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GEOG200 Assignment 1

1. Europe

What did the recent “euro crisis” reveal to us about the challenges and
future prospects of the European Union? In your opinion, has the
European Union been good or bad for the realm?

The recent “euro crisis” reveals the hardness of managing overload

debts. The standard of joining the European Union includes the

limitations of government debts percentage. If any of the EU members

came into financial difficulties, other EU member countries would need

to help each other. However, this terms do not mean to be good for the

citizens in European Union. For example, Greece experienced economy

crisis in 2009. At that time, unemployment rate and government debts

were high. Many Greek citizens hoped the government could continue

certain social welfares and create more job demands for better helping

the economy. However, because of the share liability standards, other

EU members need to raised money to help Greece. In that situation,

Greece was hard to get much funds from other EU member countries, so

that many staffs could not get paid and many poor people and students

could not get country welfare any more. This actions made Greek live in

a bad life.

Even though the Greece economy crisis reveals the challenge of

being a EU member, the creation of EU overall is a good thing of the

Europe realm. EU breaks the economy walls of different European

countries and boosts the cultural and social development rapidly in the


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