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Haider Ali Khan

116 Woodland Street

Oberlin, OH 44074, USA Phone: 1 440 574 1194
Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH Class of 2011
 Candidate forB.A. with major in Economics, and a minor in East Asian Studies
 Proficient in Java, HTML, Stata and SPSS.
 Recipient of the John F. Oberlin Scholarship.
 Relevant Coursework: Multi-Variable Calculus, Statistical Modeling, Advanced Macroeconomics, Discrete Mathematics, Intermediate
Macro Theory, Intermediate Microeconomics, Game Theory, Money Banking and Finance.
 Languages: Fluent: English, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi. Intermediate level: Mandarin Chinese
Lahore College of Arts and Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan Class of 2006
 Studied Math, Economics, Sociology, Psychology and General paper in A-levels and graduated with honors
 SAT I: Math 720, Critical Reading 710, Writing 730

Work Experience
Student Fundraiser, Oberlin Alumni Office, Oberlin Sept 2009-Current
 Solicited funds for scholarships in excess of $40,000 from Oberlin College Alumni.
 Declared the best fundraiser of the month three times.
Research Intern, International Finance Corp. Karachi, Pakistan Summer 2009
 Updated and presented IFC Pakistan’s sector maps of the Textile, Chemical and Auto Industries
 Gathered and Analyzed financial data of banks receiving IFC funding, to ensure they were complying with their agreed upon covenants.
Voting Member, Student Finance Committee, Oberlin, OH Academic Year 2009/10
 Researched the auto-vending industry of Pakistan on a microeconomic level by using proprietary research, analyst reports and interviews
 Analyzed income statements of various companies to investigate the past trends and future outlook of the industry
 Presented my findings to the commercial banking team at Citibank
Research Intern, Cornelius, Lane and Mufti., Lahore, Pakistan Winter 2008
 Assisted Partners and Associates in researching ongoing legal cases.

Intern, Citibank, Lahore, Pakistan Summer 2008

 Conducted extensive research on the past trends and future outlook of the Pakistani Pharmaceutical and Polyester Industries
 Updated Citibank’s industry reports which are the source documents for the Bank to evaluate industry trends, risks and credit demand.

Research Intern, Tameer Micro-Finance Bank, Lahore, Pakistan Winter 2007

 Conducted market research on the income and expense trends of low income households in and around Lahore.
 Interviewed 400 households and used the data to create a standardized basket of goods and services for the target segment.
 Created a report evaluating the effect of CPI over the spending decisions of the banks potential customers.

President, South Asian Students Association, Oberlin College Fall 2009-Present
 Reinitiated the Carleton squash club, which had been inactive for many years
 Teach beginners how to play and lead the Squash class which is offered at Carleton for Physical Education credit
 Organize weekly squash matches and hold intra-mural tournaments
President, Oberlin Model United Nation Club Fall 2007
 Organized International Student Orientation, a weeklong event which aims to settle incoming international freshmen socially, academically and
emotionally to life in America and at Carleton
 Mentored two students and acted as their first point of contact when they had problems, concerns or queries

Investment Advisor, Oberlin Student Finance and Investment Club Spring 2008
 Developed an extensive set of criteria through which borrowers are selected and offered micro-loans
 Monitor the performance of past loans and decide how best to allocate the club’s resources
 Hold various fund-raising events each term to ensure that the club’s loan portfolio keeps growing
Treasurer, Muslim Students Association, Oberlin College Fall 2008 – Spring 2009
 Organize an exhibition cricket match to bring together the Carleton, Macalester, Saint Olaf and Northfield communities to raise funds for those
affected by the floods
 Raise awareness in the community by holding meetings and presentations
 Solicit pledges and donations from local businesses, alumni, students and parents
 Coordinate the shipping and delivery of relief goods to Pakistan through Pakistan International Airlines network and various international NGOs
Student Tutor, Economics Department, Oberlin College Spring 2007- Present
 Conducted more than 30 formal and informal interviews and held a focus group study with abused children in Lahore’s red light area
 Compiled my findings and those of other interns in a working report which was used by Save the Children (Sweden) in their published report
Exposure of Children to Pornography: A situational analysis in Lahore
Volunteer Teacher, CARE Summer 2006
 Conducted more than 30 formal and informal interviews and held a focus group study with abused children in Lahore’s red light area
 Compiled my findings and those of other interns in a working report which was used by Save the Children (Sweden) in their published report
Exposure of Children to Pornography: A situational analysis in Lahore

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