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BOH4M - 1.2 Case Study 


Ethan Whitlow 
Erindale Secondary School, Mississauga 



Executive Summary 
This case study analyses Unnamed Graphic Design Business in an attempt to keep 
the staff happy, productive, and motivated. The following research on employee efficiency 
and morale has been investigated via means of independent study. The program explores 
various ways to keep a high level of productivity and confidence with the staff of Unnamed 
Graphic Design Business while not compromising the efficiency or quality of the service 
being provided.  

The purpose of the study was to investigate various means of keeping employee 
efficiency, morale, and productivity at its all-time high within Unnamed Graphic Design 
Business. The following methods stemmed from independent research free-lanced by the 
company suggest various ways which are not directly monetary in combination with new 
instructions for those in higher management positions within the company.  
Management staff are now obligated to look for one exceptionally executed task 
from each company-wide project. Various research promotes the idea that is 
complimenting employees on their hard work in-turn makes the employee(s) feel 
respected and appreciated. Employees will then continue to work just as productively, if 
not, more challenging, and will begin to feel as if they are not complimented on their work 
that they are not doing enough. Management staff must regularly provide options for 
assistance on any projects an employee has taken upon themselves to complete. This way, 
if an employee takes on a work-load which is far too much for themselves, management 
can assign other staff to the project to ensure the project is done with great attention to 
detail while promoting staff mental health. It is crucial that throughout all of these various 
support systems that an employee should never have to feel like they are working from 
their attention in the company. To dissolve potential work-place drama, management staff 
must now enforce verbal departures between all employees within the company on a given 
day. This means that all employees must say their “goodbye’s” for the work-day, so 
everyone knows who is in the building and who is not.  
Additional monetary provided rewards and benefits will be introduced into the 
company after approval by an accountant for the company. Researched ideas include the 


1. Bus fare to/from work to be covered by the company. Employees who are unable to 
drive due to status of citizenship, disability, or financial position will openly be 
provided bus fare rebates after transactions are shown to the company. 
2. Dental and prescription assistance. Employees who are about to go under any 
additional unforeseen expenses due to medical care will be provided with the 
service they need to apply for government or company assistance. 
3. An “employee of the month” benefit, where the employee at the discretion of the 
management team will be rewarded an additional monetary gift at discretion of the 
accountant. Employees should be regularly encouraged to nominate employees for 
the benefit. 
The Maslow triangle was thoroughly investigated for this business report. The 
following connections to the triangle are theories of motivation and the business connects 
to these theories by providing a benefit and motivation for each sector. 
a) Physiological:​ work weeks no longer than four days. 
b) Safety:​ dental application benefits 
c) Love/Belonging:​ friendship in the workplace 
d) Esteem: ​career advancement, promotion of confidence 
e) Self-Actualization​: appreciation of labour, fact-acceptance 
It is important that any company motivates employees without regard to their sex, 
age, ethnicity, background, sexual orientation, etc. Regardless to these conditions, all 
persons will be subject to all benefits and support systems equally. If one is to need 
assistance on their work, such assistance would come at a first-come first-serve basis to 
promote responsibility and organisation. Any comments made in prejudice against another 
must not be tolerated and strictly enforced by the company at a moment’s notice. 
The monetary provided rewards and benefits from the company supplied above 
work to instil contentedness among employees in the company. In the chance that an 
employee is facing drama within the company, the provided support from the 
management team should subconsciously promote that the employee meets with the 
management team to discuss any issues. When a company offers incentives to stay with 
the company, the turn-over rate is likely to diminutive, and employees are more likely to 
face the company’s management with any problems they have. Accumulatively, the 
rewards keep employees happy, on-task at work, and motivated to come to work each day 
if what their job entails is genuinely the right fit for them. 

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