects. This violated the laws and rights of the individual, not just civil, but especially human rights.
Innocent lives have been compromised during operations and the death toll has only been rising ever
since the implementation of the war on drugs. This has alerted human rights activists, organizations and
even other countries.

Secondary Sources

I. “Is EJK OK?”

A. Author: ​Edilberto C. de Jesus

B. Comprehensive Summary
In the article, he questions if EJK is “OK”, he questions about the state of EJK during 2017.
The article also shows how Filipinos believe that there is nothing wrong with summary
The article emphasizes on whether EJK is acceptable. The author shares his thoughts on
current events on EJK and if it has been effectively reducing the number of illegal drug users
in the country. The article also highlights how the Philippine National Police (PNP) have been
given so much power and how they are also able to manipulate failed operations during EJK.
The article also mentions a survey about EJK and shows that people prefer solving these
crimes the legal and ethical way.
EJK has been applied ever since President Rodrigo Duterte assumed his position. The
current War on Drugs has been controversial ever since it was implemented for it unethical
and goes against Human Rights. This was intended to instill fear on drug users, pushers and
lords in the hopes that they would stop illegally distributing and using drugs. This took a turn
for the worse when innocent people have been wrongly accused and killed for the use of
drugs. The case of Kian delos Santos can be a strong example for this one. The President
admitted that Kian’s death was not justifiable thus making his War on Drugs questionable.
The efficiency of EJK on the eradication of illegal drug use and distribution is still
debatable. Although extreme measures have been done, there are still illegal drug activities
going on and lives have been compromised for this sake.

C. Relevance to your chosen theme/topic

The Extrajudicial Killings can be directly linked to Duterte’s War on Drugs. Although EJK is
illegal and has not been approved by the government, it has been the term used by several
media companies to describe the recent events involved in the War on Drugs. This article also
touches the abuse of power by the corrupt policemen given by the President himself. The
article also presents a survey regarding the Filipinos perspective and opinions about the EJK.
II. The War on Drugs
A. Author: Rhoderick Abellanosa

B. Comprehensive Summary
War on drugs has not and will not succeed. No president will put an end to the menace of
the Philippine society: illegal drugs. The promise of ending the lives of all those who are
involved in illegal drugs within six months was the start of a propaganda. Some of the reasons
why such a war will never be won by the Duterte are the following: (1) Drug trade is not a
local business; (2) Except for the few drug-trade linked politicians who were killed, no big fish
from the business sector has been killed so far. Although the president’s supporters would
say that crimes are connected to illegal drugs, there are those criminals who are not involved
in drugs. The most puzzling question is, “Why did the president only focus on war on drugs?
Why is not a war against crime? The president is nearing half of his term but within the three
years, what we have are dead bodies. There is still no hard evidence that could prove that the
country is getting better and safer.

C. Relevance to your chosen theme/topic

This commentary illustrates the war on drugs as futile despite the efforts of the PNP, the
funds exhausted for the operations and the lives that were taken away. Instead of clearing up
issues on the war on drugs, it encourages the readers to be doubtful and suspicious of
President Duterte’s motives. It makes the Filipinos question the real purpose of the war on
drugs. It makes Filipinos question whether the war on drugs has made the Philippines safer
and better or has it put the Filipinos in more danger. Is the war on drugs just a propaganda to
cover up the incompetence of the current administration? If so, many lives had been played
with just to put up a show.
III. The good, the bad and the ugly of Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs
A. Gideon Lasco

B. Comprehensive Summary
The author speaks about the good, the bad and ugly side of President Duterte’s war on
drugs. The good would be highlighting the drug problem which former presidents have
turned a blind eye. Duterte has also courageously and rightfully identified the involvement of
politicians in the drug trade. His attention on drugs has also challenged health officials to
offer rehabilitation services and even consider targeted and sustained community-based
interventions. However, it has its bad aspects like the way Duterte repeatedly conflates all
kinds of drug users - pushers, dependents, occasional users - lumping all of them together as
perpetrators of violence, despite evidence that just a small fraction of drug use is
problematic. He has also made no secret of wanting to see suspects killed rather than jailed,
sometimes with very little supporting evidence of their involvement in the drug trade. The
ugly would be the extrajudicial killings. While the Philippine National Police reports over
3,000 killed in legitimate police operations, human rights groups claim the number is much
larger, given that the police also report several thousand “deaths under investigation”.

C. Relevance to your chosen theme/topic

Filipinos’ concerns about the extrajudicial killings of drug suspects increase and are
becoming fearful for their own safety. The news about this topic should be used to build
common ground and strong agreement within the Philippines that the drug problem needs to
be addressed. With proper awareness on this issue, Filipinos will hopefully be convinced that
instead of the failed and deadly "war on drugs", we should move towards a comprehensive,
humane, evidence-based approach: One that addresses the reasons why people are using
drugs in the first place.
IV. Top Cebu Drug Lord Shot Dead in Manila
A. Morexette Marie Erram and Benjie Talisic

B. Comprehensive Summary
Franz Sabalones, who was a self confessed drug lord was gunned down by unidentified
men. The shooting took place along Timog Avenue, Quezon City, Manila on April 18, 2019.
It was confirmed to the Cebu Daily News via text message from the Police Colonel Manuel
Abrugena, chief of the Cebu Provincial Police Office. Since his public admission in 2016 that
he's been part of a big time illegal drug supply
in Central Visayas region the police have been looking at his whereabouts.
Prior to Franz Sabalones' death, several of his cohorts has been gunned down both from
police operations and unidentified assailants.

C. Relevance to your chosen theme/topic

Months after President Duterte assumed his office and his start this war on drugs a name
Franz Sabalones came in the picture. Franz Sabalones, a native of Cebu and a self-confessed
drug lord admit publicly that he was on of Cebu's top drug personalities. Among his likes are
the top drug lord Jeffrey "Jaguar" Diaz who was killed last 2016.
Sabalones' admission became a subject to the entire nation as he deliberately narrates
how he came from being a traffic enforcer to a big time drug lord. Furthermore, Franz
Sabalones presents himself to help the police in their campaign against illegal drugs. He
ratted out to the police, several top PNP officials, politicians, and officers who allegedly got
money from him.
His claims were a crucial point of view on the campaign, thus this resulted in another
round of revamping the officials in the police department. But later on, it was questioned
what was his true motives and was he truly committed to quit the illegal drug trade because
his cohorts were still pushing illegal drugs. Until one of his aides was caught with 1.8M worth
of shabu on April 10, 2019. And Sabalones himself was shot dead 8 days later.
Franz Sabalones and his death is undoubtedly relevant to the topic of war on drugs. From
him being a self-confessed drug lord, to him ratting out several of his colleagues, he was a
key player to this game and had met his downfall just like the others.
V. Drug war vital in reducing crimes in National Capital Region, rest of Philippines
A. Alfred P. Dalizon

B. Comprehensive Summary
The article focuses on the positive side of President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on drugs. It is
stated here that there has been a large reduction of crime rates as of May 2019 compared to
May 2018. 42,500 crimes have been registered as of May 2018 and 38,000 crimes have been
recorded in May 2019. This is accredited to Duterte’s war on drugs which reduced crime rates
by 58% for the first three years he sat as president.
Due to the focus on illegal drugs, criminals are forced to either hide or commit lesser
crimes. Increased presence of the Philippine National Police (PNP) on the streets have also
contributed to the reduction of crimes.
Overall, total crime numbers have been reduced. Murder and rape have gone down
57.68% since Duterte assumed his position. Duterte’s war on drugs have had good results
reducing not only crimes involving illegal drugs, but all crimes in general.

C. Relevance to your chosen theme/topic

This article provides a bright side of the war on drugs as it describes how the war on drugs
is slowly fulfilling its promise of reduction of crimes associated with the drug-trade. It fosters
hope among the Filipinos, assuring them that the drug war is making the country safer. This
article also renews the trust on the competency of the police and that their motive is really
for the interest of the public. This is contradictory to some of the sources that deem the drug
war as futile.
Written Document Analysis Worksheet

​Title​: ​Drug-war Victims’ Kin File 2nd ICC Pleading

Attach a photo/printed format of the document:

Comprehensive description and summary of the written primary source:

President Rodrigo Duterte has been filed a second International Criminal Court (ICC)
supplemental pleading by families affected by the President’s current War on Drugs.
Duterte is charged with committing crimes against humanity specifically “extrajudicial killing of
thousands of Filipinos” and “for causing great suffering to the victims and their families.”
The first Supplemental pleading was submitted on October 7, 2018. The complainants
questioned Duterte and the PNP for their inconsistency in deaths caused by EJK. The Philippine National
Police initially reported 6,600 deaths in June 2018 and 5,526 in June 30. The families of the victims
asserted that the total number of deaths caused by EJK reached at least 29,000 as of February 2019.
Although actions have been done to punish policemen in failed operations, the families will not
rest until they get justice for the death of their relatives.
ICC investigations are banned in the country due to the Philippines' withdrawal. Nevertheless,
the families continue to seek for justice.

Relevance/significance to Philippine history and to the Filipino Nation:

The current War on Drugs led by President Rodrigo Duterte has been a controversy ever since
the President assumed his position. His aim was to eradicate the use and distribution of illegal drugs
within the country and help the nation progress.
His methods on dealing with illegal drug users and distributors are debatable. He practices
Extrajudicial Killings where the suspects don’t go through trial and are immediately put in jail or even
killed. His methods are clearly unethical and go against human rights.
This is a significant event in Philippine history because people have been falsely accused and
killed for being illegal drug users or distributors. The President gave the Philippine National Police so
much power and it puts the Filipinos on edge. The transparency of the killings and operations are
questionable; this shows the PNP’s abuse of power.
The War on Drugs violates the rights of Filipinos and especially Human Rights. Filipinos should be
able to practice these rights to the fullest.

Type of Written Document (Check one):

___newspaper article ___Letter ___Government documents (what kind):_____________________

___Press release___Diary ​✓_​Others (specify): O
​ nline Article

Historical Literacy Competency Analysis:

I.​ ​Sourcing:

​ ho wrote the document?

W The article was written by Divina Nova Joy Dela Cruz, a news
writer for The Manila Times.

What is the author’s perspective or The author is against the War on Drugs.
position in the historical event?

​ hen/Where was it written?

W It was written or published on October 5, 2019.

​ hy was it written?
W It was written to inform the people of the wrongly accused
victims of the War on Drugs and to inform the people of their
actions towards the President.

​ ho is/are its intended audience?

W The Filipino people and families also affected by the War on

Where was it published or circulated? It was published by The Manila Times.

Where is it currently The article can be found on the internet.


​ ther significant information and

O The families asserted that the death toll has reached 29,000
insights about sourcing. as of February 2019.
II.​ ​Contextualization:

The following guidelines should be answered vis-à-vis with its effect on the content of the
document you are studying.

Significant events in history that were “Duterte: 2 Generals still play with Drugs.” On October
happening when the document was 4, 2019, President Rodrigo Duterte while in his visit to
created (should be related to the Russia, stated that 2 generals in the Philippines still play
document) with drugs.The generals’ names were not mentioned.

Author’s Background and Motivation The author aims to inform the Filipino people about
current events happening in the Philippines.

Intended Audience Background The intended audience for the primary source is Filipino
people and families that have been affected by the War
on Drugs.

Information/Insights that were The Filipino people continue to fight for their relatives
emphasized who were victims of the war on drugs and they seek to
find justice by charging the President with Human Rights

How may the content and manner of

writing of the document affected by the The article may open the eyes of the Filipino people and
significant or influential events that were sway them to be against Duterte’s War on Drugs.
happening when it was written?

Other significant information and insights The Philippine National Police should be more
about contextualization. transparent with their data records.

III.​ ​Corroboration

Other historical sources with Death of Kian delos Santos:

complementing information, insights and
ideas (title; and short description). Cite A teen was accused of being an illegal drug courier. Kian
and elaborate the significant points of was abducted by undercover policemen and was
complementarity executed without evidence of being an illegal drug
Other historical sources with contradicting R.A. 9851:
information, insights and ideas (title; and
short description). Cite and elaborate the Also known as the “Philippine Act on Crimes Against
significant points of contradiction. International Humanitarian Law, Genocide and other
Crimes Against Humanity.”

Other historical sources which can give “Philippines’ Duterte hit by new ICC complaint over
more description or elaboration of the deadly drug war.”
phenomenon or personalities described in
the document (title; and short This was the first complaint filed by the families against
description). Duterte

Other significant information and insights Several families have filed an ICC complaint against
about corroboration. President Duterte.

IV.​ ​Close Reading:

What are the significant points/arguments The author emphasized that families are still not at rest
which the author emphasized? What could and will continue to fight for the justice that they
have been the author’s reason for doing so? deserve. The reason behind this may be because the
author supports the actions made by the families

Did the author intentionally or The author did not include Duterte’s response to the
unintentionally left out certain charges. This could be because this is not the first time
arguments/insights/information? What Duterte has been charged with these accusations and
could have been the author’s reason for has already provided a statement before.
doing so?

How may the events during the document

was written have influenced the author’s The events during the writing of this article may have
views as expressed its arguments/main influenced the author to side with the affected
points? families. The War on Drugs has resulted in more
negative effects than positive which may have caused
the author to go against it.

How do evidence from other sources Other articles and primary sources complement the
complement or contradict the claims of the article. More families are outraged due to the killing of
document? innocent Filipinos, especially children.
The author was objective in her way of delivering the
What language (words, phrases, images, message. She did not have any opinions on the matter
symbols) did the author use in order to and only focused on the families affected.
communicate and persuade its audience?

What are other significant peculiarities of The inconsistency of the PNP regarding the death
the document which implicitly or explicitly records show abuse of power and manipulation of
connotes meaning? data.

Other significant information and insights ​Anyone can fall victim to these events.
about close reading.


The War on Drugs has led to more negative than bad. Innocent lives have been sacrificed and yet
the distribution and use of illegal drugs remain. This shows the inefficiency of the War on Drugs and the
violations of our Human Rights. Killing without enough evidence or even a proper trial will always be
unethical and inhumane.

The manipulation of the death records by the Philippine National Police shows clear abuse of the
power given to them by President Rodrigo Duterte. The inconsistency of the records may have been
done to cover up the failed operations.

Justice is what the families are looking for. They want the PNP and the president to be
responsible for the damage they have caused. With this method, the Philippines has much more to lose
than gain.


No matter the social status of an individual, there is no assurance of safety. Numerous families
have been affected by wrong accusations and are scarred for life. Also, if the government itself is not
transparent with data, then who can we trust? This makes it obvious that we have questionable leaders.

Based on the results of the War on Drugs for half of Duterte’s term, we can conclude that
violence is not the answer. So far, it has only caused more problems and its has made people feel
vulnerable rather than safe. This has also resulted to more vigilante activity since distributors fear being
betrayed by other pushers or dealers; this has led to more deaths unanticipated by the PNP and has only
contributed more problems.
Photo Analysis Worksheet


Comprehensive description:
The multitude of Quezon City Jail inmates in the photo are mostly composed of drug dealers and
users who surrendered to the police. They take turns to sleep like sardines, head to head and toe to toe,
on the cement floor with barely any mats to sleep on, in an open-air basketball court. Although the court
is open-air, most men are shirtless because basing on the number of men occupying it, there is poor
ventilation. It must be very humid there. Moreover, this photo shows overpopulation of the jail and the
incapability of the Quezon city jail to cater to the surge of the number of inmates.

Relevance/significance to Philippine history and to the Filipino Nation:

Overpopulation of jails is one of the side effects of the Duterte Administration’s war on drugs,
that has been carried out since President Duterte’s taking of office on July 30, 2016. The sudden surge of
population in jails is caused by the unexpected number of drug dealers, addicts and associates that
surrendered to the police as the police carried out Oplan Tokhang, derived from visayan words “toktok”
which means to knock and “hangyo” which means to make an appeal. Oplan Tokhang involves
policemen visiting the homes of suspected pushers and users to convince them to give up illegal drugs.

Historical Literacy Competency Analysis:

I. Sourcing:

Noel Celis
Who took the photo?

The photographer wants to show the almost

What is the photographer’s perspective or unnoticed side effect of the war on drugs which is
position in the historical event? the overpopulation of jails and the government’s
insufficiency and inefficiency in responding to it.
It was taken in the midst of Duterte's war on
When/Where was it taken? drugs. It was taken from the open-air basketball
court in Quezon city jail.
The local news is more focused on the number of
Why was it taken? deaths and illegal drug associates that surrender
but they don’t tackle on what happens next. The
photographer wants to show the almost
unnoticed side effect of the war on drugs. He
wants to draw attention to the suffering inmates,
both the drug related and the accused who are
still in trial, in its almost inhabitable situation in
jails as the number of drug dealers and pushers
who are surrendering to the police increases as
the oplan tokhang is carried out. As he said in an
interview with Time, his goal is to expose the
current state of the jail to shock viewers and
advocacy groups into helping and to push the
government to find a solution or to build more
The Filipino people, most especially human rights
Who is/are its intended audience? activists advocacy groups and the government.

Online news platforms accessible by Filipinos who

Where was it published or circulated? have internet access.

The photographer’s personal archive and online

Where is it currently located/stored/found? news platforms

This is an award-winning photo. It was awarded

Other significant information and insights about World Press Photo third prize, the Prix Varenne
sourcing. photo award, and the Pictures of the Year
International. It is recognized internationally and
has appeared in many online news platforms.

II. Contextualization:

This photo was taken in Pres. Duterte’s term

Significant events in history that were happening while oplan tokhang was at its peak. Extra judicial
when the photo was taken (should be related to killings were also rampant in this period wherein
the photo) suspects of drug dealing and pushing were
allegedly killed in oplan tokhang because they
were resisting the police.

Noel Celis is a news photographer of AFP (Agence

France-Presse) Manila and his lenswork captures
Photographer’s/Publisher’s Background and and covers the impact of President Duterte’s war
Motivation on drugs such as extra judicial killings violence
loss of lives and including prison conditions. He
has a lot of photos that depict the condition of
the jail system in the Philippines.
The human rights activists and advocacy groups
Intended Audience’ Background seek to protect the rights of every human being,
such as the right to life, and that every human
should be treated with dignity which is apparently
violated by the jail system of Quezon City.
Because of the prevalent extra judicial killings of
How may the objects; people; and activities those who allegedly did not cooperate with the
projected in the photo affected by the oplan tokhang of the police, these drug pushing
significant or influential events that were and dealing suspects surrender because they see
happening when it was taken? the prison as a “safe haven” that will protect
them from getting killed next. According to
reports, an average of 100 personalities
surrender to the police and are brought to jail to
be detained. This causes the population of the
already crowded Quezon City jail to increase
About 70 percent of the inmates of Quezon City
Other significant information and insights Jail are detained for drug offenses swept up by
about contextualization. Duterte’s war on drugs. Thousands of people,
small time drug dealers, users and runners, have
been killed in the onset of the war on drugs.

III. Corroboration

“​Philippine prisons overflowing with hungry

Other historical sources with complementing inmates as Duterte’s drug war intensifies"
information, insights and ideas (title; and short
description). Cite and elaborate significant This is a news article by Ginny Stein of ABC news
points of complementarity. states that the War on drugs has filled Philippine
jails to breaking point. It describes how inmates
hope for no rain to come so that they will not lose
sleeping spaces and that inmates can freely walk
around the insides of thee prison because there is
not enough cells to lock them all in.

“Overcrowded PH jails housing over 146 000

inmates above 20k capacity: COA”

This is a news article by Adrian Ayalin of ABS-CBN

News. Commission on Audit calls out the Bureau
of Jail Management and Penology because of the
612% occupancy rate of the facilities as of 2017.
This congestion causes the worsening of health
and sanitation problems but also the increased
gang affiliation of inmates.

Both sources have pointed out that although the

surrender of illegal drug users, pushers and
dealers signals the success of the war on drugs, it
pushes onto the surface an existing problem that
has been in the shadows for years, and now
demands an immediate solution, overpopulation
of jails. Jails are full to bursting. It makes all the
detainees, including those who are still waiting
for their hearings, are living in inhabitable
conditions. These people are already stripped off
of their freedom and their right to be treated
with dignity as human beings.

​ ancy bats for release of inmates who have

Other historical sources with contradicting served the maximum jail time. "
information, insights and ideas (title; and short
description). Cite and elaborate significant This is an article from in response
points of to jail overcrowding, Nancy Binay filed a measure
seeking the release of prisoners who have already
served the prescribed period of custody
respective of their offenses. The jails are
congested by 583 percent as of 2017 and the
personnel in the prison is not enough to cater to
the number of prisoners especially that the jail
population is increasing.

The only point of contradiction is the percentage

of jail congestion. Other news articles declare
that the congestion level as of 2017 is 612% while
this article declares that it is at 583%
"Disease, grime and no room at all: inside the
Other historical sources which can give more Philippines most notorious prison where 3600
description or elaboration of phenomenon or inmates live in a space for 800. "
personalities described in the document This is a photo documentation of the living
conditions of the inmates in Quezon City Jail that
shows their daily activities, sleeping conditions,
facilities and the illnesses that they acquire inside
the jail.
It is very difficult to find sources that contradict
Other significant information and insights about the message of this photo. This can only mean
corroboration. that everyone is agreeable on the implication that
the worsening of jail overcrowding due to the war
on drugs is a very true and serious problem that
needs to be addressed without any excuses.
IV. Close Observation:

People: ​No significant personality in the photo

Information/Insights that were emphasized Objects: I​ n quadrant 4, mats that look like roofs
and an “arinola”
Activities: M​ ost of the people in the picture are
sleeping. Some are sleeping in squatting position
and some are chatting in circles.
Inference: 1. It wants the people to pay attention to the
1. What could be the possible message or suffering inmates of jails who were not only
meaning of the photo? stripped of their freedom but also their right to
2. Base from your observation what can you be treated as humans and not as animals.
infer or conclude about the photo’s 2. The photo wants to appeal to human rights
implication. advocates and to the government so that they
3. What questions/ideas do this photo will become the voice of the inmates who are not
projects to its audience/observer? receiving the treatment that is proper to them.
3. Some of the questions that observers might
think of are the following:
a. What is the government doing about this?
b. Has there been any movement by human
rights advocacy to help these inmates?
c. Do they deserve this treatment?
d. Is there any other consequence of war on
drugs that has been overshadowed by EJK
because of media?
An idea that an observer would have is that the
overpopulation of jails, if remains unaddressed,
will continue to worsen given the slow justice
system of the Philippines and the continuous
pour of surrenderers in jail.

Other sources confirm the worsening of

How do evidences from other sources overpopulation in jails due to the war on drugs. It
complement or contradict what is/are shown in also provides a clearer picture of the inhumane
the photo? situation in the jail. There is no significant points
of contradiction except the difference in the
percent of jail overpopulation
The people in the photo, if not all, are mostly
What are significant peculiarities of the photo men. This may imply that mostly men are
which implicitly or explicitly connotes meaning? involved in illegal drugs trade. Seeing that there
are people who get to lay down on the mat and
people who are just squatting on the edges, there
must be an unwritten agreement on who gets to
lay down and who doesn’t, and this is where gang
affiliations come in handy.
Overpopulation of jails is already an established
Other significant information and insights about problem, in a sense that government officials are
close reading. already aware of it even before the war on drugs.
Given that the Duterte administration is already
aware or had a rough estimate of the number of
people involved in illegal drug trade and that their
goal is to imprison them, why didn’t they prepare
for the implications the war on drugs might have
on jail systems?

Jail overpopulation is a direct effect of war on drugs and the government is showing its
incompetence by failing to anticipate and efficiently prepare for this consequence. The people who were
associated with drug-trade surrendered because they saw the jails as a “safe haven”. However, from
their living conditions, they would have been saved from bullets, but they might be killed by illness,
hunger and suffocation.

Although the surrender of the drug-trade associates is a good thing, it caused a very big problem
that also gambles with the lives of the inmates. It is not at all a safe haven. Moreover, the government
was aware of the condition of the jails in the Philippines, but they did not do any concrete changes to it
before they started with the war on drugs. People in power should always consider the possible
consequences of their actions before setting them into motion and they should always be accountable
to whatever consequences their actions might have.
Artifact Analysis Worksheet

Northern Mindanao Wellness and Reintegration Center

Comprehensive description:
The Northern Mindanao Wellness and Reintegration Center (NMWRC) is a 5 hectare
rehabilitation center located at Barangay Casisang, Malaybalay City in the Province of Bukidnon. A
modern rehabilitation center with no bars or detention walls, the NMWRC is equipped with modern
sports facilities and equipment including a gymnasium, with wide rooms, halls, and landscaped gardens
and accommodate close to 600 patients on a six-month treatment cycle.
The facility combines the process of detoxification, rehabilitation, sports and recreation,
education, and skills training to its patients who are victims of illegal drugs use. Medical, therapeutic,
and social interventions are made to patients. It has training facilities to help patients reintegrate into
mainstream society by the provision of skills training and technical-vocational education which they
could devise once they are discharged from the rehabilitation center. The drug rehabilitation center
includes dormitories (three for patients and one for the center's staff), a training center, a medical
service building, a visitor’s building, and a central supply building. It also has facilities for recreation such
as a gymnasium, separate basketball courts, a mini amphitheater, courtyards and gardens.

Relevance/significance to Philippine history and to the Filipino Nation:

One component of the war on drugs by the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte is Oplan
Tokhang. The name of the operation was derived from the toktok (knock) and hangyo (plead). As the
name suggests, Oplan Tokhang involves the police visiting the houses of individuals suspected to be
involved in the illegal drug trade or as users, to persuade them to stop their activities and submit
themselves to authority for potential rehabilitation. Just 20 days into the Duterte administration, more
than 114,000 people allegedly involved with drug use have “surrendered” to the police as a result of
Oplan Tokhang. Surrenderees will be scheduled for a rehabilitation with goal to reform patients and end
their drug dependence.
1. Describe the material from which it was made of: pottery; metal; wood; stone; other materials.
Describe how it looks and feels: color, texture; weight etc.
The building is made from cement, sand, wood and metal. The design of the building has
modernistic approach. The dominant color of the paint is white. The environment of the facility
was considered in creating the design due to the big factor of the environment in the behavior of
a person.

Historical Literacy Competency Analysis​:

I. Sourcing:

Who made the artifact? Chinese nationals and Filipinos

A donation by the friends of the Philippines

What is the maker’s perspective or foundation to aid help in the rehabilitation of drug
position in the historical event? dependent individuals in the country, specifically in
the Mindanao.
When/Where was it made? It was finished in 2018 at Barangay Casisang,
Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
Why was it made? For the rehabilitation and reintegration of the drug
dependent Filipinos
Who is/are its intended audience/user? Filipinos; drug dependent individuals

Where/When was it used/displayed? It is currently operational as of this day

Where is it currently located/stored/found Barangay Casisang, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

The new facility, the largest of its kind in Mindanao, is

designed to accommodate 500 to 800 drug
Other significant information and insights dependents at any time. It is outfitted with 3 resident
about sourcing. dormitories, sports facilities like basketball courts and
gymnasiums, mini-amphitheater, aside from the
medical facilities and administration building.

II. Contextualization:

Significant events in history that were War on drugs

happening when the artifact was created
(should be related to the artifact)
Creator’s Background and Motivation Aid in the rehabilitation of the drug dependent
individuals in the country
Drug dependent individuals seek to reform
Intended Audience/Users’ Background themselves into the better person they want to be.

A modern and one of its kind rehabilitation center.

Parts and details that were emphasized
How may the design and details of the The modern rehabilitation center was created to
artifact affected by the significant or cater the needs of the drug dependent individuals
influential events that were happening and to give modern services to the users of the
when it was made? center

III. Corroboration

“Life is better after 'Tokhang', say drug reformists in

Other historical sources with Pangasinan town”; Hilda Austria, Philippine News
complementing information, insights and Agency; Four drug surrenderers in this town have
ideas (title; and short description). Cite and attested to the positive effect on their lives of the
elaborate points of complementarity. community-based rehabilitation program under the
Philippine National Police’s campaign against illegal
substances, widely known as “Oplan Tokhang”.
“After Tokhang, more than 40,000 drug users still
Other historical sources with contradicting not in rehab”, SunStar Cebu; NEARLY two years into
information, insights and ideas (title; and President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on illegal drugs,
short description). Cite and elaborate points police have rounded up 63,728 people in Cebu
of contradiction. under Oplan Tokhang, most of them in the first
seven months of the campaign. But few of them
have undergone the rehabilitation that was
supposed to set them on the path to their
reintegration as productive members of society.
“Beyond ‘Tokhang’: The challenge of rehabilitation”;
Other historical sources which can give Maxine Buenaventura, The GUIDON; Rehabilitation
more description or elaboration of is a crucial yet costly part of the drive against drugs.
phenomenon or personalities described in Given the sudden influx of drug dependents who
the artifact. need rehabilitation, concerns on the country’s
readiness to meet this need have arisen.

“‘Tokhang’ surrenderee caught in drug bust”; Cyrus

Other significant information and insights Garde, Panay News; 36-year-old Robert Sapio of
about corroboration. Barangay 2, Sipalay City, Negros Occidental was
Sapio was caught after he sold suspected shabu to a
poseur-buyer for P500 around 8:50 p.m. on Monday
outside Katunggan Village Videoke Bar in Barangay
3, Sipalay City, a police report showed.
Sapio is a surrenderee under the Philippine National
Police’s “Oplan Tokhang.” He works as a
habal-habal driver, said Sipalay City police head
Chief Inspector Anthony Grande.
IV. Close Observation:

The technology used in the creation of the building is

What does it tell us about the technology of already very modern and the facility itself is a
the time created and utilize? modern facility.

Many people needed reformation and rehabilitation

What does it tell us about the life and times from the drug dependency they are suffering.
of the people who made and used it?

The creator felt the need of a rehabilitation center

How may the events during the artifact was that is proper for their time and a facility that is
made have influenced the creator as modern to have a better use and serve its purpose
expressed in its parts/details? better.

The facility is created in the southern part of the

What are other significant peculiarities of country where the number of drug related cases is
the artifact which implicitly or explicitly relatively lower compared to the other parts of the
connotes meaning? country.

Other significant information and insights The P500-million drug rehabilitation center is a
about close reading. donation from a group of Chinese businessmen

The rising number of drug related cases in the country led to the creation of the biggest
rehabilitation center in the Philippines. The goal in creating the facility is to cater the demand for
rehabilitation of drug dependent individuals in the country. Though the number of rehabilitation centers
in the country was increased, it was just not enough to cater the number of surrenderees in such a short
span of time. Many of the surrenderees have not undergone rehabilitation and based on the current
pace that is happening now, it will take time to fully complete the rehabilitation of the drug dependent
individuals in the country.

● The need of facility for rehabilitation led to the creation of one of the largest
rehabilitation center in the country.
● The rehabilitation of drug-dependent individuals in the country is still an on-going process
and is far from finished.
● One can not say that the rehabilitation of the surrenderees is a failure because of the fact
that it is still an on-going process.
● Not all of the reformists lived to become better versions of themselves, some still went
back into using and selling drugs
● The lack of funding and facilities slowed the pace of the rehabilitation.
Editorial Cartoon/Caricature Analysis Worksheet

Comprehensive description:
The cartoon depicts an unsettling scene portraying two PNP officers threatening a seemingly
clueless and/or innocent man with a gun and an Oplan Tokhang warrant, asking whether or not he has
drugs or money on him. The cops are implied as being corrupt, coercing the man into either giving them
money or being accused of possession of drugs.

Relevance/significance to Philippine history and to the Filipino Nation:

The situation portrayed by the editorial has become all too common within the Philippine
context, with the news often reporting police officers abusing their authority on the helpless poor under
the guise of the war on drugs. Since the beginning of the current administration’s War on Drugs
championed by President Rodrigo Duterte, around 5,104 drug personalities have been officially declared
killed by police activity according to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, although other sources
give estimates higher than 12,000. As such, many people in the poor sector fear getting killed by
drug-related police missions, either by accident or otherwise.

Historical Literacy Competency Analysis:

I. Sourcing:

The cartoon was drawn by Gilbert Daroy, an

Who made the editorial cartoon/caricature? award-winning editorial cartoonist working for the
Philippine Daily Inquirer.
They view the drug war as an alibi for corrupt cops
What is the creator’s perspective or position in to abuse their authority on helpless ordinary
the historical event? Filipinos.
The cartoon was published by the Philippine Daily
When/Where was it made? Inquirer last January 29, 2017

This was made to depict the cartoonist’s opinion on

Why was it made? what they think seems to have become a common
occurrence, wherein PNP officers are threatening
innocent people to give money or else be

It is aimed towards the general Filipino population

Who is/are its intended audience? for them to be informed, and also towards the PNP,
who’s corrupt officers are abusing the people.

It was published by the Filipino news network “The

Where was it published or circulated? Inquirer” and circulated on their January 29, 2017
issue as well as their online website.

The image should still be in any copy of their

Where is it currently located/stored/found January 29, 2017 newspapers, as well as available

It’s worth noting that just a few days after this

Other significant information and insights cartoon was released, Amnesty International
about sourcing. published their report entitled: “‘​If you are poor
you are killed’: Extrajudicial Executions in the
Philippines' "War on Drugs"​, showing that the
situation of the drug war was already getting
prominence even abroad.

II. Contextualization:

Around the time the cartoon was published,

Significant events in history that were happening several third-party organizations were already
when the editorial cartoon/caricature was conducting investigations on the situation of the
created (should be related to the editorial drug war within the Philippines, showing there to
cartoon/caricature ) be corruption and haphazard extrajudicial killing
occurring along Oplan Tokhang’s operations.

He made the editorial portraying the drug war in

Creator’s Background and Motivation a negative light; Oplan Tokhang is depicted as a
social issue that allows corrupt policemen to
abuse citizens. He must have been disturbed with
this aspect of the war on drugs and wanted to
convey this message for the enlightenment of
The audience is intended to be the general
Intended Audience Background Filipino. While not everybody is affected by the
negative effects of Oplan Tokhang, the population
should be aware of these and shouldn’t support
harassment of the poor and marginalized.

The cartoon shows a negative perspective

How may the objects; people; and against the police, and may affect how the
activities portrayed in the editorial general public views the PNP as a whole due to
cartoon/caricature affected by the significant the actions of a few corrupt police officers.
or influential events that were happening Furthermore, Filipinos who may have been
when it was taken? unaware of the scale of the drug war problem
may have become more aware because of the
cartoon and its implications. Just two days after
this cartoon was published (on January 29, 2017),
the government suspended anti-drug operations
to tackle rogue and corrupt police officers
operating outside the law.

The cartoon was made at a time where the drug

Other significant information and insights war was gaining traction and is beginning to gain
about contextualization. worldwide prominence as international
organizations started investigating on the
situation. This explains the anti-police standpoint
of the cartoon, as the editorial believes that the
authorities are to blame for these
drug-war-related deaths.

III. Corroboration

Amnesty International’s reports elaborate upon

Other historical sources with complementing the problem of the Duterte Administration’s
information, insights and ideas (title; and short Oplan Tokhang. According to their recent report
description). Cite and elaborate significant entitled “​‘They just kill’: Ongoing Extrajudicial
points of complementarity. Executions and Other Violations in the
Philippines” (2019), the drug war targets mostly
the poor and marginalized who can’t fight against
authorities, regardless of whether or not they are


The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)

Other historical sources with contradicting say that far fewer drug-personalities are killed
information, insights and ideas (title; and short compared to those who surrender or are
description). Cite and elaborate significant arrested, and deem this to be a success on their
points of contradiction. part. They also report fewer incidents of
extra-judicial killings than non-government
organizations report; Amnesty International
claims that there are over 12,000 victims of the
drug war in the Philippines since 2016, while
PDEA says this number is only around 5,000.


Despite all the pressure from international

Other historical sources which can give more groups, PDEA’s War on Drugs went on, albeit with
description or elaboration of phenomenon or more emphasis on proper procedure and
personalities described in the editorial transparency.
cartoon/caricature (title; and short description).

After the short interlude wherein the

Other significant information and insights government stopped Oplan Tokhang’s
about corroboration. operations, the War on Drugs continued.
Then-PNP Director General Bato Dela Rosa
continued operations after they “cleaned up”
their ranks and investigated into reports of
corrupt uniformed personnel.


IV. Close Observation:

Information/Insights that were emphasized PNP Officers were emphasized as being
The gun behind the Tokhang warrant emphasized
coercion concealed behind a guise of “official”
police work.
T​ hreatening the citizen with a gun shows how
the suspect doesn’t really have a choice.
T​ he cops’ words ​”May drugs ka dyan, no? May
pera ka dyan, no?” ​imply that they are
threatening the man with an arrest even without
substantial evidence.
1) The gun protruding behind the Oplan Tokhang
Inference: warrant symbolizes how police authorities
1. Identify and elaborate the symbolisms threaten people to admit to having drugs or else
and representations emphasized in the pay them a bribe. This further represents the
editorial cartoon/caricature systematic oppression of the poor by the police
2. What could be the possible message or under the guise of the War on Drugs.
meaning of the editorial
cartoon/caricature? 2) The cartoon is trying to say that the war on
3. Base from your observation what can you drugs has allowed police oppression to go
infer or conclude about the editorial unnoticed and even disguised as authentic police
cartoon/caricature’s implication. operations, and police officers are now abusing
4. What questions/ideas does this editorial this by coercing innocent citizens to either give
cartoon/caricature project to its money or be arrested as a drug personality.
3) Since the time this cartoon was published, the
war on drugs has only lead to more victims. A
particularly big example was Kian delos Santos,
who was accused of having fought against police
despite having no record as a drug personality
and witnesses stating that he was surrendering
before police shot him dead. One can infer that
the situation is, in fact, happening for real.

4) A big question it asks is “how can we stop

these policemen from oppressing people under
the War on Drugs?” and “why are the authorities
allowing these to happen?”. The values of the
current administration also begs the question of
whether or not they value our human rights,
which is inherent to each and every one of us as
citizens of the Philippines.

While official government reports state that the

How do evidences from other sources drug war only focuses on drug personalities who
complement or contradict what is/are shown in pose a threat towards society, multiple
the editorial cartoon/caricature? third-party investigations including those by the
International Tribunal Court and Amnesty
International show that the drug war hurts plenty
of innocent Filipinos, and often go against the due
process of law. Furthermore, more recent
investigations show that despite having been in
action for over three years now, the War on
Drugs still hasn’t stopped illegal drugs from
entering the country.

The cops’ “arrest warrant” is only being used as a

What are significant peculiarities of the editorial literal cover for the gun, implying that the
cartoon/caricature which implicitly or explicitly cartoonist believes that Oplan Tokhang is merely
connotes meaning? a thinly-veiled excuse for police officers to
threaten and abuse citizens, even without
appropriate legal procedure.
Additionally, the way the citizen in the cartoon
raises his empty hands in shock implies that he is
unaware of any crime he has done, and cannot
actually pay the police anything.

While it is true that PDEA’s operations has caught

Other significant information and insights plenty of drug personalities and billions of pesos
about close reading. worth of drugs over the course of the War on
Drugs, it doesn’t outweigh the damage to the
lives of innocent casualties who’s justice remains
unobtained. And despite all their
accomplishments, as long as corruption lies in the
ranks of the police, these drugs will still continue
to flow into our country.

The War on Drugs has had unforeseen consequences on Philippine society, opening the door for
police officers who want to abuse their power and oppress the powerless they are supposed to be
protecting. Oplan Tokhang has given these corrupt servicemen a valid, government-sanctioned excuse
to target poor sectors (which are more likely to hold drug personalities) and allow them to threaten
them for money. This cartoon clearly and concisely exposes this modus operandi, and shows us the part
of the police force that the government doesn’t want us to see.

This just goes to show that the drug war only creates more problems than it solves, and is a
waste of government resources at the end of the day, since drugs still manage to permeate through the
government’s defenses anyway. As long as the ones in the government who are supposed to serve us
choose to serve themselves instead, our country will never prosper.
Video Analysis Worksheet

Title: Unedited Version of Mayor Antonio Halili Kill Shot

Comprehensive description:
A one minute and thirty-three second video was circulated online last July 02, 2018. It was during
the city’s weekly flag raising ceremony in front of the city hall. In the first few seconds of the video it is
shown that the slain Mayor Halili was standing alongside the other government officials of Tanauan,
Batangas moments before he was shot. It was supposed to be a routine ceremony but it had a gruesome
ending. A gunshot sound was heard mid-way through the Philippine National Anthem and then the
mayor tried to run but fell on the ground. There was a commotion in the area, the public immediately
dispersed while the mayor’s bodyguards looked for the assailant who fired. Several gunshots followed.

Relevance/significance to Philippine history and to the Filipino Nation:

Right after Rodrigo Duterte was elected as the president of the Philippines, his first action was to
rid the country of drugs in mere six months time. Hence, the launching of “Oplan Tokhang” which was
the main initiative for the war on drugs. Mayor Halili was an active supporter of this cause. Halili
paraded drug suspects on the streets this was notoriously known as the “Walk of Shame”. His death was
tied up to being a drug related case because of this.

This war on drugs became a pressing issue not only to the Filipino nation but also in the
international scene. It caught the eyes of many for the reason that there was an alarming rise of extra
judicial killings linking to drug related cases. Looking into the motive why the mayor was shot dead was
that he may be involved in to drugs despite being so vocal of his support to the war on drugs initiative.

Type of Written Video (Check one):

_​✓​_​video clip ___movie ___advertisement ___news report __government order
___ newsreel ___series ___vlog ___documentary __propaganda material
___ Others (specify):___________________________________________________

Historical Literacy Competency Analysis:

I. Sourcing:

Who made/produced/published the video? Tanauan City Information Office

The creator is a witness, who had no idea that an

What is the creator’s perspective or position in assassination could happen that day, he was only
the historical event? asked to document what is happening during the
weekly flag raising ceremony since he is the
documentation officer of the Tanuan CIO.
The video was taken during the city’s weekly flag
When/Where was it made? raising ceremony on July 2, 2018, in front of the city
For documentation purposes of the City’s weekly
Why was it made? flag raising ceremony.

Who is/are its intended audience? The constituents of the city of Tanauan, Batangas.

It was first uploaded on Facebook. After it went

Where was it published or circulated? viral, the City Information Office took it down. But
up to this day there are still re-uploaded videos
circulating online.
Where is it currently located/stored/found On Facebook under a different user, Eugenio Ynion,
There are also other videos, with different points of
Other significant information and insights view, of the same event that circulated in the
about sourcing. internet. The presented video, had the clearest
picture of Mayor Halili among them all.

II. Contextualization:

War on drugs was launched after President

Significant events in history that were happening Rodrigo Duterte was elected. It became a
when the video was created (should be related pressing issue because of how rampant drug
to the video) related killings were. The slain Mayor Halili was
one of those politicians who supported the
president on this action. It was assumed right
away that the killing was a drug related incident.
Tanauan City Information Office aims to provide
Creator’s Background and Motivation transparency on events and happenings in the
The constituents of the city of Tanauan, Batangas
Intended Audience Background who hold the right to have and demand complete
transparency regarding the official government
Even with the rampant killings of people related
How may be the objects; people; and to drugs as well as government officials on the
activities projected in the video affected by narcolist, still the people in the video seemed
the significant or influential events that were complacent with their safety as seen in the video
happening when it was taken? where the security was not vigilant against
incoming threats especially to the mayor.

Antonio Halili was controversial due to his

What does the video convey and emphasize methods of dealing with crime and illegal drugs in
about the life and the times it was created? his city. The video shows a rise in vigilantism and
reminds people that safety is not guaranteed
whoever, wherever you are.
Some of the mayor’s bodyguards fires shots at
Other significant information and insights the possible location of the assailant but the
about contextualization. assailant unfortunately got away.
III. Corroboration

Duterte claims Tanauan's Halili involved in drug

Other historical sources with complementing trade.
information, insights and ideas (title; and short ^ President Duterte talk about the murder of
description). Cite and elaborate points of Tanauan Mayor Halili. This was during his speech
complementarity. in Maasin, Southern Leyte where he said he had
suspicions of the slain mayor. He even likened
Halili to other mayors who have been killed
during his administration – Reynaldo Parojinog of
Ozamiz City, Misamis Occidental and Rolando
Espinosa of Albuera, Leyte. The two mayors were
in Duterte's list of narcopoliticians and both were
killed in police operations.

* Kanina si Halili sa Batangas. Kunwari

ipa-procession ang mga addicts, siya pala, siya
'yun," said Duterte -- parading drug suspects was
just a front of him being illegal drugs protector.
As a matter of fact Mayor halili was stripped off
of his police powers due to the proliferation of
illegal drugs in his city.
Feud with ex-general, land dispute possible
Other historical sources with contradicting motives in Halili killing – PNP Chief
information, insights and ideas (title; and short By CNN Philippines Staff
description). Cite and elaborate points of
contradiction. Other possible motives surfaced in the killing of
Mayor Halili. Mentioned were, Halili did have a
conflict with a former general over a land. The
police also looked at the angle that the
assassination was politically motivated.
186 local officials stripped of police powers
Other historical sources which can give more Emmanuel Tupas (The Philippine Star)
description or elaboration of phenomenon or
personalities described in the document ideas These local officials were on the narcolist of the
(title; and short description). president. Under Republic Act 8551 or the PNP
Reform and Reorganization Act, local officials can
be stripped of their police supervision for
frequent unauthorized absences, abuse of
authority, providing material support to criminals
and engaging in acts inimical to national security
or which negate the effectiveness of the peace
and order campaign.
Even with Pres. Duterte’s claim that Mayor Halili
was involved in the drug trade, Presidential
Other significant information and insights Spokesman Harry Roque called Halili a staunch
about corroboration. ally of the President’s in his campaign against
illegal drugs. Malacañang condemned the killing
of Tanauan City Mayor Antonio Halili even as it
stayed mum on Halili’s supposed links to illegal
drugs, for which he was stripped of powers over
the police.

IV. Close Observation:

Information/Insights that were emphasized Mayor Antonio Halili, his bodyguards, and other
civil servants.

Guns, Philippine Flag

Routinal Flag Ceremony, Shooting

“Patay na si Mayor”
No matter what position in life you may have, one
Inference: is not immune to fortuitous events in life.
1. What could be the possible message or
meaning of the video? The world is not safe. You may have a lot of
2. Base from your observation what can you protection at your back, you may have thought
infer or conclude about the video’s that today is just another routine day, but you
implication. can never run from the possibilities that today
3. What questions/ideas do this the video may be your last one. That power you have is just
projects to its audience/observer? temporary and that it could be taken away from
4. Does this video appeal to the emotion or you with just one bullet away.
reason of its viewers? How do you think
its creators wanted the audience to Mainly the question asked was who was the
respond or react? assailant, what was the reason for the
assassination. Was the mayor really involved in

The video shookt a lot of people since it is highly

unlikely to have witnessed a shooting in broad
daylight. Meanwhile, it is unclear how the
creators wanted the audience to react
considering they took the video down from their

What language (words, phrases, images, The assassination of Mayor Halili in broad
symbols) did the creator use in order to daylight may serve as a warning for other gov’t
communicate and persuade its audience?
official to keep clean and stay away from the
illegal drug trade.
How do evidences from other sources Mayor Halili one of the 186 gov’t officials who
complement or contradict what is/are shown in were stripped off of police powers due to the
the video? proliferation of illegal drugs in his city.

What are significant peculiarities of the video Even after the mayor fell, there were still several
which implicitly or explicitly connotes meaning? gunshot sounds heard.

Other significant information and insights about Mayor Halili’s bodyguards were seen, in the
close reading. video, raising, pointing, and shooting their guns
without really aiming them at anything. What is
the implication of this? Weren’t they concerned
that they might have hit innocent people by doing

Mayor Halili was controversial for being notorious on parading suspected illegal drug pushers,
traders, etc. He seemed so keen on getting rid of the illegal drug trade in his city. On the contrary,
Mayor Halili was allegedly on the narcolist of the president. This makes him the 11th government official
killed in this war on drugs.

Duterte’s war on drugs implies that power is exercised through the human body in a spectacle of
violence - eliminating life to devoid its value. Under his administration, the lives of those who are
allegedly involved in the illegal drug trade has no means whatsoever. Criminals are killed in the spectacle
of violence - which humiliates, and politicizes their lives, sending a message to intimidate others. He
explicitly pointed out that there is no redeeming qualities of being a criminal. But how could one
possibly defend his innocence if one is not given the right to do so. With just a mere assumption of the
police anyone could be gunned down even with no reason at all.
Primary Sources Analysis Worksheets: A Synthesis

The Drug War of the Philippines

The Drug War in the Philippines aims to eradicate criminals that participate in the illegal drugs
trade because aside from the Philippines being known as a notorious center for drug trade, it is assumed
that drugs are the breeding ground of criminals such as rapists and thieves. The reduction of the drug
trade is aimed for the benefit of the whole country- to make it a safer and better place to live in.
However, thorough research suggests that the overall positive effect of the Philippine Drug War is
overshadowed by its negative effects.
The Philippine National Police (PNP) has been given so much power that they are able to
manipulate the data that gets released into the public in a way that doesn’t destroy the image of the
police. The surrender of the drug dealers and pushers have overpopulated jails that lead to the
inhabitable conditions. The Oplan Tokhang has given these corrupt servicemen a valid,
government-sanctioned excuse to target poor sectors by threatening them for money. Not only the
police but also the drug personalities are involved, especially when it comes to killing other drug
personalities to prevent the spread of information and identities that might threaten their business.
The integrity of the police is compromised which resulted in the distrust of the public due to the
Extra-Judicial Killings (EJK). Filipinos tend to ignore the big picture and only focus on its center of
attraction, in the case of the drug war, the EJK. The drug war may prove ineffective when they only focus
on the bottom of the drug hierarchy and not the drug lords. But because of corruption, it is hard to
determine the whereabouts of a high-ranking drug lord when they are usually being helped by the police
with the hiding.
The drug war had many more effects, both good and bad, to the Filipino community that weren’t
popular because it was under the shadows of EJK that was popularized by the media as a form of revolt
against the government for suspicious motives such as their failure to comply with tax regulations. A
praise-worthy positive effect of the drug was is the rise of rehabilitation facilities around the Philippines
especially the building of the largest rehabilitation center in the Philippines. The drug war has reportedly
reduced crime rates and rooted out corrupt government officials. It will also help decrease the number
of drug addicts when the drug war is successful. One suggestion was to implement the drug law of
Portugal, which was the first country to decriminalize the consumption of drugs.
Because of the ongoing drug war, an ordinary Filipino citizen would get accustomed to left and
right killings, even in broad daylight. He or she would also live in fear for his or her life because anyone
can be a victim of EJK, either as a target or as collateral damage. He or she wouldn’t also feel the positive
effects of the drug war because the media is focused on the death toll. This highly defeats the purpose
of the war on drugs which is to make the country a better and safer place to live in.
It is usually the people in the poverty line that engages in drug dealing, where one does not need
to be knowledgeable or skilled to get a high income. And a man arrested for a drug-related crime is likely
to have children who will grow up without a father, and this may have a bad effect on the child that they
may end up in the same situation as their father. The information gathered strongly confirms that
although the intention and purpose of the drug war were to improve the quality of life of Filipinos by
reducing the crime rate, the negative effects are greater than the positive effects. And contradicts what
we see in popular media about the drug war we are all facing to this day. But the negative effects may
have the same quantity as the positive effects. They differ on the quality in which the negative would
precede over the positive.
Peer Evaluation


Evaluate the contribution and participation of each member using the metrics indicated below. Rate
each member in the scale of 1-10; with 10 as highest and 1 as lowest. Get the total score of each and
sum up total scores from all the members. Obtain the average by getting the dividing the number of
members to the accumulated total score.

Member I:​____________________________________________________________________________

Metrics Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating Rating

(1-10) (1-10) (1-10) (1-10) (1-10) (1-10) (1-10)
Contribution to
Contribution to
Contribution to



Members Total Rating

Member I
Member II
Member III
Member IV
Member V
Member VI
Member VII
Member VIII
AVERAGE (Total/Number of Members)
Format for Presentation

I. Title of Chosen Topic/Theme

II. Comprehensive Description:
III. Relevance/significance to Philippine history and to the Filipino Nation:
IV. Editorial Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
V. Video Analysis Worksheet
VI. Primary Sources Analysis Worksheets: A Synthesis
Significant points/arguments

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