Friends, Foes & Followers: General Information

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Species: Human
Sex: Female
Apparent Age: Early thirties
Culture: Feudal
Social Class: Guildsman
Height: 5 ft 4 in
Frame: Medium
Weight: 135 lbs
Appearance: Average
Hair Colour: Auburn
Eye Colour: Brown
Voice: Pleasant
Obvious Medical Traits: None
Apparent Occupation: Apothecary
Apparent Wealth: Well off
Weapons: None
Armour: None
Companions: Her children and/or
Other obvious features: None


Author: Kerry Mould Special Acknowledgement: To my friend,
Editor: Brent Bailey Taren Scott, an awesome Hârncon supporter and fine
Artist: Richard Luschek hostess, who bears no similarity, except in appear-
Art Sponsor: Dave St. Pierre ance, to this NPC.

HârnWorld © 2010, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc.
HârnMaster Character Profile
Name: Seelie of Kestel Race/Sex: Human/Female
Seelie is the local apothecary and midwife. She is Occupation: Apothecary Born: 16 Kelen 690 (Feniri)
married to the local miller and they have two sons. Appearance: Age 30, height 5’4”, medium frame (size 5), weight 135 lbs,
Seelie is a free spirit and does much to balance her hus- average appearance, fair complexion, auburn hair, brown eyes
band’s tendency to be a stern disciplinarian and exces- Str 08 Agl 13 Sml 15 Wil 16 Cml 12
Sta 11 Eye 15 Voi 14 Aur 13 End 12
sively serious. The success of their two franchises has Dex 11 Hrg 14 Int 12 Mor 14 Mov 13
made them quite wealthy. They have a large, comfort- Medical/Psyche: None
able, two-story stone house next to the mill. The family Physical Skills: CLIMBING 11/44, CONDITION 12/60, Dancing 12/44,
lives upstairs while the main floor is Seelie’s shop. JUMPING 11/44, STEALTH 14/70, Swimming 12/48, THROWING 11/44

Seelie is a fourth-generation apothecary. Her Communication Skills: AWARENESS 15/71, INTRIGUE 14/42, Musician
(Flute) 13/42, ORATORY 13/26, RHETORIC 14/42, SINGING 13/53
mother, a renowned apothecary and midwife in her Languages: Hârnic 14/74
own time, taught her many closely guarded family reci- Scripts: Lakise 13/83

pes for wines, syrups, cordials, and medicines. These Religion: Ritual: Peoni 12/18; Piety: 20

tried and true products make Seelie the most trusted Combat Skills: INITIATIVE 15/60, UNARMED 11/44, DODGE 13/65, Axe
(Sickle) 10/38
and successful apothecary in the area, with customers
Craft Skills: Agriculture 12/60, Alchemy 13/26, Animalcraft (Chickens)
traveling long distances to purchase her products. 14/42, Animalcraft (Goats) 14/33, Brewing 14/56, Cooking 14/70,
Folklore 13/52, Foraging 13/39, Herblore 14/78 ( ), Math-
The front part of Seelie’s shop has shelves full of ematics 13/26, Physician 13/46, Survival 10/30, Weatherlore 14/42
medicines and herbs. The back section is where she Money / Valuables: 38d in coin, silver Laranian holy symbol (120d)
prepares medicines when they are required. Many of Armour / Weapons: Fine embroidered dress and wimple with a linen
her recipes are made on request so that they are as apron over top, high quality leather belt and shoes, sickle
fresh and potent as possible. She also keeps a large gar- Other Equipment: Belt pouch, tinder box, several containers of balms
den, where she grows the herbs and plants needed to and lotions, panier (basket-backpack), ceramic water jug

prepare her cures. During the spring, summer, and fall, Load: 24 lbs Encumbrance: 2

she spends two to three days a week in the woods and Melee Wpns Wt WQ AML DML HM B E P
Sickle 1 9 43 43 • 1 4 3
fields gathering ingredients for various cures. The rest
of her time is split between looking after her large gar- Missile Wpns AML Short (0) Med (-40) Long (-60) Ext (-80)
None • • • • •
den of special plants and tending to her patients. In the
absence of a physician, Seelie is often called upon to Location Armour Layers AQ B E P F
Skull • • • • • •
diagnose and cure various illnesses. She also acts as the Face • • • • • •
community midwife and tends to most births. Neck • • • • • •
Shoulder Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
Upper Arm Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
Elbow Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
HOOKS Forearm






Quick, Get the Midwife. A local merchant comes Thorax Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
Abdomen Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
into the inn. He is frantic. His wife is going into labor, Hip Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
but the midwife, Seelie, is out in the woods collecting Groin Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
herbs. He offers the PCs a generous purse to find her Thigh Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
Knee Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
and bring her back within the hour. Calf Cloth +0 1 1 1 1
Foot Cloth, Leather +0 3 5 4 4
I’m Not Feeling Well. The PCs have ingested
Invocations: None
something bad (poison, spoiled meat, etc.). They think
Convocations: None
they are dying. Their only hope is the apothecary in the
Spells: None
next community.
Psionics: None
Could You Carry A Message? While purchasing
items from the apothecary, she asks where they are go-
ing. Her son is a page at a manor along their route.
Seelie asks if they will deliver a letter and care package.
First Finder. While gathering herbs, Seelie comes
across the scene of a crime. The PCs are hired to solve
the crime and must interview her.

© 2010, Kerry R. Mould, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games Inc. HârnWorld

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