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Katherine Orchard

February 2, 2021

Mission Statement
To acknowledge children as individuals and to recognize the potential of each child
Philosophy Statement
Belief Statement 1: Children deserve the proper care and education, and we are responsible to
provide this for children. We have the responsibility to advocate for children when they are
unable to advocate for themselves.
Belief Statement 2:  Children learn best when developmentally appropriate practices are applied
in teaching children. When activities and lessons are individually, age, and culturally
appropriate, children are best able to learn and develop. Curriculum will be planned according to
the needs of the children.

Belief Statement 3: Children will be given opportunities to explore on their own, though we are
responsible for creating an environment where they are able to do so. Children will be given
opportunities to explore their environment, identify their likes and dislikes, and express
themselves. Children will feel safe and secure in the childcare program.

Goal 1: Children will be encouraged to interact and play with one another.
Objective 1: I will provide materials and allow for free play in order to encourage
children to explore and interact with other children.
Objective 2: I will help resolve issues as needed as issues may rise throughout
interactions between children.

Goal 2: Children will feel and be safe and secure within the childcare program.
Objective 1: I will maintain a sense of confidentiality among the many families I
work with and help.
Objective 2: I will put the safety of the child first by reporting suspicious or
inappropriate behavior of the family

Goal 3: Children will feel individually noticed and accepted

Objective 1: I will focus on the strengths, rather than the weaknesses, of the
individual child by pointing out what the child does well.
Objective 2: I will focus on the process, rather than the end product, when
asking about the child’s work.

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