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M edical Teacher, Vol. 21, N o.

2, 1999

W HAT IS . . .

What is a spiral curriculum?


Centre for Medical Education, University of Dundee, Scotland

Introduction Bruner (1960), when he coined the term `spiral

curriculum’ , suggested that such a curriculum would
In planning a curriculum there are many questions to be
be structured ª around the great issues, principles and
answered (Harden, 1986). M uch attention has been paid to
values that a society deem s worthy of the continual
aim s and objectives, the content of the curriculum, teaching
concern of its membersº .
m ethods, assessment, and educational strategies such as
(2) There are increasing levels of difficulty: The topics visited
problem -based learning, integration and com munity-based
are addressed in successive levels of difficulty. Each
learning. A relatively neglected area has been the question
return visit has added objectives and presents fresh
of the organization of the content and the overall structure
learning opportunities leading to the ® nal overall objec-
of the curriculum. A traditional view of the curriculum is of
tives. Every visit can bring:
a series of courses, each with its own programme and assess-
m ent. There is a growing tendency, however, to break down · new knowledge or skills relating to the theme or topic;
barriers or boundaries between courses and departments · m ore advanced applications of areas previously
and to look at the overall aim s or objec tives of the covered;
curriculum. It is in this context that the concept of a spiral · increased pro® ciency or expertise through further
curriculum has particular relevance. practical experience.

(3) N ew learning is related to previous learning: New inform a-

The concept of a spiral curriculum tion or skills introduced are related back and linked
A spiral curriculum is one in which there is an iterative directly to learning in previous phases of the spiral.
revisiting of topics, subjects or themes throughout the course. Previous learning is a prerequisite for the later learning.
A spiral curriculum is not simply the repetition of a topic Dowding (1993) described how ª This prerequisite
taught. It requires also the deepening of it, with each succes- sequencing provides linkages between each lesson as
sive encounter building on the previous one. This concept the student spirals upwards in a course of study. As new
was described ® rst by Jerome Bruner in 1960: knowledge and skills are introduced in subsequent lessons,
they reinforce what is already known and becom e
I was struck by the fact that successful efforts to intertwined with previously learned information.º
teach highly structured bodies of knowledge like What is learned about a topic in early loops of the
m athematics, physical sciences, and even the ® eld spiral is linked to what is learned in later loops. With a
of history often took the form of a metamorphic controlled introduction in the ® rst loop of the spiral, the
spiral in which at some simple level a set of ideas student is not overwhelmed with the subject.
or operations were introduced in a rather intuitive (4) T he com petence of students increases: The lear ner’ s
way and, once mastered in that spirit, were then competence increases with each visit, until the ® nal
revisited and reconstrued in a m ore formal or overall objectives are achieved. This progressive gain in
operational way, then being connected with other com petence can be tested through the assessm ent
knowledge, the mastery at this stage then being procedures.
carried one step higher to a new level of form al or
operational rigour and to a broader level of abstrac-
tion and comprehensiveness. The end state of this Spirals in action
process was eventual m astery of the connexity and
An example of a spiral curriculum is given in Figure 1.
structure of a large body of knowledge . . . .
Stude nts at the U niversity of D und ee stud y nor m al
The following are the features of a spiral curriculum: str ucture, function and behaviour in phase 1 of the
(1) Topics are revisited: Students revisit topics, themes or curriculum through a system-based approach (Harden et
subjects on a number of occasions during a course. al., 1997). They revisit the same systems in phase 2 when
They m ay retur n to a body system , such as the they look at abnormal structure, function and behaviour,
cardiovascular system or the respiratory system . They
may revisit themes, such as clinical skills, or m edical Cor respondence: R.M. Harden, Centre for Medical Education, Tay Park House,
ethics. They may return to generalizable and transfer- 484 Perth Road, Dundee DD2 1LR, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1382 631972; fax: +44
able skills such as management or com munication. (0) 1382 645748; e-mail:

0142-159X/99/020141-03 $9.00 ½ 1999 Taylor & Francis Ltd 141

R.M. Harden & N. Stamper

Value of spiral curriculum

The value of a spiral curriculum lies in:

(1) R einforcement: O nce learne d a topic or subje ct is
reinforced if there is continuing exposure to it. A
common complaint of teachers is that topics learned by
students early in the curriculum are forgotten later. In
the spiral curriculum students are continually looking
back on subjects previously learned.
(2) A move from simple to complex: Students are introduced
in a controlled way at a level at which they are not
overwhelmed, and at which they can m aster the subject.
They then go on to build new knowledge on prior
knowledge. Students achieve a better understanding by
exploring the same topics at deepening levels.
(3) Integration: Traditionally, a curriculum was viewed as a
series of courses, each with its own programm e and
assessm e nt, but this co m par tm e ntal approac h is
inadequate. We m ust break down th e barriers and
boundaries that have grown up between courses and
departments (GM C , 1993). This integration is g reatly
aided by the adoption of a spiral curriculum .
As Kabara (1972) suggests, ª the spiral curriculum
approach is usually alien to departm ental teaching.
Departmental course offerings to medical students are
different and less holistic. Because the student’s exposure
to any discipline by a department is a one-shot affair,
faculty feel justi® ed to teach all in one dose. The method
outlined above obviates this classical approach.º
Figure 1. Four spirals in the curriculum . In the spiral curriculum there is continuity from one
stage of the curriculum to the next and vertical integra-
building on what they have learned about the normal in tion between the different stages. The utility of the basic
phase 1. Students revisit the systems for a third time in sciences becomes obvious to the teacher and student as
phase 3, when they relate their studies to clinical practice, competences gained in the early years are built on in the
applying what they have learned in phases 1 and 2. The later years.
spirals broaden as the students pass from phase 1 to phase (4) Logical sequence: Attention is paid in a spiral curriculum
3 in the cur ricu lum . In a fou r th spiral stude nts, as to both the scope and sequence of topics. The spiral
pre-registration house officers, put the theory into practice. curriculum can help to bring some order to the increas-
An early use in medicine of the term `spiral curriculum’ ingly complex nature of medicine and medical education.
was recorde d by K abara (19 72 ) in a U S colleg e of (5) Higher level objectives: In a spiral curriculum students
osteopathic medicine. He described a `spiral of informa- are encouraged to go beyond factual recall to an applica-
tion’ with productive repetition and constant reinforcem ent tion of knowledge and skills. An understanding of
of learned skills and facts. More recently, the concept has thyroid hormone synthesis gained in early phases of the
been described with community-based training programmes curriculum, for example, is applied in later phases to
(Jira & Kaba, 1998). The idea of curriculum spirals was thyroid disorders and the management of patients with
applied to nursing education to allow students exposure to thyroid disease.
a given area of content at a gradually increasing level of (6) Flexibility: The spiral curriculum is also a ¯ exible one. It
difficulty (Beattie, 1986). Practical nursing experience was allows, for example, students to transfer directly to the
planned to interlace with the revisiting and development of second spiral of a m edical course of study if they have
theory and re¯ ected the gradual development of skilled mastered the ® rst level in a science-based course.
practice (Jinks, 1991).
The spiral c once pt has be en widely applied from
optometry to arithm etic and from postgraduate studies to
nursery education (LeeKeenan & Edwards 1992). Dowding The concept of a spiral curriculum merits careful considera-
(1993), concluded, however, that ª although the concept of tion.The iterative revisiting of subjects throughout the course
a spiral curriculum is good, it has not been successfully is particularly relevant in integrated and problem -based
implemented on any large-scale basis over a substantial learning and in outcome-based education.
period of timeº . Factors likely to lead to an increasing
application of the concept to medical education include the References
increasing emphasis on problem-based learning and integra-
B E AT TI E (1986 ) M aking a curriculum work, in: M . JO L L E Y & P.
tion (Harden et al 1984), on `education for capability’ and A LL AN Curriculum Issues in Nurse Education (London, Croom Helm ).
on-the-job performance, and on outcome-based education B R U N E R , J.S. (1960 ) The Process of Education (Cam bridge M A,
(Harden et al 1999). H arvard U niversity Press).

W hat is a spiral curriculum?

D OW DING , T.J. (1993) T he application of a spiral curriculum model H A R D E N , R.M ., S OW D E N , S. & D U N N ,W.R. (1984) Som e educational
to technical training curricula, Educational Technology, 33(7), pp. strategies in curriculum developm ent: the SPICES m odel. ASM E
18± 28. Medical Education Booklet No 18, M edical Education, 18, pp.
G ENE RAL M EDICAL C O UNCIL (1993) Tomorrow’s Doctors: Recommenda- 284± 288.
tions on Underg raduate Medical Education (London, G eneral M edical JI N K S , G.H . (1991 ) M aking the m ost of practical placem ents: what
Council). the nurse teacher can do to m axim ise the bene® ts for students,
H ARDE N , R.M. (1986) Ten questions to ask when planning a course Nurse Education Today, 11, pp. 127± 133.
or curriculum. ASM E M edical Education Booklet No 20, Medical JI R A , C. & K A B A , M. (1998) The Jimm a comm unity-based training
Education, 20, pp. 356± 365 . programme, Education for H ealth, 11(2), pp. 165± 171 .
H ARDEN , R.M ., D AVIS , M.H. & C R O SBY, J.R . (1997) The new Dundee K A B A R A , J.J. (1972 ) Spiral curriculum , Jour nal of M edical Education,
medical curriculum: a whole that is greater than the sum of the 47, pp. 314± 316.
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H ARDE N , R.M ., C R OS B Y J.R. & D AV IS M .H. (1999 ) An introduction
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to outcome-based education, Medical Teacher, 21(1), pp. 7- 14.


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