Solved Simulate The Following Ar I Processes Yt 1 0 7yt 1

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(SOLVED) Simulate the following AR I processes Yt 1 0 7Yt

Simulate the following AR I processes Yt 1 0 7Yt 1 Simulate the following AR( I) processes: Yt =
1 + 0.7Yt–1 + ?t Yt = 1 – 0.7Yt–1 + ?t for ? ? N(0. 1). Comment on their differences: Contrast
their time series and their autocorrelation functions. Comment on […]

Update the data set on Microsoft prices in section 6 3 2 Update the data set on Microsoft prices
in section 6.3.2. With these prices, con-strut a smoothed price based on a moving average of
order four, calculate the returns based on the smoothed prices, compute the autocorrelation
functions, and […]

Update the data set 5 year constant maturity yield on Treasury Update the data set “5-year
constant maturity yield on Treasury securities” in section 6.3.1. Conduct a similar analysis to
that in section 6.3.1: propose an MA process, estimate an MA model, and forecast at several
horizons. What differ-ences or […]

Obtain the corresponding autoregressive representation of the processes yt 1 2 Obtain the

corresponding autoregressive representation of the processes yt = 1.2 + 0.84?t–1 + ?t yt = 1.2+
1.25 ?t–1 + ?t–1 Based on these representations, which process do you prefer for forecasting
purposes’.’ Explain. Obtain the corresponding autoregressive […]


Consider the same MA 2 process in exercise 4 a Estimate an Consider the same MA(2) process
in exercise 4. a. Estimate an MA(2) process with the artificial data generated in exercise 4.
Comment on the differences with the theoretical model. b. Compute the 1, 2, and 3-step ahead
forecasts. […]

Consider the following MA 2 process yt 0 7 2 t 1 Consider the following MA (2) process yt = 0.7
– 2?t–1 + 1.35 ?t–2 + ?t ?t is a white noise process, normally distributed with zero mean and unit
variance. a. Obtain the theoretical autocorrelation function up to […]

Consider the following MA 1 process yt 2 3 0 95 t 1 Consider the following MA (1) process yt =

2.3 -0.95?t–1 + ?t, ?t ? i.i.d. N(0,1) Given a quadratic loss function, calculate the optimal forecast
for h = 1, 2, 3, variance of the forecast error and […]


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