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Scholarship Essay Formula - ESP Daniella / Carlynn Greene

1. Trials to Triumphs (flashback of your humbling beginnings)

○ personal growth / overcoming a challenge .. don’t sound self-pitying !! )
2. Major/Career Goals
○ (what it is and why / what inspired you to pursue it)
3. Family/Financial Statement
○ Such as illness/disability, divorcement, imprisonment, death in family, etc.
4. What you have done so far to pursue your career goals
○ Such as related classes/courses, extracurricular activities,organizations, clubs,
community service etc.
5. How receiving the scholarship will help you
○ Sound as ​humble​ as possible & mention the name of scholarship in this part so
that the essay feels custom-made for those evaluating your scholarship essay !!
If not too restrained by word count, then also include…
● Life goals (if possible, make it tie into your major studies)
● Community Involvement related to career and / or life goals
● Leadership Position(s)
● Reason for going to college / that specific college
● Role models who motivated you (use famous quotes very sparingly ..)
❏ Have SEVERAL versions of basically the same essay already formatted by word count.
Many scholarships have essays that have the same prompt, so it helps to already have
several versions saved in one document — 250 word, 500 word, 750 word, 1000 word.
❏ Refer to Previous Winner(s) essay(s). This will help you get a better idea on what types
of essays / writing styles the scholarship committee favors.
❏ Don’t directly readdress / reiterate the prompt in your essay — your writing will sound
very immature if you do.
❏ Don’t say “I deserve this scholarship because …” again, not the best writing!
➢ If you are interested in learning all the techniques and resources I have used over the
years that have ​landed me 22 scholarships and helped others nationally / globally
win $1 million collectively ​— ​get the BOOK​ called “The Scholarship Algorithm” — it
details ​EVERYTHING​. You’ll be that much ahead of the competition if you apply my
techniques to your own scholarship process.
➢ I also offer a service of where I ​personally edit YOUR scholarship essay​. Link ​here​.

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