18th Congress HB 4664 Package 3 Real Property Valuation Reform

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‘ramp cones. oer) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘By RupRESEu tvs Lea, RoMUALZO, BAON, GONZALES), ‘Salo, VILATUERTE,CABweDo, Viocaco, Cus Sumi (), Suawsne —(), SiaG, PORTUN.” MACAPOAL ARROYO, aloo, “ONG (HOFER. GAM (S).”ALRAND (A), torn, Sane. Busros PAza, costs, BOUL Mons,” Unean Bewrra BUA, Teanga Vana, Gisanvs, SrAbiano JaLoanm MATOSIE, GoNeacA NunerStuateaon, Hausen, Cua Ur). DAA ‘om, Snannaraia, Bars Have: DUA, DALIPE ‘Cutos, Suan (D), Go (EC), Cowzaez, FaRNAS 12), Mowo, Prascn, ZavOue (WK, Vaszas ALrURSD. DY ‘Cus, Bas, Ov (h), Daron (AK), CABAL, Stepan, Fawisis RC}, Barna Vanoaza sro fier, ‘Nanmoan Nacano, Tatzaso, Baten” CeLEe, (en, Lacon, Sion, Devos MONTALLA,PUEMTERELLA Suna, Swesow MEAN. DMAPOHO. A, FTCA D(A), Revs, Ya? (©), BALnOOND. Gat), Gan, Gina, um, Saviano, Tanoca, CABATHNT, PADUA, Boma, Smeson.AuaoRe, Tom, Cas, Ty, mano, Peers (L), Sut (A), NAVA, AB, Baka, ESTRELA, Faas Gate (i. Pata, BEML, EOLA, NIETO, ‘AMEN, 0 (E), Coase, ENVENGA HMO Kid CW), owes LL), NangueZ SIU. UMALI Ch), VALERIAN, ‘Yar eV), otmerta Cavevano QL} Pasero, TOUT, Aone Zatomag, Bagsz, MogUr, MARANo Henan, coun, UY de) curec, Pasores, AGAR, ROS, Potaea, Leowpa, Reston, Rowualoes CCM), Dua, ‘Anion, AGor, ROMUALDES (FAL. ViuaKiavA CO, Gisrmo GH), cota, Disos Saas, AARAIADD, Bucs Derma “O)"Licsok Bei, GUA, Yana Sauioos, Hets0, Bahoxb. Hesse DY, ‘Maoubabst Rio fe), Viaca Lavoua Use ALAMO, ‘Bos. Toems- Gonz AND ALBINO (A), PER COMETH or No.2 [BUREAU OF. LOCAL” GOVERNMENT "FINANCE" AND [APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR Bu it enacted the Ete cmd Hane of Hepes of th SecrIOw 1. Shor Te, — This Act sal be kaown a the “Real Progeny Valuation and Astooment Reform Ae. ARTICLE DectaRario’ OF POLICY AND ORIDCTES, ‘866.2 Declaration of Policy and Objecies. — It bs the ae ofthe State promot the develpment and maintenance of ‘tequila, pati and nationally consistent rel property (@) Ena and maintain standards to govern the valaation fa propery in the county (0) Adopt markt value atthe ingle el property valuation ee fr the asenment of eel property lated taxes in the ‘ountry, aod for the valaton of real propery for various teanoctins yall goverment agence, (© Promote the Seal autosomy of lal government unite (1.00) provide ai service to their anette by enbaning ei caput gece al rvenie fom ral pers a (Seperate the fenton of vals of real operon om the unions f tax plc formulation nd the administration ofthe (© Suppor tho development and profesinsiation of the valuation pret in the cuntry pursuant to Republic Act No 9516, otherwise knows a8 the “Real Etats Service Act ofthe Philipines (0 Provide a comprebensive aed uptodate clcronie nba of al al property transactions: © Suppor the development ofan infrmation databace on valuation through continuing research snd. monitoring of ew evlomtea i the iin to eprata the cour vonation etm a ea pa th ltl standards (4) Baoure transparency reel propeety transactions to prot publi inte, and develop infos in the 80e. 8. Definition of Terms, ~ Aen thi et (a Avprater slo own svar, rr o apron who conducts valunton; peal, on6 who pssnss th neces usieations,Seene, abiiy, and experioce to exeete ode ‘ho valuation a eal rope: (0 Avsesad Vole, io brown market value f the property multipled by the corpontiog ssesoment level: (o) Atseasmen eles othe ac or proces of determining he tanabe vale, fon othe value of property, propartion there subject to taxation Induling the dizovery. listing, dasieation, and eppracal of @ Avsesoment Level refers to the percentage ape t the ‘markt value to detrmice the taxable val ofthe property Bao . ‘on property dasiieatins ae peserbed i Republic Aet No. 760 amend (6) Asan efos 9 the oil or employes $a th lal sovermest uit (LGU) who 6 a duly lensed appraiser, and fora appeal and ssscomont of real prope, incuding aot, machinery. and equipment or taation and wer purposes, ‘This dain ao inclnes asian nse (iain veles 9 man-made structure permanently seabed to lend fr residential, commercial Sedat, () Improvement refers to valuble adiion male to Property or an amar inte condition, amounting t2 mare than a mere repair of replacement of parts, valving capital beauty, of ty, ort adept fr neo free pure () Lond resto 00 of he msjor factors f predation which ie eppi by nate without th ido man. Land may inde not nly the arth suc, both and and water but a anything that ie attache othe earths eeac inlaing ll natural resources in ‘hai origina at, uch a miner depois, wid, ad ber, (© International coped solution taadarde hl ela to gvneraly cepted standards forthe alton all peso ats ‘ncling ral ete pnt and equpmen, tangle ass and ‘since which sal eclae, Dt ot ited, the international ‘valuation standards; © Intrationlvalution stondorde shall reer to standards fr undertaking vluton asessmeots using generally rcngnized concpts and principles that promote tranapareney and constancy eration psn at determined by the Internation) ‘Vatuntinn Standards Coon, (4) Machinery refers te machines equipment, mechanical contrivance instrament, aplianes of apprats which may or may oot be attached, permanently or tmporriy, to he ral pers. It indus the phat fie fr proucin, the appurtenant serie alten, thon which ate ‘noe, welfgowered oe sl proplle, and tone oot permanently sttachad tothe real property which ar actual, ze, and ctuvly and to mest the neds of the particular industy, busines or atv, ad Which by their very aatrs, ad parse se designed fro ocssry tote nanulicturig, minis, losing, ‘commer indastr or agra! purses (Mork Value refers to he etiam or which © rperty shal exchange on the dae of alton Betwoon 4 wilng ‘ye ad a wing alr nan arm's gt ration which ea ransction ewes indepadent, waved partic involving mo lnrepuariy, ater proper markdng, when he pares had each ted knowegatiy, prudently, end without compulsion: (m) Pina opprinal anor fers to teed omgrvernmeatal real setae sin practitioners (8) Rel exe refers tothe ln anal howe tot which are stinched othe lind. Ie the physi tangible eit, gtr with allt additons or improvements ca, abv, blow the round (6) Bel property rls to all the sights, interests and enw related to the ownership of leat, Ie gl concep tinct from wal state, which ina physical eset; (©) Schedule of Market Volt, besnner refered to a2 SMV, efor to a table of tase ue market vale for al Kinds of inalltone real propery, eaopt machinery within an LOU propre by sears pursuant a existing Iw ule and regulations: @ Specie purzne property refers t© 4 property eat signed ontrcad and develiped fra pte wie or pup By ls very eau, his tpe of property srry fred fo ale the open marke opt design and function renders conversion to sther types of evelopment rappin ni enon hsb a (0 Veluaon, al known a8 appraisal, ries to the ‘ystamati, seal and lage anai ofthe cnt of propery facts, cieumstnoes, investments aed other relevant data renting ina supportable etimateo rteasioal opinion othe vale of the ropery a fa pec date and fr mee prs, “Tar BunEAY oP Loca. Covemnuene Paasce (BLE) haper 1 LCP General Operntins Sec. Powers and Functions of the Bare of Lost Government Finance (BLGF, ~ The BLOP ofthe Deparest of Pince DOF) bal lad Proviso ofthis Act tn adiion othe powers vexed pon i by xsetive Oder No, 292, otherwise known asthe “Adminitrative ‘Code of 1987, hl exerci the lowing aoa power atime (@) Develop, adept, and maintnin valuation standards ‘oosistent with intereatinally acepted valuation standards regulations. and epxeations or real property appraisal wed fr aration and othr puryots, and esate compliance therewith by 1W0Us and eter cnceroed partis sing emer snc in apc manage che implaentatin ofthe (In oorinatom wich the Basen of Interaal Revene, view aod eure tat the Sead of Markt Values SMV) pare by the provi asus taster with the munis smear, aod the cty somos aclading the lone municipal sensor tm the Motrooltan Maria Are compliant with reat propery valuation plc and standards, and recmmend ite spproval tothe Socrtary of Fiance or alan national taxation, snd fr ter purse: (6) Provide techni asitanen om rat property sppraiae mates t goverment agencies and instrumentals, and soorinte o conduc the valstion of spel purpose ener, he requested @ Provide adeesip and ply dvcton to LGUs on real roperty valuation for teation and ether purges, inchting che evelpeen and masteranc of ternational ace valuation standards the regulation of valuation setts and ober reat (©) Maintain a rotro aed al pverament apps dane in conslton sn crdination with he Poona ‘comprehensive sal uptodate tetonic database of real propery transcins and pees of state forbes, echinery, eer races (@) Condct continuing study a research in vaantin, ‘maotin. Information on carrentals county tends velopment in al property valuation: (6) Formulate and provide for wafer procedere on the rene tunes in the ass li, iauding te tana, 0 Determin, and calc # reasonable amount to be charged ae adminsrton fos, Ss and pontine the Implementation ofthis At and Pesorm such eter nets as are sacar, oer nd incidentlo plot the provisions of hie Act. ‘bc. utblishmenof he Bol Property Valuation Sere. ~ To achiev tho poles and obecivee declared in this At, the Real Property Valuation Servos, orintar referred t9 as the VS Se hoeby established within the BLOF and aba have counterpart personel inthe BLOF Repos Oto ‘Soc. 6, Supervisory Role of he BLOF Bucutve Diet ter ‘he RPVS. ~The BLOF Easutve Date shal responsible fe (efficent and efloctive daytoday prfrmance of the rosonaitee st forth i thie Act, aad the overall ner ‘management and governance ofthe RPV. Sec. 7. Craton of Central Conelaie Commit, — @) A Conte Consatative Commitee shall be rated and shall seve a the enrlaive foum on mattors pertaining othe ‘eting acd! wien” of introtionly scaled, vabtion standard and he elated coacermn on el piper veleation (I hall be eid by the BLOP Bsective Diteoe and ‘hall be composed of epresnttive och fom th: (ona of fteraa Reese (BI: © Deparmeat of Havswomest aad Natural Resource wen, Bengko Sentra ng Pipinas OP (0 National erpnintin of greramen ates, (©) National organization of appessrs in national moran groc and (© Private apps sector » ” ‘Proided, That the represntatve om the private appraist scar sal be ative inthe practice of ral eatatesppaielr 2t leat Gv (5) year ceri by the Profesional Regulator Board ‘of Ral atte Soven PRBRES). (@) Toe representatives ofthe BM, DENK and BSP mst be ‘erforaing valuation lated fants, The national reaniatin of foreremeat ssesiry, and the private sppasal sector shall be represented by thee rpc nad of ezanizton orto duly ‘anid representatives, (@ The Chairperson and membors ofthe Comite sal not recive adden salary fr the performance oftheir factions vere oils or employees sll be ent to hoor, urea o eisting Laws ad reglabons and (©) The Commie shall mice at the ian of th Imetings a the Chazperion may deem neesar for the aoe of valuation standards, The Chairgeson may lavite resource ern on ites coocraing ral property valaatin [BLOF Regional Operations ‘Shc. 8. Role of the BLGF Reponl Offs. — The BLOP Roglnal Of, shall though the Regional Director, be response fr all attr rlating to valuation and the superiion fhe SAV i the io. Thy aha: (© Implement policies plana, programs, rules end regultions oa rel property elution of LUs ithe region: (Review, ordination withthe BIR, 25d endorse to the [VS the proposed SVs prepare bythe asessr othe LOUs i SURuEREES (© Provide fr sconomia,afciont and efi valuain @ Conrinate and const with other government eparement, brats and agencies withia the pio deling with rea property valuation (©) Adopt and maintain « comprebeosive end uptodate etrnie database of all rogioal real proprty-latad transactions and have castody of al eanastion roads eubntd loa grorament asceor: nd (0 Pear oer functions as may be aged by the BLO ‘0c. 0. Te RgtanalConuttioe Comme — (4) They shall be 8 Regional Conastatve Commits that ‘hall chs by the BLGF Repeal Director and shall be ‘ompoued fa opreenatv frm the: (0) BIR Regions Ot: (2) DENR Regions Ofer, (Head of Rana organization of oneramenteessre ot day entered represen (@ Head of Reganal organization of national goverment sspraies ot uy autora representative: (@) Hoad of dhe private appraial ctor within the rp oe leedaly autre represent; sd (© ead ofthe bankers station within th rpm os at authored eepresenative, () The members ofthe Repional Consultative Commitee smut be pefrming valuation lated functions in thelr egectve associ oscar and (6 Te Commitee shall mest atthe ition of tho BLOF Regional Director at lets one eiry quarter and shall have ab ny metings the BLOF Regina Director may doom peeaty forthe yerformanee oft functions. The BLOF Regen Dreane ‘tay ‘avte emure persons on ines cncersing rel property 580.10. Function ofthe Regional Conalttive Commitee, — ‘Te Revol Coowaltatve Comite shall ave ara coneaasve forum inthe region or dncssion on developments nthe erat Property market: concer of taxsyer, cl sty, and ther stakeholders outcome of compiner reporting inthe rgion lvl of sorplints and speas: tuning of lel government seesry in ‘heroin; ppt and assoment ocr in per snd thr ‘matters a8 may be determined by the Comite: rove, That ‘ny report thera. x rs ofthe forum shall be submited eo (he Central Coasleative Commit. ARTICLE ‘VawuaTon of Ret Proreres (Chapter Valuation Standards sed Maret Vans S8C.11. Deeopment of Valuation Standards, — ‘Newwithstndig the provisions of etn laws tothe eotray, tbe BLGP stall dere, adopt, msntain, and implement wniora "aluationstadacts which shall be ed by all appraisers an ‘onmors in the LGUs and eter coctrond partes inthe appa crvalutio of lands, bldg, machinery and eter real proportion for taxation and otter purpose The valuttio standard shall ‘conform with internationally asped valuation wanderds Principle ‘Se. 18 Valuation of Real Popes, — For valuation Prose, ll el proper, whether taxable or exempt, shall be ‘sll oF apraeed based on prevailing market values in the lealty where the property ia situated, i conformity with te ‘uation tandarde apd pursunt tthe Act. The Secretary of Finance shall promulgate the rules and regulations forthe tion a al roperty pursuant 1 he provisions of hi Act. For ral property intended fr lw-crto niin! hog ‘nd other programs ofthe government imbued with soda pti tinctves the provi of exiting pertinent laws sal be apn iter tbe determination ofthe prealing marks vale of the ‘opertit in aordanos with iteraationaly eyed standards ‘86.18 Prporaton of Schedule of Market Values, — ‘Te provincial assewor, together with the municipal season, sd th city asenrs, including the fone municge] ater inthe Mtropolian Mans Are, shal prepare the SHVe forthe diferent lanes of tel property situated wikhin ther reepectie LOU ‘rma tothe valuation standard ue, rslaton, ed other ‘spcticatins nt bythe DOF. The preparation ofthe SVs bal be ‘completo within sx (©) onthe owing the natin om he BUGF ‘alll asses tsa thi revised SMV ‘pon its completion the lol atsor shall submit the Proposed SMY to the BLOF Rains Office. Within seventy fve (20) days from revit theret the BLOP Regional Ofer, in ‘coordination with he BIR Raya Of, hall eview and endree © proposed SMV to the BLOF Exeetve Director snd the (Coumissoer of Iteraal Reve: Provided, Tht athe case of ‘ties and musispality within che Metrpoias Mala Are, the ‘rpoeed SMV shall be subaited to, and roiened bythe BLOF Central Of, in cordaatin with the concerned BIR Retina! Oe: Provided, further, That the SAEV complies with ll the BS euEEH requirement et by the Secretary of Fane, ining at aston () publi cosutatien 2 the propel SHV ‘00.14. Approval of Schedule of Market Value. ~The Secretary of Finance shal approve the SV Internationally esptod valtion standards, within thy (0) Aye om rept ofthe joint endorsement ofthe BLOF Exestive Director ed the Cosmieaner of naral Reve otberwise, sit sehndale shall be deemed approved. a ese of udn cage in tho market vals, inuding bt ot mtd 6 ancestral dain, public land, agrarian reform beneciares, ad other valnerble cor, the msomor i mandated to recommend tothe ongpuion omen lvls that wil ssintin or minimally ac the ral eoperty tx due othe amend pet. ‘Tho approved SHV hal take fa sen (15) days frit ication by the DOF in the Ofcil Gast or in tat two) newpaper of general ulation, and poning in the repectve ovina capital ety Mall ed municipal hal, ni 0 @) ter conspicuous publ place within the LGU eves by the apr suv ‘The DOF and the concrned Ue shall pot the approved SVs thi oficial weit 0c. 18, Soting Aneement Levels and Tas Rots — The spprved SAV shall be transite tothe concerned lel het ecutive, trough the reactive provincial, and municipal smear. The cera setae, in cirdinstion with the lol twonurer, shall etinte the seven and ax inact of the new SMV tated on existing abowsment lvls and tax rat and recommend amendaeats thereon bist on thee (2) diferent scenarios. The asesr sal hereafter prope sad. bi the cordann with revenue aod tax impact report o the lal cio ecutive for conser aye om roi ofthe same tothe sanazunian the eactment fan erdinano sting the appropriate ssearmest lle and tax ‘es. Durng the songpuion deliberations pie tthe of the tax ordinance, it may call wp the asesor to provide techneal aeitaes and cleat th ven aad tx impact of inal epons i cede arrive at desi level of event and tx butde that the songpunian wil adopt. The concer sonepunion shall ect the tx ediance within sinty (0) days from resp thers. upon coudct of ple earings and proper consultations: otberwin, the exiting ordinance on atseiment ov an x ate sal remain ia re ad et ‘Upon the enacient by the sanggunion af an ordinans or he ascent levels and tax atest lacie executive hal ct witha ten (10) days, im he case of li, Salading the ‘unica inthe Meropaian Maia Ares o within ion (15) ays, in the cae of provines, wo approve the sae. Faire of the ‘roared laa ci eset to atom the onan within the ‘reed pried shall renier the ume. approved: Provided, ‘however, Tha hi law shal nt be construed to abide the power of L0Us tb accordance with the provisions of Repl Act No, 7160, otherwise lnowe 0 the “Lac Government Cale of 1907, a4 amend, «0 Provide with residential property owner a deemed neenny ‘5.16, Pabliaion of Aseement Lees ond Tas Rates, — "The approved ordinance fr the saeaument levee and tae rat shall be plished by the enceraed LGU ss «newspaper of lel aust assesment level ad tax ras fa ‘Sreaation once a week fr two @)eanscaive mess: Prove ‘That in provinces aod i icing the munkspaiy within the blest Maat Keel wise te ere serene of eal ireuation, the some sll be puted sa the proce capitol Joculing al oncarnd cy ball, muni hal, and in two) shor nico pbb placa teria, 300.1. Use of Schedule of Market Value — The approved SMV shall used a bose forthe determination oral propery related taxes ational and cl governsets, 2 flow: (a) Por purpons of eal property taxation, tho approved SMV hal i no case, be adap bythe LGU less than i 6) monte orto the eet a the sew assesment rater teary the proper cleansing and upiating of rec, and aotifcton of ‘rperty owners inthe conde of gnu! revision of abenoment “an property clacton (©) In computing any itera! venue tax, he BIR \Commisonrshalluse the SMV. othe actual reeling pi in ensierton, at sated in ral property trenton document, ‘whehever ihe. (©) Porcsherpapo, such a altar txt on and gravel, community ta, fee and charge, as beach for ‘eal property sprain of ther overamen gsi, the approved ‘SMV eal be und upon its ctv. Notwithstanding the provision of xiting laws to the cootrry, thelr to cond a ener ein of uae ak Property esifitig, nd ws the approved SUV sll render 5 LGU inet for any conditional oe peeormance based gant {ocontra any frm of at Sang ‘0c. 18. Updating of Schedule of Market Value. — AL rovical asesr together withthe mia aseors ad the ‘ty ascending the loge municipal asener within the Metropltan Masa Ace, shall update tui rapctive SMV within t80 @ yoars tom the ety of ths Act. Tare, hey stall update the SMe and canduct one reion of property ssasomen and captions once every the (2) yeas fom the ae of at rvs, Tho BLOP shall prepare the sede fr she ‘updating ofthe SMVs in all provinces and ies, eclading the munigatywichin the Metropltan Man Ares in cas f any sgiflent chang in markt value whore the ‘roperty i ted fer the SAV is been approved and pir So the next rvison, auch a8 in tines of calaition domes ‘mam made or natural and ober averse ceumetanes where corrections af errors and ieguaies in the SMV ie doomed owseary. oF pon the order of the Secretary of Fiance, the ‘ronda and city asiesre shall rcmmend revisions wo the ‘exiting SMV fo the BLOF Regional Ofc, though the BLOP ginal Dinter earn raisin oer the LGU canara: Provided, Tat, be cy assear aod munipal asceoe within che ‘Meoplitan Manila Area, shill rcommend revisions to the ting SMVs tthe BLOF Contra Often ‘Such revision or rvisoa shal be subject to review by the concert BLOF Regional Oc nd the BIR Regional Ox which ‘hall complete ther review and eubait cae recommentatins to ‘he BLGF Bsective Direct, nanan with Sections 18 and 1¢ ‘SEC 19, Conduct of Capacity Bling Interactions. ~ The BLOF shan cxordination withthe Philippine Tax Academy othe DOF, deep and conduct the neeaty trainings fr all al sonore oficial er concerned. BIR perenne in the preparation of the SMVe in scsrdanco with ‘oternationalyscetedvalstion standard, concept. pricgler and practons, conduct of pact sta, reparation of cmphince reports other subject aes ‘Chapter? Development and Maintonanen ea Property larkt Database ‘0.2. Depment of Rel Property Information Syn. ~The BLOF shall develo and maintain an wp to-date eactrone datas of tho sak, exchange, ease, motets, denain, aa fad all oer eel property ansactios and declarations inthe country and on he cnt of otro or repovaton of buldings oer erature, and on the prin of machin or his purpose, the BLGF abl! reqeire the mandatory bison of reowsary dcument oa the enceraed ficial or ployee of atonal gvermoot ies or intrumentlien, WOU, sd the private sectar: Froud, That in the cate of fervernment agente and instrumentaitie, the manfatiry subminson of dicunents aed sofrmation shall be aubjet to the prion of dndoeure of certain iforestion under the Data Pray Act an ether exntiog les. Tho wpa database sande avaable tothe LGUs. atonal government apes andthe iat ctr Provide farther, That the Coaminonar Ite Revenue or duly suche repreenative kal allowed aces othe dataanewicout nae of pie approval: Provided, al, ‘That aon-submiasin of th required doen to the BLOF wil bjt the eanerned oficial or emplayee to admiitrative nals pursuent tthe provision fection 28 fhe Act, ‘To further ensure tho offeency of real prperty tae Moinistrton, ll provinces, cies and municpalios shall suomate thi operations, apt tx mapping technology, mais ‘eftwareenabled valuation spss, undertake regular date leasing, and computer records management. The Nasooa Goverment, through the Department of Information ond Communiations Technolgy, shall provide the appropriate ‘quent and consciviy, infomation and commenicatons wchnoloy lates, and the appropiate ceapabiey ‘wulding programe to hd as pt sath aes musician aed ovine ensure compliance with thie section. The BLOF sit etalish mechani or the lari mbit ft eid documents in acsorance withthe provision of Chapter 2, Ate ft et. See. 21. Duty of Raptr of Deeds o Supply Assos with eat Property Transactions Dla, — ‘The Regier of Dads shall ropare aod subent tthe prvi ssssre,tgeer with che rmunicpal asaseors and city assessors, including the lone ‘unkipal asain the Metropoitan Manila Ara, a abstract of {he entirety ever the 9) eth and apes fal contrite soln, tantering othr converting, ssn. o mateaing eal propery rote every od ofthe sooth, The abstr hal ‘ocude bref but sulicet dexripone of the rel propertce nerd therein, nie preset owners, and the dats af heir most recat transfer o aenatinaespanied by copies af corresponding ‘ods, donation or partion, or eter forms feat, $80.22. Duty of Ofc! lewing Building Permite or Certifies of Regetration of Machinery o Trait Copy of Permit (othe Aseasor. ~ Any ple oficial o employe who may nw ot esate be required by law o regulation to suet any person Valding, of permanent inprovemeat o lad, of «cette of registration fr any machinery, Including machine, mechanical Contrvanas and appartas attached or fuel on land of eevee eeeee ether sta popetr tal trum & py of ech permit or ‘xtc within tity GO) dye af ts seunce tothe ase of ‘he proving, ty ef mniiaiy wher the property iated ‘3c. 28. Duty of Geodetic Engine to Furnish Copy of Plane 1 the Asso 1 sal tthe uty of al geodetic einer, ‘bie ar pivate, ofl See of charge, the sete ofthe roving, ly municipality where the Ian is oad, py of ‘the Due or white pit of ac of al apeoved evga eubvison ans or maps of survers, daly signed by «Senior Geodetic agnor, excutadby thm ever ed oft moat rom resin of such approved plan om the Land Management Bare (LMI), he Land Registration Authority (LEN), othe Housing and Lan ‘Uso Regulatory Bat (HLURB), athe ca may be 800.24. Duty of Relator of Deeds ond Notaries Public 1 Assit the Provincial, Cor Municpa Assessor, ~ I shal bw the uty ofthe Registrar of Dead and notre publi to furnish fie of charge, the pointy of municilasenoe with epee fall contracts eeling transfering or otberwise conveying. lasing, of metgaging rel property recived ty a acknowledged before then thin uch pri ae the BLP shal presets. 81e.25. Tranumision of Rel Property Troneaone Date (he BLOR. ~ Upon eperatinaization of the ral property ‘eansctions database as provide in Seton 20of Ui At shall beth duty of the registers a dads, atari pul, fia isting bling permits, and the geodetic engineers conducting surveys thin city to lacey trananst tthe coceoed BLGP Regional Office ralevant real property txsscions data, in ‘scoranse wth tho rule and eglaiae be promulgate by the 2» ™ Chapters pointes and Qulicaton of Anemos Suc. Appiniment of Ausnors. — The lal chet ‘cutive shall appoint the provincial cty and municipal asssore (Ci Servic Law, Real Estate Service Ac, rules and regulations nd he flowing ues (a) Inthe cs of provincia nd estat provincial aes nd iy and assistant city atmo th apsinte bal be osen rom the lt of a as thee (ranking le cndidate within (fn the case of ty and asstant cy assosors and the rmunkigal and asaetant municipal asesors inthe Metropolitan ‘Mana Ara, ho appoint bal be cove om the Kt at east ‘thee (ranking sige cndiats within he repo: ad 2 In the cise of muni and osstant- municipal sears, the apoio sal be cone fom the tof a ast ‘hres ranking sige cndiatn within the prone ‘The smsors shal be une the technical eupevison tho LCF, primary trough a eytem of compliance reporting and of apaty bul hough edsetion ad training programs ‘0.27. Qualifetion of aca Government Assure. ~ No ‘eron atl be appointed sseuor or assistant ans unas @ tinea of te Philipines resident of the eo fo provincial cy susee/msistant seer, ad fhe prvi # municipal secant anos, «roitred an lcansed appraiser of ‘od moral arate, ad must aot ave been convicted of any crime incving moral trite, The pointes mast have experince in etl pipet valuation or aemasment work a ay ‘table nd icherin pate or pb peat, fort east 0 () SUNNER EEN yrs inthe case ofthe proviso ty seem, and ths @) ‘yeas inthe case of tho munipal asso. Once apie, ll sectors and lel goverment appeinrs mutt comply withthe roquirments of the Profesional Raglatary Board af Rel atte Serie or the eal updating of tai as, Pew, Prowsons 880.28. Fite to Comply with the Required Submision of Documents. = Any gorerameat fal or employee who Gla without utile reason to provide o fri dato infration rogue pursuant to Sections 20,2, 2, 23 and 24 af thi Ac, all ‘wm punished by fie equivalent tae (1) meth to i () monte Isic alary of tho fal oe employee, or euopenson frm the service fr period not excoding one (1) yar, ot bth, at the srtion othe campeon authority ‘re. 8, Pitre w Comply withthe Vtution tortor = ‘An asmnr wha, fr anjantiiable reson, fie tocol with the ‘valuation standard developed and dopo pars to thie Act ot ktirataly conceals any deviation or departure fom sich ‘anda inthe valuation of real property hall be pied By Sine equivalent tone (1) month sx (cbs bas salary of the ffl or employe, suspension from the serie fr 8 pce aot ‘eteing 00 (1) yur, 0 both at ee discretion ofthe competent stony S0C-0, Four t Prepare Schedle of Markt Vlucs — ‘An aseuor wha, for unjustifiable ramos, iteatonlly or etberatay efor or fis to propa the SMVe within he pei setforth inthis Act sl be paishd by Sn quale toa (0) ‘meth osc) mont base salary af he olor empye, or ‘pea rm the evi fo ot more han oe 1 er, bth a the dicen of tho competent authority, This eal io be ound for adnate and eimial aby in ancoance with tho provision of Rapablc Act No 9646, ethorise known the Real Esa eve Act ofthe Pilipinas 0c. 81. Government Agents easing the Review, Agprosal ‘and Implementation ofthe SMV, ond Conduct of General visions = Any government ofl or employee who delays, without able eae, he review, approval and implementation of the [SMV the enndact af general revisions, cans the improper se ‘thereof, sale punished by ae equivalent aoe (1) math to ‘5 (months bai salary oto olor employe, suspension ‘oom the servis fora paid pt exnding ene (I) yer Beth at (he cretion ofthe eapetestsutbniy 800.52, Volation of Other Provisions. — Any per, whether natural o jie, who iit any provision of hi Act her th tee poseable unter Seenoor 25 29, at 30 erat ‘hal when waranted be dealt with wader appeal existing laws ‘360.88. Taapaers’ Remain in Cone of Brroneus Ausasmene of Reo Proper. ~The proving of Sato 22608 Lal Board of AnmnmestAppesis and 72908 Action bythe Lal Board of Assent Apes of Repu Act No, 7160, 8 amended, ‘all apply in all cates of appeal ae remo fo the taxpayer in he nase oftheir properties All oncerad oa goverment shal cause the contin fs fly fnetinaing Lal Board of Asesment Apple i thst respective jurisdictions, in cneinaton with the Land Registration Author Fa ARTICLE ‘Tester PaowIONS ‘5.94. Transitory Guidlines LOUs which are in tbe proces of wating thar SMVe abl, upon te eeteity of thie ‘Act, comtnae with such reine in scrdance with Sacto 1, 16,17, and 16 ofthis Act: Pied, That proper otifention corinatin with the BLOF shal be wderakon, In ete the SMe ae not yo vale or updated, the BIR Commissioner shall alot the existing SMV anal als othe seul prc in conieration a stated in el property tansction cuneate, whichever higher, fr purus of computing say ‘Se, 98. Soung Cause, — The aaa ales, a determined by the BIR and approved bythe Secretary f Fiance fr satrnal revenue tax purpans, and the SMV prepared by the provincial amar gather wah the ty asst, and municipal assess, including the uncial asso isthe Metrpatan Maia Aes, that have bea approved by thei epectve sangunion fr ral opareytuaion parpove shal cantinue bei fre and ct sat repealed, superseded, mole, revised, et seo replace ty the vale provided under the pdt SMV a approved cube with Schone 15 of thi Act, which hall be within wo (2) year upon the ect fhe Ac. ARTICLE VL Pomme Runes See. 96. Budgeory Repiremens for the Updating of Sctedle of Maret Vols. Each lca songrion shall speopriats the aecemary fants fom locally generated rovenun, ‘he internal seven allantoic other sours every Sal arto constitute the Real Property Tax Adminstration Pan (RPTAP, which shal be establed and wad forthe proper Implementation fhe updating cf the SMV ad gnarl reisin of real property aseenata, al the admininteation of ral property ‘The BLCP shall analy furnish the Department of Budest st Management (DBM) with it of LGU wth SMV that ane ue or wpdating, The DBM, in st review of the ensuing years deo ofgrovince, igh tbanizd ttn, dependent compancat cle and municipality within the Metropolitan Mans Ares, call ensure hat sent fund ae so appropiate for the RPTAP> Provided, That aur provide the appropriations required shall provinion of Republic Act Na, 7160, aharwse knows Government Code f 191", at amended, and ohn laws consistent ith thie At shall have replete 0c. 38. Implementing Rules and Rulcons (RB. ‘Within x (6 maha aa he elt thie Act dhe DOF shal. eorulaton with cnceraed paring, ere the IRR for the Soc. 0. Sxparaity Cause, ~ his Atal be dared unsontiational vai or provisions not afc thereby shal continue to be in fl fre Fa 1 She. 4t. Ripening lose, — The fowing provisos are 2 haa repealed 3) Section 212, 214 and 221 of Republic At No. 7160, 4 echervi knows a4 the “Lol Goverment Code of 1961 5 amended sd ' (Seton 4) of Present Drs No. 58, ‘The flowing provisions ar erby amend cng () Section 38, Chapter IV, Tie 1, Book 1, of Excaive One No. 292, oorwise known asthe “Adminirative Cae of 099 M1 @) Sections 1 1350), 18, 201,218,220, 4726, «7200, 12 and 49 of Rape et Na. 716, ( Secuons 8, 6, and 7 of Republic Act No.10752 otherwise lowe a "The Rah Way Act’ (4 Section 9 Presidential Dare No, 92; and 6) Setos eh. 27499, ad 850 of Republic Act No. 844, 17 etherwin known ath Naina Internal Revene Coe of 987, a¢ 1 amended 19 All awe, presieatia eres, ecive onder presenti 20 proclamations rules nd ulations parts thera conta oo 21 inceitot wich thie Act are hereby opel, superar 22 okie acai 228.42. ftv. — Thi Act shal eke afer fen 15) 2 dye ater puicaton nthe Official Gast in a nemepaper at 25 gonmralciesltion ‘Approved,

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