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Name: _______________________ Period: _______

Career information sheet

Career field (health,
entertainment, etc):

Specific job title:

Median (middle)
Salary: Top/bottom salary:

States with the

most opportunity:

Career information

How I become
a [job title]:

My work In this section, answer with the following information: What are my hours going to
environment: be like? Where will I physically be working? What will I actually be doing day to
day? Are there any hazards associated with my job (for example, oil well mechanics
must contend with exposure to hazardous machinery and harsh chemicals)?

How am I goingNo one expects to stay in their singular entry-level position their entire career. For
to grow in this example, a child protective investigator may start as an investigator, be promoted to
position? a senior investigator, then team lead, then unit supervisor, etc. What is the

growth/advancement path for your chosen career? Where will you start and then
be ten years in?

occupations to

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