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Assignment No 2:

Submitted by:

1- Muhammad Ali (Reg.#BSSE07163044)



Submitted to:



Internet Architecture and Protocol

Department of Computer Sciences

The University of Lahore, Sargodha Campus

Difference btw IPv4 VS IPv6

IPv4 IPv6
 IPv4 has 32-bit address length  IPv6 has 128-bit address length
 It Supports Manual and DHCP  It supports Auto and renumbering
address configuration address configuration
 In IPv4 end to end connection  In IPv6 end to end connection
integrity is Unachievable integrity is Achievable
 It can generate 4.29×109 address  Address space of IPv6 is quite large it
space can produce 3.4×1038 address space
 Security feature is dependent on  IPSEC is inbuilt security feature in the
application IPv6 protocol
 Address representation of IPv4 in  Address Representation of IPv6 is in
decimal hexadecimal
 Fragmentation performed by Sender  In IPv6 fragmentation performed only
and forwarding routers by sender
 In IPv4 Packet flow identification is  In IPv6 packet flow identification are
not available Available and uses flow label field in
the header
 In IPv4 checksum field is available  In IPv6 checksum field is not
 It has broadcast Message  In IPv6 multicast and any cast
Transmission Scheme message transmission scheme is
 In IPv4 Encryption and Authentication  In IPv6 Encryption and Authentication
facility not provided are provided
 IPv4 has header of 20-60 bytes.  IPv6 has header of 40 bytes fixed
IPv4 is slightly faster than IPv6. However, the location can affect the speed of IPv4 and IPv6.
The differences are small, fractions of a second, which does not mean much for human browsing.
One interesting conclusion is that IPv6 seems to be slightly less stable compared to IPv4. It
generates more outliers. IPv6 deals with additional headers in contrast to IPv4 may be
influencing this difference.

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