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Saloma , Amrinsyah Nasution
Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Universitas Sriwijaya.
Professor in Structure and Construction, Faculty of Civil Environmental Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung.


The widespread use of high performance concrete in construction has encouraged more
research to be conducted in this field. Some advantages of this high performance con-crete
makes it the most preferred for the material of the construction work. However, despite all
these advantages, a problem to be solved in the high-performance concrete is how to
strengthen the inter-surface zone between mortar and aggregate. Some additives commonly
used to improve interface zone are silica fume, fly ash and slag. One of the new innovations
in the development of material technology is nanosilica.

This innovative product is processed based on nanotechnology - a technology that is ca-

pable to performing at the accuracy less than 1 nm or 1 x 10-9 m (1 x 10-3m). Nanoparticles
have a greater value of ratio between a surface area and a volume compared to similar
particles with larger size. This makes the nanoparticles more reac-tive. The composition of a
given material at a certain volume will be ultra-densed, namely a packing density.

Nanotechnology for concrete improves the material properties.Such extreme densities are
due to the rela-tively large empty spaces between the particles, such as amongs cement
particles are filled with grains of fine sands of nanometer size.


In nano concrete mix design method, grading of aggregates fits zonesof nano silicate, quarts
powder, quarts sand and aggregate as shown in Figure 1.
Material Gradiation Curves
Comulative passing %

Material diameter, number and size sieves No. 100

No. 50
No. 16 No. 3 No. 4
1.19mm 2.38mm 4.76mm

Figure 1 Gradation Curves of Nano Concrete Aggregates

Nano silicate is the aggregate of 0.0035 m – 0.15 m. The material acts as binder. Quarts
powder with sizes range of 0.2m – 25 m acts as filler as well as quarts sand with sizes

Seminar dan Pameran HAKI 2014 - “Siaga Gempa Bersama HAKI Menuju Indonesia yang Lebih Baik dan Aman”
range of 38 m – 650 m. Coarse aggregate of sizes 4 mm (4000 m)- 10 mm (10000 m)
is used for concrete ingredient.

2.1 Target Mean Strength

Nano concrete is designed for strength higher than characteristic strength as a margin for
statistical variation in results and variation in degree of control exercised at site. This higher
strength is defined as the target mean strength. Five grades of target mean strength are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Strength of Nano Concrete

Strength of nano concrete (MPa)

28 days 180 days
1 90 110
2 100 115
3 110 120
4 120 135
5 130 150

2.2 W/C Ratio

Water as one of basic ingredients of concrete hydrates cement and also makes concrete
workable. Water to cement ratio (W/C ratio) is the single most important factor governing the
strength and durability of concrete. Strength of concrete depends upon W/C ratio rather than
the cement content; that higher the water/cement ratio, lower is the strength of concrete. As
a thumb rule every 1% increase in quantity of water added, reduces the strength of concrete
by 5%. A water/cement ratio of only 0.38 is required for complete hydration of cement.

Table 2 shows maximum required water for number of grades of nano concrete strength.

Table 2 Maximum Required of Water

Strength of concrete (MPa) Maximum required of
28 days 180 days water (kg/m3)
1 90 110 144
2 100 115 138
3 110 120 132
4 120 135 126
5 130 150 120

2.3 Volume of Cement Paste

Assuming of 32% total volume of cement paste minus water and 0.01 m3 air entrapped,
three (3) options of paste volume of which consist of cement and nano silicate mixes.
(Table 3).

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Table 3 Options of Paste Volume
Grade Water Total cement Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
1 0.144 0.01 0.166 0.166 0.1577+0.0083 0.1494+0.0166
2 0.138 0.01 0.172 0.172 0.1634+0.0086 0.1548+0.0172
3 0.132 0.01 0.178 0.178 0.1691+0.0089 0.1602+0.0178
4 0.126 0.01 0.184 0.184 0.1748+0.0092 0.1656+0.0184
5 0.120 0.01 0.190 0.190 0.1805+0.0095 0.1710+0.0190

Option 1: 100% cement; Option 2: 95% cement+ 5% nano silicate;

Option 3: 90% cement + 10% nano silicate

2.4 Aggregates

Aggregates 68% by volume of which is composed by 38% fine and 30% coarse
aggregates. Table 4 shows details of the composition.

Table 4 Composition of Aggregates

Fine aggregates Coarse aggregates
Quarts powder Quarts sand 5 mm 10 mm
1 0.12 0.26 0.13 0.17
2 0.11 0.27 0.12 0.18
3 0.10 0.28 0.11 0.19
4 0.09 0.29 0.10 0.20
5 0.08 0.30 0.09 0.21

2.5 Nano Material Based Concrete Mix

The concrete mix consists of nanosilica as a cement partial substitution material. Nanosilica
was added into the concrete mix as cement partial substitution of amount 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%
and 10% of the weight of cement. The concrete mix is given in Table 5.

Table 5 Nano Material Based Concrete Mix

MATERIAL Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Mix 4 Mix 5
Cement (kg/m ) 600 585 570 555 540
Nanosilicate (kg/m ) 0 15 30 45 60
Water (kg/m ) 120 120 120 120 120
Quartz sand (kg/m ) 652.4 652.4 652.4 652.4 652.4
Quartz powder (kg/m3) 279.6 279.6 279.6 279.6 279.6
Coarse aggregate 0 - 15 mm 748 748 748 748 748
Superplasticizer (kg/m ) 12 12 12 12 12


A series of laboratory tests on concrete-forming materials, the design of the composition of

concrete building blocks, and the testing of the physical and mechanical properties of
concrete in compliance with the ASTM and ACI standards. Physical and mechanical
properties testing performed in this study include:

Seminar dan Pameran HAKI 2014 - “Siaga Gempa Bersama HAKI Menuju Indonesia yang Lebih Baik dan Aman”
 Concrete Compressive Strength
The instrument used for testing compressive strength was UTM (Universal Testing
Machine) with the capacity of 2000 kN. The specimen used was in the form of a cylinder
with a diameter of 100 mm and height of 200 mm. The test followed the ASTM C39 test
standard. During the compressive test, there were several things that need close
observation, among others: collapse pattern, cracking mechanism, and ductility. Centricity
factor of the load weight point on the concrete cylinder axis was considered to maximize
the results of the failure load experiment.
 Modulus of Elasticity
The testing of modulus of elasticity was taken from the 40% failure load fc'. Tests were
conducted through the use of UTM (Universal Testing Machine) with a capacity of 2000
kN with testing procedure based on ASTM C469. Specimens used was in the form of a
cylinder with a diameter of 150 mm and height of 300 mm, with testing ages of 3, 7, 14,
21 and 28 days. Values of the modulus of elasticity tests were analyzed to obtain the
equation of the relation between the values of the elasticity modulus and compressive
strength of the nanosilica concrete. The equation was obtained from the regression
analysis of the curve of the elasticity modulus relation and compressive strength of the
nanosilica concrete.
 Durability
Rapid sulfate penetration test has been used by CCAA (Cement Concrete & Aggregate
Australia) set out in AS 3972. RSPT test used cylindrical specimens of the diameter of
100 mm, with 50 mm thickness mounted on two sides of the flow of electricity with the
potential difference of 60 volts for six hours. Anode and cathode electrolyte solutions
respectively used a solution of 0.3 M NaOH or 12 grams/litters and 88 g/litters solution of
Na2SO4. Measurements were performed on the currents that passed through the anode
every 30 minutes during the first six hours, and continued for up to 24 hours to get
sufficient penetration of sulfate ions.
 Compressive Strength
Figure 2 shows rate of compressive strength of concrete with nanosilica substitution: 0%,
2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% of the weight of cement. One may conclude nanosilica concrete
has a behavior of rapid development compressive strength higher than non-nanosilica
concrete compressive strength. The rapid development of compressive strength of the
concrete with nanosilica shows that nanosilica was the important substance in increasing
the compressive strength. Nanosilica is not only as a filler to enhance the density in
micro, but also acts as an activator in the hydration reaction.

In general, the development of concrete compressive strength at the age of 3, 7 and 28

days showed a significant increase. At the age of 3 days, the compressive strength of
concrete with nanosilica increased between 3.82% - 11.84%, whereas at the age of 7 and
28 days, compressive strength of concrete with nanosilica increased respectively by
3.87% - 17.24% and 6.24% - 31.41%. This means an increase in compressive strength
after 3 days is faster than the that at the age of 3 days. The high increase of compressive
strength after 3 days shows that the hydration reaction working in the initial

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Compressive strength (MPa)


NS = 0%

60 NS = 2,5%
NS = 5%
30 NS = 7,5%
NS = 10%
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Time (day)
Figure 2 Development of Concrete Compressive Strength

period occurs only between cement and water. Then in the next period, nanosilica reacts
with free calcium oxide so that further reactions occurs and forms new cement paste. This
suggests that the addition of nanosilica provides good leverage to increase the
compressive strength of concrete after 3 days. The rapid development of the compressive
strength of concrete with nanosilica shows that nanosilica serves not only as a filler to
increase the density of the micro, but also acts as an activator in the hydration reaction.
This gives effect to the increase of bonds between coarse aggregate and mortar.

 Modulus of Elasticity
Figure 3 show the development of the average values of the modulus of elasticity of
concrete without nanosilica and concrete containing nanosilica against time. According to
the figure it can be explained that the average modulus of elasticity of concrete with
nanosilica has greater values than concrete without nanosilica. It means that concrete
with nanosilica has greater stiffness than concrete without nanosilica. The values of
stiffness in concrete containing nanosilica are due to the compactness of the paste bond
with aggregates in concrete with nanosilica that is greater than that without nanosilica.

Based on Figure 3 it can also be seen that at the age of 7 days, the difference in values
of the modulus of elasticity of concrete with nanosilica and concrete without nanosilica
ranges between 2.86% - 8.59%, whereas at 28 days it varies between 3.66% - 10:59% .
This suggests that nanosilica has given significant effects on the increase of the stiffness
since the age of 7 days.

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Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)


NS = 0%
NS = 2,5%
NS = 5%
38.500 NS = 7,5%
NS = 10%
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200

Time (day)
Figure 3 Modulus of Elasticity
 Durability
Data results obtained from Rapid Sulfate Penetration Test (RSPT) are presented in
Figure 4. The figure indicates that the addition of nanosilica affects the values of the
charge passed of the concrete. The greater the percentage of the nanosilica, the smaller
the charge passed values are. All concrete mixture has a charge passed value lower than
1750 Coulomb, which is the maximum value of the charge passed of the sulfate-resistant
concrete according to AS3972 standard. The decline in the value of the charge passed
from age 28 days to 180 days shows an increase in the performance. It can therefore be
concluded that all of the mixtures can be recommended for use in environments exposed
to sulfate.

NS = 0,0% NS = 2,5% NS = 5,0%
NS = 7,5% NS = 10,0%
Charge passed (Coulomb)





















28 56 90 120 150 180
Time (day)

Figure 4 Values of Charge Passed of The RSPT Results

Seminar dan Pameran HAKI 2014 - “Siaga Gempa Bersama HAKI Menuju Indonesia yang Lebih Baik dan Aman”

'c = 0.003 0.85f'c

a Cc
h d Mnd zc = (d-0.5a)

As As
s fs
fs = fy
b sy
Beam section Strain diagram Stress diagram Forces equilibrium diagram

Figure 5 Beam Section, Strain, Stress and Forces Diagrams

Analysis of reinforced nano material based concrete follows a singly-reinforced beam

analysis. Nominal ultimate moment capacity or resistant moment

  f 
M n,max   max * b * d 2 * f y 1  0.59 *  max *  y' 
  f c 
  
A   0.85f c'   0.003
of which  max  s,max  0.75 * 1 *  * 
b*d   f d   f 
 y   0.003  y

  200000 

Table 6 Section Capacity of Reinforced Concrete

NC * NBC ** - Ordinary Steel NBC - Ordinary Steel NBC - High Strength Wire
b = 400 mm = 135 mm = 400 mm = 400 mm
h = 600 mm = 600 mm = 600 mm = 600 mm
fc ' = 27.5 MPa = 100 MPa = 100 MPa = 100 MPa
fy = 360 MPa = 360 MPa = 360 MPa = 1300 MPa
1 = 0.85 = 0.65 SNI 2847-2013 = 0.65 SNI 2847-2013 = 0.65 SNI 2847-2013
max = 0.018 = 0.017 = 0.049 = 0.007
M n,max = 975.53 kN-m = 975.53 kN-m = 2875.11 kN-m = 1066.67 kN-m
* Normal Concrete; ** Nano Based Concrete;

Comparision of section capacity between normal to nano based material concretes shows
that approximately 2.95higher of Mn,max of nano material based concrete to normal concrete
(Table 6). Width b = 400 mm of normal concrete is reduced to b = 135 mm of nano material
based for the equal Mn,max = 975.53 kN-m.The use of high strength wire for maximum
reinforcing bar does not give significant increasing (only 10%) of the section nominal

Seminar dan Pameran HAKI 2014 - “Siaga Gempa Bersama HAKI Menuju Indonesia yang Lebih Baik dan Aman”

The following conclusion are made on the nanomateril based concrete:

1. Nanosilica is capable of improving the performance of concrete.
2. The development of compressive strength of concrete at the age of 3,7 and 28 days
showed a significant increase. At the age of 3 days, the compressive strength of
concrete that contained nanosilica increased between 3.82% - 11.84%; whereas, at the
age of 7 and 28 days, the compressive strength of concrete with nanosilica increased
respectively by 3.87% - 17.24% and 6.24% - 31.41%..
3. The modulus of elasticity of concrete tends to increase with the increase of com-pressive
4. Concrete strength against sulfate infiltration is strongly influenced by the percentage of
the nanosilica and concrete compressive strength.
5. The smaller the charge passed of the concrete is an indication of better increases in its
resistance to sulfate penetration.


This research was financially supported by Decentralization Grant of Higher Education,

Grant No. 785h/I.1.C09/PN/2014.


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Seminar dan Pameran HAKI 2014 - “Siaga Gempa Bersama HAKI Menuju Indonesia yang Lebih Baik dan Aman”

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