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+ r.

:) E3 I A'> Read aloud 'g Draw v '9' Highlight v

6 b~
intersection of the planes 3x - y + 2z - 4 • O and
x + y + z - 2 • O and point (2, 2, I).

I PART 8 I 8unoN IV
Three Mam Questions. All questions are compulsory.
8EcnoN Ill In case of Internal choices attempt any one.
Two Martts Questions
29. Find the intervals in wh ich the fu nction

19. Evaluate: .sin[; - sin- '(-; ) J f (.d - - 3 log (1 + .d + 4 log (2 +

xi - _;_ Is
stJictly increasing (ir) strictly decreasing.

20. If ti' - r-, 2

~] and B - [ ~
~]. then find 30. Find: : , if y • (x + 3)1 • (X + 4)' · (X + 5) 4•
the value ol (ti + 28)'.

+·Iii El
Find the mallio such that
X 8 - 2A +X• 0 where Find: ·:, if x • a (cos 9 + 9 sin 9),

t\ • [ :3 ~J B• [~ 2
y - a (sin 9 - 9 cos 9).
3 1. Let R - {(x, )'l : x e N , y e N and 2x + y • 4} .
Find domain and range of re lation. Also find
1 whether R is reOexive.
2 1. Differentiate sec- •( 2
) w.r. to sin• 1(3x - 4x').
2x - 1 t1./ ,J

2.2. Find the interval ol increasing and decreasing for 32. Evaluate: fslnlx •log tanx dx.
/'(x) - "' + 2x' - 1.

El El
Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the
curve: y • x' - 4x + 2 at (4, 2). Evolu•tt<: Jcos IN _ a~os (x _ b)°
x' Yi 37. Lei Z - px + qy, subject 10 conslrainls
33. Find lhe area of the ellipse 2 + -, • 1 using
rnIegralion. a b 2x + y s 10, x + 3y s 15, x, y ~ 0, 1he comer
points of feasible region are A (0, 0), 8 (5, 0 ).
34. Solve 1he differential equalion:
C (J, 41 and D (0, 51. /1.iaximum value o( Z occurs
J i+ x' dy +Jt+ y 1 dx • 0. at (3, 41 and 10, SJ. Find 1he condilion on p
35. Show 1ha1 lhe function f(x) • lx -1 I + Ix+ 1 I and q.
for all x e R is not dlfferenliable al x • 1.
l et z - 4x + Jy and corner points or feasibl e
8EcnoN V region for l.P.P. are (0, 21; (3, O); (6, 0 ) and (0, 5).
All questions are compulsory. In case of Internal Find 1he poinl al which minimum value al Z occur.
choices attempt any one. Also find m inimum value.
38. Find the equation of lhe plane passing 1hrough the
36, Solve 1he following sys1em of linear equations by
matrix method: line o f in1ersectlon of the planes 7 · (i + j + kl
Bx + 4 y + Jz • 19 - t and 7 · (2i + Jj - k) + 4 • 0 and parallel
lx + y + z • 5 10 the x-axis.
x + Zy + 2z - 7

Find the coordina1es of 1he poinl where the line

2 through (3, - 4 , - 5) and (2, - 3, 1) crosses the plane
de1em1ined by the points A (2, 2, 11, B 13, O, 1)
Let A • ; veri~ 1ha~
and C (4, - 1, OJ.

(,J (adj t1)·

- adj (t\" 1), (ii) (t1· 1 r1 - A.

1. R • 10, 21 (2, l l (2, 3) (3, 2l ll, ll (2, 21 (3, 3l 1l . ·s-12
UIC UUU:> VI un:..u uu,put II l.:'t I\J U UU Ul.dt .J 10, .. /0

SECTION II and 2% bolls are defeclive manufac1ured

Both the Case Study b1 s ed questions are compulsory.
Attempt any 4 sub parts from each question. Each
question carries 1 mark.

17. Mr. Rakesh has a lr~pezium type plo1. The length

of i1s 1hree sides, 01her than base are equal 10 10
Machine A llaclllno B Mochtn, C
meter as shown In 1he ngure. 25% 35% '0%
D 10m C
Delecd11t1 Delee!""'
10m ,om ""'
On the bases of above situation answer the
xm ,om (1) H ow much percen~age of bolls are
A E F ,m B
manufactured by machine B only
On lhe bases of abo,e situation answer the
(a) 25% (b/ 35'-
(1) The area (,\J of 1he 1rapezium as a funclion of
(ti 40% (al 33%
X js (i1J Which of the machine produces 2 % defective
(J) ti • (10 + 2x) J 100- x' (d/ ,I (bl B
!bl A • (10 + XJ J 100-x' (,:j C (al II and B

_I ,_
+ r.;) El I A') Read a loud 'v Draw v 'fj/ Highlight v

General Instructions:

~ as Sampe Question Poper-I. (Solved).

I PART Al 7. Evaluate:
Jx cos1 (1+ logx)·
8emON I El
All questions are compulsory. In case of Internal
choices attempt any one. Ev•luate: Jx(x~- n.
t. The relation R be defined on the set A • {I, 2, 3,
4, 5) by R - {(.i. b): ial - Ill < 81 then write 'j'J sinx dx
the relation R. 8. Evaluate: cos> x ·
2. Show that the function /: R-+ R such that f (x) •
2x' - 3 I> onto. X
9. Prove that log y + - C ls a solution of
3. l et / : (2, -) -t R be the function defined a,; f (x) y
- ,I - 4• + S then find the r:mge or r. (y - x) dy + y dx • O.
4. Find the value o f x , for which the matrix
x+ 5 z - 1]
is a singular matrix.
Solve the diffe.ential equation
[ 1 2
(x + 2 ) y1 • 4x2y
Area of a triangle w ith vertices (k, 0), (1 , 1) and
10. Find the vector equallon of a plane which Is at a
distance 7 units from the Origin and which Is no,mal
(0, 3) is 5 Sq. units. Find the valu!!ls) or k.
. ' .
10 the vector Ji + Sj - 6k.
5 . A matrix A of order 3 x 3 has ils determinant 6 .
Find the value or IJA I.
Lei a , ~ and r
Eilare 1he di~ectlon angles of .s line
6. If A • [~ ~] - P + Q, where P Is symmetric ll
whe<e a • fl and y • - . Find the di recti on
matrix and q is skew symmetric matrix, then find cosine or the line.
matrl~ P.

+ r.:) El I Nl Read a loud I 'g Draw v 'I;/ Highlight v
5. 162
Cart-esian equation

&. [! ~] . .
- -- --
y+ 2

7. tan O + log xJ + C OR -I log

+C 15.
2 1&.
8. 2-73 3
17. (il (bl (ii) (a) (iii) (a )
9. OR log IY I = 2r2 - 8.r + 16 log Ir + 21 + C ( iv ) (d )

. . .
{Si + 5j - 6.t) 18. (i) (bl
Cu) \cl
(iil {cl (ii; ) Cb)
10. r · J ?O • 7 (iv) (b) (u) kl
1 1 I 19. l
OR dc's are± 2 ,± 2 ,72

-, ,-
_I ,_

110 ~lou case SAMPLE PAPERS

➔ .. ,. ,.
28. r · (38i + 68j + 3k) = 153
29. (il f (J:) is strictly increasing in (0, ..J
2 (ii) f (J:) is strictly decreasing in [0, = l
3 30. (x + 3) · Lr + 4f · (.r + 5 )9 • (9x2 + 70.x + 133)
+ r..) E3 I A•> Read aloud V' Draw v 'v Highlight v

11. Find the magnllude oi the resuhing vec1or

- . . - . . le) A - (20 + 2xl ~1 00- x1
(2i + j - k) x (i - 2j + lk).
(di A • (20 + x) ~ 100- x'
12. ,r aand b are IWO unil vec1ors such 1ha1a + b is
also unil vector, find the angle between ii and b. Iii) .dA - 0, then the possible value of x is:
13. Ii A (3, 2, -ll, 8 t2, 3, 41 and C (0, 5, 14). Show (a) 5 (bl 10
1ha1 lhe points A, 8, C are collinear using ve<.ior (d - 10 (~ - 5
14. Find the vector and 1he cartesian equalions or the d 2A
till) dx' for possible valire of x is
line 1ha1 passes through lhe poinls (3, - 2, - 51 and
(3, -2, 6). -30
°J75 (bl - JO
1S . A die is thrown 1hree limes. Events A and B are
defined as follow:
75 7so
( 30 (~ JO
A : 4 on lhe 1hlrd lhrow
8 : 6 o,, 1he firs:t and 5 on the second throw
cl Gs Tso
(iv) The maximum area o( the trapezium is equal
Find the probability of A, given that 8 has already IO:
(dl .10()/j m1 (bl . I50/i m 2

I\ bag contains
El black and
3 red. 4 2 green balls.
(c:I · m' · m'
(Vl The ;ihltude of trapeziuim is equal 10:
Two ba lls are drawn a1 random from the bag. Find
1he probability tha1 bolh balls Jre or different colour. (a) ~1 00-2• ' (bl .J10- •
16. A and B appeared for an inlerview. The probability
. . (Cl ~100- •' Id) J1 0-x 1
or 1hei r selection is .!. and .!. respectively. Find 18, Ro hl! manufactures bolls and use three machines
2 J
1he probability !hat both are selected. A, B and C. These machines A. B and C
m.nulacture respectively 25%, 35% and 40% of
the bolts of lheir ou1pu1 Ii is found that 5%, 4%
8EcnoN II and 2% bolls a re defec1ive manufaciured
Both the Case Study based questions are compulsory.
Attempt any 4 sub parts from each question. Each
question carries t mark.

17. Mr. Rakesh has a 1,apezium typ,, plot. The length

- -- - - - - - ----- ---
(ii,J II from 1he stock of all bots, a boll is taken .
and ii is found 10 be defective 1hen l1s 23 . Evaluate: J c/Jc .
p1o babili1y (i.e., total prob.) is: • {6(1ogK)2 + 71og x + 2)
(a) 0 .0365 (bl 0.0345 24. Find rhe area oi the region bounded by 1he curve
((j 0.0375 (a) 0.0395 f - 4x and line " • 3.
25. _Find lhe general solutioo of the differenlial equation
(iv) A boh is drawn a1 random from 1he lo! .ing !t
is found defecllve, wha1 is the probabllily 1ha1 dy
- + y COi X • 2x + K COi X, (X .,. 0).
ii was manufactured by machine 81 c/Jc
(a) 35
(b) ~
. 69
Find the general solution of the differential equation
((j ~ 47 e' tan y dx + (1 - e'J sec'y d y • O
69 (oj 69
("' A boh is drawn al random from 1he IOI and ii 26. If a-i + j + k and b • } - k find a vector c
is found defective. What is lhe probability 1hat
ii was nor produced by B1
such thal a c•
x b and 1 · .J.. c-
27. Fo ur bad oranges are a,cidenlly mixed wilh 16
34 45 good ones. find the probability distribution of 1he
(al 69 (b) 69
number of bad oranges when lwo oranges are
41 drawn al random from !his lot
((j 69 28. Find 1he equatinn of the plane through the
in1ersec1ion oi the planes Jx - y + 2z - 4 - O and
x + y + z - 2 • 0 and point (2. 2, 1 ).

Three Marks Questions. All questions are compulsory.
8EcnoN Ill In case of Internal choices attempt any one.
Two Martes Ouesllon1
29. Find the interva ls in which rhe iu nc11on
4 .
f (.-, • - 3 Jog (1 + x) T 4 log (2 + ,s
x) - -
2 +x
(,] srrietly increasing (111 s1ric1ly decre3s ing.
+ r.:; El A') Read a loud "'/ Draw v 'ti" Highlight v

28, Find the principal value of


cos-'(cos ; ) + sin• '(sin ff) - tan· '.( tan; )
Two Marks Ou&11lon1 3

19. a. • 2i. + 2j + 3k, b - -i + 2j + k and "t •


3i + j are such that a + )J, ls perpendicular 10 &:c110N IV

then find lhe value of A. Three Marke OUMtlone. All questions are compulsory.
20, Find the probability of drawing a 'diamond' card In cue of Internal cholcff attempt any one.
In each of two consecuth.-e draws from a well-
29. lei L be the set of all the lines in the plane and R
shuffled pack of cards. fr) If the card drawn is not
replaced after the first draw. (i1) Ii the card drawn is the relation defined as R - {IL 1, L1l : L1 II L1)
is replaced dfter the first draw. show 1ha1 R is an equivalence rela1ion.

-1 1-

_I I_


If .< - a cos 8 + b sin 8 and y - a sin 8 - b cos 9,
let A • [! :'J 8 • [! !] and C • [! !l
1d y dy Find a matrix O such that CD - AB • 0.
prove 1ha1 y - , - x- + y - D.
dx· dx 37. Find the distance of the points (-1, -5, -10)
31, Find the relationship between a and b so !hat the from the point of Intersection of 1he line
function r defined by
+ r..) E3 I A>l Read aloud 'v Draw v 'v Highlight v
. .

~ll !J

Ell LeL A - [: 8 - [~ : ] a11d c- [!

If x - a cos 8 + b sin 8 and y • a sin 8 - b cos 8,
2 Find a matrix D such thal CD - AB - 0.
2 d d
prove that y ; - x ..!'. + y - o.
dx dx 37. Find the distance of the points I- 1, - 5, -1 0)
31 . Find the relationship between a a11d b so Lhat the from the point of inte,sec1ion of 1he line
function f defined by
7 - 2i - / + 2k + ,. (3 ! + 4j + 2k) and the
. {ax+ 1, If• s 3 . . .
/ (xJ • bx+ J, If x > is continuous at x • J. plane 7 · (i - j + kl • 5.

32. Find the points on the curve -

Xl y?
+- • 1 at which
the tangents are parallel to
x-axis, (i,) y-axis. Show that the line< ~ = Y + 3 = ~ and
J 5 7
x- 2 y -4 z- 6 . ,
33. Evaluate: J{l+(log
log x - }' dx
xJ' ·
-- = -- = --
1 J 5
intersect each other. F,nd
the point of intersection also.

. •·hi 38, Solve the following linear programming problem

(L.P.P.l graphically .
Evaluate: JJ , - 4 dx.

Maximise: Z • 1OOx + 400y
Subject to constraints:
3◄. Find the area of the region bounded by x2 - 4y, X + 2y S t 2
y • 2, y • 4.
2x t y S 12
35. Solve the differential equation (1 + Ct + log •1 y)
dx + "dy - D given tha1 x - 1, y - 1. 5
X +
4r 2 5

X 2 0, y 2 0
8EcnoN V
All questions are compulsory. In case of internal Ell
choices attempt any one. Solve 1he linear programming problem graphlcally
Maximise: Z • 12x + 16y
36. Solve the system of linear equalions, using matrix Subject ro co11sLraints:
x +y S1200 ...(,)
2x+y+z • 1
-' - 2y 2 0 .. .(ii)
x - 2 y - z - -:; X - Jy S 600 .. .(ii,)
+ r.:i El I A•> Read aloud '-;/ Draw v 'r;/ Hig hlight v
A ll quest1on.s are compilrsory. 1n. case ot- iillema1
choices attempt any on.e. Solve the linear programming problem graphically
Maximise: Z - 12x + 1&y
36. So lve 1he syslem of li·near equalions, using ma1rix
Subjeci 10 consira'ints:
lx + y + z - _t X + y 5 1200 ...(,)
X - ]y ~ 0 ... (ii)
X - 2y - Z •
2 X - Jy S 600 ... (Iii)
3y - Sz - 9 x, y ~ 0.

2. 'No' il is not transitive.
7. 2J 2x2 +x - 3+C OR o
3. 2"-2

[~ 32] -45 OR o
8 . - -· e-z+c
Cx + 4l
9. OR y • tr'
s. X = ±6 x-2 y +l z--1
6. - I 10. --1- -- - 4 -- - -8 OR :x: + y - z = 2



, ~ ,.,,. dy ,n 6' Jog6

WJ 5 x+2 y+l z -3
Find 1he poinl on 1he line - - : - : -
7 1 3 2 2
(cl 20 (d) 10 a, a distance 5 from (1 , 3, 3).
lii1) If a perwn is seleaed a1 random and even1 £1 22. Solve 1he differenlial equation:
is 1ha1 the selected person is a smoker dnd
vegetarian and A be the event tha1 he has xdy - y + x sin
dx x
(r) . O

d1est disease then P ( ~) is: 23. Using in1egralion, find 1he area bounded between
the line x • 4 and parabola I • 16x.
(al 0.35 (bl 0.20
lc.i 0 . 10 (d) 0.40 24 . Evaluate: J4'" · 4•' • 4' dx.
(i"' lei A be the event that randomly selected
person has d1est disease then P (/\) i.e., total
probability is: .
Evaluate: J 1
(a) - (bl - J sinl ~ sln (x + a)
.40 2S, If !he tangents 10 !he curve y • i' + ax + b al
(cl .2.. (o') .!. is para llel lo lhe line x - y + 5 • D, find
(1 , - 6)
20 ~o !he values of a and b.
(vl II person is chosen from lhe group and is
26. Find the value of a so that the runction f defined by
found to be suffering from !he disease, then
1he probability Iha! 1he selected person is a
((x) • {l-~2ax• X'l'O
smoker and non-vegetarian is i.e., P( ~ ) 8; X~ 0
where f, is lhe event that person is smoker may be continuOtJs al x - D.
and non-vege'larian:

(a) -
28 lb) 27
Differentiate the following function w.r. 10 x :
45 45

(d) ~
45 .,-[2'" ·3']
r - sin ' - - - .


I PART BI 27. Le i A - l~!] -1: ~]. and 8

where T represents the transpose of ma1ri, .
find (Afl)~

28, Find !he principa l value of

0 E3 A•l Read aloud 'v Draw v '9' Highlight v

On the situation, answer lhe following queslions,
(,) Combined area of square and circle as a
funclion oi x is equal 10: On the bases of above informations answe- the
.1 followings:
x (25- x)'
- -+---
16 4lt
(,) How many person in 1he survey are non-
smoker and vegelarianl
tb) A -
(al 160
(d 140
(bl 100
(al 240


_I ,_

(ii) Wha1 is 1he pmbabill1y 1ha11he selec1ed person 2 1. Find the food of perpendicular from the poln1
from 1he sample of 400 is found 10 be smoker 17, 14, 5/ to the plane 2x + 4 y - z - 2.
and vegetarian/
ta) -
lbl -
4 .
m • +2 y+l z- 3
Find 1he poml on 1he line • •
7 1 3 2 2
(Q 20 (a\ 10 at a distance 5 from (1, 3, 3).
(iii) If a person Is selecled al random and evenl £ 1 22, Solve the differenlial equalion:
is that the selected person is a smoker and
vegetariai, and A be the even1 tha1 he has xdy - y+x sin(t) • O
dx x
:/Users/Pralcash/Downloads/ Mathematics-l 2th -Final_21.11.2020.pdf

+ 'v El I A>l Read aloud "? Draw v '1i1 Highlight v

Time Allowed: 3 hours Max. Merila: 80

General Instructions:

Sam• aa Sampe Quuti,>n Poper-1 (Solved).

I PART A I 7. Evaluate:
4x + 1
f J ix'+x - 3 x.

8EcnoN I El
All questions are compulsory. In case of Internal •ll
choices attempt any one. Evaluate: fsin" xdx.
- s/2
1. lei the function f: R -, R be defined by i (.<I •
4x - 1, 't x e R. Then show that f is one-one .
2. lei L be the set o( all lines In a plane and R be 1he
8. Evaluate: J
Ix + 4)
, dx.

relation in L, deOned by R - ((L ,, L,) : L, .L L,} ls 9, Verify that r - ,1,1',• is a solution ol

1ransi1lve rela1ion.
3. lei A - {1, 2, 3, ... n} and 8 - (a, b}. Then now
.d 1y • ._! (dy)'
dx 2 y dx
many surjec1ion will be from A into 8.
-9 ]and 8 - [
~l find 4A - 38.
Find the genera) solution ol y log y dx - x dy • 0.
10. Write the car1esian equation ol line

. m l·
r • 12i -
. .
i +
+ A (- i + 4j - Bk)

Evalual~ sin 75° 15° sin 15°
cos 75" • ·Iii
Find the car1eilan equation ol the plane
5, ii 2x xsl ~ 16
- 2 then find the value o f •· , . <; + i - k, - 2.
1 8 7 3 11. Find the area or parallelogram whose diagonals are
r,. II A is• !iquare matrix such 11' - A then find the
r - • ,, , 1 , , ,, • , .••
. . . .
?i _..._ 1. ,· ... f..f.,, li -
r.; -
[valltdlt . ,0
ro11~0 1in1r
1101, ((6 111
. I
fiiaI~ CJl!~i;, ~UMiOO o/ ~ ~/Joe
21 I
-1 ~ . . '

I.II ~ : l l mai fioo I~v1foe of.t I' Ii t / - H, 1,

II.f~ ~e JreJ ar~rJl~dfll 11f!J!edij~11l11
!. IL~ i1a~rn~ Mi 1ixn N/ ,H!n liro ~ I I / I , t

1~Ji dIA-!14 Al1,Wnere /6c)1 i~i~• rJlrit 1i t li r Mand Ji -ii+ lk

_I L


I • ➔ ' •
11, If'.! • ii-j-Jli~o , i - lj-lkllenioo~ i1 Ul-il
, , ld .1• - t-
li l
d\11lie 1'fflil~ j t bano J-ba~ orfu~al.
,, !
ll. riiH an!i illi , ii t li0xvdi ,µIi 1~.~- - 1-
. I! 11
• 0,
u,lrlV~IUIa'rlc~irie1u1tcr~lie Ii~Ila (ii ~ i;€1]~ IQ
f,/,!!S 11ro, ti ni1in ind Ii. -1,l'.

. J l l I•·11-~
,I .! !.')'J· "I
Ii, l~f1nU~e1ef1$•111IP1a , ·,Pin•- /~ --- hi1 ---
. i 10 ! I.I i ,!
, 1 111-ll X Ill-I!
lid PIf,, ,r1 • ~. find ~l:t~ ! J'li I ,re I~ • - - /, - - -
I 8 1
, 8 .,,.
i'l!ep:nJiiil m11
,'ij fli WJII!; (I) fno mnb~ m mi~inlllll,
+ 0 B I A•l Read aloud I 'v Draw v "fl Highlight v
2 Sq. units 26. a = ±2 OR dy = 2- 6' log 6
d.x 1 +(36)'
13. .1-. = 3, µ =
➔ A
14. r = i. ( 5i - 2j + 3k)
~ A 27. <AB)T = [21
!5, No, E 11.od F are not independent events 28. 2ll
1 3
16. OR 4.2%
6 30. dy = 1
17. (i ) (a ) (ii ) (a ) (iii) (c) d:r ijxo - :r:>
(fol Ca l Iv) (d ) 2 + 3b
31. a • - -
18. (il (c) (ii) (b J (iii) (bl 3
(i v) (d l (u) (a ) 32. (j ) {0, ±5), (ii) (±2, 0)
19, >. = 8
- . 33. . r +C OR .2+t·J l 5)
1 1 1 + 0 08 .r) 2 1 ugl
20. (i ) 17 (ii) 16
3-4. i (a- 2./2) Sq. units
21. ( 35 , 70 , 128) OR (4, 3, 7 J
13 13 13 • (l+ log:r:)
, •• -t 1 ll
3,. +...,,. .Y = - +-
2 2 4
•1 --3 •r- 19 1 - 110
36. :r: • I, y = 2, z = 2 OR D =
S .
Sq. UD1ts
77 44 1
37. Distance = 13 uruts OR (~.-¼,-~)
24. / = +C
Clog 4) 3 38. MaJ<imum Z = 4000 at :r = 4, y = 4
OR - 2 cosec a (cos a + cot :r: s in a ) ll'l + C OR Maximum Z =16000 a t x =800, y = 400

tor al I .\ t: K I!!, nut tllllerentrnble di X - I.
tel Z • 4., + Jy and corner points of feasible
SECIIONV region /or LP.P. are CO, 2); (J. OJ; (6, 0) and CO, 5).
All questions are compulsory. In case of Internal Find the point at which minimum value of Z occur.
choicn attempt any one. Also find minimum value.
38. Find the equation of the plane passing through the
36. Solve the following system of linear equations by
matrix meihod: line of lnlersect,on of the planes ; · ,; + j + i.1
Bx + 4 y + Jz • 19 - 1 and 7 · (2 i + Jj - k) + 4 • o and parallel
lx+ y +z-5 10 the x-axis.
X + 2y + 2z • 7

Find the coordinates of the point where the llne
-2 through (3, -4, - 5) and (2, - J , I) crosses the plane
let A • [-:2 3 ~} ~ ify that: determined by the poinrs A (2, 2, 1), B /3, 0, 1)
and C (4, - 1, 0).

1. R = (11, 2) (2, 1) (2, 3) (3, 2) (1, 11 (2, 2) (3. 3l 1 t. ';,.fi.
(3, 4) (4 , 3) (4 , 4) (5, 5))
J. 11, ~> . .13 12. angle 8 =
-7 14. Vector equation of line
~- ;r; = 11 OR k = 2 OT 2
5. 162
? = 3/ - i - 5k + A (Ilk•
Cartesian equation

6. [! ~] .
.r -3


7. Cl + log ;r) + C OR 1-log

, +C 15. .!. OR 13
6 18
_I I_


~ ,.. ,. ,.

20. [ ~ :]
28. r · (38i + 68j + 3k) = 153
29. Ci) f (.,:) ls strictly increasing in 10, oo)
2 Ciil f (.,:) is strictly decreasing in IO, ~>
21 .
3 . 30. ( x + 3 ) · u: + 4)2 • (x + 5 )3 · (9x2 + 7Cb: + 133)
22. (i ) increasing in ( - , ~ ) W (0. oo) dy
ORd.r: tane
(ii ) decreasing in .( ~ , o) 31. DR = 11, 2, ... 201, RR = 11, 3, 5, 7, 9, ... 391
Relation is not reOex:ive .
OR Equation of tangent is 4r - y - 14 = 0 and
1 lcos(x-o)I+ C
o OR sin (a - bl log cos (.r - bl
Equation of normal is x + 4y - 12 = 0

23. log 2 logx + l + C
3 log x+2
33. ◄ Sq. units

24. .s./3 Sq. units

3,. (y + Ji + y 2 )(.r + Ji + x 2 ) = C
25. y sin x = x2 sin x + C OR tan y = C (1 - e')
36. :r = 1, y = 2, z = 1.
l . . .
26. ( Si. + 2j + 2k) 37. (i ) q = 3p OR l.1in Z = 6 at (0. 2)
38. J' - 31 + 6 = o OR (l , -2, 7l
X 0 l

P(}{} -9560 -3295 -953

mter~:11011 UJ Ult! plc:llJ~ y T LL - "'I
.J.\: - • U dfKJ
x+ y + z- 2 • O and point (2, 2, 1).

I PART BI Suno,ii IV
Three Marks Questions. All queslfons are compulsory.
8EcnON Ill In case of internal choices attempt any one.
Two Marks Questions
29. Find the intervals in wh ich the function
{(Id • -3 log (I + x) + 4 log (2 + x) - - - is
19. Evaluate1.sin(~ - sin-'(-~)} 2+x
(1) srrictly increasing (i,) striclfy dec,easing.
. .
20. If 11· • [-
~] and B • [-i' ~} then And
. dy
30. Find: dx, if ►' • (x + 3)1 · (,r + 4 ) 1 • (x + 5)'.
the value oi (A + 28)'.

m ·dy
Find the matri, X such that 8 - 2A + X • 0 where Find: dx , if x • d (cos 8 + 8 sin 9),

}3 ~} 8 • [~ ~2}
y - a (sin 9 - 8 cos 8).
A • .[ 31. lei R • {(x, ►1: •e N, )' E Nand 2x-. y • 4f.
Find domain and range of 1ela1ion. Also find
21. Olfferen1ia1e sec-•( , ) w.r. losln- (3x-4x
1 1 1 whether R is reflexive.
2x - 1 ,Jl

22. Find the interval of increasing and decreasing for 32. Evaluate: fsin 2K -log tanx dx.
flx) • x' + 2x' - I. 0

Find the equation of the tlngen1 and normal 10 the
l •l;I
curve: y - x' - 4x + 2 ,11 (4, 2). Evaluate: f cos (x - a~cos (x - bf
p•asses 1hrough Ihe origin and (5, -2, 3).
. .
(25- 2x)
15. L<el E a11d F be events wilh P(f) • - , P (F) •
3 X
(al - - - -
( 25 - X)
8 ff
1 !._ (25 - x)
and P (E n F) • . Find whe1he1 E and F .are ((j (d) ~ - (25 - x)
5 8 ff 8 2x
independen1 evenL~.
16. Two dice are 1hrown. Find 1he probablll1y 1ha1 1he .
(ii~ He wan1s 10 find combined area minimum,
dA dA
numbers appeared have a sum 8, ,r ii Is known he fond dx and pul - • 0 the:n x is equal
1lnaI Ihe second dice always exhibiIs 4. 10: .

A speaks Iru1h in 60% of Ihe

Ell and B is <:a$<!S
(,l) JI +
8 lb) ~
lt +4

90~ of cases. In whal percen1age of c.ises are 1hey (d 100 (d) ~

likely 10 condradiC1 each 01her in s1,uing 1he same ll + 4 ff+8
(ii'! The leng1hs of rwo piece are:
faC11 . .
25 11
100 b 50 25 n
(a) - - (l - -
lt+4 ' 11 +4 it+4 ' n+4
SECIIONII ((j -100 50-
- ,- lt (d) ~ - 25 lt
Both th• case Study based questions are compulsory. lt+8 Jt+8 lt+8 ll+8
Attempt any 4 sub parts from each question. Each (vl Area of square is equal 10:
question carries 1 mslil. Xl
(bl x'
17. A person ha~ a sIeet
w ise of leng1h 25 m he cul
ii into 1wo pieces. Lei x (ml and 125 - ~ m and
(a) -

Id ~
:<" x·
(al -

benl " (ml in 1he shape or a square and (25 - x) m ~ 16

in lhe shape of a circle as shown i,, figure.
18. A survey was conduoed by a 1eam on -lOO people
J11d found 160 ~;,;on~ a,e sMo~e,~ and ne,n-
vegetirian, 100 are smoker and vegetarian and

C 25m
25- X
remaining are non-smoker and vegetarian. The
prob.obill1y of gelling a special chest disease are
35~. 20% and 10~ respectively. A person is
(25- x)
choosen at random.

c,.,, , .. ,,. I

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