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4 Sea ATHRIGovernment of India {are FATT! Ministry of Pomer eotia fr safrneey/ Central Elecrieity Authority cagts fqn whrfr er/NPC Divisio Floor, Wing-5 West Block-ll, RK. Param, New Delhi-66, Mall No. 4IMTGS/NPCICEA2020/5}9.-43, ‘rai: 01.12.2020 To, (AS per distribution list) Subject: Mi ites of the 9 Mecting of NPC-Reg. Madam/Sir, ‘The minutes of the 9 Meeting of NPC held on 22" November, 202C at New Delhi enclosed for kind information and necessary action please. The same is also available on CEA website CChiet Engineer & Member Seeretary, NPC tribution List (Members of NP Shr Neiphui Rio, Chairman, NERPC & Hon'ble Chief Minister & UC of Power, Govt. of Nagaland, Nagaland Civil Secretariat, Kohima-797004, (Email ensaal@nicin ] 2. Shri Mr. Senthil Pandian C, Chairperson, Nortbem Regional Power Committee @NRPC) and Managing Director U.P. Power Transmission Corperation Limited, TihFloor Shakti Bhawan, 14-Ashok Marg, Lucknow, Utar Fradesh (Email: sd@uuppteLorg ] 3. Shri Aseemkumar Gupta (IAS), Chairman, Western Regional Power Committee (WRPC) & Principal Secretary (Energy), Govt. of Maharastra, CMD MSEDCL, Prakashgad, 6th Floor, Plot No, G-9, Bandra (Eas), Mumbai 4¢0 051. (Email oeg.qnergu@maharashice.g0v in] 4. Shi NS. Pill, TA&AS, Chairperson, Southern Regional Power Committee (GRPC) & CMD, KSEB Ltd, Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Pattom, Thirevananthapuram, PIN - 695004, Kerala (Emil: emdkseb@iseb in] 5. Shri Santanu Basu.1AS , Cheirperson,Eastem Regional Power Commitee (ERPC) & & CMD,WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, 7th loo, Block- DI Sector, Bidhannagar, otkata-700091, (Email hasws2k iii} 6, Shri Br. RK. Singh, Chairperson, Technieal Cooeinstion Commiites TCC), NRPC & DizecionOperation), 11th Floor Shakti Bhawan Extension, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, (Email: dictor | 7. Shi Sanjay Taksande, Chairman .TCCOWRPC) & Ditector (Om), MSETCL, Prakashganga, Plot No. C19, E-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (Eas), Mumbai: 400051. (Email: drop@mhatransco in] 8. De Rajan P, Chairperson TCC & Diretor (Tr, $0 & REES), Kerala State Electricity Board Ltd. Vydyuthi Bhavanam, Patiom Thiruvananthspuram PIN ~ 1695004, Kerala [E-mail tkseb@ksc in} 9. Shri Sublasis Ghosh, Chairperson, TCC(ERPC) & Director (O&M) WEPDCL, Bidyut ‘Unnayan Bhaban, 3(C, LA Block, Secor ~ Il, Selt Lake City, Kolbata — 700106. [EinalsghoshO3@wbss con} 10, Shri Shikato Sema, Chairman, TCC (NERPC) & Engineer-in-hief; Department of Power Govt of Nagaland, Kohima-79700, [Emsil: enepowerkma‘ | 11. Shi Naresh Bhandari, Member Secretary, NRPC, 18-A, Shaheed Jet Singh Marg, Katwari Sari, New Delhi-t 10016, Emi: me-pe@nie in 12, Shri Satyanarayan S., Member Secretary, WRPC, Plot No. F-3, MIDC Ares, Marol, Opp. SEEPZ, Coniral Road, Andheri (East), Mumbui-4000%3, [Email ms: saponin} 13, Shri A.Balan, Member Secretary, SRPC, No.28, Race Course Cross Rand, Bengalury- 60009, (Email: msspe-ka@ni in} 14, Shri N. S. Mondal, Member Secretary, ERPC, 14, Golf Club Road, ERPC Building, ‘Tollygunje-Kotkata-700 033, Emil: nsems-power@nicin 15.Shri AK Thakur, Member Secretary, NERPC, NERPC Complex, Dong Parma, Lapalang,Shllong-793006, (Email nerpe@ymailcom ] ‘Special Invitees: ‘CMD, POSOCO, B.9, Qu Institutional Ares, Katwata Sera, New Deshi -110016. Director (Operation), Power Grid, Saudamin, Plot No.2, Secta-29, Guragon-122001, Director (System Operation), POSOCO,B-9, Quta Institutional Area, Katwari Sasi, ‘New Delhi -110016 4. Director (Market Operation), POSOCO, B-9, Quiab Insituional Are, Katwaria Sarai, ‘New Delhi -110016. 5. ED (LD&C), CTU, Power Grid, Saudamini, Plot No2, Secor-29, Guragon-122001.6 (Copy forking info 1. Chaiperson, CEA, New Debi 2. Member (G&OD), CEA, New Delhi Site ys steer Central Fleciricty Authority aredta fags wae National Power Comunittee (NPC) MINUTES OF THE NINTH MEETING OF NATIONAL POWER COMMITTEE HELD ON 22°*NOVEMBER 2019 1. INTRODUCTION: [LI The 9 Meeting ofthe National Power Commitee (NPC) was held or 22% November 2019 at New Delhi. List ofthe parcipans i at Annexure 1.2 Intating the proceedings, Shri P. S, Maske, Chsirpenon, CEA & NPC, extended a ‘warm weleome tal the members of NPC, CMD, POSOCO, Dirsctor{Operaton), Power Grid and other paricipnt in the mecting. He expressed special thanks to Chairperson, [NRPC, and Chaiperson, SRPC, for taking time out of their busy schedule to attend the ecting Citing the constintion of NPC by Ministry of Power(MoP) in 2013 Fe stated thatthe funcional mandate of NPC isto resolve inter-regional issues among the Regional Power CCommitees (RPC) and therefore, involvement of NPC is envisaged for development of 28 coordinated common approach in all imter-epional issues. He appreciated the various ecisions taken in ealcr mestings of NPC for the szeare and reliable operation ofthe Indian National Grid In the contest of evolving power sector, Chairperson, CEA & NPC, mentioned tht [National Electricity Plan (NEP) prepared by Conta Electcity Authority (CEA), cnvisages installed capacity of 80 GW by end of 2021-22, which inc ues capacity of 175 GW fiom Renewable Energy Sources (RES), He stated thatthe variability and intermittency of generation posed by integration of Renewables wil create a lot of efalenges fo the grid operator. Under such a soenaro, he emphastod that NPC has to play a vt ole forthe sooth and sure operation ofthe National Gc ‘He thanked Member Secretary, NRPC, and his team forthe excellent arangement for conducting the 9° mecting of NPC, and requested Member Secretary, NPC to take up the agenda items for deliberation. 1.3. Member Seeretary, NPC, thanked all fr partisipation inthe 9* NPC meeting being held ‘Sine the constitution of NPC vide MoP's Order dated 25° March 2013 and the fist “Winter oF he F Mecing of PC held on 2 Never 2012 Page Tot 4 ‘mectng held on 15* April 2013. Keeping in view the emerging issues relied othe grid ‘operation with fast evolving power system, Chairperson CEA & NPC suggested that [NPC meeting may beheld on a regular bass “The Agencia items were then taken up for deliberations a outlined herein. 2 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF 8" MEETING 21 The Minutes of 8 meeting of NPC held on 30 November 2018 at Guwahati was ‘elated vide eter No, /MTGS/NPCICEA/2019/121-140 dated 28 Jrunry 2019. No ‘comments had heen received from the members ‘The Committe confirmed the minutes of the 8 meeting of NPC. 3. Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding (AUFLS) Scheme and Mapping of Feeders (A) Review of AUFLS Settings 3.1 The Committee was apprised that as per the decison inthe 2 meting of NPC hed on 16 July 2013, the following AUFLS scheme at four (4) stages of fequeney ve, 49.2 Hz, 49.0 Hz, 488 Hz & 48.6 Hzhad ben implemented nll the regions qoris ] Frequeney Tad rl i MW ies i) NR SR* [ER [NER [Torat Sager ‘92 216 230 | a0 106 | 7490 Stages 9.0 2170) "2360-| 830] 100 | 7530 Stages 8 2190, 2390 | $30 [100 | 7590) StagelV 86. 2200, 2400 | 840-| 100 | 7640 | Toul (MW)! — 8720 as10| oso) 3320/00) s0250 “SR grid no integrate with NEW grid at that pot of ine, ‘The existing Region-wis/State-wise dels of AUFLS and dit settings are given at Anmexretl, 3.2 Subsequently inthe 7 meeting of NPC beld on 8* September 2017, a need was felt for review ofthe quantum of lad shedding without introduction of adiional slabsstages of frequency, The RPCs were to deliberate on additional slabs of froqueey a well at rising the see frequency for Under Frequency Relay (UFR) operation end inom the ‘outcome to NPC. 3.3 Thetcafir during the presentation of Consultants Reports on Package ARB an “Power System Analysis Under Contingencies” held at Cental Electriciy Regulatory Commission (CERC) on S* March 2018, CERC had advised the stakeheldes to astess the need to revisit he sting of Under Frequency (UF) relays 148.2 He. “Winaes of ha F Mecting of NPC heldon BP Nevarbar 20D ‘Page PoP 24 34 ‘A meeting to review th stages and quantum inthe existing Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding. Scheme (AUFLS) was held on 13.03.2018 at WRPC, ‘Mumba, wherein twas greed thatthe fRequency sting of various stages of AUFLS be raised by 0.2 Hz from existing level while keeping the tate-vse load skedding guantum same, Subsequently, SRPC had vide lear dated 14.05.2018 requested NPC to suggest ‘he UFR quantum o be adopted by Southern Region inthe evolving grid scenario, as In view of the above and considering the change in grid size ete, NPC Secretariat had vide eter dated 50.05.2018 commanissted the following two options for UFR quantum to RFCs fr consideration (GLAUELS scheme with 4stages of frequsncy via 492, 49.0, 48.8.8 486 He Toad reli in MW 2 nae sorts | Gy [RR WR] SERRE [Saet—[— aa [3000] — sae0] — a170] — 1380] 170] 12000] Sigel [a9 | 3580] — 0 | 3190] 80 | 170 a0 Sigel [88 | —3570| — 340 | 2010 390) — 170 —TaTa9 SagelV| 486 | — ano | — 30 | — 590 | — etn | 170 Tao Tool (IW) Teo | —Ts70 | —Taa00 | — S| eo] aa ‘DULAUFLS scheme with 4 stages of fiequency viz 49.4, 49.2, 490 48S Hz Toad velit MW ‘auris | Frequeney | ay ne wes [eR [NR [Tota Saget 4—|— 3000 — s340| — 3150|— 1370] 170] 930 ‘Stages 92 3920 3360/3170] 1340 | 17012000. ‘Sage 0 3950[ 3380] 3190) 1380] 170] 12070 SagelV ae 370 3400 3210] 1300] 170] 12100, Total wi) 18780) 13480) 12720) — S820 eso) 48140 346 Inthe 8" mecting held on 30.11.2018, NPC had agreed forthe AUFLS scheme with 4 stages and raising the fequancy by 0.2 Ha viz, 494, 49,2, 49.0 & 48.8 Ha Ic was Suter decided that NRPC may appoint a Consultant frm their own resources a8 proposed by MS, NRPC, fr studying the AUFLS scheme for Indian gid and subou the study report 1 NPC Secretariat within aime of sx months. nthe meantime, the quantum for AUFLS was to be reworked by NPC Secretariat considering the requirement fload shedding to ‘increase the frequency o 50 He in each stage of AUFLS operation 327 As a follow-p of the decision in 8° meeting, NPC Secretariat hed vide eter dated 08.05.2019 (Annexure-ID) sought she Study Report of Consultant on AUFLS from RPC. However, NRPC had vide lewar dated 24° May 2019 anc 17" July 2019 (Annerure-V), proposed the consitation of » Commits consisting 0° CPRI- 2 Nodal “Wieates oF He Mecting of NPC held on 27 Noverber 2019 Page Soh PF agency for dhe tod team, with experts inthe Geld of AUFLS and ROCOF lad shedding slong with experts from CEA/NPCIRPCS for carrying out the sty, NRPC had fither propose thatthe cst of Study may be shared equally amongst all RPC. In the meantime, the quantum of AUFLS considering the above erizria has been caleulted by NPC Secretariat (considering Power Number 7,000 ané 10,000). The etaiedcaleulation as placed at Annexure, is summarized bow: (9) Prssnsnss Rependens(FD)=15% & Assumed Ponet Number(P-7000 Toad retin MW avets | Frequency (iu) NR | WR | SR [ER | NER [Tour Saget a 2350| 3000 180] a80| 100) 7180 Saget 2 _| s1@ | 2660 —2480| 1140] 140] 9610 Stage li 90 397] 3380 aio] tia) 170) T2070 SageV ae 00 | 080 | 3760] 1730) 210) —145K0 Total @W) | 14280) i280] 11200} —sten | @20) A410 (b) Frequency Dependence(PDI=1.5% & Assumed Power Number(2)=10,00| i Toad rein MW aunts | Frequency a) NR] WR [SR | ER | NER [Tost Saget ea 3560] 3860) 2640] Tao] 190 T0290 ‘Saget wa | 10] 3840] 3540] —ve30] 190] 13710 Sage wo ‘3680 | 4830 4450] — 2050] 240] 17250 Sage as 30] 3830) S370] —2aRO] 390) —a0e0 “Tovar WT] 20400] T7360) 16000) —73a0 | Baw e000 ‘Delieration/ Decision inthe Meeting Initiating the discussion, ‘Member Secretary, NPC, informed that ax ‘per the decision inthe 8 meting of NPC, the quantum of AUFLS has sen eleuated by NPC Secretariat based onthe Zale Commitse recommendation and twas found that 43410 MW & 62000 MW load shedding is required on All India basis o achieve the nominal frequency of 50 Ha considering Power number of 7000 & 1000 respectively However, the Study Report of Consultant related othe AUFLS scheme for Indian Grd, could not materiale Explaining the background ofthe Zalte Commitee Repost, Member Sectary, WRPC, expressed that Power Number and Frequency Dependence factor are both in MWIE2 ‘hich may result into wrong calculation forthe quantum of lad to be shal for achieving Page dof ea the nominal fequency in ease of a contingency. He futer, suggested that as » thumb rule devised ffom the analysis of IEEE references forthe lst 5 years, itvas found that 1 He drop in the frequency requires load shedding of 3% of the connected load atthe instant of comingency in the grid. In view of this, he suggested thatthe quantum of AAUFLS as evaluated by NPC Secretariat, needs tobe relooked int. Meniber Secretary, SRPC, informed that nthe 161" Meeting of OCC hel on 08.11.2019 all he SR states had aged in principe to increase the seings by .2 Hs viz. 494, 49.2, 49.0 & 488 We. Telangana had already implemented the inreased sigs with cisting quantum of rele. He stated that in view of les numberof rain Feeders in SR, 11200 IW (corresponding to 7000 MW Power Number) wit shiing of fe loads to UFR could be agreed. However, providing relief of 16000 MW (corresponding to 10000 MW Power Number) ia SR under UFR may be very dificult in present cirumstanes with ‘operational schemes of Islanding, SPS & dat. Also, Souther Region is giving tli tase on average feeder loading Member Seereay, NERPC, informed that the AUFLS scheme with 4 sages of frequency vi. 49.4 49.2, 49.0 & 48. Hizhas been agree to by the consituents of NER, Representtves of Power Grid were of the view tha the loads need tobe eategorizad state-wise and eegon-wise forthe requisite lad elie. Representatives of POSOSCO mentioned that percentage of load wlief should be spoofed, They sated thatthe scheme needs to be reworked considering the primary fiequency response. Continental Europe was sated wo bea good comparison and Power Number of 9000 MIWritz wil be relist. It was informed that ab 2er iterations Practice, 25% ofthe total load is kept for operation under AUFLS. The relay setings can be cited in the Grid Code as per the global procice and the AUFLS acheme can be volved with contingeney of 4500 MW generation outage a 49.5 He fequency. {In the context of appointment of Consultant, Chalrperson, CEA & NPC, remarked ‘that CPRI may not have the expertise fo conduct the study of load shedding scheme. ‘After deliberations, the NPC declded that « Sub-Committee may be formed under ‘the chairmanship of Member Secretary, WRPC, with representatives from POSOCO and all the RPCs to study the AUFLS Scheme and submitits report tothe NPC. POSOCO nominated Shri Rajly Porwal, General Manager, NLDC, as ‘representative in the sid Sub-Committee. Action: WRPCIAM RPCSINPC Seeretartat] “Wintes of the F Mating of NPC held on 2 Nevenber 20S ————Page BoP PE ©) Mapingat Eder: = In the 8* Meeting of NPC held on 30.11.2018, it was agreed that each RPC would si tie page er ping NPC Sorte ony bas, Thea st ised by the RFCS ws prep in he mesg fa dcuson eration Dehn he meting: Men See SRPC fed ht Kas chieved ping of ou £0 of oon SCADA. As er Menbe Sey, ERP, 10% ping of eds wil be ached in few months n ER. Menber Sect, WRPC, informs at ne sss of segs communion lesa LV and KV fede in wee eo, mping is ly inlet Howes, be mappa of feos wit SCADA wat in ropes Meer Sey, NRE, nah ime cmon e998 08 11K tte wd ite de seprton oinplenet vious dice meshnams (UFR, dP SPS. ADMS smpeenaton of epg of de in NR ego ig ily, No ped stu yas ive fom NERP CChainperson, CEA & NPC, emphasized the need of mapping of feeders identified for operation under AUFLS in SCADA system. He appreciated the effons of Southom Region for having achieved about 84% mapping of feeders in SCADA, After deliberation, ¢ was reiterated by NPC that each RPC should regularly submit the detasprogress of feder mapping to NPC Secretariat on a quartet basis. {Aetin: APCS) 4 is ing of Under Frequency Relays (UER) Inthe 7 meting of NPC held on 08.09.2017, it was decided that mock testis good enough to test the helthines of the UFR & dat relays. RP Secretariat were to camry ‘out periodic inspection inline with the provisions of EGC. The frequency of site inspection was proposed to be up to six months and the inspection repos were to be furnished by RPCs to NPC Secretariat, The information finished by the RPCS, was Placed for consideration of the Commie ‘Deleration/ Decision inthe mesting: Member Seereary, ERPC, informed that all the consents are submiting the helthinesscetficte of UFRs installed in their contol area in manthly OCC meetings However, no feeders are avilable after implementation of AUFLS, here there is no “Hiatas of The 7 Meeting of KPC halon BE Neverber 2019 Page bof 28 404 scheme in ER. He further informed that «sub-group has been committed which ie amying out regular inspection of funetioning of UFRS by following aren, st Site ‘3SName Dacor No. Inspection | APTRANSCO, THOSE Kamavanpukoia SS 109.2019 Viigasae 7 [ APTRANSCO, THO Honma SS Tram Vijsavade 3 [TSTRANSCO “WOR Nasapar SS 1696019 Hyderabad 3 /TSTRANSCO, DW Mead TS Te06019 Hyderabad ‘ 3 TSTRANSCO, DR Naka SS 9063015 Hyderabad e © [RPTCL. Kanaisia | 2aN/10 33-11 KV Matalingapur SS, Ti1a018 Boalt 7 | RPFCT Kenia [220/10 EV Varna SS, Baga Tazo | KPTCL: Karsiata 200010 33-11 VSS, Baga. 1122018 PRICE: Karina | 200/103 11 EV Gad, Bakar —| 12 122018 10 [KPTCL. Kamataka | 220110 EV Hubli SS, Baga 122018 Ti [KSEML, Ker IO RV Kalas SS 082019, 12 [SE Kea 220 AW Madar SS 19.09.2019 13 [KSEBL: Kee 220 eV Shoronor Ss 21.08.2019 14 | RPTL, Kanatala | 220710 =33-11 8V Harmabod SS, Bidar —|~25.09. 2019 13 [RPTL Karaka | 1103-11 kV Gulbags SS, Gulag 25052019 16 | KPTCL: Kersats [1103-11 Sedun $8, Vad 7062019 17 [ RPTL: Ramaaks——11053-1 V Shahapar 8, Vag, 205.2019 18 RPTL Karaka [11033 IT Shorapr SS, Yada 26052019] 19 RPTC, Karataka [22010 33 -11V Lingsugu SS, Bidar | 27.01.2019. 720 | KPICL, Karsiaks —BaW 11033 11 EV Raich SS, Raicur 27.0320 21 | KSEBL, Keala THOTT BV Mangad $$ “——Caxesani 22 [KSEBL: Keale PROIIOAS AV Talpaaba SS 052019 Ba__[ TNSCDG, Tani Nads— | 400230 1ORW Almaty Sa 1.062019 [24 FINS. Tarmt Nao — [230/110 SP Kou 12063019, 25 [ANSLDC. Tan Nas [230/110LV Guesipoonl 1062019 Member Secretary, NRPC, informed that the satus of UFRs and diet relays is being regularly monitored in OCC mectings Further, the ulti were widetaking mock ‘exercise for healhiness of UFRS wiich is being submited to NRPC and NRLDC on squarely basis, Member Seertary, NPC, informed tat except NERPC, all other RPCS have furnished the details regneding testing of the helthiness ofthe UFR relays. He futher suid that “Wites oF the F Mecing oF NHC held on 22 Neovenber 2019 Page Poh 22 there are no dd relays in ER and NER. Als, the dt schemes were ferent in NR, WR & SR and suggested ta have a uniform scheme of df (Present dt relay stings plemented across regions are at Annexure-VD}. Chairperson, CEA&NPC, appreciated ERPC for is procedure of follwing a roster for Inspection of relay functioning on periodic basis and advised cther RPCs to follow similar practice. It was decided by NPC thatthe Sub-Commitee formed for studying the AUFLS scheme, will also work out on a common approach for dfidt settings inal the five regions. RPCUWRPCINIC Secretariat) 5. Implementation of Automatic Generation Control (SGC) in India {at Inter-State IeveD 5.1 The Commitee wes apprised that CERC in its order dated 13.10.2015 in Petition No. 11/ ‘SM/2015 hod reiterated the need for mandating Primary Reserves as well as enabling Secondary Reserves, through Automatic Generation Control (AGC) as Fallows “(oll generating stations that ae regional enlites mus plan fo operationalize AGC ‘along with rellale telemetry and communication by Ist April 2017. This would fentail @ one-time expense for the generators to inal requis software and Jirmware hich cold Be compencated for Conmnicaion inasiuctre must ‘be planned by the CTU and developed in pavaltel ina cose afeetve manner. () On the other ‘hand, NationaURegionaUiSate Load Dispatch Contes (SLDORLDCUSLDCS) would need technical upgrades as well as operation ‘procedures to be able 10 send automated signals to these generators. NLDC 'RLDGs and SLDCs thould plan to Be read) with requisite softvare and Drocedires by the same date (0) The Central Commission asses the State Commission 0 ise errs forint ‘tate generators in line with thie timeline at AGC 1s ssontal for reliable ‘operation of India's Tare inter-connected grid" 5.2 nthe 7" mesting of NPC held on 68.09.2017, POSOCO ha shared the experience in implementation of AGC at Dadri Station of NTPC in NR. It was desided that AGC would be discussed in det in a special meeting in respective RPC3. The discussions ‘would inchide aspects of implementation of primary and tertiary contols also. tn this regaed, the agenda was sent by POSOCO and routed though NPC Seortarat 0 all he [PCs to deliberate on evolving a common approach and national paypectve inthe 53 A special meting on AGC issues had been conducted on 28* March 2018 in SRPC and on 17 Seplember 2018 in WRPC, The Minutes ofthe meetings are avilable on the website of respective RPCS, This ise was also discussed in the 34% mestng of SRPC and 41” meeting of NRPC. Extract from the Minutes of 34* Meeting of SRPC, record “nares of he F Metin of NRC held on 2 Noweber 20D Page bof ee 54 55 notes of AGC meeting held on 1709-2018 at WRPC and minutes of 41* meeting of [RPC is at Anmexure-VIE, In the 8* mecting of NPC held on 30.11.2018, it was agred that all RPCs and NLDC stall provide updated information to NPC Secretariat on stats of iplementation of |AGC. NPC Secretariat had vide lever dated 09% May 2019 requested NLDC to provide the stats of implementation of AGC for deliberations in the 09" meeting of NPC. [LDC hud vide letor dated 17.09.2019 communicated the minimum veguivements fr [AGC comecting equipment t power plants based on experince of the AGC Pilot project. The list of the plans to be monitored by NLDC as per CERC Order wt also auacbed, NLDC bad convened @ mostng with CTU on 27.09.2018 to diseuss the communicaon iasies etwsen NLDC / RLDC and the Inter-State Generating Staion(1SGS), A special meeting was held on 03.10.2019 at NLDC wits the generators to discuss the requitements of AGC at generator en and activity wo be undertaken for is implementation, NLDC vide leter dated 31.10.2019 bad soughtio convene a mecting of ‘the ISGS (central sector) nd PGCIL to discuss the communication availible from NLDC //RLDCS tothe nearest wideband nade / switchyard forthe generating ston. ‘The Status of implementation of AGC in India, was discussed inthe meeing. ‘Deliberation Decision in the mestng Iniiacng the discussion, CMD, POSOCO, informed hat AGC has beer implemented as ‘one pilot project in NTPC plat in each of the repions ofthe country at ~ Dadri (NR), ‘Mauda(WR), Simbad (SR), Bath (ER) and Bongxigson (NER), ‘Member Seeretary, ERPC, informed thet AGC willbe implemented in all the NTPC ‘tations in ease region and NTPC is taking up the same as part of corporate planning, “The implementation works of AGC at Teesta-V station of NHPC was under progres. He suggested that AGC must be implemented in atleast one station of eah state. He cited the issue of alter communication channel ‘Member Seceiary, NERPC, informed that AGC willbe implemented in four stations ‘Member Sccriry, NRPC, informed thet in the mecting of TeST Sub Commitee, [NRLDC had provided the ist of 30 stations for implementation of AGC. He mentioned tha due to requirement of dual path of communication for implemenation of AGC, a few generating stations are facing difficulty as there is no availability of dal path of communication. He informed that by February 202, each Generating tation will ave at least one communication path so that implementation of AGC would be started “Wirtes oF he F Mecingof PC heldon 2D Noverber OS Tage Sof Member Secretary, SRPC, informed thatthe pilot project of AGC at NTPC-Simudsi Stage, is operational in both the units fom 16° November 2018, 4 Meeting on implementation of AGC in ISGS (Centr Sector) of SR sates was held on 13% [November 2019 at SRPC, Bengalare. Regarding the state sector, he infrmed tha the status was being updstedmontaedin monthly OCC Mewings. The lest update a per the 161" OCC held om 08.11.2019 was a8 under States [SDC] Generators Remar ‘Andhra | APSLDC) | Krshnapatina Ms GE fad wubmitiad = Pradesh | APGENCO | Lower Sileru (would be| proposil for AGC at taken up later) Kishngpatmm’ APSLDC, [Note has Been put up to te tranagement Or budgetary spproval Telangana) TSSLDC) | Kotiagaudem E ‘DPR prepared sed walling Tor ‘TSGENCO budgetary offer Kamataka KPCL. ‘Sharavatiy! Vai ‘Shaavathy exposisd wo be completed by end of November 2019, Varah is expected by 15° December 2019. Some pat payment to ‘Mis ABB was ta be eoleased by Mis USAID. Only the fn configuration spending Keala— PRERSEDC | Kutiadtauekt TKSEBL insted action and ‘work may. stat at Kuta HESSLDC "ty" Deconier 2019, Mis ABS was to visit Kitiad SS on 15.11.2018 “Tamil Nady | TNSUDCI | Novth Chennai Sage HW") The administative approv ‘TANGEDCO | Metur Stage I vas yet 10 be recived and Aechnical spciiaions ae set pepuaton joi by TANTRANSCO, TANGEDCO, ‘Member Secretary, WRPC, emphasized on the need of the availability of the dual ‘communication path with SCADA fr implementation and proper fusctcning of AGC. Representative of NLDC/POSOCO informed that as per CERC onde, AGC was to be implemented in 78 plants fr the capacity of 178 GW in Fist phase. Representative of Povwer Grid added that of these stations, 19 are fom Wester Region and issue of dust communication path isin cate of thex(3) stations only twas mentioned that while for the central setor stations, implementation of AGC will be Uough aif, the states may conser financing through PSDF. Page oF a4 Afler deliberation, it was agreed that all RFCs and NLDC shall provide the updated Information on status of implementation of AGC, regularly to NPC Secretariat on quarterly basis. [Aetion: AMI RPCS and NLDC} 6 Grid Events reported by RLDCs, Analysis and Remeial Measures recommend by RPC: (61 The Committe was apprised that the Cause 13(2) of Central lecrcity Authority (Grid Standards), Regulations, 2010 provides that: “The grid dsmurbance resuling in file of power supply to large areax in a State shail also he reported by the Regional Laud Despatch Coure 10 the Authority within event four hours ofthe occurrence ofthe sid sisrurbance The work related to grid disturbances on regionl/atonal basis in CEA is being dealt in the National Power Committee (NPC) Secretariat. Accordingly, all the [RLDC were requested to send any occurence ofthe gid disturbance to NPC Secretariat, CCEA witha copy to Member (GO&D), CEA. 62 Further, as per Clase 15(6) of Cental Elcicity Auhoriy (Grid Stands) Regulations, 2010 “Regional Load Despatch Centre shal! clash the grid inciwnces and grid lsarbances according 0 Regulation 11, ale then and frish prode repre of rd incidences and grid disturbances 0 the Regional Power Commitee hich shall recommend remedial measres 10 be ten on the report of Regional Loa Despatch Conte to prevent recurrence of suck grid incidence and grid disturbance” According’, ROCs were Being requested to send copy ofthe analysis report on thse grid events ‘sported by REDCS to CEA, ang with emedi measures recommend t proven the sseurence ouch incidences an distance, 63 Inthe 8* meeting of NPC held on 30.11.2018, it was agreed that all RPCs would condact regular mestings of Proweton Sub-Committee for analyzing all the trippings and take ‘remedial actions. All these ets were t be fuished to NPC Secretit on regular ‘sis The dates of Protection Coonlination Sub Committe meetings (source: RPCS website) conducted bythe RPCs after 8" meeting of NPC is given below RPC RFC. WRC RPC —NERFC a Pes | ae SC Te" Pow as Pec SSTPCC 31072019 | ovoroe2n9 | 17102015 watz | shea018 aercsc | 3PSC BT PCM SPCC SP PCC aatr.06.2019 | 2101.09 1702019 ssiazoia | 13122018 ares Tet PM] — ea PC Icos2019 17982019 _| 27092019 - “Tinates ofthe F Mecting of MPC held on FE Noverbar 209 Page Hof 2 SEPT Bs Pow ree 28032019 26022019 28062019, BIFPCSC arPCC 24-012019 : 87.2019 IP FCSC "a PCC 21.22018 sko72019 Deliberation /Dssision In she meeting SRPC informed the following details with regard to the total Number of Grid Disturbances (GD) snd Grid Incidences GD) in SR during 2018-19 and 2019-20 (yp to October. 2019): Yer @ Gi "Total 19 35 168 19 2019-20 upio Ox, 2019 21 116 1 GDsVsNo.of PSC mestings Yer a No of Neeings| 3018-19 35 w 2019-20 pio Ox 2079 2 5 ‘The deal analysis of GD & GI were being cared out in PCSC meting and remodil ‘measures were recommended. The Minutes of the Meetings were avalible on SRPC website (Other RPCs informed thatthe Protection Sub-Commitice meetings woud be conducted ‘more frequently and analysis report of the Grid disturbances would be submited on a regular basis. [After deliberation, i was deeided by NPC that there should be regular meetings of Protection Coordination Sub Committee at RPC level once every two months and all RPCS shall provide analysis of tripping and remedial ations taken thereof to NPC Secretariat. The remedial actions were also required to be monitored for thelr Implementation, {Aation: AM RPCS) 7. Scheme for Protestion System Data fase Management System (PDMS) in RECS ‘11 The Commitee was informed that the Task Force headed by Shri V, Ramakrishna had submitted the Report on "Powter System Analysis under Contingencies” which hd recommended for cretion of database for relay stings ae under: “Wires of he F Mecing of WC held an 2D Neverber 2019 Fase 2h 24 "10.12. There is also @ need for creating and maloitning data Save of relay setngs. Data regarding settings of relays in their network shouldbe compiled by the CTU and STUs and famished tothe RLDC and SLDC respectively and a copy shoul also be submited to RPC fr maintaining the database,” 72 The schemes of FRPC and SRPC for the said purpose had been sonctoned grant fom Power System Development Fund (PSDF) by Ministy af Power (oP), In the 6* ‘meeting of NPC held on 19.12.2016 it was agreed that NRPC, WRPC & NERPC would also create data base of relay seting in their regions as por the scheme finalized by ERPCISRPC. 73 Inthe meeting of NPC held on 08,09.2017, NRPC and NERPC ha informed that they ‘were the proces of submission of DPRS fr Funding from PSDF. WRPC had informed that they would ike to go for in-house development ofthe daa base which could be ia ‘excel o¢ SQL format and if any needs arises they would opt for development through ‘hired pay 714 Subsequently, the PDMS proposals submited by NRPC and NERPC ‘or finding fom _PSDF were approved by the Monitoring Commitee of PSDF. In the 8* meeting of NPC ‘eld on 30.11.2018, RPCS had informed the following: TERPC | Proton System Dats Base has been implemented and Wt in sevice from 31.10.2017 |[SRPC [The scheme is key w be completed by February 2019 NERPC |The project has boon awarded & work stared. The projet lly complete by March 2020 NRPC_ |The NIT was Hoaied on 30” August 2078, As ther were very Tew bidders, T= tendering is proposed. However, Chairperson, NRPC. while approving. the ‘proposal, ad raised apprehension on awarding the works tothe samhe agency involve in oer regions WRPC_ |The inchouse development of protection database ein good progress Work of sound 30% is over. The scheme would be implemented in WR ond the ‘experience Would be sited. ‘The upd status in this regard as received from RPC, was discussed inthe meting. Deliberation Decision inthe meeting: ‘Member Secretary, ERPC, informed thatthe Protection System Dats Base has been implemented and isin service wef. 31.10.2017. Member Secretary, SRPC, informed ‘hat the protection management system has been implemented and willbe go lve from December, 2019. It was apprised by Member Secretary, NERPC, tat the captioned PDMS project was awarded in September,2018, andthe i slated tobe commissioned by “Titer of te 9 Wecting of NOC ld on 2P* Neovenbar 019g TBF 24 ‘Dee2019, In case of WRPC, the in-house relay setting database was sted to be under preparation Membr Secretary, NRPC, informed that NLDC has been requested fo cancellation of ‘he saetioned grant of Rs 28 Crore foes PSDF and thee is discussion wth Power {for developing Data Base System for relay sting for NR, rid EMD, POSOCO, emphasized the ned of in-house capacity building in RPCS so that PDMS could be utlizad at its best. [After deliberation, ¢ was decided by NPC that PDMS should be implemented in all the regions in a timely manner and In-house capacity building is f be ensured for effective wilzation of PDMS. Further, NRPC was advised to either go ahead with the WRPC model or, seek support of Power Grid inthe matter. [Aetion: A RPCS| 8 Monitoring of Schemes Sanctioned Grant from PSDF_ 81 The Committe was apprised that MoP has sanctioned grant of arcund Rs, 11,282 Crores (140 Schemes a8 on 31.10.2019) to States! Central Power utlties/RPCs from Power System Development Fund (PSDF). The details of the sehemes are at Annexure-VII andthe Region wise summary is given below: Sr Region No.of | Grant] Grant | _ Grant Ne Schemes | Sanctioned [Disbursed | Disbursed (s.Crores) | Rs. Crores)| (6) 1 _ | Nentern 26 201730 | asi | 3288 2 [Weser 3 morse | isese [1416 3 _[ Southern BI voonss | 90072 [47419 4 [ease 2 roo. | a3is6 [sas 5__ [Noni Basten 2 esse [soso [sexo 6 fittadia Schemes 08 ‘sma2 | aisos2| 90s [PGCIL REC, BEMB, vO) Tout | 140) taszos | esa7a7 | ska was observed thatthe uslization of grant by ste wis in different regions, was not satisfactory vssa-vis cena sector sites. 82 Inthe 14% mecting of Monitoring Committe of PSDF held on 07.01.2319, the issue of| physical monitoring ofthe sanctioned projects was discussed. The physical monitoring has been inated by officers fom CEA, RPCS, POSOCO snd PGCIL, “Wirates oF The F Mating oF NEC eld on 22 Noverbar 201 Page oF 4 83 Inthe $* meeting of Project Monitoring Group (PMG) of PSDF hell en 24.10.2017, it ‘vas decided that the projet monitoring meetings would be carried outa regional level ‘ith patspaton ofall the concered ents inthe region to review the progres of the pojectishemes being. funded from PSDF, to expedite their inplementation Acconingly, meetings om regional basis were conducted in all regions: SR (05.01.2018), WR (08.02.2018), NR (04.05.2018 and 23.07.2019), ER (08.06.2018), ‘NER (13.09.2018). During the mectngs of Project Monitoring Group, fllowing fies were observed as isues of concen > Delay in signing of the TwBi-paite agreements for already sanctioned project. > Delay in he implementation of projects defeats the very objetives of projets funded from PSDF. Deliberation /Dsision in the meeting Member Secretary, NPC, informed that the progress of the implementation of the Projects fanded fom PSDF isnot satisfactory. 1 was noted that while the Cental Sector lites had completed almost 90% of work rele to thir projects in the stipulated ‘timeline, the state utlites were lagging with respect tothe time completion schedule for the projects. The progress of implementation of projects inthe states of WR and ER in pariculr, were required to be expedited. Member Secretary, WRPC, requested for an carly mecting ofthe Project Monitoring Group (PMG) of PSDF in WR for monitoring ofthe projets funded by PSDF, CChaiperson, SRPC, requested for eration of an expert group on Communication ‘Technology foe Power System at national level so that ules could apyroach the group (0 stek their advice on evlving communication technologies. Director (Operations), Power Grid ade thatthe communication technology it under rapid evauion Representatives of NLDC/POSOSCO informed hat there i deliberate dolay in signing of feements by the project wiles. This issue was dseused inthe 11* mesting of PMG and it was decided thatthe project entity wil have to sign the agreements within 3 ‘months from the date issuance of sanction order. CMD, POSOCO, enphasized onthe need of physical monitoring ofthe projects sanctioned under PSDF. After deliberation, it was agreed by NPC that the te limit of 3 months for signing of agreement after issuance of sanction order by MP for PSDF project, is adequate. [NPC observed that there is a need to have expert group for advising onthe Inte Communication Technology for Power System to be implemented by different states under Rellable Communication Scheme funded from PSDF. It was desided “Wines oF He F MacTing of Chala on 2 Nowerbar BOIS Page TSP F4 93 9a bby Chairperson, CEA & NPC, that a “Standing Committe on Communication ‘Technology in Power System” willbe constituted under Chet Engineer(PCD).CEA, to evolve a common approach for implementalion of Reliable ‘Communication Schemes. NPC Secretarlat wil be the coordinating agency. [Actlon: PMG(PSDEYNPCIPCD Divison, CEA] ‘National Energy Account (NEA) ‘The Commitee was apprised that while processing the proposal of membership of NDC in NPC, Ministy of Power (MoP) had sited some queriesabservatons and sought ‘comments of CEA. One ofthe ebservaton was that considering the chaaging scenarios, the fnctons of NPC may also be broadened w include the functions of maintaining the [National Energy Account invlving the inte-natonal and inter-regiral transmission Inthe 7 meeting of NPC held on 08.09.2017, NLDC had informed hat the isue of creation of National Pool account was under deliberation in various ferums in view of the formation of al India grid. It was mentioned that Intr-egonal trasations need to be seeounted for at national level, Which is possible withthe formation of National Power Commitee (NPC). Expressing his concom, Member Secretry, SRPC, had suggested that the proposed preparation and sesutnce of National Energy Account (NEA) for inter-regional and international energy transactions by NPC Secretariat, be deliberated in the RPC forums. Chairperson, NPC, had suggested that em agenda inthis regard with detailed procedureinstiutional arangement etc. could be presented by NEDC in he next meeting of NPC. Subsequently, NLDC had vide leer dated 09" November 2018 (Annexure-IX) furnished the Agenda Note on National Energy Account & National Deviation Poa! ‘Account. NLDC was of the view that there is need for implementing a National Deviation Poo! Account based on the Nation Energy Account, for streamlining the seeounting and setlement at national level. Fane, suitable chang-/modfiatons ‘were required tobe effete inthe Indian Eletrity Grid Code (IEGC) and Deviation Setlement Mechanism (DSM) Repultons apart fram recognizing the fnctions of NPC In the regultory frame wotk. In the 8° mesting of NPC beld on 301.2018, it was ec that the sui propostl may be discussed in all the RPCs as ac agenda item in their upcoming rectings for deliberation and the observations of RPCS be furnished to IPC Secretariat. [NPC Secretariat had vide leter dated 09" May 2019, requested NLDC ts provide a copy ofthe paper on NEA a submited to CERC, fo deliberations in the 9" meeting of NPC. “Wires of te P Mecng of NPC ald on 22* Nevenber 2019 Page Taf 24 Deliberation / Decision inthe mestng Te was informed dat the subject proposal of NEA ad ben discussed ie the RPC frum ofall he Regions except NER. It emerged that a deuiled list of the aesounts which would be prepured by NLDCINPC may be brought out and the data reyuitements fom RLDCIRPC could be oulned. Further, the readiness of NPC to bring 2ut the aecounts could also be assessed. It was to be ensured that there would be me duplication of sccounts and the ease of convenience of doing accounting at Regional level is not hampered in any way. (On the resuest of Member Seertary, NPC, for their views and presentaion ofthe paper ‘on NEA bere the Commits, NLDC informed that iti inthe proces of submiting the paper on NEA to CERC andthe NPC will be apprised accordingly. ‘The Committee noted the request of NLDC and decided that observations of CERC ‘om the proposed paper on NEA, may be furnished to NPC Secretariat and the presentation be made by NLDC in the nest esting of NPC. [Aetion: NLDCINPC Secretariat] 10, POWER SYSTEM STABILISERS (PSS) TUNING: 10.1 Tews informed thatthe Enquiry Commitee consitted by Govt. of India to engi ita the grid disturbances of July, 2012, had inte-alia recommended proper tuning of lectronie devices and PSS of generator, In this conten, recommenced procedure of [RPC (Annenure-X) was submited inthe 4 mectiag of NPC for commentsadoption by other RPCS so aso bring uniformity acros al the epions. 102 tn the $* meeting of NPC held on 08.04.2016, SRPC had informed that in tine with [NRPC, the PSS methodology has been agrced and implemented in SR. ERPC had informed that the scheme had been implemented in CESC Rudge Bulge under the supervision of IT, Mumbai WRPC informed that more interaction was requited with NR on PSS tuning for proper documentation of he scheme, “The experience and documentation was wo be shared by WRPC with alle RPCs, 103 The ise was futher discussed in the 6 mesting of NPC held on 19.12.2016. The ‘experience of WRPC in PSS Tuning (Anmexure-XI) was shared. It was informed by SSRPC tat PSS group had been fonmod as mandated in TEGC and three mectngs had been eld in respect of PSS Tuning as per the procedure adopted inline with NRPC. The Schedule had been worked out and the issue had boen escalated to SREC forums, NRPC Pointed out that as per IEGC, PSS in AVR of generating unis, shall be got properly tuned by the respetive generating unit owner as per 2 plas prepared fer the purpose by “Wires of Tha F Meeting of RPC held on 2 November ei Page TPP 24 the CTURPC fom time tie. While the PSS tang was being csr out based on ‘he finalized procedure, NRPC also suggested fo some kind of knowledge sharing inthis area among the RPCs. WRDC stressed the need to focus on the corecness of setng otherwise there may be @ chance of destabilizing the system. It wat suggested that iteraction with expers was required and knowledge could be shared a a team. SRPC point out tha with installation ofa number of Phasor Measurement Unis (PMUS) in the gid, NLDC can share the information ofthe osiltons observed in ‘a stm, Deliberation / Decision in she mestng Member Seertary, SRPC, informed that a specific plan forthe PSS tuning exercise i being followed and is regularly pursued with the generating stations. InSR, out of total 13 eligible units excluding NTPC Kayamkulat, Lanco Stage I and Il}, PSS tuning was carried out for 111 units daring the period November 2016 to November 2019, Further, 46 unis were to be retuned up t9 December 2019 and thre are 24 units for ‘which PSS tuning was never eared ot! no information ie avilable. I he calendar year 2020 (an 2020 - Dee 2020), PSS tuning for SS units was being planned fa SR. The Committee decided that a Sub-group may be constituted comprising of representatives of Protection Sub-Committee of respective RPCs, NPC, NLDC, CTU, NTPC and NIC, to finalize a common procedure for Power System Stabilizers (PSS) Toning [etion: NPC Secretariat ‘Maintenance and support (AMC) renewal of PSSE Software = Agenca from ERPC:, ‘The Agenda Tem was submited by ERPC vide email dued 17% July 2019, for aiberaions in the NPC meeting. Siemens had vide leer dated 20* March 2019 (Ammerure XID informed that the AMC foe PSSE software has ended on 3th November 2018 and requested ERPC Secretaria to renew the maintenance and support. period oral the existing supplied licenses of Sates forthe net five years, In the 156" OCC meeting, all the SLDCs agreed for renewal of the AMC of PSSE software for next five years and requested ERPC to tke up the AMC contract jointly for all the states with the Siemens as was done during the procuenent of sofware Subsequently, inthe 158° OCC meeting, it was decided to discuss the issu in NPC for faking up the AMC contract at national level Deliberation /Dession inthe mestng “Tinatas of the F Wecting of NPC held on 22 Nevanber 2019 Page of 24 Member Secretary, ERPC, mentioned that Siemens expects RPCS to cuordinae forthe sid AMC contact. POSOCO informed that it was negotiating the contract for SLDCS ‘FOLD forum, Diestor (Operations, Power Grid suggested that POSDCO and Power (rid can negotiate the AMC contract forthe STUs Further, RPC way discuss with POSOCO and Power Grid for the rate negotiation, but the contrac hast be entered into by the indvidust states, The Committee decided that POSOCO, Power Grid and RECs wil ook into the issue for needful action. Action: RPCSCTUPOSOCO| 12, Uniformity in methodology for Open Cycle Certification = Agenda from NREC 14 This Agenda iter was submitted by NRPC in the 8 mostng of NPC held on 30.11.2018. In this context, SRPC had vie Iter dated 1504,2019 informed ‘at there as been no experience on the ise since there is no I 3S gas station in SR for which Open Cyele Certification is required. 122 NRPC had vide leer dated 24” May 2019, informed thatthe subject item had been iscussed in the 39° CSC mestng hold on 21" May 2019, whercin members of the Commitee wer apprise abou Point no. 1.2 (i) of “Framework on Aacillry Services Operations Regulations 2015: Statement of Reasons” issued by CERC on 17% September 2015, which inter-aia states tha the markup price would acount fr revised ‘costs due to open cycle operation, However, inthe mesting NTPC hal cited an Order ‘issue by CERC on 12* Jan 2016, which inter-lin states tht markup price seeks to only ‘compensate forthe additional wear and car or loss in efciency, if my, that may be ferused due to increased ramp up & ramp down cycles under Arcillary Services scheduling 123 In the 516% OCC meeting of WR held on 11.02.2019, NTPC representative had informed that approximately 7 minus will be required to stop the GT after ST is iscomected and during this period the machine works in Open eyele mode which sould be considered under open cycle certification, He further informed that after the implementation of Web based Scheduling (WBS) at WRLLDC, his sid short ine period of GT operation is not geting captured in WRLDC data and therefore open eyele ‘tfication of such instances has not been done by WRPC. SE(Operation), WRPC, had suggested for study ofthe past available records on POCM by WRPC and process the request of NTPC accordingly. Deliberation /Dectsion in the mestng “Winter the 7 Woating of MOC hald on 2 Novenber OTB Page 19h oH 12 14 ut ‘The Committce decided that as the issue pertains to NRPC, WRPC and NERPC, ‘hey wll dscuss the Issue mutually and inform che outcome tothe NPC Secretariat. [Aetion: NRPCIWRPCINERPCINPC Secrstariat Con a xr) In the 7" meeting of NPC held on 08.09.2017, CTU hal requested for inclusion as & permanent member of NPC. CTU was advised to submit « detsiled propos with {sifcation inthis regard to NPC Secretariat for deliberation in the net NPC meeting, ‘Accordingly, CTU had vide leer dated 14% June 2018, submited the proposal with {allowing jusifcason Keeping in view the ertcal role being played by CTU in development of Indian Power Sector at well ax elecricity market while discharging is functions as statutory body for Inter-State Transmission Sytem (ISTS) grid related aspect at Darional level, would be prudent to include Director (Operation), CTU as a permanent member in NPC to adévess challnges of Power Siem, facilitate common approach in all the relons and adopt uniform best practices across the region for smo development of National Grid’ Inthe 8* meeting of NPC held on 30,11,2018, the Commitee accepte¢ the proposal of (CTU include it asa member of NPC. It was decided that Member Serary, NPC sal ‘ake up the mauer with Ministry of Power (MoP) for necessary arendment in the ‘constitution of NPC. Euler, the propsalt include NLDC asthe menber of NPC was agreed inthe 4* meaing of NPC afer the concurrence of RPC ‘Member Secretary, NPC, had vide letter dated 07.01.2019 (AnnexureXIT) request MoP to include CTU and NLDC as members of NPC and make the necessary amendment in the order of constittion of NPC snd Conduct of Business Rules ‘Amendient in this regard i awaited from MoP. ‘The Committee noted the status ofthe membership of NLDC and CTU in NPC. Guidlines _on_Availaiiyof Communication System as per_CERC ‘(Communication System for Inter-State Transmission of Hestricis), Regulations, 202. ‘The Commitee was informed that CERC ad cotested NPC with prepraton of Guidelines on “Availabilty of Communication System” in terms of Regulation 73() of CERC (Communication System for Inter-State Transmission of tectricity) Regulations, 2017. In this regard, « Working Group hid been constitued ‘with members fiom RPCs, POSOCO, CTU, CEA, PGCIL and NTPC. The Working “Winatas of The F Mating of NAC haldon 22 Nevonber 2019 Fags 2007 et Group eld the(3) mestngs andthe Draft Guidelines on Availability of ‘Communication Systm were finalized inthe third meeting held on 0" fugust 2018, 142 As required under CERC Regulations, the Draft Guidelines were uploaded on website of CCEA on 06" September 2018 for comments by 20° September 2018 tom the general public and stakeholders. Further, NPC ha requested RPCs to circulate the sid Draft Giideines among the constituents for wider publicity and commen 14.3. The finalised Guidlines were put up for he approval in the §* meeting of NPC eld on 30.11.2018, However, the members in NPC mestng requested Chaimerson, NPC & CCEA, to allow more time for submission of comments, Chirperson, NPC & CEA, decided tat 15 o 20 days additional time may be given to all the stakeholders for ‘unishing comments onthe Draft Guidelines, NPC Secretariat was diretd to addres leter to all Member Secretaries of RPCs, wih a copy to ED (NLDC) and ED (LD&C), Power Grid, requesting for submission of comments by 20* December 2018, Ik ws also decided that NPC Secretariat would review the Guidelines further considering the comments received (om RPCS/NLDC/PGCIL and forward the Revised Guidlines to (CERC wit the approval of Chairperson, CBA & NPC. 144 To response to the letter dated 05.12.2018 from NPC Secretariat, comments were reccived {om TSTRANSCO (19" Decemiber 2018), WRPC (20" December 2018), PGCIL (20 December 2018), NLDC (31* December 2018) and NERPC (08 Jonaary 2019), The ‘comments were examined and suitably incorporate in the “Guidelines en Availability of (Communication System", NPC Secretariat had vide Leto dated 28.02.2019 (Amnexure- XIV) forwarded the “Guidelines on Availabilty of Communication Sytem” to CERC ‘withthe approval of Chairperson, CEA. & NPC. Deliberation / Decision in she mecting: Power Grid informed that the separate provisions for payment of charges for the Communication Systom based on its availabilty, as appearing in che Draft Tait Regulations 2019.24, have been deleed by CERC in the notified Teil! Regulations 2019-24. It was suggested that “Giielines on Availabilty of Communication Syste” 1s forwarded by NPC t CERC, may be reviewed inthe perspective of the evolving technological upgradation, After dliberato “Gv stakeholders, the Committee agreed tor review ofthe lability of Communication System” in consukatlon with the on Avs [sction: NPC Secreta nates oF the 7 Meeting of NEC hald on 22” Novenber 21D Page ath 24 16, Other Agenda Items, (@) Timely feuance of LGRR hy RECS. “The Committee advised the RPC to pursue the matter with the concerned entities jin a scheduled timeline for submission of information to CEA. for timely ‘compilation ofthe Load Generation Balance Report (LGBR) for th country. (Uniformity in Energy Accounting of RECS. ‘The Commitee noted that the subject fswe had been cited by NTPC. It was decided that NTPC may deliberate the matter Inthe mestings of the Commercial ‘Committe of RPC concerned, for resolution. ‘Mems suggested for deliberation jn the next NPC Meeting “Towands he eonclasion ofthe meeting, Direcor (Operations), Power Grid suggested that, ‘he pertinent issue of “Cyber Security” be taken up 28 an Agenda tem in the next NPC ‘meeting. It was further proposed that the mater of provision of ral time data in Special [Enesgy Meters (SEMS) being asked for by the States, be deliberated bythe NPC fora ‘uniform approach across all the regions. Appreciating the suggestions the Committee avis the RPCS w maintain record of eyber thea and submit the infrmation to NPC Secretariat on a quae basis [detion: NPC SecretariaRPCs| ate and Venue of next meeting ‘As per te roster fr hosting the NPC meeting, ERPC sto host the next (10%) meeting of [NPC to which ERPC agreed The meeting ended with a Vote of thanks tothe Ch “Watas of the P Mating oF Chala on 2 Nevarber 2018 F ANNI Annesare DESCRIPTION Ne [1 [eiseoraricipane 11 | Region wise wie detail of AUFLS and da setings tit | NPC eter dated 08.052019 w NRPC requesting the sy report of Con AUFLS, TW | NRPC keter dted 24052019 and 17072019 for consitton of « Conmie to dy the AUFLS, V | Quant of AURLS calcined by NPC Seren (Consiering Power Number of “00 sed 0000) 1 | Desis of dat scherein differen Regions ‘vit | Extract fom the Minus of 5" Mtg of SRPC, eord note of ADE mesg kt (0117092018 at WRPC and mites of 41 meting of NRC vit | Details of the schemes sanctioned grant fom PSDF. 1c | LDC's ener dated 09% November 2018 regarding Agenda Note on National Energy Account & Natoaal Deviation Pol Account | X | Procedue recommended by NRPC with regrd to PSS Turing, X1_| Experience of WRPC in PSS Tuning, Xxtt__| Siemens iter dsted 20” March 2019 related to AMC for PSSE software IMT | NPC leter dite 07.01.2019 requesting MoP to inciode CTU and NLDC at members of NPC. XIV__ | NPC feter ded 28.02.2019 to CERC regucding “Galdetnes on availabilty of | communication system “Tinates ofthe F Mastng of NPC hald on 22" Noverber 2019 Page 2507 24 ‘isto Partipantin the 9" Mesting af NPC hii on 22 Naxembr 2099 at New Dat ‘Central Ekstricity Authority (CEA) 1 Shri Prakash S. Mhaske, Chairperson CEA & NPC 2. Shri Dinesh Chandra, Member (GORD\CEA, 3, Shri Hemant Jin, Chief Engincer& Member Seeretary, NPC 4. Shri ef Ahmad, Director, NPC 5, Shri Saurabh Mishra, Deputy Director, NPC 6. Shri Himanshu Lal, Assan Director, NPC 7. Shvi Rajnish Kumar Meena, Assistant Dicetor, NPC Shri Kunji Lal Meena, Principal Seeresry Energy, Rajasthan & Chairperson, NRPC Shri V.K Raizada, Director Techsical), RVPN & Chirpeson, TCC(SRPC) Shri Naresh Bhandari, Member Sereary, NRPC Shri RP Pradhan, Supermaning Engineer, NRPC Dr, Manjula. N, Chairperson, SRPC & MD, KPTCL. ‘Shr KV. Shivam, Directo (Transmission) & Chaisperson, TCC(SRPC) Shr A. Balan, Membr Seeetry, SRPC ‘Shri Asit Singh, Superintending Engineer, SRPC 1 ShiiAK Thakur, Member Secretary, NERPC 2. Shri B. Lyngkhoi, Superintending Engineer, NERPC ‘Western Regional Pamer Commitee (RPC) 1. Shri Satyanarayan.S, Member Secretary, WRPC 2. Shri IK. Rathod, Superintending Engincer, WRPC 3. Shri KB. Jaga, Superintending Engineer, WRPC mites (ERI T'S Joydeb Bandyopadhyay, Member Secretary, ERPC. ‘Shi K.V.S.Baba, CMD. Shri SRNarasmhan, Dirocior (System Operation) Shri $.Barpanda, ED, NRLDC ‘Shei Rajiv Paral, General Manager, NDC ‘Smt Suruch Jain, Chief Manager, NRLDC Shri P. Thendral, Deputy Manager, NRLDC J, Smt Seema Gupta, Diretoe (Operations) 2 Shri Sunil Agawal, ED(LD&C), CTU 3. Shri Arindam Sensarma, SGM, CTU “Winter of Te F Meeting of Chala on 2D" Nevarbar ZOD ———~—~Page BoP Zt A. Regionwise Statewise AUFLS: 1 Northern Region: SNe] State ‘alle Quantum fa MW, BIH | 490. Ne | 488 He | ROT [Punjab [400 |a02 "406 [408 2 [Haryana —| 308 [309[312 [314 Rajasthan [390 [392 [395 __ [397 Delhi_—[258 [259 T2626 up 351__[ss8_—[ 559 —[ sor ‘Unaakhand 77 Tr 78 [76 uP, Tr 7 7a [8 Jak ——[6, 3 BAS Chunar 16 16. Is [16 Toul____[2160— [2179 P2190 [2900 ‘Western Region: SNo]SiateUT[ lief Quantum ia MW PH | 490. [48.8 He] BH [Gujarat [380 sao fsa [500 Madhya [460 [aso 460 [ass Pradesh 3 [chatissarh_ [150 [750 15155 | Maharasire | 605—[ 610 [ws 0 [Goa 25 25 25 [25 5] Daman & 10 1 1s [1s Dis 7 Prpccra [30 3 Bs Power) "Total | 70e0——|3079_— [3085 [3105 Souther Region: [So [Seater lief Quantum im MW I Dane | 4901s [4R8 He [Ge 7 [Ande anes [32 [393 [ats | 390 2 [relngana[w3_—_[a39__— [aso 37 Sami Nadu [996 [771 787 [967 = [Karntska [$80 | se7 | 397_|s95 © [Kerala | 254234 [377 [201 8 [Puduckery [27 en 2 [18 Tout [2671 [dai 2551 [asa Anenure-t Page tof 3 Annexure 4. Bastern Region: SNe | Sate Relief Quantum in MW BaMe | 490. iz | 488 He [aR He [ater [98 w 9910) 2 [Tharkhand [or & | 3 [pve Lat [136137 af ogisha [sis [sss [rss ise EP WBSETL [3455350 [350 [350 &CESC “Total [a0 o__ [a0 aw] 5. North Rastera Region No] Saw ‘Raief Quantum in MW WIRE _AV.0.He [4B He [ARTE] 7 [AePradesh [5.00 [3.00 [550 [4501 z $450 [61.00 | 39.0) 157.00 = 00 | 600 [5.00 1.00 | Meghalaya [15.00 [1500 [1503 115.00] & [Mizoram [5.09 —[s31 ——[s.10 [20 [Nagaland [6.00 [430 ——}00 450 7 [tripura [1.00 [1000 [1430 113.507 Total [101.89 [106.81 [109.10 [102.70 B, dtidt Settings Region-wise): 1, Northern Region: S.No Seger peer 49311280.3Hasec Fara 98 Haryana io Rajasthan a7 Delhi 280 UP 280 aa 70 HP 70 TK 30 Chandi 30 ‘TOTAL 2010 2. Western Region: Page 2013 Annexure ‘TPC additonal dt sein a 49.9H2 & 0.SHasec~ 931MW Toad Reliefin MW S.No Sager ‘Stagetl Stagetl 4991428 O.1Hrisce | 49.9H7802Halsce | 4.981280. t 1006 305 00. 2 a7 355 392 x a a Tao 4. Meharasha_| 546 i 686 TPC (Tata [ne a 2 26 "TOTAL | 2000 210 eH Gajrat eitonal dV setting at 499M © 03z/6e= 3590 ‘Southern Region: 7 Load Relefin MW S.No SiageT ‘StagelE State 49.5128 02Ha)ee | 49.3HZ80.3zhee ‘od 1. [Aaahes [as 855 2 [Telangana [369 3 3 Tamil Nad 578 a7 “4 [Karnataka — [80 731 5 rs Page 313 Armexiie-I1I l Noe RT BERTTOonereat fia ea Sant of Pee fer Reg SAPATeUCenal Etc Autor ‘EWTNational tte Division UAT AIMTOSINFCICEAOI! YoS ~ YO7 eriewDate08" May.2019 ar ito cee aft, see atte Ree ART “Member Secretary, NRPC, 1A, JSS, Marg, Katwara Sari Newbali-t10016 Enmail:ms-pe@ni in ‘rea: Review of AUFLS Settings Regarding ‘Fra liem No-(A) of Minutes ofthe 8 Meeting of NPC held on 30 November 2018, lewis nthe 08" mesting of NPC, held on 308 November 2018 at Gama, i was decided tht NRPC ‘may appoint « Consultant from their own resources es proposed by MS (NRPC) for sting the AUFLS scheme fr Indian gid and submit the study report to NPC Secretariat within a time of six months. In this regard, itis Kindly equested o provide the status ofthe study for AUPIS scheme for Indian ‘sd including the details ofthe Consultant appointed, Tes of Reference es. to NPC Secrets. Thanking You, sb Yous tly, Besa (yoo een Ahmad) PRMADirecior 1. BRET / Chairperson, CEA, New Deh 2, BaeeE (fs gare wa FATT) / Member (GORD), CEA, New Delhi ene, tm, ee IOUT, ERR EIR Fam cnpecmgarn Bae wma Annexine-1V RAIA Government of india Ts ‘ Ministry of Power ser ahr Pree A Northern Regional Power Committee ‘Bem: war. gare. Sa / 3it-.3HT,/107/01 ‘Fetai:24,05.2019 ear ayee aeaearsh.a. sr, Safa Ragga sneer ag feet ‘FB4: Status of the Decision in the 08 NPC meeting/ Agenda for the 03” meeting of NPC—reg. Reference is invited to NPC letter dated 05.04.2019 on the above cited subject. As desired, status of the Decisions taken in O8th NPC meeting, is attached as Annexure for your information and further necessary ection please. sigue —aehaft (red. sehen steer Scanned by CamScanner Annexure Meeting of NPC 3. Automatic Under Frequency Load Shedding{AUFLS) + Tn 4i# TCC/44th NRPC meeting, it war informed thet CPRI was requested to share information about technical procedure for earrying at the study. ‘The relevant documents were shared with CPRI to propose the procedure for study. However CRPI opined that a committee consisting of CPRI -Nodal agency forthe study team, Experts in the field of AUFLS and ROCOF load. shedding, experts ffom CEA/NPC/RPC may be consitited for in-depth involvement during the studyS time to time discussion /larifieation and necessary technical guidance. In view of above, an agenda for constituting a committee consisting of CPRL fas Nodal Agency for the study Expert in the feld of designing the AUFLS and ROCOF load shedding expert from CEA/NPC/NRPC is proposed, Itis also proposed that cost may be shared equally amonget all RPC, 2. Mapping of feeders + The agenda is regularly being followed up in every OCC meeting and status is attached ae Annexure-1. A separate mecting is scheduled to be held on 28.05.2019 deliberate the iesue. 3. Ensuring Proper Functioning of under Frequency Relays (UFR) and t/t Relays ‘© The statue is being regularly monitored in the OCC meetings. Report of Mock exercise for healthiness of UFRs carried oxt by utilities themselves on quarterly basis is regularly submitted to NRPC Secretariat and NRLDC. All utilities are also advised to certify specifically ,in the report that “All the UFRs are checked and found functional” + The information of period ending March 2019 receved from UP , Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan and information for quarter ending 12/2018, was submitted by BEMB,UP and Rajasthan, 4, Implementation of AGC in India at Inter ~ State level) ‘+ The agenda has been discussed in 44: NRPC meeting, held on 19% March, 2019 wherein, it was evolved that this agerda necds to be discussed further. 5. Grid Events reported by RLDCs, Analysis and Renedial Measure recommended by RPC + Grid Events are being regularly discussed in the OCC as vell as Protection ‘Sub Committee meetings, The analysis and remedial measure recommended by RPC for Grid events have been commuiicated vide letter dated 14.02.2019 and 17.05.2019 ‘Scanned by CamScanner 6. Scheme of Protection aystem Data Base in RFCs A tender was published on Central Public Procurement (CPP| Portal of Govt.of india and NRFC website for Protection System Data Base in NRPC ‘on 30.08.18 which was retendered twice to ensure healthy and eflective competition. However, tender has now been cancelled due to lack of competition and necessary actions are being taken to reshape the scheme of Protection ‘System Database in NRPC. 7. Status of Compliance of Enquiry Committee Recommendation ‘The status is being regularly monitored and followed up in the OCC. ‘meeting which is as followed: ‘Subaitted Not Sabmitied IPCINCR) | POSOCO Uttar Pradesh ‘BEME NHPC ‘Himachal Pradesh Punjab HPGCL Panipat TPS) [ NTPC(NR-1Q) Rajasthan PCI ‘UP of Chandigarh z THDC POWERGRD Jamm and Kesh ‘SUVNE. Delhi 8. National Bnergy Accounting ‘The agenda has been discussed in 44% NRPC meetirg held on 19% March, 2019 wherein, it was decided that a National Pool Account may bbe maintained by NLDC for settlement of inter-regional and cross border transactions and NRPC may issue the net deviacion. 9. Uniformity in methodology for Open Cyele Certification * The agenda has so far not been discussed in NRPC meeting however, it has been discussed in 39% Commercial Sub-Committee meeting held on 21+ May, 2019 wherein members of the Committee were apprised about Point no. 11.2 (i) of * Framework on Ancillary Services Operations Regulations 2015 : Statement of Reasons” issued by CERC on 17 Sept., 2015 which inter-alia clearly states that the mark up price would account for revised costs due to open cycle operation however NTPC presented an Order issued by CERC on 12 Jan., 2016, before the Committee, which inter-alia states that mark up price secks to only compensate for the additional wera and tear or loss in efficiency, if any, that may be caused due to increased ramp uo & ramp down, eyeles under Ancillary Services scheduling, Scanned by CamScanner Annexure -1 ‘Stites | wer | acer Remarie. De | tig So io vn yb pi Tamers |* eet tte ur You | Yer UFR display. + Alert foeder denis in afte bees dese + Tonge tn |” Sey Ol ei ab wade. + Toa pent i Ut cnt. oun + Tee eon we Folin pin Some vag eae roi + Sapa. 3 ora ue + anette Maren ]¥9 ]¥o |. retewiephantine | Tlenayofstenentret roe va ‘+ Calculation of total acta rele in + peut aean, |” Steen + Tualatin Patong atop + Teac oning dit Deli Yes | Yes ‘6 Data suspected for most of he. Poor totem + segesons tage raring ib pe ™ + Telemetry of feecers (Partial dats ‘Poor vo [ve | tmictetrcenis |” Del Cemretetatee + ted cet ueRi Fa Semel + Paley ot fms tease [ie [pe Foti tbe roe lem [a0 + Compcert ft. to + Stone at L 1 DigerSsel e een ‘Scanned by CamScanner “Annexure olen a poviecce bapa Fotonig et bee | Gempepomsi, |° Ag chemliihagmen Verte Enc on ve er dat pt) ‘Seamed by CamScanner ae Government of tna Raga starr Ministry of Power srcehter fea aA Northern Regional Power Commitee Wear wae, akon. oTION7444 Reais: (7.072019 aaa, Peter (ea, so ta Rega afew, mamta, Rite, ahe aR, ‘vem are, af Rees - 110016 ‘rs: Status of ecison nthe 8 NPC meeting / Agenda fer the GP meeting of NPC reg Reference is invited to NPC letter No. 4M TGSINPCICEA/2019/567-573 dt. 25.57 2018 on above subject. In this regard, ts informed that sate o the doctors taken in &” NFC meeting has bean submitied by NRPC Secrotaniat ide lees [Lame OHM. STE/I071015481 dated 24.05 2018, ine {dated status in respect of point no. 2.38 and 7 (ef NEC Jetlor No. {ATGSNPCICEN20197996-342 a. 05.04 2016) & encloged herent for ea fod Information Further, folowing agenda in respect of ‘Automate Under Frequency Losd ‘Shedding’ may be included in the 9" meeting of NRF. © Acommitee consisting CPRI as Nodal agency forthe study, experts in the fod Gf designing the AUFLS and ROCOF load shedding and sapere ton GEAINPCIRPC may be constituted for indepth volvement during the stay & ‘ime to time dlscussioniiaifcation and necessary techical guldenes © Cost may be shared equally amongst ll RPC. >\h. am, woh oe Svat (eth sree) rthoser sete (wera) Annexure ‘Status of the Decisions in the 08% Meeting of NPC 2. Mapping of feeders The issue is being regularly deliberated in every OCC meeting. A sparae meeting ‘was also held on 23.08.2019 deliberate the iste. The issue was futher deliberated in 160 OCC meeting wherein it was decided tha: ‘+All the feeders coming under UR and dif scheme shall be mapped! inthe display despite of data availabilty, RTU availabiliy. In case data is not available, alterate feeder details to be mapped. All the details (main feeder ‘details and alternate feeder details) o be mapped before 30h lune 2019 + Allthe state utilities shall check and moniter the UFR, did display on monthly basis and submit the monthly progress report to NRPC./ NRLDC. +All the suspected data in the mapping shall be monitored on daily basis and accordingly tem measures shal be ake “+The updated stats of mapping of UFR and dd in SCADA fs as “ollowed: 1% SCADA data visibility UFR “atat StateName | ginny | UFR(AKermate) | tay | Ae caters Panjab or 5 Tt im Hayat 31 0 1 0 Rajasthan 29 75 To 100 elit 100 00 0 0 ‘Un Pre 2 0 4 0 HP 38 w 7 o Usaha 0 0 0 © 18K [sal 0 0 ° 3. Ensuring Proper Functioning of Under Frequency Relays (UFR) and di Relays ++ The staus is being regularly monitored in the OCC meetings. Report of Mock cxerese for healthiness of UFRS carried ou. by utilities themselves on quarterly bass is regularly submited 19 NRPC Secretariat and NRLDC. Allutliies ae also advised to certily specially, in the report that “Al the UFRS are checked and foun functional” + The infomation of peti ending June 2019 has been submited ty Punjab, Delhi “while information of period ending March 2019 has been submited by UP, Haryana, Det, Punjab and Rajasthan. The information for quarter ending 122018 was Submited by BBMB, UP and Rajasthan, 6. Scheme of Protection System Data Base in RPCS ‘+A tender was published on Cental Public Procurement (CPP) Petal of Govt of India and NRPC website for Pozetion System DataBase in NRPE on 30.08 2018 hich was retendered twice to ensure healthy and effective competition, However, tender has now been canceled due to lack of competition in Tender and necessary actions are being taken to reshape the scheme of Pretection System Database in NRPC. ‘Tre isue was deliberated in 42° TOCH4S® NRPC meetings held on O74 and O8* June, 2019, i as informed that even aftr going with the tendering proces three times, no bidder hasbeen found tobe suitable inthe Tecnica evaluation due to lack of competition. It was stated that inthe th NPC mesting hele on 30.11.2018, the effors of WRPC for in-house development of the databsse vss appresated and "RPC was suggested to seek assistance WRPC in case no bidder comes up after retendeting, In view ofthe above it was poposed that rather than going for an extemal agency for creating the database of Protection setting NRPC should proceed as being done by WRPC. Accordingly, two options were dscussed in view ofthe non-seletion af hid pany and the advice af NPC First option vas thal the STU shall submit the protection setting data in time bourd manner so as comply with the recommendations of Enquiry Commitee on grid disturbance of 30th & 3ist July 2012, *Task Force on Power System Analysis under Contingencies. Further it was informed that 13 ules have sleady submitted the above data and others could also provide the same in a time bound manner. However, al utilities were requested to furnish the data afresh so 185 to eater to any changes made in the setings. For the fs option ll the states \Were requested o appoint some nodal officers (SE level ar above for Facilitating the collection of protection setting data, To facilitate manpower, it was also proposed thatthe States may depute ther one oF to officers in NRPC for sone perio on rotation bass. Second option was o approach to any central agency like CPRI without any ‘change in seope of work as already approved so that the approved PSDF funding could also be utilized, I was also elrfied that NRPC so far as ot discussed the aur with CPR ‘TCC was of the view thatthe Protection setting are alieady avilable with the stibstation personnel and any third party engaged would aso requt the help ofthe subszation personnel for extracting the stings from the relay. Als, ncase of one ‘changes in the sting, the substation personnel shall have the responsibility of reflecting the changes aceordingyin the contlized databose and fr hat e shove be well aware of how to extract he stings and geting itrefactedin the comralized ‘databate. They also opined tat «portal may alo be made on which the changes made in the protection settings could be updated in reel ime. In View ofthe above TCC decided to inital go forthe fst option an advised uslites ro nominate the nodal officers a the ealests0 thatthe database could be operationalized as soon as posible, TCC opined that maser may also be discussed ‘with CPRI and its outcome may be informed inthe next meting. In view ofthe meting, ll iis are advised to go foruard wih the collection (of the data and appointment of nodal ofieers and by that ie te possibility of CCPRKcollesing the data i also being explore. Status of Compliance of Enquiry Commitee Recommendations +The status is ing regularly monitored and followed up inthe OCC meetings “which isas followed ‘Submited Not Submits NTPC (nom) | FosOscO. ‘Uta Pradesh UTofcrandige ems NHPC Himachal Pradesh Jane ar Kehr Puyad | HPGCL (Panipat TPS) _| NTPC (NF-H) Rajasthan | NPIL ‘THe POWERGRID| sw _| ben B ©The upd sats Fas been shared vide mall ed T9052019 jane wart alee] are aad] Te] ae aE or or Tae a or we WE w we one wea] = Ce mm wae | ons] are see] sa Ww Temas | —araiae mer | misery | acer | aizer | aver | crucwou fortrcoad un] — sveBoa ‘cones ['powarsnuy wr a cc a TF oT ToT = z T a war] v0 TF Ee (oT = | S.aa= | BOLT | WroetaT |W Tub o juonaaueo |g) Maen) (9) bans | eH oS wo, om mearbaa | sve se u stom | woneneg ‘een FF SGT eSNG HIST TOT Ta UT ETSI {oonjunog o11ez uo posed ) ¢1any -uoneinduiog pesiroy Beamon [ooze ‘weet |e] — Orit] pecan I] ie oe we a] mre ar r a | ae eer wee = (nor a oo joczr 5a a arn eae a wor | miser | mow | mre von r TT] aE] 9 a TF ovioar= aa aoaieg enous | owes bars sSav0n pou FF SOT UT (eanjumoy eyez uo posed ) s74NV -uonEIndwiog pesinoy Annecure-VE «ide Stings (Region-wise): 1. Northern Reon: Toad Relefia MW S.No | staeur | Steet ‘Stages Stage 49.911r8 O.1Halse | 49911280.2r)sce | 49.514280.38r/ee T. [Pana 430 490 90 2. [Haryana [280, 310, 310, 3. [Rajastan [330 310) 370, 4 [Del 350, 380, 240. SUP 300) Pao, 280, 6. [Uiarahand [70 70 70 7. [ HP 30 70 70 sek 30 30 30 [9 [Chandigarh 0 30 30 TOTAL [2000 2010 2010) 4} Load Relefin MW 50 | suseor Raaer Saget Saget pate 49.9H2& 0.1Hz/see | 49.9Hr&0.2Hzisce | 49.978 0.4Htz/sce 1 Saar — 3 it Sine 2. |e [on 38 7 5 | cats [27 z ia arse a ‘ae sre Tea 8 2 Tora — Lar m0 2 (Gajartaditional Ta seting at 49 Fz & 0,3 Hzi98e= OM ‘TPC additional di setting at 49,942 & 0 SHz/se =931 MW 3. Southern Region: Toad Relietin MW 5X0 | seteur [Saget Saget 49516 02ttree | 4 3L280toce fe fas ass Pres 2 [tanga [5 9 3 [Tami Nea 78 at [Kae [480 7A 5.[Keala [35 178 © [Puducheny [12 i Toray [205 SIRE 4, Bastera Region and North East ‘region: Not Implemented Armexine-NN\ ae of 0 134 SRPC noted the above. 14 ROADMAP TO OPERATION: SERVES IN RY V4. ln the 29 Meeting of SRPC it had been acted that in the mater of Roadmap eo ‘operationalize Reserves inthe country, Hon'ble CERC vide Order dated 13.10.2015 on Petition No. 11/SM/2015 hd deste asfllows (©) The Commission reterates the need for mandating Primary Reserves at wll as Automatic Generation Control (AGC, fr enabling Secondary Reserve (AU generating stations that are regional ents must plan to operationalize AGC ‘along wth rbabe telemetry and comountction by Apr. 2017, (0). The Central Commission advises the State Commissions to isue orders for tata state generators infne with this timeline ax AGC is event for reliable operation of India's large ner connected grid (0) To sart with a related framesork in line withthe Ancillary Serces Regulations Would need Be evelved for idewtfation and wizing of spinning reserves and ‘implemented wih effec from 1" April. 2016. Ths framework may continue til 31" Marek. 2017 ("tn the tong term, however, a market base! framework ie required for efiient provision of secondary reserves from all generators across the connty. Far this NLDCIPOSOCO is directed 1 commission a detaled stds through constant and suggest o proposal 0 the Commission for implementation by P* Api, 2017, giving sue consderaion to the experience gained in the implementation of Spinning Reserves wes I" April 2016. 142 Inearler Meetings the following ad been noted ‘+ Hon'ble CERC in Pesion No. 79RC/2017 Ind passed Onder datel 6 December, 2017 inthe mate of Automatic Generation Control AGC) plo project ‘+ NLDC had informed that in respect of AGC at Simbad, offer had been recived fiom Mis Siemens. They would covene a Meeting with NTPC on 2" Ferry and then the Order would be placed with implementation schedule of S to 6 months, Regarding AGC at NP Kurla, Mis USAID had agreed to take the AGC implementation under GTG projet. On 10.02.2018 air ascent it had been ‘concluded that AGC implementation at NP Kuni ws feasible, AP tics as wl 5 SERC were required tobe consid inthis reg 143A Mes ing on AGC fssues had been condicted st SRPC on 28” March 2018 (MOM svailble on SRPC website). The fllowing highlights may be kindly noted + Borer Load Forecasting and RE famewok (fveastin, scheduling & seulement) ‘wocldnarrlly raul in lesser reserve requirement and needs to be pushed trough FoR. + Scheduling software for unit commitment, mostng the camps (-V-), ramps of etersos ist start up and shutdowns of generators, eros in lad snd RE orcas, ‘ecimical minimum, meeting peak demand, meeting minim demand, nt load, _— ee Minter of the 30 Mecing of SPC hon 1.982018 ageze Pageze 10 ump opersion eis ie required for resource optimization and priper decision oppor. Forum opined that there was a nec foe a Procedare 1 quamily Secrdary Tertiary Reserves. Procedure should sla inchs a mechanism to monitor thse reserves in ‘eal ime mare for replenishment ofthese seve, Sharing of these sscondayfteary reserves, and including those available wih Sats, could lead to optimization of reserve requirement. However, te mechanism ‘of sharing and associated cost needs further analysis nd discussions. ‘while there was lot of focus on postive reserve, daring lange RE ings, negaive reserve is also requted. This seeds io be covered prominenlyin the serve ambi. Iwas strongly ft tht secondary and tery reserves shold alway be avaiable with system operator and cannot be dynamic with URS availability (mining during peal ours) or with all unis are running in Technical Minimum (ao negative reserve. Whether this could be achieved through Market based resere o through ‘eulstory mandatory market needs tobe stdied? ‘There needs to be a mechanism in plac for shang of scconduryeiary reserves available with the slates. These reserves are to be made avaiable wh the syst operator. ‘+A time bound implememation of ABT in the states is lio necesmry for AGC (Sccondary) Tertiary Reserves ote off ‘+ Forum (except NLDCSRLDC) was of the view that Gate Closre already exists (20 inate prior tothe deivry as per TEGE. This sue ned to be farther examined ‘+ Forum opined ha proposed Bia Seng quite futher eeview ‘+1 was noted that in the Report on National Reference Frequency it has been recommended that the dead band of +03 He (ile factor in TEGC) may be radully phased out as is being dane in ERCOT Toxas and Europe. Generator Strongly opined tht the dad band of “70.03 He (rip factor n TGC) may need to te retained + Fee SCADA veracity it was noted tht as jint responsibilty ofall the enies of ‘SRC forum to take postive and appropriate tps to ensue consizeney in dat “The issue necded due atention it denerves asic eritial in grid cperation. The nies nested to have dedicated team with 247 support specifically a SLOC/RLDONLDCICTUSTU, Te was noted tha the Optical bre Connectivity could be assessed and action pon oud be flied by CTUSTU. 1+ There is-a need 40 have AGC pilot project in ll the SLDCS 1t was thus recommended tha exch SLDC eould have a AGC standaloe infasrtre with one fortwo stations wired for AGC as Pilot Projet This approach would enable fester implementation of AGC up te ste level Tie woud ensure hands on experience Stat Level at faster pace alongwith the development of iafastrture facility at SLC 1+ TEGC provision thatthe vehodules should not exceed capacity on bar ess Normative “Awrilry Consumption ne to be implemented pan India fr all geeratons ISGS. Sate generator, IPPs, MPPs ets The forum strongly advocated for AGC also for RE generators. There would be need ed ‘Moiese 3 esting SRC Redon 11.082018 ge 38 Mage sof10 {x both positive and negative reserves provision for RE alto. Thor snes to have 2 ‘well laid down procedure incading commercial setement. which could also be = rast based mechanism, 144 Inte OCC Meetings the following had een noted ‘PCL bad informe that Mis Andis or Varhi and Mis ABB for Sharavathy hive ‘been denied forthe AGC implementation by USAID / PRDC for which, KPCL his ven approval. This was expected tobe compleed by December 2018 Further, AGC for 10 MW of Soler projet at Sivatsmudram was slo under consideration, «+ Sinai, NTPC informed tarde inasuuctre readiness fr AGC vas fhe 1 be in place by August 2018, ‘+ A Workshop had been conducteé on 15 Mey 2018 at APSLOC by NDC an AGC NP Kut 145 The folowing had boen deliberated in the TCC Meeting > APTRANSCO had infoemed that APGENCO is willing vo speedup the AGC activity ‘Since more RE has oe integrated. Some lad by SRLDC & SRPC Serretvat would expedite th Pilot Project. % KSEBL had suggewed 1 explore the possiblity of obtaining finding for implementation of AGC for utility owned generators and to create table market mechanism, > NDC hd informed that States need to take ation at per the Reguations\Onden Simbadri AGC may be in place by mid-September, for Mouda (WR) Bark (ER) & Bongaigsen (NER) tender specification had boon rlled ou and tender would be Hoated by end of August 2018. Deild coud map fr Phase I & Phase Il had bern submited © Hon'ble CERC. For other Plt Projets, approval of CERC would be sought short NLDC SCADA is being upgraded with AGC software 4 inclide Stns for which ‘arf i determined bythe Commission and NLDC would be approaching Commission for approval, > SRLDC had observed that as per CERC Regulaion/Order, the AGC stouldtkeo!} in the stale genertors also, Considering the high RE penetration in €R, TCC couk! suggest on AGC pile project implementation n each te > NLDC tad informed that stand alone AGC software was available, From existing system te ine Now and fequeney data was an input. A communication fink wo the senerating sation was require along-wvth the protocol compatibility be inched in COA, Hardvare and software was availabe, Licensee cost would increase with number of units wired foe AGC. The protocol between SCADA and AGC sofas hat to be tablished. 1 NPC had opined that stnd alone sytem may be sufficient forall dhe peertors and not nly fr thse in he Pio Projet. > As noted in Meeting held on 28.03.2018, Pilot Project on AGC wis agreed to be Implemented in all the states, States could approach the State Regulators and ‘commence the Plat Project. stern 3 Moet oSHPC elon 1.062018 Pana age 0 > NILIDC hd agreed toast onic aspests inthe AGC implementation Ic was aso agreed sat a Commitee with parisipatonffom Stte SLDCS, GENCOs, SSRLDC and NLDC would be forme to faite Pilot Projet implementation inthe 146 SRPC noted the above 15 TLOATC 15.1 ATCITTC computations by LDCs ‘The following had been ate in earier Metin: ‘+ APSLDC had assured thf system would be ia place before the next SRPC Meeting. ‘+ KAR-SLDC had informel that the converged case was being fished, while Noda ‘Officer dois would be fished within a week, ‘The Following i the statin his regard [Saeys ged ATOMIC [ATOATC | Nodal | Sindy ‘monthe | PSSE Base | Computation | Computation | Officer | Group LGB | ease furnished | posed on SLDC | Status ae Ye No_| Ye_| 1s—[ yer yes | ves [KAR | “Ves No [Yes TN_[ Yes Ver Ves KER Yes No Yer) Ver “The flowing had been noe inthe OCC Meetings + APSLDC had constinted|a Study Group. While nz DE had been pos, supporting ‘sta wast be posted. 1 SRLDC had asured of coperatin in trining ofthe oficial in his rea, TCC dalierations > APSLDC informed tft from August 2018 onwards, PSSSE base ase would be fumished. SRPC nosed the above 152. Harmonization of Philosophy of Computation of Total Transfer Capability (TTC) by POSOCO and CTU betwech ER-SRL WRSR Ina Speval Mecting sonvend by NPC on 25 October 2017, members had agreed fo the approuch for preparing bas load Bow ers to compute TICIATC for te purpose of coperatinazation and grt Tekin with he decison t issue of faaliing the proc STOA with NPC vide ltr inthe 32°" TCC meeting, SRPC Secretar hd taken up the se for se ease preparation by POSOCC in rexpest of ed 05.03 2018 (Annexure XXVD, ‘ref he 3 Metin of SRC eld on 11282018 Paget Page Sof 10 Notes of the 18 xt WREC on AGC was held on 17.09.2018 at WRPC, Mumbai, the list of participants is enclosed at Annexure. MS, WRPC welcomed all the parisipante, He Informed that the meeting is being held in line with the decision taken in 7" Nation Power Committee held on OS! September, 2017 at Indare and subsequent discussions in 36" WRPC mecting on 23% June, 2018 at Ahmedabad. 1m his opening remark, MS, WRPC informed that around year 1990 onwards training on AGC concept was imparted to power engineers on DTS (Despatcher Training Simulator) lab at PSTI, Bangalore (then under CEA). The issue of having reserves and AGC was discussed in the 3% meeting of National Reliability Council for Electricity (NRCE} on 18.2014, The issue wi highlighted by CERC in 2015 by specifying road map for reserves, Many meetings and workshops related to AGC were held in the regions. In the year 2017, there was a petition by NLDC before CERC for AGC implementation, ‘which resulted in a pilot project at NTPC Dadri that is being fnctional since January, 2018. It is known that after disturbance, system inertia plays a role on frequency, followed by primary respanse (governor action), secondary response (e.g, AGC) and tertiary response (e.g. RRAS). Though governor action ‘will improve the frequency, but a secondary response is required to restore the frequency to its nominal value. 175 GW of RE is expected br 2022 which would take the penetration level above 30%. So, this issue demands some better control of frequency and interchanges for system reliability and security ‘The meeting is being conveyed for obtaining the views and feedback from the constituent members for further course of action. After opening remarks by MS, WRPC, discussion on agenda points followed ‘which is given below: [1 Neca Yor AGC, Tatastracture and regulatory requirements, ] lementation impact ete. Hermie — Tor BEE: a NLDC representative informed that the frequency profile was having ‘wide variations Ul the fst half of thie decede an has stabilized ecenty. However there ts no-seeondary control in place and the primary response isnot ging the desired results. The Hon tle CERC || at 'mandated to have secondary contol reserves fr all the regions In WR the secondary reserves to be maintained ie BOOMW (largest | Unit in region) and all India S600MW. The frequency variation needs to" be repulnted/emoothened, through secondary cantrl a Generators within a very narrow band to serve quality power to the ‘consumers, Detailed plan han been submitted by NLDC te Hon ble ‘GERC on 19 July 2017 for using Secunda Conia a an Avcany Service. oF ‘The details ofthese aspects are covered in the NLDC presentation T ] | [Infrastructare and regulatory requirements & implementation impact | and are given inthe next sections, 2) Sharing of experiences of RLDC (POSOCO} pilot projects on AGERE || Dadut, Simbadsi, and 2 colar project. | i ead ted eer ce | NUDC representative informed che following regarding implementztion of | AGC palot proects of Dadri and Simnad * "Primary (droop) control, > Obligatory, Automatic response | + Secondary AGC) contol }' Spinning reserve, NLDC/RLDC/SLDC controlled, Automatic (Generation Cantal (AGG). + Tertiary control "Tertiary Reserve and response ftom State, Man | He explained in bref about the Dadi NTPC AGC pilot project. Unit 5 & 6 is | contrlted through AGC. The MW control limit or AGC has been set to £ SOMW for the pilot project. The details of architecture are given in the preventation enclosed at Annexure-tl ‘The principle used is given below: Region considered as an Area for secondary conte UACE = ln Is) + 1D" Bt (a= 50), Were: I= Acta net interchange, ‘negative for NF rearing import by NR © Ine Scheduled net interchange, | regative for NR meaning smpor by NR © B= Frequeney Bias Coclfient im MW/O.1 Hs, positive vale fo Pa Actual System Frequency + ACE postive means NR Is aurpiue and NR intemal genersion has fobeck down | + ACE negative means NR is deficit and NR internal generation has | + Teline bias mode and Frequency bias only mode both possible | Ttnterchange acsled using a factor of 18, changeable. eee AGC on other plants: Pug Tort ‘The sallent points of the NLDC presentation is as follows: Bosentlal requirements for Secondary Control: ‘Generator shall bear the cost of wecondary control hardwar> at the plant end ~ “Tacluding the cost of the fare optic cable Shall share DC and Schedule like ISOS generators on day ahead basi ‘= Subsequent revisions with RLDCe | ‘The generating unto aball have workin contol systems for turbine, boiler and governor = ‘Govermor response plots/graphs of past incidents hwe to be submitted to RLDC Bsiaing wide band communication node ~ Within a rade below 30-40 fem fern the plant = Detailed survey is given in Annexe-VI of the report. ‘Karnatalee Pawer Transmission Corporation Limited (KPTCL) They are in advance etage of implementation of AGC at Yara ‘Sharavat fe NP Kuta Solar power project [NTPC Sirsa = Leer of Award isoued for the supply, testing and = 18" May 2018 LOA, September-October 2018 commissioning ‘Mauda, Bark, Bongsigaon = “Tendering phase National Power Committee (NPC) meeting held at Indore on 8 September 2017 “Agenda on AGC sent for discussion in RPCs for preparedness Contrcting issues NLDC SCADA Up gradation October 2017 to March 2019 | ‘Target to have AGC on several phase plants by 2021, | | Froposed pias for implementation of pUot project aU TFC, outs, "NTPC Muda representative Informed the Tolawing ‘Tendering/LOI process wil be dane within a week's time |800 meter of eable laying ie required to be done from ssiteh yard to ‘The AGC logis shall be based on Dadri experience. ‘The detailed presentation on road map regarding implementation | shall be updated in the OCG. | | Page 10 * | States views participation oa imp Adentification of uait & proposed Plant by State Gensoy | ‘8) Madtya Pradesh representative informe the following: + The AGC projects being implemented ard is at an initial stage of information gathering like technical éats, commercial data le ‘+ They have selected at present Singhal Stage-{ unit Land fl for AGC pilot project. Tis is based on thesr MOD Meri oréer dipateh 4 They have requested for budgetary offer from GE and BHEL ard ofer | ‘i sil qvaited. Further they have estimated one year for commlction ofthe pit projec. i ‘+ They have requested NTPC and NLDC to offer guidance and support for the project | | 100, cnn rpeematnintmed hate ae AGIs [Pinder isuoaon tie Mangement andr aan sf eon | Sohecemaes @ Mensine repent infra ht they woud eae ws et ‘acatincn ad re a 4) 8100, ou representa infre hat ey unt tn Wan 4 So Saee Tew scale ksoaioceae ©} NLDC representative informed that ISO whose tariffis determined | adopted by the Hontble comminsion are considered under Phase and ther IPP ahall be considered under phases I ‘The meeting ended with thanks 1 char. Pre 010 SPCC APMP Pid Ph: 8 er BLING NRLDC reprsenative also mentioned that since, Riandlll is now connected |WR, outage of inter-regional ins (Rihund 1 ~ Vindhyachal poo!) would be koa cae by NEDC in eoasulation with NRLDC and WRLDC. Incase cP constant in ‘Vindhyachal comple, the curtailment of Rihand stage 3 would be one similar to other stations in Vindhyachal complex. Schedling of Rina woul be ented by NRLDC, B.I37 NRLDC representative informed shat based on approvals in OCC, the System Resoration Procedure hasbeen modified ticle uilstion of Rind stage 3 and hand stage 2 bus coupler he siilar manner as AC bypass ot Vindhyachal back rock BLIS8 However, NRLDC representative emphasized thatthe issue of highs vibration is hand stage 3 units during mono pole ground retum operation of Riband-Dadki HVDC need to be addressed. He said that as decided in OCC moti, NTPC shall, ome out with past dats at well as grounding mousuements at al the sages of| Bihan. 1.13.9 NTPC repressive informed the forum that as per roport from fel fice, they have no past history such vibrations at any ofthe stages during meno pole ground tum HVDC operation BASIOTCC recommended formation of 4 commitee with members fom POWERGRID, (CTU, CEA, NTPC, POSOCO and NRPC 10 look into the issue of high vibrations uring mono pole ground retum operation for corestive aston, NRPC datineration 18.13.11 NRPC noted the delibaton held in TCC and approved the formation of Commies recommend by TCC, B.S AGC Implementation ‘TCC deliberation B.L4.1 NRLDC representative informed the house that Hon'ble CERC order dat 13* (October 2015, highlighted the nec for implementing Automatic gentation contol in ‘machines. In this rete, frst plac projet of Automatic Generation Control (AGC) in Inia hasbeen officially commissioned by POSOCO and NTPC. Ts plot projet iscontolling te generation of Dadi Stage 2 (980 MW IC) wit erence othe Area (Control Exor (ACE) of Northern Region fos 040),2018 onovards 1.14.2 Further, Hon'ble CERC has ako! POSOCO to replicate similar AGC pilot procs in other regional grids. Implementation of AGC is eroial at this june a it would hop adding of renewable capacity inthe grid which s happening at an unprecedented scale and speed (bth large-scale gridconnecied project aswel ae seveal distributed energy resources primarily inthe fore of oop sala) 1.14.3 The NRLDC representative also mentioncd that there i sports agenda itm foe [NPC on the subject and deuied presestation on AGC would be mide on tat agenda. B.14-4 TCC nod the development [RPC deliberation [BIS.5 NRPC noted the information BLAS Summer Preparedness 2018 BLIS1L NRLDC representaive gave « deiled presentation onthe summer pieertion. Ne save regional and statewise trend of Demand (MW) and Energy fr lst 4-5 years and based on these drew conclusions on rise in demand with rie i temperate, demand. inerete trajectory ete. He also put fonh tho issues specific to summerimonsoon months for Nrher Region. He sate tht the simmer and ‘monsoon moms are very eruial months fr system in view of highest demand being ‘met ia NR during these months. He presented the high remperatur forcast by Indian Metcorologis! Department (IMD) for simmer monts wherein about 12 degrees hier temperatures have been predicted in NR while the same arand | degree higher in the rest of eounty He also mentioned that he hyo generation at pesca is lower than the past year though reservoir poston is almost similar to lst year. The ‘representatives of hyo stations alo infeed hat house that tis the is ess snow and therefore hydro generation is on lower side 'B.15.2 He mentioned fllowing characteristics of summerimensoon power system operation of NR: ~ High Demand = High loading’ High Reactive Power Requirement = High hydro generation = Thundertoan dering summer = silt during Summer7Monsoon Transfer Capability violations ‘Oa each of he above points, NREDC pave past statises wo hohligh te Issues. He also sat tha fil shonage this year combined low hyuco acserion could be ficult and threore, roqusted all the utes to buildup enough fl stock fox ‘creasing the intemal generation i NBC and for ao for Kesping eseres inthe etch ‘otcontra ea. 1153 He also mentioned following Acton plas: = Mesculous load foreasing and portfolio management = THGIATC calculations, keeping margins, Nework Tower srenghening, New network commissioning = Keeping fel reserves = Keeping reser (generation in contol areas for contingencies) ‘Pa ioetI0 pill =| 4)8]5] © : ala}elslal al elale aH) 80H) 83) Ha] 9 zls|as|e HUaqA He] BH ja sfala ffs lelele illelE]Eeplae E alee ltl} PIE E E E 1 i i iE EL i i i UeElajejele i i f i Hi TT i Arnone 3x eo wee Rivest sifuzert ardReret ferfies geet, (aren sree wr se) POWER SYSTEM OPERATION CORPORATION LIMITED 5 Govt ofincia Enters) “Ose ‘Sige @ Sata aiehere = wer oe, 0, ye eaeqUTe Ce, weal WT, TE RT T10010 Registered & Corporate Office : Ist Floor, B-9, Quiab Inetitutional Area, Katweria Serai, New Delhi -110016 CN: vars ei ett asec Enel ppm RL ON HS Fac OT OY a Eee GP TAO CS Fe USL eof stom: seat eres 2018/ fir: 09% November, 2018, ae, Director, National Power Committee, INRPC Buslding, 3:1 Foor, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-1 10016 (tind Attn: Sh. Infan Abmad) frre: Agenda Note on National Energy Account & National Deviation Pool Account for 8M Meeting of National Power Comittee Wek: NPC letter no: 4/MTOS/NPC/CEA/2018/1122-1125 dtd, D1s Nav, 2018 were, With reference to the above mentioned NPC comminication dated 014 November 12018, an Agenda note on National Energy Account & National Devietin Pool Account forthe forthcoming 8% Meeting of National Power Commnttee is enclosed were, wade, ad aster “85019 (ew. fh, aT) Sr renner (on cor et a) Encl: As above (Copy to: Chief Engineer, National Power Committee, NRPC Building 3 Floor, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi 10016 onoace XVI Rwtets Ni LA Agenda Note for 8* Meeting ofthe National Poser Conant (NC) 30° November 2018, Guwahath 1, Establishment of National Grid In the sss, the county's elecrcity grid was damareatad into ive electrical gions and Regional Eleeticity Boards were formed. In order to falitate inie-siate power varwactions andthe evelopment of regional grids, Govt. of India funded consruction of a numberof inter-state lines. Subsequently mul-benefciary Central Sector gonorating stations were develyped by utes hike NTPC, NHPC etc slong with associated transmission sytem for evacuation o* power. The concept of ena csy accounting (err known a laa astumting) ws devdeped with boundary ‘metering ofall contol areas, Till ae nineties, power system was planned on regional self-sufficiency basis and there were very few inter-regional links. With more and more inter te-connectons coming up, tho focus now shifted to formation ofa stong National Grid. Initially, HVDC wat used to interconnect fo regions, eg, NR-WR, NR-ER, WR-SR, ec. Gradually, AC interconnections also came up and by Aiygust 2006, all regional grids except SR were interconnected synehroncusly into to synchronous systems Known as NEW and SR Grids. The stoag HVDC links connecting the NEW grid 10 Southern region are extensively used for optimizing power flows in the NEW grid. With strong AC ‘commestons between the regions consiuing the NEW grid as well as extensive use of HVDC links in real time operation, inex-regional schedeles lost any physical relevance. All the five regional ‘rds in the country were progressively interconnected using AC links and thse are now operating 4s one synchronism system since December 2013. The situation has become more complicted With ‘iret HVDC connections between NER and NR. 2, Existing Scheduling, Metering, Accounting and Setlement Systems Availablity Based Tariff (ABT) was implemented in stages starting with Western Region in July 2002. With implementation of ABT, the concept of Unscheduled Interchange (U7) pool eame up and all RLDCs stastod operating fepional Ul pool accounts, which were subsequently known a6 the “Regional Deviation Accounts”. Deviations fiom the schedules are computed using the act Injection drawal for using boundary motoring for cach contol arca. Based on dovstions from schedule, uilites pay UI ebarges to or receive UI charges from the regional Ul pool account, ‘Short term open access in intor-sato transmission was introduced in May 2006 and with this, scheduling of market-based tradesranactons also commenced. Further, i 2008, multiple Povet Exchanges were also implemented. Corridor wise margin declaration for market-based transactions ‘vas eared out along wih net mporvexport capebiiy for regions for administering the short ‘pen access transactions. Later (fom 2009 onwards, long-term and medium-em trsnssctions also ‘commenced within one region and betwocn diferent regions. Crrespending scheduling on the intcr- regional links was cari out for these transactions on a cordor-vise basis eg, WRE-NR, ER-SR, ce, Presenily, while comidor wise TTC/ATC are being declared, net mportesprt margins for the ‘ego ae being used for adinistation of shor-erm transactions. ‘sional Energy Account & National Deviation Poo! Account ” Poge lof 6 ‘amd es fr henge Noto Poser Cie (NPC), 30 November 2018, Gre fase? Page dof ‘Special energy meters bave been installed at both ends of inter-regional interstate te lines and all inte-connections of CTU system with ISGS a8 well as states / other entities whose accounting is done at regional level As specified inthe TBGC, mtr readings are sont to respective RLDCs by diferent substations of CTU / ISGS / states. The meter readings ate procssed at RLDCs and forwarded to respective RPC secretariat for preparation of wookly deviation account. The RPC secretariat issue deviation accounts based on which different tities pay /reeive deviation charges to from deviation poo! account. These also included setlemeat of interregional deviations between ssighboring regions. The regional UI pools are being operated satisfactorily ind have succesfilly served the purpose forthe lst many years ‘The deviation rate veetor is declared upfont by the CERC fiom time to time, Prior 49 2008, with ‘iform rates for deviation, the total payable and receivables were supposed te be equal making it « zaro-aum game. However, due to difference in estimated loss and actu loss as well as metering cevors, toa] Uideviation charges payable did not match with cal Uldeviatien charges receivable Based on methodology devded in RPC forum, suitable adjustment is done o make total UT charges payable equal tothe UL charges receivable. Thus, the Ul pool accounts had been zero balance accounts traditionally since intoduction of ABT wp to 2008, Regional UI pool accounts became non-zero sum game since January 2003 with introduction of UL rate cap for Cental generating stations with calor lignite ring and stations burning only APM 1s. Ul rte cap was retained inthe Ul regulations, 2009. Further, a per the UI regulations, 2009, ‘ditional UI charge is payable by over-draving or under injecting utilities based on specified ‘volume imits and frequency bands. Thus a surpls is generated inthe U/deviion pool {An important feature ofthe UL aecouns issued by RPCs is teatment of intersegionaltamsctions. “The following methodology is followed by the RPCS in this regard: ‘+ No adjustment is done in Ut charges payable to / receivable from other regions (otherwise tis may lead 1 an iterative process) ‘+ UI charges payable to other regions has highest priory i UI charges received in UL pool account is used fist to clear dus o other regions ‘Schedules are reconciled between RLDCs and theraficr final schedules are issued, Moreover, same Imcter readings ate used by both conneeied regions for computation of UUaovations, Hence i 8 expected that normally there should not be any mismatch between UI charges payable / receivable by adjacent regions connect through AC links [At present, RPCS of each region prepare and issue ULievition accounts considering neighboring ‘egion a8 control ates (similar to states within the region). Sometimes, ther are eases of mismatch between Uldevation payebleteeivable as per accounts isuod by to RPC: of adjacent Regions and reconciliation of accounts by RPCS prior to issuance i required tobe done. Seitement of Udevation charges is done between the regions on one toon? bass, For example, {Uidevition pool of ER has to pay to or reeive from 4 different UL pools (NER, NR. SR. WR). ‘This leads to multiple financial transactions in terms of money flow between regions, There are Navonl Energy Accom & National Deviton Pol decane ‘Agena No or 0 Noting he Neon! Poser Commie (NPC), 308 Nome 208, Gamat Pape dah 6 Page so19 instances of cirular ows of finds between regions which neds tobe avoided. An example of uch March 2005, the Contra Government has notified National Load Despatch Centre Rules 2004, which preseribes functions of NLDC. The functions include following (relevant extracts): ‘© Soheduling and dispatch of elecriciy over inter-regional links in cccordance with grid ‘standards specified by the Authority and Grid Code specfid by the Central Conamision In ‘coordination with Regional Load Despatch Centres: + Coordinaion with Regional Load Despatch Centres jor achieving maximum economy and ‘ficiency in the operation of National Grid ‘+ Supervision and control over the inter-regional links as may be required for ensuring “stability ofthe power system under its control + Coordination with Regional Load Despatch Contes for the energy accounting of inter: regional exchange of power ‘© Coordination for trans-national exchange of power From the above mandate itis evident that just as the RLDCSRPCs ae responsible for schedlng, relering, accounting and settlement atthe Regional level, NLDC has been made responsible atthe inter-regional and transnational levels. The corresponding roles pertaining to inter-regional snd trans-national transactions accountng ad settlement need tobe taken up athe National level bythe NLDC and NPC. 4, Teans-National/Crost-order Interconnections [At present, India has crose-hordr interconnections with Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar, Briefly, the connectivity ofthese countries with various regional grids in Indias follows Nesional Energy coun Nation Deviation Pook Account “gem No for Maing of he National Per Comma (NPC), 3 November 2018, Gama Page 37 6 age 0f9 [Nepal: With Norther region and Eastern Region ‘Bhutan: With Eostem repion ‘Bangladesh: With Eastern region and North-Easter region ‘Myanmar: With North-aster region Jn futur, other neighboring SAARC counties like Bangladesh and Pakistan ray have connectivity ‘with two different regions of India. For the purpose of erost-border interconnections, the county needs to be teated a6 a single contol area for the pirpose of transnational exchanges. and tmansttions bave to be recoiled on National basis. Further, i line withthe mandate provided, [NLDC is responsible fo all ans-national exchanges, 5. Changing Scenario & Inereasing Complexiies A vibrant electricity markt is functioning in the country and may regulatory changes have been implemented to address new challenges from the changing scenario which is also leoding 10 increased complexities. Some of the significant changes that have slready bee implemented a the "National level and some Furr challenges are briefly discussed below. (@) Collective Transactions through Power Exchanges: Open Access Regulitons, 2008 issued by CERC paved the way for functioning of power exchanges. As per he Regulations and procedures issued pursuant to the Regulations, collective (,e. power exchange) transactions are ‘vordinated by NEDC. Two Power Exchanges are fantioning st present and another i in the offing. NLDC acceps. scheduling request for coleeive transactions after checking. for ongestions, and forvardsthe same to RLDCs foe scheduling, Curtailment if any, bas tobe done by NLDC ‘in coordination with RLDCS. Accounting and settlemen: of the Collective “Transactions i earied out by NLDC, (©) Ancillary Services (RRAS): The Regulatory Framework for inmplemanation of Ancillary Services as been provided by the Hon'ble CERC in August 2015 md these have been ‘implemented from April 2016, As per the prescat ffamowork for ancillary service, available -seneration (thermal) reserves are dispatched by NLDC across regions ona gan-ndia bass Inthe scheduling process virual entity has been created in each repinal pool to act asa counterpaty ‘0 the ancillary schedules (beneficiaries schedules are not disturbed in the ancillary despatch proces). Setlement of ancillary transactions is earied out on regional basis from the DSM Pool. There are times, when the regional DSM pool faces shortfall and NLDC facilitates transter Of funds from a sup regonal pool to the deficit rogional pool as per the provisions ofthe relevant CERC regulations. Again, this involves mulple fund transfers at times (©) Fast Response Ancillary Services (PRAS): CERC vide suo-moty order dated 16 July 2018 has directed the implementation of FRAS and pilot projet for Sminule metering. The framework for FRAS provides for fast response ancillary services using the Hexblity of dro generation, The dispatch under FRAS is with the primary objective of oblaining relation Servies ffom hydro while atthe same time honcring all the hydro cousins Scheduling, ‘sccounting and settlement of FRAS is fo be carried out by NLDC across nltiple regions (NR, ER and NER). Natal Brergy Aeout & Natiool Deviation Pool Account ‘ends Noe or Bane Notional Poser Commie (NPC) 3 Nove 218, Cat Pac tore Pape 6089 (4) Secondary Frequency Control through Automatic Generation Control (AGC): Based on the directions of CERC a pilot projet for AGC has been implemented at Dadri Stage Tin January 2018. The AGC signal ae being Sent tothe generating sialon from NLDC andthe acouning ‘nd settlement forthe AGC is being facilitated by NLDC. Based nthe experience gained by this plo project, AGC implementation is being ken up alone generating sation in each of the ‘ther regions. A second pilot implementation of AGC is expected to 3e commissioned at Simhadsi in Novernber 2018. Implementations in other regions ar also coming up progressively ‘Accounting and setlement ofall such implementations have to be facilitated atthe natindl evel, (6) Proposals under various stages of implementation/deliperations: Some ofthe other proposes ‘which ae under varios sages of deliberations or implementation seas flows ‘+ Replacement of thermal generation by RE generation (Ministy of Powe, April 2018) ‘+ Real Time Markets (CERC, July 2018) for facilitating balancing, coser 1 the time of dclvery ‘+ Flexibility in scheduling of thermal generation (Ministry of Power, August 2018) to achieve economy in despatch atthe national level ‘+ Sceurity Constrained Economic Despatch (POSOCO, September 2018) achieve economy in despatch atthe national level Almost all ofthe above-mentioned proposals are intended for scheduling, despatch, ing ‘and settlement atthe national level. The complexity in stlement needs to be streamlined a the ‘ational level keeping in view the changing paradign and ew challnges. 6, National Energy Account and National Deviation Pool Account Jn oder 1 stteamline the accounting and settlement atthe national evel there is a need for implementing & National Deviation Pot based on the National Energy Accoust. In his regard, the following methodology is proposed. (@) Scheduling: Corrdor-vise (eg, ER-NR, etc) scheduling of inter-regional transactions is presently being cared out. However, actual power flows as per the laws of physic. Incase of folletive transactions, one to one corespondeace of source and sik i not there and scheduling ‘on a particular inter-regional coridor may at best be notional. Hence, thee is @neod to migrate to scheduling interregional tansactions on net basis for each region, However, while sccepting the tanstctions for scheduling, comidorwise TTCIATClavalabt margin el. may be duly taken care of Interregional corrdor-wise schedules ray also be continued based ot the ‘Physical power flow pattems asthe same is usfl for grid security monitring and checking for fany diverepancies, NEDC shall communicate the net inte-egional sched othe NPC for the purpose of accounting. Schedules for cross-border transactions shall also be prepared by NLDC on # net-basis to Tiilate accounting of eoss-border transactions by the NPC. However, dividual schodules of ‘ational Emegy Account Notional Deviation Poo! Account ‘amd os for henge Novo Poe Cait (NPC), 30 November 2018, Gr Taps age 7ot9 ‘he eonceened neighboring county with diffrent region regions shall also be continued st RLDC level forthe purpose of grid security monitoring and checking for discrepancies. (©) Metering: The existing practice for metering ofthe inter-regional points shill continu as per the IBGC and the SEM data shall be collected by the RLDCs, processed and mado available to the PCs. In aditon, the processed meter data shall also be made available t the NPC through LDC. A similar practice shall be adopted forthe ros-border metering locations, where the processed meter dta shall be provided by the respected RLDCs tothe RPC and NPC (irough NLDC). (6) Accounting & Settlement: Based on the scheduling and meter dat provided, NPC stall prepare the National Energy Account (NEA) including the National Deviation Aecount for tho iter regional and trans-national transactions, The NEA will reflect the payableteceivabls for each region om a not hass and this amount shall be payableroccivable tothe Nasional Deviation Poo! ‘Account which sall be operated by NLDC. The NEA shall ls refloct tho :ross-borda or eas tational transactions and the neighboring countree sball be payingocsiving to/from the National Deviation Pool Account operated by NLC. Payment tothe National DSM Poo! shall have the highest priority. Inthe futur, multateral transaction between ncighboring countries are also envisaged under the SAARC framework e.g, Bangladesh may purchase power from Nepal or Bhutan through India. Neighboring counties may also participate in a designated Power Exchange for c10s border transactions in the future. For scheduling and setlement of such trasactions, te all-India loss figures would nood to bo declared upfront by NLC. () Handling SurplusDefict im Regional Pool Accounts and transfer of residual to PSDF: As ‘has already boen mentioned above, sometimes the reginal DSM pool ray face shortfalls on account of disbursal for reliability support such RRAS, FRAS, AGC, of im accordance with the relevant regulations of CERC. Once the National DSM Pool Secures operational, all residul/surpiu amount i the regional DSM pools sal he transfered to te National DSM pool aevount. The NPC accounts would als feiitte the transfer of funds from the surplus available inthe National DSM pool to the deficit regional DSM pool accounts ata single transction thereby simplifying the process. Once all liniities have been met, any residual in National DSM Pool shall be transfered. porodically 10 the PSDF in accordance wih the extant CERC Regulations. ‘A sample illustration of the flow of funds between different regional DSM poo! accounts to the national DSM pool aecoun! and that with the neighboring countries is shown at Annex I, Suiiable changesmodifcations are required tobe carried out inthe IEGC and DSM Regulations end ‘he functions af NPC also neod to bo recognized in the regulatory framework. ‘National Berg Acco & Nason Devison Pool Acct Page 6 of 6 ‘Aza Noe orb Mating of be Naot Powe Cmte (NPC), 308 Nore 208, Gwar mons wing seq enssay uo SE-EOTT 61 BT-€0-50 Hem atduues I-xouuy, sgt Aed 01 ¥aN srpay IY PU foe eh lel INO NT sone Aed oo uM 49 9 anja991 01 UN, siseq jenss0y uo 8T-€0-TT ©3 8T-£0-S0 129m ajdwes Annexuve=Xx—— ae : Pope ye) Sublet Adtonal Agoda netng ot NP, atoning eae tema ny ones nthe agen orforthcoming mesthgor NBC: ~ P88 tuning OS tna itt pty 150 Moth Ps hae not bn taned fw ne east redo gana a aR mh net 12 months and submit Neat 'NRLOC and CTU; the results ot ‘he Step Response Test Poge(x) 2) IPS ha been tune cr Stop Reaponse Test has Ban caas ct cin lat 12 ‘months, he genraing company shea submit to NRPC, NRUDC and STU te ‘esuls ofthe Step Response Teat within one meth 9) H reste of Step Response Tet nda sufient damping, neraing company ‘ell pvtormed next Sep Test afer tree year er at to Um of tafe ‘verhauling ofthe machine, whichever wit bs ear 4) Generating Compares would arrango fr re-tning cf PSS, i tap Response Tost tncoates insufichent camping or oscars, 7) In some of he ganeratng units K may nt be feast tune PSS. Generating Companies would funish deais of such units (reer of Camrenal reraon {2pacty, OEM, reason 8s to vy PSS canna be ined etd), which inthek sees ‘Status of implementation ofthe recammendtions is being merored et iPO forum, ‘Ths recommendations may be detbersted by the NPC for consttency inal the regen. (0) Target foxad for Load Rei from operation of Defense Mechanism NPC, ints 2 mong held on 16.07.2013, hed agreed forthe four stage UFR based automate load shedding scheme. A combined reading of agenda a minutes ofthe 2% mectng of NEC revels targets wee od basté on pesk eas ‘wit the assum that verage tad wil be ofthe order of 60-70% of peck oad Further. the egona load shedaing target for etch lage wos ellocted fo each tte ‘of Northecn Reson provatate the posk demand, In recenty held OCC mating of NRC, Puna hae seid fotoving deta of ‘various eulematic load shoddngrequted to be cad atin Purjak ‘Promuniecam ‘Relays Background: led by oul moor eotng sh ae rate na i heahines of ct roe Na Ming hl a ey eeeang Bris at New Det twas dcsas yoo Stal develop gudetnee a be by STUs fetes and ont a 20 Definition: ‘ 21 lt Relay: i a ey mean tp feedentranstoms: (here te Pre-slocted (oe eDested) on a preset vate ae se 2n ange of frequency (wth ime fn ceca load rele in ordor to seh SSuuty to the gr, tm accordansc an decision taken by NRPC. aoe Frege Bute be of ren rus co 22 Frequency Gonorator's iy Dp one a Sein fakon by NES eee {Sciutod to be of numerical ‘9Re and the scheme i requed toot = ‘Non-ctatonalfat ype so eeaticalon of hetthiness of te UFR and ‘dt Relays ond methodology of testing 52.7 STU shoul cary out mock tea of UFR Sats Relays once in sic month, co eee a onal een er ‘ones ina year 59 fbstalon nha shoud ie the sib before carying cut the tostny of UFRe and dt relay, 34 just bofoe testing. the UFR or of 38 9 ease f toning of fore on Gee a Si base oad shodrg schome, the STUs wil submit formate in oe submited as Annexsi Ree Annex [Peak Met during pant shedding Target er four stages in fam feed mninumiod one oy sno. Ismet fez fs ‘eters a ati ae S}ienana 7 ae. iachl Pada a4 ap 9 Sonn ase sai] Hy anja i axl raisin 2a 3 ta Prades ssi] — se lanier 7 a [ Fretar a 2360] 2270} Pope Cn) adel F Heedeet. 2.2 Fy [| aitfalsrlls i Hulhel FULL estevgisiehl iis} Eaegie§ | Lillie af ele teyee allel EH 5 bins GTI HRT GH|]|||| Bded af Hag E ‘Name of state Control Area: ele, ~4 Ey UgeFeady Cisleistele i Anneuse-x) PSS Tuning: Sharing of the experience of WR Introduction and Motivation: SS Tuning exercise was attempted in the Western Region of India ard 23 _Benerating units were taken up for tuning. While the individual testing and ‘reports were made available to the concerned generating stations immeciately, @ combined report of the full exercise after completion could nat be produced, This ‘was partly because ofthe fact that asthe project moved into the next phase, ‘ewer situations were emerging and took the focus At present an attempt is made to compile allthe information from memory about ‘the testing and sharing of the experience gained by the PSS Tuning exercise. 50 this reports more like shating of the experiences of PSS Tuning exercise in Wh, from an individual perspective SS file tuning began in WR in 2003. During the fel trials of PSS Turing exercise | WR, Dr A.M. Kulkarn,HT-B (consuitant) and Shi K Parthasarathy, Manager, BHEL and shri Satyanarayan.s, SE WRPC, were associated in the PSS tuning field trials a all the stations in WR, The generating station excitation tear gave al the support and made the tuning a great success. Inthe initial stages, all ulity ‘engineers would participate inthe tuning exercise, Two training sessions were ‘organized in IT, Electrical Engg Dept, by Dr A.M. Kulkarni and their team, for Famliarizetion with al the issues involved. The progress of PSS Tuning exercise as regularly reported inthe WREB/WRPC meetings. After the rid disturbance of 2012, the role and importance of tuning F5S on ‘generators, tuning TCSC damping controllers, HVDC damping controlle's has been increasingly fet. While these controllers can positively influence the stability when done correctly they can, equally harm, if it correctly tuned or be not efficacious ifthey are il-tuned, Hence the tuning af these complex controllers, should be done systematically and properly and with a scientific approach, Scope of PSS Tuning: PSS Tuning can be done to lmprove the poor damping observed inthe inter-area modes of oscllations o local mode oscillations without destabilizing the synchronaus torque or interfering into the scope of the functions ‘of the AVR. Further PSS comes into action only when there ae changes that ‘originate from the grid side, Manual changes in generation usually byaass the PSS

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