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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

A Generalized Matrix Multiplication Scheme based on

the Concept of Embedding Dimension and
Associated Spacer Matrices
Debopam Ghosh

Abstract:- The article presents a Generalized Matrix  max(a, b) denotes the maximum of the two inputs a
Multiplication scheme that allows Non-compatible
and b , a, b  N
matrices to be multiplied using Spacer matrices, which are
unique for every possible pair of nonconforming  a  b denotes the absolute value of the difference of the
dimensions. The article presents an approach to define
positive integral powers of strictly rectangular complex two inputs a and b , a, b  N
matrices and thereby define subspaces of the Complex  The Generalized Matrix Multiplication operation is
Matrix space using these matrix powers to constitute the denoted by the symbol ‘ ’
pertinent spanning sets. The mathematical formalism is  AT denotes the transpose of the Matrix A
presented and Illustrated with numerical examples.

Keywords:- Matrix Multiplication, Generalized Matrix
Multiplication, Embedding Dimension, Spacer Matrix, The present article addresses the issue of Matrix
Components of the Spacer Matrix Multiplication pertaining to multiplication of Non-compatible
matrices by introducing a Multiplication scheme that
compensates for the non-compatibility by invoking the
Notations concept of an encapsulating higher dimension termed as
“Embedding Dimension” and defining “Spacer matrices”
 M mn (C ) denotes the Complex Matrix space of order associated with each such possible embedding dimension. The
m by n spacer matrices are so defined that they are independent of the
matrix elements constituting the multiplication chain, and is
 The Matrices Asm and Bnt are termed “ Non-
unique for given pair of nonconforming dimensions, also,
compatible ” w.r.t. ordinary matrix multiplication AB when there is compatibility these spacer matrices reduce to
when m  n and for ordinary matrix multiplication BA Identity matrices of appropriate orders, therefore, this
when s  t generalized multiplication scheme is reduced to ordinary
 N denotes the set of all Natural numbers matrix multiplication scheme when there is compatibility
among all the matrices that constitute the multiplication chain.
 r denotes the Embedding dimension
The presented scheme allows the embedding dimension to be
 X mn denotes the Spacer Matrix of order m by n the same for a given pair of input dimensions regardless of
 Pmr , Qrn are the component Matrices associated with their ordering in the ordered pair, and it also allows for
defining the powers (positive and integral) of a strictly
the Spacer Matrix X mn rectangular complex matrix Amn , thereby allowing formation
1  of Subspaces of the Complex matrix space M mn (C ) , using
1 
  the unit matrix of order m by n , the matrix Amn and its
 m   . , m  1 1 . . 1 1m defined powers as the corresponding spanning sets.
 
 .
1 

 I ss denotes the Identity Matrix of order ‘s’

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

A  M sm (C ) , B  M nt (C ) , we define the associated Embedding dimensions as follows:

u  max(m, n)  m  n , v  max(t , s)  t  s

The Spacer Matrix associated with dimension pair (m, n) is denoted by X mn , which is defined as follows:

X mn  Pmu Qun , where the space Matrix components have the following expressions:

 P  I mm , when m  n

1 0 . . 0 1m 1m . . 1
0 1 . . 0 1m 1m . . 1 

 1   m

 P   I mm ( ) m um   . . . . . . . . . .  , when m  n
 m  mu  
 . . . . . . . . . . 
0 0 . . 1 m 1m
1 . . 1 

 Q  I nn , when m  n
1 0 . . 0 
0 1 . . 0 

 . . . . . 
 
 . . . . . 
 I nn  0
  0 . . 1 
 Q 1   , when m  n
( ) u  n n   1n 1
n . . 1
 n  un  1n 1 
1 . .
 n n

 . . . . . 
 . . . . . 
 
 1 n 1
n . . 1 

The Spacer Matrix associated with dimension pair (t , s ) is denoted by Yt  s , which is defined as follows:

Yts  RtvWvs , where the space Matrix components have the following expressions:

 R  Itt , when t  s

 1 
 R   Itt ( ) t v  t  , when t  s
 t tv

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 W  I ss , when t  s

 I s s 

 W  1  , when t  s
( ) v  s s 
 s  v s

Therefore, we define the Generalized Matrix Products A B and B A as follows:

Asm Bnt  Asm X mn Bnt  Asm Pmu Qun Bnt

Bnt Asm  BntYts Asm  Bnt RtvWvs Asm

The Multiplication chain and the special case of chain of Identical Matrix units

General Scheme:

( A1 ) m1n1 ( A2 ) m2 n2 .... ( As 1 )ms1ns1 ( As )ms ns  A1 ( X 1 )n1m2 A2 ( X 2 )n2 m3 ..... As 1 ( X s 1 )ns1ms As

Where we have the following:

( X 1 ) n1m2  ( P1 ) n1r1 (Q1 ) r1m2 , r1  max(n1 , m2 )  n1  m2

( X 2 ) n2 m3  ( P2 ) n2 r2 (Q2 ) r2 m3 , r2  max(n2 , m3 )  n2  m3

Up to: ( X s 1 ) ns1ms  ( Ps 1 ) ns1rs1 (Qs 1 ) rs1ms , rs 1  max(ns 1 , ms )  ns1  ms

Numerical Examples:

1 0 0
1 0  
A1  (1)11 , A2    , A3   0 1 0  , Then, we have the following:
 0 1  22 0
 0 1 33
7 1 2
3 3 6 6 3
X1    , X2   1 7 2  , Therefore we have:
 2 2 12  
 
 6 6 3 23

1 0 0
1 0  
(1)11    0 1 0    2 2 2 13
 0 1 22  0 0 1 
 33

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 r  max(m, n)  m  n  max(n, m)  n  m , m, n  N , Therefore, if the Spacer Matrix associated with dimension
pair (m, n) be X mn , X mn  Pmr Qrn

The Spacer Matrix associated with dimension pair (n, m) be Ynm , Ynm  Q
nr P T r m

1 0 0  2
  1 0  
Hence, we have: 0 1 0
    (1)11   2 
0 0 1  0 1 22  2
 33  31
Special case: Powers of a Strictly Rectangular Matrix

m1  m2  ....  ms  m, n1  n2  ....  ns  n, and we have m  n

Then, r1  r2  ....  rs 1  r , Where r  max(m, n)  m  n

Therefore, the chain constituted by ‘s’ such Matrix units Amn , Amn  M mn (C ) , has the following Expression:

Amn Amn .... Amn  Amn X nm Amn .... Amn X nm Amn , Where X nm  Pnr Qrm

We can define powers of the strictly rectangular matrix Amn as follows:

Amn Amn  Amn X nm Amn , Amn Amn Amn  Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn ,

Amn Amn Amn Amn Amn  Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn ,

Amn Amn Amn Amn Amn Amn  Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn

And so on.

Numerical Examples:

1 0 0 
1) A  , we have : m  2, n  3, r  4
0 1 0 

 
 1 1 0 
7 1
1 0 0  
3 0
6 6
  1   
 
 0
1 7
P34 1 0 , Q42   , X 32
 3 1 1 6 6
     
0 1  2 2 2 2
0 1  1
 3  1  3 3 
 
 2 2

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 7 1   25 7 
 0   18 0 
6 6 18
A A  , A A A  ,
 1 7
0   7 25
0 
 6 6  23  18 18  23

1.685185 0.685185 0 
A A A A  ... (Up to 6 decimal places)
0.685185 1.685185 0  23

 2.080247 1.080247 0 
A A A A A  ... (Up to 6 decimal places)
 1.080247 2.080247 0  23

1 1 1
B , we have : m  2, n  3, r  4
1 
1 1

4 4 4 16 16 16  64 64 64 
B B  
4  16 16  64 64 
, B B B , B B B B ,
4 4  16  64

( s 1)
We have: B B .... B(' s ' times)  4 B , where s  1, 40  1

 i 0 0 
3) C  , we have : m  2, n  3, r  4
0 i 0 

 7 1   4i 
 6 6
0   3 0 0 
C C , C C C   ,
 1 
0  0 
0 
 6 6   3 

 1.555556 0.222222 0 
C C C C  .... (Up to 6 decimal places)
 0.222222 1.555556 0 

The Fundamental Subspaces associated with a Non-zero, Strictly Rectangular Matrix

A  M mn (C ), A  0mn , m  n

The Fundamental subspace of Amn , of degree ‘0’ is denoted by V (0) :

V (0)  span( m n )
The Fundamental subspace of Amn , of degree ‘1’ is denoted by V (1) :
V (1)  span( m n , Amn )
The Fundamental subspace of Amn , of degree ‘2’ is denoted by V (2) :
V (2)  span( m n , Amn , Amn Amn )  span( m n , Amn , Amn X nm Amn )

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Under the considerations above, we have the following:

V (3)  span( m n , Amn , A A, A A A)  span( m n , Amn , Amn X nm Amn , Amn X nm Amn X nm Amn ) and so

We can see that: V ( s)  M mn (C ), s  0 , where s  {0}  N ,

1  dim.of (V ( s))  m.n, s  0, s {0}  N

Numerical Example:

1 0 0 
A  , we have the following associated results:
0 1 0 

1 1 1
V (0)  span(  ), dim.(V (0))  1
1 1 1 

1 1 1  1 0 0
V (1)  span(  ), dim.(V (1))  2
1  0 0 
1 1 1

 7 1 
0 
1 1 1  1 0 0  6 6
V (2)  span(  ,  ), dim.(V (2))  3
1  0 0  
1 1 1 1 7
0 
 6 6 

 7 1   25 7 
0   0
1 1 1  1 0 0  6 6 18 18 
V (3)  span(  , ,  ), dim.(V (3))  3
1  0 0  
1 1 1 1 7
0  
7 25
0 
 6 6   18 18 

Table of ‘m’, ‘n’ and ‘s’, for m  1, 2,3, 4,5 and n  m, n  10

s  max(m, n)  m  n  max(n, m)  n  m

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
m n s
1 2 3
3 5
4 7
5 9
6 11
7 13
8 15
9 17
10 19
2 3 4
4 6
5 8
6 10
7 12
8 14
9 16
10 18
3 4 5
5 7
6 9
7 11
8 13
9 15
10 17
4 5 6
6 8
7 10
8 12
9 14
10 16
5 6 7
7 9
8 11
9 13
10 15

Invariance under the Generalized Multiplication operation for Matrix powers in the case of nonconforming dimension pairs

Emn  ( ) m n , where r  max(m, n)  m  n , m  n
Then, we have the following:

Emn Emn  Emn X nm Emn  Emn

Emn Emn Emn  Emn X nm Emn X nm Emn  Emn

In general, Emn Emn ....Emn (' s ' times)  Emn , s  1, s  N

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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