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Project Template

Instructions to applicant:

General Instructions…..

Project Profiles

Description of how you successfully applied the knowledge and performed activities on the projects. Please give information about at least two projects or
significant project phases, within the last 2 years. Projects (or project phases) can be client facing or internal at IBM. At least one must have been developed
at IBM.

* Project or phase #1 (mandatory field) * Project or phase #2 (mandatory field)

Client industry Client industry


Client name (optional) Client name (optional)

IBM project or external?
IBM project or external? Drop down menu with ‘IBM/ External’
Drop down menu with ‘IBM/ External’
Short description of project
Short description of project Federated Integrations
Migration Legacy Architecture, to migrate
Services to OSB (Oracle Service Bus)
components Date of project (From-To)
Jan - 2020
Date of project (From-To)
Jun – 2019 Name/Email ID of Project Manager
Name/Email ID of Project Manager Date of your participation (From-To)
Date of your participation (From-To)
Jan- 2020 Short description of your role and responsibilities
Solution Architect –
Short description of your role and responsibilities TechSeller
Solution Architect – SRE - TechSeller
SRE - TechSeller

Part 3 – Application of Skills

3.1 - Describe how you successfully applied your knowledge on the project.
Always focus on your contributions providing clear examples of your work.

2,000 characters maximum, including spaces

Support the migration of SALUD applications (critical mission in the business-core of SURA), considered legacy, oriented to conventional consumption. This
migration consisted of a component containerization model based on JAVA, to containerize in Micro Services, for which we did planning, collaborative
development, continuous integration, testing and deployment were executed.

From the point of view of tools and implementation, Openshift Container Platform was used, which allowed to increase -inclusively- IBM's revenue for GTS.
Additionally, Ansible was used as an automation platform to generate a repeatable model in the provision of infrastructure.

This project ran through the entire DevOps lifecycle for service modernization. Additionally, automation models were considered to speed up the deployment
in the satellite SALUD components with which they were integrated.

Grupo Exito has a centralized integration model based on Oracle Service Bus (OSB), which has a current reality of high latency in commercial processes,
particularly in the applications of FIDELIZACIÓN (loyalty system) and SISTEMA-COMERCIAL (SINCO -commercial system-). To neutralize this problem of
performance and availability for the business-core, a federated integration architecture is proposed (using API, messaging, P2P,) on containerization, which
for its operation requires an agile methodology based on DevOps, starting with the planning of the services on demand: control and access, in addition to
continuous integration using pipes and the final deployment on containerization to give elasticity to the 185 integrations.

We are currently in an evolutionary prototype that hopes to be successful to reach the point of all integrations to a federated model.

3.2 - Describe how you successfully performed the activities on the project.
Always focus on your contributions providing clear examples of your work.
2,000 characters maximum, including spaces
My participation in this project was: In the planning stage on the target Architecture, to define the service model that would be delivered to SURAMERICANA.
I helped defining the tools that would be used in the DevOps cycle. I also supported the definition of this new micro services Architecture so that it could have
a life cycle according to the SURAMERICANA processes. In the process, of how it would operate after it was proposed as a containerized functional platform,
there was a very complex defense stage, in which there was a process with market competitors that have a similar offer. My role also accompanies this

My role is as architecture leader, additionally I am defining the process of how federated integration works in the DevOps cycle.

Considering that it is an evolutionary project, in which we are in the pre-sale phase, I am leading the architecture and discussions to defend the platform in
Grupo Exito. The architecture and the tools that are being suggested and the methodology, I am leading directly. This has to do with the coordination of the
Client's Architecture and Operations teams. Additionally, in the understanding of the objective deployment, with constant validations with teams in the region
in order to have industry references that allow the client to make sure about what is proposed.

3.3 - Describe how you demonstrated client relationship skills resulting in becoming a trusted business advisor.
Always focus on your contributions providing clear examples of your work.

2,000 characters maximum, including spaces

As a team with SURAMERICANA, we generated many spaces to demonstrate the technical and strategic capacity that we had to develop a migration project of
this type. This project was even selected as a success case at IBM, since we displaced the competition (ORACLE) in the core migration with our local Delivery
team. The important thing for this exercise was the ability we showed to be able to present alternatives that favored the client's business and to always be
able to show operational and transition benefits: For SURA the availability of the service was fundamental, and we always maintain that they were not going
to stop have continuity in the business, because the migration suggested transition models so that the extensions were never down.

The technical discussions that I led showed strength in the proposal and what should be put as a commercial offer for Grupo Exito. In this sense, there were
always market references that forced us to be more solid in our architecture proposal and above all to be sure of the capacity we had in the migration of
integration services. Grupo Exito fully trusts in this type of service, in IBM-Services (GTS).
3.4 - Are you confident/competent in your abilities if called to deliver a future devops engagement? (Y/N). Explain why.

1,000 characters maximum, including spaces

Yes, I am. From an objective architecture perspective and in context with industry. I would like to participate in other projects with this same business sense. I
feel confident defending agile development methodologies and I have positioned myself on DevOps issues that have allowed me to develop my experience
with ease.

Attachment optional – Select file

You may add an attachment with images, diagrams and tables. You should not attach project documents such as presentation, SOWs etc. Your documented
evidence must answer the criteria. For multiple files, create one ZIP file to attach. If you are from GBS, you can export a Project Assessment (PA) into a PDF file,
should you wish to attach it. Maximum file size is 10MB.

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