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Chinook’s Edge School Division No.

Vice-Principal Evaluation Report
The purpose of this report is to provide a formal summative written report for the Vice-Principal and Evaluator,
of suggestions and/or recommendations made on the basis of the components of the administrative evaluation.
It will also be used to determine the employment status of the Vice-Principal.
Demographic Information
Vice-Principal School
Dana Schafer École Innisfail Middle
Current Contract Students
Continuous (Teaching) and One-year Term (Vice-Principal) 370 Students
Evaluator Certified Staff
Lissa Steele, Associate Superintendent, Learning Services 14.35 FTE

1.0 Evaluation Procedure

1.1 Surveys
A survey was completed by staff. It should be noted that the surveys were developed to reflect specific
performance criteria. A requirement of each teacher was to include his/her name on the survey and to
direct the survey and comments to the Vice-Principal.

1.2 Interviews
Structured interviews with twelve staff members (one principal, seven teachers and four support staff)
were conducted. Questions asked during the interviews were shared with both the vice-principal and
the staff being interviewed prior to the interview. The questions were developed to reflect specific
performance criteria.
1.3 Direct Observation
Information was collected by directly observing Dana Schafer with colleagues, staff, students, and
parents throughout the year.
1.4 Evidence Review
During a structured interview with Dana Schafer, she provided evidence relating to each of the nine
competencies of the Leadership Quality Standard.

2.0 Evaluation Comments

2.1 Fostering Effective Relationships
Mrs. Schafer builds positive working relationships with others by:
● Always following through on commitments and promises. (never forgets, reliable)
● Being an excellent listener and being present in every situation. (giving her full attention)
● Demonstrating responsibility for all students and acting in their best interests. (empowering and
supporting Educational Assistants, strong student relationships and student focus)
● Developing relationships with parents, staff and students in an open, honest and professional
● Using effective communication and problem solving skills.
● Modeling and promoting open, inclusive dialogue with students, staff and parents. (staff
meetings, honoring the voice of parents while maintaining high expectations for their child)
● Developing trust with all stakeholders. (follows through on commitments in a timely and
professional manner, initiating crucial conversations where warranted)
● Being approachable and making time for others. (open door policy, high visibility)

Vice-Principal Evaluation Report - Page 1

2.2 Modeling Commitment to Professional Learning
Mrs. Schafer engages in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to identify
opportunities for improving leadership, teaching, and learning by:
● Promoting and modeling lifelong learning. (continually sharing research and best practices with
staff, Food for Thought emails for staff, completing Masters Degree)
● Participating in division learning opportunities. (Developing Leaders, ADCOS)
● Orchestrating staff learning opportunities.
● Providing practical ideas, advice, and suggestions. (classroom management, planning,
2.3 Embodying Visionary Leadership
Mrs. Schafer collaborates with the school community to create and implement a shared vision for
student success, engagement, learning, and well-being by:
● Ensuring planning and decision making are based on a shared vision. (CRM, FNMI, CTF)
● Encouraging feedback and facilitating meaningful discussions.
● Meaningfully engaging the school community in identifying and addressing areas for school
improvement. (House time, Opawatum room, CTF)
● Analyzing school and classroom data and developing specific strategies to improve teaching and
learning in the school. (classroom observations during walkthroughs, students of concern
meetings, PowerTeacher Pro assessment data, literacy data, provincial data)
2.4 Leading a Learning Community
Mrs. Schafer nurtures and sustains a culture that supports evidence-informed teaching and learning by:
● Making teachers and support staff aware of professional learning opportunities.
● Promoting collaborative teams within the school.
● Using educational research and literature to guide practice.
● Providing and supporting professional development for staff. (staff growth plans, leading staff
● Fostering a culture of high expectations for students and staff. (providing dedicated time for
staff to collaborate, encouraging and supporting the use of the MIPI, posing reflective questions
to staff, expecting consistency between classrooms of the same grade)
● Facilitating meaningful parental engagement and ensuring they are informed about their child’s
learning and development. (working with staff to help ensure assessments are entered into
gradebook regularly, supporting staff in communicating with parents)
● Recognizing staff and student accomplishments. (thank you cards, Friday Coffee Cart, managing
Innisfail Middle’s social media, Mustang Pride coupons, weekly celebration announcements)

2.5 Supporting the Application of Foundational Knowledge About First Nations, Métis and Inuit
Mrs. Schafer supports the school community in acquiring and applying foundational knowledge about
First Nations, Métis and Inuit for the benefit of all students by:
● Ensuring division and provincial protocols are followed. (land acknowledgement)
● Enabling school staff and students to gain knowledge and understanding of Indigenous
histories, cultures, perspectives and experiences. (Blanket exercise, planning of National
Indigenous Peoples Day at iCampus, encouraging staff to access Indigenous Ed. campus lead
teacher, embedding the Grandfather Teachings in House time)
● Pursuing opportunities to enhance her own understanding of treaties and agreements,
legislation and residential schools and their legacy. (ADCOS, CARC Indigenous Foundations
Culture Camp, LQS workshop)

Vice-Principal Evaluation Report - Page 2

2.6 Providing Instructional Leadership
Mrs. Schafer ensures that every student has access to quality teaching and optimum learning
experiences by:
● Modelling excellent teaching.
● Advocating for the use of assistive technology to support learning.
● Being visible in the school. (morning walk-throughs of classrooms, before and after school
supervision, in hallways during the day)
● Ensuring individual student programming needs are met. (collecting reading data of all students,
mentoring and empowering the Student Services Learning Support teacher)
● Ensuring strategies are in place for high levels of student achievement. (supporting the marking
of both English and French PATs, aligning complementary courses to the CTF program of studies,
monitoring student achievement data on PowerTeacher Pro)
One area of growth identified for Mrs. Schafer is to continue her high levels of visibility and to increase
the purposeful classroom observations and reflections with teachers.

2.7 Developing Leadership Capacity

Mrs. Schafer provides opportunities for members of the school community to develop leadership
capacity and to support others in fulfilling their educational roles by:
● Placing high levels of trust in support staff to make decisions.
● Providing structures that allow staff to take on leadership roles within and outside the school.
(Mustang Leadership Club, Student Services role, collaborative time expectations)
● Identifying, mentoring and empowering teachers in educational leadership roles. (empowering
and mentoring the Indigenous education lead as well as the Student Services Learning Support
Team lead, empowering the grade 7 team to run their own CRM meetings)
● Encouraging multiple perspectives through open dialogue.

2.8 Managing School Operations and Resources

Mrs. Schafer effectively directs operations and manages resources by:
● Developing a strong understanding of policies, initiatives, regulations, and procedures.
(participating in Division budget process - RAWG, participating at ADCOS, member of the
Chinook’s Edge Developing Leaders group)
● Taking the time to be well prepared with effective plans, structures, and schedules.
● Constantly communicating with staff and parents.
● Responding quickly to questions and following up on requests.
● Developing and facilitating structures for efficient school operations and student success.
(managing Occupational Health and Safety)
● Developing a consistent and responsive approach to ensuring a safe and caring learning
environment. (alternatives to recess for grade 8 students, Opawatum Room, Cores before
Comps philosophy, the development of a CRM for Innisfail Middle School)

2.9 Understanding and Responding to the Larger Societal Context

Mrs. Schafer understands and appropriately responds to the political, social, economic, legal and
cultural contexts impacting schools and the school authority by:
● Serving as a positive ambassador and role model outside the walls of the school.
● Advocating for the needs of students at the school, campus and district levels.
● Demonstrating knowledge of trends and issues in education. (promoting learning at staff
meetings, completing a Masters degree, sharing research)
● Connecting with partners in the community. (local newspaper, RCMP)
● Supporting a campus approach in Innisfail.

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3.0 Commendations

Dana is a welcomed asset to our building. She has believed in me, challenged me, and
helped to push me to be a better teacher. She has a genuine and invested interest in our
kids and pushes us to “amp up” our game. Innisfail Middle School has been blessed with this
knowledgeable, enthusiastic and smart vice-principal.
École Innisfail Middle Staff Member

1. Mrs. Schafer is to be commended for her impressive commitment to École Innisfail Middle School.
Dana has worked tirelessly to support the continued success of the school and its programs. Her
dedication to and passion for her school is evident.

2. Mrs. Schafer is to be commended for the student-centered leadership approach that she takes to her
role. She puts students first in all that she does.

3. Mrs. Schafer is to be commended for facilitating an open, inclusive environment where multiple
perspectives are encouraged.

4. Mrs. Schafer is to be commended for fostering effective staff, student and parent relationships and
modeling professional conduct.

4.0 Recommendations
● Mrs. Schafer should address the one area of growth identified in Section 2.0.
● Mrs. Schafer should be retained and offered a five-year term contract as a Vice-Principal within the

I have read the preceding evaluation.

Dana Schafer Date

Lissa Steele Date

Vice-Principal Response attached (if applicable)

Vice-Principal Evaluation Report - Page 4

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