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(SOLVED) Reread the aggregate demand shock example

event 3 in Section
Reread the aggregate demand shock example event 3 in Section Reread the aggregate
demand shock example (event #3) in Section 13.5. Suppose the parameters of the AS and AD
curves take the following values: ? = 2%, = 1/2, = 1, = 1/2, and =3%. Solve for the value of […]

The Federal Reserve is obsessed with inflation so much so “The Federal Reserve is obsessed
with inflation, so much so that it ignores the fact that millions of American workers are
unemployed. We need a Fed that fights for American jobs. We need a Fed that views any
unemployment as […]

Consider the policy rule for the nominal interest rate in Consider the policy rule for the nominal
interest rate in equation (13.5). Draw a graph with the inflation rate on the horizontal axis and
the nominal interest rate on the vertical. (a) What is the slope of this line? Is […]

Our monetary policy rule responds only to shocks to the Our monetary policy rule responds only
to shocks to the inflation rate. We saw in Section 13.5 that this means that aggregate demand
shocks can cause the economy to undergo a “boom-recession” cycle. Create your own
monetary policy rule that […]


Consider the policy rule used in the chapter Rt Consider the policy rule used in the chapter: Rt –
= (?t – ), where we assume = 2%, = 1/2, and = 2%. (a) Compute the level of the (nominal)
interest rate implied by this rule when the inflation rate […]

Suppose a large number of new immigrants enter the labor Suppose a large number of new
immigrants enter the labor market. Assume this increase in the supply of labor provides a drag
on wage increases: wages rise by less than the prevailing rate of inflation over the next year.
Use […]

Suppose you are appointed to chair the Federal Reserve Your Suppose you are appointed to
chair the Federal Reserve. Your twin goals are to maintain low inflation and to stabilize
economic activity — that is, to keep output at potential. Why are these appropriate goals for
monetary policy? Suppose you […]


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