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Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets


Student Guide

Enterprise Services
MS BRM01-209
500 Eldorado Blvd.
Broomfield, Colorado 80021

Part Number 805-5989-01

Revision A, October 1998
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About This Course.......................................................................................xi
Course Overview ............................................................................... xii
Course Map........................................................................................ xiv
Module-by-Module Overview ......................................................... xv
Course Objectives.............................................................................. xix
Skills Gained by Module................................................................... xx
Guidelines for Module Pacing ........................................................ xxi
Topics Not Covered......................................................................... xxii
How Prepared Are You?............................................................... xxiii
Introductions .................................................................................. xxiv
How to Use Course Materials ........................................................ xxv
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions ........................ xxvii
Icons ........................................................................................ xxvii
Typographical Conventions ..................................................xxix
Servlet Basics ..............................................................................................1-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 1-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 1-3
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)................................................. 1-4
Overview ....................................................................................1-4
Example Uses.............................................................................1-4
CGI Request and Response.............................................................. 1-6
Request and Response Mechanism ........................................1-6
CGI and HTTP...........................................................................1-7
An Example HelloWorld CGI Script ............................................. 1-8
Script Code.................................................................................1-8
Setting Content Type ................................................................1-9
Returning a Response.............................................................1-10
Invoking the Example CGI Script.........................................1-11
Web Server and Common Gateway Interface Support ............. 1-12
What Is a Servlet?............................................................................ 1-13
Example Uses...........................................................................1-14
Servlet Request and Response....................................................... 1-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Request and Response Overview .........................................1-15
HTTP and Servlets ..................................................................1-17
An Example HelloWorld Servlet ................................................. 1-18
Servlet Code.............................................................................1-19
HttpServlet ...............................................................................1-20
The service Method .............................................................1-21
Setting Content Type ..............................................................1-22
Returning a Response.............................................................1-24
Writing Exceptions to Log Files ............................................1-25
Invoking the Example Servlet ....................................................... 1-26
Invocation URL .......................................................................1-26
servlet/ Versus servlets/................................................1-27
Web Server Servlet Support .......................................................... 1-28
Review of Servlet Basics................................................................. 1-29
Exercise: Developing a Simple HTTP Servlet ............................. 1-31
Tasks .........................................................................................1-32
Exercise Summary...................................................................1-35
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 1-36
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 1-37
Forms Processing With Servlets..............................................................2-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 2-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 2-3
A Basic Form Solution ...................................................................... 2-4
An Example HTML Form ................................................................ 2-5
The <FORM> Tag .........................................................................2-7
The <FORM> Tag .......................................................................2-11
The <INPUT> Tag.....................................................................2-12
An Example Form-Processing Script ........................................... 2-13
Script Code...............................................................................2-14
Setting Content Type ..............................................................2-15
Reading the Request ...............................................................2-15
Parsing the Request ................................................................2-16
Returning a Response.............................................................2-18
Invoking the Example Form-Processing Script .......................... 2-19
Forms and Servlets.......................................................................... 2-20
An Example Form-Processing Servlet ......................................... 2-21
Servlet Code.............................................................................2-21
HTTPServlet Service Methods ..............................................2-22
Setting Content Type ..............................................................2-25
Parsing the Request ................................................................2-26
CGI Variables and Equivalent Servlet APIs........................2-29
Returning a Response.............................................................2-30
Displaying Information About a Servlet .............................2-31
Review of Form Servlets ................................................................ 2-33

ii Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing Form-Processing Servlets......................... 2-36
Tasks .........................................................................................2-37
Exercise Summary...................................................................2-41
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 2-42
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 2-43
Servlet Life C ycle ......................................................................................3-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 3-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 3-3
Servlet Life Cycle .............................................................................. 3-4
Loading and Instantiating a Servlet ............................................... 3-5
Class Loaders.............................................................................3-5
Servlets on the CLASSPATH.......................................................3-6
Servlets in server_root/servlets/..........................................3-6
Remote Servlets .........................................................................3-6
The init Method .............................................................................. 3-7
Overview ....................................................................................3-7
An Example init Method.......................................................3-8
Configuring Initialization Parameters .................................3-11
The service Method ..................................................................... 3-12
ServletResponse ..................................................................3-13
Concurrency Issues.................................................................3-13
Multithreaded-Safe Servlets ..................................................3-14
Multithreaded-Hot Servlets...................................................3-16
The destroy Method ..................................................................... 3-18
Overview ..................................................................................3-18
Handling Service Threads at Servlet Termination.............3-21
Tasks in Handling Threads....................................................3-22
An Example of Handling Service Threads ..........................3-23
Review of Servlet Life Cycle.......................................................... 3-26
Exercise: Modifying the Form-Processing Servlet ..................... 3-29
Tasks .........................................................................................3-30
Exercise Summary...................................................................3-34
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 3-35
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 3-36
Database Access .........................................................................................4-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 4-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 4-3
Distributed Models ........................................................................... 4-4
Two-Tier (Client/Server) .........................................................4-4
Multi-Tier ...................................................................................4-5
Distributed Java Technologies ........................................................ 4-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)................................................ 4-8
Overview ....................................................................................4-8
An Example Database Servlet .................................................4-9
Loading the Database Driver ................................................4-12
Establishing a Connection to the Database .........................4-13
Creating and Executing a Query ..........................................4-14
Parsing and Displaying the Results .....................................4-15
Closing the Connection ..........................................................4-16
JDBC and Servlets ........................................................................... 4-17
Connection Pools............................................................................. 4-18
Overview ..................................................................................4-18
Items to Consider ....................................................................4-19
Implementing a Connection Pool ................................................. 4-20
A Connection Pool Client ......................................................4-21
An Example Connection Pool Client Servlet ......................4-23
The ConnectionPool API ............................................................. 4-24
The ConnectionPool Constructor.......................................4-25
The addConnection Method ................................................4-26
The getNewConnection Method..........................................4-27
The getConnection Method ................................................4-28
The releaseConnection Method .......................................4-30
The closeAll Method ...........................................................4-32
Review of Database Access............................................................ 4-33
Exercise: Enhancing a Database Servlet....................................... 4-35
Tasks .........................................................................................4-36
Exercise Summary...................................................................4-38
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 4-39
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 4-40
RMI and CORBA/IDL...............................................................................5-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 5-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 5-3
RMI...................................................................................................... 5-4
RMI Client, Server and Registry Interaction................................. 5-6
Implementing a Basic RMI Server .................................................. 5-8
Implementing a Basic RMI Client................................................... 5-9
Installing and Invoking the Server, Client, and RMI Registry . 5-10
RMI and Servlets ............................................................................. 5-11
An Example RMI Servlet Solution........................................5-12
An Example RMI Server ........................................................5-13
An Example RMI Client .........................................................5-18
An Example RMI Applet .......................................................5-23
Java IDL ............................................................................................ 5-26
Overview ..................................................................................5-26
Java IDL and Servlets .............................................................5-27

iv Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Comparing RMI and CORBA/IDL ......................................5-27
Review of Java RMI and IDL......................................................... 5-28
Exercise: Configuring and Invoking the RMI Example ............ 5-29
Tasks .........................................................................................5-30
Exercise Summary...................................................................5-32
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 5-33
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 5-34
Persistent State in HTTP Servlets...........................................................6-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 6-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 6-3
Benefits and Limitations of Statelessness in the HTTP
Protocol............................................................................................ 6-4
Cookies ............................................................................................... 6-7
Programming With Cookies....................................................6-8
Setting a Cookie.........................................................................6-9
Retrieving a Cookie ................................................................6-10
Sessions............................................................................................. 6-11
The HttpSession Interface ...................................................6-12
Example ....................................................................................6-13
Additional Guidelines ............................................................6-22
Tying a Session to a Browser......................................................... 6-24
Cookies .....................................................................................6-24
URL Rewriting.........................................................................6-25
Cookies and Sessions Compared.................................................. 6-26
Review of Cookies and Sessions ................................................... 6-28
Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution ........................ 6-31
Tasks .........................................................................................6-32
Exercise Summary...................................................................6-38
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 6-39
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 6-40
Time-Extended Connections....................................................................7-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 7-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 7-3
What Is a Time-Extended Connection? ......................................... 7-4
Implementation Options.................................................................. 7-5
Client Pull and Server Push.....................................................7-5
Efficiency of Client Pull and Server Push..............................7-6
HTML and Dynamic Updates......................................................... 7-7
Java Technology and Dynamic Updates ....................................... 7-8
Continuous or Transient TCP Connections .................................. 7-9
User Datagram Protocol................................................................. 7-11
Broadcast and Multicast Connections.......................................... 7-13
Review of Time-Extended Connections ...................................... 7-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Transaction Monitor .............................. 7-17
Tasks .........................................................................................7-18
Exercise Summary...................................................................7-22
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 7-23
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 7-24
Servlet Security...........................................................................................8-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 8-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 8-3
Major Threats to Web Server Security ........................................... 8-4
Authentication and Authorization ................................................ 8-6
Authentication Mechanism Overview...................................8-7
Authorization Process Overview............................................8-7
Types of HTTP Authentication ....................................................... 8-8
Overview ....................................................................................8-8
Basic Authentication.................................................................8-9
Digest Authentication ............................................................8-10
SSL Server Authentication.....................................................8-10
Security Realms ............................................................................... 8-12
Realms Within Java Web Server ...........................................8-13
Basic HTTP Authentication In-Depth .......................................... 8-16
The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication ......................... 8-18
Step One: Browser Sends URL ..............................................8-18
Step Two: Server Determines Whether Page Is
Step Three: Web Server Checks for Non-Null
Authorization Header, and Sends Challenge ..................8-20
Step Four: Browser Interprets 401 Error as Challenge ......8-21
Step Five: Dialog Box Prompts for User Name and
Password ...............................................................................8-21
Step Six: Browser Returns Encoded Authentication
Information ...........................................................................8-21
Step Seven: Server Validates Authentication Information,
Returns Page .........................................................................8-24
Implementing Basic Authentication in a Servlet ........................ 8-25
An Example Basic Authentication Servlet...........................8-26
Steps in Example Basic Authentication Servlet ..................8-28
Examples of Server-Independent Validation.............................. 8-29
Additional Security Features Java Web Server........................... 8-31
Secure Administration and Servlet Sandboxing ................8-31
Secure Administration With SSL ..........................................8-32
Servlet Sandbox .......................................................................8-34
Servlet Types.................................................................................... 8-37

vi Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RemoteUser Property..................................................................... 8-39
Overview ..................................................................................8-39
Checking the RemoteUser Property.....................................8-40
Sanity Checking............................................................................... 8-41
Review of Servlet Security ............................................................. 8-42
Exercise: Basic and Certificate Authentication Servlets ............ 8-44
Tasks .........................................................................................8-45
Exercise Summary...................................................................8-49
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 8-50
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 8-51
Servlet Beans...............................................................................................9-1
Relevance............................................................................................ 9-2
Objectives ........................................................................................... 9-3
What Is JavaBeans? ........................................................................... 9-4
Functionality of Beans ...................................................................... 9-5
What Is a Servlet Bean? .................................................................... 9-6
An Example Servlet Bean.........................................................9-7
Setting Header Information.....................................................9-9
get and set Accessor and Mutator Methods.....................9-11
Servlet Beans Persistence ............................................................... 9-13
Implementing .............................9-13
Writing to a Serialization File................................................9-13
Packaging Servlet Beans................................................................. 9-16
Servlet Bean Instantiation .............................................................. 9-17
Class Loader for Deserializing Beans Files .........................9-17
Locations for Servlet Beans....................................................9-17
Automatic Reloading of Servlet Beans ................................9-18
Invoking Servlet Beans................................................................... 9-19
Invoking Servlet Beans Using a URL ...................................9-19
An Example of Invoking a Servlet Bean Using a URL ......9-20
Invoking Servlet Beans................................................................... 9-22
Review of Servlet Beans ................................................................. 9-23
Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean.................................................. 9-25
Tasks .........................................................................................9-26
Exercise Summary...................................................................9-32
Check Your Progress ...................................................................... 9-33
Think Beyond .................................................................................. 9-34
Dynamic Web Content............................................................................10-1
Relevance.......................................................................................... 10-2
Objectives ......................................................................................... 10-3
Generating Dynamic Content ....................................................... 10-4
CGI print Statements.................................................................... 10-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet println Statements .......................................................... 10-6
Servlet println and Perl print Statements............................... 10-7
JavaServer Pages ............................................................................. 10-8
An Example JavaServer Page ..............................................10-10
JavaServer Pages Syntax .............................................................. 10-11
Directives........................................................................................ 10-12
Language ................................................................................10-12
Import .....................................................................................10-13
Implements ............................................................................10-13
Extends ...................................................................................10-14
Declarations ................................................................................... 10-15
An Example JavaServer Page Declaration.........................10-16
Scriptlets ......................................................................................... 10-17
request ..................................................................................10-18
in .............................................................................................10-18
Expressions .................................................................................... 10-19
An Example JavaServer Page Expression..........................10-19
Additional Guidelines .................................................................. 10-20
The <BEAN> Tag ............................................................................. 10-22
An Example JavaServer Page Using the <BEAN> Tag ......10-23
Declaring a Bean............................................................................ 10-25
varname ..................................................................................10-26
introspect ...........................................................................10-26
create ....................................................................................10-27
scope ......................................................................................10-27
PageCompileServlet...................................................................... 10-29
An Example JavaServer Page ..............................................10-31
An Example Servlet Created From a JavaServer Page ....10-32
Creating a Servlet From a JavaServer Page.......................10-34
Review of JavaServer Pages......................................................... 10-35
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages .......................................... 10-39
Tasks .......................................................................................10-40
Exercise Summary.................................................................10-46
Check Your Progress .................................................................... 10-47

viii Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Think Beyond ................................................................................ 10-48
CGI, HTTP, and Servlets .........................................................................A-1
HTTP MIME Types.......................................................................... A-2
Using Java Web Server............................................................................. B-1
Supported Platforms........................................................................ B-2
Prerequisites...................................................................................... B-3
Hardware .................................................................................. B-3
Software..................................................................................... B-3
Installation......................................................................................... B-5
Solaris......................................................................................... B-5
Running the Java Web Server ........................................................ B-6
Solaris......................................................................................... B-6
Displaying the Default Home Page............................................... B-7
Launching the Administration Applet ......................................... B-8
Adding a Servlet to Java Web Server ............................................ B-9
Adding Initialization Parameters ................................................ B-12
Configuring a Remote Servlet ...................................................... B-13
Invoking a Servlet From Within an HTML Form...................... B-15
Server-Side Includes (SSI)............................................................. B-16
Overview ................................................................................. B-16
Usage and Implications......................................................... B-16
Standard Server-Side Include Tags ..................................... B-16
Server-Side Include Tags for Servlets ................................. B-17
Servlet Aliases................................................................................. B-19
Overview ................................................................................. B-19
Adding a Servlet Alias .......................................................... B-19
Arguments .............................................................................. B-21
Servlet Chaining............................................................................. B-22
Overview ................................................................................. B-22
Servlet Chaining and Servlet Aliases .................................. B-22
Servlet Chaining and MIME Types ..................................... B-22
Enabling Servlet Chaining .................................................... B-24
Servlet Context ............................................................................... B-26
Using the Documentation............................................................. B-27
Additional References ................................................................... B-28
JSERV-INTERST...................................................................... B-28
Other Servlet References ....................................................... B-29
CGI Variables and Servlet API ..............................................................C-1
HttpServletRequest Methods .................................................... C-2
Additional Methods......................................................................... C-4
Java Socket Programming .......................................................................D-1
IP Addressing ................................................................................... D-2
Network Address.....................................................................D-2
Subnet Mask..............................................................................D-2

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Determining the Local Subnet Mask.....................................D-3
Network Classes.......................................................................D-3
Name Services .................................................................................. D-4
Port Numbers ................................................................................... D-6
Comparison of Protocols................................................................. D-7
Java Socket APIs............................................................................... D-8
TCP Sockets...............................................................................D-8
UDP Sockets..............................................................................D-9
Multicast Sockets....................................................................D-11
Replying to Broadcast and Multicast Data
Transmissions ......................................................................D-11
Glossary ......................................................................................... Glossary-1
Index .....................................................................................................Index-1

x Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
About This Course

Course Goal
The primary goal of Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets is to establish
an understanding of servlet development, in contrast to common
gateway interface (CGI), and create several servlet solutions.You
should be able to identify how these solutions fit into your own
Internet and intranet needs.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Course Overview

Servlets are Java™ programming objects that extend the functionality

of server-based services such as a hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
or secure Web service. Servlets are a robust replacement for CGI
scripts. This course covers the development of servlets using the
servlet application programming interface (API) and servlet-related
functionality found within many Web servers.

The majority of this course focuses on how to develop servlets to solve

real-world business problems such as forms processing, dynamic Web
content, distributed computing, collaborative computing, and security.
Servlet development issues include connection management, servlet
security, multithreaded servlets, and servlet Beans.

xiv Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Course Overview

This course uses the Java Web Server™ for servlet development and
deployment. This course also introduces the major servlet-related
features of the Java Web Server, including server-side includes and
servlet aliasing.

About This Course xv

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Course Map

Each module begins with a course map that enables you to see what
you have accomplished and where you are going in reference to the
course goal. A complete map of this course is shown below.

Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

xvi Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Module-by-Module Overview

● Module 1 - Servlet Basics

This module provides an introduction to servlet development by

examining and comparing a simple HelloWorld CGI script and

Lab exercises: Develop a simple HTTP servlet.

● Module 2 – Forms Processing With Servlets

This module builds upon basic servlet development through the

introduction of HTTP request handling and the creation of a form-
processing servlet.

Lab exercises: Develop a form-processing servlet.

About This Course xvii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Module-by-Module Overview

● Module 3 – Servlet Life Cycle

This module provides an in-depth discussion of a servlet’s life

cycle. This discussion includes various development issues relative
to each stage in the life cycle.

Lab exercises: Modify the form-processing servlet to accept a file

name and directory as initialization parameters. Ensure that the
form-processing servlet handles long-running threads.

● Module 4 – Database Access

Database access is one of the primary uses of CGI scripts and

servlets. This module discusses using a JDBC™ connection pool to
optimize database access times between a Web browser and Web

Lab exercises: Implement a connection pool within a servlet for

database access.

● Module 5 – RMI and CORBA/IDL

This module describes how common object request broker

architecture/interface definition language (CORBA/IDL) and
remote method invocation (RMI) are implemented within servlets.

Lab exercises: Run the CORBA/IDL and RMI examples.

xviii Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Module-by-Module Overview

● Module 6 – Persistent State in HTTP Servlets

Persistent state allows information to be kept over time, and

shared between a series of Web pages sent by one server to the
same browser. This is central to many shopping applications.

Lab exercises: Develop a login and a purchase servlet which create

and share a session.

● Module 7 – Time-Extended Connections

A servlet might need to pass information to a browser on a

continuous basis. This functionality requires a special “time-
extended” connection. This module discusses various time-
extended connection options.

Lab exercises: Develop a transaction monitoring servlet using user

datagram protocol (UDP) broadcast.

About This Course xix

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Module-by-Module Overview

● Module 8 – Servlet Security

This module provides an overview of Java Web Server and servlet

security. It is designed to provide you with enough information to
enable a secure Java Web Server and servlet environment. Items
discussed include: basic authentication, access control lists (ACLs),
and realms.

Lab exercises: Create a servlet that uses basic authentication to log

in to a Web server.

● Module 9 – Servlet Beans

The JavaBeans™ architecture can be used to create server-side

servlet components. This module addresses the issues involved
with creating a servlet that is also a Bean.

Lab exercises: Develop a servlet Bean that utilizes standard Beans

functionality such as introspection and serialization. Alter a servlet
Bean to be persistent, allowing it to save its state upon servlet

● Module 10 – Dynamic Web Content (optional)

This module discusses JavaServer™ Pages™, an integrated

solution for generating and returning dynamic Web page content
to a client (browser).

Lab exercises: Create a simple JavaServer page that requests form

data, submits the data, computes two values from the data, and
displays the computed values. Create a JavaServer page that sends
the computed values to an ImageTableBean to display a user-
definable grid of images on a Web page.

xx Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to

● Develop a simple hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) servlet.

● Develop a form-processing servlet.

● Modify a form-processing servlet to accept a file name and

directory as initialization parameters.

● Modify a database access servlet to use a connection pool.

● Evaluate RMI and CORBA/IDL servlet solutions.

● Create part of a Web shopping servlet that uses session tracking to

keep track of customer information.

● Develop a Web-monitoring servlet using a time-extended


● Develop a servlet that implements basic authentication.

● Develop a servlet Bean that utilizes introspection and serialization.

● Create a JavaServer page used to generate a grid of images on a

Web page.

About This Course xxi

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Skills Gained by Module

The skills for Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets are shown in the first
column of the matrix below. The black boxes indicate the main
coverage for a topic; the gray boxes indicate the topic is briefly


Skills Gained 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Develop a simple HTTP servlet.

Develop a form-processing servlet.
Modify a form-processing servlet to accept a file
name and directory as initialization parameters.
Modify a database access servlet to use a
connection pool.
Evaluate RMI and CORBA/IDL servlet solutions.
Create part of a Web shopping servlet that uses
session tracking to keep track of customer
Develop a Web-monitoring servlet using a time
extended connection.
Develop a servlet that implements basic
Develop a servlet Bean that utilizes introspection
and serialization.
Create a JavaServer page used to generate a grid
of images on a Web page.

xxii Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Guidelines for Module Pacing

The table below provides a rough estimate of pacing for this course.

Module Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

About This Course AM

Servlet Basics AM
Forms Processing With Servlets AM/PM
Servlet Life Cycle PM
Database Access AM
Persistent State in HTTP Servlets PM
Time-Extended Connections AM
Servlet Security AM
Servlet Beans PM
Dynamic Web Content PM

About This Course xxiii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Topics Not Covered

This course does not cover the topics shown on the above overhead.
Many of the topics listed on the overhead are covered in other courses
offered by Sun Educational Services:

● Object-oriented concepts – Covered in OO-100: Object-Oriented

Technology and Concepts.

● Object-oriented design and analysis – Covered in OO-120: Object-

Oriented Design and Analysis.

● Java programming language constructs – Covered in: SL-110 Java

Programming for Non-Programmers or SL-275: Java Programming.

● System administration concepts – Covered in SA-135: Solaris 2.X

Administration Essentials and SA-285: Solaris 2.X System

Refer to the Sun Educational Services catalog for specific information

and registration.

xxiv Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
How Prepared Are You?

To be sure you are prepared to take this course, can you answer the
following questions in the affirmative?

● Do you have experience using Web browsers?

● Do you have experience programming in the Java language; and

does your experience include developing applets, and working
with thread and security APIs?

● Are you comfortable learning new APIs?

● Do you excel in courses that use a hands-on approach to


About This Course xxv

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Now that you have been introduced to the course, introduce yourself
to each other and the instructor, addressing the items shown on the
above overhead.

xxvi Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
How to Use Course Materials

To enable you to succeed in this course, these course materials employ

a learning model that is composed of the following components:

● Course map – Each module starts with an overview of the content

so you can see how the module fits into your overall course goal.

● Relevance – The relevance section for each module provides

scenarios or questions that introduce you to the information
contained in the module and provoke you to think about how the
module content relates to your interest in creating Java servlets.

● Overhead image – Reduced overhead images for the course are

included in the course materials to help you easily follow where
the instructor is at any point in time. Overheads do not appear on
every page.

About This Course xxvii

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
How to Use Course Materials

● Lecture – The instructor will present information specific to the

topic of the module. This information will help you learn the
knowledge and skills necessary to succeed with the exercises.

● Exercise – Lab exercises will give you the opportunity to practice

your skills and apply the concepts presented in the lecture. The
example code presented in the lecture should help you complete
the lab exercises.

● Check your progress – Module objectives are restated, sometimes

in question format, so that before moving on to the next module
you are sure that you can accomplish the objectives of the current

● Think beyond – Thought-provoking questions are posed to help

you apply the content of the module or predict the content in the
next module.

xxviii Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions

The following icons and typographical conventions are used in this

course to represent various training elements and alternative learning

Additional resources – Indicates additional reference materials are

Demonstration - Indicates a demonstration of the current topic is

recommended at this time.

Discussion – Indicates a small group or class discussion on the current

topic is recommended at this time.

Exercise objective – Indicates additional supportive topics, ideas, or

other optional information.

About This Course xxix

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions

Icons (Continued)

Note – Indicates additional important information.

Caution – Indicates a potential hazard to data or machinery.

Warning – Indicates anything that poses personal danger or

irreversible damage to data or the operating system.

xxx Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Course Icons and Typographical Conventions

Typographical Conventions
Courier is used for the names of commands, files, and directories, as
well as on-screen computer output. For example:

Use ls -al to list all files.

system% You have mail.

Courier bold is used for characters and numbers that you type. For

system% su

Courier italic is used for variables and command-line

placeholders that are replaced with a real name or value. For example:

To delete a file, type rm filename.

Palatino italics is used for book titles, new words or terms, or words
that are emphasized. For example:

Read Chapter 6 in User’s Guide.

These are called class options
You must be root to do this.

About This Course xxxi

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
xxxii Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Basics 1

Course Map
This module provides an introduction to servlet development by
examining and comparing a simple HelloWorld CGI script and servlet.

Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following question is relevant in understanding the

topics presented in this module:

CGI scripts are commonly used to add functionality to Web pages.

What benefits do servlets offer over CGI?

1-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● List the steps involved in the CGI request and response


● Identify the importance of a content type in a response

● Describe, in one sentence, the term servlet

● Define three or more uses for servlets

● List the steps involved in the servlet request and response


● Identify the class used to create an HTTP servlet

● Create and invoke a basic servlet

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Java Servlet Tutorial. [Online]. Available:

● Developing Java Servlets. Crawford, William. [Online]. Available:

● HTML Web Publisher’s Construction Kit. Fox, David, and Troy

Downing. 1995. Waite Group Press.

Servlet Basics 1-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

The common gateway interface (CGI) greatly increased the usefulness
of the Web. CGI provides a mechanism that allows a Web client to
execute programs on the server. These programs, called CGI scripts,
can be written in popular languages such as C, C++, Visual Basic, and

Example Uses
A CGI script might perform a simple task such as returning the
current date from a server. Or, more commonly, a CGI script could be
used to parse data in a hypertext markup language (HTML) form and
return a result to the browser, based on the data parsed. Other uses of
CGI scripts are:

● Providing an entry point into a Web server utility such as the

UNIX® finger utility.

1-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

Example Uses (Continued)

● Returning database information based upon a query from a Web

● Performing a computation, such as the total for items ordered

from an on-line catalog, and returning the result to a Web browser.

Servlet Basics 1-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
CGI Request and Response

CGI scripts are request/response oriented. This means that scripts are
invoked based on some sort of request and, usually, return some sort
of response to the requestor. Figure 1-1 provides an overview of the
request/response nature of CGI scripts.

programs 2

2 Shell 3
HTTP request Run
CGI script
HTTP response Output 4

(WWW client)
HTTP (Web)

Figure 1-1 CGI Request and Response Overview

Request and Response Mechanism

The request/response mechanism for a CGI script works as follows:

1. A client Web browser makes a request, containing an HTTP

header and message body, to a CGI program.

2. The HTTP server parses the request information and starts a new
shell process. The request is stored either in a series of CGI
environment variables or through standard input.

3. The server then runs the script, which may run one or more
scripts, and then, optionally, generate an output consisting of a
HTTP header and message body.

4. The output is forwarded to the HTTP server.

1-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

CGI Request and Response

Request and Response Mechanism (Continued)

5. The HTTP server forwards the output to the client Web browser.


CGI scripts are written to handle requests and responses over the
HTTP. HTTP is the request/response protocol used by Web servers to
communicate with Web browsers on the Internet. A client makes a
request for data to a server and the server responds with the response
or data. An HTTP response must contain a header that tells the Web
server the type of data the response contains. As a developer of a CGI
script, you will know the type of data the CGI script will receive.

Servlet Basics 1-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example HelloWorld CGI Script

Script Code
Shown here is a CGI script that is invoked by a Web
browser and returns a string. The .pl extension identifies the script as
a Perl script. There are two main functions of the form processing CGI
script: setting content type and returning a response.
1 #!/usr/local/lib/perl4/bin/perl
2 # Perl 4.0
4 # Print out a content-type for HTTP/1.0 compatibility
5 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
7 &print_results;
9 sub print_results
10 {
11 print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Hello World</TITLE>
</HEAD><BODY><h1>Hello World</h1></BODY></HTML>";
12 }

1-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld Common Gateway Interface Script

Setting Content Type

The first thing that this CGI script does is specify a header type of
Content-Type:text/html for the response (line 5). Content type is
used to specify the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) data
type for a response. MIME is a coding scheme used to differentiate
various types of data. Web browsers and Web servers often support
several different MIME types. You must specify the MIME type and
sub-type when using the content type header. In the example, text is
the MIME data type, and html is the sub-type (the type of text
requested or returned). Appendix A, “CGI, HTTP, and Servlets,” lists
all of the MIME types available.

Servlet Basics 1-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld CGI Script

Returning a Response
Once the text/html response type is defined, the script composes a
the body of the response using the Perl print command to print to
standard output (line 11). The HTML generated by a script is often
referred to as dynamic HTML. This term is used because the HTML is
dynamically created based on a request to a script.

1-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld CGI Script

Invoking the Example CGI Script

CGI scripts are commonly placed in the server_root/cgi-bin/
directory. You can invoke your CGI script with a Web browser once
you have placed your CGI script in this directory. You can type the
following in your uniform resource locator (URL) field to invoke the script from your Web browser:

Note – The mod1-basic/examples/ directory contains a copy of the script.

Servlet Basics 1-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Web Server and Common Gateway Interface Support

Most Web servers support CGI scripts. In addition, a Web server will
also support one or more CGI scripting languages. Popular languages
are Perl, C, and tool command language (TCL).

1-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

What Is a Servlet?

Servlets are modules that run inside request/response-oriented
services, extending these services in some manner. Services are bodies
of code that implement an application-level protocol such as file
transfer protocol (FTP), dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP),
or HTTP.

Servlets are written in the Java programming language, which enables

them to access the benefits that the language provides.

Servlet Basics 1-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
What Is a Servlet?

Example Uses
Like CGI scripts, servlets are capable of performing tasks such as
returning a server’s date or parsing form data. Additional uses for
servlets include:

● Allowing access to remote objects developed using the Java

programming language through the use of Java technology RMI or
Java IDL technology

● Tracking large amounts of information across several Web pages,

such as items purchased in an on-line catalog

● Allowing collaboration among multiple users logged into the same

Web server (such as a chat servlet)

1-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Request and Response

Request and Response Overview

HTTP servlets receive a request, in the form of an
HttpServletRequest object and return a response in the form of an
HttpServletResponse. As with CGI, servlets are also
request/response oriented.

Figure 1-2 provides an overview of the request/response nature of a

servlet scripts.

Class 2
loader Invoker
Is servlet No
loaded? 2
1 Yes 3
HTTP request

5 service
HTTP response Output 4 thread
(WWW client)
HTTP (Web)

Figure 1-2 Servlet Request and Response Overview

The request/response mechanism for an HTTP servlet works as


1. A client Web browser sends a request, containing an HTTP

header and message body, to a servlet.

Servlet Basics 1-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Request and Response

Request and Response Overview (Continued)

2. The HTTP service receives the request, loads the servlet if it isn’t
already loaded, and launches the invoker servlet.

3. The invoker then calls the servlet’s service method which runs
within its own thread. The servlet can run one or more servlets,
and then generates an output. The Web server spawns a new
thread for subsequent calls to the servlet’s service routine.

4. The output is forwarded back to the HTTP service.

5. The HTTP service forwards the output to the client Web browser.

1-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Servlet Request and Response

HTTP and Servlets

The majority of servlets are developed for the HTTP protocol as an
alternative to CGI-based solutions. The API for Java technology
servlets (“Java servlets”) provides a subclass of the GenericServlet
abstract class, called HttpServlet, for use in developing HTTP-based

Servlet Basics 1-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld Servlet

The following is the source code for a HelloWorld Java servlet. The
HTTP protocol generates an HTTP request, using the GET method,
which is sent to the Web server when the servlet is invoked from the
browser. The servlet is a .java file that has been compiled into a
.class file and stored on the Web server.

1-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example HelloWorld Servlet

Servlet Code
1 import*;
2 import javax.servlet.*;
3 import javax.servlet.http.*;
5 public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet{
7 public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,
IOException {
9 res.setContentType("text/html");
11 try{
12 PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
13 out.println("<HTML>");
14 out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Hello World
15 out.println("<BODY>");
16 out.println("<h1>Hello World</h1>");
17 out.println("</BODY></HTML>");
18 out.close();
19 } catch(IOException ioe) {
20 getServletContext().log (ioe,"Error in HelloWorld");
21 }
22 }
23 }

The first thing that this servlet code does is specify the appropriate
import libraries:, javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http.

Servlet Basics 1-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld Servlet

The import statements are followed by the class declaration (line 5).
Notice that the class extends HttpServlet. This is a specific
implementation of the javax.servlet.GenericServlet abstract
class. You need only subclass an HttpServlet to develop an HTTP-
specific servlet. Remember, you can create servlets to support services
other than HTTP.

1-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld Servlet

The service Method

The doGet method is one of several “service” methods supported by
the HttpServlet. A servlet’s service method is invoked for each
request to a servlet. A servlet must override one of HttpServlet’s
service methods to receive requests.

The example servlet overrides doGet because the HTTP protocol

generates a GET, by default, when a CGI script or servlet is invoked
directly from a URL (line 7). HTTP methods are further discussed in
Module 2. All HttpServlet service methods accept an HttpRequest
and HttpResponse object.

Servlet Basics 1-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld Servlet

Setting Content Type

The servlet uses the HttpServletResponse object, provided to the
servlet’s service method when the servlet is called, to generate a
response (line 12). The HttpServletResponse object provides several
methods for manipulating the header and body of a response.

As with a CGI script, the servlet sets the content type within the
responses header (line 9). The content type is set using
HTTPServletResponse’s response.setContentType method. You
can also use setContentLength to set the length of the response.

1-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example HelloWorld Servlet

Setting Content Type (Continued)

HttpServletResponse also provides the setHeader and
setIntHeader methods for adding fields to an HTTP response’s
header (line 9).

Note – The mod1-basic/examples directory contains a copy of

request for comments (RFC) 2068. This RFC describes the HTTP 1.1
protocol (headers and body).

Servlet Basics 1-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld Servlet

Returning a Response
HttpServletResponse provides both PrintWriter and
ServletOutputStream for returning the body of a response to a
client. The way you choose to have your servlet respond depends on
the type of data your servlet will return:

● Use response.getWriter to return a PrintWriter used for text

data (localized).

● Use response.getOuputStream to return a

ServletOutputStream used for binary data.

The PrintWriter and OutputStream provide options to print the

response. The example uses PrintWriter.println to create the
necessary dynamic HTML (lines 12–18). The PrintWriter is closed
using out.close (line 18).

1-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HelloWorld Servlet

Writing Exceptions to Log Files

A service runs within an environment, or context. Servlets running
within the same service share the same servlet context. Servlet contexts
are implemented by service developers for a Web server.

The javax.servlet.servletContext interface offers two useful log

methods. The first accepts an exception and a string and prints them to
server_root/logs/javawebserver/event_log. The second log
method also prints to
server_root/logs/javawebserver/event_log, but simply accepts
a string. These log methods are useful for debugging your servlets.

Note – HttpServlet provides a standard log method that you can use
to log information to
server_root/logs/javawebserver/event_log. This log method
calls the servletContext log method.

Servlet Basics 1-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Invoking the Example Servlet

Invocation URL
Servlets are commonly placed in the /servlets/ directory under the
server_root directory for Java Web Server. Servlets placed in this
directory can be invoked directly using their class names. For example,
if HelloWorld.class were placed in the server_root/servlets
directory, the syntax to invoke the servlet would be as follows:

For example:

1-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Invoking the Example Servlet

servlet/ Versus servlets/

Notice that you place servlets in the server_root/servlets
directory, but launch servlets from servlet/. Java Web Server uses a
special server-side mechanism called servlet aliasing to call another
servlet, the invoker servlet, which is used to invoke your servlet’s
service routine each time it is called.

Servlet aliases are pathname mapping rules that the Java Web Server
uses to invoke servlets. These rules enable you to use a shortcut URL
to call a servlet from your browser, embed a shortcut into your files, or
perform a URL redirect such as invoking the invoker servlet when the
servlet/ reference is used. Servlet aliases are further discussed in
Module 3. Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” contains instructions
covering the use of servlet aliases with Java Web Server.

Note – The mod1-basic/examples/ directory contains a copy of the

HelloWorld servlet source and .class file.

Servlet Basics 1-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Web Server Servlet Support

Servlets require a special servlet environment, or servlet engine, to run.

Servlet support is built in to several popular Web servers including the
Java Web Server available from Sun Microsystems™. This course uses
the Java Web Server to invoke the servlets you will create in each

1-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of Servlet Basics

The basics of HTTP servlet development consist of developing a

servlet that receives a simple HTTP GET request and, optionally,
returns a response to a Web browser. This is accomplished through:

● Subclassing the HttpServlet class by extending HttpServlet.

● Overriding one of HttpServlet’s service methods to accept servlet

requests. The example servlet uses doGet because the HTTP
protocol generates a GET when a CGI script or servlet is invoked
directly from a URL.

● Setting the content type and, optionally, the length of the response
using setContentType and setContentLength, respectively.

● Using response.getPrintWriter, for text data, or

response.getServletOutputStream, for binary data, to submit a

● Using the PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream’s println

method to generate dynamic HTML.

Servlet Basics 1-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Review of Servlet Basics

● Closing the PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream using


● Using getServletContext.log to print exceptions and messages

to the event_log.

1-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Simple HTTP Servlet

Exercise objective – Create, configure, and invoke a basic HTTP

servlet that responds to the GET methods of the HTTP protocol. Create
a servlet that writes to the event_log.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

Servlet Basics 1-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Simple HTTP Servlet



1. From your home directory, change directory to mod1-


2. Open the file in an editor.

3. The file contains several comments

indicating where you must insert code. Insert code within to do the following:

Handle HTTP protocol GET methods by overriding the doGet

service method.

▼ Set the response header field and content type.

▼ Get a writer or output stream from HttpServletResponse,

depending on type of return data returned by the servlet.

▼ With the writer or output stream, print out a response


▼ Close the writer or output stream.

4. Save the file after you have made changes.

5. Generate a BasicServlet.class file.

% javac

6. Copy BasicServlet.class to the server_root/servlets


1-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Simple HTTP Servlet


Configuring and Invoking

1. Add BasicServlet to Java Web Server. Refer to Appendix B,

“Using Java Web Server,” for more information.

2. Close the Java Web Server – Web Service window once

BasicServlet has been added.

3. Invoke BasicServlet by typing the following URL in your Web


You should see BasicServlet HTML text appear. This URL

invokes BasicServlet directly; it points to the servlet using a URL
from within a Web browser.

Servlet Basics 1-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Simple HTTP Servlet


Create a Servlet That Writes to the event_log

Use the servlet API’s log methods to create a servlet that writes to the
The servlet should obtain and write the client’s IP address and date.
The servlet should also notify the client when the log file has been
written to and display the entry on the client’s browser.

1-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Simple HTTP Servlet

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

Servlet Basics 1-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ List the steps involved in the CGI request and response


❑ Identify the importance of a content type in a response

❑ Describe, in one sentence, the term servlet

❑ Define three or more uses for servlets

❑ List the steps involved in the servlet request and response


❑ Identify the class used to create an HTTP servlet

❑ Create and invoke a basic servlet

1-36 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Think Beyond

This module primarily discussed handling servlet responses. What

might you do as part of handling a request to a servlet?

Servlet Basics 1-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Forms Processing With Servlets 2

Course Map
This module builds upon basic servlet development through the
introduction of HTTP request handling and the creation of a form-
processing servlet.
Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following questions are relevant in understanding

the topics presented in this module.

Forms and servlets provide a mechanism for a Web client to submit

information to a Web server. Forms consist of any number of fields,
check boxes, buttons, and menu items. What are some examples of
forms you might create or use?

What must a CGI script do to parse an HTTP request?

2-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● List the two parts of a form-processing solution

● Identify the two primary tags used for building HTML forms

● List the three attributes used in the <FORM> tag

● Explain the seven HTTP method types

● Identify how to invoke a CGI script or servlet from an HTML form

● List the seven HttpServlet service methods

● Explain the differences among getParameterNames,

getParameterValues, getParameter, getQueryString,
parseQueryString, getPrintWriter, and
getServletOutputStream servlet APIs

● Identify the use of the getServletInfo method

● Write a form-processing servlet

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Java Servlet Tutorial. [Online]. Available:

● Replacing CGI Scripts with Servlets. [Online]. Available:

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

A Basic Form Solution

Two items required to complete a basic form solution are

● The HTML form

● A CGI script or servlet used to process the form data

Examples of each items are shown and explained in the following


2-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example HTML Form

HTML forms usually contain a combination of fields, buttons, check

boxes, and a button used to submit the form data to a Web server.
Most HTML books discuss the HTML tags required to create a form.
Figure 2-1 shows a simple HTML form.

Figure 2-1 A Simple HTML Form

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example HTML Form

The HTML source code for the form in Figure 2-1 is as follows:
1 <HTML>
2 <HEAD>
3 <TITLE>Test Form</TITLE>
4 <BODY>
5 <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="/cgi-bin/">
6 <h1>Please fill out the following form data</h1>
8 <p>
10 <p>
11 Position:
13 <OPTION>Software Engineer
14 <OPTION>Editor
15 <OPTION>Course Developer
16 <OPTION>Instructor
17 </SELECT>
18 <p>
19 I would like to receive marketing materials
21 <p>
24 </FORM>
25 </BODY>
26 </HTML>

2-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example HTML Form

The <FORM> Tag

An HTML form is declared using the <FORM> tag. The <FORM> tag
takes three parameters. These are:




Forms Processing With Servlets 2-7

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An Example HTML Form

The <FORM> Tag


The METHOD attribute identifies how the data will be sent from the
browser to the Web server. There are several HTTP method types, each
with its own characteristics. Table 2-1 lists the HTTP methods
supported by HTTP 1.1 protocol.

2-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example HTML Form

The <FORM> Tag

METHOD (Continued)

Table 2-1 HTTP Methods Supported by HTTP 1.1 Protocol.

HTTP Method Description

GET The body of the message is appended

to the URL, separated by a question
mark. Generally used for small
HEAD Similar to GET, but the server doesn’t
return a message body in the
POST The body of the message is sent as a
stream of data. Generally used for
PUT Requests that the server store the
resource specified in the request URL.
DELETE Specifies that the server delete the
resource identified in the URL.
TRACE Performs a loopback of the request
OPTIONS Requests the options available
between the browser and the Web
server specified in the URL.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-9

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An Example HTML Form

The <FORM> Tag

METHOD (Continued)

Module 1 mentioned that an HTTP GET is generated when a CGI script

or servlet is invoked as part of a URL. This is because the default
METHOD for any request is a GET. Information received through a GET
request is stored, by the Web server, in an environment variable called
a query string. The GET method is used primarily for small queries or

POST is usually more reliable than GET and allows more data to be sent
to the Web browser. Therefore, POSTs are recommended for HTML
form requests.

The HEAD method is used for sending header information only, usually
to test hypertext links, and is deemed inadequate for most requests.

The PUT and DELETE methods are used to modify information on a

Web server. These HTTP methods are not often used because of
security reasons.

Finally, TRACE and OPTIONS are useful when determining the

capabilities between a Web browser and a Web server.

Note – The mod2-forms/examples directory contains a copy of RFC

2068. This RFC describes the HTTP 1.1 protocol.

2-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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An Example HTML Form

The <FORM> Tag


The ACTION attribute specifies the destination for the form

information. In most cases this is a CGI script or servlet. The script or
servlet defined by ACTION may be relative to the server_root or an
absolute uniform resource locator (URL). This attribute is optional. If
omitted, ACTION defaults to the current Web page’s URL.

The ENCTYPE attribute is used to encode the data. This attribute can be
used only if your METHOD is a POST. In most cases, you do not need to
use this attribute.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-11

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An Example HTML Form

The <INPUT> Tag

The INPUT tag is used to identify the individual input fields in a form.
You should also use the INPUT tag to identify a button used to submit
the form data once the form has been filled out. After the end-user
clicks on the Submit button, the form is sent as a data stream (for a
POST) to the servlet specified in the <FORM> tag at the top of the HTML

2-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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An Example Form-Processing Script

The following CGI script is invoked by the example HTML

form and returns the form data to the browser. There are four main
functions of the form processing CGI script: setting content type,
reading the request, parsing the request, and returning a response.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example Form-Processing Script

Script Code
1 #!/usr/dist/pkgs/perl/bin/perl
3 # Print out a content-type for HTTP/1.0 compatibility
4 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
6 &parse_data;
8 &print_results;
10 sub parse_data
11 {
12 read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
14 # Split the name-value pairs
15 @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
16 }
18 sub print_results
19 {
20 print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Form Object
21 List</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>";
22 print "Object/Value pairs passed in by form:<BR><BR>";
23 foreach $pair (@pairs) {
24 ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
26 # Remove plus signs and percent (%) encoding
27 $value =~ tr/+/ /;
28 $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;
29 print "$name: $value<BR>";
30 }
31 }

The lines in bold represent the bulk of the work done by the example
form-processing script. These lines are explained in the following

2-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example Form-Processing Script

Setting Content Type

The first thing that the example CGI script does is specify the header
type for the response (line 4).

Reading the Request

The script reads the entire body of the request, from standard input,
after setting content type (line 12).

The Perl read command accepts a handle to standard input (STDIN), a

new buffer to hold the message ($buffer), and a CGI environment
variable holding the message body’s length ($ENV).

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-15

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An Example Form-Processing Script

Parsing the Request

The buffer, now containing the message body, is parsed to create
name=value pairs corresponding to the fields and their values in the
HTML form (line 15).

Prior to parsing, the buffer contains a stream of data: name=value pairs

delimited by the “&” character. For example:

The Perl split command accepts a delimiter (&) and the buffer
containing the unparsed data ($buffer). The split command parses
each name=value pair into its only place within an array (@pairs).

2-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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An Example Form-Processing Script

Parsing the Request (Continued)

Certain form items, such as a SELECT box, can produce multiple values,
each referred to by the same name. For example:


A CGI script must do some extra work, namely ensuring what values
belong to what names, to parse this type of data.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-17

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An Example Form-Processing Script

Returning a Response
The data is further parsed and returned to be displayed by the Web
browser (lines 23, 24, and 29).

The script iterates through each item in the array, parses out the equals
sign (=) for each name=value pair, and then prints the result (each pair)
to standard output as:
name: value

2-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Invoking the Example Form-Processing Script

HTML files are commonly placed in the

server_root/public_html/ directory. You can invoke your CGI
script with a Web browser once you have placed your HTML page in
this directory, and placed your CGI script in the server_root/cgi-
bin/ directory. You can type the following in your URL locator to
invoke the form.html page from your Web browser:

Remember, the CGI script is invoked by the <FORM> tag’s ACTION

attribute once the Submit button has been clicked on.

Note – The mod2-forms/examples/ directory contains a copy of the

form.html HTML form and script.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-19

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Forms and Servlets

The HTML form used earlier in this module can also be used in a form
servlet solution. The only item in this HTML form that must be
changed is the value for the ACTION attribute within the <FORM> tag
itself. Currently the form launches a CGI script called

Modify the ACTION tag to contain the name of the servlet, either
relative to the server_root or as a complete URL. For example:

2-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Servlet Code
The following sample is the source code for a SimpleForm servlet that
is invoked by an HTML form and returns the form data to the
1 import*;
2 import java.util.*;
3 import javax.servlet.*;
4 import javax.servlet.http.*;
6 public class SimpleForm extends HttpServlet {
8 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,IOException {
10 Enumeration keys;
11 String key;
12 String value;
13 String title;
15 res.setContentType("text/html");
16 PrintWriter out = res.getPrintWriter();
17 out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>
18 out.println("<h1> SimpleFormServlet Output </h1>");
19 out.println("<P>This is output from SimpleFormServlet.\n");
21 keys = req.getParameterNames();
22 while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
23 key = (String) keys.nextElement();
24 value = req.getParameter(key);
25 out.println("<P>" + key + ": " + value);
26 }
27 out.println("</BODY>");
28 out.close();
29 }
31 public String getServletInfo() {
32 return "A simple form servlet";
33 }
34 }

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-21

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

HTTPServlet Service Methods

As discussed earlier, there are several HTTP methods supported by the
HTTP protocol (such as GET and POST). The HTML form, used in this
example, generates an HTTP POST using the method=POST form

In turn, HttpServlet provides service methods that correspond to each

of the HTTP methods. This example overrides the doPost method to
handle HTTP POSTs (line 8). A servlet must override at least one of the
HttpServlet service methods—usually the one that corresponds to the
type of HTTP method used in the request. A servlet’s service method
is called for each request to the servlet.

2-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

HTTPServlet Service Methods (Continued)

HttpServlet service methods are:

● doGet. Override this method if HTTP GET requests are to be

supported by your servlet. Overriding the doGet method
automatically provides support for HEAD operations. Where
practical, the getLastModified method should also be
overridden, to facilitate caching the HTTP response data by the
client. This may improve performance by enabling more efficient
conditional GET support.

● doPost. Override this method if HTTP POST requests are to be

supported by your servlet.

● doPut. Override this method if HTTP PUT requests are to be

supported by your servlet.

● doDelete. Override this method if HTTP DELETE requests are to

be supported by your servlet.

● doTrace. The default implementation of doTrace causes a

response with a message containing all of the headers sent in the
TRACE request. The doTrace method is not typically overridden.

● doOptions. The default implementation of doOptions

automatically determines what HTTP options are supported
between the Web server and browser and returns the information
to the browser. The doTrace method is not typically overridden.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-23

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

HTTPServlet Service Methods (Continued)

● service. This service method is a standard Servlet.service
method which accepts HTTP requests. Override service if you
want your servlet to handle HTTP requests in a “generic manner.”
For example, the service methods listed previously will be invoked
only if there is user interaction on the browser (such as a button
being clicked to submit a form). You can use the generic service
method to respond to requests that did not require user
interaction, such as calling a servlet with a server side include

Note – The service method provided by HttpServlet supports

standard HTTP requests by dispatching them to appropriate methods:
the methods previously listed. The service method for an HttpServlet
is not typically overridden.

Each of these service methods receives a request, in the form of an

HttpServletRequest object, and returns a response in the form of an

2-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Setting Content Type

As mentioned previously, the servlet sets the content type through the
response.setContentType method prior to parsing the request data
(line 15).

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Parsing the Request

HttpServletRequest provides access to HTTP header data, such as
any cookies found in the request and the HTTP method, and a request
body or parameters.

There are several ways to parse the data in an HttpServletRequest.

This example uses getParameterNames and getParameter (lines 21
and 24). The options you choose depends on how the HTTP method is
generated for the request (such as a GET or POST).

For All Requests

Use getParameterNames and getParameterValues for any HTTP

method. The getParameterNames method is used if you do not know
the names of the parameters being passed. In the example,
getParameterNames is used because the servlet is designed to iterate
through the parameters for any form.

2-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Parsing the Request

For All Requests (Continued)

The getParameterNames method saves the names in an Enumeration

object. Normally, getParameterNames is not needed as servlets are
usually designed to handle parameters in a specific way for a specific
form. The getParameterValues method accepts the name of a
parameter as a String and returns an array of parameter values. This
method is useful when handling parameters whose names have
multiple values.

The getParameter method accepts the name of a parameter as a

String and returns an individual value.

For an HTTP GET Query String

HTTP GET uses a portion of the URL to send parameters. For example:

The parameter portion of a URL, appearing after a question mark (?),

is called a query string. The query string will be put in a shell
environment variable, within the CGI scripts environment, called
QUERY_STRING, when a request is received by a Web server.

The getQueryString method can be used to get the entire query

string held in the environment variable. The parseQueryString
method can be used to parse the individual values within the query
string and put these values into a hashtable. These methods are
normally used if you are submitting individual values, each separated
by a question mark, as part of the URL to the servlet. Use
getParameterNames and getParameterValues to parse the request if
a query string consists of name=value settings.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-27

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Parsing the Request

For HTTP POSTs With Binary or Text (Localized) Data

● Use request.getReader to get a BufferedReader to parse

localized request data.

● Use request.getInputStream to get a ServletInputStream to

parse a binary request data. ServletInputStream contains one
method, readline, which accepts a byte buffer used to contain the
data, a starting offset into the data, and the maximum number of
bytes to read. The following code fragment demonstrates the use
of a ServletInputStream and the readLine method:
1 int buffsize = 1024*8;
2 ...
3 ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();
4 ...
5 ServletInputStream in = req.getInputStream();
7 int contentLength = req.getContentLength();
8 byte[] content = new byte[contentLength];
9 int result;
10 int totalRead = 0;
12 try {
13 result = in.readLine(content, 0, content.length);
14 while (result != -1) {
15 totalRead += result;
16 result = in.readLine(content, totalRead,buffsize);
17 }
18 } catch (IOException ioe) {
19 getServletContext().log(ioe, "Error in EchoServlet");
20 }
21 out.write(content, 0, totalRead);
22 out.flush();

2-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Parsing the Request

For HTTP POSTs with Binary or Text (Localized) Data (Continued)

In the previous code fragment:

● A ServletInputStream is created from the request (line 5).

● The length of the request is determined using

req.getContentLength (line 7).

● A byte array, called content, is created to hold the data in the

request body (line 8).

● The in.readLine method is used to read each line from the

request and fill the result buffer. The readLine method returns a
negative one (-1) when the end of the buffer has been reached
(lines 13-16).

● A PrintWriter’s write method, called out.write, is used to

write the characters in the PrintWriter (lines 21–22).

Note – This example code fragment comes from the EchoServlet

included with Java Web Server. The mod2-basic/examples/ directory
contains a copy of the source file.

CGI Variables and Equivalent Servlet APIs

A Web server stores some HTTP request data, such as a query string,
in CGI environment variables within the shell where the CGI script
was executed. Appendix C contains a list of common CGI variables
and the servlet APIs used to extract the equivalent data.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-29

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Returning a Response
In the example form-processing servlet, the names of the request
parameters are saved in an Enumeration object (lines 21–24). The,
getParameterValue method is used to extract the value for each name
in the Enumeration object. The PrintWriter’s println method is
used to return to a response (lines 16, and 25).

2-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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An Example Form-Processing Servlet

Displaying Information About a Servlet

The example form-processing servlet also overrides the
getServletInfo method to provide information about the servlet to
the Web server (lines 30–31). This information can include the servlet’s
description, author, and version number. By default, getServletInfo
method returns null. While you are not required to override this
method, it is strongly recommended that you do so.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-31

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Invoking the Example Form-Processing Servlet

You can invoke your servlet with a Web browser once you have placed
your HTML page in the server_root/public_html directory, and
your servlet in the server_root/servlets/ directory. You can type
the following in your URL locator to invoke the form.html page from
your Web browser:

Remember that the servlet, specified with the <FORM> tag’s ACTION
attribute, is invoked once the Submit button has been clicked.

Note – The mod2-forms/examples/ directory contains a copy of the

form.html, and the servlet source and .class file.
A special SnoopServlet is also provided. SnoopServlet echoes
information about HTTP GET and POST requests back to a Web
browser. This servlet is useful for learning the contents of HTTP GET
and POST requests.

2-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Review of Form Servlets

Developing form and servlet solutions involves designing both the

HTML form and the servlet used to process form data. This is
accomplished through the following steps:

● Create an HTML form.

● Modify a form’s ACTION tag to contain the name of the servlet,

either relative to the server_root, or as a complete URL.

● Subclass the HttpServlet class by extending HttpServlet.

● Override at least one of HttpServlet’s service methods to accept

servlet requests. The example servlet uses doPost because the
HTTP POST method is designed to handle larger amounts of data
than an HTTP GET method. Other service methods are doPut,
doDelete, doTrace, doOptions, and service.

● Use setContentType to set the content type of the response.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-33

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Review of Form Servlets

● Parse the request:

▼ Use getParameterNames and getParameterValues for any

HTTP method. The getParameterNames method returns an
Enumeration object containing parameter names. The
getParameterValues returns an array of values for a given
parameter name. Finally, getParameter returns a single value
for a given parameter name.
▼ The getQueryString method can be used to get the query
string portion of a URL. The parseQueryString method can
be used to parse the individual values within the query string
and put these values into a hashtable. These methods are
normally used if you are submitting individual values, each
separated by a question mark, as part of the URL to the servlet.

▼ Use getReader to get a BufferedReader to parse localized

request data.

▼ Use getInputStream to get a ServletInputStream to parse

binary request data.

2-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Review of Form Servlets

● Use response.getPrintWriter, for text data, or

response.getServletOutputStream, for binary data, to submit a

● Use the PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream’s println

method to generate dynamic HTML.

● (Optional) Override the getServletInfo method to provide

information about the servlet to the Web server.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing Form-Processing Servlets

Exercise objective – Create, configure, and invoke a basic form-

processing servlet. Create a feedback form and form-processing

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html for

help with the servlet API.

2-36 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing Form-Processing Servlets



1. From your home directory, change directory to mod2-


2. Open the file in a text editor.

3. The file contains a few comments and a

declaration for the BasicForm class. Insert code in to do the following:

▼ Handle an HTTP protocol POST method by overriding the

doPost service method.

▼ Set the content type (supplied).

▼ Extract the request data, generated by the BasicForm.html

file, from the HttpServletRequest using the
getParameterValue method. The HTML file is supplied.

▼ Write the data from the BasicForm.html file to a file


▼ Close the file (supplied).

▼ Get a PrintWriter to return data back to the Web browser.

▼ Respond to the client after writing form data to the file.

▼ Provide information about the servlet to the Web server.

4. Save the file after you have made changes.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-37

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Exercise: Developing Form-Processing Servlets


Creating (Continued)

5. Generate a BasicForm.class file.

% javac

Note – The javac compiler generates the error message Note: uses a deprecated API. Recompile with -deprecation
for details if you use the getParameter API. You can disregard this
warning. The getParameter API will not be deprecated in the next
release of the servlet API.

6. Copy Basicform.class to the server_root/servlets directory.

7. Copy BasicServlet.html to the server_root/public_html


2-38 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing Form-Processing Servlets


Configuring and Invoking

1. Add BasicForm to Java Web Server. Refer to Appendix B, “Using

Java Web Server,” for more information.

2. Close the Java Web Server Web Service screen.

3. Load the BasicForm.html file by typing the following URL in

your Web browser:


The BasicForm form should be displayed. This form uses the

ACTION attribute to invoke the BasicForm servlet.

4. Fill out the form and click on the Submit button. The Submit
button sends the data to the BasicForm servlet. You will receive a
thank you reply once the data has been saved on the Web server.

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-39

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Exercise: Developing Form-Processing Servlets


Creating a Feedback Form and Form-Processing Servlet

1. Create a feedback form.

2. Create a servlet that accepts the feedback information as a request

and stores this information in a file.

3. Return the information to the browser with a thank you note.

2-40 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Form-Processing Servlet

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ List the two parts of a form-processing solution

❑ Identify the two primary tags used for building HTML forms

❑ List the three attributes used in the <FORM> tag

❑ Explain the seven HTTP method types

❑ Identify how to invoke a CGI script or servlet from an HTML form

❑ List the seven HttpServlet service methods

❑ Explain the differences among getParameterNames,

getParameterValues, getParameter, getQueryString,
parseQueryString, getPrintWriter, and
getServletOutputStream servlet APIs

❑ Identify the use of the getServletInfo method

❑ Write a form-processing servlet

2-42 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Think Beyond

A servlet can receive all types of parameters, from form data to file
and path information, which are required by the servlet to store form
data. It is inefficient to provide a servlet with certain information, such
as file and path information, each time the servlet is called. How do
you think the servlet API handles this type of servlet initialization

Forms Processing With Servlets 2-43

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Life C ycle 3

Course Map
This module provides an in-depth discussion of a servlet’s life cycle.
This discussion includes various development issues relative to each
stage in the life cycle.

Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following questions are relevant in understanding

the topics presented in this module.

Servlet also provides an init and destroy method that your servlet
can override. Why might you override these methods?

As mentioned, a servlet’s service routine is called, in its own thread,

for each client request. What are some of the concurrency issues a
servlet developer might face when developing a servlet?

3-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● List the four steps in a servlet’s life cycle

● Identify the three locations where servlets load

● Describe, in one sentence, the purpose of the init method

● Explain the use of the getInitParameter and

getInitParameterNames APIs

● Describe the two options for handling concurrency issues caused

by multiple service routines

● Describe, in one sentence, the purpose of the destroy method

● Explain how to manage service threads at service termination

● Modify a form-processing servlet to handle initialization

parameters and long-running threads

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Java Servlet Tutorial. [Online]. Available:

● Developing Java Servlets. Crawford, William. [Online]. Available:

● Servlets & Friends. Sagar, Ajit. Java Developer’s Journal (February).

Servlet Life C ycle 3-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Servlet Life Cycle

There are four steps within a servlet’s life cycle. The first step is the
actual loading and instantiation of the servlet, the creation of a servlet
instance, by a service. This step is followed by the invocation of three
life cycle methods: init, service, and destroy.

3-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Loading and Instantiating a Servlet

Class Loaders
A system class loader or special Java Web Server class loader will load
and instantiate your servlet classes (either automatically when Java
Web Server starts, or when the servlet is initially referenced). The class
loader that is used is dependent on the location of your servlet’s

Servlet Life C ycle 3-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Loading and Instantiating a Servlet

Servlets on the CLASSPATH

You can put your servlets and supporting classes in the CLASSPATH.
Servlets in the CLASSPATH will be loaded by a system class loader.
However, servlets in the CLASSPATH are not automatically reloaded
when they have changed (been recompiled).

Note – Servlets will cause a decrease in performance when initially

loaded or reloaded by a Web server.

Servlets in server_root/servlets/
The server_root/servlets directory is not in Java Web Server’s
CLASSPATH. A special Java Web Server class loader is used to create
servlets from this directory. Java Web Server will reload servlets from
this directory when their time stamp is updated (reflecting a change in
the servlet’s code).

Remote Servlets
You can load servlets from a remote location, such as another Web
server. To load servlets remotely, you must define a codebase in
addition to the servlet’s class name (for example,
http://nine.eng/classes/foo/). Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java
Web Server,” for information on configuring remote servlets.

3-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The init Method

When a service loads a servlet, it invokes the servlet’s init method.
The init method prepares the servlet for service requests by
establishing resources that a servlet manages. You must override the
init method if your servlet needs to perform some one-time
initialization. Furthermore:

● The init method is called only once; the service will not call init
again unless it is reloading the servlet.

● The init method cannot be re-executed unless its destroy

method has been called by the service to remove the servlet.

● As soon as the init method returns, the servlet can receive client
requests through its service method.

● Even though most servlets are run in multithreaded services, there

are no concurrency issues during servlet initialization because the
service calls init once.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The init Method

An Example init Method

The following code is an example of a basic init method. This
method is used to get initialization parameters from Java Web Server.
1 public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet {
2 public void init(ServletConfig conf) throws ServletException {
4 super.init(conf);
5 log("PhoneServlet.initialize: enter");
7 String fileName = getInitParameter("phonelist");
8 if (fileName == null) {
9 return;
10 }
12 log("PhoneServlet.initialize: filename = " + fileName);
13 }
14 ...
15 }

3-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The init Method

An Example init Method

Accepting ServletConfig

The init method accepts a ServletConfig object as a parameter (line

24). The ServletConfig object contains initialization parameters and
configuration methods.

The init method should throw an UnavailableException exception

if, for some reason, the servlet’s required resources cannot be
established (for example, a required network connection cannot be
created), or an initialization error occurs that will not allow the servlet
to handle requests properly (line 24).

Servlet Life C ycle 3-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The init Method

An Example init Method

Saving ServletConfig

The init method should save the ServletConfig object, so you can
retrieve it later using getServletConfig (line 26). The simplest way
to save the object is to have the your init method call super.init
(with the ServletConfig object as a parameter). If you do not call
super.init, you should store the ServletConfig object yourself, and
override the getServletConfig method so that it can obtain the
object from its new location.

Retrieving Initialization Parameters

The ServletConfig object provides two methods for accessing

initialization parameters. These are:

● getInitParameter

● getInitParameterNames

The getInitParameter method takes the parameter name as an

argument (line 29). For example:
String resultsDir = getInitParameter("phonelist");

The getInitParameterNames method is used to get the parameter


3-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The Init Method

Configuring Initialization Parameters

Servlet initialization parameters are configured within a Web Server.
This process differs with each Web server. The Java Web Server
provides a property editor that allows you to define parameter names
and values for retrieval by a servlet’s init method. Refer to Appendix
B, “Using Java Web Server,” for information on adding initialization

Note – Initialization parameters are useful for defining static

information such as database names, an RMI registry server name, and
log file names.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The service Method

A servlet is ready to handle client requests after being initialized by a

service. Client requests are processed by a servlet’s service methods.
Each client’s request has its call to a service method run in its own
servlet thread: the method receives the client’s request, and sends the
client its response.

When a service method is called, it receives two objects:

ServletRequest and ServletResponse. ServletRequest is used to
communicate from the client to server. Conversely, ServletResponse
is used to communicate from the server to the client.

ServletRequest gives a servlet access to information such as
parameter names and values, the protocol (scheme) used by the client,
the names of the remote host that made the request, the server that
received the request, and an input stream.

3-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The service Method

ServletResponse provides an output stream and a writer, through
which the servlet can send the reply data. ServletResponse also
allows the servlet to set the content length and MIME type of the reply.

Concurrency Issues
Servlets can run multiple service methods simultaneously. Therefore,
service methods must be thread-safe. For example, if the service
method updates a field in the servlet object, such as a class variable,
that access should be synchronized.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The service Method

Threading code falls into one of two classifications: multithreaded-safe

or multithreaded-hot.

Multithreaded-Safe Servlets


Multithreaded-safe code means that multiple threads can access and

change volatile data such as class variables, without corrupting that
data. Multithreaded-safe does not necessarily mean that the code is
written for optimal performance. In fact, multithreaded-safe code is
not affected if a user’s request is blocked by another user for an
extended period of time.

3-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The service Method

Multithreaded-Safe Servlets

Recommendations for Code

When writing multithreaded-safe code for a servlet:

● Make sure that methods and variables that do not need to be

publicly accessible are marked with the appropriate access
modifier (private, protected, or package).

● Ensure that all instance methods that access critical data are

● Class variables are considered critical data. Create access methods

to access class variables.

An Example Synchronized Access Method

For example, several servlets could be writing to the same file at the
same time. If the writing is not synchronized, the data that is written
may not appear in the proper order. Following is a service method
that calls a synchronized access method to write to a file:

1 public class LogServlet extends HttpServlet {

2 public void service(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {
3 String data = "Hello World";
4 this.writeToFile(data);
5 }
7 private synchronized writeToFile(String data) {
8 // code that writes to the file
9 }
10 }

Servlet Life C ycle 3-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The service Method

Multithreaded-Hot Servlets


Multithreaded-hot code is multithreaded-safe code that is optimized for


Recommendations for Code

When writing multithreaded-hot code for a servlet:

● Ensure that your code is multithreaded-safe.

● Ensure that several threads can simultaneously call and make

modifications to the same object safely. In other words, threads
should not block each other for extended periods of time.

3-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The service Method

Your servlet may implement the SingleThreadModel interface if a
service should not run multiple servlet service methods concurrently.
SingleThreadModel guarantees that multiple instances of the servlet
are created and individually called for each request. An example of a
class implementing SingleThreadModel is
1 public class FormServlet extends HttpServlet implements
SingleThreadModel {
2 ...
3 }

SingleThreadModel operates by ensuring that only one thread-

service method is run per servlet instance. If an additional request is
received, a new instance of servlet is created.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The destroy Method

When a service unloads a servlet, it calls the servlet's destroy method.
The destroy method should undo any initialization work and
synchronize persistent data with the current in-memory state of the

While most servlets that override init also override destroy to undo
the initialization, this is not required. For example, a servlet that uses
the init method to get a parameter, such as a file name, does not need
to override destroy because a file name is not a resource that typically
requires clean-up.

3-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The destroy Method

An Example destroy Method

The following code is an example of a basic destroy method that
closes a database connection that was presumably opened in a
servlet’s init method.
1 public void destroy() {
2 try {
3 con.close();
4 } catch (SQLException e) {
5 while(e != null) {
6 getServletContext.log("SQLException: " + e.getSQLState()
+'\t' + e.getMessage() + '\t' + e.getErrorCode()
+ '\t');
7 e = e.getNextException();
8 }
9 }
10 }

Servlet Life C ycle 3-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The destroy Method

An Example destroy Method


The example uses the connection.close method to close a JDBC

connection. SQLException is caught in the event that the connection
cannot be closed.

Writing Exceptions to Log Files

The example uses the simplified version of the ServletContext’s log

method to get the context for the servlet and print a string to the

Concurrency Issues

The destroy method is run once. However, when the destroy

method is invoked, several service threads might still be running.

3-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The destroy Method

Handling Service Threads at Servlet Termination

When a service removes a servlet, it typically calls destroy after all
service calls have been completed, or a specified number of seconds
have passed, whichever comes first. If your servlet performs
operations that take a long time to complete (longer than the Web
server’s grace period), service threads could still be running when
destroy is called. You are responsible for making sure that all threads
complete before destroy completes.

A servlet with long-running service requests should keep track of how

many service methods are currently running. Its long-running
methods should periodically poll to make sure that they should
continue to run. If the servlet is being destroyed, the destroy method
should wait for the service methods to complete, in order to provide a
clean shutdown.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The destroy Method

Tasks in Handling Threads

There are four tasks involved in handling threads at service

● Establish a service counter, shutdown flag, and associated access

methods for these variables.

● Call these methods from the service routine to increment and

decrement the service counter.

● Check the shutdown flag, within the service routine, to ensure

that a long-running operation should perform.

● Set the shutdown flag when the destroy method is called.

3-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The destroy Method

An Example of Handling Service Threads

1 public ShutdownExample extends HttpServlet {
2 private int serviceCounter = 0;
3 private boolean shuttingDown;
4 private int interval = 1000;
5 ...
7 // Access methods for serviceCounter
8 protected synchronized void enteringServiceMethod(){
9 serviceCounter++;
10 }
12 protected synchronized void leavingServiceMethod() {
13 serviceCounter--;
14 }
16 protected synchronized int numServices() {
17 return serviceCounter;
18 }
20 // Access methods for shutting Down
21 protected synchronized void setShuttingDown(boolean flag) {
22 shuttingDown = flag;
23 }
25 protected synchronized boolean isShuttingDown() {
26 return shuttingDown;
27 }
28 }

Access Methods

In the code example, an instance variable, called serviceCounter,

that counts the number of service methods running is created (line 2).
An indicator of whether the servlet is being destroyed, called
shuttingDown, is also created (line 3). Each variable has its own set of
synchronized access methods (lines 8, 12, 16, 21, and 25).

Servlet Life C ycle 3-23

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The destroy Method

An Example of Handling Service Threads

29 protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException,
IOException {
31 // Increment serviceCounter
32 enteringServiceMethod();
34 // Your service method code goes here
36 // Here’s a long running operation, check the flag
37 for(i = 0; ((i < lotsOfStuffToDo) &&
!isShuttingDown()); i++) {
38 try {
39 longRunningOperation(i);
40 }
41 catch (InterruptedException e) {
42 getServletContext().log (ioe, "Error, couldn’t perform long
running operation");
43 }
44 }
45 // Decrement serviceCounter
46 leavingServiceMethod();
47 }

Incrementing and Decrementing Service Counter

The service method handles incrementing the service counter each

time it is entered (line 32). The service method also decrements the
service counter each time it returns (line 46).

Performing the Check

The long-running method checks the isShuttingDown variable, and

interrupts work if necessary (line 37). If isShuttingDown is false,
longRunningOperation method is allowed to execute (line 39).

3-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The destroy Method

An Example of Handling Service Threads

49 public void destroy() {

51 // Check to see whether there are still service
52 // methods running, and if there are, tell them to stop.
53 if (numServices() > 0) {
54 setShuttingDown(true);
55 }
57 // Wait for the service methods to stop.
58 while(numServices() > 0) {
59 try {
60 Thread.sleep(interval);
61 }
62 catch (InterruptedException e) {
63 }
64 }
65 }
66 }

Checking Service Counter

The destroy method ensures that all service methods have finished.
The destroy method checks the serviceCounter, and if there are any
long-running methods, sets the shuttingDown variable (line 53–54).
This variable will let the threads still handling client requests know
that it is time to shut down. The destroy method should wait for the
service methods to complete, in order to provide a clean shutdown
(lines 58–64).

Servlet Life C ycle 3-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of Servlet Life Cycle

Servlets have a life cycle: they load through a class loader, initialize
through the init method, run through the invoker calling service,
and unload through destroy. The summarized items regarding servlet
life cycle are:

● A class loader is used to load servlets, either when the server starts
up (usually user-definable) or when the servlet is initially

● The init method can be overridden and used to provide

initialization information to a servlet.

▼ The init method is only called once: the service will not call
init again unless it is reloading the servlet.
▼ The init method cannot be reloaded unless its destroy
method has been called by the service to remove the servlet.

▼ As soon as the init method returns, the servlet can receive

client requests through its service method.

3-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of Servlet Lifecycle

● The init routine accepts a ServletConfig object which contains

getInitParameter and getInitParameterNames methods for
extracting initialization parameters.

● Initialization parameters are configured within a Web server and

the process differs from Web server to Web server.

● You need to pay attention to thread-safe concurrency issues with

your servlet’s service routine.

▼ Methods and variables that do not need to be publicly

accessible should be marked with the appropriate access
modifier (private, protected, or package).

▼ All instance methods that access critical data should be


▼ Create access methods to access class variables.

▼ There are no concurrency issues during servlet initialization

because the service calls init only once.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-27

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Review of Servlet Lifecycle

● Your servlet may implement the SingleThreadModel interface if a

service should not run multiple servlet service methods

● The destroy method should undo any initialization work and

synchronize persistent data with the current in-memory data of
the servlet.

● You need to pay attention to thread-safe concurrency issues before

a servlet is destroyed.

▼ Establish a service counter, shutdown flag, and associated

access methods for these variables.
▼ Call these methods from the service routine to increment and
decrement the service counter.

▼ Check the shutdown flag within the service routine to ensure

that a long-running operation should execute.

▼ Set the shutdown flag when the destroy method is called.

3-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Modifying the Form-Processing Servlet

Exercise objective – Modify the form-processing servlet to accept a

file name and directory to save form information in. Ensure that the
form-processing servlet handles long-running threads.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-29

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Exercise: Modifying the Form-Processing Servlet



1. From your home directory, change directory to mod3-


2. Open the file using text editor.

3. The file contains a few comments and a

declaration for the BasicFormTwo class. Insert code within to do the following:

▼ Extract the resultsDir initialization parameter in the init


▼ Handle an HTTP protocol POST method by overriding the

doPost service method (supplied).

▼ Set the content type (supplied).

▼ Extract the request data, generated by the BasicFormTwo.html

file (included), from the HttpServletRequest using the
getParameterValue method (supplied). Write the data from
the BasicFormTwo.html file to a file (supplied).

▼ Handle writing to the file as a long-running operation.

▼ Close the file (supplied).

▼ Get a PrintWriter to return data to the Web browser (supplied).

▼ Respond to the client after writing form data to the file


▼ Provide information about the servlet to the Web server


3-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Modifying the Form-Processing Servlet


Creating (Continued)

4. Save the file after you have made changes.

5. Generate a BasicFormTwo.class file.

% javac

6. Copy BasicFormTwo.class to the server_root/servlets


7. Copy BasicServlet.html to the server_root/public_html


Servlet Life C ycle 3-31

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Exercise: Modifying the Form-Processing Servlet


Configuring and Invoking

1. Add BasicFormTwo to Java Web Server. Refer to Appendix B,

“Installing and Starting the Java Web Server,” for more

2. Click on the BasicFormTwo servlet in the hierarchical list of


3. Click on the Properties tab to display the Properties card.

4. Click on the Add button to add a new property.

5. Type resultsDir in the Property field.

6. Type servlets/myData.txt in the Value field.

7. Click the Save button.

8. Click on the Configure tab to display the Configure card.

9. Click on Load to load the servlet.

10. Close the Java Web Server Web Service screen.

11. Load the BasicFormTwo.html file by typing the following URL in

your Web browser:


You should see the BasicFormTwo form appear. This form uses the
ACTION attribute to invoke the BasicFormTwo servlet.

12. Fill out the form and click on the Submit button. The Submit
button sends the data to the BasicFormTwo servlet. You will
receive a thank you reply once the data has been saved on the Web

3-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Modifying the Form-Processing Servlet


Configuring and Invoking (Continued)

13. List the contents of the server_root/servlets/ directory. You

should see a file called myData.txt containing the information
you submitted in the form in step 12.

Servlet Life C ycle 3-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Modifying the Form-Processing Servlet

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

3-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ List the four steps in a servlet’s life cycle

❑ Identify the three locations where servlets load

❑ Describe, in one sentence, the purpose of the init method

❑ Explain the use of the getInitParameter and

getInitParameterNames APIs

❑ Describe the two options for handling concurrency issues caused

by multiple service routines

❑ Describe, in one sentence, the purpose of the destroy method

❑ Explain how to manage service threads at service termination

❑ Modify a form-processing servlet to handle initialization

parameters and long-running threads

Servlet Life C ycle 3-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Think Beyond

Can you think of additional, solution-specific, uses for the three life
cycle methods: init, service, and destroy?

3-36 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Database Access 4

Course Map
Database access is one of the primary uses of CGI scripts and
servlets. This module discusses using a JDBC connection pool to
optimize database access times between a Web browser and Web
Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following question is relevant in understanding the

topics presented in this module.

What issues do you foresee when you implement distributed

technologies in a servlet or Web-based environment?

4-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Identify the components of two-tier and multi-tier architectures

● List three distributed Java technology computing solutions

● List the four steps needed to create a simple database access client

● Identify the two considerations for designing Web-based database


● Identify the two types of connection lists needed in a connection


● List the basic APIs necessary in a connection pool class

● Update the DBServlet to implement connection management,

quick database access, and thread safety

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● JDBC Database Access with Java. Hamilton, Graham, Cattell, Rick,

and Fisher, Maydene. Addison-Wesley. 1997.

● Java IDL Documentation. [Online]. Available:

● Multi Tier Architectures for Database Connectivity. [Online].


Database Access 4-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Distributed Models

Distributed applications require that computations running in

different address spaces, potentially on different hosts, be able to
communicate. Servlets can take advantage of distributed architectures
by providing an entry point to server-side data and Java applications.
Servlets can be used with distributed frameworks such as common
object request broker architecture/interface definition language
(CORBA/IDL), Remote Method Invocation (RMI), and Java database
connectivity (JDBC).

Two-Tier (Client/Server)
The two-tier model for distributed computing consists of multiple
clients talking to one or more servers. The client, an applet or
application on an end-user machine, talks directly to shared
applications and databases on a server. The client generally performs
some computation and handles items like connection management.

4-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Distributed Models

Two-Tier (Client/Server) (Continued)

Other characteristics of two-tier architectures are:

● Clients are “thick,” meaning they contain code to do computation

and other tasks (business rules or logic).

● The overall architecture is simple, but could lack in efficiency.

● There are only three points of failure.

● They are easy to administrate and control.

Figure 4-1 provides an example of a two-tier system.

Java application
Client machine

DBMS-proprietary protocol

Database server

Figure 4-1 A Two-Tier System

The multi-tier model for distributed computing consists of multiple
clients interacting with one or more servers which, in turn, interact
with one or more additional servers. Generally clients talk to
middleware components (such as servlets on a Web server) which talk
to other tiers such as database servers, application servers, and other
servlets on other Web servers.

Database Access 4-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Distributed Models

Multi-Tier (Continued)
In a multi-tier system, operations like computation and connection
management are performed on the server. Other characteristics of
multi-tier architectures are:

● Clients are “thin,” meaning they do not contain a lot of code.

● The overall architecture is complex, but could be efficient.

● They are possibly easier to maintain.

● They might be easier to swap in device drivers (one central


● They might be more fault tolerant.

● They are complex so there are more points of failure.

Figure 4-2 provides an example of a multi-tier system.

Java applet or
Client machine (GUI)
HTML browser

HTTP, RMI, CORBA, or other calls

Application server
(Java) Server machine (business logic)


DBMS-proprietary protocol

Database server

Figure 4-2 A Multi-Tier System

4-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Distributed Java Technologies

Three distributed technologies covered in this course are

● Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API

● Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) API which is covered in

Module 5

● Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)

represented by Java Interface Definition Language (IDL) which is
covered in Module 5

Each technology takes full advantage of the Java programming

language as an object-oriented language, and each provides several
benefits over technologies implemented with C and other functional
languages. This module focuses on JDBC distributed technology.

Database Access 4-7

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Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

The JDBC API provides the developer with a means for insulating the
Java technology client program (applet or application) from the
specific databases the client wants to access.

The API provides a set of generic interface classes that are

implemented by a database-specific driver. The application can be
developed as either a two-tier, three-tier, or multi-tier design, and the
driver can be written to access any protocol such as structured query
language (SQL).

Database access is becoming a requirement for most Web-based

systems. Servlets can be used to provide access to large relational
databases, when used in conjunction with Java database connectivity

4-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

An Example Database Servlet

The code for the DBServlet database access servlet follows. There are
five steps to creating a simple database access servlet: loading the
database driver, establishing a connection to the driver, creating and
executing a query, displaying the results, and closing the connection.
1 public class DBServlet extends HttpServlet {
2 // It is probably more appropriate to read these in as init
3 //parameters or from a properties file.
4 static final String url =
5 static final String jdbcclass =
6 static final String user = "";
7 static final String pass = "";
8 static final int initialCons = 5;
9 static final int maxCons = 20;
10 static final boolean block = true;
11 static final long timeout = 10000;
13 public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
15 super.init(config);
16 log("DBServlet.initialize: enter");
17 try {
18 // Load the JDBC driver.
19 Class.forName(jdbcclass).newInstance();
21 } catch (Exception e) {
22 e.printStackTrace();
23 String errmsg = e.getMessage();
24 log("Failed:" + errmsg);
25 }
26 }
28 public void service(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
30 String lname;
31 Connection con = null;
32 PrintStream out = null;

Database Access 4-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

An Example Database Servlet (Continued)

33 ...
35 try {
36 // get the connection from the database
37 con = DriverManager.getConnection (url);
39 ...
41 // create and execute the query
42 Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
43 String query = "SELECT first_name, last_name, comment "
+ "FROM emp_details " + "WHERE last_name='"
+ lname +"'";
45 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
47 // print out the result
48 dispResultSet(rs, out);
50 rs.close();
51 stmt.close();
52 con.close();
53 ...
54 }
55 }
56 private void dispResultSet(ResultSet rs, PrintStream out)
throws SQLException {
57 int i;
59 // metadata can supply information about the schema
60 ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
62 // User metadata to print out result set
63 ...
64 }
65 }

4-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

An Example Database Servlet (Continued)

This servlet presents the end user (browser) with a form to fill in with
the last name of an employee for an employee database. DBServlet is
invoked when the data is submitted and queries the database
(mydatabase) for the employee’s record. If found, the employee’s
record is returned to the client browser.

Database Access 4-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Loading the Database Driver

All database applications must load a database driver. Loading a
driver requires one line of code using the Class.forName API,
provided by java.lang package. The example loads the MsqlDriver
(line 19) with the line

The jdbcclass variable points to the name of the class to load (line 5).

4-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Establishing a Connection to the Database

All database applications need to establish a connection to the
database after the database driver is loaded. This is accomplished
through the DriverManager.getConnection provided by
java.sql.DriverManager. The example establishes a connection (line
37) with the line
con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);

The variables url and con are defined on lines 4 and 31, and 37,

The URL will always start with jdbc:. The vendor documentation for
the JDBC driver will describe the syntax for the remainder of the URL.

Database Access 4-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Creating and Executing a Query

After the database driver is loaded and a connection established, an
application can use the connection to create JDBC statements that pass
SQL statements to the database. The example creates a statement (line
42), builds the SQL statement (43), and executes the query (45) with
the following lines of code:
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
String query =
"SELECT first_name, last_name, comment"
+ "FROM emp_details " + "WHERE last_name='"+
lname +"'";
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

ResultSet will contain the results (rows) of the query, if the query
information is found.

4-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Parsing and Displaying the Results

The example creates a ResultSetMetaData object from the result of
the query (line 45). The ResultSetMetaData object provides
information about the ResultSet object, including the result data
itself. ResultSetMetaData contains several methods to parse the
resulting data prior to returning the data in a response to the client.

Database Access 4-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

Closing the Connection

A connection should be closed once it is no longer needed. DBServlet
is done with a connection (line 52). The servlet also closes the
ResultsSet and Statement on lines 50 and 51, respectively.

Note – The mod4-jdbc/examples/ directory contains a copy of the

DBServlet source and .class files. Before you can try this servlet,
you must edit DBServlet and modify the value for the url variable.
This variable must reference the hostname of the machine where the
database is running. Copy DBServlet.class to
server_root/servlets once you have made this modification and
have recompiled the source file. The following last names are valid for
testing DBServlet: Smith, McNealy, Colorado, Cruz, and

4-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

JDBC and Servlets

While DBServlet demonstrates how to create a basic database access

servlet, it functions as if performance is unimportant by creating a new
connection for every request. It generally takes one to three seconds to
establish a database connection. While connection time may compose
only a small portion of the time required for large database queries,
small, frequent queries require very short connection times to be
efficient (especially if there are a lot of clients trying to access the same
database). These types of queries can include those that retrieve HTML
text, process form data, or create dynamic HTML from database data.

Concurrency is also a common problem when handling multiple users

accessing the same data. When accessing a database, all connections
must be thread safe to prevent data corruption or lock-ups.
DBServlet‘s connections are thread safe because they are created as
local variables within the service routine. However, as stated
previously, creating a new connection for each request is inefficient.

Database Access 4-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Connection Pools

The best solution to the timing and connection problem is to create a
pool of persistent (reusable) connections that will be used by a servlet
as needed. This pool of connections should be managed by a separate
object called a connection pool.

Generally, a connection pool would manage a set of connections,

watch for locked or corrupted connections, perform housekeeping
tasks (such as maintaining arrays of connections available or in use),
and possibly log events.

4-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Connection Pools

Items to Consider
Items to consider when developing a connection pool are:

● The connection pool must detect and recover from failures on

individual connections.

● The connection pool developer must determine the number of

connections that will be created (and whether this number is static,
dynamic, or user configurable).

● The connection pool developer must decide whether the pool will
allow blocking, which would cause a client to wait until a
connection is free.

● The connection pool developer must decide whether the pool

should log events and errors.

Database Access 4-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Implementing a Connection Pool

There are two components of the basic connection pool servlet


● The servlet. The servlet is also referred to as the connection pool

client because it requests connections from the connection pool

● The connection pool.

4-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Implementing a Connection Pool

A Connection Pool Client

The connection pool and connection pool servlet represent a middle
tier in a multi-tier solution; they lie between the browser and the
connection pool object. With the addition of a connection pool, a
servlet would no longer have to create and tear down individual
connections. Instead, the servlet would:

1. Load the database driver

2. Create an instance of the connection pool.

Database Access 4-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Implementing a Connection Pool

A Connection Pool Client (Continued)

3. Request a connection from the connection pool. The connection
pool could implement two options if all of the connections are
currently being used. It would allow

▼ For blocking, forcing the client to wait for a connection to be

released by another service thread.
▼ Dynamic creation of new connections up to a pre-defined
maximum amount of connections

4. Use the connection to initiate a query.

5. Return the connection to the pool.

6. Tear down the entire connection pool when the servlet is


4-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Implementing a Connection Pool

An Example Connection Pool Client Servlet

The following code fragment shows several comment lines to illustrate
the order in which a connection pool servlet will perform database-
related operations. The code has been supplied because the operation
is different from the operation in the DBServlet example.

1 // Load the JDBC driver

3 // Instantiate a connection pool
4 ConnectionPool cp = new ConnectionPool(url, user, pass, initialCons,
maxCons, block, timeout);
6 // Get a connection from the connection pool
7 con = cp.getConnection();
9 // Submit a query using the connection
11 // Release the connection to the pool
12 cp.releaseConnection(con);
14 // Close all of the connections
15 cp.closeAll();

Which lines of code in the example should be in init, service, or


Database Access 4-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The ConnectionPool API

The connection pool accomplishes some of the basic database tasks

such as creating and closing connections. This course contains the
source and .class file for ConnectionPool in

4-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The ConnectionPool Constructor

The ConnectionPool class contains one constructor which accepts
seven values. A fragment of the ConnectionPool constructor is
shown here.

1 public ConnectionPool(String url, String user, String password,

int initialCons, int maxCons, boolean block, long timeout)
throws SQLException {
2 ...
4 // Create vectors large enough to store all the connections we make
5 free = new Vector(initialCons);
6 used = new Vector(initialCons);
8 // Create some connections.
9 while (numCons < initialCons){
10 addConnection();
11 }
12 }

The example ConnectionPool contains one constructor which sets up

two connection vectors to hold available (free) and currently
allocated (used) connections.

The constructor also calls addConnection to create an initial number

of connections for the pool (initialCons).

Database Access 4-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The addConnection Method

The addConnection method adds elements (connections) to the free
vector. The addConnection method shown here.

1 private void addConnection() throws SQLException {

2 free.addElement(getNewConnection());
3 }

Connections are actually created by calling the getNewConnection

method (line 2).

4-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The getNewConnection Method

The getNewConnection method creates Connections. The
getNewConnection method is shown here
1 private Connection getNewConnection() throws SQLException {
3 Connection con = null;
5 System.out.println("About to connect to " + url);
6 try {
7 con = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
8 } catch (Exception e) {
9 e.printStackTrace();
10 }
11 ++numCons;
12 return con;
13 }

The getNewConnection method is a private method. This method

calls the DriverManager.getConnection API, provided by
java.sql.DriverManager, to create a new connection for the pool
(line 7).

Database Access 4-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The getConnection Method

The database access servlet calls getConnection to get a connection
from the connection pool. A fragment of the getConnection method
is shown here.

1 public synchronized Connection getConnection(boolean block, long

timeout) throws SQLException {
3 if (free.isEmpty()) {
5 // None left, do we create more?
6 if (maxCons <= 0 || numCons < maxCons) {
7 addConnection();
8 }
10 else if (block) {
11 ...
13 // Did anyone release a connection while we were waiting?
14 if (free.isEmpty()) {
15 if (maxCons <= 0 || numCons < maxCons) {
16 addConnection();
17 } else {
18 throw new SQLException("Timeout waiting for a
connection to be released");
19 }
20 }
21 } else {
22 // No connections left and we don't wait for more.
23 throw new SQLException("Maximum number of allowed
connections reached");
24 }

4-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The getConnection Method (Continued)

25 }
26 // If we get this far at least one connection is available.
27 Connection con;
29 synchronized (used) {
31 con = (Connection)free.lastElement();
32 // Move this connection off the free list
33 free.removeElement(con);
34 used.addElement(con);
35 }
36 return con;
37 }

The getConnection method supplies a connection pool client with a

connection. This method attempts to supply the connection from the
vector of free connections (line 3, 31–34) . If no connections are
available, getConnection attempts to create new connection (lines 6–
8). If the maximum number of connections, allowed in the pool has
been reached, getConnection checks the block flag and blocks if the
it is set (line 10).

The blocking if/else statement waits for a defined amount of time

and then checks to see if a connection has been returned to the free
Vector (line 14). If no connections are available, getConnection
attempts to create another new connection (lines 15–16). It is possible
that numCons has decreased and a new connection can be created.
getConnection throws exceptions if neither a new (line 18) nor a free
(line 23) connection can be returned.

Database Access 4-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The releaseConnection Method

A connection pool client should call releaseConnection to return a
connection to the connection pool, once it is no longer needed. The
releaseConnection method is shown here.

1 public synchronized void releaseConnection(Connection con)

2 throws SQLException {
4 boolean reuseThisCon = reuseCons;
6 if (used.contains(con)) {
7 // Move this connection from the used list to the free list
8 used.removeElement(con);
9 numCons--;
10 } else {
11 throw new SQLException("Connection " + con + " did not
come from this ConnectionPool");
12 }
13 try {
14 if (reuseThisCon) {
15 free.addElement(con);
16 numCons++;
17 } else {
18 con.close();
19 }

4-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The releaseConnection Method (Continued)

20 // Wake up a thread waiting for a connection
21 notify();
22 } catch (SQLException e) {
23 /*
24 * The Connection seems to be broken, but it's off the used
25 * and the connection count has been decremented.
26 */
27 // Just to be sure
28 try {
29 con.close();
30 } catch (Exception e2) {
31 // We are expecting an SQLException here
32 }
33 notify();
34 }
35 }

The releaseConnection method is called by a connection pool client

to return a connection to the pool. This method checks to see if the
connection came from the pool (line 6) of used connections. If the
connection was in the used vector, it is removed (lines 8 and 9) and, if
possible (if the reuseThisCon flag is set to true), added back to the
list of available connections (lines 13–16). If reuseThisCon flag is set
to false, the connection is closed (lines 17–19, 22–34).

Note – Although not shown in the code fragment, the reuseThisCon

flag is set to true within ConnectionPool.

An exception is thrown if the connection was not found in the pool of

currently used connections (lines 10–11).

Database Access 4-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
The ConnectionPool API

The closeAll Method

A connection pool client should call closeAll to tear down the
connection pool. The closeAll method is shown here.

1 public synchronized void closeAll() {

3 // Close unallocated connections
4 Enumeration cons = ((Vector)free.clone()).elements();
5 while (cons.hasMoreElements()) {
6 Connection con = (Connection)cons.nextElement();
8 free.removeElement(con);
9 numCons--;
11 try {
12 con.close();
13 } catch (SQLException e) {
14 // The Connection appears to be broken anyway, so we will
ignore it
15 }
16 }
18 // Move allocated Connections to a list of Connections that are
19 // when they are released.
20 cons = ((Vector)used.clone()).elements();
21 while (cons.hasMoreElements()) {
22 Connection con = (Connection)cons.nextElement();
24 used.removeElement(con);
25 }
26 }

The closeAll method closes all of the connections currently free (lines
4–12) and removes connections from the list used connections (lines
20–24). A connection is assumed broken if it cannot be closed (lines

4-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of Database Access

Database access is fairly simple to implement using servlets.

● A database client has to accomplish the following to access a


▼ Load the database driver (Class.forName )

▼ Establish a connection to the database


▼ Create and execute a query (con.createStatement,


▼ Parse and display the results (rs.getMetaData)

▼ Close the connection (con.close)

Database Access 4-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of Database Access

● A connection pool improves database access times by creating a

pool of reusable connections for use by a database client. A
connection pool client simply instantiates a connection pool and
calls its APIs to enable database access. Minimally, a connection
pool consists of:

▼ A constructor that creates the connection pool

(ConnectionPool). Generally, there are two pools of
connections: a pool of used connections and a pool of available
connections (used, free).
▼ A method to get a connection from the pool (getConnection).

▼ A method to return a connection to the pool


▼ A method to tear down the entire pool of connections


4-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Enhancing a Database Servlet

Exercise objective – Modify a database servlet so that it uses a

connection manager and is thread safe.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

Database Access 4-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Enhancing a Database Servlet


Modifying DBServlet to Use a Connection Pool

The DBServlet performs queries to mydatabase, a database of

employee information. DBServlet uses println statements to create a
basic HTML form allowing end users to look up information for an
employee within the database. DBServlet does not use a connection
pool, instead, it creates and destroys connections on a per-request
basis. You must modify DBServlet to use the ConnectionPool.class
APIs and take advantage of the connection pool’s functionality.

1. From your home directory, change directory to mod4-jdbc/lab/.

2. Open the file using text editor.

3. Modify DBServlet to:

▼ Load the iMsqlDriver. Use the following URL to connect to

the driver:
static final String url =

Note – The database_hostname should be provided by your instructor.

▼ Instantiate or initialize a ConnectionPool. Examine the file to find the arguments passed to the

▼ Get a connection from the pool (getConnection).

▼ Send the query (the last name you fetch from the form) to the
database using the connection. The query string you will use is:

query = "SELECT first_name, last_name, comment" +

"WHERE last_name='"+ lname +"'";

4-36 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Enhancing a Database Servlet


Modifying DBServlet to Use a Connection Pool (Continued)

▼ Send the result of the query to dispResultsSet to be returned

to the browser. The dispResultsSet method is already
provided within DBServlet.

▼ Send the following items to the event_log:

● IP address of the client accessing the database
● Message indicating that a connection was retrieved from
the pool
● A message indicating that a connection was returned to the
▼ Return the connection to the pool (releaseConnection).

▼ Close all of the connections upon termination.

▼ Accept the database URL and driver names as init parameters


4. Save and compile your new servlet.

5. Copy DBServlet.class and ConnectionPool.class to the

server_root/servlets directory.

6. Test DBServlet directly using a URL. You will not notice anything
different about DBServlet until you have multiple clients
(browsers) trying to access it at the same time. Access time should
be reduced when multiple clients access DBServlet at the same

Note – The following last names are valid for testing DBServlet:
Smith, McNealy, Colorado, Cruz, and Presson.

Database Access 4-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Enhancing a Database Servlet

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

4-38 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Identify the components of two-tier and multi-tier architectures

❑ List three distributed Java technology computing solutions

❑ List the four steps needed to create a simple database access client

❑ Identify the two considerations for designing Web-based database


❑ Identify the two types of connection lists needed in a connection


❑ List the basic APIs necessary in a connection pool class

❑ Update the DBServlet to implement connection management,

quick database access, and thread safety

Database Access 4-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Think Beyond

What are some additional database-related modifications that might be

added to a connection pool?

4-40 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Course Map
Servlets offer a gateway into an abundance of Java technologies such
as JDBC and remote method invocation (RMI). This module discusses
the use of RMI and CORBA/IDL technologies in conjunction with
Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following question is relevant in understanding the

topics presented in this module.

In what ways can RMI or CORBA/IDL be used within a servlet?

5-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Define the purpose of remote method invocation (RMI)

● Identify the four items for implementing a basic RMI server

● Identify the two items for implementing a basic RMI client

● Identify the six steps to install and invoke an RMI client and

● List two differences between RMI and CORBA/IDL

● Configure and invoke an example RMI servlet solution

Additional resources – The following reference can provide additional
details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Java IDL Documentation. [Online] Available:


Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


RMI enables programs written in Java programming language to

invoke objects in different virtual machines, potentially on different
host machines. These objects are called remote objects. An object of
this type is described by one or more remote interfaces, which are
interfaces for Java technology (“Java interfaces”) that declare the
methods of the remote object. So, more specifically, RMI is designed to
allow your programs to invoke method of a remote interface on a
remote object. The method invocation on the remote object has the
same syntax as a method invocation on a local object.

An RMI solution consists of RMI servers, clients, and the RMI registry.
An RMI server implements an RMI object interface and registers the
object with the RMI registry. The RMI registry is a daemon that keeps
track of all of the available remote objects. The RMI server must have
access to skeletons for the server class. A skeleton for a remote object is
a server-side entity that contains a method which dispatches calls to
the actual remote object implementation.

5-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An RMI client makes calls to an RMI registry to look up remote

objects. An RMI client must have access to a stub instance for the
server class. A stub is a client-side proxy for the remote object. Stubs
implement all of the interfaces that are supported by the remote object
implementation. Stubs and skeletons provide the communication
mechanism used by the client and server.

The Java RMI API provides a set of classes and methods that handle
the serialization of any object passed as an argument in a method
invocation. The API also takes care of all communication and
parameter referencing.


Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI Client, Server and Registry Interaction

Figure 5-1 shows the interaction among the RMI client, server, and

**Stub Remote object

4 5
6 7
RMI client
program 8 *Stub
2 3
RMI Client JVM RMI server

RMI registry RMI Server JVM


* Created as part of registration / export

RMI Registry JVM ** Serialized and shipped via networking

Figure 5-1 RMI Client, Server, and Registry Interaction

1. The RMI server program creates an instance of the remote object

implementation and passes a serialized form of its stub to the RMI
registry. The stub is registered with the RMI registry.

2. The RMI client program attempts to get a handle to the remote

object from the registry.

3. The RMI registry returns a serialized copy of the stub to the RMI
client program. The RMI client program deserializes the stub to
create an instance.

4. The RMI client program calls one of the remote object’s methods
via the stub instance.

5. The stub contacts the skeleton within the RMI server.

5-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI Client, Server, and Registry Interaction

6. The skeleton invokes the method on the implementation of the

remote object.

7. The remote object implementation’s method returns the result to

the skeleton.

8. The skeleton returns the result to the RMI client stub.

9. The RMI client stub returns the result to the RMI client program.


Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Implementing a Basic RMI Server

Follow these steps to create RMI server components:

1. Create a remote interface for your object by extending


2. Develop an implementation of the remote interface and extend


3. Instantiate the remote object.

4. Register the remote object stub with the RMI registry.

5-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Implementing a Basic RMI Client

Follow these steps to create RMI client components:

1. Use the RMI Naming class to look up and instantiate the remote
object stub from the RMI registry.

2. Invoke the remote object’s methods.


Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Installing and Invoking the Server, Client, and RMI Registry

Follow these steps to install and invoke the RMI client, server, and

1. Place the interface class on the server and client.

2. Place the implementation of the interface on the server.

3. Generate stubs and skeletons using the rmic compiler. Place the
stubs and skeletons on the server and the stubs on the client.

4. Put stubs on client and put skeletons on server.

5. Start the registry.

6. Start the server program.

7. Start the client program.

5-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

RMI and Servlets

A servlet can be an RMI server or client. You do not need to do

anything special to develop an RMI servlet client or server aside from
following the guidelines mentioned previously. An RMI servlet client
can access a server that is another servlet or application on the same
Web server, or remotely.

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Servlet Solution

The following example demonstrates one way to incorporate Java RMI
technology into a servlet. This example uses a servlet as an RMI client
to a database object. This example is a multi-tier example whereby an
applet (ServletApplet) is used to access the RMI client
(ClientLogServlet) which uses RMI naming services to retrieve a stub
instance to the remote object (a database) from the RMI registry.

5-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Server

The example RMI server includes the following files:,, and RMIServer. The stubs and skeletons
accompanying the server are generated automatically by the rmic
compiler. The RMI server follows the steps for an RMI server
implementation (previously outlined in this module).

1 import*;
2 import java.util.*;
3 import java.rmi.*;
5 public interface Database extends Remote {
6 public void addClient(String ip_addr, Calendar date)
throws RemoteException;
7 public Vector getClientVisits(String ip_addr)
throws RemoteException;
8 public long getNumberOfVisitors() throws RemoteException;
9 public long getNumberOfClientVisits(String ip_addr)
throws RemoteException;
10 public void close() throws RemoteException;
11 } is the remote interface to the database object.

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Server

1 import java.sql.*;
2 import java.rmi.*;
3 import java.rmi.server.*;
4 import java.util.*;
5 import*;
6 import java.util.Date;
8 public class DatabaseImpl extends UnicastRemoteObject implements
9 {
10 private Connection connection;
11 private Statement statement;
12 private Date thedate;
14 public DatabaseImpl(String driverName, String url) throws
StartupException, RemoteException
15 {
16 try
17 {
18 // Let's set up our connection to the database using JDBC
19 setupDBConnection(driverName, url);
20 }
21 catch(Exception e)
22 {
23 throw new StartupException(new String("Had a problem
connecting to db: "+url));
24 }
25 }

5-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Server

28 /**************************************************************
29 * setupDBConnection is used to:
30 * 1) install the JDBC driver for mSQL
31 * 2) establish a connection to the DB
32 * 3) create a statement allowing us to interact with the DB
33 ***************************************************************/
34 private void setupDBConnection(String driverName,
String url) throws Exception
35 {
36 ...
37 }
39 /*************************************************************
40 * addClient adds a record to the Client table of the DB.
41 * It converts the string to a String representation and
42 * the calendar to a string (because of the Mini-SQL limitations).
43 * Normally, business logic or rules would be placed in here.
44 **************************************************************/
45 public void addClient(String ip_addr, Calendar date)
throws RemoteException
46 {
47 ...
48 }
50 /****************************************************************
51 * getClientVisits returns a Vector of Strings, each of which
52 * represents a visit.
53 *****************************************************************/
54 public Vector getClientVisits(String ip_addr)
throws RemoteException
55 {
56 ...
57 }

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Server

59 /******************************************************************
60 * getNumberOfVisitors calculates the total number of visitors in
61 * the database.
62 *******************************************************************/
63 public long getNumberOfVisitors() throws RemoteException
64 {
65 ...
66 }
68 /******************************************************************
69 * getNumberOfClientVisits calculates the number of times a client
70 * with the given String interacted with our service.
71 *******************************************************************/
72 public long getNumberOfClientVisits(String ip_addr)
throws RemoteException
73 {
74 ...
75 }
77 public void close() throws RemoteException
78 {
79 ...
80 }
81 }

DatabaseImpl is the implementation of the remote object interface.

DatabaseImpl performs all of the operations requested by the client.

DatabaseImpl contains a constructor that sets up the database object

by loading the database driver, getting a connection, and creating a
statement (line 19).

5-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Server

1 import java.rmi.*;
3 class RMIServer {
4 private final static String driverName =
5 private final static String url =
7 public static void main(String args[]) {
8 try {
9 Database database = new DatabaseImpl( driverName,
url );
10 Naming.rebind("ClientLog", database);
11 } catch(StartupException se) {
12 System.err.println("StartupException: "+se.getMessage());
13 } catch(Exception e)
14 {
15 System.err.println("An Error occurred during RMI Server
16 e.printStackTrace();
17 System.exit(0);
18 }
19 }
20 }

RMIServer must be executed on the server machine (or where the

registry exists). RMIServer creates a remote object called database
(line 9) from the remote object implementation and binds the remote
object stub to the registry (line 10). The RMI client can access the
remote object once the bind has completed.

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Client


The RMI client accesses the remote database object through the RMI
1 import*;
2 import java.util.*;
3 import java.rmi.*;
4 import javax.servlet.*;
6 public class ClientLogServlet extends GenericServlet
7 {
8 static
9 {
11 }
13 private Database database;
14 private ServletContext context;
15 private final String rmiParam = "RMI_Registry_Server";
16 private final String remoteObjParam = "Remote_Object_Name";
18 private String rmiRegistry, remoteObjectName;
20 public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
21 {
22 super.init(config);
23 context = config.getServletContext();
24 context.log("init in ClientLogServlet called");
26 try
27 {
28 rmiRegistry = config.getInitParameter(rmiParam);
29 System.err.println("rmiRegistry: "+rmiRegistry);
30 remoteObjectName = config.getInitParameter(remoteObjParam);
31 System.err.println("remoteObjParam: "+remoteObjectName);

5-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Client

ClientLogServlet (Continued)

33 if(rmiRegistry != null && remoteObjectName != null) {

34 System.err.println("URL: " +
"rmi://" + rmiRegistry + "/" + remoteObjectName);
35 database = (Database)
Naming.lookup("rmi://" + rmiRegistry + "/"
+ remoteObjectName);
36 System.err.println("found registry");
37 } else {
39 log("InitParams were not specified... using default
40 database = (Database)
41 System.err.println("found default registry");
42 }
43 }
44 catch(Exception e)
45 {
46 System.err.println("Did NOT work");
47 e.printStackTrace(System.err);
48 context.log(e,"ERROR GETTING RMI REGISTRY");
49 destroy();
50 }
51 }
53 public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
54 {
55 try
56 {
57 context.log("service ClientLogServlet called");
58 System.err.println("Request class: "+req.getClass());
59 System.err.println("Response class: "+res.getClass());
60 ServletOutputStream resOut = res.getOutputStream();
61 System.err.println("got output stream");

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-19

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RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Client

ClientLogServlet (Continued)

62 ObjectOutputStream oos = new

63 System.err.println("got object output stream");
64 String clientInetAddr = req.getRemoteAddr();
65 System.err.println("got clientIntAddr: " + clientInetAddr);
67 database.addClient(clientInetAddr, Calendar.getInstance());
68 System.err.println("added client: ");
69 long totalVisitors = database.getNumberOfVisitors();
70 System.err.println("got totalVisitors: "
+ totalVisitors);
71 long clientVisits =
72 System.err.println("got clientVisits: "+clientVisits);
73 Vector dates =
75 oos.writeLong(totalVisitors);
76 System.err.println("wrote totalVisitors");
77 oos.writeLong(clientVisits);
78 System.err.println("wrote clientVisits");
79 oos.writeObject(dates);
80 System.err.println("wrote dates");
81 }
82 catch(Exception e)
83 {
84 System.err.println("Problem in ClientLogServlet: ");
85 e.printStackTrace(System.err);
86 context.log(e,"ERROR IN CLIENT LOG SERVLET");
87 }
88 }
90 public void destroy()
91 {

5-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Client

ClientLogServlet (Continued)

92 try
93 {
94 database.close();
95 }
96 catch(Exception e)
97 {
98 System.exit(0);
99 }
100 }

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-21

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RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Client


The init Method

ClientLogServlet downloads, via serialization, a configured instance

of the remote object’s stub by calling the Naming.lookup with a URL
(lines 35 and 40). This servlet expects host name (for the RMI registry)
and remote object name (the database name) to be passed in, by the
Web server, as initialization parameters. A default value
(localhost:ClientLog) is used if these parameters are not available
via the ServletConfig object.

The service Method

The servlet calls the remote objects methods, via the stub instance,
within the service method. ClientLogServlet calls
database.addClient (line 67) to add the client browser’s IP address
and current date/time to the remote object.

Then ClientLogServlet calls database.getNumberOfVisitors (line

69) to get the number of total visitors who have accessed the remote
database object. ClientLogServlet also calls
database.getNumberOfClientVisits to get the number of times a
particular client has accessed the remote object. Finally, getVisitors
is called to get a vector of dates and Internet Protocol (IP) address for
clients who have accessed the remote database object.

The number of clients, dates, and Internet Protocol addresses are then
returned to an applet called RMIApplet.

5-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Applet

The RMI applet is used to invoke ClientLogServlet and build a report.
1 import java.applet.*;
2 import java.awt.*;
3 import*;
4 import*;
5 import java.util.*;
7 public class RMIApplet extends Applet
8 {
9 static {
10 System.out.println("Loading class");
11 }
13 public RMIApplet() {
14 System.out.println("Constructing applet instance");
15 }
17 private String servletName;
18 private long clientAccess, totalAccess;
19 private Vector dates;
20 private TextArea report = new TextArea(5, 20);
22 public void init() {
23 add(new Label("RMIApplet"));
25 try {
26 servletName = getParameter("servlet");
27 System.out.println("Got Servlet Name" + servletName);
29 setSize(500,500);
30 URL documentBase = getDocumentBase();
31 System.out.println("Got Document Base"
+ documentBase);
33 URL servletAddress = new URL(documentBase,
34 System.out.println("Got Servlet Address" + servletAddress);

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-23

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RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Applet (Continued)

35 InputStream input = servletAddress.openStream();
36 System.out.println("Got InputStream" + input);
38 ObjectInputStream objectInput =
new ObjectInputStream(input);
39 System.out.println("Got ObjectInputStream" + objectInput);
41 totalAccess = objectInput.readLong();
42 System.out.println("Performed first Read"
+ totalAccess);
44 clientAccess = objectInput.readLong();
45 System.out.println("Performed second Read"
+ clientAccess);
47 dates = (Vector) objectInput.readObject();
48 System.out.println("Read Vector" + dates);
50 report = new TextArea(5,40);
51 add(report);
52 buildReport();
53 validate();
54 } catch(Exception e) {
55 System.err.println("EXCEPTION: "+e.toString());
56 }
57 }

5-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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RMI and Servlets

An Example RMI Applet (Continued)

58 private void buildReport() {
60 report.setText("Thanks for accessing our web site!");
61 report.append("\nThe total number of visitors is: "
+ totalAccess);
62 report.append("\nYou have accessed this site "
+ clientAccess+" times");
63 report.append("\n\nDates accessed:");
64 for(int i=0;i<dates.size();i++) {
65 report.append("\n"+(String)dates.elementAt(i));
66 }
67 System.err.println("REPORT: \n\n\n"+report.getText());
68 }
69 }

RMIApplet invokes ClientLogServlet by opening an

objectInputStream (line 40) and then reading the servlet response
into that stream (lines 43, 46, and 49). The servlet’s response is placed
within a report and displayed by the applet (lines 59–69).

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Java IDL

The JavaIDL API is actually a Java technology approach to the CORBA
technology. CORBA is similar to RMI. Server capabilities are described
in a specification file: the IDL file.

Like RMI, Java interface definition language (IDL) enables you to

create distributed Web-enabled Java applications that can
transparently invoke operations on remote network services. Java IDL
uses the industry standard Object Management Group IDL and IIOP
(Internet Inter-Object Request Broker Protocol) defined by the Object
Management Group.

5-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Java IDL

Overview (Continued)
An object request broker is a concept similar to the RMI registry. ORBs
are an IDL runtime responsible for all of the mechanisms required to
find the object implementation for the request, to prepare the object
implementation to receive the request, and to communicate the data
making up the request. The Java interface that the client sees is
completely independent of where the object is located, the
programming language it is implemented in, or any other aspect
which is not reflected in the object’s interface.

Java IDL and Servlets

A servlet can be CORBA/IDL server or client. There are no special
requirements of a CORBA/IDL servlet.

Note – The mod5-rmiidl/examples/rmiexample directory contains

another example RMI servlet included with Java Web Server.

Comparing RMI and CORBA/IDL

Here are two items to note, in comparison to RMI, about CORBA/IDL:

● The binaries that are executed are not composed of byte codes and
are therefore not platform independent. In turn, RMI can actually
move class files transparently from one machine to another if

● CORBA does not support moving objects from server to client.

However, you can invoke a CORBA object’s methods or receive
data structures (this is under review for newer versions of

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of Java RMI and IDL

RMI and CORBA/IDL provide remote object invocation through an

RMI registry and an object request broker, respectively.

● RMI applications consist of an RMI server, RMI client, and an RMI


▼ The RMI server consists of an interface definition for the

remote object, an implementation of the interface, code for
creating the remote object and registering the object with the
registry, and stubs and skeletons.

▼ The RMI client uses RMI naming services to get an instance of

the stub for the remote object. The stub provides the client with
access to the remote objects methods.

▼ The RMI registry is a database of all registered remote objects.

● CORBA/IDL provides similar functionality for remote object

invocation as RMI.

● As with RMI, CORBA/IDL can also be used in conjunction with


5-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Configuring and Invoking the RMI Example

Exercise objective – Configure and run the RMI/servlet example

used in the course materials.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-29

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Exercise: Configuring and Invoking the RMI Example


Configuring the RMI Servlet Solution

1. From your home directory, change directory to mod5-rmiidl/lab.

2. Open the file using text editor.

3. Make the following changes to

▼ Modify the url variable to include the host_name of the

database server.

4. Recompile

5. Copy RMIApplet.html to server_root/public_html.

6. Copy RMIApplet.class to

7. Copy ClientLogServlet.class to server_root/servlets.

8. Copy Database.class to server_root/servlets.

9. Copy DatabaseImpl_Skel.class and

DatabaseImpl_Stub.class to server_root/servlets.

10. Copy StartupException.class to server_root/servlets.

11. Copy DatabaseImpl.class to server_root/servlets.

12. Copy RMIServer.class to server_root/servlets.

5-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Configuring and Invoking the RMI Example


Invoking the RMI Servlet Solution

1. Configure ClientLogServlet’s two init parameters within Java Web

Server. You should be able to determine the names of these
parameters by examining the ClientLogServlet code.

2. Start the RMI registry:

rmiregistry &

3. Start RMIServer:

java RMIServer

4. Access RMIApplet.html using the appletviewer. For example:

appletviewer http://host_name:8080/RMIApplet.html

You should notice that several messages are printed within the
window where RMIServer was started. Additionally, the applet should
receive messages from the ClientLogServlet.

Note – You will have to exit and reload the RMIApplet via the
AppletViewer to increment the values within the remote object.

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-31

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Exercise: Configuring and Invoking the RMI Example

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

5-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Define the purpose of remote method invocation (RMI)

❑ Identify the four items for implementing a basic RMI server

❑ Identify the two items for implementing a basic RMI client

❑ Identify the six steps to install and invoke an RMI client and

❑ List two differences between RMI and CORBA/IDL

❑ Configure and invoke an example RMI servlet solution

RMI and CORBA/IDL 5-33

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Think Beyond

Are there any distributed technologies, in addition to JDBC, RMI, and

CORBA/IDL, that can be used in conjunction with servlets?

5-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6

Course Map
Persistent state allows information to be kept over time, and shared
among a series of Web pages sent by one server to the same browser.
This is central to many shopping-type applications.
Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following questions are relevant in understanding

the topics presented in this module.

Is information preserved between successive HTTP transactions from

the same browser?

How do multiple Web pages share information? For example, how is a

list of items in an electronic shopping cart tracked over several Web

6-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Define the term session and describe how a session can be used to
overcome limitations imposed by the stateless HTTP protocol

● List two ways a session can be tied to a browser

● Describe the relative strengths of cookies and sessions

● Develop Web shopping servlets using sessions

● Develop Web shopping servlets using cookies (optional)

Additional resources – The following reference can provide additional
details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Java Web Server Session Tracking. [Online]. Available:

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Benefits and Limitations of Statelessness in the HTTP Protocol

HTTP transactions are made in isolation of one another—they do not

have a mechanism for keeping track of a request or request data sent
using a Web browser. Therefore, HTTP transactions are said to be

A benefit of statelessness, to the overall reliability of the World Wide

Web, is that client browsers do not usually notice when a server goes
down and comes up quickly.

However, statelessness has its drawbacks. For example, it is difficult to

produce groups of pages that collect information from the user to form
a “big picture” of the user’s experience.

6-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Demonstrating the Benefits of State

Suppose you have a Web site that has a Web page for authenticating
users and a Web page for accessing a corporate database.

The authentication page is used for user identification and

authentication to the Web site. The data from this page is sent to a
servlet that performs the actual authentication. Once users are
authenticated, they are presented with a database Web page.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-5

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Demonstrating the Benefits of State

The database page provides access to a corporate database. However,

database access is granted only if the user has been successfully
authenticated at the authentication page. Furthermore, the information
available from the database must be restricted according to the
privileges of the individual user. Therefore, the servlet that controls
access to the database must be able to access data from the
authentication servlet before it can allow proper access to the database.
The database servlet must have access to the following state-related

● Was the user correctly authenticated?

● If the user was authenticated, what are the privileges of the user?

How can the database servlet gain access to this information? There
are three approaches: cookies, sessions, or both.

6-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


Cookies are a mechanism for storing a variable and its associated value
on the client. The server requests that a cookie value be set when a
Web page is accessed. The browser has the option of accepting or
rejecting the cookie. If the cookie is accepted, the value is set. The same
value can be read back by the server at a later time, such as during the
handling of a later page request.

Most modern browsers support cookies. However, the acceptance of

cookies is usually user configurable; a browser will allow cookies to be
accepted or rejected automatically, accepted or rejected through a
dialog box, or disabled. These configuration options stem from
security concerns that have arisen from bugs in the implementations of
cookies on some browsers.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


Programming With Cookies

Using cookies within a servlet is simple. Among several methods, the
servlet API enables you to set a cookie and get a cookie for a browser.

Note – Sessions should be used in preference to cookies for all new


6-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


Setting a Cookie
Follow these steps to set a cookie in a browser:

1. Create the cookie, giving it a name and initial value, both of

which should be text strings. For example:
Cookie c = new Cookie("MyName", "MyValue");

2. Set the cookie with the HttpServletResponse object, using the

addCookie(Cookie) method. For example:

Note – The addCookie method must be called even if the cookie was
retrieved from the browser. If this is not done the cookie value will not
be set or modified in the browser.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-9

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Retrieving a Cookie
The following code fragment shows how to retrieve a cookie:
1 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) {
2 Cookie [] allCookies = req.getCookies();
3 Hashtable cookieTable = new Hashtable();
5 for (int i = 0; i < allCookies.length; i++) {
6 cookieTable.put(allCookies[i].getName(), allCookies[i]);
7 }
8 }

HttpServletRequest’s getCookies method is used to read the value

of a cookie that is already set in the browser. This method returns an
array of all cookies that relate to this server (line 2). It is up to the
servlet to isolate an individual cookie before reading its value. Cookies
are isolated by putting cookie names into a hash table (line 6).

Note – The Hashtable is created as a convenience for looking up

individual cookie values; it is not a requirement of using the
getCookies method.

6-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


Conceptually, a session refers to a collection of related HTTP

transactions made by one browser to one server. As related to servlets,
a session is a collection of data associated with those transactions,
which is made available to servlets invoked by the browser. Session
data from an earlier HTTP transaction can be retrieved and used
during later transactions. This is particularly valuable in the situations
that require user authentication (login) or for collecting information for
a user who is traversing several Web pages. Using the previous
example, the login servlet can store authentication information in a
session to be used by the database access servlet.

Sessions are supported by the servlet APIs using an interface called


Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The HttpSession Interface

Sessions are implemented through the
javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface. A Web server
developer must provide a concrete class that implements this interface.
However, all programming will be done using the interface rather than
the implementation class.

The HttpSession interface provide two methods: getValue and

putValue. These APIs provide functionality similar to the Hashtable
class: A session acts as a collection of key/value pairs, where the key is
a String and the value can be any Object. Therefore, a session can
store and access information of any kind.

6-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


This example demonstrates the use and programming of a session and
consists of two servlets:

● The login servlet

● The secret servlet

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A



The Login Servlet

The login servlet will collect a user name and password from an HTTP
POST request. The POST request will be created using a simple HTML
form, although the design of the servlet does not preclude the use of
an applet. The user data will be validated, and if deemed accurate, an
HttpSession, containing the user name, password, and secret
information, is created and initialized.

The login servlet has an init and a doPost method. The init
method reads data from a configuration file. This file contains records
of user name, password, and secret information, separated by colons.

6-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The Login Servlet : init Method

1 public void init(ServletConfig conf) throws ServletException {

2 String initFileName =conf.getInitParameter("InitFile");
3 try {
4 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(
5 String line;
6 while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
7 try {
8 StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(
line, ":");
9 String uName = (String)(tok.nextElement());
10 String pWord = (String)(tok.nextElement());
11 String persData = (String)(tok.nextElement());
12 String [] value = {pWord, persData};
13 database.put(uName, value);
14 } catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
15 break; // abandon parsing this line and try the
next one
16 }
17 }
18 } catch (IOException e) {
19 throw new UnavailableException(this,
"IO troubles with startup");
20 }

The init routine parses input lines from the file specified by
InitFile (lines 2, 6, 8–11), loads an array called value with the
password and extra data (line 12), and loads a hash table called
database with the user name (line 13).

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The Login Servlet: doPost Method

Calls to the login servlet are serviced by the doPost method once the
servlet is initialized.
1 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse resp) {
2 Hashtable reqParams = null;
3 try {
4 ServletInputStream sins = req.getInputStream();
5 reqParams = HttpUtils.parsePostData(
6 } catch (IOException e) {
7 ;
8 // trouble with the input stream. The empty
9 // hashtable will cause a suitable handling.
10 }
11 }
12 String user = ((String[])(reqParams.get("USER")))[0];
13 String pass = ((String [])(reqParams.get("PASSWORD")))[0];
15 Object entry;
16 String response = null;
18 if ((user != null) && (pass != null) && ((entry =
database.get(user)) != null)) {
19 String [] entryStrings = (String [])entry;
20 if (!pass.equals(entryStrings[0])) {
21 response = "Bad Password, access denied";
22 }
23 else {
24 response = "Welcome " + user;
25 HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);
26 session.putValue("loginservlet.user", user);
27 session.putValue("loginservlet.password", pass);
28 session.putValue("loginservlet.secrets",
29 entryStrings[1]);
30 }

6-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The Login Servlet: doPost Method

31 }
33 else {
34 response = user + " is not a known user here";
35 }
37 resp.setContentType("text/html");
39 try {
40 Writer output = resp.getWriter();
41 output.write("<HTML>\n<BODY>\n" + response
+ "</BODY>\n<HTML>\n");
42 output.flush();
43 } catch (IOException ex) {
44 ex.printStackTrace();
45 }

First, the POST parameters are collected into a hash table. The hash
table is generated using the utility method parsePostData in the
HttpUtils class (line 5).

Next, the user name and password parameters are fetched from the
hash table (lines 12–13). If neither the user name nor the password is
null, the servlet’s main database is checked for a match on the
supplied user name. If a match is found, the corresponding data will
contain the password and secrets for the user (line 20). A final check is
made to determine if the password is correct. If the password is
correct, an HttpSession object is created and initialized with the
user’s user name, password, and secret data (lines 25–28).

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The Login Servlet: doPost Method

The bulk of the login servlet’s work is completed within this service
method. This code segment produces a session object for a valid login
attempt, or creates an error string for an invalid login. Any servlets
invoked by the same browser that invoked the login servlet can obtain
this session and manipulate the data in it.

Finally, the servlet returns a response to the browser that originated

the request. This response consists primarily of the message that has
been collected in the response variable and is properly formatted as an
HTML page (line 41).

6-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A



The Secret Servlet

The secret servlet checks for the existence of the session. The servlet
returns an error report if a session is not found. If the session is found,
the user information within the session is used to generate a dynamic
Web page containing secret information.

The secret servlet responds to a GET request with an HTML page

containing the secret information that was placed into the session by
the login servlet.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The Secret Servlet: doGet Method

1 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,

HttpServletResponse resp) {
2 String response = "";
3 HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);
4 if (session == null) {
5 response = "Please log in before trying to use this
6 }
7 else {
8 String user = (String)(
9 String pass = (String)(
10 String secret = (String)(
11 response = "OK " + user + " your password was " + pass
+ " and your secret is " + secret;
12 }
13 resp.setContentType("text/html");
15 try {
16 Writer output = resp.getWriter();
17 output.write("<HTML>\n<BODY>\n" + response
+ "</BODY>\n<HTML>\n");
18 output.flush();
19 } catch (IOException ex) {
20 ex.printStackTrace();
21 }

First, the secret servlet checks to see if the session exists. To check for
the session, an argument of false is passed to the getSession
method (line 3). This method/argument combination requests that a
new session not be created if it does not already exist. If the session
does not exist, it is assumed that the login servlet has not yet been
executed properly, and therefore, the secret servlet issues a message
encouraging users to log in (lines 4–5).

6-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The Secret Servlet: doGet Method (Continued)

The login is assumed to have completed successfully if the session is

found. The session object’s getValue method is used to extract the
values from the session (lines 8–10). These values are used to create a
response message which is sent back as an HTML page once it has
been prepared (lines 16–17).

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


Additional Guidelines
There are several additional guidelines for working with sessions.
These guidelines are:

● A session is not created for a browser automatically. A servlet

must create a session.

● A servlet can determine if a session already exists through one of

the following mechanisms:

▼ Use getSession(false) and check for a null return.

▼ Use getSession(true) and call isNew on the resulting


You should check the integrity of the session’s data regardless of

the mechanism you use. Checking session data integrity is
important because the session might have been created by an
entirely unrelated servlet.

6-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Additional Guidelines
● Any servlet can request that a session be created. However, if a
session already exists for the browser, it will be reused.

● The information within a session is available to all servlets

handling the target browser. Be careful when naming session
entries, otherwise ambiguity might arise. For example, a session
entry called reasonCode might be used by a job application
servlet to indicate why the applicant left a previous job. This same
entry could also be used by a sales enquiry servlet to indicate the
reason for a customer discount. When both servlets are used by
the same browser, reasonCode loses its significance. Therefore, it
is a good idea to use dotted style hierarchical names, such as
and“ for similar session
entries in related servlets.

● Sessions can be invalidated and therefore become unusable, either

by timing out, or by a servlet calling the invalidate method. A
servlet should not call the invalidate method because servlets do
not have a mechanism for determining if any other servlets are
using the same session. The best way to destroy a session is by
enforcing a timeout.

● A session can time out and become invalid due to browser

inactivity. The global session.invalidation property can be
modified to indicate new timeout values. The
session.invalidate property defaults to 30 minutes. Other
mechanisms, aside from sessions, should be used to store
persistent data that must be stored for longer periods since this
property is not under the control of individual servlets that might
be using the session.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Tying a Session to a Browser

A Web server can use two ways to track the session that relates to a
browser. The simplest and most effective approach is to have the
server set a cookie in the browser.

However, as mentioned previously, some browsers do not support

cookies and users often do not allow their browsers to receive cookies
due to security reasons. An alternative mechanism, called URL
rewriting, can be used to keep track of the session.

6-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Tying a Session to a Browser

URL Rewriting
URL rewriting allows a session to be tied to a browser by adding a
session ID to a requested URL. The Web server recognizes this extra ID
information and extracts it from the URL when the browser attempts
to follow a link. The restored URL (without the ID) is used to load the
page, while the ID is used to track the session. For example, if the
current session ID is DA32242SSGE2 and the URL /store/catalog is
requested, the rewritten URL would be:

URL rewriting is cumbersome, as all local URLs sent to the client must
be modified. Each HTML page must be scanned by the server to
determine all the data that gets sent to the client.

The page-scanning process is time consuming. However, this process

becomes more efficient if a servlet is issuing output to a browser.
Rewriting, within a servlet, is done by means of two special
HttpServletResponse methods: encodeURL and

● A session can be lost when servlets fail to make the proper

encodeURL calls or if the user moves to a Web page located on a
different server. Therefore, it is important that all servlets use the
URL rewriting methods even if the servlets themselves are not
intended for use in a cookieless environment.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-25

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Cookies and Sessions Compared

There are several of issues that should be considered when choosing to

implement cookies or sessions in your servlets.

● Cookies are often disabled by Web browser users due to perceived

security risks. While this prevents cookies from operating, the
session mechanism has its own mechanism, called URL rewriting,
for handling persistent state.

● Cookies can store only one piece of information at a time, while a

single session can contain many pieces of information, related or
not. Multiple cookies can be used to store multiple data items.
However, if users have set the security options on their browsers
to warn when a cookie is set, they will receive multiple warnings,
which may be irritating.

● There are various versions of the cookie specification. Commonly,

all cookies accept text. However, even text characters can cause

6-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Cookies and Sessions Compared

● Cookie space may be limited in the client. Typical limits are 20

cookies per client, each cookie occupying 4 Kbytes of memory.
Although 4 Kbytes per cookie might seem a lot, keep in mind that
large cookies waste bandwidth each time they are sent in an HTTP
request header (especially if they are not used). By contrast, the
session mechanism places memory load only on the server, and
adds almost nothing to the bandwidth requirements between
browser and server.

Sessions and cookies are both supported by the servlet APIs.

However, as most of the previous points indicate, it is preferable to use
sessions, rather than cookies, in your servlets.

● In some instances you might use cookies. For example, you might
use cookies when writing a servlet that will interact with other
pre-existing Web pages that use cookies, such as those created by
standard CGI scripts.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-27

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Review of Cookies and Sessions

Cookies and sessions can be used to keep track of information during

the course of interaction between a particular browser and a particular
Web server.

● Cookies are a mechanism for storing a variable and its associated

value in the browser.

● Cookies can be configured, within a browser, to be accepted

automatically, accepted using a user dialog, or rejected.

● Not all browsers support cookies.

● Cookies are accessible using the servlet API’s

response.addCookie and request.getCookie methods.

6-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Review of Cookies and Sessions

● A session is a collection of data associated with transactions made

between a browser and a Web server.

● A session must be created by a servlet before it is accessible.

● To obtain a reference to a pre-existing session object, issue the call

HttpSession existingSession = req.getSession(false);
● Call getSession(true) if you want the session to be created after
attempting to get a session that does not already exist:
HttpSession possiblyNewSession =
● Use putValue(key, value), where key is a String and value is
any object, to store information in the session object.
session.putValue(key, value);

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-29

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Review of Cookies and Sessions

● Use getValue(key), where key is a String and value is any

object, to retrieve information from the session object.
value = session.getValue(key);
● URL rewriting should be used to track a session to a browser, as
cookies may not be available.

● Use encodeURL and encodeRedirectURL to attach a sessionID to

the URLs generated by your servlets.

6-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution

Exercise objective – Create two servlets: a login servlet (ShopLogin)

and a purchase servlet (ShopBuy). Each servlet will collaborate to use

Note – These exercises are presented using sessions. However, sample

solutions for the servlets in this exercise (ShopLogin and ShopBuy) are
provided using cookies (ShopCookieLogin and ShopCookieBuy). If
you are currently implementing cookies on your Web server, you can
complete the exercises using cookies. However, you should use
sessions for all of your new state-related programming.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-31

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Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution


Creating and Invoking a ShopLogin Servlet

The ShopLogin servlet is derived from the example used in this

module. ShopLogin allows users to authenticate to a Web shopping
server and gain access to an electronic shopping cart.

1. From your home directory, change directory to mod6-


2. Copy the file, which is taken from the module

example, to a new file called

3. Copy the configuration file test.dat to a new file called


4. Edit ShopUsers.txt.

ShopUsers.txt will contain two user name/password account

combinations (Fred:secret and Rich:obvious). Add the
following to each account:

▼ A credit limit to each user account

5. Save and exit ShopUsers.txt.

6. Open using text editor.

7. Add or modify the following in

▼ Change the class name to ShopLogin.

▼ Change the third field of the session to represent a credit limit

rather than “secrets.”

▼ Ensure that an unsuccessful login causes a “rejection page” to

be sent as a response. The rejection page should contain a link
to the initial login page (ShopLogin.html).

▼ Ensure that a successful login causes a “welcome” page to be

sent as a response. The welcome page should print the credit
limit and contain a link to the purchase page (ShopBuy.html).

6-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution


Creating and Invoking a ShopLogin Servlet (Continued)

8. Save the file after you have made changes.

9. Generate a ShopLogin.class file.

10. Copy the ShopLogin servlet and ShopUsers.txt file to


11. Copy the ShopLogin.html file to server_root/public_html.

12. Configure the ShopLogin servlet. Remember to configure the

InitFile initialization parameter using Java Web Server’s
properties editor. The property should be set to InitFile and
the value should be set to servlets/ShopUsers.txt.

13. Test ShopLogin by invoking the ShopLogin.html Web page.

Note – Consider how you would support URL rewriting in the

ShopLogin servlet that you create. The solutions directory contains a
ShopLogin that implements URL rewriting.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-33

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Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution


Creating and Invoking a ShopBuy Servlet

The ShopBuy servlet allows a user to purchase products from a pull-

down menu. A response is returned, after each product is selected,
showing the items in the shopping cart. This servlet demonstrates how
to share a session between two servlets.

1. From your home directory, change directory to mod6-


2. Create a purchase servlet called ShopBuy. ShopBuy should:

▼ Ensure that users are authenticated before attempting to

access this servlet. If users are not authenticated, they should
receive a response with a link pointing back to ShopLogin
▼ Get the session used by ShopLogin.

▼ Check the session for a shopping list object and create a

shopping list object if it does not exist (session.getValue).

▼ Parse the PURCHASE parameter, sent by the ShopBuy.html

form, for the product that is to be purchased. ShopBuy.html
is provided in the mod6-session/lab/ directory.

▼ Put the name of the product into the shopping list


▼ Return a response for each purchase selected. The response

should contain all of the current items in the shopping list.

6-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution


Creating and Invoking a ShopBuy Servlet (Continued)

3. Save the file after you have made changes.

4. Generate a ShopBuy.class file.

5. Copy the ShopBuy servlet to server_root/servlets.

6. Copy the ShopBuy.html file to server_root/public_html.

7. Test ShopBuy and ShopLogin by invoking the ShopLogin.html

Web page.

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-35

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Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution


Creating and Invoking a ShopBuy Servlet (Continued)

8. ShopBuy.html demonstrates the beginnings of a full Web

shopping solution. What type of functionality could you add to
ShopBuy.html and the ShopBuy servlet?

9. (Optional) The mod6-session/solutions/ directory contains a

ShopManage servlet that handles the removal of items from the
shopping list (a feature of most Web shopping solutions).
ShopManage also allows a user to “commit” to a transaction. You

▼ Copy ShopManage.class to server_root/servlets.

▼ Copy ShopManage.html to server_root/public_html.

▼ Test ShopManage by invoking the ShopManage.html Web


10. (Optional) Incorporate the UNBUY and COMMIT features of

ShopManage into the ShopBuy servlet.

6-36 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution


Creating and Invoking a ShopBuy Servlet (Continued)

11. (Optional) Provide a mechanism to determine price and available

quantity for each product. Use this mechanism to keep a running
total of purchases and an account balance based on the credit

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-37

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Exercise: Developing a Web Shopping Solution

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

6-38 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before moving on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish the following:

❑ Define the term session and describe how a session can be used to
overcome limitations imposed by the stateless HTTP protocol

❑ List the two ways a session can be tied to a browser

❑ Describe the relative strengths of cookies and sessions

❑ Develop Web shopping servlets using sessions

❑ Develop Web shopping servlets using cookies (optional)

Persistent State in HTTP Servlets 6-39

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Think Beyond

Can you identify security implications in having browsers “log in” to a


How might a browser be notified of any new products without having

to query the Web shopping server?

6-40 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Time-Extended Connections 7

Course Map
A servlet may need to pass information to a browser on a continuous
basis. This functionality requires a special “time-extended” connection.

Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following questions are relevant in understanding

the topics presented in this module.

What happens if data in a Web page changes after the browser has
downloaded the Web page?

Can you think of situations where Web pages might need to be

updated regularly? Is it sufficient for the user to click the Reload
button on the browser, to update a page at intervals?

7-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Define the term time-extended connection

● Identify the difference between client-side pull and server-side


● List four options for maintaining a time-extended connection and

outline the strengths and/or weaknesses of each

● Develop a user datagram protocol (UDP) transaction monitor


Additional resources – The following default reference can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Appendix D, “Java Socket Programming,” which describes

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
addressing and the use of sockets in the Java programming
language to perform UDP, broadcast, and multicast connectivity.

Time-Extended Connections 7-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

What Is a Time-Extended Connection?

The normal HTTP transfer mechanism is designed to send static pages

over the Web. Information is updated only when the user requests a
new page.

However, there are situations when a Web page should be updated

automatically (without user intervention) such as in a transaction
processing system. These situations require a special connection called
a time-extended connection. A time-extended connection is a mechanism
which enables new data to be sent to the client, automatically, at
regular intervals.

7-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Implementation Options

There are many different ways that a time-extended connection can be

implemented. Unfortunately, there is no single correct approach. Each
implementation option contains several advantages and

Client Pull and Server Push

Ongoing updates to a client can happen in one of two ways; either the
client makes regular requests for updates, or the server sends new
data as it becomes available.

Implementation options which require the client to make update

requests is called client pull. Conversely, options which require the
server to send data are called server push.

Time-Extended Connections 7-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Implementation Options

Efficiency of Client Pull and Server Push

A client using client pull must establish a polling rate: an interval
representing when the client should pull information from the Web
server. Polling rates can be ineffective. If the client makes a request
every 20 seconds, then the displayed data might be 20 seconds out of
date. However, if the client requests occur four times a second, the
bandwidth demands on the network will too high. This could be
especially inefficient if the server is trying to support thousands of
clients (some of which could be polling for data that hasn’t necessarily

Server push is more efficient than client pull because network transfers
and central processing unit (CPU) usage only occur when new data is
available. A Web server must keep track of all the interested parties in
a server push option.

The implementation options described in this module are either server

push or client pull. These options are:

● HTML and dynamic updates

● Java technology and dynamic updates

▼ Continuous or transient TCP connections

▼ User datagram protocol (UDP)

▼ Broadcast and multicast connections

7-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

HTML and Dynamic Updates

Some of the widely supported proprietary HTML extensions can be

used to implement either a client pull or server push solution. For
example, JavaScript™ enables a Web page to automatically display a
new page after a predetermined period of time. Other extensions
provide similar solutions.

For example, it is possible to cause an HTTP connection to remain

open for an extended period of time. The Web server would send new
data to this connection as updates become available. While this might
work for short periods of time, some Web browsers can actually force
this type of connection to time out after an extended period of time
(usually 10 minutes).

Time-Extended Connections 7-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Java Technology and Dynamic Updates

The Java programming language offers several additional solutions for

time-extended connections. For example, a client pull solution can be
implemented within an applet. The applet can spawn a new thread in
which a new connection is made at intervals and new data is

7-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Continuous or Transient TCP Connections

Transmission control protocol (TCP) is a connection-oriented

transmission protocol; for reliability, TCP requires a connection before
a message can be sent. The TCP connection is established by creating a
unique server and client socket to be used for the duration of a point-
to-point conversation.

A TCP connection can be used as a time-extended connection. In a

time-extended situation, client and server sockets would exist until
they were no longer needed by the client. Remember, a unique server
socket will be created for each client wanting to communicate with the
server. Therefore, using TCP as a time-extended connections option
can cause a large number of connections to be created on the Web
server, each utilizing server resources for an extended period of time.

Note – It is also wasteful, relative to CPU time and network

bandwidth, if a connection is created (and destroyed) for a single short

Time-Extended Connections 7-9

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Continuous or Transient TCP Connections

Note – Refer to Appendix D, “Java Socket Programming,” for

additional information on TCP communication using the Java
programming language.

7-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

User Datagram Protocol

User datagram protocol (UDP) is a transmission protocol that does not

involve setting up a connection before sending a message. In addition,
UDP does not require a separate connection at the server for each
client. Simply put, UDP solves the scalability issues of TCP.

Unfortunately, UDP is not reliable: there is no way of ensuring that a

UDP message, commonly called a datagram, is delivered. In fact, unlike
TCP, UDP messages may not reach their destination or may be
received in a different order from that in which they were sent.

Time-Extended Connections 7-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
User Datagram Protocol

Despite these limitations, UDP is still a valuable communication

mechanism. Missing an update from time to time might not matter,
especially if updates are frequent. Additionally, it is possible to design
a mechanism allowing the receiver of a message to determine if it has
missed any messages and to request that lost messages be resent.

Note – Refer to Appendix D, “Java Socket Programming,” for

additional information on UDP communication using the Java
programming language.

7-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Broadcast and Multicast Connections

Because UDP is not connection oriented and does not require

confirmation or failure responses, UDP allows datagrams to be sent to
multiple recipients.

Handling multiple recipients can be accomplished using one of two


● A broadcast message is sent to a special IP address. Clients can

choose to receive all messages sent to this address. Generally,
broadcast packets cannot pass through routers and therefore are
inappropriate for communication on the Internet. However, it is
possible to configure an intranet to work with broadcast.

Time-Extended Connections 7-13

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Broadcast and Multicast UDP

● A multicast message is sent to a special group IP address. Clients

can then “join” the special address and receive all messages sent to
the address. Multicast has a set of special protocols that allow it to
work over the Internet. However, some popular systems do not
support multicast at all.

Note – Refer to Appendix D, “Java Socket Programming,” for

additional information on UDP broadcast and multicast
communication using the Java programming language.

7-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Review of Time-Extended Connections

A time-extended connection is useful when sending information, on a

continuous basis, between a client and a server. Here are several
important items to remember about time-extended connections:

● Time-extended connections are either client pull or server push.

▼ Client pull refers to a client pulling information from a server

at a defined interval.
▼ Server push refers to a server sending information to a client
when information has been updated.

▼ Client pull connections are inefficient because there is no way

to ensure that the information that is pulled is new.

Time-Extended Connections 7-15

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Review of Time-Extended Connections

● Four time-extended implementation options are discussed in this


▼ Dynamic updates using HTML: You can use HTML extensions

to implement client pull and server push solutions. However,
some Web servers will cause this type of connection to time-
▼ Continuous or transient TCP connections: You can use TCP to
send data reliably, but server resources are heavily utilized
because a separate connection is maintained on the server for
each client.

▼ User datagram protocol: You can use UDP to send data

unreliably. Reliability can be built in by checking datagram
order and ensuring data integrity.

▼ Broadcast or multicast connections: You can use UDP broadcast

or multicast to push information to several clients at once.
Multicast is more efficient because it only sends messages to a
list of clients and messages can travel across routers.

7-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing a Transaction Monitor

Exercise objective – This exercise is an extension to the shopping

servlets you worked with in Module 6, “Persistent State in HTTP
Servlets.” You will use a time-extended connection to monitor activity
in the shopping server.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

Time-Extended Connections 7-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Developing a UDP Broadcast Transaction Monitor


Creating a UDP Transaction Monitor

This exercise requires you to use UDP broadcasts to develop a monitor

system for the Web shopping servlets. This system will log all of the
transactions that are performed by the shopping servlets in Module 8.

1. From your home directory, change directory to mod7-

longcon/lab. This directory contains the solutions from Module
8. This directory also contains:

▼ A UDPBroadcaster class (defined in

This class contains two constructors: one that accepts a
broadcast, and one that accepts a broadcast address and source
port. Both constructors create a UDP datagram socket. This
class also contains a public method called send for sending
data to the UDP datagram socket.

▼ A UDPMonitor class (defined in This class

displays all messages sent to a specific broadcast port. The port
that the UDPMonitor class uses to listen must match the port
used by UDPBroadcaster to send the datagram. This port has
been set to 12345.

7-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing a UDP Broadcast Transaction Monitor


Creating a UDP Transaction Monitor (Continued)

2. Edit each of the .java files in the mod7-longcon/lab directory.

▼ Create an instance of the UDBBroadcaster class in the

appropriate place(s) in the ShopLogin, ShopBuy, and/or
ShopManage servlet. You will need to know the broadcast
address used in your classroom. Your instructor will supply
you with this address. Refer to Appendix D, “Java Socket
Programming,” for additional information on determining a
broadcast address. For example:
broadcaster UDPBroadcaster("");

Note – The local broadcast address must be registered in the naming

service of your machine if you are using JDK 1.1.x. Your instructor will
have registered the broadcast address in your hosts or other naming
services file.

▼ Identify one or more locations in ShopLogin, ShopBuy, and

ShopManage where a broadcast message might be sent. Use
UDPBroadcaster’s send method to create and send a broadcast
message from within each of these servlets. The send method
accepts a string message. Put the hostname of your machine at
the beginning of each of the strings that your servlets generate.
For example:
broadcaster.send("fuggles: Login Successful");

Time-Extended Connections 7-19

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Exercise: Developing a UDP Broadcast Transaction Monitor


Creating a UDP Transaction Monitor (Continued)

3. (Optional) Edit the file and add code to

receive the broadcast messages. You need to add code at the
indicated point in the source (marked /* Add datagram
handling here */) that will:

▼ Create an empty DatagramPacket object, with a buffer space

of 1024 bytes.
▼ Fill the DatagramPacket object with a UDP datagram.

▼ Extract the data from the transmission and create a String

from it.

The rest of the program will then append this String to the
display so that it can be seen.

4. If you did not do the previous step, copy from

mod7-longcon/solutions to mod7-longcon/lab.

5. Save the ShopLogin, ShopBuy, ShopManage, and UDPMonitor

files after you have made changes.

6. Generate .class files for each of the servlets and the monitor

7. Copy ShopLogin.class, ShopBuy.class, ShopManage.class,

and UDPBroadcaster.class to server_root/servlets.

8. Copy ShopUsers.txt to server_root/servlets.

9. Copy ShopLogin.html to server_root/public_html.

10. Invoke the ShopLogin.html Web page.

7-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Developing a UDP Broadcast Transaction Monitor


Creating a UDP Transaction Monitor (Continued)

11. Run UDPMonitor.

java UDPMonitor

12. Use the modified Web shopping pages. You should see all of the
transactions for all of the students in the classroom as you and
other students use the Web shopping pages.

Note – You will find that you can run multiple monitors, on different
machines, and they will all display the transaction logs. However, you
might notice a lost log from time to time, and you might find that the
logging does not work if there is a router between your shopping
server and your logging station.

Time-Extended Connections 7-21

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Exercise: Developing a UDP Broadcast Transaction Monitor

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

7-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Check Your Progress

Before moving on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish the following:

❑ Define the term time-extended connection

❑ Identify the difference between client-side pull and server-side


❑ List four options for maintaining a time-extended connection and

outline the strengths and/or weaknesses of each

❑ Develop a user datagram protocol (UDP) transaction monitor


Time-Extended Connections 7-23

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Think Beyond

Can you see security implications in broadcasting or multicasting?

Consider how each of the various time-extended connection options

would respond to a temporary network failure. Do they recover if the
network is restored, or do they need recovery code? Do they hang up
if a receiving station fails?

7-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Security 8

Course Map
This module discusses security topics relevant to Web server and
servlet security.

Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following questions are relevant in understanding

the topics presented in this module.

What security features or mechanisms does your Web server provide?

Can you configure or modify the security settings of your Web server?
What classes and interfaces are provided in the servlet API that relate
to security?

8-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Identify the three major threats to Web server security

● Explain the three HTTP security mechanisms supported by the

Java Web Server

● Discuss server features specific to the Java programming language,

such as simple administration, security administration, and servlet

● Describe how access control lists and realms are used, both on
Web servers and by programmers

● Write a servlet that performs basic authentication and investigate

digest authentication

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Java Web Server. [Online]. Available:
● Refer to the section “Security” of the Web page Inside the Java Web
Server. [Online]. Available:
● Refer to the section “Security Features” of the Web page Java Web
Server 1.1 – The Java Servlet API. [Online]. Available:
● Java Web Server 1.1 – Servlet Sandbox. [Online]. Available:
● HTTP/1.1 – Proposed Standard RFC 2068. [Online]. Available:
● Digest Access Authentication. [Online]. Available:

Servlet Security 8-3

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Major Threats to Web Server Security

The following are major threats to Web server security:

● Theft or alteration of data – Computer theft is a major concern,

but the risk of sensitive data contained on those systems falling
into the wrong hands is critical. Protecting sensitive data through
encryption can make stolen information almost useless.

● Malicious code – Code or computer instructions that are

damaging or malicious in nature; sometimes referred to as malware
or a programmed threat.

Computer security experts have classified malicious software

using the following terms (taken from Practical UNIX & Internet
Security by O’Reilly & Associates, Inc, Chapter 11, “Protecting
Against Programmed Threats”):

▼ Security tools and toolkits – This software is designed for use

by security professionals to protect their sites, yet unauthorized
individuals can wield them to probe for weaknesses.

8-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Major Threats to Web Server Security

▼ Back doors (or trap doors) – Pieces of code written into

applications or operating systems to grant programmers
unauthorized access, that create security risks for attackers to

▼ Logic bombs – Hidden features in programs that go off after

certain conditions are met.

▼ Viruses – Programs that modify other programs on a computer,

inserting copies of themselves.

▼ Worms – Programs that propagate from computer to computer

on a network (these may or may not modify other programs on
the target machines).

▼ Trojan horses – Programs that appear to have one function but

actually perform another function.

▼ Bacteria (or rabbit programs) – Programs that make copies of

themselves to overwhelm a computer system’s resources.
● Eavesdropping – Electronic eavesdropping is a type of data piracy.
An entire computer session of a user can be monitored and
captured for later analysis.

For the most part, Web servers contain free information accessed using
HTTP protocol over the Web. However, these threats involve data that
the Web server administrators have labeled secure. A Web server must
be able to authenticate a user that claims rightful access to secure data
at a target URL, in order to authorize access for that user.

Note – Some of the information in the following sections can be found


Servlet Security 8-5

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Authentication and Authorization

All browsers can communicate using HTTP protocol with the server at
a target URL to request, receive, and display a Web page. Browsers
and servers seem to communicate silently as they pass information
within request headers and response headers.

This structure, outlined by the HTTP protocol, provides some broad

alternatives for authentication, or determining who is requesting access
to a page, and authorization, or negotiating exactly what access that
user has to a specific URL (or information).

In addition, a Web server can perform some sophisticated and

dynamic functions within this HTTP authentication framework. These
servers can use Java Web Server, or other well-known servlet-enabled
servers such as Apache and Netscape Enterprise Server.

8-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Authorization and Authentication

Authentication Mechanism Overview

There are three distinct types of authentication mechanisms that help
characterize the dialog between the user and the server as they
negotiate authentication using a protocol.

● A passphrase authentication mechanism involves a client that

presents a secret passphrase (or a shorter password, readily subject
to brute force dictionary attacks). Those phrases are usually
remembered by the user.

● Challenge-response mechanisms involve the server sending data to

the user, and the user sending back some data which is a function
of that data. This is often with the assistance of a hardware token,
but can describe more mundane requests and responses.

● Public key protocol mechanisms associate the user with an X.509

public key certificate. The user signs some data derived from the
authentication protocol, and the server can verify it with use of
that certificate.

Passphrase systems are commonly used despite some widely

acknowledged problems, which are most severe when users use short

Authorization Process Overview

Within each type of authentication, the server must correlate the
identity of the user with internal information it has about the realm
within which the target resource (URL) lies. The user must belong to a
group that has been granted access to the resource through what is
called an access control list (ACL).

Servlet Security 8-7

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Types of HTTP Authentication

Today, most Web servers (including Java Web Server) provide the
following HTTP security mechanisms:

● Basic authentication, for passphrase authentication

● Digest authentication, for passphrase authentication

● Secure sockets layer (SSL) server authentication, for public key


After a brief overview of each type, listed previously, and some

examples of how their usage differs, the upcoming section on security
realms will explain how security realms are actually used during
authorization to attach meaning to authentication. Following that,
there will be a more detailed look at implementing basic authentication.

8-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Types of HTTP Authentication

Basic Authentication
Basic authentication involves a user entering a user name and a
passphrase in response to a challenge by the Web server to pass an
access control check for access to protected data.

For example, a Web site that provides a bulletin board, for topical
discussions, enforces registration of a user name to deter posts by
imposters and spammers. An attempt to post for the first time would
result in a graphical challenge dialog box requesting a valid user name
and passphrase.

Java Web Server supports the basic authentication scheme using ACLs.
However, there are two well recognized problems with this standard
HTTP mechanism:

● Basic authentication sends the password over the network as plain

text so any eavesdropper can determine the right password to use.
(Both digest authentication and SSL client authentication protect
against this attack.)

● The server needs to store the passwords in plain text; these are
“shared secrets.” This means that when (not if) a server is broken
into, the attacker gains the right to authenticate as each user. Since
users frequently use the same passwords at many different sites,
this is a threat against both those users and all those other sites.
(SSL client authentication is used to protect against this kind of

Servlet Security 8-9

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Types of HTTP Authentication

Digest Authentication
Basic authentication’s problem of having plain text passwords is
resolved by digest authentication. With digest authentication, the
password must be known to the server. However, only a small portion
or “fingerprint,” used by both the client and server, is actually
exchanged over the network. Therefore, an eavesdropper cannot read
passwords on their way to your Web server. Although this is safer
than sending the password over the network, the client and other
servers, are still at high risk when the server is successfully attacked.

For example, a software company could allow customers to download

software off of their Web site with a temporary login and password.
While the company may lack proper certificates to do SSL, it still does
not want to send plain text passwords with basic authentication. It
chooses to use digest authentication, implemented with a Java applet
as not all browsers support digest authentication.

SSL Server Authentication

Users need to have a way to trust that the server to which they send
information—such as a credit card number—is really the server they
think it is. SSL always authenticates the server to the user of a browser;
HTTPS URLs (this is HTTP over SSL) let users know that the server
they are communicating with is what they think it is.

Examples of SSL authentication are all over the Internet now. SSL is
used by financial institutions such as banks who want to allow
customers to securely inquire about their account and transfer funds. It
is also used for on-line purchasing of mail-order products like books
and CDs.

8-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Types of HTTP Authentication

SSL Server Authentication (Continued)

Another feature of HTTPS is that, when allowed by both the Web site
administrator and the client using a Web browser, all data sent to or
from the server can be encrypted to allow private communications.
This means that an eavesdropper cannot learn potentially sensitive
information about your personal finances or anything else you manage

Servlet Security 8-11

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Security Realms

A security realm contains users and groups plus their associated ACLs.
The access control list for a user in a particular realm specifies the
privileges that user is granted to access server resources. Resources
include such things as files, directories, and servlets.

All three types of HTTP authentication require the Web server to have
been configured with security realms.

8-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Security Realms

Definition (Continued)
Users can be grouped for two reasons:

● You need to create different realms for various sites, such as other
virtual hosts, or parts of a given Web site serving diverse

● You need to create groups of different users (within a given realm)

so that you can extend access privileges more efficiently than
listing the users one by one.

Realms Within Java Web Server

The Java Web Server has the following security realms:

● UNIXRealm – Applies only to users in a UNIX environment. It is

the same database of users as listed by the UNIX getpwent
routines. This realm lets the server use HTTP “Basic”
authentication with users’ UNIX environment passwords.

● NTRealm – Applies only to users in a Windows NT environment

and therefore is available only in the Win32 version of Java Web

Servlet Security 8-13

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Security Realms

Realms Within Java Web Server (Continued)

● defaultRealm – Used for general management of users, groups,
and ACLs.

● CertificateRealm – Used to protect resources for users who are

authenticated using SSL. This realm is packaged only in the
versions of this product that include SSL. Users are authenticated
based on their X.509 certificate.

● servletMgrRealm – Used exclusively for signed servlet support,

which is used primarily by software publishers. It holds the X.509
certificates used to authenticate those publishers.

● SharedPasswordRealm – Supports passphrase authentication, and

also some simple challenge-response protocols. When used with
HTTP, it supports both Basic and Digest authentication.

ACLs are tied to specific realms, so they let your Web site’s
administrator control which users get access to individual Web pages
or trees of such pages.

For example, an on-line bookstore has a group of known authors who

have each been assigned a user login and passphrases in an author
group, within an authorRealm. An ACL covering the resource,,
contains an HTML form that uses Power-On Self Test (POST) to send
information to update the author’s various books. The server has been
configured to grant POST permission only for a successful basic HTTP
authentication of the author’s user name and password.

For example, a sales and support staff using a mixture of workstations

runs applet versions of purchasing or bug tracking tools from their
Web browsers. Authorized use of these tools is limited to members of
UNIXRealm and NTRealm who pass a digest authentication with the
user name and password for the workstation in their office.

8-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Security Realms

Realms Within Java Web Server (Continued)

The following section will show how the browser and server negotiate
basic HTTP authentication and provide a more concrete example of
users accessing resources.

Servlet Security 8-15

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Basic HTTP Authentication In-Depth

Figure 8-1 shows a decision tree outlining the seven-step process of

basic authentication.

8-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Basic HTTP Authentication In-Depth

Figure 8-1 describes the process in a flowchart.

sends URL

URL Yes Authorization

protected? non-null?



Yes User, pass Decode and

Send page
authorized? compare


Send 401

Tried No Show auth.

displays before? dialog box

Figure 8-1 Flowchart of Basic Authentication

Servlet Security 8-17

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The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication

The seven basic steps are described here, using an example of a

popular on-line bookstore that wants to provide privileged access to
book authors.

Step One: Browser Sends URL

A user supplies a URL to the browser, which requests it from the
appropriate Web server.

Example - Step One

An author of a book wants to update the on-line information about a

book she is selling through BookSellers Incorporated.

The browser is used to open the author administration page that had
been bookmarked previously,

Step Two: Server Determines Whether Page Is Protected

Upon receipt of a URL, the server checks its protection space to see if it
is an unauthorized request.

8-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication

Step Two: Server Determines Whether Page Is Protected

Example - Step Two

The BookSellers site has chosen Java Web Server, and the Web
administrator had previously taken the following steps to configure it
using the administration applet under the Security section:

● Within Users, added a unique user name and password within

the defaultRealm for each of the 147 authors.

Note – This is just one approach; creating an authorRealm for the

members is another option.

● Within Groups, added a group called authors belonging to the

defaultRealm. Next, added all authors as Members to the

● Within ACL, created a new ACL authorAcl within the

defaultRealm, then added permission only for group authors
to this ACL.

● Within Resources, added authorAcl the absolute path name

that refers to the following URL so that any URL request within
that subdirectory invokes an authentication check for either the
Basic or Digest authentication scheme:


Note – Since the Netscape browser does not support digest, choosing
digest would be feasible only if also provided an
applet of its own that performs the client-side part of digest
authentication, as the Java Web Server has done with

In this example, the page is within the protection space described by

defaultRealm, or an alternative, such as authorRealm.

Servlet Security 8-19

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The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication

Step Three: Web Server Checks for Non-Null Authorization

Header, and Sends Challenge
The Web server searches the request header information that was
passed from the browser during the initial URL request, for a non-null
Authorization header.

The Authorization header, when present, supplies the necessary

user and password challenge information for the secure page.

The browser does not send this information (so the header is null)
until there has been a previous request for authentication on the space
during the session. However, if the browser had already visited the
page and passed authentication, the browser would automatically
supply the header.

The Web server immediately responds with a challenge using the

standard 401 error that includes a response header with the syntax:
WWW-authenticate: basic realm="realm information"

Example - Step Three

The following output is actual text sent from a Web server, showing
the WWW-authenticate header information:
HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
Server: JavaWebServer/1.1.1
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 16:04:36 GMT
WWW-authenticate: basic realm="defaultRealm"
Content-type: text/html
Content-length: 223

8-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication

Step Four: Browser Interprets 401 Error as Challenge

The browser receives the 401 error, and the WWW-authenticate
challenge, and parses the type of authentication required. Different
results occur at this point based on the authentication type. For basic
and digest authentication types the Web browser can create a simple
dialog to solicit user and password information. For type SSL, a dialog
that provides x.509 certificate information would ensue.

Step Five: Dialog Box Prompts for User Name and Password
The browser displays a dialog box prompting the user for user name
and password.

Example - Step Five

Author Judy Javaguru might supply the user name javaguru and the
password 2_pro1ifik.

Step Six: Browser Returns Encoded Authentication

The browser encodes the user name and password based on the type
of authentication that has been specified in the error page (the
challenge part of the challenge-response mechanism).

For basic authentication, this information would be encoded into a

binary string using base 64 encoding (but no encryption); thus it
would be sent in plain text across the Internet to the server.

Servlet Security 8-21

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The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication

Step Six: Browser Returns Encoded Authentication

Information (Continued)
In contrast, if digest authentication were used, the browser would
perform some sort of encoding scheme on the information, like an
MD5 hash. The browser would first append information unique to the
session, similar to the Date header in the 401 error, to avoid replay

To receive authorization, the client sends the user ID and password,

separated by a single colon (:) character, within a base64 encoded string
in the credentials:
Authorization: Basic credentials

8-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication

Step Six: Browser Returns Encoded Authentication Info

Example - Step Six

The browser would encode the string javaguru:2_pro1ifik and set the
authorization header as follows when it requests the page again. The
browser sends this text, as if it were using TELNET to access port 80 of
the machine.
GET /authors/admin.html HTTP/1.0
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.05 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.5
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg,
image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
Authorization: Basic amphdmFndXJ1OjJfcHJvMWlmaWs=

Note – The base 64 encoding scheme specified in RFC 1521 (MIME)

takes 3-byte chunks of input and encodes it as four printable
characters. If the input length to be encoded is not a factor of 3 bytes
then either one or two equal (=) signs which indicate padding
characters are appended.

Most browsers will let you preempt the dialog by supplying the user
name and password as part of a URL:

Opening this URL has the same effect as entering the information in an
authentication dialog, except that anyone looking at your browser will
see your password.

Servlet Security 8-23

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The Seven Steps of Basic HTTP Authentication

Step Seven: Server Validates Authentication Information,

Returns Page
The server compares authentication information with database to
validate it. If the authentication information is valid, the server serves
the Web page.

Again, what the server does depends on the type of authentication.

Typically the Web master would create the user name and password
using the administration interface of the Web server and it is stored in
a way similar to /etc/passwd on UNIX systems.

Example - Step Seven

The author would be presented with an HTML form that has an

interface for updating information on books that the author has
written. A review, typographical corrections, or hyper-links to source
code and tool updates can be input.

8-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Implementing Basic Authentication in a Servlet

Even though there are many Web servers that support servlets, many
have different ways of configuring the equivalent of realms, groups,
and ACLs for resources. In addition, a corporate intranet typically has
some sort of password database which is used for legacy applications.

Implementing customer authentication within a servlet is a popular

programming task because it is not usually appropriate to port or
duplicate an existing password database into a form that a particular
Web server supports.

Servlet Security 8-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Implementing Basic Authentication in a Servlet

An Example Basic Authentication Servlet

The following servlet, BasicAuth, closely implements the seven steps
of HTTP authentication:
1 import java.util.*;
2 import*;
3 import javax.servlet.*;
4 import javax.servlet.http.*;
5 import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
7 public class BasicAuth extends HttpServlet {
9 public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,
IOException {
10 String username = null, password = null,
11 authHeader = req.getHeader ("Authorization");
13 if (authHeader == null) {
14 res.sendError (401);
15 return;
16 }
17 try {
18 // Limit authHeader to only the Base64 encoded user:pass
19 authHeader = authHeader.substring (6).trim ();

8-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Implementing Basic Authentication in a Servlet

An Example Basic Authentication Servlet (Continued)

21 // Uncompress the binary user:pass into a loginInfo string
22 BASE64Decoder base64 = new BASE64Decoder ();
23 byte mydata [] = base64.decodeBuffer (authHeader);
24 String loginInfo = new String (mydata);
26 // Save the plain text user name and password
27 int iindex = loginInfo.indexOf (":");
28 if (iindex != -1) {
29 username = loginInfo.substring (0,iindex);
30 password = loginInfo.substring (iindex+1);
31 }
32 } catch (IOException ioe) {
33 username = (String)null;
34 }
35 // Method validate left unimplemented.
36 // It could reference ACLs or check a database
37 if ( ! validate (username, password) ) {
38 res.sendError (401);
39 return;
40 }
41 // Create an HTML page that shows we have gained access
42 res.setContentType ("text/html");
43 ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream ();
44 out.println ("<HTML><HEAD>" +
45 "<TITLE>Successful Authorization</TITLE>" +
46 "</HEAD><BODY>" +
47 "<H1>Successful Authorization</H1>" +
48 "<EM>Username: </EM> “+ username +
49 "</BODY></HTML>");
50 }
52 public String getServletInfo () {
53 return "Basic Authentication missing validate method";
54 }
55 }

Servlet Security 8-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Implementing Basic Authentication in a Servlet

Steps in Example Basic Authentication Servlet

The seven steps from the previous section correspond to the servlet
code as follows:

1. Browser URL request occurs on client.

2. The Web server resolves the URL to point to this servlet, whether
directly or indirectly, and invokes doGet method with potential
Authorization header stuffed into the HttpRequest (line 9).

3. The servlet checks for a browser-set (non-null) Authorization

header containing user name and password (lines 13–16).

4. The servlet sends a 401 error page that includes an automatically

set WWW-authenticate header based on the realm that protects
the URL that just invoked this servlet.

An alternative approach is to set the WWW-authenticate header

manually, and use setStatus to generate the 401 error:
res.setHeader ("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" + realm + "\"");
res.setStatus (HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED);

5. Browser receives user name and password (lines 22–31).

6. Browser re-invokes doGet through server, this time with

Authorization set to contain base64-encoded user:pass.

7. On lines 19–40 the user name and password are decoded and the
validate method (undefined) returns a Boolean indicating whether
the password is valid.

8-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Examples of Server-Independent Validation

By implementing the validate method in a variety of ways, you can

gain control over exactly how your Web server, or servlet application
framework is protected.

In the exercise at the end of this module, TestBasicAuth

implements a stub class AccountManager with a validate
(username, password) that is hard-coded to require a user to use
the name of duke and the password servlets.

Some things that validation can do are

● Access a relational database through JDBC, an object database

through Object Database Management 2 (ODGM2), or an
Enterprise Bean any number of ways

● Access a middle-tier server through RMI or CORBA/IIOP and

Java IDL

● Do a flat file password lookup

Servlet Security 8-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Example of Server-Independent Validation

● Assign a one-time password for a client using a device such as an

Enigma card

● Perform a translation between a complex legacy permission

system using a package that implements the Realm, Group, and
ACL classes from (a current implementation of
these is in sun.server, which is what the Java Web Server uses)

The discussion of servlets and security leads into topics on securing

servlets and the Java Web Server in the sections that follow.

8-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Additional Security Features Java Web Server

Secure Administration and Servlet Sandboxing

The following are additional security features the Java Web Server
● Secure administration – By default, the JavaServer administration
pages are controlled through HTTP digest authentication. In
addition, these pages can be accessed through HTTPS. When you
configure your Java Web Server, you are configuring a Web server
to use SSL. This protocol combination is called HTTPS (HTTP with
SSL). Therefore, administrative operations are protected from
certain “active wiretapper” attacks and can be kept private.
● Servlet sandboxing – Servlets, like applets, can be isolated into
predefined, secure areas (sandboxes) that significantly reduce the
enterprise’s exposure to security risk.

Servlet Security 8-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Additional Security Features of JavaWeb Server

Secure Administration With SSL

Note – The following information is taken from

You can have Java Web Server use the secure Web service when it is
started by highlighting Secure Web Service from the initial window
and clicking on Start. In its normal usage, SSL provides up to four
features to your TCP connections:

● Your Web server is authenticated to its clients, so that they can tell
who you “really” are. Public key certificates are used for this

● All requests to your Web server are encrypted so that client data
(such as credit card data) is kept confidential (as are the responses
from your Web server).

8-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Additional Security Features of Java Web Server

Secure Administration With SSL (Continued)

● The data is protected against being tampered with by a third party.
This is called integrity protection.

● When appropriate, clients can authenticate themselves to your

server using their own Public Key certificates.

There are several different ways to use SSL. In particular, each of the
four features comes in several varieties, and all except integrity
protection are optional.

Servlet Security 8-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Additional Security Features of Java Web Server

Servlet Sandbox
The Java Web Server provides a controlled execution environment, a
servlet sandbox analogous to the applet sandbox used by Web browsers
to control applets.

All Java servlets that are remotely loaded are untrusted. Untrusted
Java servlets are invoked by separate instances of a dispatcher servlet
and run in a thread that is part of an isolated thread group in the
servlet sandbox. The service handler must send requests through the
dispatcher servlet to a thread in that sandbox, and wait for it to
complete. The cost of a request for an untrusted Java servlet is
therefore higher than for local Java servlets.

8-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Additional Security Features of Java Web Server

Servlet Sandbox (Continued)

Figure 8-2 shows the dispatcher servlet’s interaction with the servlet

Servlet sandbox Dispatcher

servlet invocations

Untrusted Untrusted
servlet servlet
Isolated thread groups


Figure 8-2 Servlet Sandbox

Servlet Security 8-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Additional Security Features of Java Web Server

Servlet Sandbox (Continued)

The servlet sandbox will protect access to the following Java Web
Server resources:

● Files

▼ Web pages served by Java Web Server

▼ Data used to operate each servlet

▼ Other files on the file system

● Runtime state

▼ Threads controlled by other servlets

▼ Security context of other servlets

▼ Private keys used to authenticate this server

● Administrative state

▼ Users and groups

▼ ACL entries (including ones controlling the sandbox)

● Network servers

● Other resources controlled by security manager objects

8-36 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Servlet Types

Use of the JDK™ code signing facility (digital signatures and

certificates) allows a new level of policy flexibility to be granted to the
Web site administrator. New modes of operation will be supported,
and that servlets will come in four types:

● Trusted servlets – Servlets that are granted full access to the

system. There are two types of trusted servlets:

▼ Java Web Server internal servlets – Some parts of the Java Web
Server are implemented using trusted internal servlets.

▼ Local servlets – The Java Web Server can be configured with a

single directory of local servlets, which are provided by the site
administrator. These have a class loader that reloads the
servlets when they have been modified, and that class loader is
recognized explicitly by the security manager.

Servlet Security 8-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Types

● Signed network servlets – All network servlets execute in the

servlet sandbox. If the servlet was signed by one of a set of signers
identified by the Web site administrator, the sandbox allows full
access. (It can access the file system, remote hosts, and so on.)
Servlets that were signed, by entities not trusted by the Web site
administrator, will be treated like unsigned network servlets.

Note – Servlets that have been digitally signed as they were put into
Java Archive (JAR) files can be trusted and granted more permissions
by the security manager. A digital signature on executable code
indicates that the organization which signed the code “vouches for it”
in one sense. Such signatures cannot support accountability by
themselves, but they do indicate a degree of assurance that can be
placed on use of that code.

● Unsigned network servlets (untrusted servlets) – Unsigned

network servlets are constrained by the sandbox; they execute
without privilege and can access the file system, network, and so

Trusted servlets should, of course, not abuse the trust placed in them.
They have access to the server’s private encryption keys, to the file
system, and to the network. They could even call the System.exit
method which will unload the Web server.

8-38 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

RemoteUser Property

Upon authentication of any sort (basic, digest, or SSL) the property
RemoteUser is set by the Web server within an HTTP header. It is
available within a servlet through a call to getRemoteUser on the
request object. For those familiar with CGI scripts, this property is
the same as the CGI variable REMOTE_USER.

Prior to authentication, the RemoteUser property is null. There are

two reasons why this property is useful in servlet programming:

● The servlet can be written so that it can detect a non-null value

from the getRemoteUser method and determine if the user has
been authenticated in some way through the server.

This leaves the servlet code independent from specific

authentication protocols and facilitates its reuse.

Servlet Security 8-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
RemoteUser Property

Overview (Continued)
● A group of servlets can be used to depend on the RemoteUser
property for a session without passing extra login information.

You can use the administration applet to set up a realm, an ACL for
the realm, users for the realm, and resources that the ACL controls.
Then have your servlet check the RemoteUser property using the
getRemoteUser method to verify that some type of authentication
took place.

Checking the RemoteUser Property

The following code fragment illustrates checking the RemoteUser
1 public class RemoteUserTest extends HttpServlet {
3 public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
4 String remoteUser;
5 ...
6 remoteUser = req.getRemoteUser()
8 // code to check if remoteUser non-null and act accordingly
9 ...
10 }

8-40 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Sanity Checking

In most cases, you will be creating both servlets and the interfaces that
communicate with your servlets (such as HTML pages, applets, and
applications). Therefore, you will have full knowledge of the types of
parameters a request should contain. It is important, for security
reasons, to perform a sanity check on request parameters. This is
especially true if the parameters you expect to receive access a volatile
portion of your Web server.

Servlet Security 8-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of Servlet Security

Generally, Web servers offer several security features that can be built
into servlets. These features include

● Basic authentication–User name/password combinations in “plain


● Digest authentication–User name/password combinations that are

not sent over the wire.

● SSL server authentication–Encrypted messages based on certificate


● Web server implemented realms–combined users, groups, and

ACLs. Java Web Server supports several common realms.

8-42 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Review of Servlet Security

● There are seven steps in basic HTTP authentication:

▼ Browser sends URL.

▼ Server determines page is protected.

▼ Web server checks for non-null authorization header and sends


▼ Browser interprets 401 error as challenge.

▼ Dialog box prompts for user name and password.

▼ Browser returns encoded authentication information.

▼ Server validates authentication information and returns page.

● Java Web Server also provides secure administration (SSL) and

servlet sandboxing.

▼ SSL offers client identification, encryption, and integrity


▼ Servlet sandboxing places untrusted servlets, such as remote

servlets, in a sandbox.
● Other servlet types are: trusted servlets (internal and local servlets)
and signed network servlets.

● The RemoteUser property can be checked to ensure that a user has

been authenticated to the system.

Servlet Security 8-43

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Basic and Certificate Authentication Servlets

Exercise objective – The objective of the first exercise is to create a

servlet that does basic access authentication by displaying a
user/password dialog box to validate user name and password pairs.
The objective of the second exercise is to examine a certificate

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

8-44 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Basic and Certificate Authentication Servlets


Creating a Basic Authentication Servlet

1. From your home directory, change directory to mod8-secure/lab.

2. Edit the file Look for the comment

define the getAuthUserName method used in the doGet method of
this program such that:

▼ An HttpServletRequest object is an argument to this


▼ The return value for this method is an array of strings.

▼ The first element in the array that is returned is the user name.

▼ The second element in the array that is returned is the


3. Compile the file:


4. Copy TestBasicAuth.class and AccountManager.class to the


5. Open the following URL:


6. Enter the following information:

user: admin
password: admin

Servlet Security 8-45

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Basic and Certificate Authentication Servlets


Creating a Basic Authentication Servlet (Continued)

7. Select Web Service and click on Manage.

8. Click on Servlets.

9. Click on Add.

10. Enter the following information:

Servlet Name: testbasicauth

Servlet Class: TestBasicAuth

11. Click on Add.

12. Click on Setup.

13. Select Servlet Aliases.

14. Add the following information:

Alias: /testbasicauth.html
ServletInvoked: TestBasicAuth

Note – Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more

information regarding servlet aliases.

15. Click on Save.

16. Close the window.

8-46 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Basic and Certificate Authentication Servlets


Creating a Basic Authentication Servlet (Continued)

17. Go to the following URL:


18. Enter the following user name and password:

User Name: illegaluser

Password: illegalpassword

19. Click on OK.

You should get the following message:

Authorization failed. Retry?

20. Click on OK and try again with the following user name and

User Name: duke

Password: servlets

21. Click on OK.

You should see a page with a message Successful Authorization

containing some information about your headers, and both your
encoded and plain text user name and password.

Servlet Security 8-47

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Exercise: Basic and Certificate Authentication Servlets


Investigating a Certificate Authority Servlet

The Java Web Server includes examples of various servlets, including a

certificate authority servlet.

1. Analyze the source code for the certificate authority servlet in

mod8-secure/examples/ The certificate authority
servlet demonstrates the following:

▼ Use of HTML forms with the POST method

▼ Use of the ServletUnavailable exception for reporting fatal

initialization time errors

▼ Dynamic generation of non-HTML data by a servlet

▼ Some relatively complex parsing for the form parameters

▼ Integration with the KEYGEN extension in Netscape Navigator™

▼ Use of the package in JDK 1.1 (being

augmented by public Java APIs in a later version of the JDK) to
create and sign public key certificates

▼ Some of the basic functionality of a Certificate Authority, such

as VeriSign

Optional – Browse the RFCs

The lab directory for this module contains a subdirectory called RFCs.
This subdirectory includes the RFCs mentioned in the lecture material:
RFC 2068 and RFC 2069. If you are interested, you can look through
what is specified in each of these.

8-48 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercises: Basic and Certificate Authentication Servlets

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

Servlet Security 8-49

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Identify the three major threats to Web server security

❑ Explain the three HTTP security mechanisms supported by the

Java Web Server

❑ Discuss server features specific to the Java programming language,

such as simple administration, security administration, and servlet

❑ Describe how access control lists and realms are used, both on
Web servers and by programmers

❑ Write a servlet that performs basic authentication and investigate

digest authentication

8-50 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Think Beyond

How might security be implemented in the exercises used throughout

this course?

Servlet Security 8-51

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Beans 9

Course Map
The JavaBeans architecture can be used to create server-side servlet
components. This module addresses the issues involved with creating
a Java servlet that is also a Bean.
Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following question is relevant in understanding the

topics presented in this module.

What are some of the advantages of integrating the JavaBeans

architecture, a component architecture, into a servlet?

9-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● Define the terms JavaBeans, Bean, and servlet Bean

● List the four types of functionality most Beans provide

● Explain the two ways to pass properties to servlet Beans

● Describe how to package and install servlet Beans

● List the three ways of invoking servlet Beans

● Develop a servlet Bean

● Invoke a servlet Bean using Java Web Server and an .shtml Web

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● Java Servlet Tutorial. [Online]. Available:

● Using Servlet Beans. [Online]. Available:

● Using JavaBeans in Servlets and in JHTML Files. [Online]. Available:

Servlet Beans 9-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

What Is JavaBeans?

JavaBeans is a portable, platform-independent component model

written in the Java programming language. You can develop Beans,
reusable software pieces, by writing Java classes that adhere to the
JavaBeans component model These Beans can be combined, using an
application development environment that supports the JavaBeans
component model, to create robust cross-platform applets and
applications. For example, several math Beans, created by one
developer, might be connected to a graphing Bean, from another
developer, to create part of a charting application. The JavaBeans
architecture was built through a collaborative industry effort and
enables developers to write reusable components in the Java
programming language.

9-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Functionality of Beans

Bean components can vary in the functionality they provide. However,

the following features are typical of most Beans:

● Beans are introspectable. Through the use of the Java reflection

APIs, Beans can publish Bean properties (state-related values held
by the Bean) and event methods. Other applications, like a rapid
application design tool, can then use introspection to “discover”
these properties and event methods.

● Beans are event aware. Beans use the JDK 1.1. events system to
communicate with each other.

● Beans are customizable. Beans can have graphical user interface

(GUI) editors that allow Bean programmers to configure the Beans
during application design time.

● Beans can be persistent. Beans can serialize themselves (save

copies of themselves to a .ser file) to retain state-related values.

Servlet Beans 9-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

What Is a Servlet Bean?

A servlet can access other Beans, or a servlet can be a Bean. A servlet
Bean is a servlet that adheres to the JavaBeans design patterns,
particularly the design pattern for introspection. Simply put, a servlet
becomes a servlet Bean when it implements get and set accessor
methods to access state-related values within the servlet.

9-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
What Is a Servlet Bean?

An Example Servlet Bean

The following sample code is for the SampleBean servlet Bean:
1 import javax.servlet.http.*;
3 import;
4 import;
6 public class SampleBean extends HttpServlet {
7 private String stringProperty = "Hello World";
8 private int intProperty = 0;
10 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
11 HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {
13 // Set response headers:
14 res.setContentType("text/html");
15 res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache”);
17 // Emit current properties setting:
18 PrintWriter writer = res.getWriter();
19 writer.println("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>SampleBean
20 writer.println("<P>SampleBean current configuration:");
21 writer.println("<TABLE border><tr>");
22 writer.println("<TH align=\"center\">Property</th>");
23 writer.println("<TH align=\"center\">Value</th>");
24 writer.println("<TH><td>stringProperty<td>"
+ getStringProperty());
25 writer.println("<TR><TD>intProperty<td>"
+ getIntProperty());
26 writer.println("</TABLE>");
27 writer.println("<P>Go to the admin to change these Bean properties
28 writer.println("</BODY></HTML>");
29 }

Servlet Beans 9-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
What Is a Servlet Bean?

An Example Servlet Bean (Continued)

30 /**
31 * Bean property accessor - Get the <tt>stringProperty</tt> value.
32 * @return A String instance, or <tt>null</tt>
33 */
34 public String getStringProperty(){
35 return stringProperty;
36 }
38 /**
39 * Bean property accessor - Set the <tt>stringProperty</tt> value.
40 * @param A String instance, or <tt>null</tt>
41 */
42 public void setStringProperty(String stringProperty){
43 this.stringProperty = stringProperty;
44 }
46 /**
47 * Bean property accessor - Get the <tt>intProperty</tt> value.
48 * @return The integer value for the property.
49 */
50 public int getIntProperty(){
51 return intProperty;
52 }
54 /**
55 * Bean property accessor - Set the <tt>intProperty</tt> value.
56 * @return The new value for that property
57 */
58 public void setIntProperty(int intProperty){
59 this.intProperty = intProperty;
60 }
61 }

9-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

What Is a Servlet Bean?

Setting Header Information

The res.setHeader API enables you to add a field to the response
header with the given name and value. If the field had already been
set, the new value overwrites the previous one. The
res.containsHeader method can be used to test for the presence of a
header before setting its value. The header fields definitions for HTTP
1.1 are documented in RFC 2068.

Setting Cache-Control

The example uses the Cache-Control header field to specify

directives that must be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the
request/response chain (line 15). The no-cache attribute is used to
ensure that requests and responses are not cached. This attribute is
often necessary when information from a previous request must be
overwritten, not returned from a cache, by information from another

Servlet Beans 9-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
What Is a Servlet Bean?

Setting Header Information

Setting Cache-Control (Continued)

For example, a servlet that returns stock quotes might implement this
feature to ensure that all stock quotes on a browser are current.

Note – The mod2-forms/examples directory contains a copy of RFC

2068. This RFC describes the HTTP 1.1 protocol.

9-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

What Is a Servlet Bean?

get and set Accessor and Mutator Methods

Next, the get and set accessor methods are called, within the
example’s service method, to get the current value of a property and
print it as part of the response (lines 24–25).

Properties in ServletConfig

Properties are passed to the init method using the ServletConfig

object. These properties must be configured manually with the Java
Web Server properties editor.

Introspected Properties

Java Web Server can also discover the properties that a servlet Bean
contains through introspection. Java Web Server examines servlet
Beans to determine property names when a servlet Bean is configured.

Servlet Beans 9-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
What Is a Servlet Bean?

get and set Acessor Methods

Introspected Properties (Continued)

Properties are identified by the names of their get and set accessor
and mutator methods (lines 34, 42, 50, 58). Java Web Server will
automatically list the property and its default value within its property

The example contains two sets of get and set accessor methods:
public void setStringProperty(String stringProperty)
public String getStringProperty()

public void setIntProperty(int intProperty)

public int getIntProperty()

Two properties, stringProperty (with a default value of HelloWorld)

and intProperty (with a default value of 0), will be displayed in the
properties editor when this example is configured within Java Web

You can change the default values for these properties using Java Web
Server if your servlet Bean supports JavaBeans design pattern for Bean

The properties editor will also create a servletInfo property for any
servlet that is configured as a servlet Bean (regardless of whether the
servlet Bean overrides getServletInfo).

Note – The mod9-beans/examples/ directory contains a copy of the

SimpleBean servlet Bean source code and Java archive (JAR) file.

9-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Servlet Beans Persistence

Your servlet Bean must implement (or to make its fields persistent. Implementing
Serializable allows Java Web Server to create a persistent form of
your Bean when you configure the Bean.

Writing to a Serialization File

If you want your servlet to update the instance data within a .ser file,
you will have to follow the JavaBeans guidelines for writing to
serialized files. For example, you might want your servlet Bean’s
destroy method to save the state of a servlet Bean before the server is
shut down.

Servlet Beans 9-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Beans Persistence

Writing to a Serialization File (Continued)

Java Web Server automatically creates a new servlet Bean instance,
using the persistent form of the servlet Bean (if one exists) when it
loads the servlet Bean.

Note – Java Web Server only creates .ser files for Bean classes that are
within a JAR file.

9-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Beans Persistence

An Example of Writing to a Serialization File

The following code can be used for writing the state of a servlet Bean
to a serialized stream:
1 try {
2 String serFile =
3 "/opt/JavaWebServer/servletbeans/SampleBean.ser";
4 ObjectOutputStream os = new ObjectOutputStream (
new FileOutputStream (serFile));
5 os.writeObject(this);
6 os.flush();
7 os.close();
8 } catch (Exception e) {
9 log ("destroy: Exception caught");
10 }
11 }

Writing objects, and a Bean component in particular, to a serialized

stream is a simple process. The ObjectOutput interface is
implemented by the ObjectOutputStream class. You can use the
writeObject method defined by the ObjectOutputStream class to
write your Bean.

The class of the object, the signature of the class, and the values of the
non-transient and non-static fields of the class and all of its supertypes
are written by the writeObject method. The writeObject method
throws both IOException and ClassNotFoundException.

Servlet Beans 9-15

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Packaging Servlet Beans

Serialized servlet Bean files, and the class file they reference, can be
packaged together in a JAR file. Serialized Beans (.ser files) within a
JAR file cannot be modified by Java Web Server or your servlet. If you
want to keep modifiable persistent forms of your Beans, they will have
to reside outside of the JAR file.

Java Web Server will create .ser files when you initially add and
configure a new servlet Bean whose classes reside in a JAR file. This
.ser file will have the same name as the servlet Bean class. You can
use Java Web Server to further modify and save property values
within this newly created .ser file. Java Web Server creates .ser files in
the server_root/servletbeans directory. If a serialized form of the
servlet Beans exists, Java Web Server will automatically read it and
update the servlet’s state with the saved state.

9-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Servlet Bean Instantiation

Class Loader for Deserializing Beans Files

Java Web Server provides support for instantiating servlet Beans by
providing a class loader that deserializes the servlet Beans files from
.ser files. These .ser files can be outside or inside in a JAR file. When
a JAR file changes on disk, the class loader automatically reloads it.

Locations for Servlet Beans

Servlet Beans files can reside in server_root/servlets/,
server_root/servletBeans, or any directory included in the

Servlet Beans 9-17

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Servlet Bean Instantiation

Automatic Reloading of Servlet Beans

To take advantage of the automatic reloading feature of the JavaServer,
store your servlet Beans files (.class, .ser, and .jar files) in the
servletbeans directory and do not include it in the CLASSPATH.
(Automatic reloading is not performed on files residing in directories
in the CLASSPATH.)

9-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Invoking Servlet Beans

You can invoke servlet Beans the same way you would invoke any
other servlet, after a servlet Bean is loaded. However, there are some
items to consider when accessing a servlet Bean using a URL.

Invoking Servlet Beans Using a URL

Servlet beans can be invoked by calling them as a URL address. Even
though you installed the servlet Bean in the
server_root/servletbeans/ directory, you call it with a servlet/
URL. The server will search the servletbeans/ directory for the
appropriate file.

ServletName represents either the name of the servlet Bean class file
or a .ser file. Invoke a class file or serialized file using the name of
the file without the .class or .ser extension.

Servlet Beans 9-19

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Invoking Servlet Beans

An Example of Invoking a Servlet Bean Using a URL

For example, suppose a server_root/servletbeans/ directory
contains the files Counter.class, counter1.ser, and a JAR file,
Hello.jar. The JAR file contains the files Hello.class, hello1.ser,
and hello2.ser.

The two .ser files, hello1.ser and hello2.ser, contain alternate

greetings for the servlet. The hello1.ser file contains the property
greeting=”Good Morning” and hello2.ser contains the property
greeting=”Good Evening.” Notice that the Hello.class file’s source
code contains the property greeting=“HelloWorld.” Figure 9-1 shows
each of these files.

... servletbeans/ ...



Figure 9-1 Example Servlet Bean Files

9-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Invoking Servlet Beans

An Example of Invoking a Servlet Bean Using a URL

The Hello.class creates a Web page with a greeting. Below is a code
fragment from
1 String greeting = "Hello World"
3 //code to get, set, and display greetings
4 public String getGreeting {
5 return greeting;
6 }
8 public void setGreeting(String g){
9 greeting = g;
10 }
12 public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException {
13 PrintWriter out;
15 res.setContentType("text/html");
16 out = res.getWriter();
18 out.println("< html >");
19 out.println("< head >< title &gtGreeting < /title> < /head >");
20 out.println("< body >");
21 out.println("< h1 >" + getGreeting() + "< /h1 >");
22 out.println("< /body > < /html >")
23 }

Servlet Beans 9-21

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Invoking Servlet Beans

An Example of Invoking a Servlet Bean Using a URL

You can use three separate URLs to get three different greetings:

● The invocation http://host_name:port/servlet/hello1

returns "Good Morning"

● The invocation http://host_name:port/servlet/hello2

returns "Good Evening"

● The invocation http://host_name:port/servlet/Hello

returns "Hello World"

Note – None of the .ser files in this example would be modifiable

using the Java Web Server properties editor.

9-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Review of Servlet Beans

Servlet Beans are servlets that adhere to the JavaBeans design pattern
for introspection. A servlet Bean can adhere to all of the JavaBeans
design patterns. The following information was discussed regarding
servlet Beans:

● Java Web Server’s property editor will automatically recognize the

properties within your servlet through introspection. This requires
you to create get and set accessor methods that include the name
of each property.

● Implement the or interface if you want Java Web Server
to create a persistent form of your servlet when it is configured.

● The servlet Beans that you create should be packaged in JAR files.

● A serialized form of your servlet Bean will be created, outside the

JAR file, when you configure your Bean. This .ser file will have
the same name as the servlet Bean’s .class file.

Servlet Beans 9-23

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Review of Servlet Beans

● Put servlet Beans in the server_root/servletbeans directory

to benefit from Java Web Server’s automatic reloading feature.

● Invoke servlet Beans by specifying their .class or .ser files.

9-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean

Exercise objective – Develop a servlet Bean using standard Beans

functionality such as introspection and serialization. Alter a servlet
Bean to be persistent, allowing it to save its state upon servlet
termination. Create an advanced counter servlet Bean.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

Servlet Beans 9-25

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean


Creating the CounterBean Servlet Bean

The CounterBean servlet Bean will be used to keep track of the

number of times a Web page is accessed (called hits). Each time a Web
page is hit, CounterBean will be invoked and will display the current
number of times users have visited the page.

1. From your home directory, change directory to mod9-beans/lab.

2. Open the file using text editor.

3. The servlet file contains a few comments and

a declaration for the CounterBean class. Insert code within to do the following:

▼ Track the number of hits through the declaration of a count

variable (supplied).

▼ Get and set the value for count by creating get and set
accessor and mutator methods.

▼ Add to count by creating an addCount accessor method.

▼ Calling the addCount method when the service method

receives a request.

▼ Return the current count as a response (supplied).

Note – A Web page counter should be invoked every time a Web page
is visited (not when a Web page action is performed). The file overrides the standard Servlet.service
method. This is because other HTTP-based service methods (such as
doPost and doGet) require action, on behalf of the Web browser user,
to invoke the servlet.

9-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean


Creating the CounterBean Servlet Bean (Continued)

4. Compile your file to create a

CounterBean.class file.

5. Create a JAR file that includes your CounterBean.class and a

manifest file:
% jar -cvf CounterBean.jar CounterBean.class

Note – The manifest file will be created automatically.

6. Copy the JAR file to the server_root/servletbeans directory.

Servlet Beans 9-27

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean


Testing the CounterBean Servlet Bean

1. Add the CounterBean to Java Web Server. Refer to Appendix B,

“Using Java Web Server,” for more information.

2. Click on the Properties tab to display the Properties card. You

should see two properties listed: servletInfo and count.

3. Type a new value in the Count Property field. Press the Return key
once you are finished.

4. Click on Save to save the count value as the default value for the
CounterBean servlet Bean. Java Web Server will create a
CounterBean.ser file, containing this value, in the
server_root/servletbeans directory.

5. Copy the CounterBean.shtml page to the

server_root/public_html directory.

6. Invoke CounterBean by accessing the .shtml page using your

Web browser:

7. The CounterBean should increment each time you reload the

.shtml file.

Note – Remember, the CounterBean is not saving its state each time it
is accessed. In the next exercise you will implement the code necessary
to save CounterBean’s state (the current count).

9-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean


Implementing Servlet Bean Persistence

1. Modify your file. The CounterBean servlet

Bean should now contain the following:

▼ A variable pointing to the exact location of your serialized file.

For example:
String serFile =

▼ The code necessary to write the count to the serialized form of

the CounterBean servlet Bean. This code should allow the
counter’s state to be saved in the event the CounterBean servlet
Bean is removed or the Web server is shut down. Remember to
implement the interface within your
servlet’s class declaration.

2. Recompile your file to create a

CounterBean.class file.

3. Create a new JAR file that includes your new CounterBean.class

and a manifest file:
% jar -cvf CounterBean.jar CounterBean.class

4. Copy the JAR file to the server_root/servletbeans directory.

5. Invoke CounterBean by accessing the .shtml page using your

Web browser:

Servlet Beans 9-29

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean


Implementing Servlet Bean Persistence (Continued)

6. The CounterBean should increment each time you reload the

.shtml file.

▼ Before continuing with the next step, note the number of hits
that the CounterBean is displaying.

7. Highlight the Web Service and click on the Shutdown button to

shut down the entire Web server and unload the CounterBean

8. Wait approximately one minute for the Java Web Server to reload.

9. Invoke CounterBean by accessing the .shtml page using your Web


▼ If your serialization code is working correctly, the

CounterBean should contain a value that is greater than the
value noted in step 6.

9-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean


Creating an Advanced Counter Servlet Bean

1. Create a servlet that keeps track of the total number of hits, for a
Web page. This counter should keep individual numbers of hits
for each Internet Protocol (IP) address accessing the page.

Servlet Beans 9-31

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Exercise: Creating a Servlet Bean

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

9-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Check Your Progress

Before continuing on to the next module, check that you are able to
accomplish or answer the following:

❑ Define the terms JavaBeans, Bean, and servlet Bean

❑ List the four types of functionality most Beans provide

❑ Explain the two ways to pass properties to servlet Beans

❑ Describe how to package and install servlet Beans

❑ List the three ways of invoking servlet Beans

❑ Develop a servlet Bean

❑ Invoke a servlet Bean using Java Web Server and an .shtml Web

Servlet Beans 9-33

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Think Beyond

How might you use the JavaBeans event mechanism to extend the
functionality of your servlet Beans?

9-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Dynamic Web Content 10

Course Map
This module discusses JavaServer Pages, an integrated solution for
generating and returning dynamic Web page content to a client
Introduction to Servlets
Forms Processing
Servlet Basics
With Servlets

Servlet Life Cycle

Distributed Servlets

Database RMI and


Collaborative Servlets

Persistent State in Time Extended

HTTP Servlets Connections

Servlet Security

Servlet Hybrids

Servlet Dynamic Web

Beans Content
Balanced Solutions

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Discussion – The following question is relevant in understanding the

topics presented in this module.

The term dynamic content refers to the ability of server-side software,

such as a servlet, to create and return HTML pages on-the-fly to a
client. What are some of the uses you can think of for dynamic Web
page creation?

10-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Upon completion of this module, you should be able to

● List three ways of generating dynamic Web page content

● Identify the methods used for generating dynamic HTML from a


● Describe the use of the PageCompileServlet

● Explain the two primary benefits of JavaServer Pages

● List the five directives that can be used within a JavaServer page

● Create a simple JavaServer page

● Use a Bean with a JavaServer page

Additional resources – The following references can provide
additional details on the topics discussed in this module:

● JavaServer Pages. [Online]. Available:

● Introducing Page Compilation. [Online]. Available:

Dynamic Web Content 10-3

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Generating Dynamic Content

There are three primary ways to generate dynamic content:

● CGI script print statements

● Servlet println statements

● JavaServer Pages (JSP)

10-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

CGI print Statements

As mentioned in Module 1, CGI scripts can return HTML within a

response through the use of scripting language commands, such as
Perl’s print command, in the script’s response code. For example, the
following code uses the Perl print command to print the string “Hello
World” through standard output:
24 print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Hello World</TITLE>
</HEAD><BODY><h1>Hello World</h1></BODY></HTML>";

Dynamic Web Content 10-5

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Servlet println Statements

As shown in Module 1, servlets can return HTML within a response

through the use of println statements in the servlet’s response code.
The information returned can be as simple as a string or as complex as
a table of data gathered from a database. For example, the code to
obtain a person’s name from a form and return it as part of a string
within a new HTML page might be

out.println("<HEAD><TITLE>Howdy Servlet</TITLE></HEAD>");
out.println("Howdy " + getParameter("yourname"));

Note – Several sample servlets are included with this course’s

materials., located in mod10-dynamic/examples/,
demonstrates how to create a table of data from a database

10-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Servlet println and Perl print Statements

Two shortcomings resulting from using println and Perl print

statements in a servlet and CGI script, respectively are:

● These statements force you to combine HTML and code for the
Java platform (“Java code”) or script code within your servlets,
preventing reuse of code.

● It forces HTML experts to understand particulars of Java

technology (for servlets) or Perl code (CGI scripts) used for
content generation, and developers of Perl or Java technology to
deal with HTML content layout and presentation (two distinct

Dynamic Web Content 10-7

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JavaServer Pages

JavaServer Pages (JSP) are Web pages that contain a combination of
HTML and code written in a scripting language such as the Java
programming language. The two primary benefits of JavaServer Pages

● They cleanly separate page presentation from page content in

dynamically generated pages by letting you call objects for the
Java platform (“Java objects”) from within a JavaServer page.

● They are automatically recompiled by the PageCompileServlet

when changes are made to the source file.

10-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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JavaServer Pages

JavaServer Pages are processed by a special servlet called the

Dynamic Web Content 10-9

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JavaServer Pages

An Example JavaServer Page

The code shown here demonstrates a simple JSP page that displays a
form, parses the form data, and returns the name to the Web browser.
1 <HTML>
2 <BODY>
3 <H1>GridConfig</H1>
4 <%
5 if (request.getParameter("first") == null) { %>
6 <FORM action="tst.jsp" method="post">
7 <P>
8 First Name
9 <P>
10 <INPUT type="text" name="first">
11 <INPUT type=submit value="submit">
12 <INPUT type=reset>
13 </FORM>
14 <%@ import = "java.lang.*" %>
15 <%} else {
16 if (request.getParameter("first").equals("")) { %>
17 <p>
18 You MUST fill in each field before submitting the form: Press the
Back button and fill in the empty fields in your form.
19 <%} else {
20 String foo = request.getParameter("first");
21 out.println(foo);%>
22 <%}
23 } %>

Note – The mod10-dynamic/examples/ directory contains a copy of

the jspform.jsp JavaServer Page source file.

10-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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JavaServer Pages Syntax

In addition to HTML, a JavaServer page can contain five types of


● Directives

● Declarations

● Scriptlets

● Expressions

● Bean tags

Dynamic Web Content 10-11

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Directives enable you to modify certain characteristics of the JavaServer

page and resulting servlet. These specifics include the scripting
language and the packages used.

The language variable is used to define the scripting language used in
a JavaServer page. The value of this tag applies to the entire file. If you
include the language tag more than once, only the value for the first
tag is used. If you omit this tag entirely, the scripting language defaults
to java.

<%@ language = "java" %>

Note – Java Web Server 1.1.1 supports only the Java programming
language for scripting. Other vendors might support other scripting
languages (for example, IBM supports REXX within their JavaServer
Pages equivalent).

10-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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The method variable is used to define the name of the method that will
contain the body of code generated from the JavaServer page. By
default, this method is the service method. The value for this tag
applies to the entire file. If you include the method tag more than once,
only the value for the first tag is used. For example, to change the
default method to doPost, your JavaServer page would contain

<%@ method = "doPost" %>

The import variable is used to define the list of package names or
class names, each separated by a comma, that will be imported by the
generated servlet. You can use this tag multiple times within a file. For
example, to import the* and java.util.Hashtable
packages, your JavaServer page would contain:
<%@ import = "*,java.util.Hashtable" %>

The example uses the import statement to import the java.lang

package (line 14).

The implements variable is used to define the list of interface names,
each separated by a comma, that the generated servlet implements.
You can use this tag multiple times within a file.

<%@ implements = "SingleThreadModel" %>

Dynamic Web Content 10-13

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The extends variable is used to define the name of the super class that
the generated servlet extends. The value for this tag applies to the
entire file. If you include the method tag more than once, only the
value for the first tag is used. For example, if the servlet generated
from your JavaServer page extended HttpServlet, your JavaServer
page would contain
<%@ extends = "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" %>

10-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Declarations identify class-wide variables and methods used by the
generated servlet. Variable and method declarations are defined within
starting and ending SCRIPT tags. The starting SCRIPT tag is

<SCRIPT runat=server>

The ending SCRIPT tag is


The runat=server tag is required and indicates that the contents

within the SCRIPT tag are for server-side processing, not for the client
or browser.

Dynamic Web Content 10-15

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An Example JavaServer Page Declaration

Following are variable declarations within the bounds of the SCRIPT

< SCRIPT runat=server >

int i = 0;
String foo = "Hello";
private void foo() {
// some code;

10-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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A scriptlet is the portion of scripting code used to add additional
functionality to the HTML within a JavaServer Page. You can use any
valid Java code within a scriptlet. Scriptlet code is defined within <%
and %> tags. The example has several examples of scriptlet code. Prior
to parsing the form request, a small portion of scriptlet code
determines whether or not the form has been completed (lines 4 and
if (request.getParameter("first") == null) { %>

Dynamic Web Content 10-17

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Definition (Continued)
Additionally, the generated servlet will have access to several
predefined variables that reference objects common to most servlets
(such as a HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse). These
variables are: request, response, out, and in.

The request variable references an incoming
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest object.

The response variable references a
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse which is used for
outgoing responses.

The out variable references a output writer.
The example uses the request.getParameter method to parse the
request and then prints a response using the out.println method. A
small portion of scriptlet code determines whether the form has been
completed (lines 20–24):
<%} else {
String foo = request.getParameter("first");
} %>

The in variable references the input

10-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Expressions are a type of tag that contain script language expressions
that are replaced with the values for those expressions, once an
expression has been resolved. Expressions are defined within <%= and
%> tags. An expression is evaluated to a result which is then
converted into a string and displayed. Conversions to string
representation for all primitive types, such as int and float, occur

An Example JavaServer Page Expression

For example, suppose you want to display the result of a computation,
carried out in a block of scriptlet code, from within your HTML:
<% int number = 20;
int i = number + 1; %>
The result of the computation is:<% =i %>

Dynamic Web Content 10-19

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Additional Guidelines

Following are some additional guidelines for writing your JavaServer


● You can have many scriptlet blocks in a JavaServer page, each

mixed with HTML.

PageCompileServlet will ensure that each block is inserted into the

proper place within the resulting servlet.

● If you declare a variable in one scriptlet block, that variable will be

“visible” in subsequent scriptlet blocks.

You cannot reuse a variable name later in your page. If you need
to use the same variable name twice, use the scoping syntax of
your scripting language to establish a scope for each variable. For
example, in the Java programming language, you would use
braces to establish scope for a series of methods and variables.

10-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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Additional Guidelines

● You can use conditional statements to determine whether a block

of HTML should be printed. For example:
<% if (balance >= 100.00) { %>
<p>You use the phone far too much!
<% } %>

In the example shown, if the value for the balance variable is more
than 100.00, the message You use the phone far too much! is
You can use println statements, within your scriptlet code, to
send HTML to an output buffer.

Dynamic Web Content 10-21

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The <BEAN> Tag

One of the most powerful and important features of JavaServer Pages
is the ability to access any Java object from within a JavaServer page.
This feature enables you to completely separate HTML presentation
from Java programming language content creation.

10-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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The <BEAN> Tag

An Example JavaServer Page Using the <BEAN> Tag

1 <html>
3 <!-- jsp.beans.ColorGameBean MUST be CLASSPATH -->
4 <!-- by default in our distribution it is found in the classes/
subdirectory -->
6 <%@ import="jsp.beans.ColorGameBean" %>
8 <bean name="cb" class="jsp.beans.ColorGameBean" create="yes"
scope="session" introspect="yes"></bean>
10 <body bgcolor= <%= cb.getColor1() %>>
11 <font color=<%= cb.getColor2() %>>
12 <p>
14 This Web page is an example using JSP and BEANs.
15 <p>
16 Guess my favorite two colors
18 <p> If you fail to guess both of them - you get yellow on red.
20 <p> If you guess one of them right, either your foreground or
21 your background will change to the color that was guessed right.
23 <p> Guess them both right and your browser foreground/background
24 will change to my two favorite colors to display this page.
26 <% if (cb.getHint()) { %>
28 <p> Hint #1: Vampires prey at night!
29 <p> Hint #2: Nancy without the n.
31 <% } %>
33 <% if (cb.getSuccess()) { %>
34 <% cb.reset(); %>

Dynamic Web Content 10-23

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The <BEAN> Tag

An Example JavaServer Page Using the <BEAN> Tag

37 <p> You guessed in <%= cb.getAttempts() %> attempts!
39 <% if (cb.gotHints()) { %>
41 <p> ( although I know you looked at the hints)
42 <% } %>
43 <% } else { %>
45 <p> Total attempts so far: <%= cb.getAttempts() %>
46 <p>
48 <form method=POST action=/colors.jsp>
49 Color #1: <input type=text name= color1 size=16
50 <br>
51 Color #2: <input type=text name= color2 size=16
52 <p>
53 <input type=submit name=action value="Submit">
54 <input type=submit name=action value="Hint">
55 </form>
57 <% } %>
59 <p>
61 </font>
62 </body>
63 </html>

10-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Declaring a Bean

In the previous example, the ColorBeanGame Bean is defined using

the <BEAN> tag (line 8). Bean and object declarations are placed
between the <BEAN> and optional </BEAN> tags. The BEAN tag uses the
following syntax:
< BEAN name="value" varname="value" class="name"
serializedfile="value" create="no" scope="request">

The example sets name to cb. The name attribute identifies the key
used to look up the Bean or object in the appropriate scope. For
example, name may refer to a session key value where the Bean is
stored. In example shown here, the Bean name is myBean.

Dynamic Web Content 10-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Declaring a Bean

The varname attribute identifies a variable name that can be used to
refer to the Bean in other portions of the JavaServer page. The example
uses the varname to reference an accessor method in the
ColorGameBean (lines 10, 11, 33, 34, 39, 49, and 51) of the example
code. For example:
<body bgcolor= <%= cb.getColor1() %>>

The varname is an optional attribute. If varname is not specified, the

name of the variable defaults to the name of the Bean specified by the
name attribute.

In the example, type is equal to ColorGameBean.The type attribute
identifies the name or interface of the Bean’s class file. If a class is not
specified, it defaults to the type Object.

In the example, introspect is equal to yes. The introspect attribute
identifies whether the Bean’s set acessor methods are called when an
associated property is handed to the Bean within the request. The
instrospect attribute can be set to either yes or no.

Note – By declaring a BEAN tag, the JavaServer page will have access to
a Bean whose properties have been set to the values of the parameters
(query parameters or posted form parameters) that the client called the
page with.

10-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Declaring a Bean

In the example, create is equal to yes. The create attribute identifies
whether or not to create the Bean if it is not found in the specified
request or session. The create attribute can be set to either yes or no.
The default value of create is yes.

In the example, scope is equal to session. The scope attribute is
used to identify where the Bean is retrieved from. Remember:

● A Bean can be created from a serialized file or a class file.

● A Bean can be referred to from an HTTP session.

● A Bean can be passed to the page from a servlet.

Dynamic Web Content 10-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Declaring a Bean

scope (Continued)
Once created, a Bean is alive for either the lifetime of the current
request or the lifetime of the session (depending on what the scope in
the BEAN tag is).

The scope attribute can be one of the following values:


If this value is used, the Bean is retrieved from the service’s request
context. This is the default value used when scope is not specified. If
the Bean is not part of the request context, then the Bean is created and
stored in the request context unless the create attribute is no.


If this value is used, the Bean is reused from the current session if
present. If not present, it is created and stored as part of the session if
the create attribute is yes.

The scope attribute is optional. If it is not specified, it defaults to the

request scope.

The beanName attribute identifies the name of the serialized file or
class that contains the Bean. This attribute is used only when the Bean
is not present in the scope of the <BEAN> tag and the value of the
create attribute is yes.

10-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


The PageCompileServlet is invoked when a client requests a

JavaServer page. The PageCompileServlet is loaded and initialized like
any other servlet. The PageCompileServlet compiles JSP files into
servlets when the JavaServer pages are initially requested.

Dynamic Web Content 10-29

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Figure 10-1 depicts the conversion of a JavaServer page to a servlet


Figure 10-1 JavaServer Page to Servlet Conversion

PageCompileServlet does all of its work on the server. A Web browser

references only the output of the servlet, not the servlet code.

The PageCompileServlet will recompile the JavaServer page if it

detects any changes to a JavaServer page after its initial compilation. If
the requested file does not change, PageCompileServlet uses the
existing servlet to handle a page request.

10-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example JavaServer Page

Following is an example of a simple JavaServer page:

1 <html><head><title>My First Page</title></head><body>

2 <h1>My First Page</h1>
3 <ul>
4 <%
5 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) out.println ("<li>" + i);
6 %>
7 </ul>
8 </body>
9 </html>

The scriptlet portion of the page lies between the <% and %> tags.

The first thing PageCompileServlet does with basicpage.jsp is

convert it to pure Java servlet definitions. The resulting code closely
resembles the following example:

Dynamic Web Content 10-31

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example Servlet Created From a JavaServer Page

1 package pagecompile;
3 import com.sun.server.webserver.pagecompile.filecache.*;
4 import com.sun.server.webserver.pagecompile.ParamsHttpServletRequest;
5 import com.sun.server.webserver.pagecompile.*;
6 import*;
7 import java.util.*;
8 import javax.servlet.*;
9 import javax.servlet.http.*
11 public class _FirstPage
12 extends HttpServlet{
14 //-------------------------------
15 static {
16 }
18 //-------------- The service method
19 public void service (HttpServletRequest request,
20 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,IOException {
21 ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream ();
22 ByteFileData __fileData = null;
24 try {

10-32 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

An Example of a Servlet Created rom a JavaServer Page

25 __fileData = (ByteFileData)
26 ServletUtil.getFileCache(this).getFile(
"C:\\Java Web Server1.0\\public_html\\FirstPage.jhtml",
null, 865872648000L);
27 if (__fileData == null) throw new
28 ServletException("FileChanged");
30 /*** lines: 1-3 */
31 __fileData.writeBytes (0, 93, out);
33 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) out.println ("<li>" + i);
35 /*** lines: 5-8 */
36 __fileData.writeBytes (175, 40, out);
37 } finally {
38 if (__fileData != null) __fileData.close();
39 }
40 }
41 }

Dynamic Web Content 10-33

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


Creating a Servlet From a JavaServer Page

In the previous example, PageCompileServlet places JavaServer page
scriptlet code and HTML code within the servlet’s service routine (or
in the service method you define using the method variable). HTML is
directly written to a stream to be displayed on the client (lines 31 and
36). Scriptlet code appears unmodified within the service routine (line

Notice that PageCompileServlet creates ServletOutputStream called

out (line 21). The servlet uses this stream to print the initial 93 bytes of
pure HTML. Then, the for statement executes and the remaining 40
bytes of HTML are sent to the output stream.

Note – The basicpage.jsp JavaServer page is included with this

course’s materials in mod10-dynamic/examples. You can access
basicpage.jsp by copying it to server_root/public_html and
typing HTTP://host_name:8080/basicpage.jsp within your Web

10-34 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of JavaServer Pages

JavaServer pages allow a combination of HTML and scripting code to

interoperate within a special .jsp Web page. JavaServer pages are
compiled on the fly when they are invoked by a Web browser:

● JavaServer pages consist of directives, declarations, scriptlets,

expressions, and BEAN tags.

● Directives enable you to modify certain characteristics of the

JavaServer page and resulting servlet.

▼ language is used to define the name of the scripting language

▼ method is used to define the name of the service method you
want the resulting servlet to override.
▼ import is used to define the import libraries for the scripting
▼ implements is used to define any interfaces implemented by
the resulting servlet.
▼ extends is used to define any classes that the resulting servlet

Dynamic Web Content 10-35

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Review of JavaServer Pages

● Declarations identify class-wide variables and methods used by

the generated servlet.

● A scriptlet is the portion of scripting code used to add additional

functionality to the HTML within a JavaServer page.

▼ Scriptlets are placed between <% and %> tags.

● Expressions are a type of tag that contains script language

expressions that are replaced with the values for those expressions,
once an expression has been resolved.

▼ Expressions are placed between <%= and %> tags.

10-36 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Review of JavaServer Pages

● The <BEAN> tags enables the system to access any Java object from
within a JavaServer page.

● Bean and object declarations are placed between the <BEAN> and
optional </BEAN> tags.

▼ The name attribute identifies the key used to look up the Bean
or object in the appropriate scope.
▼ The varname attribute identifies a variable name that can be
used to refer to the Bean in other portions of the JavaServer

▼ The type attribute identifies the name or interface of the

Bean’s class file.

▼ The introspect attribute determines whether the Bean’s set

acessor methods are called when an associated property is
handed to the Bean within the request.

▼ The create attribute determines whether to create the Bean if

it is not found in the specified request or session.

Dynamic Web Content 10-37

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Review of JavaServer Pages

▼ The scope attribute is used to identify where the Bean is

retrieved from (the request or session context).

▼ The beanName attribute identifies the name of the serialized file

or class that contains the Bean.

● The PageCompileServlet is invoked when a client requests a

JavaServer page.

● The PageCompileServlet compiles JSP files into servlets when the

JavaServer pages are initially requested.

10-38 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages

Exercise objective – Create a simple JavaServer page that requests

form data, submits the data, computes two values from the data, and
displays the computed values. Create an JavaServer page that sends
the computed values to an ImageTableBean to display a user-definable
grid of images on a Web page.

● The Java Web Server must be installed and running on your
system. Refer to Appendix B, “Using Java Web Server,” for more
information regarding Java Web Server installation, execution, and

● Refer to http://host_name:8080/system/doc/index.html
for help with the servlet API.

● Copy the contents of mod10-dynamic/lab/jsp/beans to


● Copy the mod10-dynamic/images/ directory to


Dynamic Web Content 10-39

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages


Developing the ImageTableInfo.jsp JavaServer Page

The ImageTableInfo.jsp JavaServer page is a form/scripting

language combination that accepts information for an image grid: a
grid of square images that update at a defined interval.
ImageTableInfo accepts this information, calculates the height and
width of an image grid, and returns the calculated values.

A form with the following fields is provided within a JSP file:

● Duration images will be displayed before updating

● Number of images horizontally

● Number of images vertically

● Height of each image in pixels

● Width of each image in pixels

1. Create Java code, within this same JavaServer page, to parse form
fields as request data.

10-40 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages


Developing the ImageTableInfo.jsp JavaServer Page


2. Create Java code, within this same JavaServer page, to calculate

the total width and height of an entire grid of images. The
formulas are:

width = (number of horizontal squares * width of

image in pixels) + number of horizontal squares +

height = (number of vertical squares * height of

image in pixels) + number of vertical squares + 1

3. Create the Java code, within this same JavaServer page, to return
and display the width and height of the entire grid of images.

4. Save your ImageTableInfo JavaServer page and copy the page to


5. Invoke your JavaServer page directly, using a Web browser:


Dynamic Web Content 10-41

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages


Developing the ImageTableInfo.jsp JavaServer Page


6. Enter the following into each field and click Submit:

▼ Duration: 10

▼ Images horizontally: 5

▼ Images vertically: 5

▼ Width in pixels: 20

▼ Height in pixels: 20

The Web browser should display the values computed within your
JavaServer page. If you used these values, the returned values
should be:

▼ Total width: 106

▼ Total height: 106

10-42 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages


Calling the ImageTableBean from the ImageTable.jsp JavaServer


ImageTableBean is used for displaying a user-defined grid of images

on a Web page. In this exercise, you will modify the ImageTable.jsp
page to call the ImageTableBean and pass it the form parameters
needed to display the grid of images.

The ImageTable.jsp file accepts the same five values listed in the first
task: duration, vertical images, horizontal images, vertical pixels, and
horizontal pixels. The following steps should occur, within
ImageTable.jsp, after this information is submitted using the form
portion of ImageTable.jsp:

● The <BEAN> tag is used to define the Bean used in the JSP page.

● The form values are parsed and held by their respective variables.
This includes a startImage variable that is not entered in the
form, but keeps track of the starting image for the grid of images

● The values are passed to the Bean by calling the various set
accessor methods within the Bean. These methods are documented
within the mod10-dynamic/lab/doc/
jsp.beans.ImageTableBean.html Javadoc file.

● The table is generated by calling an additional generateTable

API within the Bean.

The following steps occur within ImageTableBean once

generateTable is called:

● A circular queue (Vector) of image names is created.

● An output string is created to hold the output.

Dynamic Web Content 10-43

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages


Calling the ImageTableBean from the ImageTable.jsp JavaServer

Page (Continued)

● The output contains HTML containing the form values and grid of
images). The form’s values are placed within a special META tag:
● This tag tells the Web browser to refresh its image grid with new
copy based on the time indicated by the DURATION value. The
supplied URL is used to specify the parameters for the image grid.
This mechanism is known as a client pull mechanism as the client
will pull updated information from the Web server.

Note – The source file is located in the

mod10-dynamic/lab/ directory.

1. Modify the ImageTable.jsp page. Make the following changes:

▼ Use the <BEAN> tag for the ImageTableBean to the beginning

of ImageTable.jsp.

▼ Make the necessary calls, within the Bean, to configure values

for the ImageTableBean and generate a table of images.
Remember to call the accessor method for the startImage

Note – Refer to the additional setup notes at the beginning of this

exercise for setting up the ImageTable classes and image files.

2. Save your ImageTable JSP page and copy the page to


10-44 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages


Calling the ImageTableBean from the ImageTable.jsp

JavaServer Page (Continued)

3. Invoke your JavaServer page directly, using a Web browser:


4. Enter the following into each field and click Submit:

▼ Duration: 10

▼ Images horizontally: 5

▼ Images vertically: 5

▼ Width in pixels: 20

▼ Height in pixels: 20

The Web browser should display a grid of 25 images (5 by 5) that

updates every 10 seconds.

Dynamic Web Content 10-45

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Exercise: Creating JavaServer Pages

Exercise Summary
Discussion – Take a few minutes to discuss what experiences, issues,
or discoveries you had during the lab exercises.

● Experiences

● Interpretations

● Conclusions

● Applications

10-46 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Check Your Progress

Before continuing, check that you are able to accomplish or answer the

❑ List three ways of generating dynamic Web page content

❑ Identify the methods used for generating dynamic HTML from a


❑ Describe the use of the PageCompilationServlet

❑ Explain the two primary benefits of JavaServer Pages

❑ List the five directives that can be used within a JavaServer page

❑ Create a simple JavaServer page

❑ Use a Bean with a JavaServer page

Dynamic Web Content 10-47

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Think Beyond

How might you use JavaServer Pages on your Web site?

10-48 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
CGI, HTTP, and Servlets A
This appendix lists additional information about the HTTP protocol.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Multipurpose Internet mail extension (MIME) types are used to

differentiate different types of data sent over the Web via HTTP.
Table A-1 lists all of the different MIME types.
Table A-1 MIME Types

MIME Type File Extension(s)

application/octet-stream bin
application/oda oda
applicatoin/pdf pdf
application/postscript ai eps ps
application/rtf rtf
application/xmif mif
application/x-csh csh
application/x-dvi dv

A-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
MIME Type File Extension(s)
application/x-hdf hdf
application/x-latex latex
application/x-netcdf nc cdf
application/x-sh sh
application/x-tcl tcl
applicaiton/x-tex tex
application/x-texinfo texinfo texi
application/x-troff t tr roff
application/x-troff-man man
application/x-troff-me me
application/x-troff-ms ms
application/x-wais-source src
application/zip zip
application/x-bcpio bcpio
application/x-cpio cpio
application/x-gtar gtar
application/x-shar shar
application/x-sv4cpio sv4cpio
application/x-sv4crc sv4crc
application/x-tar tar
application/x-ustar ustar
audio/basic au snd
audio/x-aiff aif aiff aifc
audio/x-wav wav
image/gif gif
image/ief ief
image/jpeg jpeg jpg jpe
image/tiff tiff tif
image/x-cmu-raster ras

CGI, HTTP, and Servlets A-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
MIME Type File Extension(s)
image/x-portable-anymap pnm
image/xportable-bitmap pbm
image/x-portable-graymap pgm
image/x-portable-pixmap ppm
image/x-rgb rgb
image/x-xbitmap xbm
image/x-xpixmap xpm
image/x-xwindowdump xwd
text/html html
text/plain txt
text/richtext rtx
text/tab-separated-values tsv
text/x-setext etx
video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe
video/quicktime qt mov
video/x-msvideo avi
video/x-sgi-movie movie

A-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Using Java Web Server B
This appendix describes how to install, run, and log in to the Java Web
Server. References for servlet information are also presented in this

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Supported Platforms

The Java Web Server is officially supported only under the Solaris™
SPARC™ and Windows NT environments. Windows 95 is supported
for development but is not recommended for deployment because
Microsoft does not consider it a server platform.

The Java Web Server runs on any platform that supports Java
Development Kit (JDK) 1.1 or above.

B-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A



● The archive file is approximately 16 Mbytes.

● Your system will require roughly 22 Mbytes of hard drive space to

install Java Web Server.

You must configure a server environment to run Java Web Server, and
a client environment to run the Web server administration tools.

Server Environment

You can use one of the following to execute Java Web Server:

● Java runtime environment (JRE) 1.1.4 provided with Java Web


● JDK 1.1 (or above)-compliant JRE

Note – You will use the Java Web Server JRE to run Java Web Server
during this course.

Using Java Web Server B-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A


Client Environment

You must have the following item for your client environment:

● A Web browser compatible with JDK 1.0.2 or above

Note – Most browsers are JDK 1.0.2-compatible. Current versions of

Netscape Navigator (3.0, 4.0), Microsoft Internet Explorer (3.0), and
AppletViewer (1.0.2, 1.1) are known to be compatible with Java Web
Server. This course contains a copy of Netscape Navigator 4.02.

B-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

The lab files for this course include a copy of Java Web Server. This
product will be installed by your instructor prior to the course.
However, the Java Web Server installation instructions are included
here for future reference.

1. Copy the jws111-solaris.tar.Z file from the SL310_LF
directory to a directory where you want Java Web Server installed.

2. From the JavaWebServer directory, type:

zcat jws111-solaris.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

3. Press Return to begin installing Java Web Server. The archive file
will create a JavaWebServer directory within the same directory
where the archive file exists.

Note – The JavaWebServer directory is referred to as server_root

within this course. The JSERV_HOME environment variable is used to
point to server_root.

Using Java Web Server B-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Running the Java Web Server

1. Set JSERV_HOME to server_root: the location where the Java
Web Server is installed.

2. Set the CLASSPATH variable to include

$JSERV_HOME/lib/jsdk.jar, $JSERV_HOME/lib/x509v1.jar,
and . (for the current directory).

3. From server_root, change directory to bin.

% cd server_root/bin

4. Invoke the server process (daemon).

% ./httpd &

5. Verify that the server process is running using the ps -ef

ps -ef | grep httpd

B-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Displaying the Default Home Page

After you have started the server, you can display the default Java
Web Server home page by entering the following URL in your Web


For example, if your machine is named galaxy, enter


Using Java Web Server B-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Launching the Administration Applet

To invoke the Java Web Server Administration applet:

1. From the default home page on port 8080, click on the link labeled
Administration Tool.

2. From the JavaServer Administration page, click on the link labeled

Start the Administration Tool.

Note – You can also connect to the Administration Tool by typing its
URL. For example, if the host name for your Java Web Server is bagua,
then you enter the URL http://bagua:9090/index.html.

3. Log in using the default user name admin and the default
password admin. Figure B-1 shows the Administration Tool

Figure B-1 The Administration Tool

Notice that the Web Service is highlighted and has a status of


You are now ready to add a servlet to Java Web Server.

B-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Adding a Servlet to Java Web Server

Once you have created a servlet, add it to the list of available servlets
within Java Web Server.

To add a servlet to Java Web Server:

1. Log in to the administration applet.

2. Highlight Web Service and click on the Manage button. A separate

Java Web Server Web Service screen will be displayed.

3. Click on the Servlets button. A hierarchical menu of servlets

(Figure B-2) will be displayed.

Figure B-2 Hierarchical Menu of Servlets

Using Java Web Server B-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Adding a Servlet to Java Web Server

4. Select Add from the hierarchical menu. The Add a New Servlet
screen will be displayed (Figure B-3).

Figure B-3 Add a New Servlet

5. Enter the unique name of the servlet in the Servlet Name field.

6. Enter the name of the Java class for the servlet. This consists of the
package name without the .class extension.

7. If your servlet is a servlet Bean, click on Yes within the Bean

Servlet field and then enter the name of the JAR file that contains
your servlet Bean.

8. Click on the Add button. The servlet name that you assigned to
the servlet will appear in the hierarchical list under Configure.

B-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Adding a Servlet to Java Web Server

9. Click on the Add button to add a new property

10. Type resultsDir in the Property field.

11. Type server_root/servlets/ in the Value field.

12. Click on the Save button.

Using Java Web Server B-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Adding Initialization Parameters

Defining initialization parameters is server-specific. Java Web Server

has an initialization property (parameter) editor that enables you to
specify initialization parameters for each of the servlets you develop.

To configure the parameters for a servlet:

1. Log in to the administration applet.

2. Highlight Web Service and click on the Manage button. The Java
Web Server Web Service screen will be displayed.

3. Click on the Servlets button.

4. Select a servlet from the Configure list. Two configuration tabs will
display: Configure and Properties.

5. Click on the Properties tab (Figure B-4) to display the Properties


Figure B-4 Servlet Initialization Property (Parameter) Editor

B-12 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Configuring a Remote Servlet

To configure a remote servlet using Java Web Server:

1. Add your servlet to Java Web Server. Adding servlets was covered
earlier in this appendix.

2. Click on the Configuration tab to display the Configuration card

(Figure B-5).

Figure B-5 The Configuration Card

Using Java Web Server B-13

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Configuring a Remote Servlet

3. Click on Yes within the Load Class Remotely section and then
enter the URL for the location of your remote servlet.

4. Click on Save to save your changes.

B-14 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Invoking a Servlet From Within an HTML Form

As with CGI, you can invoke a servlet upon submitting information

within an HTML form. The action parameter of the form tag is used to
define the name of the servlet to be invoked. The method parameter of
the form tag is used to define the HTTP method type. For example, to
invoke the CustomerForm servlet with an HTTP GET method, your
HTML form would use:

For example:

Using Java Web Server B-15

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Server-Side Includes (SSI)

Server-side includes (SSI) enables you to embed instructions to the
server inside an HTML document. The instructions are given using
extensions to the HTML tag language. A special file extension, .shtml,
signals the server that the document contains SSI directives. The server
parses the document, executing SSI code in-line. Results are embedded
in the document before it is served to the client.

Usage and Implications

Server-side includes can be as simple as embedding boilerplate text
(such as copyright notices) or as powerful as calling executable
programs (such as servlets). Traditionally, there have been two
considerations for Web administrators in allowing server-side
includes: security and performance. The security issue usually centers
around whether you want document providers issuing executables on
the server. The performance issue focuses on the impact of having a
heavily loaded server parsing documents prior to serving them.

Standard Server-Side Include Tags

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) format
for SSI directives is an structured generalized markup language
(SGML)/HTML comment. If, for any reason, a document containing
SSI directives is served to the client unparsed, the comment format
indicates that the directive’s coding will not be visible. Directives have
the following format:
<--#command tag1="value1" -->

For example:
<!--This file: pressrelease.shtml-->

B-16 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Server-Side Includes (SSI)

Server-Side Include Tags for Servlets

The Java Web Server provides support for both standard and servlet-
specific SSI commands. The servlet-specific SSI commands provide a
convenient way to load and invoke servlets. Both local and remote
servlets can be used in this manner.

The syntax of an SSI tag for inclusion of servlets differs from the
NCSA syntax discussed previously but is very similar to the applet

For example:
<servlet code=DateServlet.class
<param name=filename value=MyFile.txt>

Using Java Web Server B-17

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Server-Side Includes

Server-Side Include Tags for Servlets (Continued)

● Use the code parameter to define the name of the class file that is
to be loaded.

● The codebase parameter is optional. Use the codebase parameter

to refer to a location where servlet classes are located (defaulting
to server_root/servlets). This parameter may refer to a
remote location for the servlet.

● Use the param name=filename value=MyFile.txt to define

values: name=value request parameters pairs passed in the
request. These must be specified before closing /servlet tag.

In the example just presented, the contents of the file up to the servlet
tag are sent to the client unmodified. The DateServlet is then loaded
from http://blitz and invoked with the appropriate init and request
parameters (the init parameters are not applicable if the servlet is
already loaded). The output of the DateServlet is embedded into the
response. The contents of the file after the ending servlet tag is then
appended unmodified.

B-18 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Aliases

Servlet aliases are path name mapping rules that the Java Web Server
uses to invoke servlets. These rules allow you to use a shortcut URL to
call a servlet from your browser, embed a shortcut into your files, or
perform a URL redirect.

Note – The server_root/servlets directory is actually aliased to

the invoker servlet. Therefore, each time you specify
/servlet/servlet_name, you are launching the invoker servlet.

Adding a Servlet Alias

To add a servlet alias using Java Web Server, use the following steps:

1. If Java Web Server is not running, start it now.

2. Log in to the administration applet.

3. Highlight Web Service and click on the Manage button. A separate

Java Web Server Web Service screen will be displayed.

Using Java Web Server B-19

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Aliases

Adding a Servlet Alias (Continued)

4. Select Aliases from the hierarchical menu. Figure B-6 shows the
Aliases screen.

Figure B-6 Servlet Aliases screen

5. Click on Add to add a new alias.

▼ Alias – The alias is a shortened name used to replace the

/servlet/servletname portion of the servlet’s URL. For
example, hi could be used as an alias for a servlet named
hello. To invoke the hello servlet, type

To invoke the servlet instead of the URL, type

▼ Servlet Invoked – The name of the servlet that will be run
when the alias is referenced.

6. Click on Save to save your new alias.

B-20 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Aliases

You can add arguments to the name of the servlet that the alias
invokes. To add an argument, enter the name of the servlet followed
by a question mark (?) and the arguments.

Note – You can use this option to perform server redirections; such as,
redirecting users from an old URL to a new URL. For example, you
could alias /oldstuff
to perform a server redirection. The source code for the
RedirectServlet is located in mod1-basic/examples.

Using Java Web Server B-21

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Chaining

For some requests, a chain of ordered servlets can be invoked rather
than just one servlet. The input from the browser is sent to the first
servlet in the chain and the output from the last servlet in the chain is
the response sent back to the browser. Each servlet in the chain has the
inputs and outputs piped to the servlet before and after it, respectively.
A chain of servlets can be triggered for an incoming request through
servlet aliasing or MIME types.

Servlet Chaining and Servlet Aliases

All of the servlets in a servlet chain can be aliased to one URL request.
When a request arrives from that URL, all the servlets in the chain will
be invoked.

Use the servlet alias window to specify a servlet chain alias. To specify
the servlets in the chain: enter the name of each servlet in the Servlet
Invoked field, separated by commas. For example, to chain the
finger, snoop, and date servlets together, type the following in the
Servlet Invoked field:

finger, scoop, date

Servlet Chaining and MIME Types

Servlets should define a MIME type before returning a response. A
servlet can be configured to respond to requests from a particular
MIME type. For example, when a servlet receives a response from the
OutputStream, the response can be piped to the InputStream as a
request to another servlet.

B-22 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Chaining

Servlet Chaining and MIME Types (Continued)

Java Web Server administrators will have to manually edit the file to create a MIME type servlet chain.
This file resides in:

The file maps MIME types to servlet

names (which are also mapped to the servlet’s class files when you
install the servlet).

Servlets in the MIME type chain can be remote servlets. Remote

servlets are brought over before being invoked.

Filtering is one of the primary uses for MIME type servlet chaining.
The first servlet in a servlet chain can act as a filter, parsing incoming
request data, based on the MIME type of the data, and then forward
data to the appropriate servlet for processing.

Using Java Web Server B-23

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Chaining

Enabling Servlet Chaining

Aside from defining your servlet chain, you must also enable servlet
chaining within Java Web Server. To enable servlet chaining,

1. If Java Web Server is not running, start it now.

2. Log in to the administration applet.

3. Highlight Web Service and click on the Manage button. A separate

Java Web Server Web Service screen will be displayed.

4. Select Site from the hierarchical menu.

5. Select the Options tab to display the Options card (Figure B-7).

Figure B-7 The Options Card

B-24 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Chaining

Enabling Servlet Chaining (Continued)

6. Select the Enabled radio button within the Servlet Chains radio
button group.

7. Click on Save to enable your change.

Using Java Web Server B-25

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet Context

Servlets run within a particular service. Each service maintains its own
environment, which is known as a context. Servlets running within
the same service share the same context. Servlet contexts are
implemented by service developers.

You can use the ServletConfig.getServletContext method to

return a ServletContext for a servlet. Once you have a servlet’s
context, you can invoke methods within the servlet or find out
information about the service under which a servlet is running.

For example:
1 public class First extends GenericServlet {
2 public void service(ServletRequest req,ServletResponse resp) throws
ServletException, IOException {
3 if (condition){
4 Servlet anotherServlet =
5 anotherServlet.somemethod()
6 return;
7 }
8 }
9 }

This example demonstrates how to access the methods of servlets

which share the same context (lines 4–5).

B-26 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Using the Documentation

Documentation, in HTML format, for the Java Web Server is installed

in the directory. The API documentation is installed in

To display the documentation, enter the following URL in your Web



You can also display the documentation by clicking on Help in any of

the Server Administrator windows.

Using Java Web Server B-27

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Additional References

It is highly recommended that you join the Java Web Server interest
mailing list. This list is used by the Java programming community to
discuss various JavaServer products, including servlet-related issues.

To subscribe to the JSERV-INTERST mailing list:

● Send email to with the following in the

body of the mail message:
subscribe jserv-interst your_real_name

To unsubscribe from the list:

● Send email to with the following

message in the body of the mail message:
signoff jserv-interst

B-28 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Additional References

Other Servlet References

Table B-1 lists several popular Web sites containing servlet information
Table B-1 Popular Servlet Web Sites.

URL Description The official Sun

products/java-server/ Microsystems™ Web page for
index.html the JavaServer Product Group JSERV-INTERST archives
/ak/archives/jeeves/ Site specializing in Java servlet
and JDBC technologies The professional developer’s
resource Assorted information and
sample servlets Java servlet solutions for the
enterprise including JRun Java servlet technologies with
emphasis on database

Using Java Web Server B-29

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B-30 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
CGI Variables and Servlet API C
This appendix lists several common CGI environment variables and
their associated servlet API. Additional servlet APIs, used for
extracting specific information from a request, are listed in a separate

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
HttpServletRequest Methods

The servlet API provides several methods for parsing individual

values within the HttpServletRequest. Several of these methods
have equivalent environment variables in CGI. These methods, with
their CGI equivalents, are listed in Table C-1.
Table C-1 CGI Variables and Equivalent Servlet API

CGI Variable Description

CONTENT_LENGTH getContentLength Gets size of request

CONTENT_TYPE getContentType Gets the Internet Media
Type of request
SERVER_PROTOCOL getProtocol Gets protocol and
version of request
REMOTE_ADDR getRemoteAddr Gets IP address of agent
sending request
REMOTE_HOST getRemoteHost Gets fully qualified host
name of agent
SERVER_NAME getServerName Gets host name of server
that received request
SERVER_PORT getServerPort Gets port number used
for request
AUTH_TYPE getAuthType Gets authentication
scheme of the request
HTTP_ACCEPT getHeader("Accept")
REQUEST_METHOD getMethod Gets the HTTP method
PATH_INFO getPathInfo Gets any optional extra
path information

C-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
CGI Variable Description

PATH_TRANSLATED getPathTranslated Is the same as

getPathInfo, but
translates into real path
QUERY_STRING getQueryString Gets a query string
REMOTE_USER getRemoteUser Gets name of user
making request
SCRIPT_NAME getServletPath Gets the servlet being
REMOTE_IDENT unavailable

CGI Variables and Servlet API C-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Additional Methods

Table C-2 lists additional methods that can be used to extract specific
pieces of information from an HttpServletRequest.
Table C-2 Additional HttpRequestMethods

HttpServletRequest Description

getRealPath Gets real path using

alias rules
getScheme Gets scheme used (such
as HTTP, HTTPS, or
getDateHeader Gets value of requested
date header
getIntHeader Gets value of specified
integer header field
getMethod Gets the HTTP method
(such as GET, POST, or
PUT) used in request
getRequestURI Gets part of request’s
URL to left of any query

C-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Socket Programming D
This appendix gives an overview of low-level TCP/IP structures, a
comparison of TCP/IP protocols, and the Java Socket API.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
IP Addressing

On a TCP/IP network, every machine has a unique address. This is a

32-bit number, which is usually represented using four decimal
numbers separated by dots. For example:
11000000 01100010 01000000 00001100

Network Address
To assist with the problems of routing, the addressing space is divided
into ranges, called networks. On a single network, part of the IP
address of each machine is common. That part is called the network
address. The remaining part of the 32-bit range is used to give each
machine a unique address.

Subnet Mask
The subnet mask is also a 32-bit number and is also usually
represented as four decimal values with dot separation. This is used to
distinguish the bits of the IP address range that are common to this
network from those that are used to indicate the host address.

One bit in the subnet mask indicates that the corresponding bit is part
of the network address, while a zero indicates that the corresponding
bit is part of the host address.

On a network, all machines must have the same subnet mask, and
must have the same network address. All host addresses must be

D-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
IP Addressing

Determining the Local Subnet Mask

On a Solaris machine, you can determine the subnet mask, along with
other useful information such as the full IP address of the machine, by
issuing the command
$ ifconfig -a

This command will work on some other UNIX environment variants,

but is not applicable outside of the UNIX environment.

Network Classes
There are three basic categories of network, which are distinguished
by the leading bits of the IP address. These are called class A, B, and C:

● An IP address that starts with 0 (zero) is a class A network.

● An IP address that starts with 1,0 is a class B network.

● An IP address that starts with 1,0 is a class C network.

The significance of these classes is that each defines a number of bits

that must be present in the subnet mask. Class A networks must have
at least the first byte of the subnet mask set to 1s. For class B, the first
two bytes must be set to 1s. For class C, the first three bytes must be
set to 1s.

Two additional classes, called D and E, are also defined:

● Class D network addresses start with 1110 and are multicast


● Class E network addresses start with four 1 bits and are reserved

Java Socket Programming D-3

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Name Services

Using 32-bit binary numbers is not very easy for humans, and even
when the convenience form of four decimal numbers is used, it is still
difficult to remember addresses and make mistakes.

To alleviate these problems, naming services are used. A naming

service provides an automatic way for the machine to translate human
textual names into 32-bit numbers that the machine and network

There are three common naming services, hosts files, network

information service (NIS), and domain name services (DNS).

A hosts file may be maintained by a UNIX system in the file

/etc/hosts. If this file is used, it contains address/name pairs, like
this: localhost banana strawberry

NIS is a popular naming service for internal networks, while DNS is

the required naming service for publication of addresses on the

The hosts file mechanism predates both NIS and DNS and can be used
to map all addresses in a network. However, this mechanism can be
hard to adminster as each machine in a network must always contain
an updated copy of the hosts file to be able to access every machine.

D-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Name Services

On Solaris machines a file called /etc/nsswitch.conf is used to

control which naming services are used, and in what order they are
searched. The line:
hosts: nis [NOTFOUND=return] dns files

indicates that hostname lookups should be made using NIS only.

Changing the position of the word files so that it preceeds
[NOTFOUND=return] will cause the machine to check the /etc/hosts
file too. Note that root privilege is required if you try to make changes
to either the /etc/hosts or /etc/nsswitch.conf files.

Java Socket Programming D-5

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Port Numbers

While the IP address identifies a particular machine, an inbound

packet needs to be routed to a particular process. This type of
addressing is done using port addresses.

A port is a 16-bit number, and is commonly used to associate certain

services with a particular well-known port number at the server. A
connection is made between a port number at the client and another
port number at the server. Hence a connection is fully defined by four
32-bit numbers, two port numbers, and two IP addresses.

Port numbers below 1024 are usually reserved for standard services,
such as TELNET, FTP and HTTP. NFS™ uses ports in the 2xxx range
while X Windows uses ports in the 6000 range. Hewlett-Packard
printers use port 9000 for a typewriter mode. Ensure that the port
selected for your service is not in use by other things.

Port assignments are typically listed in the file /etc/services on a

UNIX system although name services such as NIS can be used instead.
You can determine the ports that are currently in use on a UNIX
machine by issuing the command:
$ netstat -a

The default ports used by most protocols are documented in the RFCs
available at

D-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Comparison of Protocols

TCP is generally described as a reliable protocol. This does not mean

that the message will always get through. Rather it means that unless
some sort of hard failure occurs, such as a broken network cable, then
the messages you send will arrive exactly once, in the correct order.
Further, if problems do arise, then both ends will be made aware of the

UDP, by contrast, is an unreliable protocol. When you transmit a

packet, it is forgotten by the sender and no effort is made to ensure
that it arrived or that it was undamaged.

UDP is faster than TCP, mainly in the amount of CPU power it

requires, and has the advantage of being suitable for use with
broadcast and multicast, which TCP is not.

One benefit of UDP is that it is record oriented, while TCP is byte

oriented. This means that if you send a packet of 25 bytes, followed by
another of 15 bytes, TCP considers this a sequence of 40 bytes, with no
special boundary between them. UDP, on the other hand, retains that
boundary, and provided the packets are undamaged, they will arrive
as separate 25- and 15-byte packets.

TCP cannot be used for broadcast or multicast packets, since it

requires a point to point negotiation, and each packet is acknowledged

Multicast can be considered as a special form of broadcast. It has the

advantage over plain UDP broadcast that it can be rejected by
machines that do not want to receive the data with less CPU power
than is required for the UDP example. Multicast packets are also more
likely to be allowed to pass over routers onto different networks than
is the case for plain broadcast.

Java Socket Programming D-7

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Socket APIs

TCP Sockets
There are two types of TCP sockets: server and client. The server
socket must be associated with a particular port and is constructed like
ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(5432);

Once constructed, the accept method waits for incoming

connections. When a connection is received, the accept method
returns a new Socket object.
Socket s = ss.accept();

A client Socket is created with the host name of the server and the
port number on which the server is providing the service.
Socket s = new Socket("banana", 5432);

This constructor blocks until the connection is established, or throws

an exception in case of difficulties.

Once you have a Socket object, the next step is to obtain input and
output streams from that Socket.
InputStream is = s.getInputStream();
OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream();

These streams are byte oriented and you might need to convert them
to Unicode readers and writers if the communication takes place using
text. This can be done like this:
InputStreamReader ir =
new InputStreamReader(is, "8859_1");
OutputStreamWriter ow =
new OutputStreamWriter(os, "8859_1");

Notice the use of an explicit encoding conversion. This is normally

required when the connection is between unrelated machines. If you
omit this specification, you will find that the bytes are treated as being
in the machine’s local encoding, and this might cause difficulties if the
program is running on a non-American Standard Code for
Information Interchange (ASCII) system.

D-8 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Socket APIs

UDP Sockets
UDP sockets are encapsulated in the Java class DatagramSocket. To
construct a socket for use in a server program the socket must be
attached to a particular port. When used in a client program, any free
port can be used and it is usual to allow the system to allocate that

Constructing UDP Sockets

To construct a server UDP socket, use code like this:

DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket(5432);

To construct the client-side socket, use code like this:

DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket();

Receiving UDP Data

Once the socket has been constructed, a packet buffer must be

prepared. This is achieved with the class DatagramPacket. A buffer
for receiving datagrams can be created like this:
byte [] buffer = new byte[1024];
DatagramPacket dp =
new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);

Packets can then be received from the network by issuing the call

When the receive method returns, a packet has been collected. The
data can be extracted using the method getData which returns the
buffer. The length of the data is usually less than the length of the
buffer, and the getLength method should be used to determine how
many bytes are valid.

Java Socket Programming D-9

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Socket APIs

UDP Sockets

Sending UDP Data

To send data, build a datagram packet with the host address of the
destination machine and the target port number, like this:
byte [] data = ...// initialize data buffer
DatagramPacket outPacket = new DatagramPacket(data,

Notice the use of the static method getByName in the InetAddress

class. This translates the textual machine name into an address object
suitable for use in this constructor.

Note – The getByName method generally requires that the name

given be in the naming service of the local machine, even if the name
is given as dotted decimal notation.

Once the packet has been constructed, it can be sent from the socket
like this:

Replying to Received Messages

A client determines which machine and port to send packets to from

the server information which is published in some way, the server
needs to send packets back to the machine and port that originated the
incoming packet. To do this, that information must be extracted from
the received packet, like this:
ds.receive(dp); // get incoming request
DatagramPacket replyPacket = new DatagramPacket(
buffer, buffer.length, // should be meaningful!
dp.getAddress(), // reply to sending machine
dp.getPort()); // at senders port

D-10 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Java Socket APIs

Multicast Sockets
The difference between multicasting and normal UDP is that the
listener must “join” the multicast address group. Multicast is
supported in the Java programming language with the
MulticastSocket class, which is a subclass of DatagramSocket. The
significant difference is that the MulticastSocket object has an extra
method, joinGroup.

To receive packets addressed to the multicast group use code

like this:
MulticastSocket ms = new MulticastSocket(5432);
InetAddress addr =
byte [] buffer = new byte[1024];
DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(
buffer, buffer.length);

Replying to Broadcast and Multicast Data Transmissions

When a program listens to either broadcast or multicast data, it has a
choice of reply targets. It might be appropriate to send the reply to the
broadcast or multicast address so that all listeners see it. More
typically, however, the reply will be directed to the single machine that
originated the message.

Using the getAddress method of the DatagramPacket object, as

shown earlier in the section ‘‘Replying to Received Messages,” allows
the direction of a reply, even when the original transmission was
broadcast or multicast.

Warning – Multicast is not implemented in the Windows 95 TCP/IP

networking stack.

Java Socket Programming D-11

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Access Control Lists

See ACL.
Used to control access to resources such as files and directories.
A mechanism for determining if a user should be granted access
to a Web page.
A mechanism for determining if user should be granted access
to a specific URL.
Basic authentication
Process in which a user enters a user name and a passphrase in
response to a “challenge” by the Web server to pass an access
control check in order to read, write, or execute protected data.
Reusable software pieces, created by writing Java classes that
adhere to the JavaBeans component model.
A message sent to a special IP address monitored by one or
more clients.
Client pull
A mechanism whereby a client makes requests to a server to
have its information updated.
Client push
A mechanism whereby a server automatically sends
information, as it is updated on the server, to a client.

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
A mechanism for storing a variable and its associated value on
the Web browser.
Connection Pool
A pool of persistent (reusable) connections that can be used by a
database client, such as a servlet, as needed.
A JavaServer Pages tag that identifies class-wide variables and
methods used by the generated servlet.
Digest authentication
A form of authentication whereby no password is sent over the
A JavaServer Pages tag that allows you to modify certain
characteristics of the JavaServer page and resulting servlet.
Dynamic HTML
The HTML generated by a common gateway interface (CGI)
script or servlet.
A JavaServer Pages tag that contains script language
expressions which are replaced with the values for those
expressions, once an expression has been resolved.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
The request/response protocol used by most Web servers to
communicate with Web browsers on the Internet.
A subclass of the GenericServlet abstract class which is used to
develop HTTP-based servlets.
A portable, platform-independent component model written in
the Java programming language.
JavaServer Pages
See JSP.

Glossary-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Web pages that contain a combination of HTML and code
written in a scripting language such as the Java programming
A message sent to a special IP address monitored by a specific
group of clients.
Refers to code that is both multithreaded-safe and optimized for
Refers to code whereby multiple threads can access and change
volatile data such as class variables, without corrupting that
A model for distributed computing consisting of multiple
clients talking to one or more servers which, in turn, talk to one
or more additional servers.
Query String
A portion of a URL containing request parameters.
The portion of scripting code used to add functionality to the
HTML within a JavaServer page.
Security realm
A server-side entity containing users, groups, and their
associated access control lists.
Bodies of code that implement an application-level protocol
such as file transfer protocol (FTP), dynamic host configuration
protocol (DHCP), or hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP).
Service method
The method within a servlet invoked for each request to the
Modules of code that run inside request/response-oriented
services, extending these service in some manner.

Glossary Glossary-3
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet aliases
Pathname mapping rules that the Java Web Server uses to
invoke servlets.
Servlet Bean
A servlet that adheres to the JavaBeans design patterns,
particularly to the design pattern for introspection.
Servlet context
A service’s environment shared among the servlets within that
Servlet engine
Required by Web servers to run servlets.
Servlet sandbox
An isolated group of threads used to run untrusted Java
The data associated with a collection of related HTTP
transactions made by one browser to one server.
SSL server authentication
A mechanism whereby a server is authenticated to a Web
browser to ensure a secure transaction.
Refers to the lack of a mechanism for keeping track of a request
or request data sent using a Web browser.
A connection-oriented transmission protocol; for reliability, TCP
requires a connection before a message can be sent.
Time-extended connection
A mechanism allowing new data to be sent to the client,
automatically, at regular intervals.
Transmission Control Protocol
See TCP.
Trusted servlet
Servlets that are assumed to be secure and are granted full
access to system resources.
A model for distributed computing consisting of multiple
clients talking to one or more servers.

Glossary-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
A connectionless transmission protocol; UDP does not require
setting up a connection before sending a message.
Untrusted servlet
Servlets that cannot be assumed to be secure, such as a remote
servlet, which are not granted full access to system resources.
URL rewriting
Allows a session to be tied to a browser by adding a session
Identifier (ID) to a requested URL.
User Datagram Protocol
See UDP.

Glossary Glossary-5
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A

Acessor methods 9-11 Cache-Control 9-9
ACL 8-12 CGI
ACTION 2-32 an example form processing
addConnection 4-26 script 2-11, 2-13
addCookie 6-9 example uses for 1-4 to 1-5
Authentication 8-6 invocation of 1-11
basic 8-9 invoking a form processing
challenge-response 8-7 script 2-19
digest 8-10 overview of 1-4
HTTP types 8-8 to 8-11 parsing the form
passphrase 8-7 request 2-16 to 2-17
public key protocol 8-7 print statements 10-5
SSL server 8-10 to 8-11 println statements 10-5
Authorization 8-6 processing form data with 2-4
an overview of 8-7 reading the form request 2-15
request and response
B mechanism of 1-6 to 1-7
returning a response 1-10
Bean 9-11, 9-12, 9-15, 9-19, 10-25, returning a response after
10-27, 10-28 processing a form 2-18
an overview of 9-4 setting content type 1-9
customization 9-5 variables and equivalent
events 9-5 servlet APIs 2-29
functionality of 9-5 Web server support for 1-12
introspection 9-5 with HTTP 1-7
persistance 9-5 class loaders
Beans 9-4 when is a class loaded? 6-3
an overview of 9-4 Class.forName 4-12
functionality of 9-5 CLASSPATH 3-6, 9-17, 9-18
BufferedReader 2-28 Client Pull
dynamic HTML updates 7-7
Client pull 7-5 to 7-6

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
dynamic Java updates 7-8 E
closeAll 4-32 encodeRedirectURL 6-25
ConnectionPool 4-25 encodeURL 6-25
Continuous or Transient TCP
Connections 7-8 to 7-10
Cookie 6-9 G
Cookies 6-6, 6-7 to 6-10, 6-26 GenericServlet 1-20
an example of adding 6-9 GET 2-9, 2-23, 2-27, 2-32, 6-19
an example of creating 6-9 get 9-12
an example of retrieving 6-10 getConnection 4-13, 4-28
compared with sessions 6-26 getContentLength 2-29
programming with 6-8 getCookies 6-10
using to tie a session to a getInitParameter 3-10
browser 6-24 getInitParameterNames 3-10
CORBA/IDL 4-4, 4-7, 5-1, getInputStream 2-28
5-26 to 5-27 getLastModified 2-23
a comparison with RMI 5-27 getNewConnection 4-27
createStatement 4-14 getOuputStream 1-24
getParameter 2-27
D getParameterNames 2-26, 2-27
getParameterValue 2-30
Datagram 7-11
getParameterValues 2-26, 2-27
DELETE 2-9, 2-23
getQueryString 2-27
destroy 3-2, 3-4, 3-19, 3-20, 3-21,
getReader 2-28
3-22, 3-25
getServletConfig 3-10
Destroy method 3-18
getServletInfo 2-31, 9-12
concurrency issues 3-20
getValue 6-12, 6-21
four tasks 3-22
getWriter 1-24
handling service threads at
servlet termination 3-21
Distributed H
applications 4-4 to 4-6 HEAD 2-9, 2-23
distributed computing HTML 1-4, 4-17, 6-14, 6-19, 7-7,
Java technologies 4-7 10-6, 10-17, 10-20, 10-21, 10-22
doDelete 2-23 an example form 2-5
doGet 1-21, 2-23 forms 2-4
doOptions 2-23 forms and servlets 2-20
doPost 2-23, 6-14, 6-16 the tag 2-7
doPut 2-23 the ACTION attribute 2-11
doTrace 2-23 the ENCTYPE
DriverManager 4-13 attribute 2-11
Dynamic content the METHOD attribute 2-8
generating 10-4 the tag 2-12
Dynamic html 1-10 HTTP 6-11, 6-14, 7-4, 7-7, 8-5,
8-6, 8-8, 8-9, 8-10, 8-13
benefits and limitations of

Index-2 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
statelessness 6-4 getConnection 4-28 to
benefits of state 6-5 to 6-6 4-29
method types 2-8 to 2-10 getNewConnection 4-
method types and service 27
methods 2-22 to 2-24 releaseConnection 4-3
HttpRequest 1-21 0 to 4-31
HttpResponse 1-21 implementation 4-20
HTTPS 8-11 items to consider 4-19
HttpServlet 1-20, 2-22, 2-24, 3-2, the connection pool
10-14 client 4-21
HttpServletRequest 2-24, 10-18 two components of 4-20
HttpServletResponse 1-22, 6-25, creating and executing a
10-18 query 4-14
HttpSession 6-12 establishing a connection to
HttpUtils 6-17 the database 4-13
loading the database
I driver 4-12
parsing and displaying the
in 10-18 results 4-15
init 3-2, 3-4, 3-7, 3-8, 3-9, 3-11, JSP 10-1, 10-8 to 10-38
3-18, 3-19, 6-14 a definition of 10-8
Init method additional
configuring initialization guidelines 10-20 to 10-21
paramters 3-11 an example page 10-10
retrieving initialization declarations 10-15
parameters 3-10 directives 10-12
INPUT 2-12 the extends variable 10-14
the implements
J variable 10-13
JAR 8-38, 9-14, 9-16, 9-17 the import variable 10-13
Java technologies 4-7 the language
JavaBeans 9-2, 9-12 variable 10-12
an overview of 9-4 the method variable 10-13
JDBC 4-1, 4-4, 4-7, 4-8, 5-1 expressions 10-19
an example DBServlet an example
servlet 4-9 to 4-16 expression 10-19
and concurrency 4-17 scriptlet 10-17 to 10-18
and servlets 4-17 the in variable 10-18
closing the connection 4-16 the out variable 10-18
connection pools 4-18 to 4-32 the request variable 10-18
an example connection the response variable 10-18
pool client 4-23 the tag 10-22 to 10-28
example API 4-24 a ColorGameBean
addConnection 4-26 example 10-23 to 10-24
closeAll 4-32 declaring a Bean 10-25,
constructor 4-25 10-27

Index Index-3
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
the beanName println 1-24, 10-4, 10-7
attribute 10-28 PrintWriter 1-24, 2-29
the create attribute 10-27 PUT 2-9, 2-23
the introspect putValue 6-12
attribute 10-26
the name attribute 10-25 Q
the scope
attribute 10-27 to 10-28 Query string 2-27
request 10-28
session 10-28 R
the type attribute 10-26 readLine 2-28, 2-29
the varname Realms 8-12, 8-12 to 8-15
attribute 10-26 CertificateRealm 8-14
the SCRIPT tag 10-15 to 10-16 defaultRealm 8-14
two benefits of 10-8 to ?? NTRealm 8-13
UNIXRealm 8-13
M with Java Web
Malicious code 8-4 Server 8-13 to 8-15
METHOD 2-11 releaseConnection 4-30
Multithreaded-hot Remote 5-8
recommendations for Remote servlets 3-6
code 3-16 RemoteUser property 8-39 to ??
Multithreaded-safe 3-14 request 10-18
code samples for response 10-18
synchronized access ResultSet 4-15
methods 3-15 ResultSetMetaData 4-15
recommendations for RMI 4-4, 4-7, 5-1, 5-4 to 5-25
code 3-15 a comparison with
Multi-tier model 4-5 to 4-6 CORBA/IDL 5-27
an example RMI servlet
solution 5-12 to 5-25
O an overview of 5-4 to 5-5
ObjectOutput 9-15 and servlets 5-11
ObjectOutputStream 9-15 implementing a client 5-9
OPTIONS 2-9 implementing a server 5-8
out 10-18 installing and invoking the
OutputStream 1-24 server, client, and
registry 5-10
P interaction between client,
server, and
PageCompileServlet 10-8, 10-9, registry 5-6 to 5-7
10-20, 10-29 to 10-34 rmiregistry 3-11
parsePostData 6-17
parseQueryString 2-27
POST 2-9, 2-23, 2-32, 6-14, 6-17 S
print 10-7 Sanity checking 8-41

Index-4 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
SCRIPT 10-15 api equivalents for CGI
Scriptlet 10-17, 10-20 variables 2-29
Security configuring initialization
authentication parameters 3-11
types of 8-8 to 8-11 definition of 1-13
authorization and displaying information about
authentication 8-6 to 8-7 a servlet 2-31
back doors 8-5 example uses for 1-14
bacteria 8-5 invoking an example form
eavesdropping 8-5 processing servlet 2-32
logic bombs 8-5 invoking an example
realms 8-12, ?? to 8-15 servlet 1-25 to 1-27
RemoteUser parsing a form request 2-26
property 8-39 to 8-40 parsing all requests 2-26 to ??
sanity checking 8-41 parsing an HTTP GET query
servlet 8-34 to ?? string 2-27
servlet sandbox 8-34 to 8-36 parsing HTTP POSTs with
signed network servlets 8-38 binary or text
tools and toolkits 8-4 data 2-28 to 2-29
trojan horses 8-5 println statements 10-6
trusted servlets 8-37 println statments,
unsigned network shortcoming of 10-7
servlets 8-38 request and response
untrusted servlets 8-34 mechanism of 1-15 to 1-16
viruses 8-5 retrieving initialization
Web server parameters 3-10
major threats 8-4 to 8-5 returning a response 1-24
worms 8-5 returning a response from a
SecurityManager 8-36 form processing
Serializable 9-13 servlet 2-30
Server push 7-5 to 7-6 sandbox 8-34 to 8-36
dynamic HTML updates 7-7 saving ServletConfig 3-10
dynamic Java updates 7-8 security 8-34 to ??
service 2-24, 3-4, 3-12, 9-11 setting content
Service method 1-21 type 1-22 to 1-23, 2-25
concurrency issues 3-13 signed network 8-38
ServletRequest 3-12 the destroy method 3-18
ServletResponse 3-13 the init method 3-7
Servlet the service method 1-21, 3-12
a HelloWorld trusted 8-37
example 1-18 to 1-19 unsigned network 8-38
an example form processing untrusted 8-34
servlet 2-21 with HTTP 1-17
an init method with JDBC 4-17
example 3-8 to 3-10 writing exceptions to log
and RMI 5-11 files 1-25

Index Index-5
Copyright 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Enterprise Services October 1998, Revision A
Servlet aliases 1-27 an example Login and Secret
Servlet bean 9-6 servlet 6-13 to 6-21
a definition of 9-6 compared with cookies 6-26
a SampleBean HTTPSession Interface 6-12
example 9-7 to 9-8 set 9-12
an invocation setContentType 1-22, 2-25
example 9-20 to ?? setHeader 1-23, 9-9
automatic reloading of 9-18 setIntHeader 1-23
deserializing beans 9-17 Signed network servlets 8-38
generating a serialized SingleThreadModel 3-17
bean 9-16 SQLException 3-20
get and set acessor SSL 8-10
methods 9-11 to 9-12
introspected T
properties 9-11 to 9-12
introspection 9-6 TCP 7-9
invocation of 9-19 Theft or alteration of data 8-4
invocation using an URL 9-22 Time-extended
locations for 9-17 connection 7-4 to 7-14
packaging of 9-16 an overview of 7-4
writing to a serialization broadcast and multicast
file 9-13 to 9-14 UDP 7-13 to 7-14
Servlet context 1-25 continuous or transient TCP
Servlet engine 1-28 connections 7-9
Servlet lifecycle implementation
loading and instantiating a options 7-5 to 7-6
servlet 3-5 using UDP 7-11 to 7-12
remote servlets 3-6 TRACE 2-9, 2-23
servlets in Trusted servlets 8-37
server_root/servlets/ 3-6 Two-tier model 4-4 to 4-5
servlets on the
system class loader 3-5 UDP 7-11, 7-13
the destroy method 3-18 UDP broadcast 7-13
the four steps of 3-4 UDP multicast 7-14
the init method 3-7 UnavailableException 3-9
the service method 3-12 UnicastRemoteObject 5-8
ServletConfig 3-9, 3-10, 9-11 Unsigned network servlets 8-38
ServletContext 3-20 Untrusted servlets 8-34
servletContext 1-25 URL Rewriting
servletInfo 9-12 tie a session to a browser 6-25
ServletInputStream 2-28, 2-29
ServletOutputStream 1-24
ServletRequest 3-12 W
ServletResponse 3-12 writeObject 9-15
Sessions 6-6, 6-11 to ??

Index-6 Beyond CGI: Developing Java Servlets

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