Activity 1 - 7 Step of Moral Reasoning Moral

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Name of Student: Fatima S. Asis

Course/ year: BSN 1A
Class Schedule: MW 4:00-5:30 P.M.

ACTIVITY 1 (35 points)

Make your own version of 7-step Moral Reasoning Model, to ensure the rationality and impartiality of moral decisions.
Explain each step.
1. Making decisions - Good choices always makes life easier. It results making less mistakes and more
achievements in life. But for making good decisions we should think a lot before making it, we should
consider every possible outcome and how everything can change after the decision.
2. Learn from your mistakes - We need to learn from our mistakes so that we do not run the risk of repeating
them. We must develop the wisdom and sense in order to make good decisions and choices. Good judgment
will only develop if you truly learn from your mistakes. Good or bad, experiences are what help us learn
lessons and create a better sense of judgment. Wisdom is the knowledge you can gain from making mistakes.
3. Walk Your Own Path - It is easy to let peer pressure can make you stray from your own path and follow
others. It is important to march to the beat of your own drummer and avoid that pressure to conform to some
popular norm. You are a special person of your own and you should follow your own path and reach your
own dreams. Don’t let others dictate the way you live your life.
4. Trust - Every emotion we feel is our responsibility. Trusting ourselves more will help us be more accepting
of others and support us in not feeling the need to make others happy. You will be a lot happier. Ultimately,
we all want to be happy in life, serve others and make a difference any way we can.
5. Risk expands you - To make a positive change in your life, you often must take a risk. You must tolerate
some level of uncertainty. Taking thoughtful, big risk strengthens your “change muscle” and helps you grow.
6. Positivity - Being a positive person is more than just thinking positive thoughts or wishing for negative things
to go away, leaving only positive experiences. It is about taking small steps to make improvements in all
aspects of your life and to transform positive thoughts into behavior. By taking the extra step to act on your
positive thoughts, you can further enhance your mental wellbeing. Learn how to be positive and stay positive.
7. Be a role model - Set an example as a positive role model of good character, and you can help shape a future
generation of young people. When you demonstrate integrity, leadership, respect, positivity, and humility,
you make others want to be better people. The extra benefit is that you become a better person yourself.

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