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Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444

Reactive dye bioaccumulation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Z. Aksu *
Department of Chemical Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, Ankara 06532, Turkey

Received 22 November 2002; accepted 23 December 2002


The growth and reactive dye bioaccumulation properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing in molasses medium was
investigated in a batch system as a function of dye, initial pH and initial dye concentration. Three diazo reactive textile dyes,
Remazol Blue, Remazol Black B and Remazol Red RB, were used in this study. Optimum pH value for bioaccumulation was
determined as 3 for all the dyes tested. The maximum bioaccumulation capacity of S. cerevisiae was 88.5 mg g 1 for Remazol Black
B, 84.6 mg g 1 for Remazol Blue and 48.8 mg g 1 for Remazol Red RB. Higher bioaccumulation percentages were observed at
lower concentrations of all dyes. In general, the increase in dye concentration inhibited the growth of yeast and caused a long lag
period. Remazol Black B bioaccumulation by yeast at all dye concentrations studied was considerably higher among the dyes
# 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae ; Bioaccumulation; Reactive dyes; Molasses

1. Introduction robic biodegradation and biosorption. Adsorption

employing activated carbon and various other adsor-
Large amounts of dyes are annually produced and bents has been widely studied and applied, but the cost
applied in many different industries, including textiles, of carbon and regeneration problems have limited its
cosmetics, paper, leather, pharmaceutical and food. The application. Coagulation /flocculation using lime, alum,
textile industry accounts for two-thirds of the total polyelectrolyte and ferrous salts produces huge amounts
dyestuff market, consuming a large proportion of of toxic sludge that poses handling and disposal
reactive azo dyes due to the high demand for cotton problems associated with chemical cost. Although
fabrics with brilliant colors. Reactive dyes bind to the ozonation and oxidation are efficient in dye removal,
cotton fibers by addition or substitution mechanisms both initial and operating costs are high. Electrochemi-
under alkaline conditions and high temperatures. How- cal oxidation of dye wastewater is a slow process and
ever, due to the poor exhaustion properties of reactive process know-how is not fully understood. Photoche-
dyes, as much as 40% of the initial dye remains unfixed mical oxidation of dyes using a UV source and in the
and ultimately ends up in the dye effluent. A very small presence of oxidizing agents like hydrogen peroxide and
amount of dye in water (10 /50 mg l 1) affects the catalysts is also slow and costly. Anaerobic biological
aesthetic value, water transparency and gas solubility of treatments of azo dyes are well documented although
water bodies [1,2]. The decolorization of textile waste- complete mineralization is difficult and the resulting
water is still a major environmental concern because the aromatic amines may be toxic and carcinogenic.
synthetic dyes used are difficult to remove by the Although a number of aerobic biological processes for
conventional wastewater treatment systems based on the removal of dyes from textile effluents have been
adsorption, oxidation, coagulation /flocculation, chemi-
explored, such as decolorization, through liquid fermen-
cal degradation, photodegradation, aerobic and anae-
tations by white-rot fungi and bacterial cultures, bio-
chemical oxidation suffers from significant limitations
* Tel.: /90-312-2352330; fax: /90-312-2354314. since more dyestuffs found in the commercial market
E-mail address: (Z. Aksu). have been intentionally designed to be resistant to
0032-9592/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
1438 Z. Aksu / Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444

aerobic microbial degradation. Reactive azo dyes are as a bioaccumulator for textile dyes in wastewater
electron-deficient in nature and this property makes effluents [6,8,16].
them less susceptible to oxidative catabolism. Non- This study aims to investigate the bioaccumulation
viable biomaterials are also used for sorption of dye potential of commonly available Saccharomyces cer-
and many other pollutants. However, the non-viable evisiae yeast for the textile dyes of Remazol Blue,
biomaterials and isolated potent microorganisms are Remazol Black B and Remazol Red RB at batch-scale
considered to be limited for real application due to level in order to assess its application in oxidation pond.
economics, non-availability and system control diffi- Although S. cerevisiae is capable of utilizing a variety of
culty [1 /15]. carbon and nitrogen sources, molasses was chosen in the
Bioaccumulation is defined as the accumulation of study due to its high sucrose and other nutrient
pollutants by actively growing cells. A number of contents, low cost and ready availability and ease of
workers have investigated the feasibility of using grow- storage.
ing cells for the bioaccumulation of heavy metal ions. In
metal bioaccumulative processes, there is an initial rapid
accumulation step, i.e. metabolism- and temperature- 2. Materials and methods
independent, and is thought to involve ion binding at
the surface. This step is followed by a second process, 2.1. Microorganism and growth conditions
i.e. metabolism-dependent, much slower and can accu-
mulate larger quantities of ions than the first process. S. cerevisiae used in this study was kindly supplied by
Bioaccumulation could also be achieved for the removal Dr. S. Dönmez, Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara Uni-
of various kinds of textile dyes if the growing cells find versity, Turkey, and maintained on YPG agar slants at
sufficient quantity of easily used carbon and nitrogen 4 8C. All experiments were performed in molasses
sources instead of dye in growth media. Decolorization medium including molasses (beet) solution (approxi-
mately equivalent to 10 g l 1 sucrose), 1 g l 1
of the dye solution could also be due to either adsorp-
(NH4)2SO4 and 0.5 g l 1 KH2PO4. pH was adjusted
tion on the biomass or bioaccumulation. Using growing
to desired value with 1 M H2SO4. The medium was
cultures in bioremoval could avoid the need for a
autoclaved (121 8C for 15 min) and then a defined
separate biomass production process (e.g. cultivation,
quantity of sterilized dye solution with a known
harvesting, drying, processing and storage prior to use).
concentration was added to the growth medium.
There are significant practical limitations to biouptake,
which employs living cell systems. Perhaps the most
2.2. Dyes
significant limitation is that cell growth is inhibited
when dye concentrations are too high. Other compo-
Remazol Blue, Remazol Black B and Remazol Red
nents or constraints of the wastewater may be toxic to RB dyes which are commonly used in cotton textile
living cells, e.g. extremes of pH and high salt concentra- industry in Turkey were obtained from AYTEMIZLER
tion. Active uptake processes also require metabolic Textile Co., Turkey, in pure form and used without
energy externally provided. However, the fact that many further purification. The dye stock solutions were
conventional sewage treatment processes are based on prepared by dissolving the powdered dyestuff in distilled
living microbes suggests that such limitation would not water to 2% (w/v).
preclude their applications in treatment schemes invol-
ving the bioremoval of dyes. If the problem of dye 2.3. Bioaccumulation assays
toxicity to the growing cell is overcome by the use of
dye-resistant organisms, the continually self-replenish- Bioaccumulation experiments were performed with
ing system can be left to run continuously for extended aliquots of 100 ml culture medium placed in 250 ml
periods. The essential characteristics of a living biomass Erlenmayer flasks. Initial dye concentration varied in
used in a dye removal process are tolerance and uptake the range 10/400 mg l1. Flasks were prepared in
capacities [6,16]. duplicates. The cultivation was carried out at 25 8C in a
One of the most ubiquitous biomass types available rotary shaker (100 rpm) for 18 days.
for bioremediation of textile dyes at lower pH values is Azo groups do not occur naturally, thus azo dyes are
yeast. Yeasts are an inexpensive, readily available source recilcitrant to biodegradation and are not readily
of biomass. Furthermore, yeast cells retain their ability degraded by microorganisms. Biodegradability of azo
to accumulate a broad range of textile dyes to varying dyes depends on the presence of very specific changes in
degrees under a wide range of external conditions. Yeast their molecular structure. If the growth medium con-
has long been known to be capable of rapid bioaccu- tains easily usable carbon and nitrogen sources, micro-
mulation of metal ions from solution, but little work has organisms prefer these compounds instead of dyes [6,8].
been carried out investigating the ability of yeast to act At the end of incubation period, S. cerevisiae cells were
Z. Aksu / Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444 1439

examined under bright-field microscopy and it was Table 1

observed that the cells were colored both inside and The effect of initial pH on the maximum dried microorganism and
bioaccumulated dye concentrations (Xm, Cacc,m) and specific dye
outside. So it was assumed that these dyes were not used
uptake of S. cerevisiae (qm)
by the microorganisms as a carbon or nitrogen source.
This assumption was also supported by colored cell pH Co (mg l 1) Cacc,m (mg l 1) Xm (g l 1) qm (mg g 1)
precipitates of the samples after high-speed centrifuga-
Remazol Blue
tion at definite time intervals. 3 78.9 72.0 2.56 28.1
4 82.3 9.2 2.51 3.7
2.4. Analytical methods 5 81.7 / 2.45 /
Remazol Black B
Three milliliters of sample was taken from each flask 3 88.4 83.5 3.74 22.3
at definite time intervals. Samples were centrifuged to 4 84.6 13.2 3.91 3.4
remove suspended biomass and the concentration of dye 5 78.5 / 3.84 /
in the supernatant was determined by reading absor- Remazol Red RB
bance at 600 nm for Remazol Blue, 590 nm for Remazol 3 76.1 58.1 3.15 11.5
4 79.9 7.4 3.22 2.3
Black B and 495 nm for Remazol Red RB. Absorbance 5 80.2 / 3.30 /
measurements were carried out by using a Shimadzu UV
2001 model spectrometer. Dye containing molasses
medium was used as the blank. For the measurement noticeable dye bioaccumulation was observed when
of yeast growth, the biomass concentration was deter- pH varied from 3.0 to 5.0. It was decided that S.
mined by measuring the turbidity of the diluted sample cerevisiae had a much narrow pH tolerance with an
at 540 nm using a standard curve of absorbance against optimum pH of 3.0. The biomass exhibited maximum
dry cell mass. Two control flasks were prepared. First dye uptake due to its positively charged nature at acidic
control medium contained molasses without any dye to pH and the anionic nature of the reactive dyes.
examine the growth of the yeast and to detect the
possible dye inhibitory effects. Second control medium
contained both dye and molasses without any yeast
growth to observe any reaction of molasses with dye. 3.2. Effect of initial Remazol Blue concentration on the
dye bioaccumulation and growth properties of yeast

3. Results To determine the maximum dye concentration toler-

ated by the yeast, experiments with different initial dye
Growth and dye bioaccumulation properties of S. concentrations were performed. Fig. 1 depicts the
cerevisiae were investigated as a function of initial pH variation of Remazol Blue dye accumulation and
and initial dye concentration. The results are given as microbial growth of S. cerevisiae with respect to initial
the units of bioaccumulated dye concentration at any Remazol Blue concentration changed between 10.8 and
time and at the end of growth (Cacc, Cacc,m; mg l1), 380.1 mg l1. The dye bioaccumulation by the yeast
dried microorganism concentration at any time and at increased from 10.8 to 126.0 mg l 1 when the dye
the end of growth (X , Xm; g l1), specific growth rate of concentration increased from 10.8 to 249.2 mg l1.
yeast (m , day1) and specific dye uptake determined as Complete bioaccumulation was obtained with 10.8 mg
the amount of dye per unit of dry weight of cells (qm, mg l 1 dye concentration within 2 days. At 21.8 mg l1 dye
g1). The uptake yield (uptake%) is also defined as the concentration, 94% of the total dye was bioaccumulated
ratio of bioaccumulated concentration of dye at the end within 3 days and no further uptake was detected. At
of yeast growth to the initial dye concentration. moderate dye concentrations (36.6 /78.9 mg l1) dye
bioaccumulation continued to the end of 7/11 days, and
3.1. Effect of initial pH on the dye bioaccumulation 91.8 and 91.2% of the total dye were removed, respec-
tively. At higher dye concentrations (132.9/249.2 mg
The initial pH significantly influenced the growth and l 1) dye was slowly bioaccumulated during 4 days, the
dye bioaccumulation properties of S. cerevisiae . The bioaccumulation rate then increased in the next 12/14
effect of initial pH on the maximum dried microorgan- days and initial dye concentrations were reduced to 12.9
ism and bioaccumulated dye concentrations, and max- and 123.2 mg l 1, respectively (90.2 and 50.6% of the
imum specific dye uptake was shown in Table 1 for each dye added were removed, respectively). With 380.1 mg
dye studied. Bioaccumulation of each dye exhibited a l 1 Remazol Blue dye, bioaccumulation started on day
similar variation with pH over the range 3.0 /5.0. At pH 7 and slowly progressed until the end of the experiment
3.0 bioaccumulation of all dyes has shown a maximum and only 44.0 mg l 1 dye was bioaccumulated. Total
value with a sharp drop off at higher values. No color removal was 11.6% at the end of 16 days.
1440 Z. Aksu / Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444

Fig. 1. Effect of initial dye concentration on the growth and Remazol Blue bioaccumulation properties of S. cerevisiae .

As shown in Fig. 1, the presence and increase in specific growth rates and total dye bioaccumulation
Remazol Blue concentration in the growth medium periods obtained at different initial dye concentrations
inhibited the growth of microorganism and caused a are compared in Table 2. With increasing concentration
long lag period, especially at higher dye concentrations. of Remazol Blue in solution (up to 380.1 mg l1), the
From the results, it can be noted that while the growth accumulation capacity of the yeast increased up to 84.6
of microorganism began after an initial lag of 6 h at 10.8 mg g1. Specific growth rate and dried microorganism
mg l 1 dye concentration, 3 days of contact time was concentration of the yeast decreased from 2.30 to 0.34
required for the initial adaptation of the biomass to the day1 and from 3.3 to 0.52 g l 1, respectively, with
existing dye environment at 380.1 mg l1 dye concen- increasing dye concentration from 10.8 to 380.1 mg l1.
tration. A maximum dye bioaccumulation of 100% was observed
The maximum microorganism and bioaccumulated in the case of 10.8 mg l1 dye concentration, which
dye concentrations, specific dye uptakes, uptake yields, decreased sharply to 11.6% as the dye concentration
Z. Aksu / Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444 1441

Table 2
Comparison of the maximum microorganism and bioaccumulated dye concentrations (Xm, Cacc,m), maximum specific dye uptakes (qm), uptake
yields, specific growth rates (m ) and total dye bioaccumulation periods (t ) obtained at different initial dye concentrations

Co (mg l 1) Cacc,m (mg l 1) Xm (g l 1) qm (mg g 1) m (day1) Uptake% t (day)

Remazol Blue
10.8 10.8 3.30 3.2 3.30 100.0 2
21.8 20.5 3.15 6.5 2.13 94.0 3
36.5 33.5 2.90 11.6 1.50 91.8 7
78.9 72.0 2.56 28.1 0.79 91.2 11
132.9 120.0 2.32 51.7 0.52 90.2 16
249.2 126.1 2.11 59.7 0.43 50.6 18
380.1 44.0 0.52 84.6 0.34 11.6 16
Remazol Black B
13.3 13.3 3.93 3.4 2.96 100.0 2
25.1 24.0 3.94 6.1 2.89 95.6 3
47.4 45.1 4.09 11.0 2.71 94.9 4
88.4 83.5 3.74 22.3 2.33 94.3 14
146.0 136.9 3.57 38.4 2.02 93.8 14
274.3 232.0 3.25 71.4 1.06 84.6 16
410.0 254.2 2.87 88.5 0.53 62.0 18
Remazol Red RB
46.7 36.2 3.15 11.5 2.93 77.5 9
76.1 58.1 3.15 18.4 2.77 76.3 12
102.5 76.2 3.17 24.0 2.58 74.3 16
165.7 121.2 3.10 39.1 2.15 73.1 16
219.1 153.0 3.00 51.0 1.38 69.8 18
324.0 127.0 2.60 48.8 0.69 39.2 18
437.5 0.0 0.24 0.0 0.42 0.0 12

increased to 380.1 mg l1. Dye removal was higher than end of 14 days with 94.3 and 91.2% of dye removals,
90.2% at all dye concentrations studied except 249.2 and respectively. At 274.3 mg l 1 dye concentration, 84.6%
380.1 mg l 1 dye concentrations. of total dye bioaccumulation was accomplished within
18 days. At an initial dye concentration of 410.0 mg l1,
the bioaccumulation percentage exceeded 56.3% after 11
3.3. Effect of initial Remazol Black B concentration on
the dye bioaccumulation and growth properties of yeast days, and then continued with a much slower bioaccu-
mulation rate throughout the rest of the experiment and
Remazol Black B dye bioaccumulation by the yeast S. cerevisiae removed the dye with the maximum uptake
was also investigated at different initial dye concentra- of 88.5 mg g1 resulting in 62.0% total decolorization
tions changing between 13.3 and 410.0 mg l1. Bioac- efficiency. From Fig. 2, it is also apparent that the
cumulation and growth curves for different initial pattern of graphs was similar for all dye concentrations
Remazol Black B concentrations are depicted in Fig. and bioaccumulation was faster during the exponential
2. Remazol Black B uptake increased with increasing growth phase of the microorganism, slowing down in
Remazol Black B concentration up to 410.0 mg l1. S. the stationary phase. This is not unexpected, since the
cerevisiae removed 100% of the 13.3 mg l1 initial dye process must be dependent on cell biomass and on
concentration in 2 days during the cultivation in the actively growing cells.
molasses medium and no inhibition effect of dye on the From Fig. 2, it can be noted that S. cerevisiae cells
yeast growth was observed at this dye concentration had a considerable tolerance to the Remazol Black B
(control growth curve not shown since it was very concentrations assayed between 13.3 and 47.4 mg l1.
similar to the growth curve of yeast obtained at 13.3 mg The microorganism grew after a short lag phase and the
l 1 dye concentration). At lower dye concentrations inhibition effect of the dye on the yeast growth could be
(25.1/47.4 mg l 1), dye molecules were bioaccumulated neglected. At higher concentrations although the micro-
rapidly and the extent of color removal was equal to bial growth was inhibited significantly by the dye
95.6 and 94.9%, respectively, within 3 /4 days of growth molecules in the growth medium, the bioaccumulation
of the yeast. At moderate dye concentrations (88.4 / capacity was not affected and maximum dye bioaccu-
146.0 mg l 1), dye bioaccumulation continued to the mulation was found at 410.0 mg l1 dye concentration.
1442 Z. Aksu / Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444

Fig. 2. Effect of initial dye concentration on the growth and Remazol Black B bioaccumulation properties of S. cerevisiae .

The maximum microorganism and bioaccumulated could be accomplished by the yeast for a wide range of
dye concentrations, specific dye uptakes, uptake yields, dye concentrations.
specific growth rates and total dye bioaccumulation
periods as a function of initial Remazol Black B 3.4. Effect of initial Remazol Red RB concentration on
concentration is also cited in Table 2. As seen from the dye bioaccumulation and growth properties of yeast
Table 2, the percentage of dye bioaccumulation and the
specific growth rate of S. cerevisiae decreased from 100 The ability of S. cerevisiae to bioaccumulate Remazol
to 62.0% and 2.96 to 0.53 day1, respectively, with Red RB reactive dye was also investigated. Bioaccumu-
increasing dye concentration from 13.3 to 410.0 mg l 1. lated concentrations of Remazol Red RB dye by the
Although the maximum cell concentration decreased yeast in 18 days at different initial dye concentrations
from 3.93 to 2.87 g l 1, maximum dye uptake increased varied between 46.7 and 437.5 mg l 1 are shown in Fig.
from 3.38 to 88.5 mg g1. Over 84.6% bioaccumulation 3. At 46.7 mg l1 initial dye concentration, S. cerevisiae
Z. Aksu / Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444 1443

Fig. 3. Effect of initial dye concentration on the growth and Remazol Red RB bioaccumulation properties of S. cerevisiae .

removed 77.5% of the dye after 9 days of cultivation. It S. cerevisiae growth was very sensitive to high
can be noted from Fig. 3 that at 76.1 and 102.5 mg l 1 concentrations of Remazol Red RB with an extension
initial dye concentrations the extent of decolorization in lag phase duration. A significant reduction in dried
achieved is 76.3 and 74.3% at the end of 12 and 16 days, weight of yeast (92.1%) was also observed when the
respectively. At 165.7 and 219.1 mg l 1 initial dye concentration of dye was increased from 46.7 to 437.5
concentrations Remazol Red RB was slowly bioaccu- mg l 1. At 324.0 mg l1 initial dye concentration, the
mulated and the percentages of dye bioaccumulated cells were slowly grown in 18 days, with a lag period of
were 73.1 and 69.8% at the end of 16 and 18 days, about 4 /5 days. The growth of S. cerevisiae was
respectively. At 324.0 mg l1 initial concentration of completely inhibited at 437.5 mg l 1 initial concentra-
dye, almost no color removal was observed within the tion of dye.
first 5 days, followed by significant bioaccumulation for The initial Remazol Red RB concentration in the feed
the next 13 days and 39.2% of dye was bioaccumulated medium varied in the range 46.7 /437.5 mg l 1 remark-
within 18 days. For initial dye concentration of 437.5 mg ably influenced the microbial growth rate, maximum
l 1, no dye bioaccumulation was observed. dried cell and bioaccumulated dye concentrations,
1444 Z. Aksu / Process Biochemistry 38 (2003) 1437 /1444

specific dye uptake, uptake yield and total dye bioaccu- From the above results, it was concluded that S.
mulation period as shown in Table 2. At increasing dye cerevisiae can efficiently remove various types and
concentrations (from 46.7 to 324.0 mg l 1), bioaccu- high concentrations of reactive dyes. The long time of
mulation capacity of S. cerevisiae increased from 11.5 to bioaccumulation is impractical from an industrial
48.8 mg g1 and growth rate decreased from 2.93 to standpoint. But, if retention time is not a limiting factor,
0.69 day1. Higher dye uptake yields were observed at S. cerevisiae will be a suitable candidate for dye
lower concentrations of dye. removal.

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