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Physics 2A Final Exam Study Guide

Chapters covered on the Exam:

Chapter 1 (all sections) Chapter 7 (all except 7.5 & 7.6)

Chapter 2 (all sections) Chapter 8 (all sections)
Chapter 3 (all sections) Chapter 9 (9.1 & 9.2 only)
Chapter 4 (all sections) Chapter 10 (10.1, 10.2, 10.4 only)
Chapter 5 (all except 5.6 & 5.7) Chapter 11 (all except 11.5)
Chapter 6 (all except 6.5) Chapter 12 (12.1 & 12.2 only)

 This is not meant to cover everything on the exam, it is instead meant to
focus your studying. If you can do these problems, you are in good shape!
 Problems from chapter 12 are not on here because we did them recently. See
most recent homework.

Example Problems:

Chapter 2 problem # 63
A ball is thrown upward from the ground with an initial speed of 25 m/s; at the
same instant, another ball is dropped from a building 15 m high. After how long
will the balls be at the same height?


Chapter 3 problem # 51
A rocket is launched at an angle of 53.0° above the horizontal with an initial speed
of 100 m/s. The rocket moves for 3.00 s along its initial line of motion with an
acceleration of 30.0 m/s2. At this time, its engines fail and the rocket proceeds to
move as a projectile. Find (a) the maximum altitude reached by the rocket, ONLY
DO IF TIME (b) its total time of flight, and (c) its horizontal range.

Chapter 4 problem #15
After falling from rest from a height of 30 m, a 0.50-kg ball rebounds upward,
reaching a height of 20 m. If the contact between ball and ground lasted 2.0 ms,
what average force was exerted on the ball?
Chapter 4 problem #33

A 276-kg glider is being pulled by a 1 950-kg airplane along a horizontal runway

with an acceleration of a = 2.20 m/s2 to the right Find (a) the thrust provided by the
airplane’s propellers and (b) the magnitude of the tension in the cable connecting
the airplane and glider.

Chapter 4 problem # 47

The coefficient of static friction between

the 3.00-kg crate and the 35.0° incline is
0.300. What minimum force F must be
applied to the crate perpendicular to the
incline to prevent the crate from sliding
down the incline?

Chapter 5 problem #37

Tarzan swings on a 30.0-m-long vine initially inclined at an angle of 37.0° with

the vertical. What is his speed at the bottom of the swing (a) if he starts from rest?
(b) If he pushes off with a speed of4.00 m/s?

Chapter 5 problem #45

A 2.1 x 103-kg car starts from rest at the top of a 5.0-m-long driveway that is
inclined at 20° with the horizontal. If an average friction force of 4.0 x 103 N
impedes the motion, find the speed of the car at the bottom of the driveway.


Chapter 6 # 45

A 25.0-g object moving to the right at 20.0 cm/s over- takes and collides
elastically with a 10.0-g object mov- ing in the same direction at 15.0 cm/s. Find
the veloc- ity of each object after the collision.
Chapter 6 #59

A 730-N man stands in the middle of a frozen pond of radius 5.0 m. He is unable
to get to the other side because of a lack of friction between his shoes and the ice.
To overcome this difficulty, he throws his 1.2-kg physics textbook horizontally
toward the north shore at a speed of 5.0 m/s. How long does it take him to reach
the south shore?


Chapter 7 # 17

a) What is the tangential acceleration of a bug on the rim of a 10.0-in.-diameter

disk if the disk accelerates uniformly from rest to an angular speed of 78.0 rev/min
in 3.00 s? (b) When the disk is at its final speed, what is the tangential velocity of
the bug?

Chapter 7 #51

An athlete swings a 5.00-kg ball horizontally on the end of a rope. The ball moves
in a circle of radius 0.800 m at an angular speed of 0.500 rev/s. What are (a) the
tangential speed of the ball and (b) its centripetal acceleration? (c) If the maximum
tension the rope can withstand before breaking is 100 N, what is the maximum
tangential speed the ball can have?


Chapter 8 # 37

A model airplane with mass 0.750 kg is tethered by a wire so that it flies in a circle
30.0 m in radius. The airplane engine provides a net thrust of 0.800 N
perpendicular to the tethering wire. (a) Find the torque the net thrust produces
about the center of the circle. (b) Find the angular acceleration of the airplane
when it is in level flight. (c) Find the linear acceleration of the airplane tangent to
its flight path.

Chapter 8 #45

A light rod of length 1.00m rotates about an axis perpendicular to its length and
passing through its center. Two particles of masses m1 4.00 kg and m2 3.00kg ,are
connected to the ends of the rod. (a) Neglecting the mass of the rod, what is the
system’s kinetic energy when its angular speed is 2.50 rad/s? (b) Repeat the
problem, assuming the mass of the rod is taken to be 2.00 kg.

Chapter 11 # 29

75kg Cross-country skier:

The coefficient of friction between skis and snow is 0.20. Assume all the snow
beneath her skis is at 0°C and that all the internal energy generated by friction is
added to snow, which sticks to her skis until it melts. How far would she have to
ski to melt 1.0 kg of snow?

Chapter 11 #37

A 3.00-g lead bullet at 30.0°C is fired at a speed of 2.40 x 102 m/s into a large,
fixed block of ice at 0°C, in which it becomes embedded. (a) Describe the energy
transformations that occur as the bullet is cooled. What is the final temperature of
the bullet? (b) What quantity of ice melts?

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