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Course Name: Financial Accounting Principles Course Code: BAT 4M

Course Type: Grade 12 Credit Value: 1.0
Teacher(s): Kope

Course Description:
This course introduces students to advanced accounting principles that will prepare them for postsecondary studies in
business. Students will learn about financial statements for various forms of business ownership and how those
statements are interpreted in making business decisions. This course expands students’ knowledge of sources of
financing, further develops accounting methods for assets, and introduces accounting for partnerships and
Prerequisite: Financial Accounting Fundamentals, Grade 11, University/College Preparation

Course Overall Expectations:

Strand Overall Expectations
The Accounting demonstrate an understanding of accounting principles and practices;
demonstrate an understanding of the accounting cycle in a computerized environment for a
service business and a merchandising business;
demonstrate an understanding of ethics and issues in accounting.

Accounting demonstrate an understanding of accounting procedures for short–term assets;

Practices for
Assets analyse accounting procedures for inventories;

demonstrate an understanding of methods of accounting for capital assets.

Partnerships and demonstrate an understanding of accounting in partnerships;

demonstrate an understanding of accounting in corporations.

Financial compare methods of financing;

Analysis and
Decision Making explain and interpret a corporation's annual report;

use financial analysis techniques to analyse accounting data for decision–making purposes.
Assessment and Evaluation Strategies:

The purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Assessment and evaluation is based on
the provincial curriculum expectations and the achievement levels outlined in the curriculum document. In order to
ensure that assessment and evaluation are valid and reliable, and that they lead to the improvement of student
learning, teachers use a variety of strategies throughout the course, including: providing students with feedback about
their work (known as assessment for learning), helping to set learning goals and monitor their own progress (known as
assessment as learning), and evaluation and reporting of progress in the form of grades and marks (known as
assessment of learning).

Assessment and Evaluation

Unit Overview
(May include major
Unit 1: The Accounting Cycle Assignments, projects, reports,
The various stages of the accounting cycle are explored. discussions, tests
Unit 2: Accounting for Assets Assignments, projects, reports,
In this unit, you will look at methods of payment including using credit cards, debit discussions, tests
cards and notes receivable. You will also examine how to account for uncollectible
accounts. The main focus of this unit is the accounting for assets when they are
purchased and allocating that cost over the useful life of those assets.
Unit 3: Inventory Control Assignments, projects, reports,
The feature that distinguishes a merchandising business from a service business is discussions, tests
inventory. Assigning a value to inventory and the cost of the goods sold involves
making accounting decisions. In this unit, you will examine different ways to
account for inventory and control the flow of assets in and out of a business.
Unit 4: Partnerships Assignments, projects, reports,
In this unit, you will learn about the accounting for partnerships. This forma of discussions, tests
business ownership has legal considerations and characteristics which distinguish it
from sole proprietorships and corporations. You will discover the differences
between limited and general partnerships. You will record transactions relating to
partnerships including the division of net income or loss amongst partners and the
preparation of a partnership equity section a balance sheet.
Unit 5: Corporations Assignments, projects, reports,
A corporation is a business entity that is owned by its shareholders. Each share in discussions, tests
a corporation represents a part ownership of that business. It is possible for a
corporation to have hundreds, thousands or even millions of owners. In this unit,
you will go over the characteristics of a corporation, transactions involving common
and preferred shares, dividends and the shareholders’ equity section of the balance
Unit 6: Alternative Forms of Financing Assignments, projects, reports,
In this unit, you will learn about alternative methods of financing for corporations and discussions, tests
why investors might be interested in buying a company’s liabilities.
Unit 7: Financial Analysis for Decision Making Assignments, projects, reports,
In this unit, you take a close look at the annual reports of a publicly traded discussions, tests
corporations. You will also learn how to sue ratio, horizontal and vertical analysis
to interpret the financial data in annual reports.
Course Culminating Activity: Final Exam Exam
Assessment and Evaluation Categories and Weights:

Achievement Chart Categories Evaluation/Weight of Marks

Achievement Category Percentage Evaluation Percentage

Knowledge/Understanding 25 Term Evaluation 70
Thinking/Inquiry 25 Final Evaluation

Communication 25 • ISP 30

Application 25 • Exam

Learning Skills and Work Habits Assessment:

The development of learning skills and work habits is an integral part of student learning. These skills are:

• Responsibility • Collaboration
• Organization • Initiative
• Independent Work • Self-Regulation

Learning skills and work habits influence student achievement and are included as a formal part of the assessment and
evaluation process. Learning skills and work habits will be assessed through a variety of teacher strategies. (eg.
observation, student /teacher conference, self-reflection, checklists, exit cards, etc.) These important learning skills and
work habits will be formally reported on the Provincial Report Card according to the following scale: E- Excellent, G-
Good, S- Satisfactory, N- Needs Improvement.

Academic Dishonesty - Cheating and Plagiarism:

Learning tasks that students complete as well as the assignments, tests and exams that students
submit for evaluation must be their own work. Cheating and plagiarism is a serious offence that will
not be condoned. Academic consequences will result.

Late and Missed Assignments - Student Roles and Responsibilities

Students are expected to:

• be responsible for providing evidence of their achievement of the overall expectations within
the time frame specified by the teacher, and in a form approved by the teacher;
• understand that there will be consequences for not completing assignments for evaluation
and/or for submitting those assignments late;
• use class time productively;
• in extenuating circumstances, request an extension from the teacher before the due date.

Mark deductions for late and missed assignments may apply to major assignments only.

References: TVDSB Assessment & Evaluation Policy, September 2011; Growing Success -
Assessment and Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools, 2010.
Student Planner and School Web site

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