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Teacher Candidate(s): Trent White School: H.

C Williams High Date:

Grade: 9-12
Unit/Activity: Corona Ball
# in class: 12
Central Focus (entire lesson segment): using assessment data from the previous lesson, students will continue to practice
skills/concepts that they struggle with in the initial lesson.
Lesson Focus: increased focus on serving (getting the ball past the short line) and backhand strike (stepping with same side
National Outcomes:
(S1.H1.L2) Refines activity-specific movement skills in 1 or more lifetime activities (net/wall games)
(S2.H2.L1) Uses movement concepts and principles (e.g., force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance of self
and/or others in a selected skill.
Lesson Plani
2 of 3 NYS/National (S3.H4.L1) Evaluates — according to their benefits, social support network and participation requirements — activities that
Standards can be pursued in the local environment
(S4.H5.L1) Applies best practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise and dance
(S5.H1.L1) Analyzes the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity
NYS Outcomes:
1.4.L1. Demonstrates competency in one or more lifetime activities.
2.1.L1. Demonstrates competency of movement concept in a variety of physical activities.
3.2.L1. Evaluates personal habits related to health-enhancing behaviors for self and others.
4.3.L1. Analyzes ethical decisions made in physical activity settings.
5.2.L1. Selects and participates in physical activities that provide an appropriate level of challenge.

Assessment Tool Length of class: 45 mins
Situation / Task / Criteria
Teaching Styles:
Throughout the lesson, students will refine the specific movement skills associated Command
S1.H1.L2/1.4.L1 with serving and the backhand strike, students must achieve at least 2 of 3 Skills checklist Practice
performance indicators related to these skills. Reciprocal
Throughout the lesson, students will apply safety procedures including using the Discovery
Affective safety straps on the paddles when playing as well as yelling “ball” when a ball Problem Solving
S4.H5.L1/4.3.L1 Exit slip
Domain rolls into another court, students must apply BOTH safety procedures during the Cooperative
lesson. Stations
Throughout the lesson, students will demonstrate competency of movement
S2.H2.L1/2.1.L1 concepts by applying varying levels of force, direction and levels during the
Cognitive lesson activities, students must apply 2 of 3 movement concepts.
Observation checklist
Domain List of Backhand, short line, serving zone
Language Used
Fitness Objective During the fitness activity, students explore the different options around the Equipment:
Health/Skill S3.H4.L1/3.2.L1 community that they can pursue in order to stay physically active, students must Exit slip 12 pickleball paddles
PM/Cogn write down AT LEAST one local option that they can use to stay physically active. 12 pickleballs

Common Core CC Standard


Make sure you keep your safety straps on when playing References(e.g. Book, course packet, pg #, complete web address URL):
Safety Statement / Couturier, Lynn. (2014). National Standards and Grade Level
Yell “ball” when your ball rolls into another court Outcomes. Reston, VA: SHAPE America. (pg# 56-60)
New York State Standards (2020) – Click the link to find the outcomes under each standard National Standards – The physically literate individual:
1. Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns. 2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement
Standard 2: Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance. and performance.
Standard 3: Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness. 3. Demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing
Standard 4: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others. level of physical activity and fitness.
Standard 5: Recognizes the value of physical activity for overall wellness, enjoyment, challenge, and/or self-expression. 4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Standard 6: Recognizes career opportunities and manages personal and community resources related to physical activity and fitness to ac hieve and maintain overall 5. Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-
wellness. expression, and/or social interaction.

Lesson Time Organization Assessments, Reminders
Components (mins) CFU, Academic Language,
Alignment to objectives

Instant Activity

Good morning everyone! After reviewing your assessments from last class, I have determined that we still need to work on a few
T elements of the game in order to have a complete corona ball skill set! This includes both serving and backhand strikes. In order to
Signal for
achieve this, you will be participating in some activities designed to sharpen your skills for both serving and the backhand strike.
Attention, 3 min
S S S S S S Also, like last class I will be walking around assessing your skills and you will also be given an exit slip at the end of the class. Before
S S S S S S we get started with today’s activities, we are going to discuss and come up with some physical activity options you can all participate
in when we go on winter break next week.
Transition Students stay where they are
CFU- what are some activities you
can do out in the snow? (skiing)

Fitness- (given at the end of
T lesson) exit slip is given and
Community resources- discuss with the class some community options that they can participate in to stay physically active over
students are to describe at least 1
Fitness Activity 5 min winter break. Give the class a few options like ice skating at the pavilion or sledding and that have students come up to the
S S S S S S resource in the community that that
whiteboard and write down some of their own ideas.
S S S S S S can use.

Fitness- Students analyze various
community options in order to stay
physically active over winter break
`30 sec Transition Students grab a paddle and a ball and find an empty court (2 students per court)
Teaching Progressions – Show some of the major tasks/activities listed on your Activity Progression Worksheet.
Learning Tasks Cues (Refinements) – Variations / Modification –
a) For each learning task, please describe demonstrations and/or Simple words to Add variations to the learning tasks to make it
Assessments, Reminders
questions that will facilitate student learning and engagement. improve performance easier and harder according to needs and abilities
CFU, Academic Language,
b) Describe the learning task. E.g. Hit the ball over the net to your and understanding. of the students (lower and higher skilled students).
Alignment to objectives
partner 10 times. E.g. Eyes at target
a. Serving activity- demonstrate to the students how to use proper form when serving. Use cue words to help with student
understanding. Focus should be on serving it hard enough against the wall so that the ball travels past the short line.
15 min Task #1
Q- Will my serve travel farther if I hit it higher or lower against the wall? (higher)
b. students spread out using the entire gym space 1. bounce REMINDER- keep your safety
with 2 students per court. Students are to practice 2. opposite step straps on.
serving using proper form and refining the skills 3. strike (hard and high)
they struggled with in the previous lesson. ASSESSMENTS:
Students should focus on applying greater force Psychomotor- skills checklist is
when striking the ball and should work on hitting used to measure students use of
the ball higher up on the wall in order for it to correct form when serving.
travel past the short line. Students should have Cognitive- observation checklist is
their safety straps on at all times and should yell used to indicate students use of
“ball” if their ball rolls onto another court. Each movement concepts (force and
student will practice serving 15 times. levels)

CFU- should you be applying a

S S Easier – have students focus on serving as high of hard or soft force when striking
S S the wall as they can so that their ball travels past your ball on a serve? (hard)
the short line
S S T AL- short line, serving zone
S S Harder - have students serve from different angles
Body of Lesson
along the serving zone so that their ball travels to OBJ ALLIGNMENT:
(Lesson Focus)
S S the outside edges of the court. Psychomotor- students refine their
S S skills for serving by striking the
ball so that it travels past the short
Cognitive- students apply the
concepts of force and levels by
striking the ball using a greater
force and hitting the ball high off of
the wall instead of lower.
Affective- students apply necessary
safety procedures like using the
safety strap on their paddles and
yelling :ball when their ball roll
onto another court”.
Students line up along the dividing wall with all students in one half of the gym
30 sec Transition

a. Corona ball knockout- students should each have their own ball and be lined up along the dividing wall. Explain and
demonstrate the backhand strike using cues to help with understanding. Focus on explaining the importance for stepping
with the same side foot.
15 min Task #2
Q- Should you be using the inside or outside of your paddle during a backhand? (outside)

b. Students are to see how long they can keep a 1. same side step ADAPT- use both side of the gym
Easier – students stay stationary while volleying
rally going by themselves by performing backhand 2. outside of paddle with larger classes
against the wall
strikes only. Student keep going until they lose 3. follow through
control of the ball. After they have lost control 3 REMINDER- keep your safety
Harder - students move in varying directions when
separate times, they are out and move to the other straps on. Backhand strikes only
volleying against the wall
side of the gym to keep practicing. The last student
to remain wins. Students are to use proper from CFU- what foot should you be
when performing backhand strikes and are to use stepping with during a backhand
proper safety protocol by keeping their safety strike? (same side holding paddle)
straps on and yelling ball when their ball rolls to
another person. Students are to play 2- 3 games of AL- backhand strike
knockout until there is about 5 min left of class.
Psychomotor- skills checklist is
used to record students use of
proper form while performing
backhand strike
Cognitive- observation checklist is
used to document students use of
movement concepts (direction and

Psychomotor- students refine their
skills related to the backhand strike
Cognitive- students apply the
movement concepts force and
Affective- students apply safety
procedures like keeping their safety
strap on when playing and yell ball
when the ball rolls towards another

Students return all balls and paddles and wait by the whiteboard for lesson closure.
30 sec Transition

Task #3 a.

1. Easier –
b. 2.
3. Harder -

Task #4 a.
b. 1. Easier –
3. Harder -

Task #5
b. 1. Easier –
3. Harder -
Great job today everyone! I saw some definite improvements in both your serving and backhand skills. For next class we will
Lesson Closure, continue to improve by revisiting some key strategies and tactics like the lob shot and the drop shot that you can use later on while
Affective- exit slip on safety
Hook to Next 5 min playing a competitive singles/doubles game. Also continue thinking about some physical activity opportunities that you can
procedures followed during the
Lesson participate in when we go on winter break. Before I let you go, I need everyone to complete this exit slip on how your applied safe
methods/techniques in today’s lesson.
Pre-planning: Previous instruction in this activity (earlier grade levels)

Evaluation of Post-planning: “Assessment Informs Teaching:” future needs based on assessment results
Teacher Reflection Notes:

(Include any assessment, task cards, exit slips you used): Describe and number

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