Course Design English For Banking

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From University of Bengkulu


Final Assignment of Course Design
Lecturer : Dr. Alamsyah Harahap, M. Lib.
By Rizki Denarti
A guidebook for trainees in the bank

English for Banking is a guidebook for all the trainees in the bank. Especially in
International Bank. This book is usefull for the trainee who wants to learn English in
Banking and terms in bank. The material is suitable with the learner needs and
combine the informartion and excercise. The principal aims of this book are the
learners are able to serve customer in English, the learners are able to give
instruction, give some informations, and explaining the product or service.

In addition, my thanks to my lecturer Dr. Alamsyah Harahap, M. Lib. ,

University of Bengkulu, my parents and my friends, who support me for making this


Preface ....................................................................................................................................xi

Table of Content.....................................................................................................................xii

Chapter 1 : Introduction


Chapet 2 : Process of Designing and Developing a Course Design

2-1 The Main Stage of Designing Course Material ................................................................3

2-2 The Content and Sequence of Course Material Developed...............................................4

2-3 The Format and Presentation Course Material Design......................................................4

2-4 Monitoring and Assessment of Course Material Design...................................................5

2-5 Adopt and Adapt of Course Material.................................................................................7

Chapter 3 : Overview the Textbook/Course Material Developed

3-1 Background of the Targeted Learner, Teacher and Situation............................................8

3-2 Objective of the Textbook/Course Material Development................................................8

3-3 Specific Goals of the Sample/Unit.....................................................................................9

3-4 The Integration/Balance of Course Material Developed and Its Activity of Language

3-5 Map of Textbook/Course Material Developed and Guideance/How to Use the

Textbook / Course Material.............................................................................................10

Chapter IV : The Units of Course Material Developed

Content of the Unit..................................................................................................................12

Warming Up............................................................................................................................13

Unit 1 : Communication

Pt.1 Listening...........................................................................................................................14

Pt. 2 Speaking..........................................................................................................................15

Pt. 3 Writing.............................................................................................................................17

Unit 2 : Transaction

Pt. 1 Writing.............................................................................................................................18

Pt. 2 Listening.........................................................................................................................19

Pt. 3 Speaking.........................................................................................................................19

Chapter V : Summary






English is a universal language. There is no reason English just for them who
work in embassy, the traveller, or who the major is in English. Everybody needs it.
Even English become the official language in 53 countries. There are a lot of people
meet and speak.

English is the language of the media industry. If you speak English, you won't
need to rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favourite books,
songs, films and TV shows.

Now, you know why we need to learn English. In office, for example Bank.
Bank is the place where everyone saving and paying their bills. So many kinds of
people go there. For tourist who want to exchange their money, they go to the bank.
That is why the employee should learn English too.

Who says Bank Clerk does not need to learn English? They must. Because, they
will service foreign people and if they can not speak English or know English
Banking Vocabulary, there will be a misunderstanding between them and it is not a
good situation. The customer will feel unsatisfied and the Boss will hire you. Because
you can not service them well.

English for Banking textbook is the book to learn how to serve foreigner in
English and knowing English Banking Vocabulary and Grammatical as well the
terms in banking.

The textbook’s material is implemented for the Bank employees in training at

work. It is designed as the guiding materials for the trainee for serving and
communication to customer. Upon the completion of this textbook, the learners
should be able to develop their communication and serving competence, in either
listen or speak modes.

The instructors of this book is the lecturer from a University who teach in
Economic faculty, especially in Accounting. They should have teaching sertification

and able to teach for the employee. They will guide and teach their learners in the
classroom which being prepared from the Bank.

Therefore, this textbook very support learners in learning English. As a textbook

developer, the course designer should take a look in detail of things in building
communicative textbook. So the purpose of this textbook is to make the learners get
involved in real life situations will be implemented in the activities suggested. And
the designer hope the learner will be able to serve the customer well using English




2.1 The Main Stage of Designing Course Material

Design of learning according to expert are :

1. Integrated plans include objective components, methods, and

assessment to solve problems or meet needs (Briggs).

2. The process to determine what learning method is best to implemented

in order to change the knowledge and skills in self-learner to be better

3. The process of detailing conditions for learning, with the aim of a macro
to create strategies and products, and the aim of a micro to producce a
lesson program or module or a procedure consisting of steps, in which
the steps consists of analyzing, designing. Applying and asses learning
outcomes (Seels & Richey AECT, 1994).

4. A design processs and to create more effective and efficient learning,

making learning activities be easy, based on what we know about
learning theories, information technology, systematic analysis,
research in education and management methods (Morrison, Ross &
Kemp 2007).

So, the conclusion about designing course material is the process by the raw
data about learning need is intepreted in order to produce an integrated series of
teaching-learning experiences, whose ultimate aim is to lead the learners to a
particular state knowledge.

The stage of Nation and Macalister (2010) design a course material of the
textbook are :

 Environment Analysis (Tessmer, 1990) involves looking at the factors that will
have a strong effect on decision about the goals of the course, what to include in
the course, how to teach it and assess it(Nation &Macalister, 2008). In this
textbook the designer had already analize these three factors, the learner,
instructor, and situation. The learner are the trainee from the Bank, the instructor
is the lecturer of Economic faculty from a university, and this course may take 3-
6 months. With 3-4 times meeting for a week.

 Needs Analysis is directed mainly at the goals and content of the course. It
examines what the learners know already and what they need to know. (Nation
&Macalister 2008). This textbook gathering the information such as, interview,
test, and collect the data from various of book

 Principles or the aim of this textbook is a process to decide how learning can be
encouraged. Basis on this principles must be based on research and theory. The
principle on this textbook is making the learner be able to speak and understand
many terms in Banking and serving the foreign customer well.

2.2 The Content and Sequence of Course Material Developed

In this textbook, the content of the course material has been designed and
sequenced based on important degree. The first is the most important, then less
important and not important.

The lesson of the material developed is divided into three parts. There are
writing, listening, and speaking. The learner will learn the grammatical words in
banking, the vocabulary in banking, and the terms. The terms are lending, spending,
etc. The learner will learn how to serve the customer in a right way, introducing
themselves, answer and asking question, discussing to manage money, comparing
product and service, asssessing feedback, giving instruction, and communication

2.3 The Format and Presentation of Course Material Design

English for banking lesson should be used by Bank employee who in training.
This textbook as a handbook or as the guidebook for the trainee to learn banking
terms in English. This is not only a simple book. In this textbook there are also some
excercises designed to assist you in a wide variety of possible serving customer-
related situation.

The format and presentation of the course material designed in the following
features :

a) The Standard of Competence, Basic Competence and Course Objective

The Standard Competence, Basic Competence and Course Objective are the
standard materials as the guideline of writting the textbook.

b) Concept Map

Concept Map is a map to drown materials in a unit globality. It is designed in

table room so learners can see how the material spell out.

c) Key Word of Unit

Key Word of Unit is the word indicating the content of the unit.

d) Warming Up

It opens the unit with a preactivity before students learn the main material. It is
some kinds or affective activity which stimulates learner to have freedom in
discussing question.

e) Activity

The instructor gives learner many activities. Learner will get the lesson more and
more from the various activities presented by the instructor. So, the learner can
achieve the goal in this course. For example, the instructor make a game role
play. In this game one of the learner will be the speaker and the others will be the

f) Listening Practice

Instructor asks the learner to practice with listening materials based on the tape

g) Check the Expression

Check the expression contains the expressions used in relateed materials. Learner
will have so many expressions doing daily conversations.

Type of the presentation in this textbook is Communicative Language Based on

Language Teaching (CBLT). CBLT teach how the learner be able to use the language
to complete real-word tasks. This method is appropriate for training program.

2.4 Monitoring and Assessment of Course Material Designed

The purpose of the monitoring and assessment part of curriculum design is to

make sure that the learners will get so many benefits from this course. This involves
carefully observing the learners and the course, and suggesting changes to the course
and the way it is work.

1. Placement Test

The learner is assessed at the beginning of the course to see what kind of level
from the course they sould take, what class they should join and wether they
must take all the course or not.

2. Observation of Learning

While the course design is working. Observation of learning is monitoring. The

purpose is to see wether the course is doing well or not.

3. Short-Term Achievement

This assessment assessed Periodically, assessing once a week or once a month.
This short-term assessment can occurr on a daily or weekly basis. It called
“achievement” asssessment because it examine items and skills drawn from the

4. Diagnostlic Assessment

For course designer, it is useful to know where learner’s strenght’s and weakness
lie and where there are gaps in their knowledge. Diagnostic assessment tries to
diagnose or locate areas of need. The aim of diagnostic assessment is to find the
gaps and weakness and provide a remedy for them.

5. Achievement Assessment

Usually at the end of the course, and perhaps one or two other points during the
course, the learners are assessed on what they have learned from the course. This
may have the purpose of examining the effectiveness of the course as much as
testing the learners.

6. Proficiency Test

It is based on items drawn from the language as a whole rather than from the
content of a particular course. It tries to measure a learner’s language knowledge
in relation to other learners who may have studied different course, or in relation
to areas knowledge that are based upon an analysis of the language. The example
of Proficiency Assessment is TOEFL and IELTS.

Based on the explanation above, the monitoring and assessment of the course
materials designed are :

1. Placement Test

The teacher assess the learner in the beginning of the course. So, the teacher
know where he should put the learner class based on the level.

2. Observation of Learning

Teacher monitors the course to know is the course going well or not, are the
learners understand with the course and is it same like as their expectation or not.

3. Achievement Test

In the end of the course, teacher will assess the learner to see wether the learners
achieve their goal or not.

This course have high reliability, the test should be consistent. Then, high
validity. The test should same as the teacher taught to the learner. And its hould be
practicaly, because the learner should learn name, terms, and how to write it. They
will serving the customer, and will be write the data about them.

2.5 Adopt and Adapt of the Course Material

The materials of this textbook is adopted from two existing course books. There
are English for Banking and Finance 1 by Rosemary Richey and Language
Curriculum Design by Nation and John Macalister. The material adapt from English
for Banking and Finance 1 course book.




3.1 Background of the Targeted Learner, Teacher, and Situation of the Course
Material/Textbook Designed and Developed

The target learner of this textbook is for company employees in training work
especially who work in the Bank. There is no sepsification aged, because this is for
people who work in the Bank.

The teacher of this textbook is the lecturer who teach in some universities.
Especially the lecturer in Accountant of Economic Faculty.

Because this textbook’s purpose is English in spesific for Banking and the larner
background is the employee from the Bank. So, the situation of this course or
material is formal. Before the teacher teach the material, they should give the learner
a placement test to know their level and the teacher will teach the material according
to each weakness.

3.2 Objectives of the Textbook / Course Material Developed

The objective for designing this textbook in order to achieve the target of
guidebook which met the learner’s need and in real life situation used expressions,
for example serving the customer. Learner is able to achieve the learn objective
through the workouts.

The learners should know the terms in banking, like the vocabulary in banking.
And the learner should know how to serving in a good way, how to make the
customer satisfied with you.

3.3 Specific Goals of the Sample / Unit

The material of the textbook based on learner’s need and real life situation. The
objective of the textbook unit developed will emphasizes on communicative goal or
learners need to perform the communicative competence. The lesson of the material
is divided into three parts. There are listening, speaking and writing. However, this
course is more focus in speaking.

The spesific goals of material from the textbook developed based on the learners
and their level, are :

a) Learners are able to introduce themselves in English

b) Learners are able to answer and asking question

c) Learners are able give service to foreign customer

d) Learners are able to discuss how to manage money with colleague

e) Learners are able to compare product and service

f) Learners are able to assess feedback

g) Learners are able to give instruction

h) Learners are able to write down customer’s data and needs

i) Learners are able to difference the transaction

In this spesific goals, the teacher and the designer hope the learner will be
mastering it. So, if they do, the goals will be achieved and this course will considered
successful. Also, we as the designer and teacher are more focus in speaking, and we
hope the leaners will be able to speak well with foreign customer or colleague.

3.4 The Intergration / Balance of Course Material Developed and Its Activity of
Language Skill

Based on four strans in Language Curriculum Design (Nation &Macalister.

2008). These four strands help the designer to check the balance of opportunities by
seeing a course as consisting of four strands which are each given a roughly equal
amount of time (Nation, 2007). These Four Strands are :

1) Meaning-Focused Input

Meaning-Focused Input involves having the opportunity to learn from

listening and speaking. Krashen (1981) would call it learning from
comprehensible input. This textbook also using listening and speaking skill
in order to learn the material.

2) Meaning-Focused Output

Meaning-focused output involves learning through speaking and writing.

The learner should be able to speak in conversation and monologue. The
learner, also be able to catch the message from it.

3) Language-Focused Learning

Language-focused learning involves a deliberate focus on language features

such as pronounciation, spelling, word parts, vocabulary, collocation,

grammatica; construction and discourse features (Nation & Macalister,

4) Fluency Development

Fluency involves making the best use of what is already known. It does not
involve the learning of new language features, but involves becoming fluent
with features that the learners have already met before.

3.5 Map of the Textbook / Course Material Developed and Guidance / How to
Use the Textbook / Course Material

No Unit Skill Material Technic&Method Assessment

1. Commun Listening Learners are able CBLT Fill in the

-ication to introduce blank

Learners are able CBLT Essay

to catch the
meaning from the

Learners are able CBLT Match

to difference job in

Speaking Learners are able CBLT Roleplay

to asking and

Learners are able CBLT Roleplay

to discuss how to
manage money
with colleague

Learners are able CBLT Roleplay

to communicate
with colleague

Writing Learners are able CBLT Match

to write down the

data of customer

Learners are able CBLT Match

to know Bank
terms and jobs

2. Transacti Listening Learners are able CBLT Match

-on to give service to

Speaking Learners are able CBLT Roleplay

to giving service to

Learners are able CBLT Roleplay

to compare product
and service

Learners are able CBLT Roleplay

to give instruction

Learners are able CBLT Roleplay

to assess feedback

Writing Learners are able CBLT Match

to give service to



Content of this unit :
a) Introduce themselves in English

b) Answer and asking question

c) Give service to foreign customer

d) Learners are able to discuss how to manage money with


e) Learners are able to compare product and service

f) Learners are able to assess feedback

Warming Up

Are you Ms. Catherine? This is George

Pleased to meet you Here’s the food

1. Match the phrases in the box with picture 1- 4

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

Unit 1 : Communication

Part 1 : Listening

I. Listen and complete dialogues 1 - 7 with the words in the box

am are I’m What’s

1. A : Hello. I (1)________ Frances Cooper.

B : Hello. My name (2)______ Jon Wlash. Pleased to meet you.

2. A : Excuse me. (3)______ you Mr. Simpson?

B : Yes, I am.

A : Pleased to meet you, Mr. Simpson. (4)______ Trudi Moore.

3. A : Good morning. (5)______ your name, please?

B : My (6)______ Simon Davies.

4. A : Leena, (7)_______ is Justin Blake. Justin, this is Leena Koury.

B : Pleased to meet you Justin.

II. Listen to four people talking about their jobs. Tick (v) the correct job for
each person.

1 Isabella senior account manager IT service manager

2 Raoul human resources manager cashier

3 Ravi customer service adviser branch manager

4 Jenny investment analysis IT service manager

III. Listen again and complete the gaps.

1. My name’s Isabella. I’m responsible _____ opening new accounts at our

bank. I give customer ____ about our interest rates and the accounts that we

2. I’m Raoul. I work in bank and I help customer make _____ and withdrawals.
I also _____ any problem they have with their accounts.

3. Hi. My name’s Ravi I work _____ a bank, but I don’t actually work in the
bank. Customers telephone me when they have problems and complaints
and I _____ with their questions.

4. Hello! I’m Jenny. I take _____ of all computers in the bank. I train
employees how to use computers. I don’t _____ with customers.

Part 2 : Speaking

I. Put these words in order to make questions.

1. What / name / is / bank / your / the / of

2. Where / office / is / head / your

3. How / do / you /have / branches / many

4. How / employees / do / many / you have

5. What kind / provide / you / do / of / products and services

6. Where / branches / are / your

II. Work in pairs. You can choose which option do you want. Use the question
in 1 to ask each other about your banks.

Student A

You work for Benhams Bank. You provide current and savings accounts,
mortgage, loans and investment advice. Your head office is in London. You have
16 branches in the UK. Your bank has 2,000 employees.

Student B

You work at JFB International Bank. Your head office is in Paris and you have
27 branches in France. Belgium and Luxembourg. Your bank has 15,000
employees. Your bank provides current and savings account, foreign exchange
and mortgages.

III. Work in pairs. Discuss these questions.

a) How much is your income?

b) Are you happy with your salary?

c) Do you save money for a pension?

d) Are you good at managing money?

e) What kind of advice do you use for manage money?

f) Do you have any more tips for managing money?

IV. Work in pairs. Practice the dialogue based on the information on this page.
Use your own name, country and job.

Student A : You are in a seminar and meet someone there and you greeting
her/him. You are from Canada and you work at the bank in Canada.

Student B : You are in a seminar and meet someone there, she/he greeting you
and you greet her/him back. You are from Toronto and a trainee
from bank in Toronto.

Part 3 : Writing

I. Match the correct answer

- 03457892
Name : Ella Frick

Account Number : _____

New Address : 455 _____ , Whincester SO135QZ - Loomis street

Home Phone Number : 01962829741

Mobile Phone Number : _____

II. Match the words in the box to these definitions 1- 6

budget expenses income pension realistic salary

1. Money you get wgeb you are old and don’t work ______

2. A plan you make about what to buy ad how much to spend ______

3. All the money that you get fro your work and other sources ______

4. The money you get from your employer _____

5. Money you pay for things like food, petrol, household bills, etc ______

6. Something that is possible to achieve ______

III. Match the words in the box to these definitions 1 - 8

Current account deposit employees head office

Investment mortgage savings account withdrawal

1. The main office of a company ______

2. The people who work in company ____

3. Money put into banka account _____

4. Money taken out of a bank account _____

5. Money that bank lend people to buy property ______

6. A bank account that pays no interest or low interest ______

7. A bank account for investment ; the bank pays interest ______

8. Things people put their money in to make more money ______

Unit 2 : Transaction

Part 1 : Writing

I. Read this dialogue. Number the sentences in the correct order

Peter : Good morning, Mr. Osman. How can I help you?

Mr. Osman : OK, I understand. How long will it take to get my user ID
and password?

Mr. Osman : I’m interested in online banking. I’m very busy, so it’s
difficult to come into the bank all the time when I want to pay
bills or check my balance.

Peter : Only a few days. As soon as you get this information, you can
log in and start banking online.

Mr. Osman : When do I need to use my user ID?

Mr. Osman : Can I check my balance at any time?

Peter : I understand. Well, online banking is really easy and

convenient. First, you need to register. You can do this online -
just go to our website, click on ‘online banking’ and complete
the form. We then send you a user ID and password. You can
change the password at any time.

Mr. Osman : That’s great. Thank’s for your help.

Peter : You need to type in this number to log in to your account.

Most people change their password to something they can
remember easily. It’s important not to share your password
with anyone - for security reasons.

Peter : Yes. Of course. You can check your balance, look at your
account information, pay bills and do most of the other things
you do now at the bank.

Peter : You’re very welcome. Please let me know if you need any of

Part 2 : Listening

II. Listen and check your answer to I

III. Match 1 - 6 to a - f to make sentences about Mr. Osman

1. Mr. Osman can’t go to the bank everyday. a. for online banking on the
bank’s website

2. When Mt. Osman starts online banking. b. when he gets his user ID
and password

3. Mr. Osman can register. c. to something he can

remember easily

4. He can starts online banking. d. until he registers

5. He can change his password. e. because he is very busy

6. He can’t start online banking f. he can chech his balance

and make payments online

Part 3 : Speaking

IV. Practice the dialogue in I with your partner and use your own name.

V. How do banks attract new customers? Discuss in pairs. Use the words in the
box then practice with your partner.

Advertisements Free gifts

Interest Rates Special Offers

VI. Work in pairs. Discuss how to give instruction to use ATM machine to
customer. Practice with your partner.

VII. Tell to your friend in front of the class ‘How to be A Good Cahier’ with
using these words.

Friendly Helpful Patient Polite Knowledgeable



 Conclusion

At the end of this textbook, we as the teacher and designer hope the
learners are able to practice with confident and understand the
material in this textbook. Like I said before in chapter 1. This textbook
was made for all the trainee in every bank International who wantes to
learn English in Banking and the terms in Bank in English. We put all
the effort and knowledge in this textbook. Hopefully this textbook is
useful for the learners and make them more easier to learn English. And
we apologize if we had made any mistakes in making this textbook.


Nation, S.P. and John M. 2010. Language Curriculum Design. New

York : Routledge

Richey, Rosemary. 2011. English for Banking & Finance. Europe :

Pearson Longman


Audio Script :

Unit 1 Part I

5. A : Hello. I am Frances Cooper.

B : Hello. My name is Jon Wlash. Pleased to meet you.

6. A : Excuse me. Are you Mr. Simpson?

B : Yes, I am.

A : Pleased to meet you, Mr. Simpso. I’m Trudi Moore.

7. A : Good morning. What’s your name, please?

B : My namee’s Simon Davies.

8. A : Leena, this is Justin Blake. Justin, this is Leena Koury.

B : Pleased to meet you Justin.

Part II and III

1. My name’s Isabella. I’m responsible for opening new accounts at our bank. I
give customers information about our interest rates and the accounts that we

2. I’m Raoul. I work in a bank and I help customers make deposits and withdrawals.
I also handle any problems they have with their accounts.

3. Hi. My name’s Ravi. I work for a bnk. But I don’t actually work in the bank.
Customers telephone me when they have problems and complaints and I deal
with their questions.

4. Hello! I’m Jenny. I take care of all the computers in the bank. I train employees
how to use the computers. I don’t deal with customers.

Unit 2 Part II

Peter : Good morning, Mr. Osman. How can I help you?

Mr. Osman : I’m interested in online banking. I’m very busy, so it’s
difficult to come into the bank all the time when I want to pay
bills or check my balance.

Peter : I understand. Well, online banking is really easy and

convenient. First, you need to register. You can do this online -
just go to our website, click on ‘online banking’ and complete
the form. We then send you a user ID and password. You can
change the password at any time.

Mr. Osman : When do I need to use my user ID?

Peter : You need to type in this number to log in to your account.

Most people change their password to something they can
remember easily. It’s important not to share your password
with anyone - for security reasons.

Mr. Osman : OK, I understand. How long will it take to get my user ID
and password?

Peter : Only a few days. As soon as you get this information, you can
log in and start banking online.

Mr. Osman : Can I check my balance at any time?

Peter : Yes. Of course. You can check your balance, look at your
account information, pay bills and do most of the other things
you do now at the bank.

Mr. Osman : That’s great. Thank’s for your help.

Peter : You’re very welcome. Please let me know if you need any of


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