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MMS 2009-11


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It is the matter of great pleasure and privilege to be able to present this

project report on budgeting.

The compilation of the project is a milestone in the life of a

management student and its execution is inevitable with the co-operation of
the project guide. I wish to record a deep sense of respect and gratitude to
Director, Dr. R. Chandran and my project guide, Prof. Sachin .Chavanfor
their encouragement to course of my work. It is due to the enduring effort and
guidance of my guide that ultimately made it success.

I also take this opportunity to express my deep regards and

gratitude to my mentor Mr. Anil Mehta ,Mr.Ashish and Mr. Richard who gave
me guidance and valuable inputs to take up and pursue the project.

I cannot just condone the valuable opportunity give to me by

the University of Mumbai for compiling and submitting the project.

It is my proud privilege to express my deep sense of

appreciation and gratitude to all the staff members for their support and co-
operation in the course of the project either directly or indirectly involved in
time with their valuable contribution.

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I, Miss. Ayesha Gayaz Pasha, student of Pillai’s Institute of

Management Studies and Research affiliated to Mumbai University, hereby
declare that this project report is a result of culmination of my sincere efforts.

I declare that this submitted work is done solely by me and to the

best of my knowledge; no such work has been submitted by any other person
for the award of post graduation Degree or Diploma.

I also declare that all the information from various secondary

sources has been duly acknowledge in this Project Report.




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Chapter 1
Page Number

I) Introduction

II) Objective of the study

III) Need of the project

IV) Scope of the Project

V) Research Methodology

VI) Limitations of the Project

Chapter 2
I) Company Profile

II) Organization Chart

III) Benefits given by company

I) Theoretical Background

II) Data Analysis & Interpretations

Chapter 4
I) Findings

II) Suggestions / Recommendations

III) Conclusion


Annexure (Questionnaire)

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1.1Executive Summary

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a broadly recognized, widely-

implemented strategy for managing and nurturing a company’s interactions with
clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and
synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for
marketing, customer service, and technical support.

The overall goals are to find, attract, and win new clients, nurture and
retain those the company already has, entice former clients back into the fold, and
reduce the costs of marketing and client service. Once simply a label for a category of
software tools, today, it generally denotes a company-wide business strategy
embracing all client-facing departments and even beyond. When an implementation is
effective, people, processes, and technology work in synergy to increase profitability,
and reduce operational costs.

Present and Future of CRM in banking

Bank merely an organization it accepts deposits and lends money to the needy
persons, but banking is the process associated with the activities of banks. It includes
issuance of cheque and cards, monthly statements, timely announcement of new
services, helping the customers to avail online and mobile banking etc. Huge growth
of customer relationship management is predicted in the banking sector over the next
few years.

Banks are aiming to increase customer profitability with any customer retention. This
paper deals with the role of CRM in banking sector and the need for it is to increase
customer value by using some analytical methods in CRM applications. It is a sound
business strategy to identify the bank’s most profitable customers and prospects, and

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devotes time and attention to expanding account relationships with those customers

through individualized marketing

In banking sector, relationship management could be defined as having and acting

upon deeper knowledge about the customer, ensure that the customer such as how to
fund the customer, get to know the customer, keep in tough with the customer, ensure
that the customer gets what he wishes from service provider and understand when
they are not satisfied and might leave the service provider and act accordingly.

CRM in banking industry entirely different from other sectors, because banking
industry purely related to financial services, which needs to create the trust among the
people. Establishing customer care support during on and off official hours, making
timely information about interest payments, maturity of time deposit, issuing credit
and debit cum ATM card, creating awareness regarding online and e-banking,
adopting mobile request etc are required to keep regular relationship with customers.

The present day CRM includes developing customer base. The bank has to pay
adequate attention to increase customer base by all means, it is possible if the
performance is at satisfactory level, the existing clients can recommend others to have
banking connection with the bank he is operating. Hence asking reference from the
existing customers can develop their client base. If the base increased, the profitability
is also increase. Hence the bank has to implement lot of innovative CRM to capture
and retain the customers.

There is a shift from bank centric activities to customer centric activities are opted.
The private sector banks in India deployed much innovative strategies to attract new
customers and to retain existing customers. CRM in banking sector is still in
evolutionary stage, it is the time for taking ideas from customers to enrich its service.
The use of CRM in banking has gained importance with the aggressive strategies for
customer acquisition and retention being employed by the bank in today’s competitive
this has resulted in the adoption of various CRM initiatives by the banks.

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• To gain a basic idea of how CRM is effective in Banking sector.

• The above study will clearly show the entire process and activities of
Deutsche bank through which we can see how they have maintained good
relations with their clients and keep them intact.

• To gain an appreciation of the ways in which CRM , execution is being carried

to improve the effectiveness of the banking Sector.

• In today’s world CRM is playing a significant role in every field of the


The following steps minimize the work regarding adoption of CRM strategy. These

• Identification of proper CRM initiatives

• Implementing adequate technologies in order to assist CRM initiative

• Setting standards (targets) for each initiative and each person involved in that

• Evaluating actual performance with the standard or benchmark

• Taking corrective actions to improve deviations, if any

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This study emphasis on the following scope :

• Times have changed but, since the one-to-one marketing revolution, the need
to understand customers and to deal with them intelligently has become a key
goal for many organizations.
• CRM is about more than technology. As it is much about reinventing the
organisation and the people as it is about technology.
• it is becoming increasingly difficult to measure the success of CRM
programmes as the scope of CRM grows
• CRM is still the primary way in which institutions seek to increase their
revenue outlook. It is meant to deliver revenues and profits above and beyond
those that would be expected without it.
• In a survey conducted by the institute of Financial Services in conjunction
with Accenture and Siebel Systems in 2001, it is clear that CRM retains its

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Research methodology is the systematic way to solve the research problem. It

gives an idea about various steps adopted by the researcher in a systematic manner
with an objective to determine various manners.

Research Design
A research design is considered as the framework or plan for a study that
guides as well as helps the data collection and analysis of data. The research design
may be exploratory, descriptive and experimental for the present study. The
descriptive research design was adopted for this project.

Research Approach
The respondents were personally contacted with well-prepared sequentially
arranged questions. The questionnaire is prepared on the basis of objectives of the
study. This research was done through mailing the questionnaires to the customers in
order to collect data.

Sample size
The study sample is 60 respondents constituting in the research area.

Sampling Area
The research was done among the current customers and clients of Deutsche

Collection of Data
The data collected was primary data through mailing the questionnaire.
Secondary data was also collected from the Journals of the organization, books and

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Research Instrument
A structured questionnaire as a research instrument tool was used. The
questionnaire consists of close ended questions in order to get data. All the questions
in the questionnaire are organized in such a way that elicits all the relevant
information that is needed for the study.

Analysis of Data

The data was also collected from company journals, website and employee
handbook books. The data collected from the survey was tabulated and analyzed for

Various steps, which are required to fulfill the purpose are editing, coding,
and tabulating. Editing refers to separate, correct and modify the collected data.
Coding refers to assigning number or other symbols to each answer for placing them
in categories to prepare data for tabulation refers to bring together the similar data in
rows and columns and totaling them in an accurate and meaningful manner.

The collected data was analyzed and interpreted using statistical tools and techniques.

Research period
The research period of the study was from 3rd May to 30th June 2009.

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➢ Time Shortage-It was done as a part of my course so I had limited time. This
shortage of time was a constraint for detail study.

➢ Limitation of respondents - Some of the customers were reluctant and

apprehensive in answering my questionnaire. Also due to their busy
schedule they were unable to answer the questionnaire within the reasonable

➢ The confidential data of the company cannot be used in the project, so some
of the concepts are explained with examples and in general.

➢ The analysis done would pertain only to present set of years.

➢ The survey is subjected to the bias and prejudices of the respondents. Hence
100% accuracy can’t be assured.

➢ Limitation of the researcher-I had taken full care not to let any biases enter
in the analysis and interpretation but there is the possibility that some bias
might have crept.

➢ The companies were stringent about allowing the questionnaire to be


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The economic reforms undertaken in the last 15 years have brought about a
considerable improvement in the health of banks and financial institutions in India.
The banking sector is a very important sector of the Indian economy. The sector has
made a marked improvement in the liberalization period. There has been
extraordinary progress in the financial health of the commercial banks with respect
to capital adequacy, profitability, asset quality and risk management. Deregulation
has opened new doors for banks to increase revenues by entering into investment
banking, insurance, credit cards, depository services, mortgage, securitization, etc.

The limit for foreign direct investment in private banks has been increased from
49% to 74%. In addition, the limit for foreign institutional investment in private
banks is 49%. Liberalization and globalization have created a more challenging
environment in the banking sector as well as in the other segments of the financial
sector such as mutual funds, Non Banking Finance Companies, post offices, capital
markets, venture capitalists, etc. Now the challenges faced by the sector would be
gaining profitability, reinforcing technology, maintaining global standards,
corporate governance, sharpening skills, risk management and, the most important
of all, to establish 'Customer Intimacy'.

Commercial banks are coming up with more and more vacancies, and the banking
sector now has more new jobs than any other sector. Right from the branch level to
the highest level, there is tremendous range of opportunities available in the sector.
Jobs in this sector can be both rewarding and enjoyable, as you get opportunities to
learn about business, interact with people and build up clientele. The same is the case
with insurance, as it is the fastest growing industry under the financial sector. Both

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government and private players are currently offering a plenty of jobs in this sector.
So, this is great news for you if you are thinking to go into the banking & insurance



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The Deutsche Bank Twin Towers, the headquarters of Deutsche Bank, at the banking
district of Frankfurt, Germany.

Deutsche Bank AG (literally "German Bank"; pronounced [ˈdɔʏtʃə ˈbaŋk]; FWB:

DBK, NYSE: DB) is an international universal bank with its headquarters in
Frankfurt, Germany. The bank employs more than 80,000 people in 72 countries, and
has a large presence in Europe, the Americas, Asia Pacific and the emerging markets.

Deutsche Bank has offices in major financial centers including New York, London,
Frankfurt, Paris, Moscow, Amsterdam, Toronto, São Paulo, Singapore, Hong Kong,
Tokyo and Sydney. Furthermore, the bank is investing in expanding markets, such as
the Middle East, Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe and Asia Pacific.

The bank offers financial products and services for corporate and institutional clients
along with private and business clients. Services include sales, trading, and
origination of debt and equity; mergers and acquisitions (M&A); risk management
products, such as derivatives, corporate finance, wealth management, retail banking,
fund management, and transaction banking.

Deutsche Bank’s Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Group Executive
Committee, since 2002, is Josef Ackermann. He agreed at the end of 2009 to continue

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as chief executive of Deutsche Bank for another three years till 2013. Deutsche Bank
is listed on both the Frankfurt (FWB) and New York stock exchanges (NYSE).

Mission and Brand

We compete to be the leading global provider of financial solutions, creating
lasting value for our clients, our shareholders, our people and the communities
in which we operate.
Our mission gives our business a clear purpose and direction. It is rooted in our brand.
Our brand captures and projects a clear idea of who we are.
It is something against which all our activities – products, services, behavior and
communications – can be judged. It is simple, succinct and unequivocal.
Deutsche is clear: we are here to perform – in business and beyond. We do this
with a unique mix of passion and precision. This measured approach gives us the
confidence to enable agile minds to look beyond the obvious, gaining advantage
for everyone we work with.
Strong brands evoke strong emotions. Today everyone looks for personality in
business, for the same reasons they look for it in people. It helps us decide who we
trust, who we admire and who we’d like to work with.
Our claim has always been much more than a marketing slogan or advertising
strapline. It defines our attitude and will continue to do so. It carries an inclusive
proposition: performance represents all that we do for our clients, not just bottom-line
results. Visually, we say it with more conviction, with more passion, in a new
handwritten style.

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We are: passionate
Our passion is the passion to perform – as one bank.
The trust people place in us is based on our passion as individuals – we each make a
That’s why to us at Deutsche, ‘Passion to Perform’ is more than just a claim – it is the
way we do business.

We are:precise
As a German global brand, a desire for accuracy, thoroughness and quality runs
through our organization.
We understand issues in depth. This is why we keep things simple and clear.
The pursuit of excellence is a cornerstone of who we are and underpins everything we
The unique mix of passion and precision is behind Deutsche’s stability and

We are:confident
Our confidence is supported by our meritocratic tradition and culture.
Our confidence makes us a reliable partner for people with ambitious goals – in
business and beyond.
Based on our leadership and beliefs, we build social capital.

We are:agile-minded
At Deutsche, agile minds are at the heart of all performance. We are open-minded and
embrace change in a globalised world.
As we constantly challenge the status quo, we value the differences that make a
We recognize innovation’s social value to gain advantage for everyone we work with.
Our values
The principles that guide our behavior to deliver our brand:
Performance – We are committed to a result-oriented culture. Trust – We behave
reliably, fairly and honestly. Teamwork – We benefit from the diversity of our
business and our people by working together to achieve success. Innovation – We are
constantly challenging conventional wisdom and developing new solutions to meet
customer requirements. Client Focus – We place customers at the centre of our

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activities and they drive all that we do.

Our promise
What our stakeholders can expect from our brand: excellence in idea origination and
execution, in advice, product and service, delivering one bank with all its resources
and capabilities
relevant client solutions understanding diverse client needs, adding value, building
trust and commitmentsthat endure responsibility acting today , thinking about
tomorrow , demonstrating ,transperancy and Leadership.

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Organisation structure-:

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CRM for financial services enables the financial firm to know the customer better. In
addition it helps uncover potential customers and improves overall customer service.
It helps build an advantage over competitors as firms are enabled to increase their
intelligence about the customer. CRM manages to provide this information to almost
every employee. CRM for financial services endeavors to improve and encourage
relationship building with existing and potential customers, the various departments
within the organization, management etc.

CRM's benefits to the Financial Services Industry in a nutshell are:

• Identification of potential customers

• Provision of data regarding history and preferences of investors

• Increase of customer knowledge of employees

• Provision of an excellent view of customer relationships

• Encouraging customer relationships

• Increasing and improving financial productivity

• Storage and provision of financial data of customers

• Easy assess to collated financial data

• Managing financial deals

• Evaluation of a potential investment

• Aiding client acquisition

• Investment selling

• Tracking and monitoring financial deals

• Aiding the sales team in the provision of customers needs

• Encouraging and assisting the increase of cross selling and upselling

• Enabling the building of trust for brokers, agents and financial planners etc

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Financial Firms opting for CRM:

• It is imperative to pay additional attention to what other means the

organization can adopt in order to maintain and build customer relationships. Every
possible means by which this can be achieved should be scrutinized and indulged in.

• Financial institutions implementing CRM need to realize the importance of

online banking and indulge in it. Since almost 55 million is being spent on it firms
opting for CRM need to focus more on online banking and understand that it benefits
the customer enormously , indirectly giving a hand to customer management.

• It is highly important for financial institutions to analyze and understand the

needs and preferences of their customers. The data that CRM provides should be
scrutinized and studied sufficiently so as to really know the customer.

• Segmentation should be undertaken with sufficient focus being made on each

segment and the right communication within the segment .The right marketing efforts
should be made as well so that the adequate balance between customer focus and
profitability is achieved.

• Firms need to focus their marketing efforts far more on the customer than on
the product itself.

• It is imperative that sufficient and frequent customer retention programs are


• Technology should always be incorporated in all business efforts to ensure the

right implementation of CRM.

• Focusing more on the hottest trend - relationship banking will go a long way
in the successful implementation of CRM.

• Sales and service should be carried out only after sufficient customer
knowledge is obtained and scrutinized.

• Holding onto traditional practices is something most banks do. This should be
avoided as much as possible.

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The Bottom Line?

Is CRM for financial services actually benefiting the financial services sector? The
answer is yes. Obtaining, maintaining and basically utilizing a customer database in
an effort to maximize or improve customer relationships will go a long way in
increasing overall productivity. A failure to focus on these relationships can prove
detrimental while knowing and indulging your customer preferences can go a long
way in securing and raising profitability.

CRM Lends a Hand to the Banking industry

Banking CRM software serves to increase the market share and boost growth in the
banking industry. What happens in CRM banking solutions is that they change the
way the employees think and mould them into customer conscious people. CRM
induces bankers to know that they are required to maintain good relationships with
their customers and should strive to retain them.

They are made to realize that the business process should consist of efforts to discover
and satisfy customer requirements. Since the banking field now boasts of so much of
technological innovations there has been a wide variety of innovations in CRM
banking as well. Statistics show that bankers will spend $7 billion on CRM. The
sector will also evidence an increase in expenditure of 14 percent each year. With
such phenomenal statistics it is but a surety that CRM banking solutions sales will
soar in the coming years.

E-Business is CRM's New Area of Application

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E-Business is a phrase most commonly used to describe electronic business. In simple
terms it means any business that utilizes a computer and carries out its activities
through the Internet. It involves selling products and services online. This enables a
business to easily reach a greater number of customers than before.

The traditional trader has very little to offer when compared to the online merchant.
The market for e-Business started when

in order to increase their customer base and serve their existing customers better,
customers were introduced to the idea of online technical support. e-Business does
have its own difficulties though. It is a lot more complex than that what people think
it is. In order to succeed at e-Business an organization needs to basically figure out
just how it wants to do its business, what products it wants to sell, what are its key
objectives and who are its targeted customers.

CRM Banking Benefits

CRM Banking Focuses on the Customer

CRM manages to places the customer at the focal point of the organization in order to
cater to his needs, satisfy him and thus maximize the profits of the organization.
Banking CRM understands the needs of the customer and integrates it with people,
technology, resources and business processes. It focuses on the existing data available
in the organization and uses it to improve its relationship with customers. Banking
CRM uses information and analytical tools to secure customer focus. Thus it is
completely essential that banks implement CRM in order to secure this.

Overall Profitability

CRM enables banks to give employee's better training that helps them face customers
easily. It achieves better infrastructure and ultimately contributes to better overall
performance. The byproducts of CRM banking solutions are customer acquisition,
retention and profitability. Banks that don't implement CRM will undoubtedly find
themselves with lesser profitability coupled with a sharp decline in the number of

Satisfied Customers

It is important to make a customer feel as if he / she is the only one - this will go a
long way in satisfying and retaining them. Bankers need a return on investment and it
has been proved that increase in customer satisfaction more than contributes a fair
share to ROI. The main value of CRM banking lies in satisfaction and increased
retention of customers.

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Customer Segregation

CRM enables a bank to see which customers are costing them and which are bringing
benefits. CRM provides them with the required analytical tools that will help them
focus on the importance of segregating these two and doing what is required to avail
of the maximum returns. After this segregation is done CRM easily enables banks to
increase their communication and crossselling to their customers effectively and

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Deutsche Bank uses CRM to increase efficiency

CRM plays a very significant role in today’s world.

The client needed to build a business critical Customer Relationship Management

(CRM) system with the objective of replacing the CRM application previously
developed in-house.
The new system needed to provide the sales division with a flexible work space that
links CRM information with other business critical content to ensure an accurate, up-
to-date and comprehensive overview of each client relationship.
The main goal was that the new application should improve customer relationship
quality, increase service efficiency and make the client more attuned to customer
The Solution
Luxoft, in close collaboration with the client’s global corporate finance division,
developed a client relationship management (CRM) web portal.

The application was deployed within a portal framework and is based on a three-tier
Employing a three-tier design, with the database and application installed on the
server dramatically simplifies system maintainance, load balancing, upgrades and
configuration. System users need only a standard web browser.
The architecture works regardless of user operating system, thus avoiding the need to
create different applications to accommodate different operating systems.
All data is stored in an Q-Track database and is retrieved through the business-logic
layer and displayed via a web-based user interface.
An innovation introduced into the web-based system is the use of the Think Map
module that displays client data in three dimensions, making it easy to analyze a lot of
data in one graphic.
Adding further convenience, the system’s interface gives sales staff access to all
system functions and client information from one location and each user has the

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ability to customize his or her own application environment to best suit individual
needs and preferences.The application’s interface is intuitive and presents bank staff
with a look and feel in concert with the most well-known and popular business

The Benefits
Working with Luxoft helped the client to understand the issues of the current system
and to improve the business process flow within the bank.
As a result of the implementation of the new CRM system, the time taken for data
entry within the bank has been significantly reduced.
For example, the time required to log a call report decreased from 8 minutes to 3
minutes, which results in 750 hours saved per month.

The new CRM system provides a single point of access to corporate clients’ data to
all the parties and brought together sales, global relationship managers and senior
investment bankers across the client organization.
The system is three times faster than its predecessor and the new functionality allows
bankers to manage customer relationships in a more interactive and intelligent way.

Additional benefits include:

Centralisation - data from a myriad of external sources is corralled into one

convenient location
Searchability – the application has advanced search functions
Accessibility - critical client data accessible from anywhere a bank’s sales staff has
internet access
Innovation – the possibility to adapt the system for use on mobile devices and the
development of the Think Map module
Security – a sophisticated entitlements model filters data according to specific criteria
such as user location, industry, client location, etc.
The new system integrates with the majority of customer applications in the bank-
database schemas, loading mechanisms and infrastructure, allowing the client to
deliver updated business information to bankers as soon as it is available.
Employing a three-tier design, with the database and application installed on the
server dramatically simplifies system maintainance, load balancing, upgrades, and

The Deutsche Bank CRM project achieved a high degree of ROI, estimated at a
saving of 30 – 40 per cent compared to conducting the project onshore.


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Sales Department-:
This is the first step in the AMS department

Sales department do their best to sale their service and trap the customer

If the parent Company has its Account with dbbank ,then its subsidiaries Company
has to open its account with DB bank.

Client Onboarding Department-:

In this Department the documents of the customers and clients are verified.

Documents Required for verification-

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• List of Directors (Address, Proof , Passport)

• Date of Birth of the Company , MOA

• Limits are given

• Only specific People are given the authority to sign

• PAN card of the Company and the directors

• Certificate Of Incorporation

• KYC- Known Your Customer

• PCR- Prevention Criminal Report -: This is to have a legal Proof for future
and safety of the Organisation.

GRM-Global relation Manager

For each customer Relationship manager is appointed.

In this service each customer is appointed an employee to handle their day to

day transactions.

After verifying the documentation in Client onboarding department it is send

to Operation department for Double Verification.

Client Service-:

In Client Service the query of the customers is tracked in their Q track system

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Then they send the customers a client query receipt so that the customers knwtht
their query is tracked.

Then this query is send to the operation team.

Then the employee of the above department keep checking with the operation team

They also follow up with the customers.

If they can solve the query then they quick heel the problem .In other words solve


Cash Management service In Deutsche bank-:

Smooth and streamlined payments and collections are critical to the success of any
business. In our constant efforts to provide best-in-class banking solutions, we present
in the form of db Cash Management Services* customised solutions that match your
financial requirements. Manage your finances and give you business a bigger

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Payment Solutions
Our centralized payment system is capable to manage bulk physical instrument
processing well as electronic payment. The type of payments with our numerous
payment solutions in India includes:
• At Par Payment: Get personalised payable-at-par cheque books, absolutely
free for faster outstation payments.
• Petty Cash / Payment Card: With our petty cash / payment cards bundled with
customized MIS you can be rest assured of hassle free petty cash solution.
• Bulk Payments: Enjoy swift and seamless processing of your bulk DD / pay
order requirements with our dedicated operations service team.
• ECS Credit: With ECS credit, debit funds from a centralized account and
credit it to the respective beneficiaries.
• RTGS / NEFT: Benefit from faster and paperless fund transfer through RTGS
and NEFT with no additional burden to your exchequer.

Collection Solutions
Accelerate the conversion of receivables into cash with our customized collection
solutions. Doorstep convenience comes packed with features that allow you to make
instruments payable to you collected and deposited even at major business locations.
• Local Cheque Collection: Now get instruments collected on more than 500
key business locations so as to ensure faster liquidity of receivables.
• Upcountry Cheque Collection: Arrangements to collect instruments payable
on more than 1,500 locations for faster access to your funds.
• Bulk Collections: Our dedicated team offers customised solutions to
customers in order to meet their bulk collection requirements.

Transactions and their key features:

Registrationof customers: The registration of customers can be done from the Base
Branches as well as the Head Office. Four customer types are supported.

➢ Credit by Clearing: Normally cheques are presented by the representatives of

the customer at the collection centers. Provision for re-presented cheques is
available. Provision for receiving cheques from feeder branch of the
Collection Branch is also available. The credits stay at the HUB for the
specified duration as float fund. The customer can choose to mark the
collection into various baskets. The customer can choose float delay based on
funded date or cheque lodged date. If on the basis of lodged date, then the
bank can set an exposure limit for the customer.

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➢ Reversal of Credit: If a cheque bounces, reversal can be sent. Can be used to
reverse credits due to any other internal reasons also.

➢ Data Entry and cheque forwarding: Cheques drawn on a collection center can
be submitted at another center. Data is entered about these instruments at this
center and electronically transmitted to the actual collection center.

➢ Reports: A wide range of reports are available at the BB, CC, HUB and the
HO. Some of them are -

➢ Datamart: A datamart can be built at the HO by consolidating all the

transaction data and analyses of different have been built. These are of type -
customer based, branch based, region based, system performance based etc.

➢ Back-up and garbage clearance: The system automatically backs-up the

databases at regular intervals which is automatically moved / can be moved
onto a secondary backup device.


The term Cash Management is a Financial jargon and is applied to any Company
which has huge cash collections , generally at various locations across the country or
Globe. The philosophy entails very efficient mechanism of cash collection, seamless
transfer of funds from all location to a single or few locations, low cost of transfer of
funds, maintaining minimum balance required in the units to run their projected cash

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The Cash Management also involves tie uo with large banks like Deutsche bank ,
HSBC or SBI which provide tailor made solutions to corporate to meet their business
needs and demands.

Cash management services generally offered

The following is a list of services generally offered by banks and utilised by larger
businesses and corporations:

• Account Reconcilement Services: Balancing a checkbook can be a difficult

process for a very large business, since it issues so many checks it can take a lot of
human monitoring to understand which checks have not cleared and therefore what
the company's true balance is. To address this, banks have developed a system which
allows companies to upload a list of all the checks that they issue on a daily basis, so
that at the end of the month the bank statement will show not only which checks have
cleared, but also which have not. More recently, banks have used this system to
prevent checks from being fraudulently cashed if they are not on the list, a process
known as positive pay.

• Advanced Web Services: Most banks have an Internet-based system which is

more advanced than the one available to consumers. This enables managers to create
and authorize special internal logon credentials, allowing employees to send wires
and access other cash management features normally not found on the consumer web

• Armored Car Services (Cash Collection Services): Large retailers who collect
a great deal of cash may have the bank pick this cash up via an armored car company,
instead of asking its employees to deposit the cash.

• Automated Clearing House: services are usually offered by the cash

management division of a bank. The Automated Clearing House is an electronic
system used to transfer funds between banks. Companies use this to pay others,
especially employees (this is how direct deposit works). Certain companies also use it
to collect funds from customers (this is generally how automatic payment plans
work). This system is criticized by some consumer advocacy groups, because under
this system banks assume that the company initiating the debit is correct until proven

• Balance Reporting Services: Corporate clients who actively manage their cash
balances usually subscribe to secure web-based reporting of their account and
transaction information at their lead bank. These sophisticated compilations of
banking activity may include balances in foreign currencies, as well as those at other
banks. They include information on cash positions as well as 'float' (e.g., checks in the
process of collection). Finally, they offer transaction-specific details on all forms of

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 33

payment activity, including deposits, checks, wire transfers in and out, ACH
(automated clearinghouse debits and credits), investments, etc.

• Cash Concentration Services: Large or national chain retailers often are in

areas where their primary bank does not have branches. Therefore, they open bank
accounts at various local banks in the area. To prevent funds in these accounts from
being idle and not earning sufficient interest, many of these companies have an
agreement set with their primary bank, whereby their primary bank uses the
Automated Clearing House to electronically "pull" the money from these banks into a
single interest-bearing bank account.

• Lockbox - Retail: services: Often companies (such as utilities) which receive a

large number of payments via checks in the mail have the bank set up a post office
box for them, open their mail, and deposit any checks found. This is referred to as a
"lockbox" service.

• Lockbox - Wholesale: services: are for companies with small numbers of

payments, sometimes with detailed requirements for processing. This might be a
company like a dentist's office or small manufacturing company.

• Positive Pay: Positive pay is a service whereby the company electronically

shares its check register of all written checks with the bank. The bank therefore will
only pay checks listed in that register, with exactly the same specifications as listed in
the register (amount, payee, serial number, etc.). This system dramatically reduces
check fraud.

• Reverse Positive Pay: Reverse positive pay is similar to positive pay, but the
process is reversed, with the company, not the bank, maintaining the list of checks
issued. When checks are presented for payment and clear through the Federal Reserve
System, the Federal Reserve prepares a file of the checks' account numbers, serial
numbers, and dollar amounts and sends the file to the bank. In reverse positive pay,
the bank sends that file to the company, where the company compares the information
to its internal records. The company lets the bank know which checks match its
internal information, and the bank pays those items. The bank then researches the
checks that do not match, corrects any misreads or encoding errors, and determines if
any items are fraudulent. The bank pays only "true" exceptions, that is, those that can
be reconciled with the company's files.

• Sweep accounts: are typically offered by the cash management division of a

bank. Under this system, excess funds from a company's bank accounts are
automatically moved into a money market mutual fund overnight, and then moved
back the next morning. This allows them to earn interest overnight. This is the
primary use of money market mutual funds.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 34

• Zero Balance Accounting: can be thought of as somewhat of a hack.
Companies with large numbers of stores or locations can very often be confused if all
those stores are depositing into a single bank account. Traditionally, it would be
impossible to know which deposits were from which stores without seeking to view
images of those deposits. To help correct this problem, banks developed a system
where each store is given their own bank account, but all the money deposited into the
individual store accounts are automatically moved or swept into the company's main
bank account. This allows the company to look at individual statements for each store.
U.S. banks are almost all converting their systems so that companies can tell which
store made a particular deposit, even if these deposits are all deposited into a single
account. Therefore, zero balance accounting is being used less frequently.

• Wire Transfer: A wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds. Wire transfers

can be done by a simple bank account transfer, or by a transfer of cash at a cash
office. Bank wire transfers are often the most expedient method for transferring funds
between bank accounts. A bank wire transfer is a message to the receiving bank
requesting them to effect payment in accordance with the instructions given. The
message also includes settlement instructions. The actual wire transfer itself is
virtually instantaneous, requiring no longer for transmission than a telephone call.

• Controlled Disbursement: This is another product offered by banks under

Cash Management Services. The bank provides a daily report, typically early in the
day, that provides the amount of disbursements that will be charged to the customer's
account. This early knowledge of daily funds requirement allows the customer to
invest any surplus in intraday investment opportunities, typically money market
investments. This is different from delayed disbursements, where payments are issued
through a remote branch of a bank and customer is able to delay the payment due to
increased float time.

In the past, other services have been offered the usefulness of which has diminished
with the rise of the Internet. For example, companies could have daily faxes of their
most recent transactions or be sent CD-ROMs of images of their cashed checks.

Cash management services can be costly but usually the cost to a company is
outweighed by the benefits: cost savings, accuracy, efficiencies, etc.

Smooth and streamlined payments and collections are critical to the success of any
business. In our constant efforts to provide best-in-class banking solutions, we present
in the form of db Cash Management Services* customised solutions that match your
financial requirements. Manage your finances and give you business a bigger

Payment Solutions

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 35

Our centralized payment system is capable to manage bulk physical instrument
processing well as electronic payment. The type of payments with our numerous
payment solutions in India includes:

• At Par Payment: Get personalised payable-at-par cheque books, absolutely

free for faster outstation payments.

• Petty Cash / Payment Card: With our petty cash / payment cards bundled with
customized MIS you can be rest assured of hassle free petty cash solution.

• Bulk Payments: Enjoy swift and seamless processing of your bulk DD / pay
order requirements with our dedicated operations service team.

• ECS Credit: With ECS credit, debit funds from a centralized account and
credit it to the respective beneficiaries.

• RTGS / NEFT: Benefit from faster and paperless fund transfer through RTGS
and NEFT with no additional burden to your exchequer.

Collection Solutions

Accelerate the conversion of receivables into cash with our customized collection
solutions. Doorstep convenience comes packed with features that allow you to make
instruments payable to you collected and deposited even at major business locations.

• Local Cheque Collection: Now get instruments collected on more than 500
key business locations so as to ensure faster liquidity of receivables.

• Upcountry Cheque Collection: Arrangements to collect instruments payable

on more than 1,500 locations for faster access to your funds.

• Bulk Collections: Our dedicated team offers customised solutions to

customers in order to meet their bulk collection requirements.

NEFT- National Electronic Funds transfer

What is NEFT?

Ans : National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT) is a nation-wide system that

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 36

facilitates individuals to electronically transfer funds from any bank branch to any
other bank branch in the country.

Q.2. Who can transfer funds using NEFT?

Ans : Individuals, firms or corporates maintaining accounts with a bank branch can
transfer funds using NEFT. Even such individuals, firms or corporates who do not
have a bank account (walk in customers) can also deposit cash at the branch with
instructions to transfer funds using NEFT. A separate Transaction Code (No. 50) has
been allotted in the NEFT system to facilitate walk-in customers to deposit cash and
transfer funds to a beneficiary. Such customers have to furnish full details including
complete address, telephone number etc. NEFT, thus, facilitates originators or
remitters to initiate funds transfer transactions even without the need for having a
bank account.
Q.3. Who can receive funds through the NEFT system?

Ans : Individuals, firms or corporates maintaining accounts with a bank branch can
receive funds through the NEFT system. It is, therefore, necessary for the beneficiary
to have an account with the destination bank branch in the country.
The NEFT system also facilitates one-way cross-border transfer of funds from India
to Nepal. This is known as the Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme. A remitter
can transfer funds up to Indian Rupees 50,000/- from any of the NEFT-enabled
branches in India to Nepal, irrespective of whether the beneficiary in Nepal maintains
an account with a bank branch in Nepal or not. The beneficiary would receive funds
in Nepalese Rupees. A separate Transaction Code (No. 51) has been allotted in the
NEFT system to facilitate the transfer of funds from India to Nepal. Further details on
the Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme are available on the website of Reserve
Bank of India .

Q.4. Is there any limit on the amount that could be transferred using NEFT?

Ans : No. There is no limit – either minimum or maximum – on the amount of funds
that could be transferred using NEFT. However, for walk-in customers, including
these remitting funds under the Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme the maximum
amount that could be transferred is Rs. 50,000.

Q.5. Whether the system is centre specific or has any geographical restriction?

Ans : No, there is no restriction of centres or of any geographical area inside the
country. The NEFT system takes advantage of the centralised accounting system in
banks. For the purpose, the account of a bank that is originating or receiving funds
transfer instructions, is operated centrally at Mumbai. The branches participating in

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 37

NEFT can, however, be located anywhere across the length and breadth of thecountry.

Q.6. What are the operating hours of NEFT?

Ans : Presently, NEFT operates in batches from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. There are six
settlements at 9 a.m, 11 a.m, 12 noon, 1 p.m, 3 p.m and 5 p.m on week days and three
settlements at 9 a.m, 11 a.m and 12 noon on Saturdays.

Q.7. What are the processing or service charges for NEFT transactions?

Ans : Reserve Bank of India has waived the processing or service charges for member
banks till March 31, 2010. Accordingly, member banks participating in NEFT need
not pay any processing or service charges to Reserve Bank of India. Further,
processing or service charges to be levied by the member banks from their customers
have also been rationalised by Reserve Bank of India as under: –

a) Inward transactions at destination bank branches (for credit to beneficiary


– Free, no charges to be levied from beneficiaries

b) Outward transactions at originating bank branches (charges for the remitter)

– For transactions up to Rs. 1 lakh – Charges not exceeding Rs. 5.

– For transactions of Rs. 1 lakh and above – Charges not exceeding Rs. 25.

Note: Charges applicable for transferring funds from India to Nepal using the NEFT
system (under the Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme), are as under –

a) Originating bank branch in India – Maximum Rs. 5 per transaction.

b) State Bank of India in India – Rs. 20 per transaction if the beneficiary maintains an
account with Nepal SBI Ltd. (NSBL).

c) State Bank of India shares this amount equally with NSBL. NSBL would not
charge any additional amount for crediting the account of the beneficiary.

d) In case the beneficiary does not maintain an account with NSBL, an additional
amount would be charged @ Rs. 50 for remittances up to Rs. 5,000 and Rs. 75 for
remittances above Rs. 5,000.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 38

The charges would, thus, be a minimum of Rs. 25 or a maximum of Rs. 100
depending on the value of transaction and the manner in which credit is afforded to
the beneficiary.

Originating bank branches have been advised to recover the entire charges from the
remitter as per the structure detailed above and pass on the appropriate amount to SBI
after retaining their share (of Rs. 5).

Q.8. What will happen if credit is not afforded to the account of the beneficiary?

Ans : If it is not possible to afford credit to the account of the beneficiary for whatever
reason, funds are returned to the remitter (originating customer).

Q.9. Is there a way for the originator to track a transaction in NEFT?

Ans : Yes, the originating customer can track the NEFT transaction through the
originating bank branch. It is possible for the originating bank branch to keep track
and be aware of the status of the NEFT transaction at all times.

Q.10. What are the pre-requisites for originating a NEFT transaction?

Ans : Following are the pre-requisites for putting through a funds transfer transaction
using NEFT –

• Originating and destination bank branches should be part of the NEFT


• Beneficiary details such as beneficiary name, account number and account


RTGS-Real Time Gross Settlement

Q1. What is RTGS System?

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 39

Ans. The acronym 'RTGS' stands for Real Time Gross Settlement. RTGS system is a
funds transfer mechanism where transfer of money takes place from one bank to
another on a 'real time' and on 'gross' basis. This is the fastest possible money transfer
system through the banking channel. Settlement in 'real time' means payment
transaction is not subjected to any waiting period. The transactions are settled as soon
as they are processed. 'Gross settlement' means the transaction is settled on one to one
basis without bunching with any other transaction. Considering that money transfer
takes place in the books of the Reserve Bank of India, the payment is taken as final
and irrevocable.

Q2. How RTGS is different from Electronic Fund Transfer System (EFT) or
National Electronics Funds Transfer System (NEFT)?

Ans .EFT and NEFT are electronic fund transfer modes that operate on a deferred net
settlement (DNS) basis which settles transactions in batches. In DNS, the settlement
takes place at a particular point of time. All transactions are held up till that time. For
example, NEFT settlement takes place 6 times a day during the week days (9.00 am,
11.00 am, 12.00 noon. 13.00 hours, 15.00 hours and 17.00 hours) and 3 times during
Saturdays (9.00 am, 11.00 am and 12.00 noon). Any transaction initiated after a
designated settlement time would have to wait till the next designated settlement time.
Contrary to this, in RTGS, transactions are processed continuously throughout the
RTGS business hours.

Q3. Is there any minimum / maximum amount stipulation for RTGS


Ans. The RTGS system is primarily for large value transactions. The minimum
amount to be remitted through RTGS is Rs.1 lakh. There is no upper ceiling for
RTGS transactions. No minimum or maximum stipulation has been fixed for EFT and
NEFT transactions.

Q4. What is the time taken for effecting funds transfer from one account to
another under RTGS?

Ans. Under normal circumstances the beneficiary branches are expected to receive the
funds in real time as soon as funds are transferred by the remitting bank. The
beneficiary bank has to credit the beneficiary's account within two hours of receiving
the funds transfer message.

Q5. What about Processing Charges/Service Charges for RTGS transactions?

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 40

Ans With a view to rationalize the service charges levied by banks for offering
various electronic products, a broad framework has been mandated as under:

a) Inward transactions – Free, no charge to be levied

b) Outward transactions –

Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh - not exceeding Rs. 25 per transaction.

Rs. 5 lakh and above – not exceeding Rs. 50 per transaction.

Q6. What is the essential information that the remitting customer would have to
furnish to a bank for the remittance to be effected?

Ans. The remitting customer has to furnish the following information to a bank for
effecting a RTGS remittance:

1. Amount to be remitted

2. His account number which is to be debited

3. Name of the beneficiary bank

4. Name of the beneficiary customer

5. Account number of the beneficiary customer

6. Sender to receiver information, if any

Q7. How much volume and value of transactions are routed through RTGS on a
typical day?

Ans On a typical day, RTGS handles about 60,000 transactions a day for an
approximate value of Rs.2,700 billion.

Q8. How can a remitting customer know whether the bank branch of the
beneficiary accepts remittance through RTGS?

Ans. For a funds transfer to go through RTGS, both the sending bank branch and the
receiving bank branch would have to be RTGS enabled. The lists are readily available
at all RTGS enabled branches.


Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 41

Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R -.095 .128 -.724 .472c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation -.099 .128 -.754 .454c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the values obtained are negative i.e -.095 & -.099 ,
hence we can say that the two variables that is Gender and satisfaction does not have a
relationship with each other.

In this graph it is clearly shown that majority male and female are highly satisfied
and somewhat satisfied. As they are not related it does not matter whether the service
receiver is male or a female.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 42


Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .332 .102 2.681 .010c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .354 .109 2.879 .006c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above table the value of correlation is positive i.e0.3 , hence we can say that
there is a direct relationship between the period and the satisfaction level of the

As the graph shows that out of the total respondents ,customers purchasing this
service since 3 years and less than 5 years are 20 out of which 9(45%) are somewhat

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 43

satisfied and 8(40%) are highly satisfied. Customers purchasing this service more
than 5 years are 14 out of which 8(57%) are somewhat satisfied .


Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 44

Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std. Approx. Approx.

Value Errora Tb Sig.
Interval by Interval Pearson's R .068 .138 .521 .604c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .012 .138 .089 .929c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the value obtained are positive i.e .068 & .012 which
indicates that there is a direct relationship between the services used and the
satisfaction level.

In the above graph it is clearly seen that out of 60 respondents the customers who use
this service daily are approx. 10 and out of which 5 are highly satisfied ie 50 %.The
customers who use weekly and monthly are 19 and 20 i.e 80% of the respondents out
of which 16 customers are highly satisfied and 19 are somewhat satisfied.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 45


Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .177 .140 1.373 .175c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .197 .133 1.532 .131c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the values obtained are positivei.e .177 & .197 , hence
we can say that the two variables that is comparison with other companies giving the
same service and satisfaction level have a direct relationship with each other.

In the above graph it is seen that customers who think that the service given in
Deutsche bank is some what higher are 26 out of which 13 customers are highly
satisfied i.e 50% and customers who think the service is much higher than any other
company are 15 out of which 9 customers are somewhay satisfied i.e 60%.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 46


Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .287 .110 2.283 .026c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .300 .118 2.392 .020c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the values obtained are positivei.e .287 & .300 ,
hence we can say that the two variables Continuity using the same service and
satisfaction level have a direct relationship with each other.

In the above graph it is shown that the customers who are very likely to continue
using the service are 17 customers out of which 9(53%) are some what satisfied and 4
are highly satisfied and some what likely are 28 out of which 13(45%) are highly
satisfied and 11 are some what satisfied.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 47


Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .083 .145 .632 .530c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .087 .144 .665 .509c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the values obtained are positivei.e .083 & .087 , hence
we can say that the two variables that is Quality and satisfaction level have a direct
relationship with each other.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 48

In the above graph we can see that customers very satisfactory with the service are 34
and superior are 13 out of 60 respondents. The customers who are very satisfactory
i.e 34 out of which 14(42%) are highly satisfied and 17(50%) are some what satisfied.
The customers for whom the quality was superior is 13 of which 4 are highly
satisfied and 6(55%) are some what satisfied.


Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .031 .130 .239 .812c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .019 .132 .144 .886c

N of Valid Cases 60

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 49

In the above correlation table the values obtained are positivei.e .031& .019 , hence
we can say that the two variables that is representative was Courteous and satisfaction
level have a direct relationship with each other.

In the above graph the customers strongly agree are 17 out of 60 respondents out of
which 5(30%) are highly satisfied and 9(53%) are somewhat satisfied .the customers
who agree are 30(50%) of 60 respondents out of which 17(58%) are highly satisfied
and 11 are some what satisfied.


Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 50

Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .005 .129 .042 .967c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .003 .134 .021 .983c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the values obtained are positivei.e .005 & .003 , hence
we can say that the two variables that is time taken to attend the customer and
satisfaction level have a direct relationship with each other.

In the above graph it is seen the time taken to attend the customers call wasless. The
customers who strongly agree are 22 out of 60 respondents . From 20 , 9(49%) are
highly satisfied and 8(45%) are some what satisfied. The customers who agree are 21
of 60 respondents from 21 ,10(53%) customers are highly satisfied and some what
satisfied each.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 51


Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .033 .129 .251 .803c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .023 .132 .173 .864c

N of Valid Cases 60

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 52

Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .033 .129 .251 .803c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .023 .132 .173 .864c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the values obtained are positivei.e .033& .023 ,
hence we can say that the two variables that is Representative was knowledgeable
and satisfaction level have a direct relationship with each other.

In the above graph we can see that strongly agree customers are 11 out of which
2(19%) are highly satisfied and 6(49%) are somewhat satisfied and agree are 33
out of which 15(49%) are highly satisfied and 13(45%) aresome what satisfied.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 53


Symmetric Measures

Asymp. Std.
Value Errora Approx. Tb Approx. Sig.

Interval by Interval Pearson's R .047 .146 .362 .719c

Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman Correlation .030 .144 .228 .821c

N of Valid Cases 60

In the above correlation table the values obtained are positive i.e .047 & .030 , hence
we can say that the two variables that is Cost of the service and satisfaction level
have a direct relationship with each other.

In the above graph it is seen that customers very satisfied with the service are 12 out
of which 4 are highly satisfied and 5.5 are somewhat satisfied . the customers who
are some what satisfied are 33 out of which 14(43%) are highly satisfied and 17(50%)
are somewhat satisfied.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 54


In the above graph we can see the overall satisfaction level of the customers. Out of
the total respondents i.e60 , 25 customers are highly satisfied , 27 are some what
satisfied and 9 are neutral. Hence as per the graph result we can say that the bank is
providing good service too the customers there fore majority of the customers are
highly satisfied and some what satisfied.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 55

○ From the above analysis it is clearly seen that gender is not the matter for this
service. Whether it is a male or a female it is not going to change the
satisfaction level of any individual.

○ The customers using the service since 3 to 5 years and more their satisfaction
level has not come down it is consistent. Customers who are on long term
basis are satisfied with the service.

○ The customers who are using the service often that is on daily , weekly and
monthly basis are highly satisfied with the service provided.

○ The majority customers of deutsche bank are highly satisfied or some what
satisfied with the service provided compare to othe companies offering the
same service. They rank deutsche bank service at much higher rate than other

○ As we can see in the above analysis customers are satisfied and hence we can
say that they would like to be long term customer of this bank.

○ The customers are satisfied mainly because of the quality offered .There is an
organizational way to provide the service.

○ The customers calls are attended as quickly as possible , the representative is

knowlegdable and courteous to talk . all these points are factors for the
satisfaction level of a customer.

○ The cost of the service is quite satisfactory for the customers. When
customers get the best service and are fuully satisfied they dont think about the

○ Hence we can see in the overall graph the satisfaction level of customers is
highly satisfied and somewhat satisfied.

○ Therefore overall we can say that customers are satisfied with Deutsche banks

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 56


○ From the above analysis we saw that there is very little scope for

○ As we can see that the customers are highly satisfied hence they should only
keep the consistency over the coming years.

○ There are many customers who are neutral about their decision for satisfaction
level. So the bank can look forward how to convert these neutral customers to
highly satisfied customers

○ It should be 24/7 service available for attracting more number of customers.

○ To convert their short term customers into long term they should give them
some additional facilities .

○ To make the long term and important happy they should give them some gifts
in festival or occasions. So that they will build trust factor with the bank.

These are some of the recommendations which will attract customers.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 57


This study has tried to address the need for customer relationship
management in banking sectorl. From the foregoing analysis and finding it
is evident that customers expectation are almost fulfilled .

I would also like to mention that it was a comprehensive learning

experience for me,I gained a lot of knowledge about the entire working
procedure of the banking sector which provides various services like
RTGS, NEFT , Cheque status etc.

All and all it was a enchanting experience to have done my Internship

from Deutsche bank will always look forward to have a great association
with the bank.

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 58


The followings have proved to be valuable and helpful to me while

preparing the report.

Deutsche bank KOC

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 59


Respected Sir/Madam,

As a part of my project I would like to gather some information

from you which will help me in an in depth study of project. The information provided
by you will be kept confidential and will be used for academic purpose only. I would
be obliged if you cooperate with me in filling the questionnaires.

A) Gender
○ Male

○ Female

B) How long have you been purchasing our services?

○ Less than 6 months

○ 6 months to less than 1 year
○ 1 year to less than 3 years
○ 3 years to less than 5 years
○ 5 years or more

A) How often do you use our services?

○ Don’t use
○ Daily
○ Weekly

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 60

○ Monthly
○ Quarterly

A) How would you rate your overall level of satisfaction?

○ Highly satisfied
○ Somewhat satisfied
○ Neutral
○ Somewhat dissatisfied
○ Highly dissatisfied

A) How do we rate in comparison to other companies that offer the same


○ Much higher
○ Somewhat higher
○ Same
○ Somewhat lower
○ Much lower
○ Don't know

A) How likely are you to continue using our services?

○ Very likely
○ Somewhat likely
○ Neutral
○ Somewhat unlikely
○ Very unlikely

A) In thinking about your most recent experience with [COMPANY], was

the quality of customer service you received:

○ Very Poor
○ Somewhat Unsatisfactory
○ About Average
○ Very Satisfactory
○ Superior

Pillai’s Institute Of Management and Research Page 61

A) Customer Service Representative

The following questions pertain to the customer service

representative you spoke with most recently. Please indicate
whether you agree or disagree with the following
statementsStrongly agree Neutral Disagree

The customer service

representative was very

The customer service

representative handled
my call quickly

The customer service

representative was very

B) Are you satisfied with cost that has charged by the bank for the service?

○ Very satisfied
○ Somewhat satisfied
○ Neutral
○ Some what dissatisfied
○ Very dissatisfied

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Thank You.

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