Enron, Board Governance and Moral Failing

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Enron, board

governance and
moral failings
Gerald Zandstra
Gerald Zandstra is Director of Programs at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, Michigan, USA.

Keywords Directors, Ethics, Responsibility, focused on information. It insists that investors have quarterly
Corporate governance access to information that will allow them to gain a firm sense
Abstract The failure of the Enron Corporation has brought of the corporation’s financial situation as well as immediate
attention to the roles played by the chief executive officer and access to critical information.
other executives of the modern corporation. Its failure has also The second broad principle pertains to chief executive
produced discussion of further regulations that will, it is hoped, officers (CEOs) and other executives and their accountability
prevent another collapse similar to that of Enron. This article
to investors. The CEO must personally vouch for the truth,
argues that the central reason for Enron’s crash was not a lack
timeliness, and fairness of information sent to investors and
of regulations or the deceptions of executives but rather a failure
of the board of directors of Enron to function in a morally and cannot benefit from financial statements which provide false
ethically responsible manner. or misleading information. Instead of the lag time currently in
the system, the President proposes that executives who buy
or sell stock be required to more quickly inform the public.
Those who are found to be in violation would lose their right

he stock of publicly held companies rises and falls on
to serve in a position of corporate leadership.
the leadership of its executives and its board of
The third principle addresses audits. In the President’s
directors. President Bush recently developed a plan to
plan, it would be expected that investors would be able to
address key issues involved in corporate responsibility. His
have complete confidence in financial audits and that those
plan, however, fails to take into account one of the most
doing the audits be held to the highest ethical and
important weaknesses in the corporate governance: the
professional standards.
board of directors. Ultimately the public and especially the
Unfortunately, none of these principles addresses the role
shareholders have to trust that the board charged with
of the board of directors. While executive behavior and
company oversight will act in the best interest of the
information and auditing are certainly important matters that
company. The board is the recipient of the public and
must be considered, it is important to look carefully at the
shareholder trust and, in addition to portraying confidence to
makeup, expertise, and responsibility of the board to
investors, it is responsible to see that wise decisions are
determine if part of the blame for Enron’s collapse belongs to
made and that the law is being followed.
the board.
What role did the board of directors play in the collapse of
Enron and how will President Bush’s solutions address the

Presidential solutions
On March 7, 2002, President George Bush outlined his plan The current issue and full text archive of this
to improve corporate responsibility and protect America’s journal is available at
shareholders. The plan has three core principles. The first is http://www.emeraldinsight.com/1472-0701.htm

C o rp o ra te G o v e r n a n c e 2 , 2 2 0 0 2 , p p . 1 6 - 1 9 , # M C B U P L im ite d , 1 4 7 2 -0 7 0 1 , D O I 1 0 . 1 1 0 8 / 1 4 7 2 0 7 0 0 2 1 0 4 3 0 3 3 3
The Enron board of directors The development and function of the board of
One look around the Enron board room in 2000 would instill director system
confidence in any investor who could be assured that the Samuel Gregg (2001, p. 11) makes the argument that the
company was in the hands of legal, ethical, political, and roots of the corporation can be found in the Middle Ages.
economic leaders. Surely they would be sufficient gate- Stanley Vance (1983, p. 3) tells the story of Alexander
keepers. In addition to Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, there Hamilton’s corporation, ``The Society for Establishing Useful
were 15 external directors whose resumes were impeccable. Manufactures’’ as an example of an early American
These were people with a combined total of several hundred corporation and it is interesting to note that the company
years worth of board oversight. failed ``because the absentee outside directors failed to
The expertise in the room is astounding. There are people involve themselves in the affairs of the enterprise.’’ Despite
who have served as CEOs in several companies, as bank similar failures, the corporate concept quickly spread so that
executives, as capital management leaders, and several who ``by 1800, the US had more business corporations than all of
are familiar with the gas and oil business. Europe combined’’ (Gregg, 2001, p. 12).
There are several law degrees and one person who While each corporation is governed by state statute and
served as the dean of a law school. There are two no state has legal requirements to be eligible for board of
physicians. One current university president sits next to one director membership, each board of directors has at least
who is now emeritus. Multiple Harvard MBAs can discuss the following three functions. First of all, the board of
their alma mater with one of its current professors in directors is responsible for lending an air of legitimacy to the
government. One director has written multiple articles for the corporation. While this is a passive function, it is important
Journal of Law and Economics. that the company have a board made up of people with
The board has political experience with one member who some prestige attached to their name. They ought to be
has served in the British Parliament, one member who is an people with expertise and experience in business. Their
involvement ought to lend a level of confidence to the
expert in anti-regulatory legislation, and several who have
enterprise and those who purchase stock in it. But it is vital to
served in one political capacity or another. They were
remember that this is not where board responsibility ends.
international, with people from or with expertise in Asia,
The second function is focused on auditing and legal
Europe, South America, Africa, and the Middle East. One
requirements. The board is entrusted with the duty of
was an elder at his Presbyterian Church and almost all had
ensuring that any information given to stockholders, the
served or were serving on at least one non-profit board of
public, and the government is accurate. Auditing oversight is
directors. Taken together, these 15 external directors had
usually completed by an auditing committee, which is a
served on at least 130 boards of directors of both for-profit
subset of the board. The entire board is responsible to
and non-profit organizations.
ensure that every legal requirement is met. Neither of these is
Companies are about leadership and the board of Enron
a simple task. Both require a high level of specialization in
certainly had it in 2000. They had the expertise to know what
finance and law. Those on the auditing committee certainly
to do. They also had the incentive as many of them had must be able to read a financial report with the eye of an
extensive Enron holdings in addition to their $300,000 annual expert who is able to discern the location and depth of
compensation for their board service. trouble spots which threaten the vitality of the company.
Who could doubt the viability of Enron? The company’s The third is more of a directorial role. The corporate board
business was complicated to be sure. But with Lay of directors is expected to determine, modify, and approve a
and Skilling driving the ship and this talented board of business plan. Obviously, corporate executives are
directors charting the course, no one would doubt that responsible for entering into dialogue with the board, framing
Enron would remain a world business leader for a very the discussion, giving input and implementing board
long time. decisions. This may be one of the more difficult aspects of
So what happened? Where was Enron’s board of being a board member in a corporation with thousands of
directors? How could this group of world-class business, employees, projects that extend around the world, and a
political, and legal leaders allow such a catastrophe to occur level of complexity that few can master. The difficulty is one
on their watch? Enron has exposed one of the issues which of knowledge. It is far more difficult work now than it was for
modern corporations and all stockholders must face: the role those who made up the board of Alexander Hamilton’s
of the board of directors in today’s companies. Another corporation. But the primary legal responsibility for the
Enron will not be prevented by a new series of regulations or direction of the company remains in the hands of the board
laws or accounting practices. Creative accountants and of directors.
savvy executives will always find ways around such attempts These three functions are aimed at preserving the
to control them. Adding laws to the legal code does not stockholder’s equity and the stock’s value. They are also
necessarily solve the problem of crime. aimed at providing the best service possible for the

C o rp o ra t e G o v e r n a n c e 2 , 2 2 0 0 2
customer, a matter upon which the survival of the hundreds of different locations you never heard of . . . .Then we’d turn
corporation depends. Failure to take seriously these three to the financial reports. They weren’t in any form I’d ever seen. They
were summaries. They didn’t show all the facts that later turned out to
functions leads to collapses similar to that of Enron and, in
be crucially important (Waldo, 1985, p. 4).
the end, are moral failures on the part of those who serve in
the board of directors. Sins of commission and omission
Enron did not fail because it was not a viable business. It did
The moral obligations of directors not collapse because it failed to make a profit. Ultimately, it
The representative nature of a board failed because of its deceptions. There is no doubt that some
The real issue of Enron’s and every other corporate board is of Enron’s business decisions showed poor prudential
a moral one. Those who accept public responsibility for judgment. But every organization makes bad business
oversight must be diligent in their tasks no matter if they are choices and most of them survive. Enron failed because its
paid or volunteer. This is certainly not unique to a board of board failed. Either they knew what was happening with the
directors in a corporation. The public is reliant on a variety of secret partnerships, conflicts of interest, and the cooking of
people in whom they have placed their trust. All sorts of the books, in which case they are culpable for a sin of
organizations represent the citizens and do for them what commission. Or they were inept, slothful or simply did not
they are not able or willing to do for themselves. Police, fire understand their role as members of the board of directors at
fighters, politicians, teachers, housing inspectors and a host Enron, in which case they are culpable for a sin of omission.
of other government and non-government groups take upon Perhaps there is one further option: they should be
themselves certain public responsibilities. And they are exonerated and the blame should be laid at the feet of the
expected to take their duties seriously. Failure to do so can executives. But before anyone rushes to this conclusion, it is
cause significant physical harm, loss of property, and in important to hear the words of Enron’s own board on its
some cases, loss of life. actions. Three members of Enron’s board were given the
A board of directors is no different. It is supposed to act task of performing an investigation of the company and its
on behalf of shareholders. Directors are also aware that their business practices in light of its implosion. The assignment
actions, or their failure to act, can have serious was given in late October of 2001, following the disclosure of
consequences beyond merely the shareholders, to whom hidden debt and exaggerated profits. The report was made
they are primarily responsible. In Enron’s case, the collateral public on February 1, 2002.
employees have lost their jobs and retired employees have Those issuing the report claim that the board ``cannot be
lost the funds on which they depend. Mutual fund investors faulted for the various instances in which it was apparently
have also felt the impact of a serious drop in value of Enron denied important information’’ (Powers et al., 2002, p. 23).
stock. Beyond that, Enron’s accounting irregularities have This statement would defend them against the charge that
caused other companies to fall under a shadow of suspicion the board committed an act of commission. In other words,
that has hindered the stock market for several months. the committee does not believe that the board had all the
When boards fail in their moral obligations facts that were required to know the true state of affairs of its
In his book, Servant Leadership, Robert Greenleaf (1991, own company.
p. 101) writes that if directors: But sins of commission are not the end of moral and
. . . satisfy legal requirements and give the cover of legitimacy but ethical issues. There are also sins of omission in which a
little more, is not this arrangement neglect by trustees? Who is being person fails to do what they agreed to do. What others are
deceived? At whose expense is this carried on? One is inclined to depending on them to do. What is is good and right. Sins of
answer ``All of those who are served by or depend on the institution,’’
which, if it is a major one, can be a large number of people.
omission are those which, by inaction, do what is hurtful and
wrong. The investigative committee believes that Enron’s
Some sense of the true number of people affected when a board failed:
board of directors fails in its moral obligations is brought into . . . it can and should be faulted for failing to demand more
view when it is remembered that ``publicly-listed corporations information, and for failing to probe and understand the information
constitute barely 1 percent of all business organizations. Yet that did come to it (Powers et al., 2002, p. 23).
in 1997, they produced more than half of the United States’ A description of moral board behavior
economic output’’ (Gregg, 2001, p. 10). Samuel Gregg provides a solid overview of the moral
None of this is to argue that being a board member is a
responsibilities of the board:
simple matter. Louis Cabot once described his experience of
Directors must be able to identify the key issues facing the
serving on the board of Penn Central Railroad as it struggled corporation. They must be able to ask the questions necessary to
through the 1970s and 1980s. He said: safeguard the owners’ interest and obtain, evaluate, and act on the
We were treated like a rubber stamp. Board meetings would last only answers. Their responsibilities are to ensure that the corporation
a half an hour. We’d start with the waiving of the minutes of the prior remains loyal to its corporate purpose, to exercise prudential
meeting, and then we’d have only a summary of those. Then we’d judgment, and to demonstrate moral courage in carrying out these
slog through a long list of capital expenditures, item for item for functions (Gregg, 2001, p. 16).

C o rp o ra te G o v e r n a n c e 2 , 2 2 0 0 2
In short, the board of directors in every corporation must the collapse coming off in the distance. It is this fact that led
provide moral leadership in which the truth is sought Rep. Chris John, R-LA to declare to members of Enron’s
vigorously and told completely. In which responsibilities are board appearing before his committee:
taken seriously. In which integrity matters. They must The board has a responsibility. You can only say ``They didn’t tell us’’
demand accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information. . . . .You were paid $300,000 a year and you didn’t know? That’s just
Transparency is vital to the free market and one of its amazing (Beltran, 2002, p. 1).
foundational principles. Without transparency at all levels, the
market system will not function to its fullest potential and Conclusions
corruption will be systemic. And transparency, for the Board membership is a serious matter. It is not about padding
corporate world, begins in the boardroom. The temptation to a re
Âsume  or receiving high fees for little work because of one’s
artificially drive up stock prices, to invent profits and to hide reputation. It is not about filling the boardroom with people who
losses is too great for those whose jobs depend on results. will be pliable tools in the hands of executives. It is about
Without the board insisting on and guaranteeing courageous moral leadership that asks tough questions,
transparency, the checks and balance system of the insists on complete answers, and takes its role in the company
corporate market system will fail. and in society seriously. As Enron demonstrates, the impact of
Perhaps in the short term, board members are content to such failures is wide and deep. The stock market continues to
do little. Greenleaf writes that ``nominal trustees customarily struggle as it wonders if there are other time bombs ticking
accept, somewhat uncritically, data supplied by internal away. Thousands of people have lost their retirement funds. At
officers and take no steps to equip themselves to be critical. last count, there were no fewer than nine congressional
They restrict themselves to affirming the goals that are set by committees investigating.
the administrators and staffs’’ (Greenleaf, 1991, p. 99). Could a properly functioning board have prevented the
Those who ask hard questions and demand truthful collapse? Yes, if its members were willing to take their
answers may not be voted in again. Holding an executive responsibility seriously. Those who are unwilling to shoulder
accountable might cause public jitters and a drop in the price the ethical responsibilities to shareholders and the public
of the stock. While this might be temporarily true, it is a failure should not allow themselves to be nominated to any board of
to see beyond the agenda of the day. Enron is a fine example directors. The potential for significant damage to the nation,
of what happens when the board of directors does not the economy, and individual lives is too great to have
exercise its authority, ask questions, and demand anything less than serious leaders in board of director
accountability from its executive leadership. It shows the positions.
result of short-term omissions that cause long-term
devastation. References

Assuming that Enron’s board was unaware of the true Beltran, L. (2002), ``Enron: fathow takes fifth’’, (accessed 2 February).
state of the company because of misleading information Available at: http://money.cnn.com/2002/02/07.news/
from Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, it is appropriate to ask enron_hearing/
whether or not they could have discovered such information Greanleaf, R. (1991), Servant Leadership: A Journey into the Nature of
with more effort. It is instructive to note that the special Legitimate Power and Greatness, Paulist Press, New York, NY.
internal investigative committee of the board was able to Gregg, S. (2001), Corporations and Corporate Governance: A Return to
produce a 203-page report within three months of being First Principles, The Centre for Independent Studies, Sidney.
commissioned with the task. Powers, W., Troubh, R. and Winokur, H. (2002), Report of Investigation
It is also important to remember the depth and variety of by the Special Investigative Committee of the Board of Directors of
knowledge and experience on Enron’s board. They are Enron Corp, Enron Corporation, Houston, TX.
bright, competent and seasoned business leaders. They Vance, S. (1983), Corporate Leadership: Boards, Directors, and
know the law and they know accounting. They know how to Strategy, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
read a financial report and they know what questions to ask Waldo, C. (1985), Boards of Directors: Their Changing Roles, Structure,
to ascertain the truth. And yet they claim to have failed to see and Information Needs, Quorum Books, Westport, CT.

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