The Algebra of The Riemann Curvature Tensor General Relativity: Preliminaries

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Studies in Applied Mathematics, Vol. LI, No.3, September 1972.

Copyright C) 1972 by The Massachusetts Instituteo/Technology

The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor In

General Relativity: Preliminaries

By Philip J. Greenberg

In a four-dimensional curved space-time it is well-known that the Riemann

curvature tensor has twenty independent components; ten of these components
appear in the Weyl tensor, and nine of these components appear in the Einstein
curvature tensor. It is also known that there are fourteen combinations of these
components which are invariant under local Lorentz transformations. In this
paper, we derive explicitly closed form expressions which contain these twenty
independent components in a manifest way. We also write the fourteen invariants
in two ways; firstly, we write them in terms of the components; and, secondly,
we write them in a covariant fashion, and we further derive the appropriate
characteristic value equations and the corresponding Cayley-Hamilton equations
for these invariants. We also show explicitly how all of the relevant components
transform under a Lorentz transformation.
We shall follow the very general and powerful methods of Sachs [1]. We shall
not point out at every stage of the calculation which equations are due to Sachs,
and which equations are new; this is easily ascertained, Generally speaking,
however, the equations depending on the Einstein curvature tensor, and the
emphasis placed on this tensor, appear to be new.

1. Introduction
In general relativity space-time is Riemannian:*
ds 2 = gabdxa dx b, (1)

where gab is the covariant metric tensor of the space-time, and where dx a are the
contravariant coordinate differentials. On using the metric tensor, assumed known,
we may evaluate the Christoffel symbols

n:e = ~~d(Ogdb
2 oXe
+ Ogdc _ Ogbc) ,

where gad is the contravariant metric tensor of the space-time. We may now
* Latin indices take the values 0, 1, 2, and 3. The usual summation convention for repeated indices
will be used. And the signature is taken to be ( -, +, +, +).

278 Philip J. Greenberg

evaluate the Riemann curvature tensor

R abed =!(
vXb vXe
+ :l
vXa vXd
vXb vXd
_ 02 gbd )
:l ~
vXa vXe
+ gnp(rnber adp -
r ac'
p) (3)

This tensor has the following symmetry properties:

R abed + Radbe = Raedb = 0; (5)
and these properties imply that the Riemann tensor has 20 independent com-
At this point we may quote Sachs [2]: "It is clear that in general relativity the
Riemann curvature tensor must play a very important role: it is the simplest
non-trivial object one can build at a point, its vanishing is the criterion for the
absence of genuine gravitational fields, and its structure determines the relative
motion of neighboring test particles via the equation of geodesic deviation."

2. Bivector formalism
By virtue of the symmetry properties (4), we shall find it convenient to introduce
the notion of a bivector. A bivector is an antisymmetric second rank tensor

we may call Wab a bivector of rank one. Whereas, if

we may call W abed a bivector of rank two, and so on.
We shall also find it convenient to introduce the dual of w ab , defined by
" = [;abed/ VC=g
- b and '"',abed = - V ~gG
- b abed' (9)
and where [;abed is the alternating symbol of Levi-Civita, with [;0123 = + 1. The
quantity g is the determinant of gab' and is negative. The operation of taking the
dual has a couple of important properties, which we shall constantly use. We
assume that Wab and Vab are arbitrary bivectors; then
Property 1:
w a), = i11abed
Wed *
_ 1 edeJ _ 1 eJcd
- 411 abed1J We J - 411 abcd11 We J

= -i<5:t w eJ = -i(Wab - W ba ) = -Wab ,

where we have used (A.3).

The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 279

Property 2:

w;:;'v ab = Wab Vab (11 )

Proof: The left-hand side of (11) is, by definition

the right-hand side of (11) is, by definition

Wab(tIJabcdVCd) = tIJabcdWabVcd
= tIJabcdVabWcd'
on using the symmetry properties of IJ abcd .
At a point P of space-time, we introduce a quasi-orthonormal tetrad frame of
null vectors t
kak a = mama = tata = lala = 0,
kama = tala = + 1, (13)
kata = kala = mata = mala = 0.

The complex vector t a is given by


where qa and ra are real space-like vectors satisfying the conditions

qaqa = rara = + 1,
qa ra = qaka = qa ma = raka = ram a = 0.

The four vectors ka, ma, t and la are linearly independent. Hence, they form a

basis for the local Minkowski space-time at point P.

Following Sachs, we introduce, at the point P, the three complex bivectors

We shall find it convenient, and necessary, to also introduce the complex

conjugates of the foregoing quantities, thus,

and (17)

t A bar indicates complex conjugation.

280 Philip J. Greenberg

On using the relations (13), we may easily derive the corresponding relations
among the foregoing bivectors; thus,

Vabv"b = DabD ab = Mabv"b = MabD ab = 0;
Vabv"b = VabU ab = VabD ab = DabU ab = 0,
M ab-Vab= Mabvab= MabU ab= Mab-u ab=lVl ilabM ab='0

We now introduce the corresponding dual bivectors, in the manner







And we prove another property of the dual.

Property 3: If Wab and vab are arbitrary bivectors, then

* = - WabVab'
WabV:b (25)
* = t.'1abcd'1abrsWcdVrs
= - ~c5~~WcdVrs = - WcdVed,

where we have used (A.3). Consequently, the relations among the dual bivectors
(19)-(24) are exactly as in (18), except for the introduction of minus signs.
We shall now show that the six bivectors (16H17) are self-dual up to a factor
of ± i. An arbitrary tensor Wab may be expanded in the tetrad basis (12) in the

wab = + (wcdmcmd)kakb + (wCdmckd)kamb + (wcdmctd)~tb + (wcdmctd)katb

+ (wCdkcmd)makb + (wCdkckd)mamb + (wCdkctd)matb + (wCdkctd)mat
+(wcdtcmd)rokb + (wCdtckd)romb + (WCdtctd)rorb + (WCdtctd)rolb
+ (wCdtcmdWkb + (wCdtckdWmb + (wCdtcidWtb + (wcdtctdWtb. (26)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in Genllral Relativity: Preliminaries 281

* , given by (19), we have

On now expanding V ab
* = (1]rscdkJdmrts)(katb - tak b)
= (r(SCdkrmstJd)(katb - tak b); (27)
and, if we donate
* = A(katb _ tak b) = AV ab ;
V ab (29)
V ab is self-dual up to a factor A. In a similar manner, we obtain


The relations among the bivectors determine

A2 = - 1 or A = ± i. (31)
A == 1]abcdkambtJd
= tlJabcdkamb(qc + irJ(qd + ird)

= i abcdkamb (rcqd -
21] qcrd)

and if we now suppose that the space-like vectors qa and ra are orientated in such
a manner that A = - i; i.e., suppose that

U ab = _iuab, * = _iMab;
* = + i[Jab,
[Jab * = +iMab.
M ab
We now show that the six bivectors (16H17) are linearly independent. If we
consider the equation
a 1 V ab + azV ab + a 3M ub + (>:4 yab + !Xs[Jab + a6M ab = 0, (35)
then, on successively multiplying by the various bivectors, we conclude that
(>: 1 = (>:2 = ... = (>:6 = o. (36)
We may also note here that a general bivector of rank one has at most six
independent components in a four-dimensional space.
We thus conclude: The six bivectors V ab , V ab, Mab, yab, Dab, and Mab form a
basis for a restricted set of bivectors in a local Minkowski space-time. The reason
282 Philip J. Greenberg

for this restnctLOn follows from the duality conditions (34) on the bivectors.
We may list the various cases:
Case 1: An arbitrary bivector of rank one Wab' subject to the condition
W';b = - iWab' may be expanded in the basis in the manner
Case 2: An arbitrary bivector of rank one Wab' subject to the condition
w:b = + iWab' may be expanded in the basis in the manner
Case 3: The most general bivector of rank one which may be expanded in the
basis is given by

where a:b = - iaab and P:b = + iPab' The expansion is

Wab = a l Vab + a 2U ab + a 3M ab + a4Vab + aSVab + a6M ab , (42)
a 2 = !()(abVab , a 3 = -tocabMab;
as = !pabY.,b' a 6 = -tWbM ab -
Case 4: An arbitrary bivector of rank two Wabcd, subject to the conditions
W:bcd = - iWabcd and wabid = - iWabcd' may be expanded in the basis in the manner
Wabcd = + all v"b v"d + a 12 v"bUcd + a 13 v"bMcd
+a 2l U ab Y.:d + a22UabUcd + a23UabMcd
we shall not write the expressions for the coefficients_ Note that, 10 this case,
we have
Case 5: An arbitrary bivector of rank two Wabcd' subject to the conditions
W:bcd = - iW abcd and wab:d = + iW abcd , may be expanded in the basis in the manner

Wabcd = +a14Vab~d + alSv"bVcd + a16VabMcd

+a24Uab~d + a2SUabVcd + a26UabMcd
and, again, we shall not write the expressions for the coefficients_ Note that,
in this case, we have
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 283

Case 6: An arbitrary bivector of rank two Wabcd' subject to the conditions

W:bcd = + iWabcd and W ab: d = -
iWabcd, may be expanded in the basis in the manner

Wabcd = +a41 v"bv.:d + a 42 v"b U Cd + a43v,,~cd

+a51 Dabv.:d + a 5 2 D ab Ucd + aS3 D ab M cd

Note that, in this case, we have
Case 7: An arbitrary bivector of rank two Wabcd' subject to the conditions
W:bcd = + iWabcd and W ab: d = + iWabcd, may be expanded in the basis in the manner
Wabcd = +a44v"b~d + a 4S v"b D cd + a 46 v"bM Cd
+a54Dab~d + aS5UabDcd + a56Da~cd
Note that, in this case, we have

Case 8: The most general bivector of rank two which may be expanded in
the basis is given by
Wabcd = lXabcd + Pabcd + Yabcd + (;abcd, (52)

where lXabcd' Pabcd, Yabcd' and (;abcd correspond to the cases 4,5,6, and 7, respectively.
We now consider the effects of a Lorentz transformation. A Lorentz transforma-
tion is given by the equations (Greenberg and Knauer [3])


where A and B are real parameters, and where IX and Pare complex parameters.
This transformation on the tetrad vector basis induces a transformation on the
bivector basis. After a moderate, and straightforward calculation, we obtain,
after grouping terms,

284 Philip J. Greenberg


= [ - 2{3vab - 2ct.Uab + (1 + ct.{3}Mab]; (56)
(1 - ct.{3)
and, on taking the complex conjugate of the foregoing equations, we have


-A -iB
[J'ab = e e (P2 Vab + [Jab _ PMab) (58)
(1 - ct.P) ,

M'ab = 1 _ [_ 2pvab _ 2ii[Jab + (1 + iiP}Mab ]. (59)

(1 - ct.P)
We may easily verify that the relations (18) are maintained under a Lorentz
transformation. And, we have explicitly shown that the bivectors V ab , U ab, and
M ab transform among themselves; and, the bivectors Vab, [Jab, and M ab transform
among themselves. Consequently, the various cases listed previously constitute
a Lorentz invariant concept.
For some purposes, it may be convenient to express the six complex bivectors
in terms of six real bivectors. On substituting (14) into (16) and (17), we obtain
where the six real bivectors are given by

Qab = fi(kaqb _ qakb}, (62)

pab = j2(maqb _ qOmb), (63)





The four vectors k a, rna, qa, and r" form a basis for the local Minkowski space-
time at point P. An arbitrary tensor Tab may be expanded in this basis through
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 285

the expression
Tab = +(Tcdmcmd)k'kb + (pdmckd)kamb + (pdmcqd)kaqb + (TCdmh)kar"
+(pdkcmd)makb + (TCdkckd)mamb + (pdkcqd)maqb + (Tcdkh)marb
+(TCdqcmJqakb + (Tcdqckd)qamb + (pdqcqd)qaqb + (Tcdqcrd)qaqb
+ (Tcdrcmd),a~ + (Tcdrckd)ramb + (Tcdrcqd)raqb + (pdrh)rar". (68)
Consider the dual of Qab; thus
Qab = 1l1 abcd 1 abcd k q
2·, Qcd = fl·'
c d·

On substituting (69) into (68), we obtain

* = fl
(IJrscdkcqdmrrs)(kQrb - ,akh)

= (IJrscdkcqdmrrs)Aab; (70)
and, by our choice of orientation,
* = _Aab.
Qab (72)
In a similar way, we may show that
* = Bab
pab and * = cab.
Lab (73)
Consequently, the six complex bivectors take the forms

Mab = Lab *
+ iLab, (74)

We may note here that it is possible to expand any bivector, without restrictions,
in the basis formed by


However, if the bivector to be expanded has certain duality conditions (for

example, b = - iWab)' then it is more convenient to use the complex bivectors
as a basis.

3. The decomposition of the Riemann curvature tensor

Following Geheniau and Debever [4], we decompose the Riemann curvature
tensor in the fashion
286 Philip J. Greenberg

where C abed is the Weyl tensor, Eabed is the Einstein curvature tensor, defined by
E abed == -t(gaeSbd + gbdSae - gadSbe - gbeSad), (78)
with Sab being the traceless Ricci tensor
Sab == Rab - -iga~, (79)
and where Gabed is defined by
Gabed == -12(ga,gbd - ga~be)' (80)

The Ricci tensor Rab is defined by

Rab == R~abe and R == gab Rab (81)
is the Ricci scalar. Expression (77) may be regarded as a definition of the Weyl
tensor; all of the other quantities may be computed directly given the metric
Frequently, a different decomposition is considered. On substituting (79) into
(78), we have

_1 R. (82)
E abed - 2(gadR be + gbeRad - gaeRbd - gbdRae) - "4(ga"gbe - gaegbd),


R abed = Cabed + 2(gad

R be + g~ad - gaeRbd -
gbdRaJ - "6(ga"gbe - gggbd)'

This is the more frequent decomposition of the curvature tensor. On comparing

(77) with (83), we note that the Ricci scalar R is treated differently in the two
decompositions. We shall show, in a moment, that the decomposition (77) appears
to be more basic.
We may list here the algebraic properties of the various quantities which enter
the decomposition (77).
Properties of Cabed:
C abed + Caedb + Cadbe = 0, (85)


Properties of E abed :

E abed + Eaedb + Eadbe = 0, (88)

Ebe == E~bea = Sbe = Rbe - igbeR , (89)

E~ = E~~ba = E~~ab = O. (90)

The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 287

Properties of G abed :

G abed + G aedb + G adbc = 0, (92)


G be == G~bea = igbeR , (93)

Gt = G~~ba = - G~~ab = R. (94)

We may now define the duals of the bivectors of rank 2 C abcd ' E abed , and G abed ,
in the manner
C:bed = t'1abmn
ed' Cab:d = t'1edrs C ab , (95)
E:bed = t'1abmn
ed, Ea~ = t'1edrs E ab , (96)
G:bed = t'1abmn
ed, Gab:d = t'1edrs G ab . (97)
(Note that for a bivector of rank n, there will be n different duals.) The foregoing
quantities have a number of very important properties, which we shall constantly
Property 1:
The proof is moderately long. Consider

On now using (A.1), we obtain, on lowering the indices c and d,

C:b~ = - (Caegbd - Cadgbe - Cbegad + Cbdgae + Cabed)· (99)
But, for the Weyl tensor, we have Cab = 0; thus

Property 2:
Proof: It is clear that we may use the result (99); we write

On now substituting (89), we have

E:be~ = - (Saegbd - Sadgbe - Sbegad + Sbdgae + E abed )

- ( - 2Eabed + E abcd ) = E abed ·

Observe that, in proving (100), we had to use the explicit definition of E abed (Equa-
tion 78).
[It may be easily seen that if we take
E abed = t(gadRbe + gbeRad - gaeRbd - gbdRaJ
288 Philip J. Greenberg

as the definition of the Einstein curvature tensor (cr. equation 83), then we cannot
obtain property 2. This strongly suggests that the decomposition (77) is more
basic than the decomposition (83).]
Property 3:

t * --
Cabed - C*

-Cab.:'d = - C :bed ,

Property 4:

abed -- E*
Et* abed'

Property 5: The quantity C(+labed == C abed + iC:"ed is self-dual, on both pairs

of indices, up to a factor of - i. That is,
C(+l:"ed = -iC(+labed and C+lab.:'d = -iC(+)abed' (103)

The proof is obvious.

Property 6: The quantity E(+labed == E abed + iE:
bed is self-dual, on the first
(second) pair of indices, up to a factor of - i( + i). That is,
E(+l:"ed = -iE(+labed and E(+lab.:'d = +iE(+labed' (104)
The proof is obvious.
We also have a number of other important properties.
Property 7:
cab:" = O. (105)


C abed + C aedb + C adbe = O.
Property 8:
Proof: same as property 7.
Property 9:
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 289

Proof: This property is not obvious. We consider

abcd --
C*= - C*
cdab ,

-C:bcd = -Cc~ab'

C:bcd = C:dab'
Property 10:
E:;'CdEabcd = - Eabc~Eabcd = - E cd: b E cdab = - Ecd:bEabcd

- EcdabEabcd * =- *

- E:;'cdEabcd = O.
Property 11 :
EabrsEc/ Eabcd = E:b~Ec/s E abcd = EabrsEc/ E
* *
S abcd
= - EabrsE:/ Eabed
S *
= -EabrsEc/sEabed = -EabrsEc/sEabed = O.
This is an important property satisfied by the Einstein curvature tensor.
Property 12:
rs Emnpq Eab
=0 (110)
E* E rS Emnpq E ab
abrs mn pq
-E *E milrSEmnpqEab pq =
-E * E mnabEmnpqErspq

_ E
ab Em"pq E rs
= - E
Emnpq E

= -EabrsEpqrsEpqmnEm"ab
* = -E:brsEpqrsEpqmnEm"ab

-E* E rsEpqm"Eab
abrs pq
= 0

4. The expansion of the Weyl tensor in the bivector basis

As a consequence of property (5), we see that C(+)abed may be expanded in the
bivector basis. We have case (4). Thus,
C abed + iC:;'cd = C abcd + iCab:d
= All v"b v"d + Al2 v"bVed + Al3 v"bMcd
+ A21 Vabv"d + A22VabVcd + A23 V abM ed
+ A 3l M ab v"d + A32 M ab V cd + A33M abM cd'
On now using the relation
C abcd + iC:;'cd = C cdab + iC:dab, (112)
290 Philip J. Greenberg

we readily obtain
A12 = A 21 ,A 13 = A 31 , and A 23 = An· (113)
And, if we further use the conditions

* ab = 0,
cabab = C ab (114)
which implies that
we finally obtain, with a change of notation,

Cabcd + iC:bcd = C l v"b~d + C 2 (v"b M cd + Mab~d)

+ C 3 (Mab M cd + Uab~d + v"bUcd)
+ C4(UabMcd + MabU cd ) + CSUabUcd· (116)

The coefficients of the expansion are given by

= tCabcduabucd since Uab* = - iuab, (117)

C 2 = -l6(Cabcd + iC:bcd)(uabMcd + MabU Cd )
-!CabciuabMcd + MabU Cd )
-tCabcduab Mcd, (118)
C 3 = 214(Cabcd + iC!i,cdHMabM cd + Vabu cd + Uabv cd )
= 112 Cabcd(Ma bMcd + Vabu cd + Uabv cd )
= /2 CabciMab Mcd + 2U ab V Cd ), (119)
C 4 = -/6(Cabcd + iC!i,cd)(VabMCd + Mabv cd )
- !Cabcd( V ab Mcd + M ab V Cd )
-tCabcd V ab Mcd, (120)
C s = t(Cabcd + iC:bcd)Vabvcd
= tCabcd Vabv cd . (121)

We clearly see that the Weyl tensor has 5 complex (10 real) independent compo-
nents. The foregoing expansion is due to Sachs.
It may be of some interest to determine explicitly how these components
transform under a Lorentz transformation. A straightforward calculation gives

C; = tCabcdUtabUlCd
= (1 _ (Xp)2[C l + 4PC 2 + 6p 2C 3 + 4p 3C4 + p C S], (122)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 291

C z = -iCabcdu,abM,cd
e- A eiB
= (1 _ ap)2[aC l + (1 + 3ap)C2 + 3/3(1 + a/3)C 3
+ /3 2 (3 + a/3)C4 + /33C S ], (123)

C; = l~CabciM,abMlCd + 2U,ab V lCd )

1 2
(1 _ a/3)2 [a C 1 + 2a(1 + a/3)C 2 + (1 + 4IX/3 + IX 2 /3 2 )C 3
+ 2/3(1 + a/3)C4 + /3 2 C s] • (124)

C~ = -iCabcdv,abMlCd
eA e- iB 3
(1 _ a/3)2 [a C 1 + a2(3 + a{3)C 2 + 3a( 1 + a{3)C 3
+ (1 + 3a/3)C4 + /3C s], (125)
C; = tCabcd V'abV,cd
e2A e- 2iB
= 4
(1 _ a/3)2[a C 1 + 4a 3 C2 + 6a 2C 3 + 4aC4 + C s]. (126)

For some purposes it is convenient to express the components C 1 , C2 ••• •• C s

in terms of real quantities. A calculation gives

C 1 = CabcdPb pcd + iCabcdPb* pcd

= 2CabCdmaqbmCqd + 2iCabcdmarbmcqd, (127)

C2 *
= -!CabcdPbLcd - !iCabcdPbLcd
- v1-CabcdmaqbkCmd - iv1-Cabcdma~kcmd. (128)

C 3 = iCabcd(LabLcd * + 2P"bQcd)
+ 2pabQcd) + iiCabcd{L"bUd *
= tCabcdk"mbkcmd + maqbkCqd)
+ itCabciqarbkCmd + ma~kcqd), (129)

C 4 = -tCabcdQabUd - tiCabcdQabud
= -v1-CabcdkaqbkCmd + iv1-Cabcdkarbkcmd, (130)

Cs = CabcdQabQcd *
+ iCabcdQabQcd
= 2Cabcdkalk'qd - 2iCabcdk"rbk'qd. (131)
292 Philip J. Greenberg

5. The expansion of the Einstein curvature tensor in the bivector basis

As a consequence of property (6), we see that E(+)abed may be expanded in the
bivector basis. We have case (5). Thus,

Eabed + iEab:d = A 14 v"b v"d + A 1s v"bUed + A 16 v"bMed

+ A 24 U ab v"d + A2SUabUed + A26UabMed
+ A 34 M ab v"d + A3S M ab U ed + A36MabMed' (132)
We now take the complex conjugate of (132), and add this equation to (132),
obtaining an expression for 2E abed . We then employ the symmetry
and obtain the relations
A14 = A 14 , A 15 = A 24 , A 24 =A 1S '
A 16 = A34 , A 25 = A2S ' A 26 =A 35 ,
A34 = A 16 , A35 = A26 , A36 = A36 · (134)
We finally obtain, with a change of notation,

Eabed + iEab:d = E 1 v"b v"d + E2 v"bUed + E 3 v"b M ed

+ E 2Uab v"d + E4UabUed + ESUabMed
+ E 3M ab v"d + ESMabUed + E6MabMed' (135)
We clearly see that the Einstein curvature tensor has 3 real independent compo-
nents (E1' E4 , E 6) and 3 complex (6 real) independent components (E 2 , E 3 , E s),
giving a total of 9 independent components.
The coefficients of the expansion are given by
E1 = ·l(Eabcd + iE:bed)uabucd
= tEabeduabued since * = - iuab,
U ab (136)
E2 = t(Eabcd + iE:bcd)uabyed
= tEabeduabyed, (137)
E3 = -i(Eabcd + iE:bed)uabMed
- tEabcd U ab M ed , (138)
E4 = t(Eabed + iE:bed)vabyed
= tEabed VabV d, (139)
E5 = -t(Eabed + m:bed)VabMcd
- tEabed V ab Med, (140)
E6 = /6(Eabed + iE:bed)Mab M ed
= tEabedMab M ed . (141)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 293

Again, it may be of some interest to determine explicitly how these components

transform under a Lorentz transformation. A straightforward calculation gives

E~ = !Eab<du,abT],cd
11 ~ a/W [El + (I)2E1 + f31E1) + 2(f3 E3 + f3E 3)
+ f3zf31E4 + 2(f3zf3Es + f3p 1E s) + 4f3pE 6J, (142)

E; = !Eabcdu,abv,cd
[a ZE l + E1 + a1f3 1E z + 2aE3
11 - a f31 1
+2Fizf3E3 + f31E4 + 2af3zEs + 2f3Es + 4af3E6J, (143)

E; = -tEabcdU,obM,cd
e- A eiB _
-----,f3=11 [FiE l + PEz + Fif31Ez + (1 + ap)E 3
11 - a
+ 2FifJE3 + fJZf3E4 + fJz(1 + Fif3)Es + 2fJpE s
+ 2f3( 1 + Fif3)E6J, (144)

E~ = !Eabcd V'obV'cd
e [a z-z
a El + (a zE z + a-z-E z)
11 - a f3l z
+ 2aa(aE3 + FiE 3) + E4 + 2(aEs + aEs) + 4aFiE 6J, (145)
E~ = - tEabcd v'ab M,cd

eA e- iB
= 11 _ af3lz [aZaEl + a2 pEz + aEz
+ aZ(1 + Fif3)E3 + 2aaE 3 + PE 4 + (1 + af3)Es
+ 2af3Es + 2a(1 + af3)E6J, (146)

1 ~-
11 _ af3l z [aFiEl + (apEz + af3Ez)
+ a(l + af3)E 3 + a(1 + af3)E 3 + f3PE 4
+ f3(1 + af3) E s + 13(1 + af3)Es + (1 + af3)(1 + af3)E6]· (147)
Again, for some purposes it is convenient to express the components E l ,
E z , ... , E6 in terms of real quantities. A calculation gives

294 Philip J. Greenberg

E2 *
= EabcdP"bQCd + iEabcdP"bQcd
= 2Eabcdmaqbkcqd + 2iEabcdmar"kcqd, (149)

E3 = -!EabcdP"bLcd - !iEabcdP"bLcd
= - j2EabcdmaqbkCmd - ij2Eabcdmarbkcmd, (150)
E4 = EabcdQabQcd = 2Eabcdkaqbkcqd, (151)

E5 = -!EabcdQabUd - !iEabcdQabUd
- j2EabcdkaqbkCmd + ij2Eabedkarbkemd, (152)
(Generally speaking, the Einstein curvature tensor is important inside distribu-
tions of matter and other forms of energy.)

6. The identity bivectors

For later purposes, it is necessary to introduce a bivector of rank 2 which plays
the role of an identity. This vector satisfies the properties
labed = - I baed' (154)
and we further suppose that
We must also require that
I abed v = v"b, (156)
It is a consequence of (156) that we have
labcdledeJ = labeJ. (157)
It is clear that the following bivector of rank 2 satisfies the foregoing properties:
Note that

Consider now the bivector of rank 2, defined by

It is easy to show that
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 295

We now define (with no prejudice as to notation!)

I abed = t(gabed + i'1abed), (163)
and it is easy to show that I abed is self-dual, on both pairs of indices, up to a factor of
-i; i.e.,
Consequently, we may expand (163) in the bivector basis. We have case (4). We
then obtain, after some algebra,
I abed = to':b Ucd + Uab v"d - t M ab M cd), (165)
which is the identity bivector, justifying the notation.
Thus, we have the completeness relation
gaegbd - + i'1abed

= 2(Vab Ucd + Uab v"d - t M ab M cd)· (166)

There is another identity bivector which we may introduce. This bivector we
denote by J abed • In addition to properties (154), we further suppose that
J :bed = + iJabed and Jabi'd = + iJ abed· (167)
And we also require that
J abed red = v"b' (168)
It is a consequence of (168) that we have
It is clear that the following bivector of rank 2 satisfies the foregoing properties:
Note that
ab = 3. (171)
In a similar way, we may now show that
thus, we have the completeness relation
gaegbd - gadgbe - i'1abcd = 2(v"b V ed + Vaby':d - tMabMcd)· (173)
On using the completeness relations, we easily see that
We now consider the effects of a Lorentz transformation. In the primed frame
we write
296 Philip J. Greenberg

On a substitution, we obtain
I~bed = 10'-:'b U ed + Uabv"d - 1 M ab M ed)

= J abed · (178)
The identity bivectors are isotropic bivectors; i.e., their components are frame
independent. This is an important feature of these bivectors.
We note here that decomposition (77) may be written in the form

R(+) -
abed -
abed + E(+)abed - ~I
3 abed' (179)

where we have defined

R( +)abed = R abed + iR:bed · (180)

7. The characteristic value equation for the Weyl tensor

In this section we show that the invariants of the Weyl tensor under a Lorentz
transformation follow from an appropriate characteristic value equation. The
invariants obtained in this way are expressed in terms of the components C I '
C 2 , ••• , C s . We also express the invariants in covariant form. And we further
derive the appropriate Cayley-Hamilton equations containing these invariants.
It is clear that the characteristic value equation we must consider is
where A are complex characteristic values, and where wed are complex charac-
teristic bivectors, subject to W;b = - iwab . On substituting (116) and (158) into
(181), we obtain, after rearranging terms.
[C l Vabv"d+ C 2(v"b M ed + Mabv"d) + (C 3 + t)')MabMed
+ (C 3 - 1).)(v"b U ed + Uabv"d) + C4(UabMcd + MabU ed )
+ CSUabUed]Wed = O. (182)
On now multiplying, successively, by uab, vab, and Mab we obtain
C1(v"dWed) + (C 3 - 1).)(Ucd w cd ) + C2(McdWed) = 0,

C2(v"dWcd) + C4(UcdWed) + (C 3 + t)')(Medwed ) = O.
For non-trivial solutions for wed to exist, we must require that

= O. (184)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 297

On interchanging the first two columns, and on multiplying the first and second
rows by 2 and the third row by - 4, we have
2C 3 - A
2C s = O. (185)
-4C 4
We expand this determinant, and obtain
A3 - AA - B = 0, (186)
where A and B are the invariants (complex) of the Weyl tensor, and are given by
A = 4(3C~ - 4C 2 C4 + ClC s ) (187)
B = 16(-q + 2C 2 C 3 C 4 + C l C 3C 5 - ClC~ - C~C5)' (188)
In general, there are three complex solutions to (186). Denote them by
(A - Al)(A - A2)(A - A3) = O. (190)
On expanding (190), and on comparing coefficients of A, we get
+ A2 + A3 = 0
Al (191)

AlA2 + A2A3 + AlA3 = -A, (192)

We now derive the associated Cayley-Hamilton equations. Let B abcd be any
bivector of rank 2, with B:bcd = - iBabed and Bab:d = - iBabcd ' and with charac-
teristic values A1 , A2 , and A3' Then, in an obvious shorthand notation, we may
(B - AlI)(B - A2I)(B - A3I) = O. (194)
On expanding (194), we have

B3 - (A l + A2 + A3)B2 + (AlA2 + A2A3 + AlA3)B - Al AzA3 1 = O. (195)

In the case of the Weyl tensor, (195) becomes

* -
(Cabmn + I'C*abmn) (cmnrs + I'cmnrs)(crsed + I'C*rsed )
We now set
and on using (163), we obtain, after equating the real and the imaginary parts of
298 Philip J. Greenberg

(196) to zero

CabmncmnrsCrscd - *

CabmncmnrsC~cd - C:bmncmnrsC~cd


+ *
CabmncmnrsCrscd + C:bmncmnrsCrscd - A 1 C:i,cd - A2Cabcd

Equations (198) and (199) may be simplified on using properties of the dual. We
finally obtain the Cayley-Hamilton equations in desired form:
4CabmncmnrsCrscd - Al C abcd + A 2 C:bcd
- tB 1(gacgbd - gadgbc) + tB 2'1abcd = 0 (200)
4C:bmncmnrsCrscd - Al C:bcd - A2Cabcd

- tB l'1abcd - tB 2(gacgbd - gadgbc) = O. (201)

We note that equations (200) and (201) are the duals of each other.
We now find Al , A 2 , B l , and B2 in covariant form, with the proper coefficients.
On contracting a with c and b with d in (200) and (201), we obtain
To find the expressions for A land A 2 , we consider

On substituting (116) into (204), we find
Al = Cabcdcabcd and A2 = C:bcdcabcd. (205)
These are essentially the invariants introduced by Penrose [5] in another
[We may note here that in the introduction of his paper, Bonanos [6] defines
the two invariants
The second invariant clearly does not fit into our mathematical structure in any
simple way; consequently, we would never even think of writing this invariant.
Indeed, it is not difficult to show that
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 299

Bonanos's invariants are not independent. This fact, however, in no way detracts
from his beautiful analysis of the stability of the Taub Universe.]

8. The characteristic value equation for the Einstein curvature tensor

In this section we show that the invariants of the Einstein curvature tensor
under a Lorentz transformation follow from an appropriate characteristic value
Let wed be a complex bivector of the most general type which may be expanded
in the bivector basis. We have case (3).
Consider now the bivector which results from the expression
this bivector has the property that it is self-dual up to a factor of - i. It may be
expanded in terms of V ab , uab, and Mab only. On the other hand, the only part of
wed which contributes to the summation in (208) is that part which is self-dual
up to a factor of + i.
Consequently, one cannot write a consistent characteristic value equation in
the form
(E abed + iE:bed)Wed = Amab ,
where wed and Wab are the same bivectors. A little thought reveals that this fact is
related to property (11) of the Einstein curvature tensor; the mathematical theory
is consistent.
It is clear that the characteristic value equation we must consider is
(Eabrs + I'E*abrs )(Ecd rs + I'E*rs)
cd Wcd -- A1/abcdWcd . (210)
On substituting (135) and (158) into (210), we obtain
+ £2(v"b U cd + Uabv.:d) + £3(v"b M cd
[£1 v"bv.:d
+ Mabv.:d) + £4 Uab Ucd + £5(UabM ed + MabU cd )
+ £6 M ab M cdJ Wcd = tA.(v"bUcd + Uabv.:d - tMabMcd)WCd, (211)
where the complex quantities £1' £2 •... , £6 are given by
£1 = 4E1E2 - 4EL
£2 = 2E1E4 + 2E 2£2 - 4E3E5'
£3 = 2E 1£5 + 2E 2£3 - 4E3E6. (212)
£4 = 4£2 E4 - 4E;,
£5 = 2£2£5 + 2£3 E4 - 4E5E6.
300 Philip J. Greenberg

Clearly, the quantity in the brackets on the left-hand side of (211) is just the expan-
sion of
in the bivector basis (case 4).
On now combining terms in (211), and on multiplying, successively, by vab, vab,
and Mal>, we obtain
81(v"dWcd) + (8 2
tA)(VCdWCd) + 83(McdWcd) = 0,
(8 2 - VHv"dWcd) + 84(V cdWCd ) + 85(McdWCd) = 0,

83(v"dWCd) + 85(VcdWcd) + (8 6 + tA)(Mc~Cd) = 0.

For non-trivial solutions for wcd to exist, we must require that

82 - tA 83

84 85 = 0. (215)
85 86 + tA
On interchanging the first two columns, and on multiplying the first and second
rows by 2 and the third row by - 4, we have

= 0. (216)

We expand this determinant, and obtain

A3 - E)" 2 - FA. - G = 0, (217)

where E, F, and G are the invariants (real, but not manifest) of the Einstein curva-
ture tensor, and are given by
E = 4(8 2 - 86 ), (218)
F = 4( -8~ + 48 2 86 + 8184 - 48385)' (219)

G = 16( -8~86 + 28 2 83 85 + 818486
- 818; - 8~e4)' (220)
In general, there are three complex solutions to (217). Denote them by
A = (A1' A2 , A3)' (221)

(A - A1HA - A2)(A - A3) = 0. (222)

On expanding (222), and on comparing coefficients of A, we get

A1 + A2 + A3 = E, (223)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 301

We now derive the associated Cayley-Hamilton equations. Again, in an obvious
shorthand notation, we may write (195), where
that is,

Consequently, in the case of the Einstein curvature tensor, (195) becomes

+ *
I'2EmnpQE ij pq ) (2E
ijk1 E
cdkl + I'2E i*jk1 Ecdkl) - E(2Eabrs E mn rs

+ i2E:brsEmnrs) (2E mn pq Ecdpq + i2E mn* pQ E cdpq )

- F(2Eabrs Ec/s + i2E:brsEc/S) - tG(gacgbd - gadgbc
+ i1]abcd) = 0, (228)
where we have used (163).
On expanding (228), and on equating the real and the imaginary parts of the
resulting equation to zero, we obtain the Cayley-Hamilton equations in desired
32Eabrs E mn rSEmnpqE ij pq Eijk1Ecdkl - 8EEabrs E mn rSEmnpqEcdpq

* E mn rSEmnpqE ijpq Eijk1Ecdkl - 8EE*
32Eabrs abrs E mn rSEmnpqEcdpq


We note that equations (229) and (230) are the duals of each other.
We now find E, F, and G in covariant form, with the proper coefficients. To
find the expression for E, we consider


On substituting the expansion of (213) into (231), we obtain


To find the expression for F, we consider

302 Philip J. Greenberg

We now substitute the expansion of (213) into (233), and find

8EabrsEc/'EcdmnEabmn = 8e 1e4 - 32e 3e5 + 8e~ + 16e~

= 8(8 1 84 - 48385 - e~ + 462e6) + 16(e~ - 2e2e6 + 6~)

= 2F + E2. (234)
To determine the expression for G, we contract a with c and b with d in (229),
and we find
3G = 32Eabrs EmnrsEmnpqE··1J pq EijklEab kl - 3EF - E3 , (236)
where we have used (232) and (234). Observe that a similar contraction of (230)
yields 0 = O.
We should now determine how the components e1 , e2 , ••• ,66 transform under
a Lorentz transformation. A moderately long calculation yields the fairly simple
8; = 4E; E~ - 4E;2
e- 2A e 2iB
= (1 _ rx/N [el + 213 282 + 4f3e 3 + 13484 + 4f33e5 + 4f3 2e 6J, (237)

(1 _1 rxf3)2 [rx e 1 + (1 + rx 2f32)e 2 + 2rx( 1 + rxf3)e3 + f3 2e4
+ 2f3( 1 + rxf3)8 5 + 4rxf3e 6J, (238)

e- A eiB
= (1 _ rxf3)2 [rxe 1 + 13(1 + rxf3)8 2 + (1 + 3rxf3)e3 + f33 e4

+ 13 2 (3 + af3)e 5 + 213(1 + af3)e6J, (239)

8~ = 4E2E~ - 4E~2
= 13 2 [a 4el + 2a2e2 + 4a3e3 + e4 + 4aes + 4rx2e6J, (240)
(1 - a )

e~ = 2E2E~ + 2E;E~ - 4E~E~

eA e- iB 3
= 13 2 [rx e 1 + a(1 + rxf3)e 2 + rx 2(3 + rxf3)8 3
(1 - rx )
+ f3e4 + (1 + 3rxf3)e 5 + 2rx(1 + rxf3)8 6J, (241)

1 2
(1 _ rxf3)2 [rx el + 2af3e2 + 2a(1 + af3)e 3 + f3 2e 4
+ 213(1 + rxf3)e s + (1 + rxf3)2e6l (242)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 303

It is interesting that the transformation equations for the quantities B1 , B2, ... , B6
are simpler than the transformation equations for the quantities E 1 , E 2 , ... , E6

9. The characteristic value equation for the combined Weyl and

Einstein curvature tensors
We may expect additional invariants which describe the "orientation" between
the Weyl tensor and the Einstein curvature tensor. In this section we show that
these invariants follow from an appropriate characteristic value equation.
It is clear that the characteristic value equation we must consider is
(C( + labrsE( + lrSmnE( + lcd mn)w cd = AWab

On substituting (116), the expansion of (213), and (158) into (243), we obtain

[0 1 v"b ~d + + 0 3 v"bMcd + 04 Uab ~d + Os UabU cd

O 2 v"bUcd
+ 06 U ab M cd + 07Mab~d + OSMabUcd
+ 09 M ab M cdJWcd = tA[v"bUcd + Uab ~d - tMabMcdJWcd (244)
where the complex quantities 0 1 , O2 , ••• , 0 9 are given by
0 1 = 2C 1 B2 - 4C 2 B3 + 2C 3 B1 ,
O2 = 2C 1 B4 - 4C2BS + 2C 3 B2 ,
0 3 = 2C 1B S - 4C 2B6 + 2C 3 B3,
0 4 = 2C 3 B2 - 4C 4 B3 + 2C SB 1 ,
Os = 2C 3 B4 - 4C 4 BS + 2C SB2,
0 6 = 2C 3 BS - 4C 4 B6 + 2C SB3 ,
0 7 = 2C 2 B 2 - 4C 3 B 3 + 2C4 B"
Os = 2C 2 B4 - 4C 3 BS + 2C 4 e2,
0 9 = 2C 2BS - 4C 3 B6 + 2C 4 B 3 •
Clearly, the quantity in the brackets on the left-hand side of (244) is just the ex-
pansion of
C( + labrs E ( + lrs mn E ( + lcd mn (246)
in the bivector basis (case 4).
On now combining terms in (244), and on multiplying, successively, by uab, Vab
and Mab we obtain
01(~dWcd) + (0 2 - tA.)(UcdWcd) + 03(Mcd w Cd ) = 0,
(0 4 - tA)(~dWcd) + 0s(UcdWCd ) + 06(M cd w cd ) = 0,
304 Philip J. Greenberg

For non-trivial solutions for wed to exist, we must require that

= O. (248)

On interchanging the first two columns, and on multiplying the first and second
rows by 2 and the third row by -4, we have

= O. (249)

We expand this determinant, and obtain

A3 - KA2 - LA - M = 0, (250)
where K, L, and M are the invariants (complex), and are given by
K = 2(0 2 + 04 - 20 9 ), (251)
L = 4(0 1 0 5 - 20 3 0 8 - 20 6 0 7 - 0 2 0 4 + 20 2 0 9 + 20 4 0 9 ), (252)
M = 16(-0 2 0 4 0 9 + 0 2 0 6 0 7 + 0 1 0 5 0 9
- 0 10 6 0 8 - 0 3 0 50 7 + 0 3 0 4 0 8 ), (253)
In general, there are three complex solutions to (250). Denote them by
A = (AI' A2 , A3)' (254)

On expanding (255), and on comparing coefficients of A, we get

+ A2 + A3 = K = KI + iK2'
AI (256)
AIA2 + A2A3 + AIA3 = - L = - (L I + iL 2), (257)

We now derive the associated Cayley-Hamilton equations. Again, in an obvious

shorthand notation, we may write (195), where

that is

B abed = (C abrs + iC:brs)(£,smn + *

iErsmn)(Eedmn + iE~mn)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity: Preliminaries 305

Consequently, in our present case, (195) becomes

(4C abrs Ersmn E ijmn + i4C:brsErsmn Eijmn)(4Cijkl EklpqEUVpq
* E klpq E UV pq)(4C uvwx EWXYz E cdyz
+ i4Cijkl

+ 1'4C*abrs ErsmnEijmn )(4C ij kI E klpq E cd pq

+ i4CjklEklpqECdPq) - (Ll + iL2)(4Cabrs£,smnEcdmn

+ i4C~rs£,smnEcdmn) - i(M l + iM 2 )(gabcd + i1fabcd) = O. (261)

On expanding (261), and on equating the real and the imaginary parts of the
resulting equation to zero, we obtain the Cayley-Hamilton equations in desired
256Cabrs £,smn E ijmn Cijkl E klpq EuvpqC uvwx EWxyz E cdyz

- 32K
Cabrs ErsmnE ijmn CijklEklpq E cd pq + 32K 2 C*abrs ErsmnE ijmnCUklE klpq E cd pq

256C abrs ErsmnE ijmn CijklE klpq EUvpqC uvwx EWXyzE cdyz

- 32K
* ErsmnE ijm" CijklEklpq E cd pq
Cabrs - 32K
Cabrs Ersm"E ijmn CijklE klpq E cd pq

We note that equations (262) and (263) are the duals of each other.
We now find K, L, and M in- covariant form, with the proper coefficients. To
find the expressions for K 1 and K 2 we consider

On substituting the expansion of (259) into (264), we readily obtain


To find expressions for Ll and L 2 , we consider

.,£( + Jijuv E( + Jab )
( C( + Jabrs E( + Jrs mn E( + Jpqmn) (C( + Jpql} uv

= 32Cabrs E rsmn Epqmnc pqlJ. ,£ijuvE abuv

* E rsmn Epqmnc pqij EijuvEabuv'

+ I'32Cabrs (267)
306 Philip J. Greenberg

We now substitute the expansion for (246) into (267), and obtain
80 1 0 5 - 160 30 8 - 16°607 + 40~ + 40i + 160~, (268)
which we may write as

8(0 1 0 5 - 20 30 8 - 20 60 7 - 0 20 4 + 20 20 9 + 20 4 0 9 )
+4(0 2 + 0 4 - 20 9 )2 (269)
=2L + K2 = (2L 1 + K1 - KD + i(2L2 + 2K 1 K 2). (270)
Consequently, we find

2L 1 -- 32Cabrs Ers mn Epqmnc pqij EijuvEab uv - K21 + K22 (271)

* Ers mn Epqrnnc pqij EijuvEab uv - 2K 1 K 2 .
2L 2 -- 32Cabrs (272)

To determine the expression for M 1 and M 2, we contract (262) and (263). And,
on using (265), (266), (271), and (272), we obtain

3M 2 = 256C*
£,smnE.·l)mn CijklE klpq EuvpqC uvwx EwxyzEab yz

Although these higher invariants appear formidable when expressed in covariant

form, they are, in fact, not difficult to determine on using the appropriate expres-
sions in component form.
We may summarize here the fourteen invariants of the Riemann curvature
tensor. There is the Ricci scalar. There are the four invariants of the Weyl tensor.
There are the three invariants of the Einstein curvature tensor. And, there are the
six invariants of the combined Weyl and Einstein tensors. There are fourteen
invariants in all.
An important, but separate, problem remains: Can one give a geometrical
interpretation to the fourteen invariants of the Riemann curvature tensor in terms
of elementary concepts? This will give a detailed picture of the local structure of
space-time. The author hopes to be able to return to this problem.
Before concluding, we should determine how the components 0 1 , O2 , ••• ,09
transform under a Lorentz transformation. A moderately long calculation yields
the fairly simple equations

0'1 = 2C'1 t:~ - 4C~t:3 + 2C 3t:'1

= (1 _ exPf[Ol + P20 2 + 2P0 3 + P20 4 + {3 4 0s
+2{330 6 + 2{307 + 2{330 8 + 4{320 9 ], (275)
The Algebra of the Riemann Curvature Tensor in General Relativity; Preliminaries 307

(1 _I )2 [1X 20 1 + O2 + 21X0 3 + 1X2p 204 + P20 5

+21XP206 + 21X2P07 + 2POs + 4IXP09], (276)
0 3 = 2C'1 e~ - 4C~e~ + 2C~B~
e- A e iB
= (1 _ 1Xp)2[1X0 1 + P0 2 + (1 + 1XP) 0 3 + IXP 20 4

+ P305 + p 2(l + IXP)06 + 2IXP07 + 2p 20s

+ 2P(1 + IXP)09]' (277)

(1 _IIXPf[1X201 + (l.2P 02 + 2(1.2P0 3 + 0 4

+ P205 + 2P06 + 2(1.0 7 + 2IXp20s + 4(1.P0 9], (278)

Os = 2C~e~ - 4C~es + 2CsB~
= (1 _ (l.p)2 [(1.40 1 + (1.20 2 + 2(1.30 3 + (1.20 4

+0 5 + 2(1.0 6 + 2(1.30 7 + 2(1.0s + 4(1.20 9], (279)

O~ = 2C3es - 4C~B~ + 2C SB)
e e-
A iB
= (l _ (l.P)2[(l.3 0 1 + (l.2P02 + (1.2(1 + (l.P)03 + (1.0 4

+P0 5 + (1 + (l.P)06 + 2(1.20 7 + 2(1.POs + 2(1.(l + (l.P)09],(280)

0:' = 2C~e~ - 4C~e~ + 2C~e'1
e- e A iB

= (l _ (l.P)2 [(1.0 1 + (l.P 20 2 + 2(1.P0 3 + P0 4 + P30 5

+2p206 + (1 + (l.P)07 + p 2 (1 + (l.P)OS + 2P(l + (l.P)09], (281)

O~ = 2C~e~ - 4C~BS + 2C~e~
e e-
A iB
= (1 _ (l.p)2[(l.3 0 1 + 1X0 2 + 2(1.20 3 + 1X 2P0 4 + P0 5

+ 2IXP06 + (1.2(1 + (l.P)07 + (1 + (l.p)Os + 2(1.(1 + 1XP)09], (282)

0 9 = 2C~e~ - 4C~B~ + 2C~e~
1 2
(1 _ 1Xp)2 [IX 0 1 + (l.P 0 2 + (1.(1 + (l.P)03

+(l.P04 + P20 5 + P(1 + (l.P)06 + (1.(1 + (l.P)07

+ P(1 + aP)Os + (1 + (l.P)209J. (283)
308 Philip J. Greenberg

10. Concluding remarks

The equations derived in this paper predict completely all effects of special
relativity on existing gravitational fields. There are some details in the present
work which must be understood more fully, before applications of an astrophysical
nature can be considered.
The fact that everything works out so directly in the present paper demonstrates
the beautiful mathematical structure of the Lorentz transformation and the
bivector formalism.

Appendix. The relations satisfied by the Levi-Civita densities

= l'. babe
wxy (A.2)
eabcdewxed = 2! b:'x, (A.3)
eabcdewbcd = 3! b~, (A.4)
EabedEabcd = 4!. (A.S)

I. R. SACHS, Proc. Roy. Soc. Ser. A. 264, 309 (1961).
2. R. SACHS, in "Relativity, Groups, and Topology," ed. C. DeWitt and B. DeWitt, Les Houches 1963,
Gordon and Breach Pub., New York.
3. P. GREENBERG AND J. KNAUER, submitted for publication.
4. J. GEHENIAU AND R. DEBEVER, Bull. Acad. Roy. Belg., Cl. des SC., 42, 114,252,313,608; 1956.
5. R. PENROSE, Annals of Physics, 10, 171, 1960. The two-component spinor formalism has also been
found to be a powerful way to handle the problems to which the present paper is addressed:
See also, R. Penrose, in "Battelle Recontres," 1967 Lectures in Mathematics and Physics,
ed. C. DeWitt and J. A. Wheeler, W. A. Benjamin, Inc., New York, 1968. A. Schild, in
"Relativity Theory and Astrophysics, I. Relativity and Cosmology," Vol. 8, Lectures in
Applied Mathematics, American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island, 1967.
F. A. E. Pirani, in "Lectures on General Relativity," Brandeis Summer Institute in Theoretical
Physics, Vol. I, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1964.
6. S. BONANOS, Comm. Math. Phys., 22, No.3, 190, 1971.


(Received January 3, 1972)

The work reported in this paper was supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

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