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CORONADO, Gleniece Angeline L.


1. Table/Matrix
1. A Gift to My Town(Un December 1878 or January A Gift to my Town means that
recuerdo a mi pueblo) 1879 Rizal is reminiscing the
colorful encounter he had at
his hometown but embraced
with sadness because he
misses the way it is especially
his mother. He remembers
nothing but pure joy during
those moments of his
childhood; during those days
he knew nothing of grief and
pain. To the end of the poem
Rizal bids his town and his
childhood memories farewell,
and prays that his town
remains as vibrant and full of
hope and happiness as he
remembers it.
2. To the Youth of the 1879 This poem is a challenge for
Philippines (A la juventud the youth to develop their
Filipina) talents specially the poet,
composers, sculptors and
painters as he wants the
Filipinos to overcome his
timidity and produce works of
artistic genius.
3. Through Education the April 1876 Rizal argues that education is
Homeland Receives Glory what builds a nation and
(Por la enables it to rise above the rest
educacion recibe lustre la in matters of honor and a good
patria) reputation. From the time of a
man's birth to the moment of
his death, he is constantly
engaged in the journey of
learning. More so, Rizal
focused on the moral learning
because he believed it is the
most important thing to learn
to be able to lift our country
4. To the Philippines (A February 1880 This poem of Rizal describes
Filipinas) the wanders of the Philippines
and how it was being
conquered by the west by
describing it as “being
adored”. Rizal takes a position
of humility and stands in awe
and adoration of his
5. Love of Country (El Amor June 1882 Just like all the other poems,
patrio) the love of country explains
how Rizal patriotism has
evolved and became
something he is always proud
of. The love of country does
not only talk about his
personal experience but it also
serves as an inspiration to the
citizens of his nation.

2. In his aforementioned literary works what was Rizal’s concept of patriotism? How did he
display his patriotism and love for his country, the Philippines. In what particular aspect did
he become an inspiration to you as a student? 

At an early age, young Jose Rizal has witnessed several events during the conquering
of the West. What are fresh in his mind were the unfaithful execution of the three priests
which terrified his parents and their neighborhood and the life of his brother which led him to
have sudden increase of patriotic fervor and vowed to avenge the injustice of the priests.
Throughout the years of Rizal’s education, he wrote letters, poems and stories about the life
he had experienced by the colonizers. He is an advocate for great reforms during Spanish era
that shows his love for our country, the Philippines. He is an author of books that has shown his
principles that up to day, people are still learning from it. It shows love for our country because he
desires unity for his country without any violent actions or any revolution act towards people who
are making themselves as a superior to Filipinos but uses his knowledge and virtues by writing
novels. He emphasized the importance of the Tagalog language and that language will not be a
basis to know their status in life. But at the end of it, Dr. Rizal just wants our country to be one
and to let us be proud of being Filipinos because we will be proud as Filipinos. He became an
inspiration to me on the part that he taught his fellow men to become nationalist and patriots are
the same time. It made me even more proud to declare that I am Filipino because of the goodness
and honor that he has brought to our nation.

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