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Lessons 6 and 7 Grammar Review

Lesson 6

•-te form + ください Polite request

(1) Please read the book.

(2) Please turn off the light.

(3) Please study at the library.

(4) Please come with me.

(5) Please wait in front of the post office.

(6) Please wait a minute (a little).

(7) (At the clinic, a nurse said) Please come in.

(8) Please return my dictionary tomorrow.

(9) Please teach me kanji.

(10) Please bring me a drink.

•~てもいいです “even if x occurs, it is ok”

•~てはいけません “if x occurs, it cannot go (be ok)”

(1) You may eat food here.

(2) You may use a computer in this room.

(3) You may not go out at night.

(4) You may take the picture of the temple.

(5) You may not come home late.

(6) May I bring Pochi (dog) to the party?

(7) Yes, you may.

(8) Well…not really convenient…(indirect)

(9) No, you may not.

(10) May I listen to music here?

(11) Yes, you may. / No, you may not.

(12) You may not take a bath in the morning.

•Describing two or more activities in a sequence

“I will do/did A and then B.”

(1) I woke up in the morning, and then took a shower.

(2) Tanaka-san went to school, and then met his teacher.

(3) Today, I will go to a department store and will buy a big bag.

(4) Why don’t we go to the café and talk?

(5) I will go home and do my homework today.

(6) Let’s go to the park by bicycle. (Let’s ride a bicycle and go to the park.)

(7) Robert usually gets up in the morning and read a newspaper.

•Loose connection between the two actions
Ex) Sorry for ~

(1) I am sorry for forgetting a textbook.

(2) I am sorry for sleeping in the classroom.

•Reason clause 〜から, as an afterthought

Afterthought - a casual, colloquial way to add a comment after a main clause
pattern: Situation。 Explanation から。

(1) I will study. I will have a test tomorrow.

(2) Tanaka-san didn’t come to the party. (Because) he was not energetic/healthy.

(3) I will buy this bag. (Because) it is pretty.

(4) I will not see “Scream 4.” (Because) I don’t like scary movies.

(5) I don’t usually eat breakfast. (Because) I don’t have much time in the morning.

(6) Last week was tough. (Because) I had a lot of homework.

•~ましょう (let’s~) /~ましょうか (shall we~? , shall I~?)

(1) Let’s eat ice cream.

(2) Let’s go to the sea and swim.

(3) Yes, let’s./That will be good.

(4) Shall we sit down over there and talk?

(5) Shall we ask the teacher?

(6) Shall I read a book (for you)? (usually an offer)

(7) Yes, please.

(8) Shall I carry the baggage?

(9) Shall I close the window?

(10) Shall I help you?

Lesson 7

 〜て+いる
Function 1: to express action in progress

(1) I am listening to music now.

(2) Tanaka-san is smoking (now).

(3) Are you watching TV?

(4) Yes, I am (watching TV). / No, I am not (watching TV).

(5) What are you doing now?

(6) I am writing a letter (now).

(7) Robert-san is not playing tennis now. He is singing a song.

Function 2: to express the “state”, as a result of past change

cf: I am getting married (next week). =action
( 来 週 )けっこんします。
Ex) I am married.=state
• Verbs that express the “state (a result of change)” with -te iru:

すむ “to live” つとめる ”to work” きる “to wear” おきる “to awake”

持つ “to have” しる “to know” ふとる “to gain weight” やせる “to lose weight”

Ex) I work at IBM. (started to work at IBM, and still do)

IBM につとめています。

(1) My younger sister lives in Hawaii.

(2) I am wearing (have on) a pair of jeans.

(3) My cat is fat, but Yamada-san’s cat is thin.

(4) I own a car.

(5) Do you know that person?

 “トムさんはかみが長 いです”
Topic は and subject が in the same sentence
•Often in Japanese, Topic and Subject appear in a same sentence. Physical condition is one good
•Common description of physical condition
せ たか ひく
Height is high/low (=tall, short) 背が高 い/低 い
Head is good/not good (=smart/dumb) あたまがいい/よくない

Eyes are big/good/bad (near-sighted) 目が大きい/いい/わるい
て くち
Hands are big/legs are long/ Month is small 手が大きい /あしがながい/口 が小さい

(1) As for my father, his height is high/low (=tall, short).

(2) As for my dog, his head is good/not good (=smart/dumb)

(3) I have a poor eyesight. (near-sighted)

(4) As for Tanaka-san, are his hands big/legs long?

(5) As for Kyoko-san, does she have short hair?

 〜て form of -i adjectives and -na adjectives to join sentences
-i adjectives 安 い  安くて
-na adjectives 元気な  元気で
We can stack multiple adjectives, with ~te form, but always end with a full form (with tense)
Ex) This restaurant is cheap and delicious.

(1) Tanaka-san is always lively and interesting.

(2) Mary-san is energetic and cute and smart.

(3) (When I visited), Los Angeles was big and lively.

(4) Professor Yamashita is a kind and interesting teacher.

(5) My house --- old / not clean.

(6) The test yesterday --- difficult / tough.

(7) The food at that restaurant --- inexpensive / not delicious.

(8) My friend --- Japanese / about thirty years old.

(9) My dog --- cute / energetic / not smart

(10) Kyoko-san --- has long hair / beautiful / not kind

 Go/come/return home to do X: stem+に行く/来る/帰る
•Verb masu-form - masu = stem

食べます 飲みます +に行きます/来ます/帰ります
•Add verb stem to the verbs of come/go
Ex) 食べに行きます。”I go to eat.”

(1) I will go to the temple to take pictures tomorrow.

(2) I came to this university to study economics.

(3) My younger sister will go to the library to borrow a book the day after tomorrow.

(4) Did Michiko-san go to the department store to buy a hat?

(5) I went home to eat lunch today.

(6) Are you going to the mall(モール)to see a movie this weekend?

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